예제 #1
파일: digest.c 프로젝트: adammendoza/http
    Get a password digest using the MD5 algorithm -- See RFC 2617 to understand this code.
static char *calcDigest(HttpConn *conn, DigestData *dp, cchar *username)
    HttpAuth    *auth;
    char        *digestBuf, *ha1, *ha2;

    auth = conn->rx->route->auth;
    if (!conn->user) {
        conn->user = mprLookupKey(auth->userCache, username);
    assert(conn->user && conn->user->password);
    if (conn->user == 0 || conn->user->password == 0) {
        return 0;

        Compute HA1. Password is already expected to be in the HA1 format MD5(username:realm:password).
    ha1 = sclone(conn->user->password);

    ha2 = mprGetMD5(sfmt("%s:%s", conn->rx->method, dp->uri));

    if (scmp(dp->qop, "auth") == 0) {
        digestBuf = sfmt("%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s", ha1, dp->nonce, dp->nc, dp->cnonce, dp->qop, ha2);
    } else {
        digestBuf = sfmt("%s:%s:%s", ha1, dp->nonce, ha2);
    return mprGetMD5(digestBuf);
예제 #2
파일: digest.c 프로젝트: adammendoza/http
    Add the client 'Authorization' header for authenticated requests
    Must first get a 401 response to get the authData.
PUBLIC bool httpDigestSetHeaders(HttpConn *conn, cchar *username, cchar *password)
    Http        *http;
    HttpTx      *tx;
    DigestData  *dp;
    char        *ha1, *ha2, *digest, *cnonce;

    http = conn->http;
    tx = conn->tx;
    if ((dp = conn->authData) == 0) {
        /* Need to await a failing auth response */
        return 0;
    cnonce = sfmt("%s:%s:%x", http->secret, dp->realm, (int) http->now);
    ha1 = mprGetMD5(sfmt("%s:%s:%s", username, dp->realm, password));
    ha2 = mprGetMD5(sfmt("%s:%s", tx->method, tx->parsedUri->path));
    if (smatch(dp->qop, "auth")) {
        digest = mprGetMD5(sfmt("%s:%s:%08x:%s:%s:%s", ha1, dp->nonce, dp->nc, cnonce, dp->qop, ha2));
        httpAddHeader(conn, "Authorization", "Digest username=\"%s\", realm=\"%s\", domain=\"%s\", "
            "algorithm=\"MD5\", qop=\"%s\", cnonce=\"%s\", nc=\"%08x\", nonce=\"%s\", opaque=\"%s\", "
            "stale=\"FALSE\", uri=\"%s\", response=\"%s\"", username, dp->realm, dp->domain, dp->qop, 
            cnonce, dp->nc, dp->nonce, dp->opaque, tx->parsedUri->path, digest);
    } else {
        digest = mprGetMD5(sfmt("%s:%s:%s", ha1, dp->nonce, ha2));
        httpAddHeader(conn, "Authorization", "Digest username=\"%s\", realm=\"%s\", nonce=\"%s\", "
            "uri=\"%s\", response=\"%s\"", username, dp->realm, dp->nonce, tx->parsedUri->path, digest);
    return 1;
예제 #3
파일: cache.c 프로젝트: ni-webtech/http
    See if there is acceptable cached content for this request. If so, return true.
    Will setup tx->cacheBuffer as a side-effect if the output should be captured and cached.
static bool fetchCachedResponse(HttpConn *conn)
    HttpTx      *tx;
    MprTime     modified, when;
    cchar       *value, *key, *tag;
    int         status, cacheOk, canUseClientCache;

    tx = conn->tx;

        Transparent caching. Manual caching must manually call httpWriteCached()
    key = makeCacheKey(conn);
    if ((value = httpGetHeader(conn, "Cache-Control")) != 0 && 
            (scontains(value, "max-age=0") == 0 || scontains(value, "no-cache") == 0)) {
        mprLog(3, "Client reload. Cache-control header '%s' rejects use of cached content.", value);

    } else if ((tx->cachedContent = mprReadCache(conn->host->responseCache, key, &modified, 0)) != 0) {
            See if a NotModified response can be served. This is much faster than sending the response.
            Observe headers:
                If-None-Match: "ec18d-54-4d706a63"
                If-Modified-Since: Fri, 04 Mar 2012 04:28:19 GMT
            Set status to OK when content must be transmitted.
        cacheOk = 1;
        canUseClientCache = 0;
        tag = mprGetMD5(key);
        if ((value = httpGetHeader(conn, "If-None-Match")) != 0) {
            canUseClientCache = 1;
            if (scmp(value, tag) != 0) {
                cacheOk = 0;
        if (cacheOk && (value = httpGetHeader(conn, "If-Modified-Since")) != 0) {
            canUseClientCache = 1;
            mprParseTime(&when, value, 0, 0);
            if (modified > when) {
                cacheOk = 0;
        status = (canUseClientCache && cacheOk) ? HTTP_CODE_NOT_MODIFIED : HTTP_CODE_OK;
        mprLog(3, "cacheHandler: Use cached content for %s, status %d", key, status);
        httpSetStatus(conn, status);
        httpSetHeader(conn, "Etag", mprGetMD5(key));
        httpSetHeader(conn, "Last-Modified", mprFormatUniversalTime(MPR_HTTP_DATE, modified));
        return 1;
    mprLog(3, "cacheHandler: No cached content for %s", key);
    return 0;
예제 #4
파일: cache.c 프로젝트: ni-webtech/http
ssize httpWriteCached(HttpConn *conn)
    MprTime     modified;
    cchar       *cacheKey, *data, *content;

    if (!conn->tx->cache) {
        return MPR_ERR_CANT_FIND;
    cacheKey = makeCacheKey(conn);
    if ((content = mprReadCache(conn->host->responseCache, cacheKey, &modified, 0)) == 0) {
        mprLog(3, "No cached data for ", cacheKey);
        return 0;
    mprLog(5, "Used cached ", cacheKey);
    data = setHeadersFromCache(conn, content);
    httpSetHeader(conn, "Etag", mprGetMD5(cacheKey));
    httpSetHeader(conn, "Last-Modified", mprFormatUniversalTime(MPR_HTTP_DATE, modified));
    conn->tx->cacheBuffer = 0;
    httpWriteString(conn->writeq, data);
    return slen(data);
예제 #5
파일: auth.c 프로젝트: DavidQuan/http
    Verify the user password for the "config" store based on the users defined via configuration directives.
    Password may be NULL only if using auto-login.
static bool configVerifyUser(HttpConn *conn, cchar *username, cchar *password)
    HttpRx      *rx;
    HttpAuth    *auth;
    bool        success;
    char        *requiredPassword;

    rx = conn->rx;
    auth = rx->route->auth;
    if (!conn->user && (conn->user = mprLookupKey(auth->userCache, username)) == 0) {
        httpTrace(conn, "auth.login.error", "error", "msg: 'Unknown user', username:'******'", username);
        return 0;
    if (password) {
        if (auth->realm == 0 || *auth->realm == '\0') {
            mprLog("error http auth", 0, "No AuthRealm defined");
        requiredPassword = (rx->passwordDigest) ? rx->passwordDigest : conn->user->password;
        if (sncmp(requiredPassword, "BF", 2) == 0 && slen(requiredPassword) > 4 && isdigit(requiredPassword[2]) &&
                requiredPassword[3] == ':') {
            /* Blowifsh */
            success = mprCheckPassword(sfmt("%s:%s:%s", username, auth->realm, password), conn->user->password);

        } else {
            if (!conn->encoded) {
                password = mprGetMD5(sfmt("%s:%s:%s", username, auth->realm, password));
                conn->encoded = 1;
            success = smatch(password, requiredPassword);
        if (success) {
            httpTrace(conn, "auth.login.authenticated", "context", "msg:'User authenticated', username:'******'", username);
        } else {
            httpTrace(conn, "auth.login.error", "error", "msg:'Password failed to authenticate', username:'******'", username);
        return success;
    return 1;
예제 #6
파일: espAbbrev.c 프로젝트: embedthis/esp
PUBLIC cchar *nonce()
    return mprGetMD5(itos(mprRandom()));
예제 #7
파일: espAbbrev.c 프로젝트: embedthis/esp
PUBLIC cchar *md5(cchar *str)
    return mprGetMD5(str);
예제 #8
PUBLIC int espEmail(HttpConn *conn, cchar *to, cchar *from, cchar *subject, MprTime date, cchar *mime,
                    cchar *message, MprList *files)
    MprList         *lines;
    MprCmd          *cmd;
    cchar           *body, *boundary, *contents, *encoded, *file;
    char            *out, *err;
    ssize           length;
    int             i, next, status;

    if (!from || !*from) {
        from = "anonymous";
    if (!subject || !*subject) {
        subject = "Mail message";
    if (!mime || !*mime) {
        mime = "text/plain";
    if (!date) {
        date = mprGetTime();
    boundary = sjoin("esp.mail=", mprGetMD5("BOUNDARY"), NULL);
    lines = mprCreateList(0, 0);

    mprAddItem(lines, sfmt("To: %s", to));
    mprAddItem(lines, sfmt("From: %s", from));
    mprAddItem(lines, sfmt("Date: %s", mprFormatLocalTime(0, date)));
    mprAddItem(lines, sfmt("Subject: %s", subject));
    mprAddItem(lines, "MIME-Version: 1.0");
    mprAddItem(lines, sfmt("Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=%s", boundary));
    mprAddItem(lines, "");

    boundary = sjoin("--", boundary, NULL);

    mprAddItem(lines, boundary);
    mprAddItem(lines, sfmt("Content-Type: %s", mime));
    mprAddItem(lines, "");
    mprAddItem(lines, "");
    mprAddItem(lines, message);

    for (ITERATE_ITEMS(files, file, next)) {
        mprAddItem(lines, boundary);
        if ((mime = mprLookupMime(NULL, file)) == 0) {
            mime = "application/octet-stream";
        mprAddItem(lines, "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64");
        mprAddItem(lines, sfmt("Content-Disposition: inline; filename=\"%s\"", mprGetPathBase(file)));
        mprAddItem(lines, sfmt("Content-Type: %s; name=\"%s\"", mime, mprGetPathBase(file)));
        mprAddItem(lines, "");
        contents = mprReadPathContents(file, &length);
        encoded = mprEncode64Block(contents, length);
        for (i = 0; i < length; i += 76) {
            mprAddItem(lines, snclone(&encoded[i], i + 76));
    mprAddItem(lines, sfmt("%s--", boundary));

    body = mprListToString(lines, "\n");
    httpTraceContent(conn, "esp.email", "context", body, slen(body), 0);

    cmd = mprCreateCmd(conn->dispatcher);
    if (mprRunCmd(cmd, "sendmail -t", NULL, body, &out, &err, -1, 0) < 0) {
        return MPR_ERR_CANT_OPEN;
    if (mprWaitForCmd(cmd, ME_ESP_EMAIL_TIMEOUT) < 0) {
        httpTrace(conn, "esp.email.error", "error",
                  "msg=\"Timeout waiting for command to complete\", timeout=%d, command=\"%s\"",
                  ME_ESP_EMAIL_TIMEOUT, cmd->argv[0]);
        return MPR_ERR_CANT_COMPLETE;
    if ((status = mprGetCmdExitStatus(cmd)) != 0) {
        httpTrace(conn, "esp.email.error", "error", "msg=\"Sendmail failed\", status=%d, error=\"%s\"", status, err);
        return MPR_ERR_CANT_WRITE;
    return 0;