예제 #1
파일: espRequest.c 프로젝트: armagardon/esp
static char *getModuleEntry(EspRoute *eroute, cchar *kind, cchar *source, cchar *cacheName)
    char    *cp, *entry;

    if (smatch(kind, "view")) {
        entry = sfmt("esp_%s", cacheName);

    } else if (smatch(kind, "app")) {
        if (eroute->combine) {
            entry = sfmt("esp_%s_%s_combine", kind, eroute->appName);
        } else {
            entry = sfmt("esp_%s_%s", kind, eroute->appName);
    } else {
        /* Controller */
        if (eroute->appName) {
            entry = sfmt("esp_%s_%s_%s", kind, eroute->appName, mprTrimPathExt(mprGetPathBase(source)));
        } else {
            entry = sfmt("esp_%s_%s", kind, mprTrimPathExt(mprGetPathBase(source)));
    for (cp = entry; *cp; cp++) {
        if (!isalnum((uchar) *cp) && *cp != '_') {
            *cp = '_';
    return entry;
예제 #2
파일: ejsUri.c 프로젝트: monmarzia/ejs-2
    Set the Uri extension
    static function set extension(ext: String?): Void
static EjsObj *uri_set_extension(Ejs *ejs, EjsUri *up, int argc, EjsObj **argv)
    HttpUri     *uri;

    uri = up->uri;
    if (argv[0] == ESV(null)) {
        uri->ext = 0;
        uri->path = mprTrimPathExt(uri->path);
    } else {
        uri->ext = ejsToMulti(ejs, argv[0]);
        uri->path = sjoin(mprTrimPathExt(uri->path), uri->ext, NULL);
    return 0;
예제 #3
파일: ejsUri.c 프로젝트: monmarzia/ejs-2
    Replace the Uri extension
    static function set replaceExt(ext: String): Uri
static EjsUri *uri_replaceExtension(Ejs *ejs, EjsUri *up, int argc, EjsObj **argv)
    EjsUri      *np;
    HttpUri     *nuri;
    char        *ext;

    np = cloneUri(ejs, up, 1);
    nuri = np->uri;
    nuri->path = mprTrimPathExt(nuri->path);
    ext = ejsToMulti(ejs, argv[0]);
    if (ext && *ext == '.') {
    nuri->ext = ext;
    nuri->path = sjoin(mprTrimPathExt(nuri->path), ".", nuri->ext, NULL);
    return np;
예제 #4
파일: cmd.c 프로젝트: embedthis/mpr
    Start the command to run (stdIn and stdOut are named from the client's perspective)
PUBLIC int startProcess(MprCmd *cmd)
    MprCmdTaskFn    entryFn;
    MprModule       *mp;
    char            *entryPoint, *program, *pair;
    int             pri, next;

    mprLog("info mpr cmd", 4, "Program %s", cmd->program);
    entryPoint = 0;
    if (cmd->env) {
        for (ITERATE_ITEMS(cmd->env, pair, next)) {
            if (sncmp(pair, "entryPoint=", 11) == 0) {
                entryPoint = sclone(&pair[11]);
    program = mprGetPathBase(cmd->program);
    if (entryPoint == 0) {
        program = mprTrimPathExt(program);
        entryPoint = program;
        A leading underscore is required on some architectures
    entryPoint = sjoin("_", entryPoint, NULL);
    if (mprFindVxSym(sysSymTbl, entryPoint, (char**) (void*) &entryFn) < 0) {
        if ((mp = mprCreateModule(cmd->program, cmd->program, NULL, NULL)) == 0) {
            mprLog("error mpr cmd", 0, "Cannot create module");
            return MPR_ERR_CANT_CREATE;
        if (mprLoadModule(mp) < 0) {
            mprLog("error mpr cmd", 0, "Cannot load DLL %s, errno %d", program, mprGetOsError());
            return MPR_ERR_CANT_READ;
        if (mprFindVxSym(sysSymTbl, entryPoint, (char**) (void*) &entryFn) < 0) {
            mprLog("error mpr cmd", 0, "Cannot find symbol %s, errno %d", entryPoint, mprGetOsError());
            return MPR_ERR_CANT_ACCESS;
    taskPriorityGet(taskIdSelf(), &pri);

    cmd->pid = taskSpawn(entryPoint, pri, VX_FP_TASK | VX_PRIVATE_ENV, ME_STACK_SIZE, (FUNCPTR) cmdTaskEntry,
        (int) cmd->program, (int) entryFn, (int) cmd, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);

    if (cmd->pid < 0) {
        mprLog("error mpr cmd", 0, "Cannot create task %s, errno %d", entryPoint, mprGetOsError());
        return MPR_ERR_CANT_CREATE;
    if (semTake(cmd->startCond, MPR_TIMEOUT_START_TASK) != OK) {
        mprLog("error mpr cmd", 0, "Child %s did not initialize, errno %d", cmd->program, mprGetOsError());
        return MPR_ERR_CANT_CREATE;
    cmd->startCond = 0;
    return 0;
예제 #5
파일: ejsUri.c 프로젝트: monmarzia/ejs-2
    function trimExt(): Uri
static EjsUri *uri_trimExt(Ejs *ejs, EjsUri *up, int argc, EjsObj **argv)
    EjsUri      *np;
    HttpUri     *nuri;

    np = cloneUri(ejs, up, 1);
    nuri = np->uri;
    nuri->ext = 0;
    nuri->path = mprTrimPathExt(nuri->path);
    return np;
예제 #6
    ARCH        Build architecture (x86_64)
    CC          Compiler (cc)
    DEBUG       Debug compilation options (-g, -Zi -Od)
    INC         Include directory out/inc
    LIB         Library directory (out/lib, xcode/VS: out/bin)
    LIBS        Libraries required to link with ESP
    OBJ         Name of compiled source (out/lib/view-MD5.o)
    OUT         Output module (view_MD5.dylib)
    SHLIB       Host Shared library (.lib, .so)
    SHOBJ       Host Shared Object (.dll, .so)
    SRC         Source code for view or controller (already templated)
    TMP         Temp directory
    VS          Visual Studio directory
    WINSDK      Windows SDK directory
char *espExpandCommand(cchar *command, cchar *source, cchar *module)
    MprBuf      *buf;
    MaAppweb    *appweb;
    cchar       *cp, *out;
    char        *tmp;
    cchar   *path;
    path = 0;

    if (command == 0) {
        return 0;
    out = mprTrimPathExt(module);
    buf = mprCreateBuf(-1, -1);
    appweb = MPR->appwebService;

    for (cp = command; *cp; ) {
		if (*cp == '$') {
            if (matchToken(&cp, "${ARCH}")) {
                /* Build architecture */
                mprPutStringToBuf(buf, appweb->hostArch);

            } else if (matchToken(&cp, "${WINSDK}")) {
                path = mprReadRegistry("HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Microsoft SDKs\\Windows", "CurrentInstallFolder");
				path = strim(path, "\\", MPR_TRIM_END);
                mprPutStringToBuf(buf, path);

            } else if (matchToken(&cp, "${VS}")) {
                path = mprGetPathParent(mprGetPathParent(getenv("VS100COMNTOOLS")));
                mprPutStringToBuf(buf, mprGetPortablePath(path));
            } else if (matchToken(&cp, "${CC}")) {
                /* Compiler */
                //  MOB - what about cross compilation
                path = mprJoinPath(mprGetPathParent(mprGetPathParent(getenv("VS100COMNTOOLS"))), "VC/bin/cl.exe");
                mprPutStringToBuf(buf, mprGetPortablePath(path));
                mprPutStringToBuf(buf, BLD_CC);
            } else if (matchToken(&cp, "${DEBUG}")) {
                mprPutStringToBuf(buf, ESP_DEBUG);

            } else if (matchToken(&cp, "${INC}")) {
                /* Include directory (out/inc) */
                mprPutStringToBuf(buf, mprResolvePath(mprGetAppDir(), "inc"));

            } else if (matchToken(&cp, "${LIB}")) {
                /* Library directory. IDE's use bin dir */
                mprPutStringToBuf(buf, getOutDir(BLD_LIB_NAME));

            } else if (matchToken(&cp, "${LIBS}")) {
                /* Required libraries to link. These may have nested ${TOKENS} */
                mprPutStringToBuf(buf, espExpandCommand(ESP_LIBS, source, module));

            } else if (matchToken(&cp, "${OBJ}")) {
                /* Output object with extension (.o) */
                mprPutStringToBuf(buf, mprJoinPathExt(out, BLD_OBJ));

            } else if (matchToken(&cp, "${OUT}")) {
                /* Output modules */
                mprPutStringToBuf(buf, out);

            } else if (matchToken(&cp, "${SHLIB}")) {
                /* .lib */
                mprPutStringToBuf(buf, appweb->hostOs);

            } else if (matchToken(&cp, "${SHOBJ}")) {
                /* .dll */
                //  MOB - need this for bit
                mprPutStringToBuf(buf, BLD_HOST_SHOBJ);
                mprPutStringToBuf(buf, BLD_SHOBJ);

            } else if (matchToken(&cp, "${SRC}")) {
                /* View (already parsed into C code) or controller source */
                mprPutStringToBuf(buf, source);

            } else if (matchToken(&cp, "${TMP}")) {
                if ((tmp = getenv("TMP")) == 0) {
                    tmp = getenv("TEMP");
                tmp = getenv("TMPDIR");
                mprPutStringToBuf(buf, tmp ? tmp : ".");
#ifdef WIND_BASE
            } else if (matchToken(&cp, "${WIND_BASE}")) {
                mprPutStringToBuf(buf, WIND_BASE);
#ifdef WIND_HOME
            } else if (matchToken(&cp, "${WIND_HOME}")) {
                mprPutStringToBuf(buf, WIND_HOME);

            } else if (matchToken(&cp, "${WIND_HOST_TYPE}")) {
                mprPutStringToBuf(buf, WIND_HOST_TYPE);
            } else if (matchToken(&cp, "${WIND_PLATFORM}")) {
                mprPutStringToBuf(buf, WIND_PLATFORM);

            } else if (matchToken(&cp, "${WIND_GNU_PATH}")) {
                mprPutStringToBuf(buf, WIND_GNU_PATH);

            } else {
                mprPutCharToBuf(buf, *cp++);
        } else {
            mprPutCharToBuf(buf, *cp++);
    return sclone(mprGetBufStart(buf));
예제 #7
    Compile a view or controller

    cacheName   MD5 cache name (not a full path)
    source      ESP source file name
    module      Module file name
bool espCompile(HttpConn *conn, cchar *source, cchar *module, cchar *cacheName, int isView)
    MprFile     *fp;
    HttpRx      *rx;
    HttpRoute   *route;
    EspRoute    *eroute;
    cchar       *csource;
    char        *layout, *script, *page, *err;
    ssize       len;

    rx = conn->rx;
    route = rx->route;
    eroute = route->eroute;
    layout = 0;

    if (isView) {
        if ((page = mprReadPathContents(source, &len)) == 0) {
            httpError(conn, HTTP_CODE_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "Can't read %s", source);
            return 0;
            Use layouts iff there is a source defined on the route. Only MVC/controllers based apps do this.
        if (eroute->layoutsDir) {
        layout = mprSamePath(eroute->layoutsDir, route->dir) ? 0 : mprJoinPath(eroute->layoutsDir, "default.esp");
        layout = mprJoinPath(eroute->layoutsDir, "default.esp");
        if ((script = espBuildScript(route, page, source, cacheName, layout, &err)) == 0) {
            httpError(conn, HTTP_CODE_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "Can't build %s, error %s", source, err);
            return 0;
        csource = mprJoinPathExt(mprTrimPathExt(module), ".c");
        if ((fp = mprOpenFile(csource, O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC | O_CREAT | O_BINARY, 0664)) == 0) {
            httpError(conn, HTTP_CODE_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "Can't open compiled script file %s", csource);
            return 0;
        len = slen(script);
        if (mprWriteFile(fp, script, len) != len) {
            httpError(conn, HTTP_CODE_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "Can't write compiled script file %s", csource);
            return 0;
    } else {
        csource = source;
    mprMakeDir(eroute->cacheDir, 0775, -1, -1, 1);
        WARNING: GC yield here
    if (runCommand(conn, eroute->compile, csource, module) < 0) {
        return 0;
    if (eroute->link) {
            WARNING: GC yield here
        if (runCommand(conn, eroute->link, csource, module) < 0) {
            return 0;
            MAC needs the object for debug information
        mprDeletePath(mprJoinPathExt(mprTrimPathExt(module), BLD_OBJ));
            Windows leaves intermediate object in the current directory
        cchar   *obj;
        obj = mprReplacePathExt(mprGetPathBase(csource), BLD_OBJ);
        if (mprPathExists(obj, F_OK)) {
    if (!eroute->keepSource && isView) {
    return 1;
예제 #8
    ARCH        Build architecture (64)
    GCC_ARCH    ARCH mapped to gcc -arch switches (x86_64)
    CC          Compiler (cc)
    DEBUG       Debug compilation options (-g, -Zi -Od)
    INC         Include directory out/inc
    LIB         Library directory (out/lib, xcode/VS: out/bin)
    LIBS        Libraries required to link with ESP
    OBJ         Name of compiled source (out/lib/view-MD5.o)
    MOD         Output module (view_MD5.dylib)
    SHLIB       Host Shared library (.lib, .so)
    SHOBJ       Host Shared Object (.dll, .so)
    SRC         Source code for view or controller (already templated)
    TMP         Temp directory
    VS          Visual Studio directory
    WINSDK      Windows SDK directory
PUBLIC char *espExpandCommand(EspRoute *eroute, cchar *command, cchar *source, cchar *module)
    MprBuf      *buf;
    MaAppweb    *appweb;
    cchar       *cp, *outputModule, *os, *arch, *profile;
    char        *tmp;
    if (command == 0) {
        return 0;
    appweb = MPR->appwebService;
    outputModule = mprTrimPathExt(module);
    maParsePlatform(appweb->platform, &os, &arch, &profile);
    buf = mprCreateBuf(-1, -1);

    for (cp = command; *cp; ) {
		if (*cp == '$') {
            if (matchToken(&cp, "${ARCH}")) {
                /* Target architecture (x86|mips|arm|x64) */
                mprPutStringToBuf(buf, arch);

            } else if (matchToken(&cp, "${GCC_ARCH}")) {
                /* Target architecture mapped to GCC mtune|mcpu values */
                mprPutStringToBuf(buf, getMappedArch(arch));

            } else if (matchToken(&cp, "${INC}")) {
                /* Include directory for the configuration */
                mprPutStringToBuf(buf, mprJoinPath(appweb->platformDir, "inc")); 

            } else if (matchToken(&cp, "${LIBPATH}")) {
                /* Library directory for Appweb libraries for the target */
                mprPutStringToBuf(buf, mprJoinPath(appweb->platformDir, "bin")); 

            } else if (matchToken(&cp, "${LIBS}")) {
                /* Required libraries to link. These may have nested ${TOKENS} */
                mprPutStringToBuf(buf, espExpandCommand(eroute, getLibs(os), source, module));

            } else if (matchToken(&cp, "${MOD}")) {
                /* Output module path in the cache without extension */
                mprPutStringToBuf(buf, outputModule);

            } else if (matchToken(&cp, "${OBJ}")) {
                /* Output object with extension (.o) in the cache directory */
                mprPutStringToBuf(buf, mprJoinPathExt(outputModule, getObjExt(os)));

            } else if (matchToken(&cp, "${OS}")) {
                /* Target architecture (freebsd|linux|macosx|windows|vxworks) */
                mprPutStringToBuf(buf, os);

            } else if (matchToken(&cp, "${SHLIB}")) {
                /* .dll, .so, .dylib */
                mprPutStringToBuf(buf, getShlibExt(os));

            } else if (matchToken(&cp, "${SHOBJ}")) {
                /* .dll, .so, .dylib */
                mprPutStringToBuf(buf, getShobjExt(os));

            } else if (matchToken(&cp, "${SRC}")) {
                /* View (already parsed into C code) or controller source */
                mprPutStringToBuf(buf, source);

            } else if (matchToken(&cp, "${TMP}")) {
                if ((tmp = getenv("TMPDIR")) == 0) {
                    if ((tmp = getenv("TMP")) == 0) {
                        tmp = getenv("TEMP");
                mprPutStringToBuf(buf, tmp ? tmp : ".");

            } else if (matchToken(&cp, "${VS}")) {
                mprPutStringToBuf(buf, getVisualStudio());

            } else if (matchToken(&cp, "${VXCPU}")) {
                mprPutStringToBuf(buf, getVxCPU(arch));

            } else if (matchToken(&cp, "${WINSDK}")) {
                mprPutStringToBuf(buf, getWinSDK());

                These vars can be configured from environment variables.
                NOTE: the default esp.conf includes "esp->vxworks.conf" which has EspEnv definitions for the configured 
                VxWorks toolchain
            } else if (matchToken(&cp, "${CC}")) {
                mprPutStringToBuf(buf, getEnvString(eroute, "CC", getCompilerPath(os, arch)));
            } else if (matchToken(&cp, "${LINK}")) {
                mprPutStringToBuf(buf, getEnvString(eroute, "LINK", ""));
            } else if (matchToken(&cp, "${CFLAGS}")) {
                mprPutStringToBuf(buf, getEnvString(eroute, "CFLAGS", ""));
            } else if (matchToken(&cp, "${DEBUG}")) {
                mprPutStringToBuf(buf, getEnvString(eroute, "DEBUG", getDebug()));
            } else if (matchToken(&cp, "${LDFLAGS}")) {
                mprPutStringToBuf(buf, getEnvString(eroute, "LDFLAGS", ""));

            } else if (matchToken(&cp, "${WIND_BASE}")) {
                mprPutStringToBuf(buf, getEnvString(eroute, "WIND_BASE", WIND_BASE));
            } else if (matchToken(&cp, "${WIND_HOME}")) {
                mprPutStringToBuf(buf, getEnvString(eroute, "WIND_HOME", WIND_HOME));
            } else if (matchToken(&cp, "${WIND_HOST_TYPE}")) {
                mprPutStringToBuf(buf, getEnvString(eroute, "WIND_HOST_TYPE", WIND_HOST_TYPE));
            } else if (matchToken(&cp, "${WIND_PLATFORM}")) {
                mprPutStringToBuf(buf, getEnvString(eroute, "WIND_PLATFORM", WIND_PLATFORM));
            } else if (matchToken(&cp, "${WIND_GNU_PATH}")) {
                mprPutStringToBuf(buf, getEnvString(eroute, "WIND_GNU_PATH", WIND_GNU_PATH));
            } else if (matchToken(&cp, "${WIND_CCNAME}")) {
                mprPutStringToBuf(buf, getEnvString(eroute, "WIND_CCNAME", getCompilerName(os, arch)));
            } else {
                mprPutCharToBuf(buf, *cp++);
        } else {
            mprPutCharToBuf(buf, *cp++);
    return sclone(mprGetBufStart(buf));