int mpu6050_config(struct mpu6050 *mpu, struct mpu6050_cfg *cfg) { int rc; struct sensor_itf *itf; itf = SENSOR_GET_ITF(&(mpu->sensor)); /* Wake up */ rc = mpu6050_sleep(itf, 0); if (rc) { return rc; } rc = mpu6050_set_clock_source(itf, cfg->clock_source); if (rc) { return rc; } mpu->cfg.clock_source = cfg->clock_source; uint8_t val; rc = mpu6050_read8(itf, MPU6050_WHO_AM_I, &val); if (rc) { return rc; } if (val != MPU6050_WHO_AM_I_VAL) { return SYS_EINVAL; } rc = mpu6050_set_lpf(itf, cfg->lpf_cfg); if (rc) { return rc; } mpu->cfg.lpf_cfg = cfg->lpf_cfg; rc = mpu6050_set_sample_rate(itf, cfg->sample_rate_div); if (rc) { return rc; } mpu->cfg.sample_rate_div = cfg->sample_rate_div; rc = mpu6050_set_gyro_range(itf, cfg->gyro_range); if (rc) { return rc; } mpu->cfg.gyro_range = cfg->gyro_range; rc = mpu6050_set_accel_range(itf, cfg->accel_range); if (rc) { return rc; } mpu->cfg.accel_range = cfg->accel_range; rc = mpu6050_config_interrupt(itf, cfg->int_cfg); if (rc) { return rc; } mpu->cfg.int_cfg = cfg->int_cfg; /* Enable/disable interrupt */ rc = mpu6050_enable_interrupt(itf, cfg->int_enable); if (rc) { return rc; } mpu->cfg.int_enable = cfg->int_enable; rc = sensor_set_type_mask(&(mpu->sensor), cfg->mask); if (rc) { return rc; } mpu->cfg.mask = cfg->mask; return 0; }
int main(void) { /* Configure Watch dog timer as an interval timer. WDTIFG is * set upon expiration of selected time interval, and PUC is not * generated, so there is no reset of the device. Also, WDTIE bit * remains unchanged, so you don't have to reset the WDT interrupt. * * WDTCTL is 16 bits and always needs to be accessed with * the upper 8 bits as the WDT password, WDTPW (0x5A). * Use ACLK for WDTCNT - selected with the WDTSSEL bit * Set WDTTMSEL bit to 1 for interval timer mode. * WDTIS0 and WDTIS1 set the interval. * 00 = WDT clock source/32768 **This is the PUC value * 01 = WDT clock source/8192 * 10 = WDT clock source/512 * 11 = WDT clock source/64 * With ACLK = 1.5kHz and dividing it by 32768, we get ~21.8 seconds * With ACLK = 1.5kHz and dividing it by 64, we get 42.6mS * between WDT interrupts. */ WDTCTL = WDTPW + WDTHOLD; initClocks(); /* Configure Bluetooth module */ hc05_init(__baud_to_uca0br(9600)); hc05_transmit("HC05 init\r\n",11); /* Initialize mpu6050 */ mpu6050_init(); hc05_transmit("mpu6050 init\r\n",14); /* Now we are ready for application code to run. Enable interrupts */ _BIS_SR(GIE); while(1) { if(data_received != 0) { switch(data_received) { case 'T': data_received = 0; mpu6050_temp(); break; case 'A': data_received = 0; mpu6050_accel(); break; case 'G': data_received = 0; mpu6050_gyro(); break; case 'g': data_received = 0; mpu6050_calibrate_gyros(); break; case 'M': data_received = 0; mpu6050_getAddress(); break; case 'W': data_received = 0; mpu6050_wakeup(); break; case 'S': data_received = 0; mpu6050_sleep(); break; case 'R': data_received = 0; dmp_mode = 0; motion_detect_mode = 0; mpu6050_reset(); break; case 'd': data_received = 0; mpu6050_dmpinit(); break; case 'E': data_received = 0; motion_detect_mode = 0; dmp_mode = 1; mpu6050_setDMPEnabled(true); P2DIR &= ~MPU6050_INT; // Input P2SEL &= ~MPU6050_INT; // Digital IO Psel and psel2 are 0 P2SEL2 &= ~MPU6050_INT; P2IES &= ~MPU6050_INT; // Edge select 0 = low to high P2IFG &= ~MPU6050_INT; // Clear the interrupt flag before enabling interrupt P2IE |= MPU6050_INT; // Interrupt enable //mpu6050_resetFIFO(); break; case 'e': dmp_mode = 0; data_received = 0; mpu6050_setDMPEnabled(false); break; case 'm': /* Itseems that I can have motion detect interrupts if I first call the dmpinit() function, then this code is run. I can probably narrow it down to a certain function call in the dmpinit() it will just take time */ sendAck(); motion_detect_mode = 1; dmp_mode = 0; mpu6050_setDMPEnabled(false); i2c_write_reg(MPU6050_RA_INT_PIN_CFG,0x10);//interrupt status cleared on any read //i2c_write_reg(MPU6050_RA_MOT_DETECT_CTRL,0x30); // add the 3 ms delay to accel put mpu6050_setMotionDetectionThreshold(threshold);//not sure... but I'm told it's 2mg per LSB so 0xFF would only be about 0.512g mpu6050_setMotionDetectionDuration(threshold_duration); // This duration will really change the snappiness and responsiveness of the motion detect (duh) so // it should be set to as low as possible, then set detection threshold to the appropriate value for punches or whatever mpu6050_setIntEnabled(0x40);//motion detect... based on the product specification document, I don't think motion detect can generate an interrupt on INT pin, // so we also set the data ready interrupt. mpu6050_configAccel(MPU6050_ACCEL_FS_16<<(MPU6050_ACONFIG_AFS_SEL_BIT-1)); data_received = 0; P2DIR &= ~MPU6050_INT; // Input P2SEL &= ~MPU6050_INT; // Digital IO Psel and psel2 are 0 P2SEL2 &= ~MPU6050_INT; P2IES &= ~MPU6050_INT; // Edge select 0 = low to high P2IFG &= ~MPU6050_INT; // Clear the interrupt flag before enabling interrupt P2IE |= MPU6050_INT; // Interrupt enable /*while(1) { if(mpu6050_getIntStatus() & 0x40) { //motion interrupt hc05_transmit("Motion\r\n",8); } }*/ break; case 'l': threshold = threshold - 1; mpu6050_setMotionDetectionThreshold(threshold); break; case 'p': threshold = threshold + 1; mpu6050_setMotionDetectionThreshold(threshold); break; case 'L': threshold_duration = threshold_duration - 5; mpu6050_setMotionDetectionDuration(threshold_duration); break; case 'P': threshold_duration = threshold_duration + 5; mpu6050_setMotionDetectionDuration(threshold_duration); break; // case 'h': // hc05_setspeed(115200); // data_received = 0; // break; //case 'k': // hc05_key(); // data_received = 0; // break; default: sendAck(); data_received = 0; break; } } if(mpu6050_interrupt) { if(dmp_mode) { mpuIntStatus = mpu6050_getIntStatus(); fifoCount = mpu6050_getFIFOCount(); if(fifoCount > 16) { fifoCount =16; } mpu6050_getFIFOBytes(mpu6050_buffer,fifoCount); /* This seems to keep the fifo operating. I probably need to read the fifo faster so it doesn't 'die' on me */ mpu6050_resetFIFO(); /* From J.Rowberg's library, the dmp packet output is: bytes 0-15 quaternion (32 bits) (w,x,y,z) but just use the first two bytes as 16 bit number bytes 16-27 gyro (32 bits) (gx,gy,gz) but just use the first two bytes as 16 bit number bytes 28-39 acceleration (32 bits) (ax,ay,az) but just use the first two bytes as 16 bit number */ teapotPacket[2] = mpu6050_buffer[0]; teapotPacket[3] = mpu6050_buffer[1]; teapotPacket[4] = mpu6050_buffer[4]; teapotPacket[5] = mpu6050_buffer[5]; teapotPacket[6] = mpu6050_buffer[8]; teapotPacket[7] = mpu6050_buffer[9]; teapotPacket[8] = mpu6050_buffer[12]; teapotPacket[9] = mpu6050_buffer[13]; teapotPacket[10] = mpuIntStatus; // I modified the packet to sent the interrupt status in this byte hc05_transmit(teapotPacket,14); teapotPacket[11]++; mpu6050_interrupt = 0; } else if (motion_detect_mode) { if(mpu6050_getIntStatus() & 0x40) { // Disable motion interrupts, get accel and gyro values until they aren't interesting // anymore, then quit and enable interrupt. mpu6050_setIntEnabled(0x00); //motion interrupt // hc05_transmit("Motion\r\n",8); for(uint8_t j = 0; j<100; j++) { mpu6050_accel(); delay_ms(2); // i2c_tx_buffer[0] = 0x3B; // i2c_tx_buffer_counter = 1; // i2c_transmit_to_receive(); // i2c_transmit(); // i2c_multireceive(6); // for(j = 0; j< 6; j++) { // TXData = i2c_rx_buffer[j]; /* These are div 16384 if +/-2g, 8192 if +/-4g, 4096 if +/-8g and 2048 if +/-16g*/ //accelX[j] = (i2c_rx_buffer[0]<<8 | i2c_rx_buffer[1]); //accelY[j] = (i2c_rx_buffer[2]<<8 | i2c_rx_buffer[3]); //accelZ[j] = (i2c_rx_buffer[4]<<8 | i2c_rx_buffer[5]); //sprintf(tempbuf,"%d %d %d\r\n",ax,ay,az); //sprintf(tempbuf,"E%d,%d,%d\r\n",ax,ay,az); // hc05_transmit(tempbuf,strlen(tempbuf)); // hc05_transmit((char*)ax,1); //hc05_transmit((char*)ay,1); //hc05_transmit((char*)az,1); //} //__delay_us(1000); //delay_ms(2); } // hc05_transmit((char*)accelX,2*ACCELBUFSIZE); // hc05_transmit((char*)accelY,2*ACCELBUFSIZE); // hc05_transmit((char*)accelZ,2*ACCELBUFSIZE); // mpu6050_getIntStatus(); mpu6050_setIntEnabled(0x40); } else { // sprintf(tempbuf,"Unknown interrupt\r\n"); // hc05_transmit(tempbuf,strlen(tempbuf)); } } else { // mpu6050_getIntStatus(); // Clear any other interrupts // sprintf(tempbuf,"Unknown mode & interrupt\r\n"); // hc05_transmit(tempbuf,strlen(tempbuf)); } } __bis_SR_register(LPM0_bits + GIE); } }