예제 #1
void read_loop(unsigned int sample_rate)
	unsigned long loop_delay;
	mpudata_t mpu;								/*
									typedef struct {
									short rawGyro[3];
									short rawAccel[3];
									long rawQuat[4];
									unsigned long dmpTimestamp;

									short rawMag[3];
									unsigned long magTimestamp;

									short Temp[3];
									short calibratedAccel[3];
									short calibratedMag[3];

									quaternion_t fusedQuat;
									vector3d_t fusedEuler;

									float lastDMPYaw;
									float lastYaw;
								} mpudata_t;*/

	memset(&mpu, 0, sizeof(mpudata_t));

	if (sample_rate == 0)

	loop_delay = (1000 / sample_rate) - 2;

	printf("\nEntering read loop (ctrl-c to exit)\n\n");


	while (!done) {
		while(msg_cnt<MPU_MSG_NUM && !done){
			if (mpu9150_read(&mpu) == 0) {

				// print_fused_euler_angles(&mpu);
				// print_calibrated_accel(&mpu);
				// print_calibrated_mag(&mpu);

예제 #2
int read_mpu(float *pitch, float *roll, float *heading)
	int ret;
	static mpudata_t mpu;
	memset(&mpu, 0, sizeof(mpudata_t));
	ret = mpu9150_read(&mpu);
	*pitch = mpu.fusedEuler[0];
	*roll = mpu.fusedEuler[1];
	*heading = mpu.fusedEuler[2];
	return ret;
예제 #3
int read_mpu_raw(float *gx, float *gy, float *gz, float *ax, float *ay, float *az, float *mx, float *my, float *mz)
	int ret;
	static mpudata_t mpu;
	memset(&mpu, 0, sizeof(mpudata_t));
	ret = mpu9150_read(&mpu);
	*gx = mpu.rawGyro[0];
	*gy = mpu.rawGyro[1];
	*gz = mpu.rawGyro[2];
	*ax = mpu.rawAccel[0];
	*ay = mpu.rawAccel[1];
	*az = mpu.rawAccel[2];
	*mx = mpu.rawMag[0];
	*my = mpu.rawMag[1];
	*mz = mpu.rawMag[2];
	return ret;
예제 #4
*	flight_core()
*	Hardware Interrupt-Driven Flight Control Loop
*	- read sensor values
*	- estimate system state
*	- read setpoint from flight_stack
*	- if is position mode, calculate a new attitude setpoint
* 	- otherwise use user attitude setpoint
*	- calculate and send ESC commands
int flight_core(){
	// remember previous arm mode to detect transition from DISARMED
	static arm_state_t previous_arm_state;
	int i;	// general purpose
	static float new_esc[8];
	static float u[4];	// normalized roll, pitch, yaw, throttle, components 
	*	Begin control loop if there was a valid interrupt with new IMU data
	if (mpu9150_read(&mpu) != 0){
		return -1;
	*	read sensors and compute the state regardless of if the controller
	// collect new IMU roll/pitch data
	// positive roll right according to right hand rule
	// MPU9150 driver has incorrect minus sign on Y axis, correct for it here
	// positive pitch backwards according to right hand rule
	cstate.roll  = -(mpu.fusedEuler[VEC3_Y] - cstate.imu_roll_err);
	cstate.pitch =   mpu.fusedEuler[VEC3_X] - cstate.imu_pitch_err;

	// current roll/pitch/yaw rates straight from gyro 
	// converted to rad/s with default FUll scale range
	// raw gyro matches sign on MPU9150 coordinate system, unlike Euler angle
	cstate.dRoll  = mpu.rawGyro[VEC3_Y] * GYRO_FSR * DEGREE_TO_RAD / 32767.0;
	cstate.dPitch = mpu.rawGyro[VEC3_X] * GYRO_FSR * DEGREE_TO_RAD / 32767.0;
	cstate.dYaw	  = mpu.rawGyro[VEC3_Z] * GYRO_FSR * DEGREE_TO_RAD / 32767.0;

	// if this is the first loop since being armed, reset yaw trim
	if(previous_arm_state==DISARMED && setpoint.arm_state!=DISARMED){	
		cstate.imu_yaw_on_takeoff = mpu.fusedEuler[VEC3_Z];
		cstate.num_yaw_spins = 0;
	float new_yaw = -(mpu.fusedEuler[VEC3_Z] - cstate.imu_yaw_on_takeoff) \
									+ (cstate.num_yaw_spins*2*PI);
	// detect the crossover point at Z = +-PI
	if(new_yaw - cstate.last_yaw > 6){
		cstate.num_yaw_spins -= 1;
	else if(new_yaw - cstate.last_yaw < -6){
		cstate.num_yaw_spins += 1;
	// also reset yaw if the throttle stick is down to prevent drift while on the ground	
	if (user_interface.throttle_stick < -0.95){
		cstate.imu_yaw_on_takeoff = mpu.fusedEuler[VEC3_Z];
	// record new yaw compensating for full rotation
	cstate.last_yaw = cstate.yaw;
	cstate.yaw = -(mpu.fusedEuler[VEC3_Z] - cstate.imu_yaw_on_takeoff) +
	*	Control based on the robotics_library defined state variable
	*	PAUSED: make sure the controller stays DISARMED
	*	RUNNING: Normal operation of controller.
	*		- check for tipover
	*		- choose mode from setpoint.core_mode
	*		- evaluate difference equation and check saturation
	*		- actuate motors
	switch (get_state()){
	// make sure things are off if program is closing
	case EXITING:
		return 0;
	// if the controller is somehow still ARMED, disarm it
	case PAUSED:
	// normal operating mode
	case RUNNING:
		// exit if the controller was not armed properly
			*	if disarmed, reset controllers and return
			goto END;

		// check for a tipover
		if (fabs(cstate.roll) >config.tip_angle ||
			printf("\n TIPOVER DETECTED \n");
			goto END;
		* 	manage the setpoints based on attitude or position mode
		*	in Position control mode, evaluate an outer loop controller to
		*	change the attitude setpoint. Discard user attitude setpoints
		case POSITION:
			// TODO: outer loop position controller
		*	in attitude control mode, user has direct control over throttle
		*	roll, and pitch angles. Absolute yaw setpoint gets updated at
		*	user-commanded yaw_rate
		case ATTITUDE:
			// only when flying, update the yaw setpoint
			if(setpoint.throttle > YAW_CUTOFF_TH){
				setpoint.yaw += DT*setpoint.yaw_rate;
				setpoint.yaw = cstate.yaw;
			break;		//should never get here
		* 	Finally run the attitude feedback controllers
		*	Roll & Pitch Controllers
		float dRoll_setpoint = (setpoint.roll - cstate.roll) *
		float dPitch_setpoint = (setpoint.pitch - cstate.pitch) *
		cstate.dRoll_err  = dRoll_setpoint  - cstate.dRoll;
		cstate.dPitch_err = dPitch_setpoint - cstate.dPitch;
		// // if last state was DISARMED, then errors will all be 0.
		// // make the previous error the same
		// if(previous_core_mode == DISARMED){
			// preFillFilter(&cstate.roll_ctrl, cstate.dRoll_err);
			// preFillFilter(&cstate.pitch_ctrl, cstate.dPitch_err);
		// }
		// only run integrator if airborne 
		// TODO: proper landing/takeoff detection
		if(u[3] > INT_CUTOFF_TH){
			cstate.dRoll_err_integrator  += cstate.dRoll_err  * DT;
			cstate.dPitch_err_integrator += cstate.dPitch_err * DT;
		marchFilter(&cstate.roll_ctrl, cstate.dRoll_err);
		marchFilter(&cstate.pitch_ctrl, cstate.dPitch_err);
			saturateFilter(&cstate.roll_ctrl, -LAND_SATURATION,LAND_SATURATION);
			saturateFilter(&cstate.pitch_ctrl, -LAND_SATURATION, LAND_SATURATION);
			saturateFilter(&cstate.roll_ctrl, -MAX_ROLL_COMPONENT, MAX_ROLL_COMPONENT);
			saturateFilter(&cstate.pitch_ctrl, -MAX_PITCH_COMPONENT, MAX_PITCH_COMPONENT);
		u[0] = cstate.roll_ctrl.current_output;
		u[1] = cstate.pitch_ctrl.current_output;
		*	Yaw Controller
		cstate.yaw_err = setpoint.yaw - cstate.yaw;
		// only run integrator if airborne 
		if(u[3] > INT_CUTOFF_TH){
			cstate.yaw_err_integrator += cstate.yaw_err * DT;

		marchFilter(&cstate.yaw_ctrl, cstate.yaw_err);
		if (user_interface.throttle_stick < -0.95){
			saturateFilter(&cstate.yaw_ctrl, -MAX_YAW_COMPONENT, MAX_YAW_COMPONENT);
		u[2] = cstate.yaw_ctrl.current_output;
		*	Throttle Controller
		// compensate for roll/pitch angle to maintain Z thrust
		float throttle_compensation;
		throttle_compensation = 1 / cos(cstate.roll);
		throttle_compensation *= 1 / cos(cstate.pitch);
		float thr = setpoint.throttle*(MAX_THRUST_COMPONENT-config.idle_speed)
						+ config.idle_speed;
		u[3] = throttle_compensation * thr;
		// saturate thrust component now, this will help prevent saturation
		// later once r,p,y are added
		saturate_number(&u[3], 0, MAX_THRUST_COMPONENT);
		*  see mixing_matrixes.h for how the mixer works
			printf("ERROR, mixing failed\n");
			return -1;
		*	Prevent saturation under heavy vertical acceleration by reducing all
		*	outputs evenly such that the largest doesn't exceed 1
		// find control output limits 
		float largest_value = 0;
		float smallest_value = 1;
				largest_value = new_esc[i];

		// if upper saturation would have occurred, reduce all outputs evenly
			float offset = largest_value - 1;
		*	Send a servo pulse immediately at the end of the control loop.
		*	Intended to update ESCs exactly once per control timestep
		*	also record this action to cstate.new_esc_out[] for telemetry
		// if this is the first time armed, make sure to send minimum 
		// pulse width to prevent ESCs from going into calibration
		if(previous_arm_state == DISARMED){
				else if(new_esc[i]<0){
				cstate.esc_out[i] = new_esc[i];
				cstate.control_u[i] = u[i];		
		// // pass new information to the log with add_to_buffer
		// // this only puts information in memory, doesn't
		// // write to disk immediately
		// if(config.enable_logging){
			// new_log_entry.roll		= cstate.roll;
			// new_log_entry.pitch		= cstate.pitch;
			// new_log_entry.yaw		= cstate.yaw;
			// new_log_entry.u_0		= cstate.u[0];
			// new_log_entry.u_1		= cstate.u[1];
			// new_log_entry.u_2		= cstate.u[2];
			// new_log_entry.u_3		= cstate.u[3];
			// new_log_entry.esc_1		= cstate.esc_out[0];
			// new_log_entry.esc_2		= cstate.esc_out[1];
			// new_log_entry.esc_3		= cstate.esc_out[2];
			// new_log_entry.esc_4		= cstate.esc_out[3];
			// new_log_entry.v_batt	= cstate.v_batt;
			// add_to_buffer(new_log_entry);
		// }
	} // end of switch(get_state())
	END: // allow quick jump to here to clean up the several switch statements

	//remember the last state to detect transition from DISARMED to ARMED
	previous_arm_state = setpoint.arm_state;
	return 0;
예제 #5
int main(int argc, char **argv)
	// Initialize ROS
	ros::init(argc, argv, "am_mpu9150_node");
	ros::NodeHandle n;
	ros::Publisher imu_pub = n.advertise<sensor_msgs::Imu>("imu", 1);
	ros::Publisher imu_euler_pub = n.advertise<geometry_msgs::Vector3Stamped>("imu_euler", 1);
	ros::Rate loop_rate(50);
	sensor_msgs::Imu imu;
	imu.header.frame_id = "imu";
	geometry_msgs::Vector3Stamped euler;
	euler.header.frame_id = "imu_euler";

	// Init the sensor the values are hardcoded at the local_defaults.h file
	int opt, len;
	int i2c_bus = DEFAULT_I2C_BUS;
	int sample_rate = DEFAULT_SAMPLE_RATE_HZ;
	int yaw_mix_factor = DEFAULT_YAW_MIX_FACTOR;
	int verbose = 0;
	std::string accelFile;
	std::string magFile;

	// Parameters from ROS
	ros::NodeHandle n_private("~");
	int def_i2c_bus = 2;
	n_private.param("i2cbus", i2c_bus, def_i2c_bus);
            if (i2c_bus < MIN_I2C_BUS || i2c_bus > MAX_I2C_BUS)
		ROS_ERROR("am_mpu9150: Imu Bus problem");
		return -1;
	int def_sample_rate = 50;
	n_private.param("samplerate", sample_rate, def_sample_rate);
	if (sample_rate < MIN_SAMPLE_RATE || sample_rate > MAX_SAMPLE_RATE)
		ROS_ERROR("am_mpu9150: Sample rate problem");
		return -1;
	loop_rate = sample_rate;

	int def_yaw_mix_factor = 0;
	n_private.param("yawmixfactor", yaw_mix_factor, def_yaw_mix_factor);
	if (yaw_mix_factor < 0 || yaw_mix_factor > 100)
		ROS_ERROR("am_mpu9150: yawmixfactor problem");
		return -1;
	std::string defAccelFile = "./accelcal.txt";
	n_private.param("accelfile", accelFile, defAccelFile);

	std::string defMagFile = "./magcal.txt";
	n_private.param("magfile", magFile, defMagFile);
	unsigned long loop_delay;
	mpudata_t mpu;

    // Initialize the MPU-9150
	if (mpu9150_init(i2c_bus, sample_rate, yaw_mix_factor))
		ROS_ERROR("am_mpu9150::Failed init!");
	//load_calibration(0, accelFile);
	//load_calibration(1, magFile);
	memset(&mpu, 0, sizeof(mpudata_t));

	vector3d_t e;
	quaternion_t q;

	while (ros::ok())
		std::stringstream ss;
		if (mpu9150_read(&mpu) == 0) 
			// ROTATE The angles correctly...
			quaternionToEuler(mpu.fusedQuat, e);
			e[VEC3_Z] = -e[VEC3_Z];
			eulerToQuaternion(e, q);
			// FUSED
			imu.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();
			imu.orientation.x = q[QUAT_X];
			imu.orientation.y = q[QUAT_Y];
			imu.orientation.z = q[QUAT_Z];
			imu.orientation.w = q[QUAT_W];

			// GYRO
			double gx = mpu.rawGyro[VEC3_X];
			double gy = mpu.rawGyro[VEC3_Y];
			double gz = mpu.rawGyro[VEC3_Z];

			gx = gx * gyroScaleX;
			gy = gy * gyroScaleY;
			gz = gz * gyroScaleZ;

			imu.angular_velocity.x = gx;
			imu.angular_velocity.y = gy;
			imu.angular_velocity.z = gz;

			// ACCEL
			imu.linear_acceleration.x = mpu.calibratedAccel[VEC3_X];
			imu.linear_acceleration.y = mpu.calibratedAccel[VEC3_Y];
			imu.linear_acceleration.z = mpu.calibratedAccel[VEC3_Z];
			// EULER
			euler.header.stamp = imu.header.stamp;
			euler.vector.x = mpu.fusedEuler[VEC3_Y];
			euler.vector.y = mpu.fusedEuler[VEC3_X];
			euler.vector.z = -mpu.fusedEuler[VEC3_Z];
			// Publish the messages
			//ROS_INFO("y=%f, p=%f, r=%f", euler.vector.z, euler.vector.y, euler.vector.x);

	return 0;
예제 #6
* 	balance_core()
*	discrete-time balance controller operated off IMU interrupt
*	Called at SAMPLE_RATE_HZ
int balance_core(){
	// local variables only in memory scope of balance_core
	static int D1_saturation_counter = 0; 
	float compensated_D1_output = 0;
	float dutyL = 0;
	float dutyR = 0;
	static log_entry_t new_log_entry;
	float output_scale; //battery voltage/nominal voltage
	// if an IMU packet read failed, ignore and just return
	// the mpu9150_read function may print it's own warnings
	if (mpu9150_read(&mpu) != 0){
		return -1;
	*	read sensors and compute the state regardless of if the 
	*	controller is ARMED or DISARMED
	// angle theta is positive in the direction of forward tip
	// add mounting angle of BBB
	cstate.theta[2] = cstate.theta[1]; cstate.theta[1] = cstate.theta[0];
	cstate.theta[0] = mpu.fusedEuler[VEC3_X] + config.bb_mount_angle; 
	cstate.current_theta = cstate.theta[0];
	cstate.d_theta = (cstate.theta[0]-cstate.theta[1])/DT;
	// collect encoder positions
	cstate.wheelAngleR = -(get_encoder_pos(config.encoder_channel_R) * 2*PI) \
							/(config.gearbox * config.encoder_res);
	cstate.wheelAngleL = (get_encoder_pos(config.encoder_channel_L) * 2*PI)	\
							/(config.gearbox * config.encoder_res);
	// log phi estimate
	// wheel angle is relative to body, 
	// add theta body angle to get absolute wheel position
	cstate.phi[2] = cstate.phi[1]; cstate.phi[1] = cstate.phi[0];
	cstate.phi[0] = ((cstate.wheelAngleL + cstate.wheelAngleR)/2) +cstate.current_theta; 
	cstate.current_phi = cstate.phi[0];
	cstate.d_phi = (cstate.phi[0]-cstate.phi[1])/DT;
	// body turning estimation
	cstate.gamma[2] = cstate.gamma[1]; cstate.gamma[1] = cstate.phi[0];
	cstate.gamma[0]=(cstate.wheelAngleL-cstate.wheelAngleR) \
				* (config.wheel_radius/config.track_width);
	cstate.d_gamma = (cstate.gamma[0]-cstate.gamma[1])/DT;
	cstate.current_gamma = cstate.gamma[0];
	// output scaling
	output_scale =  cstate.vBatt/config.v_nominal;
	*	Control based on the robotics_library defined state variable
	*	PAUSED: make sure the controller stays DISARMED
	*	RUNNING: Normal operation of controller.
	*		- check for tipover
	*		- wait for MiP to be within config.start_angle of 
	*			upright
	*		- choose mode from setpoint.core_mode
	*		- evaluate difference equation and check saturation
	*		- actuate motors
	switch (get_state()){
	// make sure things are off if program is closing
	case EXITING:
		return 0;
	// if the controller is somehow still ARMED, disarm it
	case PAUSED:
	// normal operating mode
	case RUNNING:
		// exit if the controller was not armed properly
			return 0;
		// check for a tipover before anything else
			printf("tip detected \n");
		*	POSITION Phi controller
		*	feedback control of wheel angle Phi by outputting a 
		*	reference theta body angle. This is controller D2 in 
		*	config
		if(setpoint.core_mode == POSITION){
			// move the position set points based on user input
			if(setpoint.phi_dot != 0.0){
				//setpoint.phi == cstate.current_phi + setpoint.phi_dot*DT;
				setpoint.phi += setpoint.phi_dot * DT;
			// march the different equation terms for the input Phi Error
			// and the output theta reference angle
			cstate.ePhi[2] = cstate.ePhi[1]; 
			cstate.ePhi[1] = cstate.ePhi[0];
			cstate.ePhi[0] = setpoint.phi-cstate.current_phi;
			cstate.theta_ref[2] = cstate.theta_ref[1];
			cstate.theta_ref[1] = cstate.theta_ref[0];
			// evaluate D2 difference equation
			cstate.theta_ref[0] = config.K_D2*(						\
								config.numD2_2 * cstate.ePhi[2] 	\
							+ config.numD2_1 * cstate.ePhi[1] 		\
							+ config.numD2_0 * cstate.ePhi[0])		\
							-(config.denD2_2 * cstate.theta_ref[2] 	\
							+ config.denD2_1 * cstate.theta_ref[1]);
			//check saturation of outer loop theta reference output signal
			setpoint.theta = cstate.theta_ref[0];
		// evaluate inner loop controller D1z
		cstate.eTheta[2] = cstate.eTheta[1]; 
		cstate.eTheta[1] = cstate.eTheta[0];
		cstate.eTheta[0] = setpoint.theta - cstate.current_theta;
		cstate.u[2] = cstate.u[1];
		cstate.u[1] = cstate.u[0];
		cstate.u[0] = \
				config.K_D1 * (config.numD1_0 * cstate.eTheta[0]	\
								+	config.numD1_1 * cstate.eTheta[1] 	\
								+	config.numD1_2 * cstate.eTheta[2])	\
								-  (config.denD1_1 * cstate.u[1] 		\
								+	config.denD1_2 * cstate.u[2]); 		
		// check saturation of inner loop knowing that right after
		// this control will be scaled by battery voltage
		if(saturate_float(&cstate.u[0], -output_scale, output_scale)){
			D1_saturation_counter ++;
			if(D1_saturation_counter > SAMPLE_RATE_HZ*config.pickup_detection_time){
				printf("inner loop controller saturated\n");
				D1_saturation_counter = 0;
			D1_saturation_counter = 0;
		cstate.current_u = cstate.u[0];
		// scale output to compensate for battery charge level
		compensated_D1_output = cstate.u[0] / output_scale;
		// // integrate the reference theta to correct for imbalance or sensor
		// // only if standing relatively still with zero phi reference
		// // to-do, wait for stillness for a time period before integrating
		// if(setpoint.phi==0 && fabs(cstate.phi_dot)<2){
				// state.thetaTrim += (config.kTrim*cstate.theta_ref[0]) * DT;
		// }
		//steering controller
		// move the controller set points based on user input
		setpoint.gamma += setpoint.gamma_dot * DT;
		cstate.egamma[1] = cstate.egamma[0];
		cstate.egamma[0] = setpoint.gamma - cstate.current_gamma;
		cstate.duty_split = config.KP_steer*(cstate.egamma[0]	\
		// if the steering input would saturate a motor, reduce
		// the steering input to prevent compromising balance input
		if(fabs(compensated_D1_output)+fabs(cstate.duty_split) > 1){
			if(cstate.duty_split > 0){
				cstate.duty_split = 1-fabs(compensated_D1_output);
			else cstate.duty_split = -(1-fabs(compensated_D1_output));
		// add D1 balance controller and steering control
		dutyL  = compensated_D1_output - cstate.duty_split;
		dutyR = compensated_D1_output + cstate.duty_split;	
		// send to motors
		// one motor is flipped on chassis so reverse duty to L
		cstate.time_us = microsSinceEpoch();
		// pass new information to the log with add_to_buffer
		// this only puts information in memory, doesn't
		// write to disk immediately
			new_log_entry.time_us	= cstate.time_us-core_start_time_us;
			new_log_entry.theta		= cstate.current_theta;
			new_log_entry.theta_ref	= setpoint.theta;
			new_log_entry.phi 		= cstate.current_phi; 
			new_log_entry.u 		= cstate.current_u;
		// end of normal balancing routine
		// last_state will be updated beginning of next interrupt
			break; // nothing to do if UNINITIALIZED
	return 0;
예제 #7
* 	int read_imu_data()
*	only purpose is to update the global mpu struct with new 
*	data when it is read in. This is called off of an interrupt.
int read_imu_data(){
	return mpu9150_read(&mpu);
예제 #8
int main(int argc, char **argv)
  ros::init(argc, argv, "mpu9150_node");
  ros::NodeHandle n;
  //creates publisher of IMU message
  ros::Publisher pub = n.advertise<sensor_msgs::Imu>("imu/data_raw", 1000);
  //creates publisher of Magnetic FIeld message
  ros::Publisher pubM = n.advertise<sensor_msgs::MagneticField>("imu/mag", 1000);
  ros::Rate loop_rate(10);

  /* Init the sensor the values are hardcoded at the local_defaults.h file */
    int opt, len;
	int i2c_bus = DEFAULT_I2C_BUS;
	int sample_rate = DEFAULT_SAMPLE_RATE_HZ;
	int yaw_mix_factor = DEFAULT_YAW_MIX_FACTOR;
	int verbose = 0;
	char *mag_cal_file = NULL;
	char *accel_cal_file = NULL;
	unsigned long loop_delay;
	//creates object of mpudata_t
	mpudata_t mpu;

    // Initialize the MPU-9150
	if (mpu9150_init(i2c_bus, sample_rate, yaw_mix_factor))
	set_cal(0, accel_cal_file);
	set_cal(1, mag_cal_file);
	if (accel_cal_file)
	if (mag_cal_file)

	if (sample_rate == 0)
		return -1;

    // ROS loop config
	loop_delay = (1000 / sample_rate) - 2;
	printf("\nEntering MPU read loop (ctrl-c to exit)\n\n");

   * A count of how many messages we have sent. This is used to create
   * a unique string for each message.
  int count = 0;
  while (ros::ok())
  	//creates objects of each message type
  	//IMU Message
    sensor_msgs::Imu msgIMU;
    std_msgs::String header;
    geometry_msgs::Quaternion orientation;
    geometry_msgs::Vector3 angular_velocity;
    geometry_msgs::Vector3 linear_acceleration;
    //magnetometer message
    sensor_msgs::MagneticField msgMAG;
    geometry_msgs::Vector3 magnetic_field;

//modified to output in the format of IMU message
	if (mpu9150_read(&mpu) == 0) {
		//IMU Message
		//sets up header for IMU message
		msgIMU.header.seq = count;
		msgIMU.header.stamp.sec = ros::Time::now().toSec();
		msgIMU.header.frame_id = "/base_link";
		//adds data to the sensor message
		msgIMU.orientation.x = mpu.fusedQuat[QUAT_X];
		msgIMU.orientation.y = mpu.fusedQuat[QUAT_Y];
		msgIMU.orientation.z = mpu.fusedQuat[QUAT_Z];
		msgIMU.orientation.w = mpu.fusedQuat[QUAT_W];
		//msgIMU.orientation_covariance[0] = 
		//angular velocity
		msgIMU.angular_velocity.x = mpu.fusedEuler[VEC3_X] * RAD_TO_DEGREE;
		msgIMU.angular_velocity.y = mpu.fusedEuler[VEC3_Y] * RAD_TO_DEGREE;
		msgIMU.angular_velocity.z = mpu.fusedEuler[VEC3_Z] * RAD_TO_DEGREE;
		//msgIMU.angular_velocity_covariance[] = 
		//linear acceleration
		msgIMU.linear_acceleration.x = mpu.calibratedAccel[VEC3_X];
		msgIMU.linear_acceleration.y = mpu.calibratedAccel[VEC3_Y];
		msgIMU.linear_acceleration.z = mpu.calibratedAccel[VEC3_Z];
		//msgIMU.linear_acceleration_covariance[] = 

		//Magnetometer Message
		//sets up header
		msgMAG.header.seq = count;
		msgMAG.header.stamp.sec = ros::Time::now().toSec();
		msgMAG.header.frame_id = "/base_link";
		//adds data to magnetic field message
		msgMAG.magnetic_field.x = mpu.calibratedMag[VEC3_X];
		msgMAG.magnetic_field.y = mpu.calibratedMag[VEC3_Y];
		msgMAG.magnetic_field.z = mpu.calibratedMag[VEC3_Z];
		//fills the list with zeros as per message spec when no covariance is known
		//msgMAG.magnetic_field_covariance[9] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};

	//publish both messages
  return 0;