예제 #1
static void msUVRasterLayerInfoInitialize(layerObj *layer)
  uvRasterLayerInfo *uvlinfo = (uvRasterLayerInfo *) layer->layerinfo;

  if( uvlinfo != NULL )

  uvlinfo = (uvRasterLayerInfo *) msSmallCalloc(1,sizeof(uvRasterLayerInfo));
  layer->layerinfo = uvlinfo;

  uvlinfo->band_count = -1;
  /* uvlinfo->raster_query_mode = RQM_ENTRY_PER_PIXEL; */
  /* uvlinfo->range_mode = -1; /\* inactive *\/ */
  /* uvlinfo->refcount = 0; */
  /* uvlinfo->shape_tolerance = 0.0; */
  uvlinfo->u = NULL;
  uvlinfo->v = NULL;
  uvlinfo->width = 0;
  uvlinfo->height = 0;

  /* uvlinfo->query_result_hard_max = 1000000; */

  /* if( CSLFetchNameValue( layer->processing, "RASTER_QUERY_MAX_RESULT" )  */
  /*     != NULL ) */
  /* { */
  /*     uvlinfo->query_result_hard_max =  */
  /*         atoi(CSLFetchNameValue( layer->processing, "RASTER_QUERY_MAX_RESULT" )); */
  /* } */
예제 #2
int msPreloadSVGSymbol(symbolObj *symbol)
#if defined(USE_SVG_CAIRO) || defined(USE_RSVG)
  struct svg_symbol_cache *cache;

  if(!symbol->renderer_cache) {
    cache = msSmallCalloc(1,sizeof(struct svg_symbol_cache));
    symbol->renderer_free_func = &freeSVGCache;
  } else {
    cache = symbol->renderer_cache;
    return MS_SUCCESS;

    unsigned int svg_width, svg_height;
    int status;
    status = svg_cairo_create(&cache->svgc);
    if (status) {
      msSetError(MS_RENDERERERR, "problem creating cairo svg", "msPreloadSVGSymbol()");
      return MS_FAILURE;
    status = svg_cairo_parse(cache->svgc, symbol->full_pixmap_path);
    if (status) {
      msSetError(MS_RENDERERERR, "problem parsing svg symbol", "msPreloadSVGSymbol()");
      return MS_FAILURE;
    svg_cairo_get_size (cache->svgc, &svg_width, &svg_height);
    if (svg_width == 0 || svg_height == 0) {
      msSetError(MS_RENDERERERR, "problem parsing svg symbol", "msPreloadSVGSymbol()");
      return MS_FAILURE;

    symbol->sizex = svg_width;
    symbol->sizey = svg_height;
    RsvgDimensionData dim;
    cache->svgc = rsvg_handle_new_from_file(symbol->full_pixmap_path,NULL);
    if(!cache->svgc) {
      msSetError(MS_RENDERERERR,"failed to load svg file %s", "msPreloadSVGSymbol()", symbol->full_pixmap_path);
    rsvg_handle_get_dimensions_sub (cache->svgc, &dim, NULL);
    symbol->sizex = dim.width;
    symbol->sizey = dim.height;

  symbol->renderer_cache = cache;

  return MS_SUCCESS;

  msSetError(MS_MISCERR, "SVG Symbols requested but is not built with libsvgcairo",
  return MS_FAILURE;
예제 #3
static void msContourLayerInfoInitialize(layerObj *layer)
  contourLayerInfo *clinfo = (contourLayerInfo *) layer->layerinfo;

  if (clinfo != NULL)

  clinfo = (contourLayerInfo *) msSmallCalloc(1,sizeof(contourLayerInfo));
  layer->layerinfo = clinfo;
  clinfo->hOrigDS = NULL;  
  clinfo->hDS = NULL;
  clinfo->extent.minx = -1.0;
  clinfo->extent.miny = -1.0;
  clinfo->extent.maxx = -1.0;
  clinfo->extent.maxy = -1.0;
  initLayer(&clinfo->ogrLayer, layer->map);
  clinfo->ogrLayer.type = layer->type;
  clinfo->ogrLayer.debug = layer->debug;
  clinfo->ogrLayer.connectiontype = MS_OGR;
  clinfo->ogrLayer.name = msStrdup(layer->name);
  clinfo->ogrLayer.connection = (char*)msSmallMalloc(strlen(clinfo->ogrLayer.name)+13);
  sprintf(clinfo->ogrLayer.connection, "__%s_CONTOUR__", clinfo->ogrLayer.name);
  clinfo->ogrLayer.units = layer->units;
예제 #4
template<class VertexSource> int renderPolygonHatches(imageObj *img,VertexSource &clipper, colorObj *color)
  if(img->format->renderer == MS_RENDER_WITH_AGG) {
    AGG2Renderer *r = AGG_RENDERER(img);
    mapserver::render_scanlines(r->m_rasterizer_aa_gamma, r->sl_poly, r->m_renderer_scanline);
  } else {
    shapeObj shape;
    int allocated = 20;
    lineObj line;
    shape.line = &line;
    shape.numlines = 1;
    shape.line[0].point = (pointObj*)msSmallCalloc(allocated,sizeof(pointObj));
    shape.line[0].numpoints = 0;
    double x=0,y=0;
    unsigned int cmd;
    while((cmd = clipper.vertex(&x,&y)) != mapserver::path_cmd_stop) {
      switch(cmd) {
        case mapserver::path_cmd_line_to:
          if(shape.line[0].numpoints == allocated) {
            allocated *= 2;
            shape.line[0].point = (pointObj*)msSmallRealloc(shape.line[0].point, allocated*sizeof(pointObj));
          shape.line[0].point[shape.line[0].numpoints].x = x;
          shape.line[0].point[shape.line[0].numpoints].y = y;
        case mapserver::path_cmd_move_to:
          shape.line[0].point[0].x = x;
          shape.line[0].point[0].y = y;
          shape.line[0].numpoints = 1;
        case mapserver::path_cmd_end_poly|mapserver::path_flags_close:
          if(shape.line[0].numpoints > 2) {
            if(UNLIKELY(MS_FAILURE == MS_IMAGE_RENDERER(img)->renderPolygon(img,&shape,color))) {
              return MS_FAILURE;
          assert(0); //WTF?
  return MS_SUCCESS;
예제 #5
int aggInitializeRasterBuffer(rasterBufferObj *rb, int width, int height, int mode)
  rb->type = MS_BUFFER_BYTE_RGBA;
  rb->data.rgba.pixel_step = 4;
  rb->data.rgba.row_step = rb->data.rgba.pixel_step * width;
  rb->width = width;
  rb->height = height;
  int nBytes = rb->data.rgba.row_step * height;
  rb->data.rgba.pixels = (band_type*)msSmallCalloc(nBytes,sizeof(band_type));
  rb->data.rgba.r = &(rb->data.rgba.pixels[band_order::R]);
  rb->data.rgba.g = &(rb->data.rgba.pixels[band_order::G]);
  rb->data.rgba.b = &(rb->data.rgba.pixels[band_order::B]);
  if(mode == MS_IMAGEMODE_RGBA) {
    rb->data.rgba.a = &(rb->data.rgba.pixels[band_order::A]);
  return MS_SUCCESS;
예제 #6
 * Initialize the renderer, create buffer, allocate memory.
imageObj *utfgridCreateImage(int width, int height, outputFormatObj *format, colorObj * bg)
  UTFGridRenderer *r;
  r = new UTFGridRenderer;

  r->data = new lookupTable;

  r->utfresolution = atof(msGetOutputFormatOption(format, "UTFRESOLUTION", "4"));
  if(r->utfresolution < 1) {
    msSetError(MS_MISCERR, "UTFRESOLUTION smaller that 1 in the mapfile.", "utfgridCreateImage()");
    return NULL;

  r->layerwatch = 0;

  r->renderlayer = 0;

  r->useutfitem = 0;

  r->useutfdata = 0;

  r->duplicates = EQUAL("true", msGetOutputFormatOption(format, "DUPLICATES", "true"));

  r->utfvalue = 0;

  r->buffer = (band_type*)msSmallMalloc(width/r->utfresolution * height/r->utfresolution * sizeof(band_type));

  /* AGG specific operations */
  r->m_rendering_buffer.attach(r->buffer, width/r->utfresolution, height/r->utfresolution, width/r->utfresolution);

  r->utflayer = NULL;

  imageObj *image = NULL;
  image = (imageObj *) msSmallCalloc(1,sizeof(imageObj));
  image->img.plugin = (void*) r;

  return image;
예제 #7
int msUVRASTERLayerGetItems(layerObj *layer)
  uvRasterLayerInfo *uvlinfo = (uvRasterLayerInfo *) layer->layerinfo;

  if( uvlinfo == NULL )
    return MS_FAILURE;

  layer->numitems = 0;
  layer->items = (char **) msSmallCalloc(sizeof(char *),10);;

  layer->items[layer->numitems++] = msStrdup(MSUVRASTER_ANGLE);
  layer->items[layer->numitems++] = msStrdup(MSUVRASTER_MINUS_ANGLE);
  layer->items[layer->numitems++] = msStrdup(MSUVRASTER_LENGTH);
  layer->items[layer->numitems++] = msStrdup(MSUVRASTER_LENGTH_2);
  layer->items[layer->numitems++] = msStrdup(MSUVRASTER_U);
  layer->items[layer->numitems++] = msStrdup(MSUVRASTER_V);
  layer->items[layer->numitems] = NULL;

  return msUVRASTERLayerInitItemInfo(layer);
예제 #8
** Polygon fill. Based on "Concave Polygon Scan Conversion" by Paul
** Heckbert from "Graphics Gems", Academic Press, 1990.
static void imageFilledPolygon(gdImagePtr im, shapeObj *p, int c)
    typedef struct {     /* a polygon edge */
        double x;          /* x coordinate of edge's intersection with current scanline */
        double dx;         /* change in x with respect to y */
        int i;             /* point index  */
        int l;             /* line number */
        int s;             /* scanline */
    } pEdge;

    pointObj *point1, *point2;

    int k, l, i, j, xl, xr, ymin, ymax, y, n,nvert, nact, m;
    int wrong_order;

    pEdge *edge, *temp;
    pEdge  **active;
    int *yhist, *edgeindex;

    if(p->numlines == 0) return;

    for(i=0; i<p->numlines; i++) {
        n += p->line[i].numpoints;

    if(n == 0)   return;

    edge = (pEdge *) msSmallCalloc(n,sizeof(pEdge));           /* All edges in the polygon */
    edgeindex =  (int *) msSmallCalloc(n,sizeof(int));         /* Index to edges sorted by scanline */
    active = (pEdge **) msSmallCalloc(n,sizeof(pEdge*));       /* Pointers to active edges for current scanline */


    ymin= (int) ceil(p->line[0].point[0].y-0.5);
    ymax= (int) floor(p->line[0].point[0].y-0.5);

    /* populate the edge table */
    for(l=0; l<p->numlines; l++) {
        for(i=0; i < p->line[l].numpoints; i++) {
            j = i < p->line[l].numpoints -1 ? i+1 : 0;
            if (p->line[l].point[i].y  < p->line[l].point[j].y ) {
                point1 = &(p->line[l].point[i]);
                point2 = &(p->line[l].point[j]);
            } else {
                point2 = &(p->line[l].point[i]);
                point1 = &(p->line[l].point[j]);

            edge[nvert].dx  = point2->y == point1->y ? 0 :  (point2->x - point1->x) / (point2->y - point1->y);
            edge[nvert].s = MS_NINT( p->line[l].point[i].y );  /* ceil( p->line[l].point[i].y  - 0.5 ); */
            edge[nvert].x = point1->x;
            edge[nvert].i = nvert;
            edge[nvert].l = l;

            ymin = MS_MIN(ymin,edge[nvert].s);
            ymax = MS_MAX(ymax,edge[nvert].s);


    /* Use histogram sort to create a bucket-sorted edgeindex by scanline */
    yhist = (int*) msSmallCalloc(ymax - ymin + 2, sizeof(int));

    for(i=0; i<nvert; i++) {
        yhist[ edge[i].s - ymin + 1 ]++;
    for(i=0; i<=(ymax - ymin); i++)  {/* Calculate starting point in edgeindex for each scanline */
        yhist[i+1] += yhist[i];
    for(i=0; i<nvert; i++) { /* Bucket sort edges into edgeindex */
        y = edge[i].s;
        edgeindex[yhist[y-ymin]] = i;


    for (y=ymin; y<=ymax; y++) { /* step through scanlines */
        /* scanline y is at y+.5 in continuous coordinates */

        /* check vertices between previous scanline and current one, if any */
        for (; k<nvert && edge[edgeindex[k]].s <= y; k++) {
            i = edge[edgeindex[k]].i;

            /* vertex previous to i */
            if(i==0 || edge[i].l != edge[i-1].l)
                j = i +  p->line[edge[i].l].numpoints - 1;
                j = i - 1;

            if (edge[j].s  <=  y  ) { /* old edge, remove from active list */
                for (m=0; m<nact && active[m]->i!=j; m++);
                if (m<nact) {
            } else if (edge[j].s > y) { /* new edge,  insert into active list */
                active[nact]= & edge[j];

            /* vertex next  after i */
            if(i==nvert-1 || edge[i].l != edge[i+1].l)
                j = i - p->line[edge[i].l].numpoints  + 1;
                j = i + 1;

            if (edge[j].s  <=  y - 1 ) {     /* old edge, remove from active list */
                for (m=0; m<nact && active[m]->i!=i; m++);
                if (m<nact) {
            } else if (edge[j].s > y ) { /* new edge, insert into active list */
                active[nact]= & edge[i];

        /* Sort active edges by x */
        do {
            wrong_order = 0;
            for(i=0; i < nact-1; i++) {
                if(active[i]->x > active[i+1]->x) {
                    wrong_order = 1;
                    SWAP(active[i], active[i+1], temp);
        } while(wrong_order);

        /* draw horizontal spans for scanline y */
        for (j=0; j<nact; j+=2) {
            /* j -> j+1 is inside,  j+1 -> j+2 is outside */
            xl = (int) MS_NINT(active[j]->x );
            xr = (int) (active[j+1]->x - 0.5) ;

            if(active[j]->x != active[j+1]->x)
                imageScanline(im, xl, xr, y, c);

            active[j]->x += active[j]->dx;  /* increment edge coords */
            active[j+1]->x += active[j+1]->dx;

예제 #9
int msUVRASTERLayerWhichShapes(layerObj *layer, rectObj rect, int isQuery)
  uvRasterLayerInfo *uvlinfo = (uvRasterLayerInfo *) layer->layerinfo;
  imageObj *image_tmp;
  outputFormatObj *outputformat = NULL;
  mapObj *map_tmp;
  double map_cellsize;
  unsigned int spacing;
  int width, height, u_src_off, v_src_off, i, x, y;
  char   **alteredProcessing = NULL, *saved_layer_mask;
  char **savedProcessing = NULL;

  if (layer->debug)
    msDebug("Entering msUVRASTERLayerWhichShapes().\n");

  if( uvlinfo == NULL )
    return MS_FAILURE;

  if (isQuery == MS_TRUE) {
    msSetError( MS_MISCERR, "Query is not supported for UV layer.", "msUVRASTERLayerWhichShapes()" );
    return MS_FAILURE;

  if( CSLFetchNameValue( layer->processing, "BANDS" ) == NULL ) {
    msSetError( MS_MISCERR, "BANDS processing option is required for UV layer. You have to specified 2 bands.",
                "msUVRASTERLayerWhichShapes()" );
    return MS_FAILURE;
  ** Allocate mapObj structure
  map_tmp = (mapObj *)msSmallCalloc(sizeof(mapObj),1);
  if(initMap(map_tmp) == -1) { /* initialize this map */

  /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  /*      Determine desired spacing.  Default to 32 if not otherwise set  */
  /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  spacing = 32;
  if( CSLFetchNameValue( layer->processing, "UV_SPACING" ) != NULL ) {
    spacing =
      atoi(CSLFetchNameValue( layer->processing, "UV_SPACING" ));

  width = (int)ceil(layer->map->width/spacing);
  height = (int)ceil(layer->map->height/spacing);
  map_cellsize = MS_MAX(MS_CELLSIZE(rect.minx, rect.maxx,layer->map->width),
  map_tmp->cellsize = map_cellsize*spacing;
  if (layer->debug)
    msDebug("msUVRASTERLayerWhichShapes(): width: %d, height: %d, cellsize: %g\n",
            width, height, map_tmp->cellsize);

  /* Initialize our dummy map */
  MS_INIT_COLOR(map_tmp->imagecolor, 255,255,255,255);
  map_tmp->resolution = layer->map->resolution;
  map_tmp->defresolution = layer->map->defresolution;

  outputformat = (outputFormatObj *) msSmallCalloc(1,sizeof(outputFormatObj));
  outputformat->bands = uvlinfo->band_count = 2;
  outputformat->name = NULL;
  outputformat->driver = NULL;
  outputformat->refcount = 0;
  outputformat->vtable = NULL;
  outputformat->device = NULL;
  outputformat->renderer = MS_RENDER_WITH_RAWDATA;
  outputformat->imagemode = MS_IMAGEMODE_FLOAT32;
  msAppendOutputFormat(map_tmp, outputformat);
  msCopyHashTable(&map_tmp->configoptions, &layer->map->configoptions);
  map_tmp->mappath = msStrdup(layer->map->mappath);
  map_tmp->shapepath = msStrdup(layer->map->shapepath);
  map_tmp->extent.minx = rect.minx-(0.5*map_cellsize)+(0.5*map_tmp->cellsize);
  map_tmp->extent.miny = rect.miny-(0.5*map_cellsize)+(0.5*map_tmp->cellsize);
  map_tmp->extent.maxx = map_tmp->extent.minx+((width-1)*map_tmp->cellsize);
  map_tmp->extent.maxy = map_tmp->extent.miny+((height-1)*map_tmp->cellsize);
  map_tmp->gt.rotation_angle = 0.0;

   msCopyProjection(&map_tmp->projection, &layer->projection);

  if (layer->debug == 5)
    msDebug("msUVRASTERLayerWhichShapes(): extent: %g %g %g %g\n",
            map_tmp->extent.minx, map_tmp->extent.miny,
            map_tmp->extent.maxx, map_tmp->extent.maxy);

  /* important to use that function, to compute map
     geotransform, used by the resampling*/
   msMapSetSize(map_tmp, width, height);

  if (layer->debug == 5)
    msDebug("msUVRASTERLayerWhichShapes(): geotransform: %g %g %g %g %g %g\n",
            map_tmp->gt.geotransform[0], map_tmp->gt.geotransform[1],
            map_tmp->gt.geotransform[2], map_tmp->gt.geotransform[3],
            map_tmp->gt.geotransform[4], map_tmp->gt.geotransform[5]);

  uvlinfo->extent = map_tmp->extent;

  image_tmp = msImageCreate(width, height, map_tmp->outputformatlist[0],
                            NULL, NULL, map_tmp->resolution, map_tmp->defresolution,

  /* Default set to AVERAGE resampling */
  if( CSLFetchNameValue( layer->processing, "RESAMPLE" ) == NULL ) {
    alteredProcessing = CSLDuplicate( layer->processing );
    alteredProcessing =
      CSLSetNameValue( alteredProcessing, "RESAMPLE",
    savedProcessing = layer->processing;
    layer->processing = alteredProcessing;

  /* disable masking at this level: we don't want to apply the mask at the raster level,
   * it will be applied with the correct cellsize and image size in the vector rendering
   * phase.
  saved_layer_mask = layer->mask;
  layer->mask = NULL;
  if (msDrawRasterLayerLow(map_tmp, layer, image_tmp, NULL ) == MS_FAILURE) {
    msSetError(MS_MISCERR, "Unable to draw raster data.", "msUVRASTERLayerWhichShapes()");
    layer->mask = saved_layer_mask;
    return MS_FAILURE;

  /* restore layer mask */
  layer->mask = saved_layer_mask;

  /* restore the saved processing */
  if (alteredProcessing != NULL) {
    layer->processing = savedProcessing;

  /* free old query arrays */
  if (uvlinfo->u) {
    for (i=0; i<uvlinfo->width; ++i) {

  if (uvlinfo->v) {
    for (i=0; i<uvlinfo->height; ++i) {

  /* Update our uv layer structure */
  uvlinfo->width = width;
  uvlinfo->height = height;
  uvlinfo->query_results = width*height;

  uvlinfo->u = (float **)msSmallMalloc(sizeof(float *)*width);
  uvlinfo->v = (float **)msSmallMalloc(sizeof(float *)*width);

  for (x = 0; x < width; ++x) {
    uvlinfo->u[x] = (float *)msSmallMalloc(height * sizeof(float));
    uvlinfo->v[x] = (float *)msSmallMalloc(height * sizeof(float));

    for (y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
      u_src_off = v_src_off = x + y * width;
      v_src_off += width*height;

      uvlinfo->u[x][y] = image_tmp->img.raw_float[u_src_off];
      uvlinfo->v[x][y] = image_tmp->img.raw_float[v_src_off];

      /* null vector? update the number of results  */
      if (uvlinfo->u[x][y] == 0 && uvlinfo->v[x][y] == 0)

  msFreeImage(image_tmp); /* we do not need the imageObj anymore */

  uvlinfo->next_shape = 0;

  return MS_SUCCESS;
예제 #10
int msRenderRasterizedSVGSymbol(imageObj *img, double x, double y, symbolObj *symbol, symbolStyleObj *style)

#if defined(USE_SVG_CAIRO) || defined(USE_RSVG)
  struct svg_symbol_cache *svg_cache;
  symbolStyleObj pixstyle;
  symbolObj pixsymbol;
  int status;

  if(MS_SUCCESS != msPreloadSVGSymbol(symbol))
    return MS_FAILURE;
  svg_cache = (struct svg_symbol_cache*) symbol->renderer_cache;

  //already rendered at the right size and scale? return
  if(svg_cache->scale != style->scale || svg_cache->rotation != style->rotation) {
    cairo_t *cr;
    cairo_surface_t *surface;
    unsigned char *pb;
    int width, height, surface_w, surface_h;
    /* need to recompute the pixmap */
    if(svg_cache->pixmap_buffer) {
    } else {
      svg_cache->pixmap_buffer = msSmallCalloc(1,sizeof(rasterBufferObj));

    //increase pixmap size to accomodate scaling/rotation
    if (style->scale != 1.0) {
      width = surface_w = (symbol->sizex * style->scale + 0.5);
      height = surface_h = (symbol->sizey * style->scale + 0.5);
    } else {
      width = surface_w = symbol->sizex;
      height = surface_h = symbol->sizey;
    if (style->rotation != 0) {
      surface_w = surface_h = MS_NINT(MS_MAX(height, width) * 1.415);

    surface = cairo_image_surface_create(CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32, surface_w, surface_h);
    cr = cairo_create(surface);

    if (style->rotation != 0) {
      cairo_translate(cr, surface_w / 2, surface_h / 2);
      cairo_rotate(cr, -style->rotation);
      cairo_translate(cr, -width / 2, -height / 2);
    if (style->scale != 1.0) {
      cairo_scale(cr, style->scale, style->scale);
    if(svg_cairo_render(svg_cache->svgc, cr) != SVG_CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
      return MS_FAILURE;
  rsvg_handle_render_cairo(svg_cache->svgc, cr);
    pb = cairo_image_surface_get_data(surface);

    //set up raster
    initializeRasterBufferCairo(svg_cache->pixmap_buffer, surface_w, surface_h, 0);
    memcpy(svg_cache->pixmap_buffer->data.rgba.pixels, pb, surface_w * surface_h * 4 * sizeof (unsigned char));
    svg_cache->scale = style->scale;
    svg_cache->rotation = style->rotation;
  assert(svg_cache->pixmap_buffer->height && svg_cache->pixmap_buffer->width);

  pixstyle = *style;
  pixstyle.rotation = 0.0;
  pixstyle.scale = 1.0;

  pixsymbol.pixmap_buffer = svg_cache->pixmap_buffer;
  pixsymbol.type = MS_SYMBOL_PIXMAP;

  status = MS_IMAGE_RENDERER(img)->renderPixmapSymbol(img,x,y,&pixsymbol,&pixstyle);
  return status;
  msSetError(MS_MISCERR, "SVG Symbols requested but MapServer is not built with libsvgcairo",
  return MS_FAILURE;
예제 #11
 * Utility function to create a IM image. Returns
 * a pointer to an imageObj structure.
imageObj *msImageCreateIM(int width, int height, outputFormatObj *format,
                          char *imagepath, char *imageurl, double resolution, double defresolution)
  imageObj  *image=NULL;
  if (setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IONBF , 0)) {
  DEBUG_IF printf("msImageCreateIM<BR>\n");
  if (width > 0 && height > 0) {
    image = (imageObj *)msSmallCalloc(1,sizeof(imageObj));
    imgStr.string = &(image->img.imagemap);
    imgStr.alloc_size = &(image->size);

    image->format = format;

    image->width = width;
    image->height = height;
    image->imagepath = NULL;
    image->imageurl = NULL;
    image->resolution = resolution;
    image->resolutionfactor = resolution/defresolution;

    if( strcasecmp("ON",msGetOutputFormatOption( format, "DXF", "OFF" )) == 0) {
      dxf = 1;
      im_iprintf(&layerStr, "  2\nLAYER\n 70\n  10\n");
    } else
      dxf = 0;

    if( strcasecmp("ON",msGetOutputFormatOption( format, "SCRIPT", "OFF" )) == 0) {
      dxf = 2;
      im_iprintf(&layerStr, "");

    /* get href formation string options */
    polyHrefFmt = makeFmtSafe(msGetOutputFormatOption
        ( format, "POLYHREF", "javascript:Clicked('%s');"), 1);
    polyMOverFmt = makeFmtSafe(msGetOutputFormatOption
        ( format, "POLYMOUSEOVER", ""), 1);
    polyMOutFmt = makeFmtSafe(msGetOutputFormatOption
        ( format, "POLYMOUSEOUT", ""), 1);
    symbolHrefFmt = makeFmtSafe(msGetOutputFormatOption
        ( format, "SYMBOLHREF", "javascript:SymbolClicked();"), 1);
    symbolMOverFmt = makeFmtSafe(msGetOutputFormatOption
        ( format, "SYMBOLMOUSEOVER", ""), 1);
    symbolMOutFmt = makeFmtSafe(msGetOutputFormatOption
        ( format, "SYMBOLMOUSEOUT", ""), 1);
    /* get name of client-side image map */
    mapName = msGetOutputFormatOption
      ( format, "MAPNAME", "map1" );
    /* should we suppress area declarations with no title? */
    if( strcasecmp("YES",msGetOutputFormatOption( format, "SUPPRESS", "NO" )) == 0) {

    lname = msStrdup("NONE");
    *(imgStr.string) = msStrdup("");
    if (*(imgStr.string)) {
      *(imgStr.alloc_size) =
        imgStr.string_len = strlen(*(imgStr.string));
    } else {
      *(imgStr.alloc_size) =
        imgStr.string_len = 0;
    if (imagepath) {
      image->imagepath = msStrdup(imagepath);
    if (imageurl) {
      image->imageurl = msStrdup(imageurl);

    return image;
  } else {
               "Cannot create IM image of size %d x %d.",
               "msImageCreateIM()", width, height );
  return image;
예제 #12
int KmlRenderer::startNewLayer(imageObj *img, layerObj *layer)
  char *layerName=NULL;
  const char *value=NULL;

  LayerNode = xmlNewNode(NULL, BAD_CAST "Folder");

  layerName = getLayerName(layer);
  xmlNewChild(LayerNode, NULL, BAD_CAST "name", BAD_CAST layerName);

  const char *layerVisibility = layer->status != MS_OFF ? "1" : "0";
  xmlNewChild(LayerNode, NULL, BAD_CAST "visibility", BAD_CAST layerVisibility);

  const char *layerDsiplayFolder = msLookupHashTable(&(layer->metadata), "kml_folder_display");
  if (layerDsiplayFolder == NULL)
    layerDsiplayFolder = msLookupHashTable(&(layer->map->web.metadata), "kml_folder_display");
  if (!layerDsiplayFolder || strlen(layerDsiplayFolder)<=0) {
    xmlNewChild(LayerNode, NULL, BAD_CAST "styleUrl", BAD_CAST "#LayerFolder_check");

  else {
    if (strcasecmp(layerDsiplayFolder, "checkHideChildren") == 0)
      xmlNewChild(LayerNode, NULL, BAD_CAST "styleUrl", BAD_CAST "#LayerFolder_checkHideChildren");
    else if (strcasecmp(layerDsiplayFolder, "checkOffOnly") == 0)
      xmlNewChild(LayerNode, NULL, BAD_CAST "styleUrl", BAD_CAST "#LayerFolder_checkOffOnly");
    else if (strcasecmp(layerDsiplayFolder, "radioFolder") == 0)
      xmlNewChild(LayerNode, NULL, BAD_CAST "styleUrl", BAD_CAST "#LayerFolder_radioFolder");
      xmlNewChild(LayerNode, NULL, BAD_CAST "styleUrl", BAD_CAST "#LayerFolder_check");

  /*Init few things on the first layer*/
  if (FirstLayer) {
    FirstLayer = MS_FALSE;
    map = layer->map;

    if (layer->map->mappath)
      snprintf(MapPath, sizeof(MapPath), "%s", layer->map->mappath);

    /*First rendered layer - check mapfile projection*/

    /*check for image path and image url*/
    if (layer->map->debug && (layer->map->web.imageurl == NULL ||   layer->map->web.imagepath == NULL))
      msDebug("KmlRenderer::startNewLayer: imagepath and imageurl should be set in the web object\n");

    /*map rect for ground overlay*/
    MapExtent = layer->map->extent;
    MapCellsize = layer->map->cellsize;
    BgColor = layer->map->imagecolor;

    xmlNewChild(DocNode, NULL, BAD_CAST "name", BAD_CAST layer->map->name);
    aggFormat = msSelectOutputFormat( layer->map, "png24");
    aggFormat->transparent = MS_TRUE;


  currentLayer = layer;

  if (!msLayerIsOpen(layer)) {
    if (msLayerOpen(layer) != MS_SUCCESS) {
      msSetError(MS_MISCERR, "msLayerOpen failed", "KmlRenderer::startNewLayer" );
      return MS_FAILURE;

  /*pre process the layer to set things that make sense for kml output*/
  if (img)
    processLayer(layer, img->format);
    processLayer(layer, NULL);

  if (msLookupHashTable(&layer->metadata, "kml_description"))
    pszLayerDescMetadata = msLookupHashTable(&layer->metadata, "kml_description");
  else if (msLookupHashTable(&layer->metadata, "ows_description"))
    pszLayerDescMetadata = msLookupHashTable(&layer->metadata, "ows_description");

  value=msLookupHashTable(&layer->metadata, "kml_include_items");
  if (!value)
    value=msLookupHashTable(&layer->metadata, "ows_include_items");
  if (value)
    papszLayerIncludeItems = msStringSplit(value, ',', &nIncludeItems);

  value=msLookupHashTable(&layer->metadata, "kml_exclude_items");
  if (!value)
    value=msLookupHashTable(&layer->metadata, "ows_exclude_items");
  if (value)
    papszLayerExcludeItems = msStringSplit(value, ',', &nExcludeItems);

  if (msLookupHashTable(&layer->metadata, "kml_name_item"))
    pszLayerNameAttributeMetadata = msLookupHashTable(&layer->metadata, "kml_name_item");

  /*get all attributes*/
  if(msLayerWhichItems(layer, MS_TRUE, NULL) != MS_SUCCESS) {
    return MS_FAILURE;

  NumItems = layer->numitems;
  if (NumItems) {
    Items = (char **)msSmallCalloc(NumItems, sizeof(char *));
    for (int i=0; i<NumItems; i++)
      Items[i] = msStrdup(layer->items[i]);

  const char* elevationAttribute = msLookupHashTable(&layer->metadata, "kml_elevation_attribute");
  if( elevationAttribute ) {
    mElevationFromAttribute = true;
    for( int i = 0; i < layer->numitems; ++i ) {
      if( strcasecmp( layer->items[i], elevationAttribute ) == 0 ) {
        mElevationAttributeIndex = i;

  return MS_SUCCESS;
예제 #13
int msPreloadSVGSymbol(symbolObj *symbol)
    int status;
    unsigned int svg_width, svg_height;
    struct svg_symbol_cache *cache;

    if(!symbol->renderer_cache) {
        cache = msSmallCalloc(1,sizeof(struct svg_symbol_cache));
    } else {
        cache = symbol->renderer_cache;
        return MS_SUCCESS;

    if (!symbol->svg_text) {
        FILE *stream;
        long int file_len;

        if ((stream = fopen(symbol->full_pixmap_path, "rb")) == NULL) {
            msSetError(MS_IOERR, "Could not open svg file %s", "msPreloadSVGSymbol()",symbol->full_pixmap_path);
            return (MS_FAILURE);
        fseek(stream, 0, SEEK_END);
        file_len = ftell(stream);
        symbol->svg_text = (char*) msSmallMalloc(sizeof (char) * file_len);
        if (1 != fread(symbol->svg_text, file_len, 1, stream)) {
            msSetError(MS_IOERR, "failed to read %d bytes from svg file %s", "loadSymbol()", file_len, symbol->full_pixmap_path);
            return MS_FAILURE;
        symbol->svg_text[file_len - 1] = '\0';

    status = svg_cairo_create(&cache->svgc);
    if (status) {
        msSetError(MS_RENDERERERR, "problem creating cairo svg", "msPreloadSVGSymbol()");
        return MS_FAILURE;
    status = svg_cairo_parse_buffer(cache->svgc, symbol->svg_text, strlen(symbol->svg_text));
    if (status) {
        msSetError(MS_RENDERERERR, "problem parsing svg symbol", "msPreloadSVGSymbol()");
        return MS_FAILURE;
    svg_cairo_get_size (cache->svgc, &svg_width, &svg_height);
    if (svg_width == 0 || svg_height == 0) {
        msSetError(MS_RENDERERERR, "problem parsing svg symbol", "msPreloadSVGSymbol()");
        return MS_FAILURE;

    symbol->sizex = svg_width;
    symbol->sizey = svg_height;
    symbol->renderer_cache = cache;

    return MS_SUCCESS;

    msSetError(MS_MISCERR, "SVG Symbols requested but is not built with libsvgcairo",
    return MS_FAILURE;