예제 #1
/** Writes a message to the log file.
    @param type The type of message to log
    @param fileName The filename where this function was called from.
    @param lineNum The line number in the file where this function was called from.
    @param funcName The name of the function which called this function.
    @param msg The message to log
void msg_details(msg_type type, const char *fileName, int lineNum, const char *funcName, const char *msg, ...)
	/* Construct a string for the user's message */
	char msgbuf[1024];
	va_list args;
	va_start(args, msg);
	vsnprintf(msgbuf, 1024, msg, args);

	/* Remove any newlines at the end of the message. */
	int msgbufidx = strlen(msgbuf)-1;
	while(msgbuf[msgbufidx] == '\n')
		msgbuf[msgbufidx] = '\0';
	/* info to prepend to message printed to console */
	char typestr[1024];
	msg_type_string(type, typestr, 1024);

	/* Determine the stream that we are going to print out to: stdout,
	 * stderr, or don't print to console */
	FILE *stream = stdout;
	if(type == ERROR || type == FATAL)
		stream = stderr;
	if(msg_show_type(type) == 0)
		stream = NULL;

	char timestamp[1024];
	msg_timestamp(timestamp, 1024);
	char *fileNameCopy = strdup(fileName);
	char *shortFileName = basename(fileNameCopy);
	/* Print the message to stderr or stdout */
		msg_start_color(type, stream);
		/* Print additional details to console for fatal errors */
		if(type == FATAL)
			fprintf(stream, "%s %s\n", typestr, msgbuf);
			fprintf(stream, "%s Occurred at %s:%d in the function %s()\n",
			        typestr, shortFileName, lineNum, funcName);
			fprintf(stream, "%s %s\n", typestr, msgbuf);
		msg_end_color(type, stream);

	// Not using funcName to try to keep log shorter.
	fprintf(f, "%s%s %12s:%-4d %s\n", typestr, timestamp, shortFileName, lineNum, msgbuf);

	/* Ensure messages are written to the file or console. */
예제 #2
/** Writes a message to the log file.
    @param type The type of message to log
    @param fileName The filename where this function was called from.
    @param lineNum The line number in the file where this function was called from.
    @param funcName The name of the function which called this function.
    @param msg The message to log
void msg_details(msg_type type, const char *fileName, int lineNum, const char *funcName, const char *msg, ...)
	/* Construct a string for the user's message */
	char msgbuf[1024];
	va_list args;
	va_start(args, msg);
	vsnprintf(msgbuf, 1024, msg, args);

	/* Remove any newlines at the end of the message. */
	int msgbufidx = strlen(msgbuf)-1;
	while(msgbuf[msgbufidx] == '\n')
		msgbuf[msgbufidx] = '\0';
	/* info to prepend to message printed to console */
	char typestr[1024];
	msg_type_string(type, typestr, 1024);

	/* Determine the stream that we are going to print out to: stdout,
	 * stderr, or don't print to console */
	FILE *stream = stdout;
	if(type == ERROR || type == FATAL)
		stream = stderr;
	if(msg_show_type(type) == 0)
		stream = NULL;

	char timestamp[1024];
	msg_timestamp(timestamp, 1024);
	char *fileNameCopy = strdup(fileName);
	char *shortFileName = basename(fileNameCopy);
	/* Print the message to stderr or stdout */
		// If using a non-standard logfile name, prepend the name to
		// the message. This makes it easier to distinguish between
		// which process is creating which message if there are
		// multiple programs running at once.
		char prepend[1024];
		if(strcmp(logfile, "log.txt") == 0)
			prepend[0] = '\0';
			snprintf(prepend, 1024, "(%s) ", logfile);
		msg_start_color(type, stream);
		/* Print additional details to console for fatal errors */
		if(type == FATAL)
			fprintf(stream, "%s %s%s\n", typestr, prepend, msgbuf);
			fprintf(stream, "%s %sOccurred at %s:%d in the function %s()\n",
			        typestr, prepend, shortFileName, lineNum, funcName);
			fprintf(stream, "%s %s%s\n", typestr, prepend, msgbuf);
		msg_end_color(type, stream);

	// Not using funcName to try to keep log shorter.
	fprintf(f, "%s%s %12s:%-4d %s\n", typestr, timestamp, shortFileName, lineNum, msgbuf);

	/* Ensure messages are written to the file or console. */