예제 #1
static void
handle_extra_feeds(noit_check_t *check,
                   int (*log_f)(mtev_log_stream_t ls, noit_check_t *check)) {
    mtev_log_stream_t ls;
    mtev_skiplist_node *curr, *next;
    const char *feed_name;

    if(!check->feeds) return;
    curr = next = mtev_skiplist_getlist(check->feeds);
    while(curr) {
        /* We advance next here (before we try to use curr).
         * We may need to remove the node we're looking at and that would
         * disturb the iterator, so advance in advance. */
        mtev_skiplist_next(check->feeds, &next);
        feed_name = (char *)curr->data;
        ls = mtev_log_stream_find(feed_name);
        if(!ls || log_f(ls, check)) {
            noit_check_transient_remove_feed(check, feed_name);
            /* mtev_skiplisti_remove(check->feeds, curr, free); */
        curr = next;
    /* We're done... we may have destroyed the last feed.
     * that combined with transience means we should kill the check */
    /* noit_check_transient_remove_feed(check, NULL); */
예제 #2
void mtev_skiplist_add_index(mtev_skiplist *sl,
                             mtev_skiplist_comparator_t comp,
                             mtev_skiplist_comparator_t compk) {
  mtev_skiplist_node *m = NULL;
  mtev_skiplist *ni;
  int icount=0;
  mtev_skiplist_find(sl->index, (void *)comp, &m);
  if(m) return; /* Index already there! */
  ni = (mtev_skiplist *)malloc(sizeof(mtev_skiplist));
  mtev_skiplist_set_compare(ni, comp, compk);
  /* Build the new index... This can be expensive! */
  m = mtev_skiplist_insert(sl->index, ni);
  while(m->prev) m=m->prev, icount++;
  for(m=mtev_skiplist_getlist(sl); m; mtev_skiplist_next(sl, &m)) {
    int j=icount-1;
    mtev_skiplist_node *nsln;
    nsln = mtev_skiplist_insert(ni, m->data);
    /* skip from main index down list */
    while(j>0) m=m->nextindex, j--;
    /* insert this node in the indexlist after m */
    nsln->nextindex = m->nextindex;
    if(m->nextindex) m->nextindex->previndex = nsln;
    nsln->previndex = m;
    m->nextindex = nsln;
예제 #3
static int
check_test_sweeper(eventer_t e, int mask, void *closure,
                   struct timeval *now) {
  int left = 0;
  mtev_skiplist_node *iter = NULL;
  sweeper_event = NULL;
  iter = mtev_skiplist_getlist(&in_progress);
  while(iter) {
    struct check_test_closure *cl = iter->data;
    /* advance here, we might delete */
    if(NOIT_CHECK_DISABLED(cl->check)) {
      if(NOIT_CHECK_RESOLVED(cl->check)) {
        noit_module_t *m = noit_module_lookup(cl->check->module);
        cl->check->flags &= ~NP_DISABLED;
          mtevL(nldeb, "translated to %s\n", cl->check->target_ip);
        if(m) m->initiate_check(m, cl->check, 1, NULL);
    else if(NOIT_CHECK_RUNNING(cl->check)) left++;
      mtev_skiplist_remove(&in_progress, cl->restc,

  if(left) check_test_schedule_sweeper();
  return 0;
예제 #4
static int
noit_console_show_dns_cache(mtev_console_closure_t ncct,
                            int argc, char **argv,
                            mtev_console_state_t *dstate,
                            void *closure) {
  int i;

  if(argc == 0) {
    mtev_skiplist_node *sn;
    for(sn = mtev_skiplist_getlist(&nc_dns_cache); sn;
        mtev_skiplist_next(&nc_dns_cache, &sn)) {
      dns_cache_node *n = (dns_cache_node *)sn->data;
      nc_print_dns_cache_node(ncct, n->target, n);
  for(i=0;i<argc;i++) {
    dns_cache_node *n;
    n = mtev_skiplist_find(&nc_dns_cache, argv[i], NULL);
    nc_print_dns_cache_node(ncct, argv[i], n);
  return 0;
예제 #5
mtev_skiplist_node *mtev_skiplist_insert_compare(mtev_skiplist *sl,
                                                 const void *data,
                                                 mtev_skiplist_comparator_t comp) {
  mtev_skiplist_node *m, *p, *tmp, *ret = NULL, **stack;
  int nh=1, ch, stacki;
  if(!sl->top) {
    sl->height = 1;
    sl->top = sl->bottom = 
      calloc(1, sizeof(mtev_skiplist_node));
    sl->top->sl = sl;
  if(sl->preheight) {
    while(nh < sl->preheight && get_b_rand()) nh++;
  } else {
    while(nh <= sl->height && get_b_rand()) nh++;
  /* Now we have the new height at which we wish to insert our new node */
  /* Let us make sure that our tree is a least that tall (grow if necessary)*/
  for(;sl->height<nh;sl->height++) {
    sl->top->up = (mtev_skiplist_node *)calloc(1, sizeof(mtev_skiplist_node));
    sl->top->up->down = sl->top;
    sl->top = sl->top->up;
    sl->top->sl = sl;
  ch = sl->height;
  /* Find the node (or node after which we would insert) */
  /* Keep a stack to pop back through for insertion */
  m = sl->top;
  stack = (mtev_skiplist_node **)alloca(sizeof(mtev_skiplist_node *)*(nh));
  while(m) {
    int compared=-1;
    if(m->next) compared=comp(data, m->next->data);
    if(compared == 0) {
      return 0;
    if(compared<0) {
      if(ch<=nh) {
	/* push on stack */
	stack[stacki++] = m;
      m = m->down;
    } else {
      m = m->next;
  /* Pop the stack and insert nodes */
  p = NULL;
  for(;stacki>0;stacki--) {
    m = stack[stacki-1];
    tmp = calloc(1, sizeof(*tmp));
    tmp->next = m->next;
    if(m->next) m->next->prev=tmp;
    tmp->prev = m;
    tmp->down = p;
    if(p) p->up=tmp;
    tmp->data = (void *)data;
    tmp->sl = sl;
    m->next = tmp;
    /* This sets ret to the bottom-most node we are inserting */
    if(!p) ret=tmp;
    p = tmp;
  if(sl->index != NULL) {
    /* this is a external insertion, we must insert into each index as well */
    mtev_skiplist_node *p, *ni, *li;
    for(p = mtev_skiplist_getlist(sl->index); p; mtev_skiplist_next(sl->index, &p)) {
      ni = mtev_skiplist_insert((mtev_skiplist *)p->data, ret->data);
      li->nextindex = ni;
      ni->previndex = li;
      li = ni;
  return ret;
예제 #6
void noit_check_resolver_maintain() {
  time_t now;
  mtev_skiplist *tlist;
  mtev_skiplist_node *sn;

  now = time(NULL);
  sn = mtev_skiplist_getlist(nc_dns_cache.index);
  tlist = sn->data;
  sn = mtev_skiplist_getlist(tlist);
  while(sn) {
    dns_cache_node *n = sn->data;
    mtev_skiplist_next(tlist, &sn); /* move forward */
    /* remove if needed */
    if(n->last_updated + n->ttl > now) break;
    if(n->last_needed + DEFAULT_PURGE_AGE < now &&
       !(n->lookup_inflight_v4 || n->lookup_inflight_v6))
      mtev_skiplist_remove(&nc_dns_cache, n->target, dns_cache_node_free);
    else {
      int abs;
      if(!dns_ptodn(n->target, strlen(n->target),
                    n->dn, sizeof(n->dn), &abs)) {
      else {
        if(!n->lookup_inflight_v4) {
          n->lookup_inflight_v4 = mtev_true;
          if(!dns_submit_dn(dns_ctx, n->dn, DNS_C_IN, DNS_T_A,
                            abs | dns_search_flag, NULL, dns_cache_resolve_v4, n))
            dns_timeouts(dns_ctx, -1, now);
        if(!n->lookup_inflight_v6) {
          n->lookup_inflight_v6 = mtev_true;
          if(!dns_submit_dn(dns_ctx, n->dn, DNS_C_IN, DNS_T_AAAA,
                            abs | dns_search_flag, NULL, dns_cache_resolve_v6, n))
            dns_timeouts(dns_ctx, -1, now);
      mtevL(noit_debug, "Firing lookup for '%s'\n", n->target);

  /* If we have a cache implementation */
  if(noit_resolver_cache_store_hook_exists()) {
    /* And that implementation is interested in getting a dump... */
    if(noit_resolver_cache_store_hook_invoke(NULL, NULL, 0) == MTEV_HOOK_CONTINUE) {
      mtev_skiplist_node *sn;
      /* dump it all */
      for(sn = mtev_skiplist_getlist(&nc_dns_cache); sn;
          mtev_skiplist_next(&nc_dns_cache, &sn)) {
        int sbuffsize;
        char sbuff[1024];
        dns_cache_node *n = (dns_cache_node *)sn->data;
        sbuffsize = dns_cache_node_serialize(sbuff, sizeof(sbuff), n);
        if(sbuffsize > 0)
          noit_resolver_cache_store_hook_invoke(n->target, sbuff, sbuffsize);
예제 #7
static void
log_histo(struct histogram_config *conf,
          noit_check_t *check, u_int64_t whence_s,
          const char *metric_name, histogram_t *h,
          mtev_boolean live_feed) {
  mtev_boolean extended_id = mtev_false;
  char uuid_str[256*3+37];
  const char *v;
  char *hist_serial = NULL;
  char *hist_encode = NULL;
  struct timeval whence;
  ssize_t est, enc_est;
  whence.tv_sec = whence_s;
  whence.tv_usec = 0;

  if(!conf->histogram) return;

  SETUP_LOG(metrics, );
  if(metrics_log) {
    v = mtev_log_stream_get_property(metrics_log, "extended_id");
    if(v && !strcmp(v, "on")) extended_id = mtev_true;
  uuid_str[0] = '\0';
  if(extended_id) {
    strlcat(uuid_str, check->target, sizeof(uuid_str)-37);
    strlcat(uuid_str, "`", sizeof(uuid_str)-37);
    strlcat(uuid_str, check->module, sizeof(uuid_str)-37);
    strlcat(uuid_str, "`", sizeof(uuid_str)-37);
    strlcat(uuid_str, check->name, sizeof(uuid_str)-37);
    strlcat(uuid_str, "`", sizeof(uuid_str)-37);
  uuid_unparse_lower(check->checkid, uuid_str + strlen(uuid_str));

#define SECPART(a) ((unsigned long)(a)->tv_sec)
#define MSECPART(a) ((unsigned long)((a)->tv_usec / 1000))

  est = hist_serialize_estimate(h);
  hist_serial = malloc(est);
  if(!hist_serial) {
    mtevL(noit_error, "malloc(%d) failed\n", (int)est);
    goto cleanup;
  enc_est = ((est + 2)/3)*4;
  hist_encode = malloc(enc_est);
  if(!hist_encode) {
    mtevL(noit_error, "malloc(%d) failed\n", (int)enc_est);
    goto cleanup;
  if(hist_serialize(h, hist_serial, est) != est) {
    mtevL(noit_error, "histogram serialization failure\n");
    goto cleanup;
  enc_est = mtev_b64_encode((unsigned char *)hist_serial, est,
                            hist_encode, enc_est);
  if(enc_est < 0) {
    mtevL(noit_error, "base64 histogram encoding failure\n");
    goto cleanup;

  if(live_feed && check->feeds) {
    mtev_skiplist_node *curr, *next;
    curr = next = mtev_skiplist_getlist(check->feeds);
    while(curr) {
      const char *feed_name = (char *)curr->data;
      mtev_log_stream_t ls = mtev_log_stream_find(feed_name);
      mtev_skiplist_next(check->feeds, &next);
      if(!ls ||
         mtev_log(ls, &whence, __FILE__, __LINE__,
           SECPART(&whence), MSECPART(&whence),
           uuid_str, metric_name, (int)enc_est, hist_encode))
        noit_check_transient_remove_feed(check, feed_name);
      curr = next;

  if(!live_feed) {
    SETUP_LOG(metrics, goto cleanup);
    mtev_log(metrics_log, &whence, __FILE__, __LINE__,
             SECPART(&whence), MSECPART(&whence),
             uuid_str, metric_name, (int)enc_est, hist_encode);