void Miniball<CoordAccessor>::mtf_mb (Sit n)
    // Algorithm 1: mtf_mb (L_{n-1}, B), where L_{n-1} = [L.begin, n)  
    // B: the set of forced points, defining the current ball
    // S: the superset of support points computed by the algorithm
    // --------------------------------------------------------------
    // from B. Gaertner, Fast and Robust Smallest Enclosing Balls, ESA 1999,
    // http://www.inf.ethz.ch/personal/gaertner/texts/own_work/esa99_final.pdf  
    //   PRE: B = S  
    assert (fsize == ssize);
    support_end = L.begin();
    if ((fsize) == d+1) return;  
    // incremental construction
    for (Sit i = L.begin(); i != n;) 
	// INV: (support_end - L.begin() == |S|-|B|)
	assert (std::distance (L.begin(), support_end) == ssize - fsize);
	Sit j = i++; 
	if (excess(*j) > nt0) 
	  if (push(*j)) {          // B := B + p_i
	    mtf_mb (j);            // mtf_mb (L_{i-1}, B + p_i)
	    pop();                 // B := B - p_i
    // POST: the range [L.begin(), support_end) stores the set S\B
예제 #2
 void Miniball::build (bool pivoting)
     support_end = L.begin();
     if (pivoting)
         pivot_mb (L.end());
         mtf_mb (L.end());
예제 #3
 void Miniball::pivot_mb (It i)
     It t = ++L.begin();
     mtf_mb (t);
     double max_e, old_sqr_r;
     do {
         It pivot;
         max_e = max_excess (t, i, pivot);
         if (max_e > 0) {
             t = support_end;
             if (t==pivot) ++t;
             old_sqr_r = B.squared_radius();
             B.push (*pivot);
             mtf_mb (support_end);
             move_to_front (pivot);
     } while ((max_e > 0) && (B.squared_radius() > old_sqr_r));
예제 #4
 void Miniball::mtf_mb (It i)
     support_end = L.begin();
     if ((B.size())==BSIZE) return;
     for (It k=L.begin(); k!=i;) {
         It j=k++;
         if (B.excess(*j) > 0) {
             if (B.push(*j)) {
                 mtf_mb (j);
  void Miniball<CoordAccessor>::pivot_mb (Pit n) 
    // Algorithm 2: pivot_mb (L_{n-1}), where L_{n-1} = [L.begin, n)  
    // --------------------------------------------------------------
    // from B. Gaertner, Fast and Robust Smallest Enclosing Balls, ESA 1999,
    // http://www.inf.ethz.ch/personal/gaertner/texts/own_work/esa99_final.pdf  
    NT          old_sqr_r;
    const NT*   c;
    Pit         pivot, k;
    NT          e, max_e, sqr_r;
    Cit p;
    do {
      old_sqr_r = current_sqr_r;
      sqr_r = current_sqr_r;

      pivot = points_begin;
      max_e = nt0;
      for (k = points_begin; k != n; ++k) {
	p = coord_accessor(k);
	e = -sqr_r;
	c = current_c;
	for (int j=0; j<d; ++j)
	  e += mb_sqr<NT>(*p++-*c++);
	if (e > max_e) {
	  max_e = e;
	  pivot = k;

      if (max_e > nt0) {
	// check if the pivot is already contained in the support set
	if (std::find(L.begin(), support_end, pivot) == support_end) {
	  assert (fsize == 0);
	  if (push (pivot)) {
    } while (old_sqr_r < current_sqr_r);