예제 #1
void mission_goal_status_change( int goal_num, int new_status)
	int type;

	Assert(goal_num < Num_goals);
	Assert((new_status == GOAL_FAILED) || (new_status == GOAL_COMPLETE));

	// if in a multiplayer game, send a status change to clients
		send_mission_goal_info_packet( goal_num, new_status, -1 );

	type = Mission_goals[goal_num].type & GOAL_TYPE_MASK;
	Mission_goals[goal_num].satisfied = new_status;
	if ( new_status == GOAL_FAILED ) {
		// don't display bonus goal failure
		if ( type != BONUS_GOAL ) {

			// only do HUD and music is goals are my teams goals.
			if ( (Game_mode & GM_NORMAL) || ((Net_player != NULL) && (Net_player->p_info.team == Mission_goals[goal_num].team)) ) {
				hud_add_objective_messsage(type, new_status);
				if ( !Mission_goals[goal_num].flags & MGF_NO_MUSIC ) {	// maybe play event music
				//HUD_sourced_printf(HUD_SOURCE_FAILED, "%s goal failed at time %6.1f!", Goal_type_text(type), f2fl(Missiontime) );
		mission_log_add_entry( LOG_GOAL_FAILED, Mission_goals[goal_num].name, NULL, goal_num );
	} else if ( new_status == GOAL_COMPLETE ) {
		if ( (Game_mode & GM_NORMAL) || ((Net_player != NULL) && (Net_player->p_info.team == Mission_goals[goal_num].team))) {
			hud_add_objective_messsage(type, new_status);
			// cue for Event Music
			if ( !(Mission_goals[goal_num].flags & MGF_NO_MUSIC) ) {
			mission_log_add_entry( LOG_GOAL_SATISFIED, Mission_goals[goal_num].name, NULL, goal_num );
		if(Game_mode & GM_MULTIPLAYER){
			// squad war
			multi_team_maybe_add_score((int)(Mission_goals[goal_num].score * scoring_get_scale_factor()), Mission_goals[goal_num].team);	
		} else {
			// deal with the score
			Player->stats.m_score += (int)(Mission_goals[goal_num].score * scoring_get_scale_factor());			
//evaluate a kill on a weapon, right now this is only called on bombs. -Halleck
int scoring_eval_kill_on_weapon(object *weapon_obj, object *other_obj) {
	float max_damage_pct;		// the pct% of total damage the max damage object did
	int max_damage_index;		// the index into the dying ship's damage_ship[] array corresponding the greatest amount of damage
	int killer_sig;				// signature of the guy getting credit for the kill (or -1 if none)
	int idx,net_player_num;
	player *plr;					// pointer to a player struct if it was a player who got the kill
	net_player *net_plr = NULL;
	net_player *dead_plr = NULL;
	float scoring_scale_by_damage = 1;	// percentage to scale the killer's score by if we score based on the amount of damage caused
	int kill_score; 

	weapon *dead_wp;						// the weapon that was killed
	weapon_info *dead_wip;				// info on the weapon that was killed

	if((weapon_obj->instance < 0) || (weapon_obj->instance >= MAX_WEAPONS)){
		return -1;
	dead_wp = &Weapons[weapon_obj->instance]; //assign the dead weapon
	dead_wip = &Weapon_info[dead_wp->weapon_info_index];

	// multiplayer clients bail here
		return -1;

	// we don't evaluate kills on anything except weapons
	if(weapon_obj->type != OBJ_WEAPON){
		return -1;	

	// we don't evaluate kills on anything except bombs, currently. -Halleck
	if(!(dead_wip->wi_flags & WIF_BOMB))  {
		return -1;

	// clear out invalid damager ships
	for(idx=0; idx<MAX_DAMAGE_SLOTS; idx++){
		if((dead_wp->damage_ship_id[idx] >= 0) && (ship_get_by_signature(dead_wp->damage_ship_id[idx]) < 0)){
			dead_wp->damage_ship[idx] = 0.0f;
			dead_wp->damage_ship_id[idx] = -1;
	// determine which object did the most damage to the dying object, and how much damage that was
	max_damage_index = -1;
		// bogus ship
		if(dead_wp->damage_ship_id[idx] < 0){

		// if this slot did more damage then the next highest slot
		if((max_damage_index == -1) || (dead_wp->damage_ship[idx] > dead_wp->damage_ship[max_damage_index])){
			max_damage_index = idx;
	// doh
	if((max_damage_index < 0) || (max_damage_index >= MAX_DAMAGE_SLOTS)){
		return -1;

	// the pct of total damage applied to this ship
	max_damage_pct = dead_wp->damage_ship[max_damage_index] / dead_wp->total_damage_received;
	CLAMP(max_damage_pct, 0.0f, 1.0f);

	// only evaluate if the max damage % is high enough to record a kill and it was done by a valid object
	if((max_damage_pct >= Kill_percentage) && (dead_wp->damage_ship_id[max_damage_index] >= 0)){
		// set killer_sig for this ship to the signature of the guy who gets credit for the kill
		killer_sig = dead_wp->damage_ship_id[max_damage_index];

		// set the scale value if we only award 100% score for 100% damage
		if (The_mission.ai_profile->flags & AIPF_KILL_SCORING_SCALES_WITH_DAMAGE) {
			scoring_scale_by_damage = max_damage_pct;

		// null this out for now
		plr = NULL;
		net_plr = NULL;

		// get the player (whether single or multiplayer)
		net_player_num = -1;

		if(Game_mode & GM_MULTIPLAYER){
			net_player_num = multi_find_player_by_signature(killer_sig);
			if(net_player_num != -1){
				plr = Net_players[net_player_num].m_player;
				net_plr = &Net_players[net_player_num];
		} else {
			if(Objects[Player->objnum].signature == killer_sig){
				plr = Player;

		// if we found a valid player, evaluate some kill details
		if(plr != NULL){
			//int si_index;

			// bogus
			if((plr->objnum < 0) || (plr->objnum >= MAX_OBJECTS)){
				return -1;

			// get the ship info index of the ship type of this kill.  we need to take ship
			// copies into account here.
			//si_index = dead_wp->weapon_info_index;

			// if he killed a guy on his own team increment his bonehead kills
			if((Ships[Objects[plr->objnum].instance].team == dead_wp->team) && !MULTI_DOGFIGHT ){
				if (!(The_mission.flags & MISSION_FLAG_NO_TRAITOR)) {
					kill_score = -(int)(dead_wip->score * scoring_get_scale_factor());
					plr->stats.m_score += kill_score;

					if(net_plr != NULL ) {
						multi_team_maybe_add_score(-(dead_wip->score), net_plr->p_info.team);
			// otherwise increment his valid kill count and score
			else {
				// dogfight mode
				if(MULTI_DOGFIGHT && (multi_find_player_by_object(weapon_obj) < 0)){
					// don't add a kill for dogfight kills on non-players
				} else {

					// bombs don't scale with difficulty at the moment. If we change this we want to *scoring_get_scale_factor() too
					kill_score = (int)(dead_wip->score * scoring_scale_by_damage);

					plr->stats.m_score += kill_score;  					

					char kill_score_text[1024] = "";
					sprintf(kill_score_text, "SCORING : %s killed a ship worth %i points and gets %i pts for the kill", plr->callsign, dead_wip->score, kill_score);	
						send_game_chat_packet(Net_player, kill_score_text, MULTI_MSG_ALL);

					// multiplayer
					if(net_plr != NULL){
						multi_team_maybe_add_score(dead_wip->score , net_plr->p_info.team);

						// award teammates % of score value for big ship kills
						// not in dogfight tho
						// and not if there is no assist threshold (as otherwise assists could get higher scores than kills)
						/* Below is N/A. -Halleck
						if (!(Netgame.type_flags & NG_TYPE_DOGFIGHT) && (Ship_info[dead_wp->ship_info_index].flags & (SIF_BIG_SHIP | SIF_HUGE_SHIP))) {
							for (idx=0; idx<MAX_PLAYERS; idx++) {
								if (MULTI_CONNECTED(Net_players[idx]) && (Net_players[idx].p_info.team == net_plr->p_info.team) && (&Net_players[idx] != net_plr)) {
									assist_score = (int)(dead_wip->score * The_mission.ai_profile->assist_award_percentage_scale[Game_skill_level]);
									Net_players[idx].m_player->stats.m_score += assist_score;

									char score_text[1024] = "";
									sprintf(score_text, "SCORING : All team mates get %d pts for helping kill the capship", assist_score);
									send_game_chat_packet(Net_player, score_text, MULTI_MSG_ALL);

						// death message
						if((Net_player != NULL) && (Net_player->flags & NETINFO_FLAG_AM_MASTER) && (net_plr != NULL) && (dead_plr != NULL) && (net_plr->m_player != NULL) && (dead_plr->m_player != NULL)){
							char dead_text[1024] = "";

							sprintf(dead_text, "%s gets the kill for %s", net_plr->m_player->callsign, dead_plr->m_player->callsign);							
							send_game_chat_packet(Net_player, dead_text, MULTI_MSG_ALL, NULL, NULL, 2);
			// increment his all-encompassing kills
			/*Not really a kill. -Halleck
			// update everyone on this guy's kills if this is multiplayer
			if(MULTIPLAYER_MASTER && (net_player_num != -1)){
				// send appropriate stats
				if(Netgame.type_flags & NG_TYPE_DOGFIGHT){
					// evaluate dogfight kills
					multi_df_eval_kill(&Net_players[net_player_num], weapon_obj);

					// update stats
					send_player_stats_block_packet(&Net_players[net_player_num], STATS_DOGFIGHT_KILLS);
				} else {
					send_player_stats_block_packet(&Net_players[net_player_num], STATS_MISSION_KILLS);
	} else {
		// set killer_sig for this ship to -1, indicating no one got the kill for it
		killer_sig = -1;
	// pass in the guy who got the credit for the kill (if any), so that he doesn't also
	// get credit for an assist
	scoring_eval_assists(dead_wp,killer_sig, is_enemy_player);	


	if (Game_mode & GM_MULTIPLAYER) {
		char buf[256];
		sprintf(Scoring_debug_text, "SCORING : %s killed.\nDamage by ship:\n\n", dead_wip->name);

		// show damage done by player
		for (int i=0; i<MAX_DAMAGE_SLOTS; i++) {
			int net_player_num = multi_find_player_by_signature(dead_wp->damage_ship_id[i]);
			if (net_player_num != -1) {
				plr = Net_players[net_player_num].m_player;
				sprintf(buf, "%s: %f", plr->callsign, dead_wp->damage_ship[i]);

				if (dead_wp->damage_ship_id[i] == killer_sig ) {
					strcat_s(buf, "  KILLER\n");
				} else {
					strcat_s(buf, "\n");

				strcat_s(Scoring_debug_text, buf);	
		mprintf ((Scoring_debug_text)); 

	return max_damage_index; 
예제 #3
//evaluate a kill on a weapon, right now this is only called on bombs. -Halleck
int scoring_eval_kill_on_weapon(object *weapon_obj, object *other_obj) {
	int killer_sig;				// signature of the guy getting credit for the kill (or -1 if none)
	int net_player_num;
	player *plr;					// pointer to a player struct if it was a player who got the kill
	net_player *net_plr = NULL;
	int kill_score; 

	// multiplayer clients bail here
		return -1;

	// we don't evaluate kills on anything except weapons
	// also make sure there was a killer, and that it was a ship
	if((weapon_obj->type != OBJ_WEAPON) || (weapon_obj->instance < 0) || (weapon_obj->instance >= MAX_WEAPONS)
			|| (other_obj == nullptr) || (other_obj->type != OBJ_WEAPON) || (other_obj->instance < 0) || (other_obj->instance >= MAX_WEAPONS)
			|| (other_obj->parent == -1) || (Objects[other_obj->parent].type != OBJ_SHIP)) {
		return -1;
	weapon *dead_wp = &Weapons[weapon_obj->instance];	// the weapon that was killed
	weapon_info *dead_wip = &Weapon_info[dead_wp->weapon_info_index];	// info on the weapon that was killed

	// we don't evaluate kills on anything except bombs, currently. -Halleck
	if(!(dead_wip->wi_flags & WIF_BOMB))  {
		return -1;

	// set killer_sig for this weapon to the signature of the guy who gets credit for the kill
	killer_sig = Objects[other_obj->parent].signature;

	// only evaluate if the kill was done by a valid object
	if(killer_sig >= 0) {
		// null this out for now
		plr = NULL;
		net_plr = NULL;

		// get the player (whether single or multiplayer)
		net_player_num = -1;

		if(Game_mode & GM_MULTIPLAYER){
			net_player_num = multi_find_player_by_signature(killer_sig);
			if(net_player_num != -1){
				plr = Net_players[net_player_num].m_player;
				net_plr = &Net_players[net_player_num];
		} else {
			if(Objects[Player->objnum].signature == killer_sig){
				plr = Player;

		// if we found a valid player, evaluate some kill details
		if(plr != NULL){
			// bogus
			if((plr->objnum < 0) || (plr->objnum >= MAX_OBJECTS)){
				return -1;

			// if he killed a bomb on his own team increment his bonehead kills
			if((Ships[Objects[plr->objnum].instance].team == dead_wp->team) && !MULTI_DOGFIGHT ){
				if (!(The_mission.flags & MISSION_FLAG_NO_TRAITOR)) {
					kill_score = -(int)(dead_wip->score * scoring_get_scale_factor());
					plr->stats.m_score += kill_score;

					if(net_plr != NULL ) {
						multi_team_maybe_add_score(-(dead_wip->score), net_plr->p_info.team);
			// otherwise increment his valid kill count and score
			else {
				// dogfight mode
				if(MULTI_DOGFIGHT && (multi_find_player_by_object(weapon_obj) < 0)){
					// don't add a kill for dogfight kills on non-players
				} else {

					// bombs don't scale with difficulty at the moment. If we change this we want to *scoring_get_scale_factor()
					kill_score = dead_wip->score;

					plr->stats.m_score += kill_score;  					

					char kill_score_text[1024] = "";
					sprintf(kill_score_text, "SCORING : %s killed a bomb worth %i points and gets %i pts for the kill", plr->callsign, dead_wip->score, kill_score);	
						send_game_chat_packet(Net_player, kill_score_text, MULTI_MSG_ALL);

					// multiplayer
					if(net_plr != NULL){
						multi_team_maybe_add_score(dead_wip->score , net_plr->p_info.team);


	if (Game_mode & GM_MULTIPLAYER) {
		sprintf(Scoring_debug_text, "SCORING : %s killed.\nKilled by player:\n", dead_wip->name);

		int net_player_num = multi_find_player_by_signature(killer_sig);
		if (net_player_num != -1) {
			plr = Net_players[net_player_num].m_player;
			char buf[256];
			sprintf(buf, "    %s\n", plr->callsign);

			strcat_s(Scoring_debug_text, buf);
		mprintf ((Scoring_debug_text)); 

	return killer_sig; 
// function which evaluates and processes the given event
void mission_process_event( int event )
	int store_flags = Mission_events[event].flags;
	int store_formula = Mission_events[event].formula;
	int store_result = Mission_events[event].result;
	int store_count = Mission_events[event].count;

	int result, sindex;
	bool bump_timestamp = false; 
	Log_event = false;

	Directive_count = 0;
	Event_index = event;
	sindex = Mission_events[event].formula;
	result = Mission_events[event].result;

	// if chained, insure that previous event is true and next event is false
	if (Mission_events[event].chain_delay >= 0) {  // this indicates it's chained
		// What everyone expected the chaining behavior to be, as specified in Karajorma's original fix to Mantis #82
		if (Alternate_chaining_behavior) {
			if (event > 0){
				if (!Mission_events[event - 1].result || ((fix) Mission_events[event - 1].satisfied_time + i2f(Mission_events[event].chain_delay) > Missiontime)){
					sindex = -1;  // bypass evaluation
		// Volition's original chaining behavior as used in retail and demonstrated in e.g. btm-01.fsm (or btm-01.fs2 in the Port)
		else {
			if (event > 0){
				if (!Mission_events[event - 1].result || ((fix) Mission_events[event - 1].timestamp + i2f(Mission_events[event].chain_delay) > Missiontime)){
					sindex = -1;  // bypass evaluation

			if ((event < Num_mission_events - 1) && Mission_events[event + 1].result && (Mission_events[event + 1].chain_delay >= 0)){
				sindex = -1;  // bypass evaluation

	if (sindex >= 0) {
		Sexp_useful_number = 1;
		if (Snapshot_all_events || Mission_events[event].mission_log_flags != 0) {
			Log_event = true;
			Current_event_log_buffer = &Mission_events[event].event_log_buffer;
			Current_event_log_variable_buffer = &Mission_events[event].event_log_variable_buffer;
			Current_event_log_argument_buffer = &Mission_events[event].event_log_argument_buffer;
		result = eval_sexp(sindex);

		// if the directive count is a special value, deal with that first.  Mark the event as a special
		// event, and unmark it when the directive is true again.
		if ( (Directive_count == DIRECTIVE_WING_ZERO) && !(Mission_events[event].flags & MEF_DIRECTIVE_SPECIAL) ) {			
			// make it special - which basically just means that its true until the next wave arrives

			Directive_count = 0;
		} else if ( (Mission_events[event].flags & MEF_DIRECTIVE_SPECIAL) && Directive_count > 1 ) {			
			// make it non special

		if (Mission_events[event].count || (Directive_count > 1)){
			Mission_events[event].count = Directive_count;

		if (Sexp_useful_number){
			Mission_events[event].flags |= MEF_CURRENT;

		if ((Mission_events[event].mission_log_flags != 0) || Snapshot_all_events){

	Log_event = false;

	Event_index = -1;
	Mission_events[event].result = result;

	// if the sexpression is known false, then no need to evaluate anymore
	if ((sindex >= 0) && (Sexp_nodes[sindex].value == SEXP_KNOWN_FALSE)) {
		Mission_events[event].timestamp = (int) Missiontime;
		Mission_events[event].satisfied_time = Missiontime;
		// _argv[-1] - repeat_count of -1 would mean repeat indefinitely, so set to 0 instead.
		Mission_events[event].repeat_count = 0;
		Mission_events[event].formula = -1;

	if (result && !Mission_events[event].satisfied_time) {
		Mission_events[event].satisfied_time = Missiontime;
		if ( Mission_events[event].objective_text ) {
			Mission_directive_sound_timestamp = timestamp(DIRECTIVE_SOUND_DELAY);

	// decrement the trigger count.  When at 0, set the repeat count to 0 so we don't eval this function anymore
	if (result && (Mission_events[event].trigger_count != 0) && (Mission_events[event].flags & MEF_USING_TRIGGER_COUNT) ) {
		if (Mission_events[event].trigger_count > 0)
		if (Mission_events[event].trigger_count == 0) {
			 Mission_events[event].repeat_count = 0;
		else {
			bump_timestamp = true;

	// decrement the repeat count.  When at 0, don't eval this function anymore
	if ( result || timestamp_valid(Mission_events[event].timestamp) ) {
		// _argv[-1] - negative repeat count means repeat indefinitely.
		if ( Mission_events[event].repeat_count > 0 )
		if ( Mission_events[event].repeat_count == 0 ) {
			Mission_events[event].timestamp = (int)Missiontime;
			Mission_events[event].formula = -1;

			if(Game_mode & GM_MULTIPLAYER){
				// multiplayer missions (scoring is scaled in the multi_team_maybe_add_score() function)
				multi_team_maybe_add_score(Mission_events[event].score, Mission_events[event].team);
				multi_player_maybe_add_score(Mission_events[event].score, Mission_events[event].team);
			} else {
				// deal with the player's score
				Player->stats.m_score += (int)(Mission_events[event].score * scoring_get_scale_factor());			
		// Set the timestamp for the next check on this event unless we only have a trigger count and no repeat count and 
		// this event didn't trigger this frame. 
		else if (bump_timestamp || (!((Mission_events[event].repeat_count == -1) && (Mission_events[event].flags & MEF_USING_TRIGGER_COUNT) && (Mission_events[event].trigger_count != 0)))) {
			// set the timestamp to time out 'interval' seconds in the future.  
			Mission_events[event].timestamp = timestamp( Mission_events[event].interval * 1000 );

	// see if anything has changed	
	if(MULTIPLAYER_MASTER && ((store_flags != Mission_events[event].flags) || (store_formula != Mission_events[event].formula) || (store_result != Mission_events[event].result) || (store_count != Mission_events[event].count)) ){
예제 #5
// function which evaluates and processes the given event
void mission_process_event( int event )
	int store_flags = Mission_events[event].flags;
	int store_formula = Mission_events[event].formula;
	int store_result = Mission_events[event].result;
	int store_count = Mission_events[event].count;

	int result, sindex;

	Directive_count = 0;
	Event_index = event;
	sindex = Mission_events[event].formula;
	result = Mission_events[event].result;

	// if chained, insure that previous event is true and next event is false
	if (Mission_events[event].chain_delay >= 0) {  // this indicates it's chained
		if (event > 0){
			if (!Mission_events[event - 1].result || ((fix) Mission_events[event - 1].timestamp + i2f(Mission_events[event].chain_delay) > Missiontime)){
				sindex = -1;  // bypass evaluation

		if ((event < Num_mission_events - 1) && Mission_events[event + 1].result && (Mission_events[event + 1].chain_delay >= 0)){
			sindex = -1;  // bypass evaluation

	if (sindex >= 0) {
		Sexp_useful_number = 1;
		result = eval_sexp(sindex);

		// if the directive count is a special value, deal with that first.  Mark the event as a special
		// event, and unmark it when the directive is true again.
		if ( (Directive_count == DIRECTIVE_WING_ZERO) && !(Mission_events[event].flags & MEF_DIRECTIVE_SPECIAL) ) {			
			// make it special - which basically just means that its true until the next wave arrives

			Directive_count = 0;
		} else if ( (Mission_events[event].flags & MEF_DIRECTIVE_SPECIAL) && Directive_count > 1 ) {			
			// make it non special

		if (Mission_events[event].count || (Directive_count > 1)){
			Mission_events[event].count = Directive_count;

		if (Sexp_useful_number){
			Mission_events[event].flags |= MEF_CURRENT;

	Event_index = 0;
	Mission_events[event].result = result;

	// if the sexpression is known false, then no need to evaluate anymore
	if ((sindex >= 0) && (Sexp_nodes[sindex].value == SEXP_KNOWN_FALSE)) {
		Mission_events[event].timestamp = (int) Missiontime;
		Mission_events[event].satisfied_time = Missiontime;
		Mission_events[event].repeat_count = -1;
		Mission_events[event].formula = -1;

	if (result && !Mission_events[event].satisfied_time) {
		Mission_events[event].satisfied_time = Missiontime;
		if ( Mission_events[event].objective_text ) {
			Mission_directive_sound_timestamp = timestamp(DIRECTIVE_SOUND_DELAY);

	// decrement the repeat count.  When at 0, don't eval this function anymore
	if ( result || timestamp_valid(Mission_events[event].timestamp) ) {
		if ( Mission_events[event].repeat_count <= 0 ) {
			Mission_events[event].timestamp = (int)Missiontime;
			Mission_events[event].formula = -1;

			if(Game_mode & GM_MULTIPLAYER){
				// squad war
				multi_team_maybe_add_score((int)(Mission_events[event].score * scoring_get_scale_factor()), Mission_events[event].team);
			} else {
				// deal with the player's score
				Player->stats.m_score += (int)(Mission_events[event].score * scoring_get_scale_factor());			
		} else {
			// set the timestamp to time out 'interval' seconds in the future.  We must also reset the
			// value at the sexpresion node to unknown so that it will get reevaled
			Mission_events[event].timestamp = timestamp( Mission_events[event].interval * 1000 );
//			Sexp_nodes[Mission_events[event].formula].value = SEXP_UNKNOWN;

	// see if anything has changed	
	if(MULTIPLAYER_MASTER && ((store_flags != Mission_events[event].flags) || (store_formula != Mission_events[event].formula) || (store_result != Mission_events[event].result) || (store_count != Mission_events[event].count)) ){