static carmen_vector_3D_t get_velodyne_point_car_reference(double rot_angle, double vert_angle, double range, carmen_pose_3D_t velodyne_pose, carmen_pose_3D_t sensor_board_pose, rotation_matrix* velodyne_to_board_matrix, rotation_matrix* board_to_car_matrix) { double cos_rot_angle = cos(rot_angle); double sin_rot_angle = sin(rot_angle); double cos_vert_angle = cos(vert_angle); double sin_vert_angle = sin(vert_angle); double xy_distance = range * cos_vert_angle; carmen_vector_3D_t velodyne_reference; velodyne_reference.x = (xy_distance * cos_rot_angle); velodyne_reference.y = (xy_distance * sin_rot_angle); velodyne_reference.z = (range * sin_vert_angle); carmen_vector_3D_t board_reference = multiply_matrix_vector(velodyne_to_board_matrix, velodyne_reference); board_reference = add_vectors(board_reference, velodyne_pose.position); carmen_vector_3D_t car_reference = multiply_matrix_vector(board_to_car_matrix, board_reference); car_reference = add_vectors(car_reference, sensor_board_pose.position); return car_reference; }
void rbm::cd_single_data(float * features_idx, float ** weights, float * hidden_bias, float * visible_bias, float ** delta_weights, float * delta_hidden_bias, float * delta_visible_bias, int K){ float * v = new float[num_visible_units]; float * h = new float[num_hidden_units]; float * p_h = new float[num_hidden_units]; float * p_v = new float[num_visible_units]; float * p_0 = new float[num_hidden_units]; float * wvc = new float[num_hidden_units]; float * whb = new float[num_visible_units]; copy_vec(v, features_idx, num_visible_units); // compute wv0 multiply_matrix_vector(weights, v, wvc, num_hidden_units, num_visible_units); // compute wvc0 add_vector(wvc, hidden_bias, num_hidden_units); // compute p_0 compute_probability_hidden_given_visible(wvc, p_0, num_hidden_units); // do K-step gibbs sampling for (int i=0; i<K; i++){ // compute wv multiply_matrix_vector(weights, v, wvc, num_hidden_units, num_visible_units); // compute wvc add_vector(wvc, hidden_bias, num_hidden_units); compute_probability_hidden_given_visible(wvc, p_h, num_hidden_units); sample_vector(h, p_h, num_hidden_units); // compute wh multiply_matrix_vector_column_wise(weights, h, whb, num_hidden_units, num_visible_units); // compute whb add_vector(whb, visible_bias, num_visible_units); compute_probability_visible_given_hidden(whb, p_v, num_visible_units); sample_vector(v, p_v, num_visible_units); } update_weights_gradient(delta_weights, features_idx, v, p_0, p_h, num_hidden_units, num_visible_units); update_visible_bias_gradient(delta_visible_bias, features_idx, v, num_visible_units); update_hidden_bias_gradient(delta_hidden_bias, p_0, p_h, num_hidden_units); delete[] v; delete[] h; delete[] p_h; delete[] p_v; delete[] p_0; delete[] wvc; delete[] whb; }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { double *v, *ws, *wp, no; int l; int n = atoi(argv[1]); int num_th = atoi(argv[2]); // check whether command line arguments are correct if (n < num_th){ printf("num_th has to be smaller or equal than n\n"); return 1; } if (n % num_th != 0){ printf("n has to be a multiple of num_th\n"); return 1; } l = n/num_th; // allocate memory for A according to C99 standard (variabel size array) double (*A)[n] = malloc(n*n*sizeof(double)); v = (double*) malloc(n*sizeof(double)); wp = (double*) malloc(n*sizeof(double)); ws = (double*) malloc(n*sizeof(double)); // fill A and v with random numbers fill_random_matrix(n, n, A); fill_random_vector(v, n); multiply_matrix_vector(n, A, v, ws); # pragma omp parallel num_threads(num_th) multiply_matrix_vector_para(n, A, v, wp, l); no = norm(ws,wp,n); printf("norm=%f\n",no); free(v); free(ws); free(wp); free(A); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { int n=5; double *v, *ws, *wp, no; /* Matrix A and vector v are to be muliplied The solution is ws for sequential multiplication and wp for parallel multiplication */ // allocate memory for A according to C99 standard (variabel size array) double (*A)[n] = malloc(n*n*sizeof(double)); v = (double*) malloc(n*sizeof(double)); wp = (double*) malloc(n*sizeof(double)); ws = (double*) malloc(n*sizeof(double)); // fill A and v with random numbers fill_random_matrix(n, n, A); fill_random_vector(v, n); multiply_matrix_vector(n, A, v, ws); // calculate the norm of ws - wp // The parallel algorithm works correct if no == 0; no = norm(ws,wp,n); printf("norm=%f\n",no); free(v); free(ws); free(wp); free(A); return 0; }
static carmen_vector_3D_t get_xsens_position_global_reference (carmen_pose_3D_t xsens_pose, carmen_pose_3D_t sensor_board_pose, carmen_pose_3D_t car_pose) { rotation_matrix* board_to_car_matrix = create_rotation_matrix (sensor_board_pose.orientation); rotation_matrix* car_to_global_matrix = create_rotation_matrix (car_pose.orientation); carmen_vector_3D_t car_reference = multiply_matrix_vector (board_to_car_matrix, xsens_pose.position); car_reference = add_vectors (car_reference, sensor_board_pose.position); carmen_vector_3D_t global_reference = multiply_matrix_vector (car_to_global_matrix, car_reference); global_reference = add_vectors (global_reference, car_pose.position); destroy_rotation_matrix (board_to_car_matrix); destroy_rotation_matrix (car_to_global_matrix); return global_reference; }
carmen_vector_3D_t carmen_change_sensor_reference(carmen_vector_3D_t position, carmen_vector_3D_t reference, rotation_matrix* transformation_matrix) { carmen_vector_3D_t new_reference = multiply_matrix_vector(transformation_matrix, reference); carmen_vector_3D_t point = add_vectors(new_reference, position); return point; }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { int i; int n = atoi(argv[1]); int num_th = atoi(argv[2]); double *v, *ws, *wp, no; // check whether input is correct if (n < num_th){ printf("num_th has to be smaller or equal than n\n"); return 1; } if (n % num_th != 0){ printf("n has to be a multiple of num_th\n"); return 1; } // lines to calculate per thread int l = n / num_th; // allocate memory for A according to C99 standard (variabel size array) double (*A)[n] = malloc(n*n*sizeof(double)); v = (double*) malloc(n*sizeof(double)); wp = (double*) malloc(n*sizeof(double)); ws = (double*) malloc(n*sizeof(double)); thread_parm_t *parm[n]; pthread_t thread[n]; fill_random_matrix(n, n, A); fill_random_vector(v, n); // calculate A * v sequentially as a reference multiply_matrix_vector(n, A, v, ws); // for each thread one parameter list is creadted for (i=0; i<num_th; i++){ parm[i] = malloc(sizeof(thread_parm_t)); parm[i]->matrix=A; parm[i]->vec=v; parm[i]->result=wp; parm[i]->dimension=n; parm[i]->row=i; parm[i]->lines=l; } // create all threads for (i=0; i<num_th; i++){ pthread_create(&thread[i], NULL, multiply_matrix_vector_para, (void *)parm[i]); } //wait for all threads to complete for (i=0; i<num_th; i++){ pthread_join(thread[i],NULL); } // calcualte norm of wp - ws no = norm(wp,ws,n); printf("norm=%f\n",no); free(v); free(ws); free(wp); free(A); return 0; }
void move_camera (carmen_vector_3D_t displacement) { rotation_matrix* r_matrix = create_rotation_matrix (camera_pose.orientation); carmen_vector_3D_t displacement_world_coordinates = multiply_matrix_vector (r_matrix, displacement); camera_pose.position = add_vectors (camera_pose.position, displacement_world_coordinates); destroy_rotation_matrix (r_matrix); }
static void transform_pad_pin_data(ElementPadPinData* ppd, int len, Matrix3x3 trans) { int i; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { Vector3x1 v; point_to_vec(ppd[i].center, v); Vector3x1 t; multiply_matrix_vector(trans, v, t); ppd[i].transformed_center = vec_to_point(t); } }
static carmen_vector_3D_t get_point_position_global_reference(carmen_vector_3D_t car_position, carmen_vector_3D_t car_reference, rotation_matrix* car_to_global_matrix) { //rotation_matrix* r_matrix = create_rotation_matrix(car_fused_pose.orientation); carmen_vector_3D_t global_reference = multiply_matrix_vector(car_to_global_matrix, car_reference); carmen_vector_3D_t point = add_vectors(global_reference, car_position); //destroy_rotation_matrix(r_matrix); return point; }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { int n, m; double **A, *v, *ws, *wp, no; n = 5; m= 5; A=make_matrix(n, m); v=make_vector(n); wp=make_vector(n); ws=make_vector(n); A=fill_random_matrix(A, n, m); v=fill_random_vector(v, n); ws=multiply_matrix_vector(A, v, ws, n, m); wp=mulitply_matrix_vector_para(A, v, wp, n, m); no = norm(ws,wp,n); printf("norm=%f\n",no); return 0; }
// compute hidden nodes given model parameters and for a new visible input void compute_hidden(float ** weights, float * hidden_bias, float * visible, float * hidden, int num_hidden_units, int num_visible_units){ multiply_matrix_vector(weights, visible, hidden, num_hidden_units, num_visible_units); add_vector(hidden, hidden_bias, num_hidden_units); activate_logistic(hidden, num_hidden_units); }
void draw_ldmrs_objects(carmen_laser_ldmrs_object *ldmrs_objects_tracking, int num_ldmrs_objects, double min_velocity) { int i; rotation_matrix *rotate = NULL; for (i = 0; i < num_ldmrs_objects; i++) { if (ldmrs_objects_tracking[i].velocity < min_velocity) continue; carmen_pose_3D_t pos; carmen_vector_3D_t p1, p2, p3 , p4, p5, p6, p7, p8, t; carmen_vector_3D_t s1, s2, s3, s4; /* moving object direction arrow */ double correction_wheel_height = 0.28; double W, L, H; pos.position.x = ldmrs_objects_tracking[i].x; pos.position.y = ldmrs_objects_tracking[i].y; pos.position.z = 0.0; pos.orientation.yaw = ldmrs_objects_tracking[i].orientation; pos.orientation.roll = 0.0; pos.orientation.pitch = 0.0; W = ldmrs_objects_tracking[i].width; L = ldmrs_objects_tracking[i].lenght; H = 1.0; // W = moving_objects_tracking[i].width; // L = moving_objects_tracking[i].length; // H = moving_objects_tracking[i].height; rotate = compute_rotation_matrix(NULL, pos.orientation); glColor3d(0.0,1.0,1.0); p1.x = - L/2.0; p1.y = - W/2.0; p1.z = 0.0 - correction_wheel_height; p2.x = L/2.0; p2.y = - W/2.0; p2.z = 0.0 - correction_wheel_height; p3.x = L/2.0; p3.y = W/2.0; p3.z = 0.0 - correction_wheel_height; p4.x = - L/2.0; p4.y = W/2.0; p4.z = 0.0 - correction_wheel_height; p5.x = - L/2.0; p5.y = - W/2.0; p5.z = H - correction_wheel_height; p6.x = L/2.0; p6.y = - W/2.0; p6.z = H - correction_wheel_height; p7.x = L/2.0; p7.y = W/2.0; p7.z = H - correction_wheel_height; p8.x = - L/2.0; p8.y = W/2.0; p8.z = H - correction_wheel_height; t = multiply_matrix_vector(rotate, p1); p1 = add_vectors(t, pos.position); t = multiply_matrix_vector(rotate, p2); p2 = add_vectors(t, pos.position); t = multiply_matrix_vector(rotate, p3); p3 = add_vectors(t, pos.position); t = multiply_matrix_vector(rotate, p4); p4 = add_vectors(t, pos.position); t = multiply_matrix_vector(rotate, p5); p5 = add_vectors(t, pos.position); t = multiply_matrix_vector(rotate, p6); p6 = add_vectors(t, pos.position); t = multiply_matrix_vector(rotate, p7); p7 = add_vectors(t, pos.position); t = multiply_matrix_vector(rotate, p8); p8 = add_vectors(t, pos.position); glBegin (GL_LINES); glVertex3d (p1.x, p1.y, p1.z); glVertex3d (p2.x, p2.y, p2.z); glVertex3d (p2.x, p2.y, p2.z); glVertex3d (p3.x, p3.y, p3.z); glVertex3d (p3.x, p3.y, p3.z); glVertex3d (p4.x, p4.y, p4.z); glVertex3d (p4.x, p4.y, p4.z); glVertex3d (p1.x, p1.y, p1.z); ////////////////////////////// glVertex3d (p5.x, p5.y, p5.z); glVertex3d (p6.x, p6.y, p6.z); glVertex3d (p6.x, p6.y, p6.z); glVertex3d (p7.x, p7.y, p7.z); glVertex3d (p7.x, p7.y, p7.z); glVertex3d (p8.x, p8.y, p8.z); glVertex3d (p8.x, p8.y, p8.z); glVertex3d (p5.x, p5.y, p5.z); ////////////////////////////// glVertex3d (p1.x, p1.y, p1.z); glVertex3d (p5.x, p5.y, p5.z); glVertex3d (p2.x, p2.y, p2.z); glVertex3d (p6.x, p6.y, p6.z); glVertex3d (p3.x, p3.y, p3.z); glVertex3d (p7.x, p7.y, p7.z); glVertex3d (p4.x, p4.y, p4.z); glVertex3d (p8.x, p8.y, p8.z); glEnd (); /* Moving Object direction arrow */ s1.x = 0.0; s1.y = 0.0; s1.z = H - correction_wheel_height; s2.x = L/2.0; s2.y = 0.0; s2.z = H - correction_wheel_height; s3.x = (L/2.0) - 0.3; s3.y = 0.2; s3.z = H - correction_wheel_height; s4.x = (L/2.0) - 0.3; s4.y = -0.2; s4.z = H - correction_wheel_height; t = multiply_matrix_vector(rotate, s1); s1 = add_vectors(t, pos.position); t = multiply_matrix_vector(rotate, s2); s2 = add_vectors(t, pos.position); t = multiply_matrix_vector(rotate, s3); s3 = add_vectors(t, pos.position); t = multiply_matrix_vector(rotate, s4); s4 = add_vectors(t, pos.position); glBegin(GL_LINES); /* Part of arrow: | */ glVertex3d(s1.x, s1.y, s1.z); glVertex3d(s2.x, s2.y, s2.z); /* Part of arrow: / */ glVertex3d(s3.x, s3.y, s3.z); glVertex3d(s2.x, s2.y, s2.z); /* Part of arrow: \ */ glVertex3d(s4.x, s4.y, s4.z); glVertex3d(s2.x, s2.y, s2.z); glEnd(); //center of object glPushAttrib(GL_POINT_BIT); glPointSize(5); glBegin(GL_POINTS); glVertex3d(s1.x, s1.y, s1.z); glEnd(); glPopAttrib(); // char class_name[50]; // // switch (ldmrs_objects_tracking[i].classId) // { // case 0: // strcpy(class_name,"Unclassified"); // break; // case 1: // strcpy(class_name,"Small"); // break; // case 2: // strcpy(class_name,"Big"); // break; // case 3: // strcpy(class_name,"Pedestrian"); // break; // case 4: // strcpy(class_name,"Bike"); // break; // case 5: // strcpy(class_name,"Car"); // break; // case 6: // strcpy(class_name,"Truck"); // break; // default: // strcpy(class_name,"Unknown"); // break; // } /* has to drawn after stuff above, so that it appears on top */ //draw_number_associated(pos.position.x, pos.position.y, ldmrs_objects_tracking[i].id,""); draw_linear_velocity(pos.position.x, pos.position.y, ldmrs_objects_tracking[i].velocity, 1.0); destroy_rotation_matrix(rotate); } }
// forward activation void rbm::forward_activation(float ** weights, float * hidden_bias, float * visible, float * hidden){ multiply_matrix_vector(weights, visible, hidden, num_hidden_units, num_visible_units); add_vector(hidden, hidden_bias, num_hidden_units); activate_logistic(hidden, num_hidden_units); }
void draw_tracking_moving_objects(moving_objects_tracking_t *moving_objects_tracking, int current_num_point_clouds, carmen_vector_3D_t offset, int draw_particles_flag) { /*** MOVING OBJECTS MODULE ***/ int i; rotation_matrix *rotate = NULL; for (i = 0; i < current_num_point_clouds; i++) { if (moving_objects_tracking[i].geometric_model == -1) continue; carmen_pose_3D_t pos; pos = moving_objects_tracking[i].moving_objects_pose; carmen_vector_3D_t p1, p2, p3 , p4, p5, p6, p7, p8, t; carmen_vector_3D_t s1, s2, s3, s4; /* moving object direction arrow */ double correction_wheel_height = 0.28; double W, L, H; pos.position.x = pos.position.x - offset.x; pos.position.y = pos.position.y - offset.y; pos.position.z = 0.0; W = moving_objects_tracking[i].model_features.geometry.width; L = moving_objects_tracking[i].model_features.geometry.length; H = moving_objects_tracking[i].model_features.geometry.height; // W = moving_objects_tracking[i].width; // L = moving_objects_tracking[i].length; // H = moving_objects_tracking[i].height; rotate = compute_rotation_matrix(NULL, pos.orientation); glColor3d(moving_objects_tracking[i], moving_objects_tracking[i], moving_objects_tracking[i]; p1.x = - L/2.0; p1.y = - W/2.0; p1.z = 0.0 - correction_wheel_height; p2.x = L/2.0; p2.y = - W/2.0; p2.z = 0.0 - correction_wheel_height; p3.x = L/2.0; p3.y = W/2.0; p3.z = 0.0 - correction_wheel_height; p4.x = - L/2.0; p4.y = W/2.0; p4.z = 0.0 - correction_wheel_height; p5.x = - L/2.0; p5.y = - W/2.0; p5.z = H - correction_wheel_height; p6.x = L/2.0; p6.y = - W/2.0; p6.z = H - correction_wheel_height; p7.x = L/2.0; p7.y = W/2.0; p7.z = H - correction_wheel_height; p8.x = - L/2.0; p8.y = W/2.0; p8.z = H - correction_wheel_height; t = multiply_matrix_vector(rotate, p1); p1 = add_vectors(t, pos.position); t = multiply_matrix_vector(rotate, p2); p2 = add_vectors(t, pos.position); t = multiply_matrix_vector(rotate, p3); p3 = add_vectors(t, pos.position); t = multiply_matrix_vector(rotate, p4); p4 = add_vectors(t, pos.position); t = multiply_matrix_vector(rotate, p5); p5 = add_vectors(t, pos.position); t = multiply_matrix_vector(rotate, p6); p6 = add_vectors(t, pos.position); t = multiply_matrix_vector(rotate, p7); p7 = add_vectors(t, pos.position); t = multiply_matrix_vector(rotate, p8); p8 = add_vectors(t, pos.position); glBegin (GL_LINES); glVertex3d (p1.x, p1.y, p1.z); glVertex3d (p2.x, p2.y, p2.z); glVertex3d (p2.x, p2.y, p2.z); glVertex3d (p3.x, p3.y, p3.z); glVertex3d (p3.x, p3.y, p3.z); glVertex3d (p4.x, p4.y, p4.z); glVertex3d (p4.x, p4.y, p4.z); glVertex3d (p1.x, p1.y, p1.z); ////////////////////////////// glVertex3d (p5.x, p5.y, p5.z); glVertex3d (p6.x, p6.y, p6.z); glVertex3d (p6.x, p6.y, p6.z); glVertex3d (p7.x, p7.y, p7.z); glVertex3d (p7.x, p7.y, p7.z); glVertex3d (p8.x, p8.y, p8.z); glVertex3d (p8.x, p8.y, p8.z); glVertex3d (p5.x, p5.y, p5.z); ////////////////////////////// glVertex3d (p1.x, p1.y, p1.z); glVertex3d (p5.x, p5.y, p5.z); glVertex3d (p2.x, p2.y, p2.z); glVertex3d (p6.x, p6.y, p6.z); glVertex3d (p3.x, p3.y, p3.z); glVertex3d (p7.x, p7.y, p7.z); glVertex3d (p4.x, p4.y, p4.z); glVertex3d (p8.x, p8.y, p8.z); glEnd (); /* Moving Object direction arrow */ s1.x = 0.0; s1.y = 0.0; s1.z = H - correction_wheel_height; s2.x = L/2.0; s2.y = 0.0; s2.z = H - correction_wheel_height; s3.x = (L/2.0) - 0.3; s3.y = 0.2; s3.z = H - correction_wheel_height; s4.x = (L/2.0) - 0.3; s4.y = -0.2; s4.z = H - correction_wheel_height; t = multiply_matrix_vector(rotate, s1); s1 = add_vectors(t, pos.position); t = multiply_matrix_vector(rotate, s2); s2 = add_vectors(t, pos.position); t = multiply_matrix_vector(rotate, s3); s3 = add_vectors(t, pos.position); t = multiply_matrix_vector(rotate, s4); s4 = add_vectors(t, pos.position); glBegin(GL_LINES); /* Part of arrow: | */ glVertex3d(s1.x, s1.y, s1.z); glVertex3d(s2.x, s2.y, s2.z); /* Part of arrow: / */ glVertex3d(s3.x, s3.y, s3.z); glVertex3d(s2.x, s2.y, s2.z); /* Part of arrow: \ */ glVertex3d(s4.x, s4.y, s4.z); glVertex3d(s2.x, s2.y, s2.z); glEnd(); //center of object glPushAttrib(GL_POINT_BIT); glPointSize(5); glBegin(GL_POINTS); glVertex3d(s1.x, s1.y, s1.z); glEnd(); glPopAttrib(); /* has to drawn after stuff above, so that it appears on top */ draw_number_associated(pos.position.x, pos.position.y, moving_objects_tracking[i].num_associated, moving_objects_tracking[i].model_features.model_name); draw_linear_velocity(pos.position.x, pos.position.y, moving_objects_tracking[i].linear_velocity, moving_objects_tracking[i].model_features.geometry.height); destroy_rotation_matrix(rotate); if (draw_particles_flag == 1) { // //todo para visualizar as particulas apenas // for(j = 0; j < 10; j++){ // carmen_pose_3D_t pos; // pos = moving_objects_tracking[i].moving_objects_pose; // carmen_vector_3D_t p1, p2, p3 , p4, p5, p6, p7, p8, t; // carmen_vector_3D_t s1, s2, s3, s4; /* moving object direction arrow */ // double correction_wheel_height = 0.28; // double W, L, H; // // pos.position.x = moving_objects_tracking[i].particulas[j].pose.x - offset.x; // pos.position.y = moving_objects_tracking[i].particulas[j].pose.y - offset.y; // pos.position.z = 0.0; // pos.orientation.yaw = moving_objects_tracking[i].particulas[j].pose.theta; // // W = moving_objects_tracking[i].particulas[j].geometry.width; // L = moving_objects_tracking[i].particulas[j].geometry.length; // H = moving_objects_tracking[i].particulas[j].geometry.height; // // // W = moving_objects_tracking[i].width; // // L = moving_objects_tracking[i].length; // // H = moving_objects_tracking[i].height; // // rotate = compute_rotation_matrix(NULL, pos.orientation); // // glColor3d(moving_objects_tracking[i] -0.5, // moving_objects_tracking[i] -0.5, // moving_objects_tracking[i] -0.5); // // p1.x = - L/2.0; // p1.y = - W/2.0; // p1.z = 0.0 - correction_wheel_height; // // p2.x = L/2.0; // p2.y = - W/2.0; // p2.z = 0.0 - correction_wheel_height; // // p3.x = L/2.0; // p3.y = W/2.0; // p3.z = 0.0 - correction_wheel_height; // // p4.x = - L/2.0; // p4.y = W/2.0; // p4.z = 0.0 - correction_wheel_height; // // p5.x = - L/2.0; // p5.y = - W/2.0; // p5.z = H - correction_wheel_height; // // p6.x = L/2.0; // p6.y = - W/2.0; // p6.z = H - correction_wheel_height; // // p7.x = L/2.0; // p7.y = W/2.0; // p7.z = H - correction_wheel_height; // // p8.x = - L/2.0; // p8.y = W/2.0; // p8.z = H - correction_wheel_height; // // t = multiply_matrix_vector(rotate, p1); // p1 = add_vectors(t, pos.position); // // t = multiply_matrix_vector(rotate, p2); // p2 = add_vectors(t, pos.position); // // t = multiply_matrix_vector(rotate, p3); // p3 = add_vectors(t, pos.position); // // t = multiply_matrix_vector(rotate, p4); // p4 = add_vectors(t, pos.position); // // t = multiply_matrix_vector(rotate, p5); // p5 = add_vectors(t, pos.position); // // t = multiply_matrix_vector(rotate, p6); // p6 = add_vectors(t, pos.position); // // t = multiply_matrix_vector(rotate, p7); // p7 = add_vectors(t, pos.position); // // t = multiply_matrix_vector(rotate, p8); // p8 = add_vectors(t, pos.position); // // glBegin (GL_LINES); // // glVertex3d (p1.x, p1.y, p1.z); // glVertex3d (p2.x, p2.y, p2.z); // // glVertex3d (p2.x, p2.y, p2.z); // glVertex3d (p3.x, p3.y, p3.z); // // glVertex3d (p3.x, p3.y, p3.z); // glVertex3d (p4.x, p4.y, p4.z); // // glVertex3d (p4.x, p4.y, p4.z); // glVertex3d (p1.x, p1.y, p1.z); // ////////////////////////////// // // glVertex3d (p5.x, p5.y, p5.z); // glVertex3d (p6.x, p6.y, p6.z); // // glVertex3d (p6.x, p6.y, p6.z); // glVertex3d (p7.x, p7.y, p7.z); // // glVertex3d (p7.x, p7.y, p7.z); // glVertex3d (p8.x, p8.y, p8.z); // // glVertex3d (p8.x, p8.y, p8.z); // glVertex3d (p5.x, p5.y, p5.z); // ////////////////////////////// // // glVertex3d (p1.x, p1.y, p1.z); // glVertex3d (p5.x, p5.y, p5.z); // // glVertex3d (p2.x, p2.y, p2.z); // glVertex3d (p6.x, p6.y, p6.z); // // glVertex3d (p3.x, p3.y, p3.z); // glVertex3d (p7.x, p7.y, p7.z); // // glVertex3d (p4.x, p4.y, p4.z); // glVertex3d (p8.x, p8.y, p8.z); // // glEnd (); // // /* Moving Object direction arrow */ // s1.x = 0.0; // s1.y = 0.0; // s1.z = H - correction_wheel_height; // // s2.x = L/2.0; // s2.y = 0.0; // s2.z = H - correction_wheel_height; // // s3.x = (L/2.0) - 0.3; // s3.y = 0.2; // s3.z = H - correction_wheel_height; // // s4.x = (L/2.0) - 0.3; // s4.y = -0.2; // s4.z = H - correction_wheel_height; // // t = multiply_matrix_vector(rotate, s1); // s1 = add_vectors(t, pos.position); // // t = multiply_matrix_vector(rotate, s2); // s2 = add_vectors(t, pos.position); // // t = multiply_matrix_vector(rotate, s3); // s3 = add_vectors(t, pos.position); // // t = multiply_matrix_vector(rotate, s4); // s4 = add_vectors(t, pos.position); // // glBegin(GL_LINES); // /* Part of arrow: | */ // glVertex3d(s1.x, s1.y, s1.z); // glVertex3d(s2.x, s2.y, s2.z); // // /* Part of arrow: / */ // glVertex3d(s3.x, s3.y, s3.z); // glVertex3d(s2.x, s2.y, s2.z); // // /* Part of arrow: \ */ // glVertex3d(s4.x, s4.y, s4.z); // glVertex3d(s2.x, s2.y, s2.z); // // glEnd(); // // //center of object // glPushAttrib(GL_POINT_BIT); // glPointSize(5); // glBegin(GL_POINTS); // glVertex3d(s1.x, s1.y, s1.z); // glEnd(); // glPopAttrib(); // // /* has to drawn after stuff above, so that it appears on top */ // // draw_number_associated(pos.position.x, pos.position.y, moving_objects_tracking[i].num_associated, // // moving_objects_tracking[i].model_features.model_name); //// draw_linear_velocity(pos.position.x, pos.position.y, moving_objects_tracking[i].particulas[j].velocity, //// moving_objects_tracking[i].particulas[j].geometry.height); // // destroy_rotation_matrix(rotate); // } } } }
int main(int argc,char **argv) { char stdi=0; double *pm; long i,j; FILE *file; double **mat,**inverse,*vec,**coeff,**diff,avpm; if (scan_help(argc,argv)) show_options(argv[0]); scan_options(argc,argv); #ifndef OMIT_WHAT_I_DO if (verbosity&VER_INPUT) what_i_do(argv[0],WID_STR); #endif infile=search_datafile(argc,argv,NULL,verbosity); if (infile == NULL) stdi=1; if (outfile == NULL) { if (!stdi) { check_alloc(outfile=(char*)calloc(strlen(infile)+4,(size_t)1)); strcpy(outfile,infile); strcat(outfile,".ar"); } else { check_alloc(outfile=(char*)calloc((size_t)9,(size_t)1)); strcpy(outfile,""); } } if (!stdo) test_outfile(outfile); if (column == NULL) series=(double**)get_multi_series(infile,&length,exclude,&dim,"",dimset, verbosity); else series=(double**)get_multi_series(infile,&length,exclude,&dim,column, dimset,verbosity); check_alloc(my_average=(double*)malloc(sizeof(double)*dim)); set_averages_to_zero(); if (poles >= length) { fprintf(stderr,"It makes no sense to have more poles than data! Exiting\n"); exit(AR_MODEL_TOO_MANY_POLES); } check_alloc(vec=(double*)malloc(sizeof(double)*poles*dim)); check_alloc(mat=(double**)malloc(sizeof(double*)*poles*dim)); for (i=0;i<poles*dim;i++) check_alloc(mat[i]=(double*)malloc(sizeof(double)*poles*dim)); check_alloc(coeff=(double**)malloc(sizeof(double*)*dim)); inverse=build_matrix(mat); for (i=0;i<dim;i++) { build_vector(vec,i); coeff[i]=multiply_matrix_vector(inverse,vec); } check_alloc(diff=(double**)malloc(sizeof(double*)*dim)); for (i=0;i<dim;i++) check_alloc(diff[i]=(double*)malloc(sizeof(double)*length)); pm=make_residuals(diff,coeff); if (stdo) { avpm=pm[0]*pm[0]; for (i=1;i<dim;i++) avpm += pm[i]*pm[i]; avpm=sqrt(avpm/dim); printf("#average forcast error= %e\n",avpm); printf("#individual forecast errors: "); for (i=0;i<dim;i++) printf("%e ",pm[i]); printf("\n"); for (i=0;i<dim*poles;i++) { printf("# "); for (j=0;j<dim;j++) printf("%e ",coeff[j][i]); printf("\n"); } if (!run_model || (verbosity&VER_USR1)) { for (i=poles;i<length;i++) { if (run_model) printf("#"); for (j=0;j<dim;j++) if (verbosity&VER_USR2) printf("%e %e ",series[j][i]+my_average[j],diff[j][i]); else printf("%e ",diff[j][i]); printf("\n"); } } if (run_model && (ilength > 0)) iterate_model(coeff,pm,NULL); } else { file=fopen(outfile,"w"); if (verbosity&VER_INPUT) fprintf(stderr,"Opened %s for output\n",outfile); avpm=pm[0]*pm[0]; for (i=1;i<dim;i++) avpm += pm[i]*pm[i]; avpm=sqrt(avpm/dim); fprintf(file,"#average forcast error= %e\n",avpm); fprintf(file,"#individual forecast errors: "); for (i=0;i<dim;i++) fprintf(file,"%e ",pm[i]); fprintf(file,"\n"); for (i=0;i<dim*poles;i++) { fprintf(file,"# "); for (j=0;j<dim;j++) fprintf(file,"%e ",coeff[j][i]); fprintf(file,"\n"); } if (!run_model || (verbosity&VER_USR1)) { for (i=poles;i<length;i++) { if (run_model) fprintf(file,"#"); for (j=0;j<dim;j++) if (verbosity&VER_USR2) fprintf(file,"%e %e ",series[j][i]+my_average[j],diff[j][i]); else fprintf(file,"%e ",diff[j][i]); fprintf(file,"\n"); } } if (run_model && (ilength > 0)) iterate_model(coeff,pm,file); fclose(file); } if (outfile != NULL) free(outfile); if (infile != NULL) free(infile); free(vec); for (i=0;i<poles*dim;i++) { free(mat[i]); free(inverse[i]); } free(mat); free(inverse); for (i=0;i<dim;i++) { free(coeff[i]); free(diff[i]); } free(coeff); free(diff); free(pm); return 0; }
static int computeMatrixLMSOpt(TAsoc *cp_ass, int cnt, Tsc *estimacion) { int i; float LMETRICA2; float X1[MAXLASERPOINTS], Y1[MAXLASERPOINTS]; float X2[MAXLASERPOINTS],Y2[MAXLASERPOINTS]; float X2Y2[MAXLASERPOINTS],X1X2[MAXLASERPOINTS]; float X1Y2[MAXLASERPOINTS], Y1X2[MAXLASERPOINTS]; float Y1Y2[MAXLASERPOINTS]; float K[MAXLASERPOINTS], DS[MAXLASERPOINTS]; float DsD[MAXLASERPOINTS], X2DsD[MAXLASERPOINTS], Y2DsD[MAXLASERPOINTS]; float Bs[MAXLASERPOINTS], BsD[MAXLASERPOINTS]; float A1, A2, A3, B1, B2, B3, C1, C2, C3, D1, D2, D3; MATRIX matA,invMatA; VECTOR vecB,vecSol; A1=0;A2=0;A3=0;B1=0;B2=0;B3=0; C1=0;C2=0;C3=0;D1=0;D2=0;D3=0; LMETRICA2=params.LMET*params.LMET; for (i=0; i<cnt; i++){ X1[i]=cp_ass[i].nx*cp_ass[i].nx; Y1[i]=cp_ass[i].ny*cp_ass[i].ny; X2[i]=cp_ass[i].rx*cp_ass[i].rx; Y2[i]=cp_ass[i].ry*cp_ass[i].ry; X2Y2[i]=cp_ass[i].rx*cp_ass[i].ry; X1X2[i]=cp_ass[i].nx*cp_ass[i].rx; X1Y2[i]=cp_ass[i].nx*cp_ass[i].ry; Y1X2[i]=cp_ass[i].ny*cp_ass[i].rx; Y1Y2[i]=cp_ass[i].ny*cp_ass[i].ry; K[i]=X2[i]+Y2[i] + LMETRICA2; DS[i]=Y1Y2[i] + X1X2[i]; DsD[i]=DS[i]/K[i]; X2DsD[i]=cp_ass[i].rx*DsD[i]; Y2DsD[i]=cp_ass[i].ry*DsD[i]; Bs[i]=X1Y2[i]-Y1X2[i]; BsD[i]=Bs[i]/K[i]; A1=A1 + (1-Y2[i]/K[i]); B1=B1 + X2Y2[i]/K[i]; C1=C1 + (-cp_ass[i].ny + Y2DsD[i]); D1=D1 + (cp_ass[i].nx - cp_ass[i].rx -cp_ass[i].ry*BsD[i]); A2=B1; B2=B2 + (1-X2[i]/K[i]); C2=C2 + (cp_ass[i].nx-X2DsD[i]); D2=D2 + (cp_ass[i].ny -cp_ass[i].ry +cp_ass[i].rx*BsD[i]); A3=C1; B3=C2; C3=C3 + (X1[i] + Y1[i] - DS[i]*DS[i]/K[i]); D3=D3 + (Bs[i]*(-1+DsD[i])); } initialize_matrix(&matA,3,3); MDATA(matA,0,0)=A1; MDATA(matA,0,1)=B1; MDATA(matA,0,2)=C1; MDATA(matA,1,0)=A2; MDATA(matA,1,1)=B2; MDATA(matA,1,2)=C2; MDATA(matA,2,0)=A3; MDATA(matA,2,1)=B3; MDATA(matA,2,2)=C3; if (inverse_matrix (&matA, &invMatA)==-1) return -1; #ifdef INTMATSM_DEB print_matrix("inverted matrix", &invMatA); #endif initialize_vector(&vecB,3); VDATA(vecB,0)=D1; VDATA(vecB,1)=D2; VDATA(vecB,2)=D3; multiply_matrix_vector (&invMatA, &vecB, &vecSol); estimacion->x=-VDATA(vecSol,0); estimacion->y=-VDATA(vecSol,1); estimacion->tita=-VDATA(vecSol,2); return 1; }