예제 #1
파일: daview.c 프로젝트: PeiLiu90/petsc
PetscErrorCode DMView_DA_Matlab(DM da,PetscViewer viewer)
  PetscErrorCode   ierr;
  PetscMPIInt      rank;
  PetscInt         dim,m,n,p,dof,swidth;
  DMDAStencilType  stencil;
  DMBoundaryType   bx,by,bz;
  mxArray          *mx;
  const char       *fnames[] = {"dimension","m","n","p","dof","stencil_width","bx","by","bz","stencil_type"};

  ierr = MPI_Comm_rank(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)da),&rank);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  if (!rank) {
    ierr = DMDAGetInfo(da,&dim,&m,&n,&p,0,0,0,&dof,&swidth,&bx,&by,&bz,&stencil);CHKERRQ(ierr);
    mx   = mxCreateStructMatrix(1,1,8,(const char**)fnames);
    if (!mx) SETERRQ(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_LIB,"Unable to generate MATLAB struct array to hold DMDA informations");
    ierr = PetscObjectName((PetscObject)da);CHKERRQ(ierr);
    ierr = PetscViewerMatlabPutVariable(viewer,((PetscObject)da)->name,mx);CHKERRQ(ierr);
예제 #2
void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[]) {

	if (nrhs != 0)
		mexErrMsgTxt("Wrong number of arguments");

	cufftType_t dummy;

	const char *field_names[] = { "CUFFT_R2C", "CUFFT_C2R", "CUFFT_C2C" };
	mxArray *r;
	mwSize dims[2] = { 1, 1 };
	mxArray *field_value;

	r = mxCreateStructArray(2, dims, 3, field_names);
	field_value = mxCreateDoubleScalar((unsigned int) CUFFT_R2C);
	mxSetFieldByNumber(r, 0, 0, field_value);

	field_value = mxCreateDoubleScalar((unsigned int) CUFFT_C2R);
  mxSetFieldByNumber(r, 0, 1, field_value);

  field_value = mxCreateDoubleScalar((unsigned int) CUFFT_C2C);
  mxSetFieldByNumber(r, 0, 2, field_value);

	plhs[0] = r;

예제 #3
void gpc_write_polygon_MATLAB(mxArray *plhs, gpc_polygon *p)
	int c, v;
	int dims[2];
    mxArray *field_x, *field_y, *field_hole;

    const char *field_names[] = {"x","y","hole"};


	for (c=0; c < p->num_contours; c++)
		field_x = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(p->contour[c].num_vertices,1,mxREAL);
		field_y = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(p->contour[c].num_vertices,1,mxREAL);
		for (v= 0; v < p->contour[c].num_vertices; v++)


		field_hole = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1,1,mxREAL);
예제 #4
mexFunction(int nlhs,mxArray *plhs[],int nrhs,const mxArray *prhs[]) {
	int structNum = sizeof(friends)/sizeof(struct phonebook);	// 結構陣列的長度
	int fieldNum = sizeof(fieldNames)/sizeof(*fieldNames);		// 欄位的個數
	int dims[2] = {1, structNum};					// 結構陣列的維度
	int i, nameFieldIndex, phoneFieldIndex;

	// 檢查輸入和輸出參數的個數
	if (nrhs>0) mexErrMsgTxt("No input argument required.");
	if (nlhs>1) mexErrMsgTxt("Too many output arguments.");
	// 產生輸出結構陣列
	OUT = mxCreateStructArray(2, dims, fieldNum, fieldNames);

	// 取得欄位名稱對應的索引值,以便使用 mxSetFieldByNumber() 對欄位值進行設定
	nameFieldIndex = mxGetFieldNumber(OUT, "name");
	phoneFieldIndex = mxGetFieldNumber(OUT, "phone");

	// 填入 MATLAB 結構陣列的欄位值
	for (i=0; i<structNum; i++) {
		mxArray *fieldValue;
		// 填入欄位名稱 name 的值(有兩種方法)
	//	mxSetField(OUT, i, "name", mxCreateString(friends[i].name));			// 方法一:效率較低
		mxSetFieldByNumber(OUT, i, nameFieldIndex, mxCreateString(friends[i].name));	// 方法二:效率較高
		// 填入欄位名稱 phone 的值(有兩種方法)
		fieldValue = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1, 1, mxREAL);
		*mxGetPr(fieldValue) = friends[i].phone;
	//	mxSetField(OUT, i, "phone", fieldValue);					// 方法一:效率較低
		mxSetFieldByNumber(OUT, i, phoneFieldIndex, fieldValue);	// 方法二:效率較高
예제 #5
mxArray *createFromNifti1(nifti_1_header *NH) {
	mxArray *S, *A;
	double *a;
	int i,dims;
	S = mxCreateStructMatrix(1, 1, nifti1_num_fields, nifti1_field_names);
	dims = NH->dim[0];
	/* dim */
	A = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(dims, 1, mxREAL);
	a = mxGetPr(A);
	for (i=0;i<dims;i++) {
		a[i] = NH->dim[i+1];
	mxSetFieldByNumber(S, 0, 0, A);
	/* pixdim */
	A = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(dims, 1, mxREAL);
	a = mxGetPr(A);
	for (i=0;i<dims;i++) {
		a[i] = NH->pixdim[i+1];
	mxSetFieldByNumber(S, 0, 1, A);
	/* datatype */
	A = mxCreateDoubleScalar(NH->datatype);
	mxSetFieldByNumber(S, 0, 2, A);
	return S;
예제 #6
void CreateMeasStructure( std::vector<MRIMeasurement>& meas_vector, mxArray** meas_struct )
	// create structure
	const char* field_names [] = { 
	mwSize struct_dims = meas_vector.size();
	*meas_struct = mxCreateStructArray( 1, &struct_dims, 2, field_names );

	// fill structure
	int num_dims = MRIDimensions::GetNumDims();
	for( unsigned int i = 0; i < meas_vector.size(); i++ )
		// fill measurement mxArray
		mxSetFieldByNumber( *meas_struct, i, 0, MexData::ExportMexArray( meas_vector[i].GetData() ) );

		// create index mxArray
		//MRIDimensions data_size = meas_vector[i].GetData().Size();
		MRIDimensions data_size = meas_vector[i].GetIndex();
		mwSize dims = num_dims + 1; // we need all the dim indicies plus meas time
		mxArray* meas_array = mxCreateNumericArray( 1, &dims, mxSINGLE_CLASS, mxREAL );
		float* index_data = (float*)mxGetPr( meas_array );
		int dim_size;
		for( int j = 0; j < num_dims; j++ )
			data_size.GetDim( j, dim_size );
			// 1 based matlab matrix indicies...
			index_data[j] = dim_size+1;
		index_data[num_dims] = meas_vector[i].meas_time;
		mxSetFieldByNumber( *meas_struct, i, 1, meas_array );
예제 #7
static mxArray* 
resize_property_structure(mxArray *pprop, int size)
   mxArray *newpprop;
   mxArray *pattr, *pvalue;
   int nump, k;
   const char *fields[] = {"attr","name"};

   /* new structure array */
   newpprop = mxCreateStructMatrix(1,size, 2, fields);

   /* copy over the old structure array */
   if (pprop == NULL)
      nump = 0; /* first one */
      nump = mxGetM(pprop) * mxGetN(pprop);
   for (k=0; k<nump; k++) {
      pattr  = mxGetFieldByNumber(pprop, k, 0);
      pvalue = mxGetFieldByNumber(pprop, k, 1);
      mxSetFieldByNumber(newpprop, k, 0, pattr);
      mxSetFieldByNumber(newpprop, k, 1, pvalue);

   /* destroy the old structure array */
   if (pprop != NULL)

   return newpprop;
예제 #8
파일: Problem.cpp 프로젝트: E-LLP/Kodiak
void Problem::make_answer(std::vector<Boxes> boxes, const char *field_names[], const char *types[]) {
  mxArray *ans = mxCreateStructMatrix(boxes.size(), 1, 2, field_names);
  for (int a = 0; a < boxes.size(); ++a) {
    mxSetFieldByNumber(ans, a, 0, mxCreateString(types[a]));
    //Creates a cell matrix(boxes.size(),1) and populates it with individual boxes
    mxArray *boxes_mx = mxCreateCellMatrix(boxes[a].size(), 1);
    make_boxes_mx(boxes[a], boxes_mx);
    mxSetFieldByNumber(ans, a, 1, mxDuplicateArray(boxes_mx));
  plhs[0] = mxDuplicateArray(ans);
예제 #9
mexFunction (int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[], int nrhs, 
             const mxArray* prhs[])
  int i;
  mwIndex j;
  mxArray *v;
  const char *keys[] = { "this", "that" };

  if (nrhs != 1 || ! mxIsStruct (prhs[0]))
    mexErrMsgTxt ("expects struct");

  for (i = 0; i < mxGetNumberOfFields (prhs[0]); i++)
    for (j = 0; j < mxGetNumberOfElements (prhs[0]); j++)
        mexPrintf ("field %s(%d) = ", 
                   mxGetFieldNameByNumber (prhs[0], i), j);
        v = mxGetFieldByNumber (prhs[0], j, i);
        mexCallMATLAB (0, 0, 1, &v, "disp");

  v = mxCreateStructMatrix (2, 2, 2, keys);

  mxSetFieldByNumber (v, 0, 0, mxCreateString ("this1"));
  mxSetFieldByNumber (v, 0, 1, mxCreateString ("that1"));
  mxSetFieldByNumber (v, 1, 0, mxCreateString ("this2"));
  mxSetFieldByNumber (v, 1, 1, mxCreateString ("that2"));
  mxSetFieldByNumber (v, 2, 0, mxCreateString ("this3"));
  mxSetFieldByNumber (v, 2, 1, mxCreateString ("that3"));
  mxSetFieldByNumber (v, 3, 0, mxCreateString ("this4"));
  mxSetFieldByNumber (v, 3, 1, mxCreateString ("that4"));

  if (nlhs)
    plhs[0] = v;
예제 #10

void getEvents(MEXInputs &inputs, MEXOutputs &outputs)
    boost::filesystem::path filename;
    std::set<unsigned int> event_codes;
    MWTime lower_bound, upper_bound;
    inputs >> filename >> event_codes >> lower_bound >> upper_bound;
    std::vector<int> codes;
    std::vector<MWTime> times;
    boost::container::vector<ArrayPtr> values;
    try {
        dfindex dfi(filename);
        DataFileIndexer::EventsIterator ei = dfi.getEventsIterator(event_codes, lower_bound,  upper_bound);
        while (true) {
            EventWrapper event = ei.getNextEvent();
            if (event.empty())
    } catch (const DataFileIndexerError &e) {
        throwMATLABError("MWorks:DataFileIndexerError", e.what());
    if (outputs.count() == 3) {
        outputs << codes;
        outputs << times;
        outputs << values;
    } else {
        const char *fieldNames[] = {"event_code", "time_us", "data"};
        ArrayPtr result(throw_if_null, mxCreateStructMatrix(1, int(codes.size()), 3, fieldNames));
        for (std::size_t i = 0; i < codes.size(); i++) {
            mxSetFieldByNumber(result.get(), i, 0, Array::createScalar(codes[i]).release());
            mxSetFieldByNumber(result.get(), i, 1, Array::createScalar(times[i]).release());
            mxSetFieldByNumber(result.get(), i, 2, values[i].release());
        outputs << std::move(result);
예제 #11
파일: writer.c 프로젝트: djoshea/matudp
void addGroupMetaField(mxArray* mxGroupMeta, const GroupInfo *pg) {
    mxArray * thisGroupsField = setGroupMetaFields(pg, NULL, 0);

    // add this group as a field to mxGroupMeta
    unsigned fieldNum = mxAddField(mxGroupMeta, pg->name);
    mxSetFieldByNumber(mxGroupMeta, 0, fieldNum, thisGroupsField);
예제 #12
void _testNamespaces_RTTIRegister() {
  const mxArray *alreadyCreated = mexGetVariablePtr("global", "gtsam_testNamespaces_rttiRegistry_created");
  if(!alreadyCreated) {
    std::map<std::string, std::string> types;

    mxArray *registry = mexGetVariable("global", "gtsamwrap_rttiRegistry");
      registry = mxCreateStructMatrix(1, 1, 0, NULL);
    typedef std::pair<std::string, std::string> StringPair;
    for(const StringPair& rtti_matlab: types) {
      int fieldId = mxAddField(registry, rtti_matlab.first.c_str());
      if(fieldId < 0)
        mexErrMsgTxt("gtsam wrap:  Error indexing RTTI types, inheritance will not work correctly");
      mxArray *matlabName = mxCreateString(rtti_matlab.second.c_str());
      mxSetFieldByNumber(registry, 0, fieldId, matlabName);
    if(mexPutVariable("global", "gtsamwrap_rttiRegistry", registry) != 0)
      mexErrMsgTxt("gtsam wrap:  Error indexing RTTI types, inheritance will not work correctly");
    mxArray *newAlreadyCreated = mxCreateNumericMatrix(0, 0, mxINT8_CLASS, mxREAL);
    if(mexPutVariable("global", "gtsam_testNamespaces_rttiRegistry_created", newAlreadyCreated) != 0)
      mexErrMsgTxt("gtsam wrap:  Error indexing RTTI types, inheritance will not work correctly");
예제 #13
파일: writer.c 프로젝트: djoshea/matudp
bool addGroupTimestampsField(mxArray* mxTrial, const GroupInfo* pg, unsigned trialIdx,
    timestamp_t timeTrialStart, bool useGroupPrefix, unsigned index, unsigned nSamples) {

    // build groupName_time field name
    char fieldName[MAX_SIGNAL_NAME];
        snprintf(fieldName, MAX_SIGNAL_NAME, "%s_time", pg->name);
        strcpy(fieldName, "time");

    timestamp_t *pTimestampsBase = pg->tsBuffers[trialIdx].timestamps;
    uint32_t nTimestampsBase = pg->tsBuffers[trialIdx].nSamples;

    // create the matlab array to hold the timestamps, use double as the type
    mxArray* mxTimestamps = mxCreateNumericMatrix(nTimestampsBase, 1, mxDOUBLE_CLASS, mxREAL);

    // enter the timestamps minus the trial start into the array
    double_t* buffer = (double_t*)mxGetData(mxTimestamps);
    // no offsets, subtract trial start and round to ms (should be integer anyway)
    for(unsigned i = 0; i < nTimestampsBase; i++)
        buffer[i] = pTimestampsBase[i] - timeTrialStart;

    // add to trial struct
    int fieldNum;
    fieldNum = mxGetFieldNumber(mxTrial, fieldName);
    if(fieldNum == -1)
        fieldNum = mxAddField(mxTrial, fieldName);

    mxSetFieldByNumber(mxTrial, index, fieldNum, mxTimestamps);

    return true;
예제 #14
파일: writer.c 프로젝트: djoshea/matudp
void addSignalMetaField(mxArray* mxSignalMeta, const SignalDataBuffer *psdb) {
    mxArray * thisSignalField = setSignalMetaFields(psdb, NULL, 0);

    // add this group as a field to mxGroupMeta
    unsigned fieldNum = mxAddField(mxSignalMeta, psdb->name);
    mxSetFieldByNumber(mxSignalMeta, 0, fieldNum, thisSignalField);
void addResultsEntry(WIN32_FIND_DATA WFD, int cnt, mxArray *structOut, char *defaultPath)
	char *buff[40], *month = "NaN";
	char filename[MAX_PATH + 1];
	double temp;
	mxArray *name, *date, *bytes, *isdir, *datenum;
	FILETIME ftUTC, ftLocal;
	// File Name
	if (strlen(defaultPath) > 0){
	PathCombine(filename, defaultPath, WFD.cFileName);
	name = mxCreateString(filename);
	} else {
		name = mxCreateString(WFD.cFileName);
	mxSetFieldByNumber(structOut, cnt, NAMEFIELD , name);
	// Size (bytes)
	bytes = mxCreateDoubleScalar((WFD.nFileSizeHigh * (MAXDWORD+1)) + WFD.nFileSizeLow);
	mxSetFieldByNumber(structOut, cnt, BYTESFIELD , bytes);
	// Directory flag
	isdir = mxCreateLogicalScalar((WFD.dwFileAttributes == FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY));
	mxSetFieldByNumber(structOut, cnt, ISDIRFIELD , isdir);
	// Get local time
	ftUTC = WFD.ftLastWriteTime;
	FileTimeToSystemTime(&ftUTC, &stUTC);
    SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime(NULL, &stUTC, &stLocal);

	// Date string
	month = monthNumToStr(stLocal.wMonth);
	sprintf(buff,"%02d-%s-%04d %02d:%02d:%02d",stLocal.wDay,month,stLocal.wYear,stLocal.wHour,stLocal.wMinute,stLocal.wSecond);
	date = mxCreateString(buff);
	mxSetFieldByNumber(structOut, cnt, DATEFIELD , date);
	// Datenum
	temp =  (double) ftLocal.dwHighDateTime;
	temp = temp * ((double)MAXDWORD+1);
	temp = temp + ftLocal.dwLowDateTime;
	datenum = mxCreateDoubleScalar((temp/864000000000) + 584755);
	mxSetFieldByNumber(structOut, cnt, DATENUMFIELD , datenum);

예제 #16
파일: mexlib.cpp 프로젝트: Macisia/scilab
void mxSetField(mxArray *array_ptr, int lindex, const char *field_name, mxArray *value)
    int field_num = mxGetFieldNumber(array_ptr, field_name);
    if (field_num >= 0)
        mxSetFieldByNumber(array_ptr, lindex, field_num, value);
예제 #17
mxArray *emlrtMexFcnProperties(void)
  const char *mexProperties[] = {
  const char *epProperties[] = {
  mxArray *xResult = mxCreateStructMatrix(1,1,3,mexProperties);
  mxArray *xEntryPoints = mxCreateStructMatrix(1,1,4,epProperties);
  mxArray *xInputs = NULL;
  xInputs = mxCreateLogicalMatrix(1, 6);
  mxSetFieldByNumber(xEntryPoints, 0, 0, mxCreateString("naivePerfusionSSEP2X4"));
  mxSetFieldByNumber(xEntryPoints, 0, 1, mxCreateDoubleScalar(6));
  mxSetFieldByNumber(xEntryPoints, 0, 2, mxCreateDoubleScalar(1));
  mxSetFieldByNumber(xEntryPoints, 0, 3, xInputs);
  mxSetFieldByNumber(xResult, 0, 0, mxCreateString(" (R2013a)"));
  mxSetFieldByNumber(xResult, 0, 1, (mxArray*)emlrtMexFcnResolvedFunctionsInfo());
  mxSetFieldByNumber(xResult, 0, 2, xEntryPoints);

  return xResult;
예제 #18
mxArray* json( const JsonValue &o ) {
  // convert JsonValue to Matlab mxArray
  siz k, m, n; mxArray *M; const char **keys;
  switch( o.getTag() ) {
    case JSON_NUMBER:
      return mxCreateDoubleScalar(o.toNumber());
    case JSON_STRING:
      return mxCreateString(o.toString());
    case JSON_ARRAY: {
      if(!o.toNode()) return mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1,0,mxREAL);
      JsonValue o0=o.toNode()->value; JsonTag tag=o0.getTag();
      n=length(o); bool isRegular=true;
      for(auto i:o) isRegular=isRegular && i->value.getTag()==tag;
      if( isRegular && tag==JSON_OBJECT && isRegularObjArray(o) ) {
        m=length(o0); keys=new const char*[m];
        k=0; for(auto j:o0) keys[k++]=j->key;
        M = mxCreateStructMatrix(1,n,m,keys);
        k=0; for(auto i:o) { m=0; for(auto j:i->value)
          mxSetFieldByNumber(M,k,m++,json(j->value)); k++; }
        delete [] keys; return M;
      } else if( isRegular && tag==JSON_NUMBER ) {
        M = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1,n,mxREAL); double *p=mxGetPr(M);
        k=0; for(auto i:o) p[k++]=i->value.toNumber(); return M;
      } else {
        M = mxCreateCellMatrix(1,n);
        k=0; for(auto i:o) mxSetCell(M,k++,json(i->value));
        return M;
    case JSON_OBJECT:
      if(!o.toNode()) return mxCreateStructMatrix(1,0,0,NULL);
      n=length(o); keys=new const char*[n];
      k=0; for(auto i:o) keys[k++]=i->key;
      M = mxCreateStructMatrix(1,1,n,keys); k=0;
      for(auto i:o) mxSetFieldByNumber(M,0,k++,json(i->value));
      delete [] keys; return M;
    case JSON_TRUE:
      return mxCreateDoubleScalar(1);
    case JSON_FALSE:
      return mxCreateDoubleScalar(0);
    case JSON_NULL:
      return mxCreateDoubleMatrix(0,0,mxREAL);
    default: return NULL;
예제 #19
mxArray *emlrtMexFcnProperties()
  const char *mexProperties[] = {
    NULL };

  const char *epProperties[] = {
    "ConstantInputs" };

  mxArray *xResult = mxCreateStructMatrix(1,1,4,mexProperties);
  mxArray *xEntryPoints = mxCreateStructMatrix(1,1,4,epProperties);
  mxArray *xInputs = NULL;
  xInputs = mxCreateLogicalMatrix(1, 2);
  mxSetFieldByNumber(xEntryPoints, 0, 0, mxCreateString("dummy"));
  mxSetFieldByNumber(xEntryPoints, 0, 1, mxCreateDoubleScalar(2));
  mxSetFieldByNumber(xEntryPoints, 0, 2, mxCreateDoubleScalar(1));
  mxSetFieldByNumber(xEntryPoints, 0, 3, xInputs);
  mxSetFieldByNumber(xResult, 0, 0, mxCreateString(" (R2015a)"));
  mxSetFieldByNumber(xResult, 0, 1, (mxArray*)emlrtMexFcnResolvedFunctionsInfo());
  mxSetFieldByNumber(xResult, 0, 2, xEntryPoints);
  return xResult;
예제 #20
mxArray *getDevices() {
  const char *fieldNames[] = {"index", "name", "input", "output"};
  int i,numDevs;
  const PmDeviceInfo* info;
  mxArray *R;
  numDevs = Pm_CountDevices();
  R = mxCreateStructMatrix(numDevs, 1, 4, fieldNames);
  for (i=0;i<numDevs;i++) {
    info = Pm_GetDeviceInfo(i);
    mxSetFieldByNumber(R, i, 0, mxCreateDoubleScalar(i+1));
    mxSetFieldByNumber(R, i, 1, mxCreateString(info->name));
    mxSetFieldByNumber(R, i, 2, mxCreateDoubleScalar(info->input));
    mxSetFieldByNumber(R, i, 3, mxCreateDoubleScalar(info->output));
  return R;
예제 #21
void SetPointerData(mxArray *A, const mxArray *data)
  mxArray *address;

  address = mxCreateNumericMatrix(sizeof(data), 1, mxUINT8_CLASS, mxREAL);
  memcpy((void *)mxGetPr(address), (void *)(&data), sizeof(data));

  mxSetFieldByNumber(A, 0, 0, address);
예제 #22
 * Sets the field in the struct to the given array.
static void setArray(mxArray *pStruct, const char *fieldname, double* array,
                     int m, int n) {
  mxArray* pField;
  pField = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(m,n,mxREAL);
  memcpy(mxGetPr(pField), array, n*sizeof(double));

  int fieldNumber = getFieldNumber(pStruct, fieldname);
  mxSetFieldByNumber(pStruct, 0, fieldNumber, pField);
예제 #23
int fetch_row(sqlite3_stmt *stmt, int num_columns, mxArray **array)
    int i, res = sqlite3_step(stmt);
    if (res == SQLITE_ROW) {
        for (i = 0; i < num_columns; i++) {
            mxSetFieldByNumber(*array, 0, i, get_column(stmt, i));
    return res;
예제 #24
mexFunction(int nlhs,mxArray *plhs[],int nrhs,const mxArray *prhs[])
    const char *field_names[] = {"name", "phone"};
    struct phonebook friends[] = {{"Jordan Robert", 3386},{"Mary Smith",3912},
				  {"Stacy Flora", 3238},{"Harry Alpert",3077}};
    mwSize dims[2] = {1, NUMBER_OF_STRUCTS };
    int name_field, phone_field;
    mwIndex i;

    (void) prhs;
    /* Check for proper number of input and  output arguments */    
    if (nrhs !=0) {
        mexErrMsgTxt("No input argument required.");
    if(nlhs > 1){
        mexErrMsgTxt("Too many output arguments.");
    /* Create a 1-by-n array of structs. */ 
    plhs[0] = mxCreateStructArray(2, dims, NUMBER_OF_FIELDS, field_names);

    /* This is redundant, but here for illustration.  Since we just
       created the structure and the field number indices are zero
       based, name_field will always be 0 and phone_field will always
       be 1 */
    name_field = mxGetFieldNumber(plhs[0],"name");
    phone_field = mxGetFieldNumber(plhs[0],"phone");

    /* Populate the name and phone fields of the phonebook structure. */ 
    for (i=0; i<NUMBER_OF_STRUCTS; i++) {
	mxArray *field_value;
	/* Use mxSetFieldByNumber instead of mxSetField for efficiency
	   mxSetField(plhs[0],i,"name",mxCreateString(friends[i].name); */
	field_value = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1,1,mxREAL);
	*mxGetPr(field_value) = friends[i].phone;
	/* Use mxSetFieldByNumber instead of mxSetField for efficiency
	   mxSetField(plhs[0],i,"name",mxCreateString(friends[i].name); */
예제 #25
void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[],
                 int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[])
     char *dir_name;
     struct file *files;
     int nfiles, i;
     const char *field_names[2];

     if (nlhs > 1)
          mexErrMsgTxt("Too many output arguments.");
     if (nrhs == 0)
          dir_name = ".";
     else if (nrhs == 1) {
          if (mxIsChar(prhs[0]) != 1)
               mexErrMsgTxt("Input must be a string.");
          if (mxGetM(prhs[0]) != 1)
               mexErrMsgTxt("Input must be a row vector.");
          dir_name = mxArrayToString(prhs[0]);
     } else
          mexErrMsgTxt("Too many input arguments.");

     files = dir(dir_name, &nfiles);

     field_names[0] = "name";
     field_names[1] = "isdir";
     plhs[0] = mxCreateStructMatrix(nfiles, 1, 2, field_names);

     for (i = 0; i < nfiles; i++) {
          mxSetFieldByNumber(plhs[0], i, 0, mxCreateString(files[i].name));
          mxSetFieldByNumber(plhs[0], i, 1,

     for (i = 0; i < nfiles; i++)
     if (nrhs > 0)
예제 #26
 * This functions adds a field to a struct. No check is performed because in 
 * mexFunction the check was done.
static void addField(mxArray *pStruct, const mxArray *fieldName, const mxArray *fieldValue) {
  int stringSize = (mxGetM(fieldName) * mxGetN(fieldName) * sizeof(mxChar)) + 1;
  char *name = (char *) malloc(stringSize);
  mxGetString(fieldName,name, stringSize);  
  int fieldNumber = getFieldNumber(pStruct, name);
  mxArray *fieldValueCopy = mxDuplicateArray(fieldValue);
  mxSetFieldByNumber(pStruct, 0, fieldNumber, fieldValueCopy);
예제 #27
int buffer_gethdr(int server, mxArray *plhs[], const mxArray *prhs[])
	int verbose = 0;
	int result  = 0;

	message_t *request  = NULL;
	message_t *response = NULL;

	/* this is for the Matlab specific output */
	const char *field_names[NUMBER_OF_FIELDS] = {"nchans", "nsamples", "nevents", "fsample", "data_type", "bufsize"};

	/* allocate the elements that will be used in the communication */
	request      = malloc(sizeof(message_t));
	request->def = malloc(sizeof(messagedef_t));
	request->buf = NULL;
	request->def->version = VERSION;
	request->def->command = GET_HDR;
	request->def->bufsize = 0;
	if (verbose) print_request(request->def);
	result = clientrequest(server, request, &response);
	if (result == 0) {
		if (verbose) print_response(response->def);

		if (response->def->command==GET_OK) {
			headerdef_t *headerdef = (headerdef_t *) response->buf;
			if (verbose) print_headerdef(headerdef);

			plhs[0] = mxCreateStructMatrix(1, 1, NUMBER_OF_FIELDS, field_names);
			mxSetFieldByNumber(plhs[0], 0, 0, mxCreateDoubleScalar((double)(headerdef->nchans)));
			mxSetFieldByNumber(plhs[0], 0, 1, mxCreateDoubleScalar((double)(headerdef->nsamples)));
			mxSetFieldByNumber(plhs[0], 0, 2, mxCreateDoubleScalar((double)(headerdef->nevents)));
			mxSetFieldByNumber(plhs[0], 0, 3, mxCreateDoubleScalar((double)(headerdef->fsample)));
			mxSetFieldByNumber(plhs[0], 0, 4, mxCreateDoubleScalar((double)(headerdef->data_type)));
			mxSetFieldByNumber(plhs[0], 0, 5, mxCreateDoubleScalar((double)(headerdef->bufsize)));
			addChunksToMatrix(plhs[0], (const char *) response->buf + sizeof(headerdef_t), headerdef->bufsize, headerdef->nchans);
		else {
			result = response->def->command;

	if (response) {

	if (request) {

	return result;
예제 #28
void cmex_object_list(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], /**< entlist */
					  int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[] ) /**< () */
	OBJECT *obj;
	char criteria[1024]="(undefined)";
	FINDPGM *search = NULL;
	char *fields[] = {"name","class","parent","flags","location","service","rank","clock","handle"};
	if (nrhs>0 && mxGetString(prhs[0],criteria,sizeof(criteria))!=0)
		output_error("gl('list',type='object'): unable to read search criteria (arg 2)");
	else if (nrhs>0 && (search=find_mkpgm(criteria))==NULL)
		output_error("gl('list',type='object'): unable to run search '%s'",criteria);
	else if (search==NULL && (list=find_objects(NULL,NULL))==NULL)
		output_error("gl('list',type='object'): unable to obtain default list");
	else if (list==NULL && (list=find_runpgm(NULL,search))==NULL)
		output_error("gl('list',type='object'): unable search failed");
	else if ((plhs[0] = mxCreateStructMatrix(list->hit_count,1,sizeof(fields)/sizeof(fields[0]),fields))==NULL)
		output_error("gl('list',type='object'): unable to allocate memory for result list");
		unsigned int n;
		for (n=0, obj=find_first(list); obj!=NULL; n++, obj=find_next(list,obj))
			char tmp[1024];
			mxArray *data;
			double *pDouble;
			unsigned int *pInt;
			mxSetFieldByNumber(plhs[0], n, 0, mxCreateString(object_name(obj)));
			mxSetFieldByNumber(plhs[0], n, 1, mxCreateString(obj->oclass->name));
			mxSetFieldByNumber(plhs[0], n, 2, mxCreateString(obj->parent?object_name(obj->parent):NONE));
			mxSetFieldByNumber(plhs[0], n, 3, mxCreateString(convert_from_set(tmp,sizeof(tmp),&(obj->flags),object_flag_property())?tmp:ERROR));
			pDouble = mxGetPr(data=mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1,2,mxREAL)); pDouble[0] = obj->longitude; pDouble[1] = obj->latitude;
			mxSetFieldByNumber(plhs[0], n, 4, data);
			pDouble = mxGetPr(data=mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1,2,mxREAL)); pDouble[0] = (double)obj->in_svc/TS_SECOND; pDouble[1] = (double)obj->out_svc/TS_SECOND;
			mxSetFieldByNumber(plhs[0], n, 5, data);
			pInt = (unsigned int*)mxGetPr(data=mxCreateNumericMatrix(1,1,mxINT32_CLASS,mxREAL)); pInt[0] = obj->rank;
			mxSetFieldByNumber(plhs[0], n, 6, data);
			pDouble = mxGetPr(data=mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1,1,mxREAL)); pDouble[0] = (double)obj->clock/TS_SECOND; 
			mxSetFieldByNumber(plhs[0], n, 7, data);
			mxSetFieldByNumber(plhs[0], n, 8, make_handle(MH_OBJECT,obj));
예제 #29
void mexProblem::ObtainMxArrayFromElement(mxArray *&Xmx, const Element *X)
	integer sizeoftempdata = X->GetSizeofTempData();
	integer nfields = sizeoftempdata + 1;
	std::string *fnames = new std::string[nfields];
	char **names = new char *[nfields];
	for (integer i = 0; i < nfields; i++)
		names[i] = new char[30];
		if (fnames[i].size() >= 30)
			mexErrMsgTxt("The lengths of field names should be less than 30!");
		strcpy(names[i], fnames[i].c_str());

	mxArray *tmp;
	const char *name;
	const SharedSpace *Sharedtmp;
	integer lengthtmp, inc = 1;
	const double *Sharedtmpptr;
	double *tmpptr;
	Xmx = mxCreateStructMatrix(1, 1, nfields, const_cast<const char **> (names));
	for (integer i = 0; i < nfields; i++)
		name = mxGetFieldNameByNumber(Xmx, i);
		if (strcmp(name, "main") != 0)
			Sharedtmp = X->ObtainReadTempData(name);
			Sharedtmpptr = Sharedtmp->ObtainReadData();
			lengthtmp = Sharedtmp->Getlength();
			Sharedtmpptr = X->ObtainReadData();
			lengthtmp = X->Getlength();
		tmp = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(lengthtmp, 1, mxREAL);
		tmpptr = mxGetPr(tmp);
		dcopy_(&lengthtmp, const_cast<double *> (Sharedtmpptr), &inc, tmpptr, &inc);
		mxSetFieldByNumber(Xmx, 0, i, tmp);

	for (integer i = 0; i < nfields; i++)
		delete[] names[i];
	delete[] names;
	delete[] fnames;
예제 #30
 * storeString( ) - store the given string value in the 
 * mxStruct structure in field named fieldName 
void storeString(mxArray *mxStruct, char *fieldName, char *value)
  char msg[1025];
  mxArray *fieldValue;
  int fieldNum = mxGetFieldNumber(mxStruct, fieldName); 
  if (fieldNum < 0) {
    sprintf(msg,"Error: unknown field: (%s)\n", fieldName);

  fieldValue = mxCreateString(value); 
  mxSetFieldByNumber(mxStruct, 0, fieldNum, fieldValue); 
