int main(int argc, char **argv) { int ret=0; int count=0; video_format_t fmt; int ch_count = 0; long channel; uint16_t width, hight; int framerate = 0; int goplen = 0; int value, comp_q; noise_filter_mode_t sel; white_balance_mode_t bal; pwr_line_freq_mode_t freq; zone_wb_set_t wb; camer_mode_t mode; /* Initialize camera */ ret = mxuvc_video_init("v4l2","dev_offset=0"); if (ret < 0) return 1; ret = mxuvc_get_camera_mode(&mode); if (ret < 0) return 1; printf("Camera mode %s\n",mode==IPCAM ? "IPCAM":"SKYPE"); /* Register callback functions */ ret = mxuvc_video_register_cb(CH1, ch_cb, (void*)CH1); if (ret < 0) goto error; printf("\n"); //get channel count of MUX channel ret = mxuvc_video_get_channel_count(&ch_count); printf("Total Channel count: %d\n",ch_count); //remove raw channel from count ch_count = ch_count - 1; for (channel=CH2 ; channel<ch_count; channel++) { ret = mxuvc_video_register_cb(channel, ch_cb, (void*)channel); if (ret < 0) goto error; } printf("\n"); for (channel=CH1; channel<ch_count ; channel++) { /* Start streaming */ ret = mxuvc_video_start(channel); if (ret < 0) goto error; } usleep(5000); /* Main 'loop' */ int counter; if (argc > 1) { counter = atoi(argv[1]); } else counter = 15; int chid =CH1; //while (counter--) { while (1) { if (!mxuvc_video_alive()) { goto error; } //printf("\r%i secs left\n", counter+1); // mxuvc_video_set_dewarp_params((video_channel_t) chid, 0, EMODE_WM_ZCL, (dewarp_params_t*) &eptzWM_ZclParam); chid++; fflush(stdout); sleep(1); } for (channel=CH1; channel<ch_count ; channel++) { /* Stop streaming */ ret = mxuvc_video_stop(channel); if (ret < 0) goto error; } /* Deinitialize and exit */ mxuvc_video_deinit(); printf("Success\n"); return 0; error: mxuvc_video_deinit(); printf("Failure\n"); return 1; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int ret; int counter=0; int count=0; video_format_t fmt; int ch_count = 0, channel; uint16_t hight; int framerate = 0; int goplen = 0; video_channel_info_t info; int audio_threshold = 70; int current_audio_intensity = 0; int reg_id; /* region number; used when alert is generated */ int x_offt; /* starting x offset */ int y_offt; /* starting y offset */ int width; /* width of region */ int height; /* height of region */ int sensitivity; /* threshold for motion detection for a macroblock */ int trigger_percentage; /* % of macroblocks to be in motion for alert to be generated */ char adata; char mdata; //initialize audio part ************************** ret = mxuvc_audio_init("alsa","device = MAX64380"); if(ret<0) goto error; ret = mxuvc_audio_register_cb(AUD_CH2, audio_cb, NULL); if(ret < 0) goto error; //TBD ret = mxuvc_audio_set_format(AUD_CH2, AUD_FORMAT_AAC_RAW); if(ret < 0) goto error; ret = mxuvc_audio_set_samplerate(AUD_CH2, SAMP_FREQ); if(ret < 0) goto error; mxuvc_audio_set_volume(100); //initialize video part ************************** ret = mxuvc_video_init("v4l2","dev_offset=0"); if(ret < 0) return 1; /* Register callback functions */ ret = mxuvc_video_register_cb(CH1, ch_cb, (void*)CH1); if(ret < 0) goto error; printf("\n"); //get channel count of MUX channel ret = mxuvc_video_get_channel_count(&ch_count); printf("Total Channel count: %d\n",ch_count); //remove raw channel from count ch_count = ch_count - 1; for(channel=CH2 ; channel<ch_count; channel++) { ret = mxuvc_video_register_cb(channel, ch_cb, (void*)channel); if(ret < 0) goto error; } /*** enquire every channel capabilities ****/ for(channel=CH1; channel<ch_count ; channel++) { mxuvc_video_get_channel_info(channel, &info); printf("\nCH%d Channel Config:\n",channel+1); print_format(info.format); printf("width %d height %d\n",info.width,info.height); printf("framerate %dfps\n",info.framerate); if(info.format == VID_FORMAT_H264_RAW || info.format == VID_FORMAT_H264_TS) { printf("gop length %d\n",info.goplen); printf("setting gop length to 30\n"); ret = mxuvc_video_set_goplen(channel, 30); if(ret < 0) goto error; ret = mxuvc_video_get_goplen(channel, &goplen); if(ret < 0) goto error; printf("gop length %d\n",goplen); printf("profile %d\n",info.profile); printf("bitrate %d\n",info.bitrate); } } printf("\n"); video_profile_t profile; ret = mxuvc_video_get_profile(CH1, &profile); if(ret < 0) goto error; printf("CH1 profile %d\n",profile); ret = mxuvc_video_set_profile(CH1, PROFILE_BASELINE); if(ret < 0) goto error; printf("changed profile to PROFILE_BASELINE\n"); ret = mxuvc_video_get_profile(CH1, &profile); if(ret < 0) goto error; printf("CH1 profile %d\n",profile); /***** Start audio streaming ************/ ret = mxuvc_audio_start(AUD_CH2); if(ret < 0) goto error; /***** Start video streaming ************/ for(channel=CH1; channel<ch_count ; channel++){ /* Start streaming */ ret = mxuvc_video_start(channel); if(ret < 0) goto error; } /***** alert ************/ if (audio_threshold > 0){ //init audio alarm ret = mxuvc_alert_init(); if(ret < 0) goto error; ret = mxuvc_alert_audio_enable( aalarm_callback, (void *)&adata); if (ret){ printf("mxuvc_alert_audio_enable() failed\n"); goto error; } //motion alert ret = mxuvc_alert_motion_enable(malarm_callback, (void *)&mdata); if (ret){ printf("mxuvc_alert_motion_enable() failed\n"); goto error; } //set region reg_id = 0; x_offt = 0; y_offt = 0; width = 80; height = 45; sensitivity = 50; trigger_percentage = 100; ret = mxuvc_alert_motion_add_region(reg_id, x_offt, y_offt, width, height); if (ret){ printf("mxuvc_alert_motion_add_region() failed\n"); goto error; } ret = mxuvc_alert_motion_sensitivity_and_level(reg_id,sensitivity, trigger_percentage); if (ret){ printf("mxuvc_alert_motion_sensitivity_and_level() failed\n"); goto error; } //enable audio alert again to test ret = mxuvc_alert_audio_set_threshold(50); if (ret){ printf("mxuvc_alert_audio_set_threshold() failed\n"); goto error; } } //sleep usleep(50000); /* Main 'loop' */ if (argc > 1){ counter = atoi(argv[1]); } else counter = 15; while(counter--) { if (!mxuvc_audio_alive() || !mxuvc_video_alive()) goto error; printf("\r%i secs left", counter+1); //video_testing(counter); //get current audio intensity ret = mxuvc_get_current_audio_intensity(¤t_audio_intensity); if(ret){ printf("mxuvc_get_current_audio_intensity() failed\n"); goto error; }else printf("Current audio intensity %ddB\n",current_audio_intensity); if(counter == 10){ mxuvc_alert_audio_disable(); } if(counter == 9) mxuvc_alert_motion_disable(); if(counter == 8){ ret = mxuvc_alert_audio_set_threshold(audio_threshold); if (ret){ printf("mxuvc_alert_audio_set_threshold() failed\n"); goto error; } ret = mxuvc_alert_audio_enable( aalarm_callback, (void *)&adata); if (ret){ printf("mxuvc_alert_audio_enable() failed\n"); goto error; } } if(counter == 7){ ret = mxuvc_alert_motion_enable(malarm_callback, (void *)&mdata); if (ret){ printf("mxuvc_alert_motion_enable() failed\n"); goto error; } } fflush(stdout); sleep(1); } if (audio_threshold > 0){ ret = mxuvc_alert_motion_remove_region(reg_id); if (ret){ printf("mxuvc_alert_motion_remove_region() failed\n"); goto error; } mxuvc_alert_audio_disable(); mxuvc_alert_motion_disable(); sleep(1); } mxuvc_alert_deinit(); /* Stop audio streaming */ ret = mxuvc_audio_stop(AUD_CH2); if(ret < 0) goto error; mxuvc_audio_deinit(); /* Stop video streaming */ for(channel=CH1; channel<ch_count ; channel++) { /* Stop streaming */ ret = mxuvc_video_stop(channel); if(ret < 0) goto error; } /* Deinitialize and exit */ mxuvc_video_deinit(); close_fds(); return 0; error: mxuvc_audio_deinit(); close_fds(); printf("Failed\n"); return 1; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int ret; int i, counter=0; int count=0; video_format_t fmt; int ch_count = 0; long channel; uint16_t hight; int framerate = 0; int goplen = 0; video_channel_info_t info; int timer = 0; int frame_num = 0; char adata; char mdata; char *file = NULL; int font_size; time_t curtime; struct tm *loc_time; char szDate[16] = {0}; if ( argc < 2 ){ printf("USAGE: sudo overlay_text <path to font file> <size of font> [enable timer 0/1(default 0)] [enable frame numbering 0/1(default 0)\n"); return 0; } //initialize video part ************************** ret = mxuvc_video_init("v4l2","dev_offset=0"); if(ret < 0) return 1; /* Main 'loop' */ if (argc > 1){ file = argv[1]; } if (argc > 2){ font_size = atoi(argv[2]); } else font_size = 8; if (argc > 3){ timer = atoi(argv[3]); } else timer = 0; if (argc > 4){ frame_num = atoi(argv[4]); } else frame_num = 0; printf("YOUR CONFIGURATION timer %d and frame number %d\n",timer,frame_num); curtime = time (NULL); loc_time = localtime (&curtime); printf("%s", asctime (loc_time)); snprintf(szDate, 11, "%04d-%02d-%02d ", (loc_time->tm_year+1900), (loc_time->tm_mon+1), loc_time->tm_mday); printf("Date = %s\n", szDate); ret = mxuvc_overlay_init(); /* Register callback functions */ ret = mxuvc_video_register_cb(CH1, ch_cb, (void*)CH1); if(ret < 0) goto error; printf("\n"); //get channel count of MUX channel ret = mxuvc_video_get_channel_count(&ch_count); printf("Total Channel count: %d\n",ch_count); //remove raw channel from count ch_count = ch_count - 1; for(channel=CH2 ; channel<ch_count; channel++) { ret = mxuvc_video_register_cb(channel, ch_cb, (void*)channel); if(ret < 0) goto error; } for(channel=CH1; channel<ch_count ; channel++) { ret = mxuvc_overlay_load_font(channel, font_size, file); if(ret < 0) return 1; printf("overlay init done for ch %ld\n", channel); } /*** enquire every channel capabilities ****/ for(channel=CH1; channel<ch_count ; channel++) { mxuvc_video_get_channel_info(channel, &info); printf("\nCH%ld Channel Config:\n",channel+1); print_format(info.format); printf("width %d height %d\n",info.width,info.height); printf("framerate %dfps\n",info.framerate); if(info.format == VID_FORMAT_H264_RAW || info.format == VID_FORMAT_H264_TS) { //printf("gop length %d\n",info.goplen); //printf("setting gop length to 30\n"); ret = mxuvc_video_set_goplen(channel, 30); if(ret < 0) goto error; ret = mxuvc_video_get_goplen(channel, &goplen); if(ret < 0) goto error; //printf("gop length %d\n",goplen); //printf("profile %d\n",info.profile); //printf("bitrate %d\n",info.bitrate); } } printf("\n"); video_profile_t profile; ret = mxuvc_video_get_profile(CH1, &profile); if(ret < 0) goto error; printf("CH1 profile %d\n",profile); ret = mxuvc_video_set_profile(CH1, PROFILE_BASELINE); if(ret < 0) goto error; printf("changed profile to PROFILE_BASELINE\n"); ret = mxuvc_video_get_profile(CH1, &profile); if(ret < 0) goto error; printf("CH1 profile %d\n",profile); /***** Start video streaming ************/ for(channel=CH1; channel<ch_count ; channel++){ /* Start streaming */ ret = mxuvc_video_start(channel); if(ret < 0) goto error; } //sleep usleep(5000); counter = 20; overlay_text_params_t ovtext[NUM_MUX_VID_CHANNELS][NUM_OVERLAY_TEXT_IDX]; overlay_text_params_t ovtime; overlay_time_t btime; for(i = 0; i < sizeof(ovtext)/sizeof(overlay_text_params_t); i++) { memset(&ovtext[0][i], 0x00, sizeof(overlay_text_params_t)); } memset(&ovtime, 0x00, sizeof(overlay_text_params_t)); while(counter--) { if (!mxuvc_video_alive()) goto error; printf("%i secs left\n", counter+1); if(counter == 18) { for(channel=CH1; channel < ch_count; channel++) { int ch = channel; memset(&btime, 0x00, sizeof(overlay_time_t)); ovtext[ch][0].xoff = 0; ovtext[ch][0].yoff = 0; ovtext[ch][0].idx = 0; ret = mxuvc_overlay_add_text(channel, &ovtext[ch][0], szText0, strlen(szText0)); if(ret < 0) goto error; ovtext[ch][1].xoff = 0; ovtext[ch][1].yoff = 100; ovtext[ch][1].idx = 1; ret = mxuvc_overlay_add_text(channel, &ovtext[ch][1], szText1, strlen(szText1)); if(ret < 0) goto error; ovtext[ch][2].xoff = 0; ovtext[ch][2].yoff = 200; ovtext[ch][2].idx = 2; ret = mxuvc_overlay_add_text(channel, &ovtext[ch][2], szDate, strlen(szDate)); if(ret < 0) goto error; ovtext[ch][3].xoff = 0; ovtext[ch][3].yoff = 300; ovtext[ch][3].idx = 3; ret = mxuvc_overlay_add_text(channel, &ovtext[ch][3], szText2, strlen(szText2)); if(ret < 0) goto error; ovtext[ch][4].xoff = 0; ovtext[ch][4].yoff = 400; ovtext[ch][4].idx = 4; ret = mxuvc_overlay_add_text(channel, &ovtext[ch][4], szText2, strlen(szText2)); if(ret < 0) goto error; } } if(counter == 15 && timer == 1 ) { for(channel=CH1; channel < ch_count; channel++) { int ch = channel; ovtime.xoff = 0; ovtime.yoff = 500; btime.hh = loc_time->tm_hour; = loc_time->tm_min; = loc_time->tm_sec; btime.frame_num_enable = frame_num; ret = mxuvc_overlay_set_time(channel, &ovtime, &btime); if(ret < 0) goto error; ret = mxuvc_overlay_show_time(channel); if(ret < 0) goto error; } } if(counter == 5) { printf("Removing text\n"); for(channel=CH1; channel<ch_count ; channel++) { int ch = channel; printf("from ch: %d\n",ch); ret = mxuvc_overlay_remove_text(channel, ovtext[ch][0].idx); if(ret < 0) goto error; ret = mxuvc_overlay_remove_text(channel, ovtext[ch][1].idx); if(ret < 0) goto error; ret = mxuvc_overlay_remove_text(channel, ovtext[ch][2].idx); if(ret < 0) goto error; ret = mxuvc_overlay_remove_text(channel, ovtext[ch][3].idx); if(ret < 0) goto error; ret = mxuvc_overlay_remove_text(channel, ovtext[ch][4].idx); if(ret < 0) goto error; ret = mxuvc_overlay_hide_time(channel); if(ret < 0) goto error; } } fflush(stdout); sleep(1); } ret = mxuvc_overlay_deinit(); if(ret < 0) goto error; /* Stop video streaming */ for(channel=CH1; channel<ch_count ; channel++) { /* Stop streaming */ ret = mxuvc_video_stop(channel); if(ret < 0) goto error; } /* Deinitialize and exit */ mxuvc_video_deinit(); close_fds(); return 0; error: //mxuvc_audio_deinit(); mxuvc_video_deinit(); close_fds(); printf("Failed\n"); return 1; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int ret; int counter=0; int count=0; video_format_t fmt; int ch_count = 0; long channel; int width, height, xoff, yoff; video_channel_info_t info; char adata; char mdata; char *file = NULL; if ( argc < 4 ) { printf("USAGE: sudo overlay_image <path to font file> [<imagewidth>(max 320)] [<imageheight>(max 240)] [<xoffset>(optional | default 0)] [<yoffset>(optional | default 0)]\n"); return 0; } //initialize video part ************************** ret = mxuvc_video_init("v4l2","dev_offset=0"); if(ret < 0) return 1; /* Main 'loop' */ if (argc > 1){ file = argv[1]; } if (argc > 2){ width = atoi(argv[2]); } if (argc > 3){ height = atoi(argv[3]); } if (argc > 4){ xoff = atoi(argv[4]); } else { xoff = 0; } if (argc > 5){ yoff = atoi(argv[5]); } else { yoff = 0; } ret = mxuvc_overlay_init(); if(ret < 0) return 1; printf("overlay init done\n"); /* Register callback functions */ ret = mxuvc_video_register_cb(CH1, ch_cb, (void*)CH1); if(ret < 0) goto error; printf("\n"); //get channel count of MUX channel ret = mxuvc_video_get_channel_count(&ch_count); printf("Total Channel count: %d\n",ch_count); //remove raw channel from count ch_count = ch_count - 1; for(channel=CH1 ; channel<ch_count; channel++) { ret = mxuvc_video_register_cb(channel, ch_cb, (void*)channel); if(ret < 0) goto error; } /***** Start video streaming ************/ for(channel=CH1; channel<ch_count ; channel++){ /* Start streaming */ ret = mxuvc_video_start(channel); if(ret < 0) goto error; } //sleep usleep(5000); counter = 20; overlay_image_params_t ovimage[1]; uint8_t alpha = 0x7F; while(counter--) { if (!mxuvc_video_alive()) goto error; printf("%i secs left\n", counter+1); int ch=0; if(counter == 18) { int i; ovimage[ch].width = width; ovimage[ch].height = height; ovimage[ch].xoff = xoff; ovimage[ch].yoff = yoff; ovimage[ch].idx = 0; ovimage[ch].alpha = alpha; mxuvc_overlay_add_image(CH1, &ovimage[ch], file); } if(counter == 2) { ret = mxuvc_overlay_remove_image(CH1, ovimage[0].idx); } fflush(stdout); sleep(1); } ret = mxuvc_overlay_deinit(); if(ret < 0) goto error; /* Stop video streaming */ for(channel=CH1; channel<ch_count ; channel++) { /* Stop streaming */ ret = mxuvc_video_stop(channel); if(ret < 0) goto error; } /* Deinitialize and exit */ mxuvc_video_deinit(); close_fds(); return 0; error: //mxuvc_audio_deinit(); mxuvc_video_deinit(); close_fds(); printf("Failed\n"); return 1; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int ret=0; int count=0; video_format_t fmt; int ch_count = 0; long channel; int framerate = 0; int goplen = 0; long ch; /* Initialize camera */ ret = mxuvc_video_init("v4l2","dev_offset=0"); if(ret < 0) return 1; ret = mxuvc_video_get_channel_count(&ch_count); printf("Total Channel count: %d\n",ch_count); ch = ch_count-1; // by default, we have RAW channel as the last channel in our design ret = mxuvc_video_get_resolution(ch, &nRawChW, &nRawChH); printf("Raw Channel: %4d x %4d\n", nRawChW, nRawChH); mbWidth = (nRawChW + 15)/16; mbHeight = (nRawChH + 15)/16; mbStride = ((mbWidth + 7) & ~0x7); nMBStatSize = mbWidth * mbHeight; mbStatsOffset = mbStride * mbHeight; printf("MBW %d MBH %d MBS %d; MBStatSize=%d; mbStatOffset=%d\n", mbWidth, mbHeight, mbStride, nMBStatSize, mbStatsOffset); LumaAvgMBData = malloc(sizeof(int)*nMBStatSize); #ifdef CH1_CAPTURE /* Register callback functions */ ret = mxuvc_video_register_cb(CH1, ch_cb, (void*)CH1); if(ret < 0) goto error; #endif ret = mxuvc_video_register_cb(ch_count-1, ch_cb, (void*)ch); if(ret < 0) goto error; printf("\n"); //get channel count of MUX channel ret = mxuvc_video_get_channel_count(&ch_count); printf("Total Channel count: %d\n",ch_count); //Commented following in order to use the default format set in firmware //ret = mxuvc_video_set_format(ch_count - 1, VID_FORMAT_GREY_RAW); STRUCT_Q_EPTZ_MODE_WM_ZCL eptzWM_ZclParam; eptzWM_ZclParam.Phi0 = 55; eptzWM_ZclParam.Rx = 2; eptzWM_ZclParam.Ry = 1; eptzWM_ZclParam.Rz = 1; eptzWM_ZclParam.Gshift = 0; //mxuvc_video_set_dewarp_params((video_channel_t) ch_count - 1, 0, EMODE_WM_ZCL, (dewarp_params_t*) &eptzWM_ZclParam); //ret = mxuvc_video_set_resolution(ch_count - 1, 320, 240); //if(ret < 0) // goto error; #ifdef CH1_CAPTURE ret = mxuvc_video_start(CH1); if(ret < 0) goto error; #endif usleep(5000); ret = mxuvc_video_start(ch_count - 1); if(ret < 0) goto error; usleep(5000); /* Main 'loop' */ int counter; if (argc > 1){ counter = atoi(argv[1]); } else counter = 15; while(counter--) { if(!mxuvc_video_alive()) { goto error; } printf("\r%i secs left", counter+1); fflush(stdout); sleep(1); } #ifdef CH1_CAPTURE ret = mxuvc_video_stop(CH1); if(ret < 0) goto error; #endif ret = mxuvc_video_stop(ch_count - 1); if(ret < 0) goto error; /* Deinitialize and exit */ mxuvc_video_deinit(); close_fds(); printf("Success\n"); return 0; error: mxuvc_video_deinit(); close_fds(); printf("Failure\n"); return 1; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int ret; int counter=0; int ch_count = 0; long channel; char data; int i2c_instance = 0; int i2c_device_type = 0; uint16_t i2c_device_addr = 0x20; uint16_t chip_id_reg = 0xff; uint16_t chip_id_reg_value = 0x40; int handle; uint32_t read_len = 0; uint16_t width, hight; int framerate = 0; int goplen = 0; int audio_threshold = 20; int current_audio_intensity = 0; uint16_t regval = 0; fd_aud = NULL; //initialize audio part ************************** ret = mxuvc_audio_init("alsa","device = Condor"); if(ret<0) goto error; ret = mxuvc_alert_init(); if(ret < 0) goto error; ret = mxuvc_audio_register_cb(AUD_CH2,(mxuvc_audio_cb_t) audio_cb, NULL); if(ret < 0) goto error; ret = mxuvc_audio_set_samplerate(AUD_CH2, SAMP_FREQ); if(ret < 0) goto error; mxuvc_audio_set_volume(100); //initialize video part ************************** ret = mxuvc_video_init("v4l2","dev_offset=0"); if(ret < 0) return 1; /* Register callback functions */ ret = mxuvc_video_register_cb(CH1, ch_cb, (void*)CH1); if(ret < 0) goto error; printf("\n"); //get channel count of MUX channel ret = mxuvc_video_get_channel_count(&ch_count); printf("Total Channel count: %ld\n",ch_count); //remove raw channel from count ch_count = ch_count - 1; for(channel=CH2 ; channel<ch_count; channel++) { ret = mxuvc_video_register_cb(channel, ch_cb, (void*)channel); if(ret < 0) goto error; } /***** Start audio streaming ************/ ret = mxuvc_audio_start(AUD_CH2); if(ret < 0) goto error; /***** Start video streaming ************/ for(channel=CH1; channel<ch_count ; channel++){ /* Start streaming */ ret = mxuvc_video_start(channel); if(ret < 0) goto error; } if (audio_threshold > 0){ ret = mxuvc_alert_audio_set_threshold(audio_threshold); if (ret){ printf("mxuvc_alert_audio_set_threshold() failed\n"); goto error; } ret = mxuvc_alert_audio_register_cb(&aalarm_callback, (void *)&data); if (ret){ printf("mxuvc_alert_audio_register_callback() failed\n"); goto error; } ret = mxuvc_alert_audio_enable(); if (ret){ printf("mxuvc_alert_audio_enable() failed\n"); goto error; } } //sleep usleep(5000); //start i2c notification handle = mxuvc_i2c_open(i2c_instance, i2c_device_type, i2c_device_addr, chip_id_reg, chip_id_reg_value); if(handle <= 0){ printf("err: mxuvc_i2c_open failed\n"); goto error; } #if 0 ret = mxuvc_i2c_notification_read_register(handle, 0x10, ®val, 1); if(ret < 0){ printf("err: mxuvc_i2c_notification_read_register failed\n"); goto error; } printf("regval %x\n",regval); ret = mxuvc_i2c_notification_write_register(handle, 0x10, 0x2, 1); if(ret < 0){ printf("err: mxuvc_i2c_notification_write_register failed\n"); goto error; } ret = mxuvc_i2c_notification_read_register(handle, 0x10, ®val, 1); if(ret < 0){ printf("err: mxuvc_i2c_notification_read_register failed\n"); goto error; } printf("regval %x\n",regval); #endif //sleep(1); read_len = 1; //max 2 bytes can be read together ret = mxuvc_i2c_register_notification_callback( handle, i2c_notify_cb, 2000, //polling time chip_id_reg, read_len); if(ret < 0){ printf("err: mxuvc_i2c_register_notification_callback failed\n"); goto error; } ret = mxuvc_i2c_notification_add_threshold( handle, 0x10, 0x20); if(ret < 0){ printf("err: mxuvc_i2c_notification_add_threshold failed\n"); goto error; } ret = mxuvc_i2c_notification_add_threshold( handle, 0x50, 0x60); if(ret < 0){ printf("err: mxuvc_i2c_notification_add_threshold failed\n"); goto error; } /* Main 'loop' */ if (argc > 1){ counter = atoi(argv[1]); } else counter = 15; while(counter--) { if (!mxuvc_audio_alive() || !mxuvc_video_alive()) goto error; printf("\r%i secs left", counter); if(counter==10){ ret = mxuvc_i2c_notification_remove_threshold( handle, 0x10, 0x20); if(ret < 0){ printf("err: mxuvc_i2c_notification_remove_threshold failed\n"); goto error; } } fflush(stdout); sleep(1); } if (audio_threshold > 0){ mxuvc_alert_audio_disable(); sleep(1); } ret = mxuvc_i2c_close(handle); mxuvc_alert_deinit(); /* Stop audio streaming */ ret = mxuvc_audio_stop(AUD_CH2); if(ret < 0) goto error; mxuvc_audio_deinit(); /* Stop video streaming */ for(channel=CH1; channel<ch_count ; channel++) { /* Stop streaming */ ret = mxuvc_video_stop(channel); if(ret < 0) goto error; } /* Deinitialize and exit */ mxuvc_video_deinit(); close_fds(); return 0; error: mxuvc_alert_deinit(); mxuvc_audio_deinit(); mxuvc_video_deinit(); mxuvc_custom_control_deinit(); close_fds(); printf("Failed\n"); return 1; }