char *my_modulo(char *n1, char *n2) { t_div *d; d = init_my_mod(n1, n2); if ((d != NULL) && (my_str_isnum(d->dvd) == 1) && (my_str_isnum(d->dvs) == 1)) if (d->dvs[0] != '0') { while (d->dvd[0] != '-') { if ((my_do_op_sub_cmp(d->dvs, d->dvd, 0, 0) == 0) && (d->mod[0] == '0')) my_strcpy(d->mod, d->dvd); my_strcpy(d->temp_cmp, d->dvs); my_strcpy(d->temp_fact, "1"); while (my_do_op_sub_cmp(d->temp_cmp, d->dvd, 0, 0) == 1) add_zero(d); (check_digits(d) == 1) ? (add_zero(d)) : (1); remove_zero(d); if (check_digits(d) == 1) d->temp_fact = add_sub(d->temp_fact, "-1"); get_minus(d->temp_cmp); d->total = add_sub(d->total, d->temp_fact); d->dvd = add_sub(d->dvd, d->temp_cmp); } free(d); return (check_neg(d, d->mod, 2, 0)); } else my_putstr(DIV_0); return (0); }
t_uchar run_exit(char **env, char **path, t_command *command, t_builtin_ptr **builtins) { char exit_status; if (count_args(command->argv_tmp) > 2) { my_dprintf(STDERR, "exit: Expression Syntax.\n"); return (EXIT_FAILURE); } if (command->argv_tmp == NULL || count_args(command->argv_tmp) == 1) exit_status = command->last_ret; else if (my_str_isnum(command->argv_tmp[1]) == FALSE) { my_dprintf(STDERR, "exit: Expression Syntax.\n"); return (EXIT_FAILURE); } else exit_status = my_atoi(command->argv_tmp[1]); if (command->interactive == TRUE) my_dprintf(STDERR, "exit\n"); my_free_2d_tab(env); my_free_2d_tab(path); my_free_2d_tab(command->argv); free(command->argv_tmp); free_builtins(builtins); exit(exit_status); return (EXIT_SUCCESS); }
int _get_lines_nbr(int argc, char **argv) { int lines; int idx; lines = 4; idx = 1; while (idx < argc) { if (my_cmp("-l", argv[idx])) { if (!my_str_isnum(argv[idx + 1])) { my_dprintf(STDERR, "Numeric argument required with \"-l\"\n"); return (-1); } lines = my_atoi(argv[idx + 1]); } idx += 1; } if (lines > 256 || lines <= 0) { my_dprintf(STDERR, "Number of lines out of range! {1..256}\n"); return (-1); } return (lines); }
/* ** brief: get all the parameters for the virtual machine ** @argc: number of arguments pass to the program ** @argv: each arguments pass to the program ** @corewar: our structure for the virtual machine ** return: {0 if succeed} {1 if error during parsing} */ static unsigned int my_get_params(int argc, char **argv, t_corewar *corewar) { t_champion *champion; int i; i = 1; if (!my_strcmp(argv[i], "-dump")) { if (i + 1 >= argc || my_str_isnum(argv[i + 1]) || (corewar->dump = my_getnbr(argv[i + 1])) < 0) return (my_fprintf(2, "Dump must have a positive number.\n")); i += 2; } else corewar->dump = -1; while (i < argc) { if (!(champion = my_malloc(sizeof(*champion)))) return (my_fprintf(2, "At my_get_params : Malloc failed.\n")); if (my_champion(argc, argv, &i, champion)) return (1); if (my_order_champion(corewar, champion)) return (1); } return (0); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int *tabstick = NULL; if (argv[1] && (my_str_isnum(argv[1]) == 0)) { tabstick = create_sticktab(argv[1]); if (!tabstick) return (0); while (42) { choose_line(tabstick); aff_sticks(tabstick, my_get_nbr(argv[1])); if (!verif_if_lose(tabstick, my_get_nbr(argv[1]))) { my_putstr("You lose . . .\n\n"); return (0); } rand_line(tabstick, my_get_nbr(argv[1])); if (!verif_if_lose(tabstick, my_get_nbr(argv[1]))) { my_putstr("You win!\n\n"); return (0); } } } else my_putstr("\n\tUse a number for argument 1.\n\n"); return (0); }
int define_number_line(char *str, int const line_max) { int i = 0; if (my_str_isnum(str) == 1) return (0); i = my_get_nbr(str); if (i > line_max) return (0); return (i); }
char *is_valid_stats(t_winChampion *data, int i, int j) { const gchar *text; while (i < j) { text = gtk_entry_get_text(GTK_ENTRY(data->attEntry[i])); if (my_str_isnum((char *) text) != 1) return ("Bad Champion stats (hp/spe/speed/deg)"); i++; } return (NULL); }
static int check_n(t_program *prgm, int i, int argc, const char **argv) { if (my_match(argv[i], "-n")) { if (prgm->player_id != -1) return (error_int(RET_FAILURE, ERR_N_REPEAT)); if (i + 1 < argc) { if (!my_str_isnum(argv[i + 1]) || (prgm->player_id = my_getnbr(argv[i + 1])) < 0) return (error_int(RET_ERROR, ERR_N_INVALID_VAL)); } else return (error_int(RET_FAILURE, ERR_N_NO_VAL)); } return (RET_SUCCESS); }
int check_s2(char *buff, int nbr, int tab_rl) { if (my_str_isnum(buff) == -1) { my_putstr("Error: You must have to enter positive numbers only !\n"); my_putstr("How many matches do you want to remove ? "); return (1); } if (nbr > tab_rl || nbr == 0) { if (nbr == 0) my_putstr("Error: You have to take at least one match !\n"); else my_putstr("Error: there is not enough matches !\n"); my_putstr("How many matches do you want to remove ? "); return (1); } return (0); }
int main(int ac, char **av) { int i; int serv_pid; char *str; if (ac != 3) { my_putstr("Usae: ./client [ServerPID] [Message]\n"); return (0); } i = 0; if (my_str_isnum(av[1]) == -1) { my_putstr("Usage: The ServerPID is a number only !\n"); return (0); } else serv_pid = my_getnbr(av[1]); str = av[2]; while (str[i] != '\0') binary(serv_pid, str[i++]); return (0); }
int step_one(int *remove_line, int *tab, int tab_size, char *buff) { if (my_str_isnum(buff) == -1) { my_putstr("Error: You must have to enter positive numbers only !\n"); my_putstr("On which line would you want to remove matches ? "); return (0); } if (my_getnbr(buff) > 0 && my_getnbr(buff) <= tab_size) { if (tab[my_getnbr(buff) - 1] == 0) { my_putstr("Error: there is no matches in this line !\n"); my_putstr("On which line would you want to remove matches ? "); return (0); } *remove_line = my_getnbr(buff) - 1; my_putstr("How many matches do you want to remove ? "); return (1); } my_putstr("Error: The line specified does not exist !\n"); my_putstr("On which line would you want to remove matches ? "); return (0); }
void check_error_two(char *str) { if (my_str_isnum(str) == 0) my_error("After option R or S, you must enter only on number\nExecute ./man_103 to read the man"); }
void check_error_one(char *str) { if (my_str_isnum(str) == 0) my_error("After option T or H, you must enter two numbers\nExecute ./man_103 to read the man"); }
int check_size(char **av) { if (my_str_isnum(av[3]) != 1) my_putstr_error(SYNTAXE_ERROR_MSG); return (0); }
int main() { printf("%i",my_str_isnum("")); return(0); }