BINTREE *createBinTreeLR() { char lstr[20]; char rstr[20]; FILE *file = fopen("input.txt", "r"); myscanf(file, "%s%s", lstr, rstr); int n = strlen(lstr); BINTREENODE *root = subCreate(lstr, rstr, n); BINTREE *bt; bt = malloc(sizeof(BINTREE)); memset(bt, 0, sizeof(BINTREE)); bt->root = root; return bt; }
void AddNewX() { // Define ADO object pointers. Initialize pointers on define. _RecordsetPtr pRstEmployees = NULL; _ConnectionPtr pConnection = NULL; // Define Other variables IADORecordBinding *picRs = NULL; // Interface Pointer declared.(VC++ Extensions) CEmployeeRs emprs; // C++ class object HRESULT hr = S_OK; // Replace Data Source value with your server name. _bstr_t strCnn("Provider='sqloledb'; Data Source='My_Data_Source'; Initial Catalog='pubs'; Integrated Security='SSPI';"); _bstr_t strId; _bstr_t strMessage; try { // Open a connection TESTHR(pConnection.CreateInstance(__uuidof(Connection))); pConnection->Open(strCnn, "", "", adConnectUnspecified); // Open employee table TESTHR(pRstEmployees.CreateInstance(__uuidof(Recordset))); // You have to explicitly pass the Cursor type and LockType to the Recordset here pRstEmployees->Open("employee", _variant_t((IDispatch *)pConnection, true), adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic, adCmdTable); // Open IADORecordBinding interface pointer for Binding Recordset to a class TESTHR(pRstEmployees->QueryInterface(__uuidof(IADORecordBinding), (LPVOID*)&picRs)); // Bind the Recordset to a C++ Class here TESTHR(picRs->BindToRecordset(&emprs)); // Get data from the user.The employee id must be formatted as first,middle and last // initial, five numbers,then M or F to signify the gender. For example, the // employee id for Bill A. Sorensen would be "BAS55555M". printf("Enter Employee Id: "); myscanf(emprs.m_sz_empid, sizeof(emprs.m_sz_empid)); strId = emprs.m_sz_empid; printf("Enter First Name: "); myscanf(emprs.m_sz_fname, sizeof(emprs.m_sz_fname)); printf("Enter Last Name:"); myscanf(emprs.m_sz_lname, sizeof(emprs.m_sz_lname)); // Proceed if user entered id, the first and the last name. if (strcmp(emprs.m_sz_empid, "") && strcmp(emprs.m_sz_fname, "") && strcmp(emprs.m_sz_lname, "")) { // This adds a new record to the table // if (FAILED(hr = picRs->AddNew(&emprs))) //_com_issue_error(hr); TESTHR(picRs->AddNew(&emprs)); // Show the newly added data printf("New Record: %s %s %s \n", \ emprs.lemp_empidStatus == adFldOK ? emprs.m_sz_empid : "<NULL>", \ emprs.lemp_fnameStatus == adFldOK ? emprs.m_sz_fname : "<NULL>", \ emprs.lemp_lnameStatus == adFldOK ? emprs.m_sz_lname : "<NULL>"); } else printf("Please enter an employee id, first name and last name.\n"); // Delete the new record because this is a demonstration. pConnection->Execute("DELETE FROM EMPLOYEE WHERE emp_id = '" + strId + "'", NULL, adCmdText); } catch (_com_error &e) { // Notify the user of errors if any. _variant_t vtConnect = pRstEmployees->GetActiveConnection(); // GetActiveConnection returns connect string if connection // is not open, else returns Connection object. switch (vtConnect.vt) { case VT_BSTR: printf("Error:\n"); printf("Code = %08lx\n", e.Error()); printf("Message = %s\n", e.ErrorMessage()); printf("Source = %s\n", (LPCSTR)e.Source()); printf("Description = %s\n", (LPCSTR)e.Description()); break; case VT_DISPATCH: PrintProviderError(vtConnect); break; default: printf("Errors occured."); break; } } // Clean up objects before exit. Release the IADORecordset Interface here if (picRs) picRs->Release(); if (pRstEmployees) if (pRstEmployees->State == adStateOpen) pRstEmployees->Close(); if (pConnection) if (pConnection->State == adStateOpen) pConnection->Close(); }