예제 #1
파일: filesys.c 프로젝트: joeytwiddle/code
void adddirtoscene(Scene *s,DirRec *dr,V3d pos,V3d up) {
//  printf("Adding directory %s\n",dr->fname);
    s->add(new Cylinder(pos+0.0*up,pos+1.0*up,0.05*up.mod()));
//  s->add(new TextRend(dr->fname,10,pos,0.3));
    OrderedList<FileRec> ol;
    for (int i=1; i<=dr->fs.len; i++) {
        FileRec *r=dr->fs.num(i);
    V3d x=V3d::normcross(up,V3d::k)*up.mod()*0.8;  // Actually, want y=closest to real z
    V3d y=V3d::normcross(up,x)*up.mod()*0.8;
    for (int i=1; i<=ol.len; i++) {
        FileRec *r=ol.p2num(i);
//    printf("  %s\n",r->fname);
        float ang=((i%2)==0?1:-1)*(pi*(float)(i-1)/(float)(ol.len-1));
        V3d d=up+x*mysin(ang)+y*mycos(ang); // Bad, should do rotation instead.
        if (Seq(r->type(),"file")) {
            //s->add(new Cylinder(pos+0.0*d,pos+0.2*d,0.05*up.mod()));
            s->add(new Sphere(pos+0.1*d,0.02*up.mod()));
//      s->add(new TextRend(r->fname,10,pos+d,0.1));
        } else {
            DirRec *dr2=(DirRec *)r;
예제 #2
파일: current.c 프로젝트: 10crimes/code
 float smoothvalat(int x,int y) {
   V2d tofar=V2d(x,y)-pos;
   float d=V2d::dot(V2d::angle(ang),tofar);
   return mysin(d/rad*2*pi)*gaussian(tofar.mod()/200);
   // return mysin(d/rad*2*pi)/d*100.0;
   // return gaussian(d/100.0)*mysin(d/rad*2*pi)/d*100.0;
예제 #3
// a = sin(theta)/cos(theta)
void draw_line(U16* buf, S16 r, U16 theta,d_YUV* d_pixel_value){
	S16 x, y;
	U16 blue = 0x1f;
	float Usum=0,Vsum=0;
	if(theta == 90){
	for(x = 0; x < 180; x++){
		y = (S16)(-(mysin(theta)/mycos(theta))*x + r/mycos(theta));
		if (x%20 ==0) {
			//printf("y : %d\n", y);
		if(y >= 0 && y < 120) {
			red = RED_VALUE_IN565(buf[180*y + x]);
			blue = BLUE_VALUE_IN565(buf[180*y + x]);
			green = GREEN_VALUE_IN565(buf[180*y + x]);
			Y = 0.299*red + 0.293*green + 0.114*blue;
			U = 0.492*(0.886*blue - 0.299*red - 0.293*green);
			V = 0.877*(0.701*red - 0.293*green - 0.114*blue);
			buf[180*y + x] = blue;
		Usum += U;
		Vsum += V;
	Usum = Usum/180;
	Vsum = Vsum/180;
	d_pixel_value->u_value = Usum;
	d_pixel_value->v_value = Vsum;

	//printf("----- r : %d, theta : %d\n", r, theta);
예제 #4
int draw_rotate_value(int cdx, int cdy, int ctx, int cty, float zoom, unsigned int angle, DrawRaw_value* draw_value)
	float sinval, cosval;

	int InitDX, InitDY;
	int EndX, EndY;
	int InitSX, InitSY;
	int dxSx, dxSy;
	int dySx, dySy;
	int dx,dy;
	int x, y;
	int cosa;
	int sina;
	int rhzoom;
	long tx,ty;

	x = y = 0;
	dx = SCREEN_WIDTH;	// screen width (320)
	dy = SCREEN_HEIGHT;	// screen height (480)

	sinval = mysin(angle);
	cosval = mycos(angle);

	tx = (-cdx/zoom) * cosval + (-cdy/zoom) * sinval;
	ty = (cdx/zoom) * sinval +  (-cdy/zoom) * cosval;

	if( zoom<=0 )   rhzoom = 0;
	else            rhzoom = (int)((float)(1<<9)/zoom);
	cosa = (S32)(rhzoom * cosval);
	sina = (S32)(rhzoom * sinval);

	if( dx <= 0 || dy <= 0 )
		return -1;

	InitDX 	= x;
	InitDY 	= y;
	EndX	= x+dx-1;
	EndY	= y+dy-1;

	InitSX  = (x+tx+ctx)*512;
	dxSx    = cosa;
	dxSy    = -sina;

	InitSY  = (y+ty+cty)*512;
	dySx    = sina;
	dySy    = cosa;


	return 0;
예제 #5
double mysin(double n, double x)
    int k;
    double fl, rem, val, flx = fl*x;;
    if ( n > 2 ) {
        k = floor(log2(n));
        fl = pow(2,k);
        rem = n - fl;
        flx = fl*x;
        val = cos(flx)*mysin(rem,x) + sin(flx)*mycos(rem,x);
    else val = sin(n*x);
예제 #6
StatusCode CpuHungryAlg::execute() {
  double result = 0;
  if (name() == "Alg1") {
    result = mysin();
  }else if (name() == "Alg2") {
    result = mycos();
  }else {
    result = mytan();
  // This part is pointless, but prevent a warning about a
  // set, but unused, variable (result).
  if ( msgLevel(MSG::DEBUG) )
    debug() << "Result = " << result << endmsg;
  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
예제 #7
double asymbesselj(double nu, double n, double x)
    double pp, fournu2 = 4.*nu*nu, cosx, sinx, cosp, sinp, cosW, sinW, man, wife, a, sgn, tmp, vals;
    int j, MM = 30;
    // avg frequency.
    pp = (.5*nu+.25)*PI;
    // coefficients
    a = 1.; 
    sgn = 1.0;
    man = 1.; 
    wife = 0.;
    for (j = 1; j <= MM/2; j+=2) { 
        tmp = (2.*j-1.);
        a *= (fournu2-tmp*tmp)/(8.*j)/n/x;
        wife += a;
        sgn = -sgn;  
        tmp = (2.*j+1.);
        a *= sgn*(fournu2-tmp*tmp)/(8.*(j+1))/n/x;
        man += a;
        sgn = -sgn;  
    // factor out the average frequency
    cosx = mycos(n,x); sinx = mysin(n,x); 
    cosp = cos(pp); sinp = sin(pp);
    cosW = cosx*cosp + sinx*sinp;
    sinW = sinx*cosp - cosx*sinp;
    // besselj is the marriage of two parts.
    man *= cosW;
    wife *= sinW; 
    // combine
    vals = sqrt(2./PI)*(1./sqrt(n))*(1./sqrt(x))*(man - wife);
예제 #8
void ClarkePark()

	SCP.cosangle=( int16_t )  mycos( SCP.angle)/32; // into lower 10 fractional bits
	SCP.sinangle= ( int16_t ) mysin( SCP.angle )/32;


	SCP.Ibeta = fix6_10_mul(SCP.Ia, (int16_t ) ONEDIVSQ3 )+fix6_10_mul(SCP.Ib , (int16_t) ONEDIVSQ3 * 2 ) ;

	SCP.Id= fix6_10_mul(SCP.Ialpha , SCP.cosangle ) +fix6_10_mul(SCP.Ibeta , SCP.sinangle );

	SCP.Iq= - fix6_10_mul(SCP.Ialpha , SCP.sinangle ) + fix6_10_mul(SCP.Ibeta , SCP.cosangle );

        //SCP.Id =-SCP.Id;  // ## Achtung
        //SCP.Iq =-SCP.Iq;

예제 #9
static int
compute_pedal(struct state *st, XPoint *points, int maxpoints)
 * Description:
 *    Basically, it's combination spirograph and string art.
 *    Instead of doing lines, we just use a complex polygon,
 *    and use an even/odd rule for filling in between.
 *    The spirograph, in mathematical terms is a polar
 *    plot of the form r = sin (theta * c);
 *    The string art of this is that we evaluate that
 *    function only on certain multiples of theta.  That is
 *    we let theta advance in some random increment.  And then
 *    we draw a straight line between those two adjacent points.
 *    Eventually, the lines will start repeating themselves
 *    if we've evaluated theta on some rational portion of the
 *    whole.
 *    The number of lines generated is limited to the
 *    ratio of the increment we put on theta to the whole.
 *    If we say that there are 360 degrees in a circle, then we
 *    will never have more than 360 lines.   
 * Return:
 *    The number of points.
    int a, b, d;  /* These describe a unique pedal */

    double r;
    int theta = 0;
    XPoint *pp = st->points;
    int count;
    int numpoints;

    /* Just to make sure that this division is not done inside the loop */
    int h_width = st->sizex / 2, h_height = st->sizey / 2 ;

    for (;;) {
	d = rand_range (MINLINES, st->maxlines);

	a = rand_range (1, d);
	b = rand_range (1, d);
	numpoints = numlines(a, b, d);
	if (numpoints > MINLINES) break;

    /* it might be nice to try to move as much sin and cos computing
     * (or at least the argument computing) out of the loop.
    for (count = numpoints; count-- ; )
        r = mysin (theta * a, d);

        /* Convert from polar to cartesian coordinates */
	/* We could round the results, but coercing seems just fine */
        pp->x = mysin (theta, d) * r * h_width  + h_width;
        pp->y = mycos (theta, d) * r * h_height + h_height;

        /* Advance index into array */

        /* Advance theta */
        theta += b;
        theta %= d;

예제 #10
파일: current.c 프로젝트: 10crimes/code
 virtual float smoothvalat(int x,int y) {
   float d=V2d::dist(V2d(x,y),pos);
   // return gaussian(d/200.0)*mysin(d/rad*2*pi);
   return log(d/200.0)*mysin(d/rad*2*pi)*gaussian(d/100);
예제 #11
/*Hough space

180x120 x-y space to -->


void hough_lines(U16* buf, U16 threshold_value,
                double resolution, U16 num_line, S16* p_radius, U16* p_theta,d_YUV* d_pixel_value){
	int width = 180, height = 120, r, c, i, j, k;
	U16 diagH = (U16)(sqrt((double)(180*180 + 120*120)));
	U16 diag = diagH*2;
	U16 res_step = (U16)(180/resolution); // In resolution 1, each step has 1 degree.
	U16 num_trans = diag*res_step;
	U16 hough_space[num_trans];
	U16 theta;
	memset(hough_space, 0, num_trans*sizeof(U16));

	for(r = 5; r < height - 5; r++){
	for(c = 5; c < width - 5; c++){

		int distance;
		// At each edge pixels
		if(BLUE_VALUE_IN565(buf[180*r + c]) > threshold_value){
			//printf("selected pixel : y=%d, x=%d\n", r, c);
			for(theta = 0; theta < 180; theta += (U16)resolution){
				distance = (int)(c*mysin(theta) + r*mycos(theta) + diagH + 0.5);
				hough_space[distance*res_step + (U16)(theta/resolution)]++;


	int highest_voted_pixel[6] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
	int highest_voted_pixel_index[6] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};

	for(i = 0; i < num_trans; i++){
		if(hough_space[i] >= highest_voted_pixel[0]){
			// push highest_voted_pixel, index array
			for(j = 5; (j >= 0) && (hough_space[i] >= highest_voted_pixel[j]); j--){
				for(k = 1; k < j + 1; k++){
					highest_voted_pixel[k-1] = highest_voted_pixel[k];
					highest_voted_pixel_index[k-1] = highest_voted_pixel_index[k];
				highest_voted_pixel[j] = hough_space[i];
				highest_voted_pixel_index[j] = i;

	for(i = 0; i < 6; i++){
		p_radius[i] = (S16)(highest_voted_pixel_index[i]/res_step);
		p_theta[i] = (highest_voted_pixel_index[i] - p_radius[i]*res_step)*resolution;
		p_radius[i] -= diagH;
		//printf("line detected. voted : %d, index : %d,  r : %d / theta : %d\n", highest_voted_pixel[i], highest_voted_pixel_index[i], p_radius[i], p_theta[i]);
	float d_Usum=0,d_Vsum=0;
	for(i = 0; i < 6; i++){
		draw_line(buf, p_radius[i], p_theta[i],d_pixel_value);
		printf("each direct%d U_value : %0.3f, V_value : %0.3f\n",i+1,d_pixel_value->u_value,d_pixel_value->v_value);

	/*for(line_count = 0; line_count < num_line; line_count++){
		printf("line no. %d  p_r : %d / p_t : %d\n", line_count, p_radius[line_count], p_theta[line_count]);

예제 #12
static float mycos(U32 angle)
	return mysin(angle + 90);
예제 #13
파일: kips.c 프로젝트: 10crimes/code
 V3d contribution(float thru) {
   return a*line*mysin(((float)f)*(thru*2.0*pi-o));
   // return V3d::random();
예제 #14
double mycos(double x) {
  //APP_LOG(APP_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "in cos called with %d", (int)(x * 1000));
  return mysin(M_PI / 2 - x);
예제 #15
double bar(double x)
    return mysin(x);