예제 #1
NS_IMETHODIMP nsAppleMailImportModule::GetImportInterface(const char *aImportType, nsISupports **aInterface)
  *aInterface = nsnull;
  nsresult rv = NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE;

  if (!strcmp(aImportType, "mail")) {
    nsCOMPtr<nsIImportMail> mail(do_CreateInstance(NS_APPLEMAILIMPL_CONTRACTID, &rv));
    if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
      nsCOMPtr<nsIImportService> impSvc(do_GetService(NS_IMPORTSERVICE_CONTRACTID, &rv));
      if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
        nsCOMPtr<nsIImportGeneric> generic;
        rv = impSvc->CreateNewGenericMail(getter_AddRefs(generic));
        if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
          nsAutoString name;
          rv = mBundle->GetStringFromID(APPLEMAILIMPORT_NAME, getter_Copies(name));
          NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv);

          nsCOMPtr<nsISupportsString> nameString(do_CreateInstance(NS_SUPPORTS_STRING_CONTRACTID, &rv));
          NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv);

          generic->SetData("name", nameString);
          generic->SetData("mailInterface", mail);

          rv = CallQueryInterface(generic, aInterface);

  return rv;
예제 #2
파일: ICU.cpp 프로젝트: OMFGB/libcore
static jobjectArray getNames(JNIEnv* env, UResourceBundle* namesBundle, bool months, NameType type, NameWidth width) {
    const char* typeKey = (type == REGULAR) ? "format" : "stand-alone";
    const char* widthKey = (width == LONG) ? "wide" : "abbreviated";
    UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    ScopedResourceBundle formatBundle(ures_getByKey(namesBundle, typeKey, NULL, &status));
    ScopedResourceBundle valuesBundle(ures_getByKey(formatBundle.get(), widthKey, NULL, &status));
    if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
        return NULL;

    // The months array has a trailing empty string. The days array has a leading empty string.
    int count = ures_getSize(valuesBundle.get());
    jobjectArray result = env->NewObjectArray(count + 1, JniConstants::stringClass, NULL);
    env->SetObjectArrayElement(result, months ? count : 0, env->NewStringUTF(""));
    int arrayOffset = months ? 0 : 1;
    for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
        int nameLength;
        const jchar* name = ures_getStringByIndex(valuesBundle.get(), i, &nameLength, &status);
        if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
            return NULL;
        ScopedLocalRef<jstring> nameString(env, env->NewString(name, nameLength));
        env->SetObjectArrayElement(result, arrayOffset++, nameString.get());
    return result;
예제 #3
파일: ThatStar.cpp 프로젝트: sleimanf/aibot
void ThatStar::setAttribute(const StringPimpl &name, const StringPimpl &value) throw(InternalProgrammerErrorException &)

    LOG_BOT_METHOD("void ThatStar::setAttribute(const StringPimpl &name, const StringPimpl &value)");
    String nameString(name.c_str());
    String valueString(value.c_str());

    logging("<Input> name:" + nameString);
    logging("<Input> value:" + valueString);

        if(nameString == "index" && (!valueString.empty()))
            m_pimpl->m_index = lexical_cast<int>(valueString);
    catch(bad_lexical_cast &)
        String msg("Index string is not numeric");
        msg += valueString;
        logging("Error, the cast to a numeric value failed");

예제 #4
void RegistrySettingsManager::extractValueName(const TCHAR *key, StringStorage *keyName)
  std::vector<TCHAR> nameString(_tcslen(key) + 1);
  memcpy(&nameString.front(), key, nameString.size());
  TCHAR *token = _tcsrchr(&nameString.front(), _T('\\'));
  if (token != NULL) {
  } else {
    keyName->setString((TCHAR *)key);
예제 #5
void TestCasesHandler::TestCase::setAttribute(const StringPimpl &name, const StringPimpl &value) throw(InternalProgrammerErrorException &)
	string nameString(name.c_str());
	string valueString(value.c_str());
	if(nameString == "name")
		m_handler.outputln("Test Case name: " + valueString);
		cout << "Error, wrong attribute" << endl;
예제 #6
파일: Bot.cpp 프로젝트: sleimanf/aibot
void Bot::setAttribute(const StringPimpl &name, const StringPimpl &value) throw(InternalProgrammerErrorException &)
	LOG_BOT_METHOD("void Bot::setAttribute(const StringPimpl &name, const StringPimpl &value)");	
	String nameString(name.c_str());
	String valueString(value.c_str());

	logging("<Input> name:" + nameString);
	logging("<Input> value:" + valueString);
	if(nameString == "name" && (!valueString.empty()))
		m_pimpl->m_botPredicateName = valueString;
예제 #7
 * \brief Get the name of the animation
 * Note: altered 24/09/07 to solve a D3DX memory leak caused because I was not releasing the set after getting it
 * \param index - the animation set index
 * \return the name
 * \author Keith Ditchburn \date 18 July 2005
std::string CXFileEntity::GetAnimationSetName(unsigned int index)
	if (index>=m_numAnimationSets)
		return "Error: No set exists";

	// Get the animation set
	m_animController->GetAnimationSet(m_currentAnimationSet, &set );

	std::string nameString(set->GetName());


	return nameString;
예제 #8
파일: AIML.cpp 프로젝트: sleimanf/aibot
void AIML::setAttribute(const StringPimpl &name, const StringPimpl &value) throw(InternalProgrammerErrorException &)
	LOG_BOT_METHOD("void AIML::setAttribute(const StringPimpl &name, const StringPimpl &value)");
	String nameString(name.c_str());
	String valueString(value.c_str());

	logging("<Input> name: " + nameString + "value: " + valueString);

	if(nameString == "version")
	///@todo use something else instead of this or just leave it out.
	//		m_parser.setAIMLVersion(valueString);
		//Ignore all the rest for right now.  I don't care about any other attributes.
예제 #9
nsDogbertProfileMigrator::GetSourceProfiles(nsISupportsArray** aResult)
  nsresult rv;
  const char* profileDir  = PR_GetEnv(PROFILE_HOME_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE);

  if (!profileDir) {
  if (!profileDir) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;

  nsCAutoString profilePath(profileDir);
  profilePath += "/.netscape";

  nsCOMPtr<nsILocalFile> profileFile;
  rv = NS_NewNativeLocalFile(profilePath, PR_TRUE, getter_AddRefs(profileFile));

  nsCOMPtr<nsIFile> prefFile;
  rv = profileFile->Clone(getter_AddRefs(prefFile));


  PRBool exists;
  rv = prefFile->Exists(&exists);
  if (NS_FAILED(rv) || !exists) {
    return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;

  mSourceProfile = profileFile;

  mProfiles = do_CreateInstance(NS_SUPPORTSARRAY_CONTRACTID, &rv);

  nsCOMPtr<nsISupportsString> nameString
  if (!nameString) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;

  nameString->SetData(NS_LITERAL_STRING("Netscape 4.x"));
  NS_ADDREF(*aResult = mProfiles);
  return NS_OK;
예제 #10
nsDogbertProfileMigrator::GetSourceProfiles(nsISupportsArray** aResult)
  if (!mProfiles) {
    nsresult rv;

    mProfiles = do_CreateInstance(NS_SUPPORTSARRAY_CONTRACTID, &rv);
    NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv);

    nsCOMPtr<nsIFile> regFile;
    rv = NS_GetSpecialDirectory(OLDREG_DIR, getter_AddRefs(regFile));
    NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv);
    nsCAutoString path;
    rv = regFile->GetNativePath(path);
    NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv);

    if (NR_StartupRegistry())
      return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;

    HREG reg = nsnull;
    REGENUM enumstate = 0;

    if (NR_RegOpen(path.get(), &reg)) {
      return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;

    char profileName[MAXREGNAMELEN];
    while (!NR_RegEnumSubkeys(reg, ROOTKEY_USERS, &enumstate,
                              profileName, MAXREGNAMELEN, REGENUM_CHILDREN)) {
      nsCOMPtr<nsISupportsString> nameString
      if (nameString) {
  NS_IF_ADDREF(*aResult = mProfiles);
  return NS_OK;
예제 #11
void Condition::setAttribute(const StringPimpl &name, const StringPimpl &value) 
	throw(InternalProgrammerErrorException &)
	LOG_BOT_METHOD("void Condition::setAttribute(const StringPimpl &name, const StringPimpl &value)");
	String nameString(name.c_str());
	String valueString(value.c_str());

	if(nameString == "name")
		m_pimpl->m_name = true;
		logging("Setting the m_predicateName to:" + nameString);
		m_pimpl->m_predicateName = valueString;
	else if(nameString == "value")
		m_pimpl->m_value = true;
		logging("Setting the m_aimlPattern to:" + valueString);
		m_pimpl->m_aimlPattern = valueString;
		logging("Warning, empty name and/or empty value given or invalid values given");
예제 #12
NS_IMETHODIMP nsOutlookImport::GetImportInterface(const char *pImportType, nsISupports **ppInterface)
  NS_PRECONDITION(pImportType != nsnull, "null ptr");
  if (! pImportType)
  NS_PRECONDITION(ppInterface != nsnull, "null ptr");
  if (! ppInterface)

  *ppInterface = nsnull;
  nsresult  rv;
  if (!strcmp(pImportType, "mail")) {
    // create the nsIImportMail interface and return it!
    nsIImportMail *  pMail = nsnull;
    nsIImportGeneric *pGeneric = nsnull;
    rv = ImportOutlookMailImpl::Create(&pMail);
    if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
      nsCOMPtr<nsIImportService> impSvc(do_GetService(NS_IMPORTSERVICE_CONTRACTID, &rv));
      if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
        rv = impSvc->CreateNewGenericMail(&pGeneric);
        if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
          pGeneric->SetData("mailInterface", pMail);
          nsString name;
          nsOutlookStringBundle::GetStringByID(OUTLOOKIMPORT_NAME, name);
          nsCOMPtr<nsISupportsString> nameString (do_CreateInstance(NS_SUPPORTS_STRING_CONTRACTID, &rv));
          if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
            pGeneric->SetData("name", nameString);
            rv = pGeneric->QueryInterface(kISupportsIID, (void **)ppInterface);
    return rv;

  if (!strcmp(pImportType, "addressbook")) {
    // create the nsIImportAddressBook interface and return it!
    nsIImportAddressBooks *  pAddress = nsnull;
    nsIImportGeneric *    pGeneric = nsnull;
    rv = ImportOutlookAddressImpl::Create(&pAddress);
    if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
      nsCOMPtr<nsIImportService> impSvc(do_GetService(NS_IMPORTSERVICE_CONTRACTID, &rv));
      if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
        rv = impSvc->CreateNewGenericAddressBooks(&pGeneric);
        if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
          pGeneric->SetData("addressInterface", pAddress);
          rv = pGeneric->QueryInterface(kISupportsIID, (void **)ppInterface);
    return rv;

  if (!strcmp(pImportType, "settings")) {
    nsIImportSettings *pSettings = nsnull;
    rv = nsOutlookSettings::Create(&pSettings);
    if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv))
      pSettings->QueryInterface(kISupportsIID, (void **)ppInterface);
    return rv;

예제 #13
const SkRefPtr<SkPDFDict>& SkPDFDevice::getResourceDict() {
    if (fResourceDict.get() == NULL) {
        fResourceDict = new SkPDFDict;
        fResourceDict->unref();  // SkRefPtr and new both took a reference.

        if (fGraphicStateResources.count()) {
            SkRefPtr<SkPDFDict> extGState = new SkPDFDict();
            extGState->unref();  // SkRefPtr and new both took a reference.
            for (int i = 0; i < fGraphicStateResources.count(); i++) {
                SkString nameString("G");
                    new SkPDFObjRef(fGraphicStateResources[i]))->unref();
            fResourceDict->insert("ExtGState", extGState.get());

        if (fXObjectResources.count()) {
            SkRefPtr<SkPDFDict> xObjects = new SkPDFDict();
            xObjects->unref();  // SkRefPtr and new both took a reference.
            for (int i = 0; i < fXObjectResources.count(); i++) {
                SkString nameString("X");
                    new SkPDFObjRef(fXObjectResources[i]))->unref();
            fResourceDict->insert("XObject", xObjects.get());

        if (fFontResources.count()) {
            SkRefPtr<SkPDFDict> fonts = new SkPDFDict();
            fonts->unref();  // SkRefPtr and new both took a reference.
            for (int i = 0; i < fFontResources.count(); i++) {
                SkString nameString("F");
                              new SkPDFObjRef(fFontResources[i]))->unref();
            fResourceDict->insert("Font", fonts.get());

        if (fShaderResources.count()) {
            SkRefPtr<SkPDFDict> patterns = new SkPDFDict();
            patterns->unref();  // SkRefPtr and new both took a reference.
            for (int i = 0; i < fShaderResources.count(); i++) {
                SkString nameString("P");
                                 new SkPDFObjRef(fShaderResources[i]))->unref();
            fResourceDict->insert("Pattern", patterns.get());

        // For compatibility, add all proc sets (only used for output to PS
        // devices).
        const char procs[][7] = {"PDF", "Text", "ImageB", "ImageC", "ImageI"};
        SkRefPtr<SkPDFArray> procSets = new SkPDFArray();
        procSets->unref();  // SkRefPtr and new both took a reference.
        for (size_t i = 0; i < SK_ARRAY_COUNT(procs); i++)
            procSets->append(new SkPDFName(procs[i]))->unref();
        fResourceDict->insert("ProcSet", procSets.get());
    return fResourceDict;
예제 #14
void UserInformation::insertName(std::wstring &str, MCONTACT user) const
	// insert the user's name into the string
	str.replace(str.find(L"%u"), 2, nameString(user));
예제 #15
GeoDataDocument* MapQuestRunner::parse( const QByteArray &content ) const
    QDomDocument xml;
    if ( !xml.setContent( content ) ) {
        mDebug() << "Cannot parse xml file with routing instructions.";
        return 0;

    // mDebug() << xml.toString(2);
    QDomElement root = xml.documentElement();

    GeoDataDocument* result = new GeoDataDocument();
    result->setName( "MapQuest" );
    GeoDataPlacemark* routePlacemark = new GeoDataPlacemark;
    routePlacemark->setName( "Route" );

    GeoDataLineString* routeWaypoints = new GeoDataLineString;
    QDomNodeList shapePoints = root.elementsByTagName( "shapePoints" );
    if ( shapePoints.size() == 1 ) {
        QDomNodeList geometry = shapePoints.at( 0 ).toElement().elementsByTagName( "latLng" );
        for ( int i=0; i<geometry.size(); ++i ) {
            double const lat = geometry.item( i ).namedItem( "lat" ).toElement().text().toDouble();
            double const lon = geometry.item( i ).namedItem( "lng" ).toElement().text().toDouble();
            GeoDataCoordinates const position( lon, lat, 0.0, GeoDataCoordinates::Degree );
            routeWaypoints->append( position );
    routePlacemark->setGeometry( routeWaypoints );

    QTime time;
    time = time.addSecs( root.elementsByTagName( "time" ).at( 0 ).toElement().text().toInt() );
    qreal length = routeWaypoints->length( EARTH_RADIUS );
    const QString name = nameString( "MQ", length, time );
    const GeoDataExtendedData data = routeData( length, time );
    routePlacemark->setExtendedData( data );
    result->setName( name );
    result->append( routePlacemark );

    QMap<int,int> mapping;
    QDomNodeList maneuvers = root.elementsByTagName( "maneuverIndexes" );
    if ( maneuvers.size() == 1 ) {
        maneuvers = maneuvers.at( 0 ).childNodes();
        for ( int i=0; i<maneuvers.size(); ++i ) {
            mapping[i] = maneuvers.at( i ).toElement().text().toInt();
            if ( mapping[i] == routeWaypoints->size() ) {

    QDomNodeList instructions = root.elementsByTagName( "maneuver" );
    unsigned int const lastInstruction = qMax<int>( 0, instructions.length()-1 ); // ignore the last 'Welcome to xy' instruction
    for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < lastInstruction; ++i ) {
        QDomElement node = instructions.item( i ).toElement();

        QDomNodeList maneuver = node.elementsByTagName( "turnType" );
        QDomNodeList textNodes = node.elementsByTagName( "narrative" );
        QDomNodeList points = node.elementsByTagName( "startPoint" );
        QDomNodeList streets = node.elementsByTagName( "streets" );

        Q_ASSERT( mapping.contains( i ) );
        if ( textNodes.size() == 1 && maneuver.size() == 1 && points.size() == 1 && mapping.contains( i ) ) {
            GeoDataPlacemark* instruction = new GeoDataPlacemark;
            instruction->setName( textNodes.at( 0 ).toElement().text() );

            GeoDataExtendedData extendedData;
            GeoDataData turnType;
            turnType.setName( "turnType" );
            turnType.setValue( maneuverType( maneuver.at( 0 ).toElement().text().toInt() ) );
            extendedData.addValue( turnType );
            if ( streets.size() == 1 ) {
                GeoDataData roadName;
                roadName.setName( "roadName" );
                roadName.setValue( streets.at( 0 ).toElement().text() );
                extendedData.addValue( roadName );
            instruction->setExtendedData( extendedData );

            int const start = mapping[i];
            int const end = mapping.contains(i+1) ? mapping[i+1] : routeWaypoints->size()-1;
            if ( start >= 0 && start < routeWaypoints->size() && end < routeWaypoints->size() ) {
                instruction->setName( textNodes.item( 0 ).toElement().text() );
                GeoDataLineString *lineString = new GeoDataLineString;
                for ( int j=start; j<=end; ++j ) {
                    *lineString << GeoDataCoordinates( routeWaypoints->at( j ).longitude(), routeWaypoints->at( j ).latitude() );

                if ( !lineString->isEmpty() ) {
                    instruction->setGeometry( lineString );
                    result->append( instruction );

    if ( routeWaypoints->size() < 1 ) {
        delete result;
        result = 0;

    return result;
예제 #16
      // Method to store load ocean tide harmonics data in this class'
      // data map
   void BLQDataReader::loadData(void)
      throw( FFStreamError, gpstk::StringUtils::StringException )

         // Counter of valid data lines
      int row(0);

         // We will store here the station name
      std::string nameString("");

         // Declare structure to store tide harmonics data
      BLQDataReader::tideData data;

         // Do this until end-of-file reached or something else happens


                  // If row>6, all station harmonics are already read,
                  // so let's store tide data in data map
               setData(nameString, data);

                  // Clear harmonics data

                  // Reset counter to get data from an additional station
               row = 0;

            std::string line;

            formattedGetLine(line, true);

               // If line is too long, we throw an exception
            if (line.size()>255)
               FFStreamError e("Line too long");

               // Let's find and strip comments, wherever they are
            if( StringUtils::firstWord(line)[0] == '$' )
               formattedGetLine(line, true);

            std::string::size_type idx = line.find('$');
            if( !(idx == std::string::npos) )
               line = line.substr(0, idx);

               // Remove trailing and leading blanks
            line = StringUtils::strip(line);

               // Skip blank lines
            if (line.size()==0)

               // Let's start to get data out of file
               // If this is the first valid line, it contains station name
            if (row==0)

               nameString =




                  // 2nd to 7th valid lines contains tide harmonics
               if ( (row>0) && (row<=6) )
                  for(int col=0; col<11; col++)
                     std::string value(StringUtils::stripFirstWord(line));
                     data.harmonics((row-1),col) = StringUtils::asDouble(value);

         }  // End of try block
         catch (EndOfFile& e)

               // We should close this data stream before returning

         catch (...)

               // We should close this data stream before returning



      }  // End of 'while(1)...'

   }  // End of method 'BLQDataReader::loadData()'
예제 #17
FilePlaylistItem::CreateTrackSupplier() const
	MediaFileTrackSupplier* supplier
		= new(std::nothrow) MediaFileTrackSupplier();
	if (supplier == NULL)
		return NULL;

	for (vector<entry_ref>::size_type i = 0; i < fRefs.size(); i++) {
		BMediaFile* mediaFile = new(std::nothrow) BMediaFile(&fRefs[i]);
		if (mediaFile == NULL) {
			delete supplier;
			return NULL;
		if (supplier->AddMediaFile(mediaFile) != B_OK)
			delete mediaFile;

	for (vector<entry_ref>::size_type i = 0; i < fImageRefs.size(); i++) {
		BBitmap* bitmap = BTranslationUtils::GetBitmap(&fImageRefs[i]);
		if (bitmap == NULL)
		if (supplier->AddBitmap(bitmap) != B_OK)
			delete bitmap;

	// Search for subtitle files in the same folder
	// TODO: Error checking
	BEntry entry(&fRefs[0], true);

	char originalName[B_FILE_NAME_LENGTH];
	BString nameWithoutExtension(originalName);
	int32 extension = nameWithoutExtension.FindLast('.');
	if (extension > 0)

	BPath path;
	BDirectory directory(path.Path());
	while (directory.GetNextEntry(&entry) == B_OK) {
		char name[B_FILE_NAME_LENGTH];
		if (entry.GetName(name) != B_OK)
		BString nameString(name);
		if (nameString == originalName)
		if (nameString.IFindFirst(nameWithoutExtension) < 0)

		BFile file(&entry, B_READ_ONLY);
		if (file.InitCheck() != B_OK)

		int32 pos = nameString.FindLast('.');
		if (pos < 0)

		BString extensionString(nameString.String() + pos + 1);

		BString language = "default";
		if (pos > 1) {
			int32 end = pos;
			while (pos > 0 && *(nameString.String() + pos - 1) != '.')
			language.SetTo(nameString.String() + pos, end - pos);

		if (extensionString == "srt") {
			SubTitles* subTitles
				= new(std::nothrow) SubTitlesSRT(&file, language.String());
			if (subTitles != NULL && !supplier->AddSubTitles(subTitles))
				delete subTitles;

	return supplier;
예제 #18
GeoDataDocument *CycleStreetsRunner::parse( const QByteArray &content ) const
    QDomDocument xml;
    if ( !xml.setContent( content ) ) {
        mDebug() << "Cannot parse xml file with routing instructions.";
        return 0;
    GeoDataDocument *result = new GeoDataDocument();
    result->setName( "CycleStreets" );
    GeoDataPlacemark *routePlacemark = new GeoDataPlacemark;
    routePlacemark->setName( "Route" );

    GeoDataLineString *routeWaypoints = new GeoDataLineString;
    QDomNodeList features = xml.elementsByTagName( "gml:featureMember" );

    if ( features.isEmpty() ) {
        return 0;
    QDomElement route = features.at( 0 ).toElement().firstChild().toElement();
    QDomElement lineString = route.elementsByTagName( "gml:LineString" ).at( 0 ).toElement();
    QDomElement coordinates = lineString.toElement().elementsByTagName( "gml:coordinates" ).at( 0 ).toElement();
    QStringList coordinatesList = coordinates.text().split( ' ' );

    QStringList::iterator iter = coordinatesList.begin();
    QStringList::iterator end = coordinatesList.end();

    for( ; iter != end; ++iter) {
        QStringList coordinate =  iter->split(',');
        if ( coordinate.size() == 2 ) {
            double const lon = coordinate.at( 0 ).toDouble();
            double const lat = coordinate.at( 1 ).toDouble();
            GeoDataCoordinates const position( lon, lat, 0.0, GeoDataCoordinates::Degree );
            routeWaypoints->append( position );
    routePlacemark->setGeometry( routeWaypoints );

    QDomElement durationElement = route.elementsByTagName( "cs:time" ).at(0).toElement();
    QTime duration;
    duration = duration.addSecs( durationElement.text().toInt() );
    qreal length = routeWaypoints->length( EARTH_RADIUS );

    const QString name = nameString( "CS", length, duration );
    const GeoDataExtendedData data = routeData( length, duration );
    routePlacemark->setExtendedData( data );
    result->setName( name );
    result->append( routePlacemark );

    int i;
    for ( i = 1; i < features.count() && features.at( i ).firstChildElement().tagName() != "cs:segment"; ++i );
    for ( ; i < features.count(); ++i) {
        QDomElement segment = features.at( i ).toElement();

        QString name = segment.elementsByTagName( "cs:name" ).at( 0 ).toElement().text();
        QString maneuver = segment.elementsByTagName( "cs:turn" ).at( 0 ).toElement().text();
        QStringList points = segment.elementsByTagName( "cs:points" ).at( 0 ).toElement().text().split( ' ' );
        QStringList const elevation = segment.elementsByTagName( "cs:elevations" ).at( 0 ).toElement().text().split( ',' );

        GeoDataPlacemark *instructions = new GeoDataPlacemark;
        QString instructionName;
        if ( !maneuver.isEmpty() ) {
            instructionName = maneuver.left( 1 ).toUpper() + maneuver.mid( 1 );
        } else {
            instructionName = "Straight";
        if ( name != "Short un-named link" && name != "Un-named link" ){
            instructionName.append( " into " + name );
        instructions->setName( instructionName );

        GeoDataExtendedData extendedData;
        GeoDataData turnType;
        turnType.setName( "turnType" );
        turnType.setValue( maneuverType( maneuver ) );
        extendedData.addValue( turnType );

        instructions->setExtendedData( extendedData );
        GeoDataLineString *lineString = new GeoDataLineString;
        QStringList::iterator iter = points.begin();
        QStringList::iterator end = points.end();
        for  ( int j=0; iter != end; ++iter, ++j ) {
            QStringList coordinate = iter->split( ',' );
            if ( coordinate.size() == 2 ) {
                double const lon = coordinate.at( 0 ).toDouble();
                double const lat = coordinate.at( 1 ).toDouble();
                double const alt = j < elevation.size() ? elevation[j].toDouble() : 0.0;
                lineString->append( GeoDataCoordinates( lon, lat, alt, GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ) );
        instructions->setGeometry( lineString );
        result->append( instructions );
    return result;
예제 #19
GeoDataDocument* OpenRouteServiceRunner::parse( const QByteArray &content ) const
    QDomDocument xml;
    if ( !xml.setContent( content ) ) {
        mDebug() << "Cannot parse xml file with routing instructions.";
        return nullptr;

    QDomElement root = xml.documentElement();

    GeoDataDocument* result = new GeoDataDocument();

    QDomNodeList errors = root.elementsByTagName(QStringLiteral("xls:Error"));
    if ( errors.size() > 0 ) {
        return nullptr;
        // Returning early because fallback routing providers are used now
        // The code below can be used to parse OpenGis errors reported by ORS
        // and may be useful in the future

        for (int i=0 ; i < errors.length(); ++i ) {
            QDomNode node = errors.item( i );
            QString errorMessage = node.attributes().namedItem(QStringLiteral("message")).nodeValue();
            QRegExp regexp = QRegExp( "^(.*) Please Check your Position: (-?[0-9]+.[0-9]+) (-?[0-9]+.[0-9]+) !" );
            if ( regexp.indexIn( errorMessage ) == 0 ) {
                if ( regexp.capturedTexts().size() == 4 ) {
                    GeoDataPlacemark* placemark = new GeoDataPlacemark;
                    placemark->setName( regexp.capturedTexts().at( 1 ) );
                    GeoDataCoordinates position;
                    position.setLongitude( regexp.capturedTexts().at( 2 ).toDouble(), GeoDataCoordinates::Degree );
                    position.setLatitude( regexp.capturedTexts().at( 3 ).toDouble(), GeoDataCoordinates::Degree );
                    placemark->setCoordinate( position );
                    result->append( placemark );
            } else {
                mDebug() << "Error message " << errorMessage << " not parsable.";
                /** @todo: How to handle this now with plugins? */
//                QString message = tr( "Sorry, a problem occurred when calculating the route. Try adjusting start and destination points." );
//                QPointer<QMessageBox> messageBox = new QMessageBox( QMessageBox::Warning, "Route Error", message );
//                messageBox->setDetailedText( errorMessage );
//                messageBox->exec();
//                delete messageBox;

    GeoDataPlacemark* routePlacemark = new GeoDataPlacemark;
    QTime time;
    QDomNodeList summary = root.elementsByTagName(QStringLiteral("xls:RouteSummary"));
    if ( summary.size() > 0 ) {
        QDomNodeList timeNodeList = summary.item(0).toElement().elementsByTagName(QStringLiteral("xls:TotalTime"));
        if ( timeNodeList.size() == 1 ) {
            QRegExp regexp = QRegExp( "^P(?:(\\d+)D)?T(?:(\\d+)H)?(?:(\\d+)M)?(\\d+)S" );
            if ( regexp.indexIn( timeNodeList.item( 0 ).toElement().text() ) == 0 ) {
                QStringList matches = regexp.capturedTexts();
                unsigned int hours( 0 ), minutes( 0 ), seconds( 0 );
                switch ( matches.size() ) {
                case 5:
                    // days    = regexp.cap( matches.size() - 4 ).toInt();
                    // Intentionally no break
                case 4:
                    hours   = regexp.cap( matches.size() - 3 ).toInt();
                    // Intentionally no break
                case 3:
                    minutes = regexp.cap( matches.size() - 2 ).toInt();
                    // Intentionally no break
                case 2:
                    seconds = regexp.cap( matches.size() - 1 ).toInt();
                    mDebug() << "Unable to parse time string " << timeNodeList.item( 0 ).toElement().text();

                time = QTime( hours, minutes, seconds, 0 );

    GeoDataLineString* routeWaypoints = new GeoDataLineString;
    QDomNodeList geometry = root.elementsByTagName(QStringLiteral("xls:RouteGeometry"));
    if ( geometry.size() > 0 ) {
        QDomNodeList waypoints = geometry.item( 0 ).toElement().elementsByTagName( "gml:pos" );
        for (int i=0 ; i < waypoints.length(); ++i ) {
            QDomNode node = waypoints.item( i );
            const QStringList content = node.toElement().text().split(QLatin1Char(' '));
            if ( content.length() == 2 ) {
                GeoDataCoordinates position;
                position.setLongitude( content.at( 0 ).toDouble(), GeoDataCoordinates::Degree );
                position.setLatitude( content.at( 1 ).toDouble(), GeoDataCoordinates::Degree );
                routeWaypoints->append( position );
    routePlacemark->setGeometry( routeWaypoints );

    qreal length = routeWaypoints->length( EARTH_RADIUS );
    const QString name = nameString( "ORS", length, time );
    const GeoDataExtendedData data = routeData( length, time );
    routePlacemark->setExtendedData( data );
    result->setName( name );

    result->append( routePlacemark );

    QDomNodeList instructionList = root.elementsByTagName(QStringLiteral("xls:RouteInstructionsList"));
    if ( instructionList.size() > 0 ) {
        QDomNodeList instructions = instructionList.item(0).toElement().elementsByTagName(QStringLiteral("xls:RouteInstruction"));
        for (int i=0 ; i < instructions.length(); ++i ) {
            QDomElement node = instructions.item( i ).toElement();

            QDomNodeList textNodes = node.elementsByTagName(QStringLiteral("xls:Instruction"));
            QDomNodeList positions = node.elementsByTagName(QStringLiteral("gml:pos"));

            if ( textNodes.size() > 0 && positions.size() > 0 ) {
                const QStringList content = positions.at(0).toElement().text().split(QLatin1Char(' '));
                if ( content.length() == 2 ) {
                    GeoDataLineString *lineString = new GeoDataLineString;

                    for( int i = 0; i < positions.count(); ++i ) {
                         const QStringList pointList = positions.at(i).toElement().text().split(QLatin1Char(' '));
                         GeoDataCoordinates position;
                         position.setLongitude( pointList.at( 0 ).toDouble(), GeoDataCoordinates::Degree );
                         position.setLatitude( pointList.at( 1 ).toDouble(), GeoDataCoordinates::Degree );
                         lineString->append( position );

                    GeoDataPlacemark* instruction = new GeoDataPlacemark;

                    QString const text = textNodes.item( 0 ).toElement().text().remove(QRegExp("<[^>]*>"));
                    GeoDataExtendedData extendedData;
                    GeoDataData turnTypeData;
                    QString road;
                    RoutingInstruction::TurnType turnType = parseTurnType( text, &road );
                    turnTypeData.setValue( turnType );
                    extendedData.addValue( turnTypeData );
                    if ( !road.isEmpty() ) {
                        GeoDataData roadName;
                        roadName.setValue( road );
                        extendedData.addValue( roadName );

                    QString const instructionText = turnType == RoutingInstruction::Unknown ? text : RoutingInstruction::generateRoadInstruction( turnType, road );
                    instruction->setName( instructionText );
                    instruction->setExtendedData( extendedData );
                    instruction->setGeometry( lineString );
                    result->append( instruction );

    return result;
예제 #20
void PeerInformationSocket::processPacket(const QHostAddress &address, const QByteArray &packetArray)
  const char *data = packetArray.constData();
  CITP_PINF_PLoc *packet = (CITP_PINF_PLoc*)data;

  // CITP header
  if (packet->CITPPINFHeader.CITPHeader.Cookie != COOKIE_CITP)

  if (packet->CITPPINFHeader.CITPHeader.VersionMajor != 0x01)
      qDebug() << "Invalid VersionMajor value:" << packet->CITPPINFHeader.CITPHeader.VersionMajor;

  if (packet->CITPPINFHeader.CITPHeader.VersionMinor != 0x00)
      qDebug() << "Invalid VersionMinor value:" << packet->CITPPINFHeader.CITPHeader.VersionMinor;
  //packet->CITPPINFHeader.CITPHeader.Reserved[0] = 0x00;
  //packet->CITPPINFHeader.CITPHeader.Reserved[1] = 0x00; 
  //packet->CITPPINFHeader.CITPHeader.MessageSize = bufferLen;
  //packet->CITPPINFHeader.CITPHeader.MessagePartCount = 0x01;
  //packet->CITPPINFHeader.CITPHeader.MessagePart = 0x01; // XXX - doc says 0-based?
  if (packet->CITPPINFHeader.CITPHeader.ContentType != COOKIE_PINF)

  // PINF header
  if (packet->CITPPINFHeader.ContentType != COOKIE_PINF_PLOC)

  // PLoc data
  quint16 listeningPort = packet->ListeningTCPPort;
  if (0 == listeningPort)
      // XXX - uncomment if we don't want non-listeners
  // type
  int offset = sizeof(struct CITP_PINF_PLoc);
  QString typeString(packetArray.constData()+offset);
  //memcpy(buffer + offset, typeString.toAscii().constData(), typeString.size());
  // name
  offset += typeString.size() + 1;
  QString nameString(packetArray.constData()+offset);
  //memcpy(buffer + offset, name.toAscii().constData(), name.size());

  // state
  offset += nameString.size() + 1;
  QString stateString(packetArray.constData()+offset);
  //memcpy(buffer + offset, state.toAscii().constData(), state.size());

  // XXX - these strings are going out of scope because they are implicitly shared
  // from the original buffer

  addPeer(address, listeningPort, typeString, nameString, stateString);