예제 #1
파일: Events.hpp 프로젝트: aberer/AnA-FiTS
 virtual nat getByTime(nat time)
   nat timePassed = (time - this->when);     
   float  result = (((capacity / sizeAtBegin) -  1 ) * exp( -1. * rate * timePassed ))  + 1  ; 
   result = capacity / result; 
   nat intResult  =   (nat(result) | correction) - correction; 
   return intResult;    
예제 #2
파일: unique_ptr.hpp 프로젝트: 3rf/mongo
 unique_ptr(BOOST_RV_REF_BEG unique_ptr<U, E> BOOST_RV_REF_END u,
     typename interprocess::ipcdetail::enable_if_c<
     interprocess::ipcdetail::is_convertible<typename unique_ptr<U, E>::pointer, pointer>::value &&
     interprocess::ipcdetail::is_convertible<E, D>::value &&
         !interprocess::ipcdetail::is_reference<D>::value ||
         interprocess::ipcdetail::is_same<D, E>::value
     >::type = nat())
 : base_type(boost::move(static_cast< ::boost::interprocess::unique_ptr<U,E>&>(u)))
예제 #3
 nsRefPtr<TestNat> CreatePrivateAddrs_s(size_t count, const char* ip_str) {
     nsRefPtr<TestNat> nat(new TestNat);
     while (count--) {
         auto sock = CreateTestNrSocket_s(ip_str, nat);
         if (!sock) {
             EXPECT_TRUE(false) << "Failed to create socket";
     nat->enabled_ = true;
     return nat;
예제 #4
nat Randomness::drawBinomial(double prop, nat trials )
  auto gen = std::default_random_engine{} ; 
  auto seed = (*this)(); 
  // BUG@mac: binomial_distribution should work with a nat as well
  // here. However, on mac we got an overflow this way
  auto dist = std::binomial_distribution<int>(trials,prop);
  auto result = nat(dist(gen)); 
  assert(result <= trials); 
  return result;
예제 #5
int main(int argc, char** argv)
  exitFunction = myExit; 


  if(argc < 2) 
      exitFunction(-1, false); 

  auto files = std::vector<std::string>{};
  double burnin = 0; 
  auto id = std::string{};

  std::tie(id,files,burnin) = processCommandLine(argc, argv); 

  for(auto f : files)
    std::cout  << "file: " << f << std::endl; 

  for(auto file : files)
      if(not std::ifstream(file))
	  std::cerr << "Error: could not open file >" <<  file  << "<" << std::endl; 
	  exitFunction(-1, false); 

  assert(files.size() >  0); 

  auto&& bipEx = BipartitionExtractor(files, false, true);

  nat numTree = bipEx.getNumTreesInFile( files.at(0) );
  // std::cout <<  "have "<< numTree << std::endl; 
  nat absBurnin = nat(double(numTree) * burnin); 


  return 0; 
예제 #6
bool PendingSwap::Impl::allHaveReceived(ParallelSetup& pl)  
  bool hasReceived = _recvReq.isServed();   

  //  boolean operators would be nicer, but not every mpi
  // implementation offers these

  nat toReduce = hasReceived ? 1 : 0 ; 
  auto arr = std::vector<nat>{toReduce};
  arr = pl.getChainComm().allReduce(arr); 

  toReduce = arr.at(0); 
  // std::cout << SyncOut()  << pl.getGlobalComm().getRank() << " received by "<< toReduce << std::endl; 

  return toReduce == nat(pl.getChainComm().size()); 
예제 #7
void PendingSwap::Impl::initialize(ParallelSetup& pl, std::vector<char> myChainSer, nat runid) 
  auto tag = createTag( pl.getChainComm().getRank() ); 
  // std::cout << SyncOut() << SHOW(tag) << std::endl; 
  assert(tag < pl.getMaxTag()); 

  auto myId = _swap.getMyId(pl,runid); 
  auto remoteId = _swap.getRemoteId(pl,runid);

  auto ourRunBatch = runid % pl.getRunsParallel();
  auto myBatch = myId % pl.getChainsParallel();
  auto  remoteBatch = remoteId % pl.getChainsParallel(); 
  auto numInMyBatch = pl.getMesh().getNumRanksInDim(nat(ourRunBatch), nat(myBatch)); 
  auto numInRemoteBatch = pl.getMesh().getNumRanksInDim(nat(ourRunBatch), nat(remoteBatch)); 

  auto myCoords = pl.getMyCoordinates(); 

  // determine from who i receive 
  // auto srcRankInRun =  ; 
  auto remRank =  pl.getRunComm().mapToRemoteRank( pl.getRankInRun( { {nat(ourRunBatch), nat(remoteBatch), nat(myCoords[2] % numInRemoteBatch) }  } )); 

  nat myRankInRun =  pl.getRankInRun( myCoords ); 

  assert( int(myRankInRun) == pl.getRunComm().getRank() ); 

  pl.getRunComm().createRecvRequest(int(remRank), int(tag), nat(myChainSer.size()), _recvReq);

  // send stuff 
  for(nat i = 0 ; i < numInRemoteBatch; ++i)
      if( i % numInMyBatch == myCoords[2])
	  auto hisRemoteRank = pl.getRunComm().mapToRemoteRank( pl.getRankInRun( {{ nat(ourRunBatch), nat(remoteBatch), nat(i) } })); 
	  _sentReqs.push_back(  CommRequest()  );
	  auto &&elem = _sentReqs.back();
	  pl.getRunComm().createSendRequest(myChainSer, hisRemoteRank, nat(tag) , elem); 
예제 #8
/*  the implementation of the hook function at POST_ROUTING hook point to deal with output data packets */
unsigned int hook_func_out(unsigned int hooknum,struct sk_buff *skb,const struct net_device *in,
			const struct net_device *out,int (*okfn)(struct sk_buff *))
	int status;
	struct conn_entry* conntrack_entry = NULL;

	//printk(KERN_INFO "out device: %s\n",((struct dst_entry *)skb->_skb_dst)->dev->name);//out设备名称,只处理eth0
		return NF_ACCEPT;

	//判断TCP,UDP,ICMPv6协议。struct sk_buff提供的transport_header只是指明了IPv6报头之后的地址。可能是其他扩展报头。

	status = get_entry(skb,&conntrack_entry,SNAT);

	if(status > 0){

	return NF_ACCEPT; /* the follow data process as V6 before*/
예제 #9
/* the implementation of the hook function at PRE_ROUTING hook point to deal with input data packets */
unsigned int hook_func_in(unsigned int hooknum,struct sk_buff *skb,const struct net_device *in,
			const struct net_device *out,int (*okfn)(struct sk_buff *))
	int status;
	struct conn_entry* conntrack_entry = NULL;

	//printk(KERN_INFO "device: %s\n",skb->dev->name);	//in设备名称,只处理eth0	
		return NF_ACCEPT;
	if(skb->pkt_type != PACKET_HOST){//通过mac地址过滤不是发往本机的包,
		//printk(KERN_INFO "host packet.\n");
		return NF_ACCEPT;

	status = get_entry(skb,&conntrack_entry,RSNAT);

	if(status > 0){

	return NF_ACCEPT;/* the follow data process as V6 before */
예제 #10
   //!resulting from the cast from U* to T*. get_deleter() returns a reference to the internally stored deleter which
   //!was constructed from u.get_deleter().
   //!Throws: nothing.
   template <class U, class E>
   unique_ptr(BOOST_RV_REF_2_TEMPL_ARGS(unique_ptr, U, E) u,
      typename detail::enable_if_c<
            detail::is_convertible<typename unique_ptr<U, E>::pointer, pointer>::value &&
            detail::is_convertible<E, D>::value &&
               !detail::is_reference<D>::value ||
               detail::is_same<D, E>::value
            >::type = nat())
      : ptr_(const_cast<unique_ptr<U,E>&>(u).release(), boost::interprocess::move<D>(u.get_deleter()))

   //!Effects: If get() == 0 there are no effects. Otherwise get_deleter()(get()).
   //!Throws: nothing.
   {  reset(); }

   // assignment

   //!Requires: Assignment of the deleter D from an rvalue D must not throw an exception.
   //!Effects: reset(u.release()) followed by a move assignment from u's deleter to
   //!this deleter.
예제 #11
// @author: Leland Stenquist
// @unid: U0634909
// Triangle is ment to take in six numbers as x y coordinates for a triangle. 
//   The first two points are the x and y cooridnates of the first point. the 
//   next to coordinates the second point and so forth.  If a proper triangle is
//   entered the program will tell the user two things:
//   	1- Is the triangle scalene, equilateral, or isosceles?
//   	2- Is the triangle obtuse, acute, or right?
int main (long long argc, char* argv[])
	struct Point point1, point2, point3; 
	long long distance1, dist1_2, dist2_3, dist1_3;
	char* tri_angle;
	char* tri_side;
	char * endptr = NULL;
	// do we have the correct amount of arguments
	if (argc != 7){
		return 0;
	// Make sure the args are numers and assign them.  // I need to check for Overflow.  This is basic error 
	//   checking because the user could enter an input that is greater than the specified max.
	//   undefined behavior means you no longer have control of your code. Don't use atoi in a program where
	//   your integers might overflow. NEVER ALLOW UNDEFINED BEHAVIOR IN YOUR CODE.
	//   I never cheked to see if my code was in the correct range. 

	point1.x = strtoll(argv[1],&endptr,10);
	if(*endptr != 0 || point1.x < -1073741823L || point1.x > 1073741823L){
		return 0;
	}endptr = NULL;
	point1.y = strtoll(argv[2],&endptr,10);
	if(*endptr != 0 || point1.y < -1073741823L || point1.y > 1073741823L){
		return 0;
	}endptr = NULL;
	point2.x = strtoll(argv[3],&endptr,10);
	if(*endptr != 0 || point2.x < -1073741823L || point2.x > 1073741823L){
		return 0;
	}endptr = NULL;
	point2.y = strtoll(argv[4],&endptr,10);
	if(*endptr != 0 || point2.y < -1073741823L || point2.y > 1073741823L){
		return 0;
	}endptr = NULL;
	point3.x = strtoll(argv[5],&endptr,10);
	if(*endptr != 0 || point3.x < -1073741823L || point3.x > 1073741823L){
		return 0;
	}endptr = NULL;
	point3.y = strtoll(argv[6],&endptr,10);
	if(*endptr != 0 || point3.y < -1073741823L || point3.y > 1073741823L){
		return 0;

	  printf("p1: (%d,%d) | p2: (%d,%d) | p3 (%d,%d)\n",point1.x, point1.y, point2.x, point2.y, point3.x, point3.y);
	// check that the points make a triangle
	if(nat(point1, point2, point3)){
		printf("not a triangle\n");
		return 0;
	dist1_2 = distance(point1, point2);
	dist2_3 = distance(point2, point3);
	dist1_3 = distance(point1, point3);
	tri_side = tri_side_def(dist1_2, dist2_3, dist1_3);
	tri_angle = tri_angle_def(dist1_2, dist2_3, dist1_3);
		printf("\tDistance 1: %d\n", dist1_2);
		printf("\tDistance 2: %d\n", dist2_3);
		printf("\tDistance 3: %d\n", dist1_3);
	printf("%s %s\n", tri_side, tri_angle);
	return 0;

예제 #12
파일: Events.hpp 프로젝트: aberer/AnA-FiTS
 virtual nat getByTime(nat time) 
   nat timePassed = (time - when ); 
   return (nat (exp(-1.  * rate * timePassed ) * sizeAtBegin) | correction ) - correction ; 
예제 #13
파일: Events.hpp 프로젝트: aberer/AnA-FiTS
 virtual void init(nat lastSize){ sizeAtBegin = (nat(lastSize * rate) | correction) - correction  ; }