예제 #1
void Foam::processorPolyPatch::calcGeometry(PstreamBuffers& pBufs)
    if (Pstream::parRun())
            UIPstream fromNeighbProc(neighbProcNo(), pBufs);

                >> neighbFaceCentres_
                >> neighbFaceAreas_
                >> neighbFaceCellCentres_;

        // My normals
        vectorField faceNormals(size());

        // Neighbour normals
        vectorField nbrFaceNormals(neighbFaceAreas_.size());

        // Face match tolerances
        scalarField tols =
            calcFaceTol(*this, points(), faceCentres());

        // Calculate normals from areas and check
        forAll(faceNormals, facei)
            scalar magSf = mag(faceAreas()[facei]);
            scalar nbrMagSf = mag(neighbFaceAreas_[facei]);
            scalar avSf = (magSf + nbrMagSf)/2.0;

            if (magSf < ROOTVSMALL && nbrMagSf < ROOTVSMALL)
                // Undetermined normal. Use dummy normal to force separation
                // check. (note use of sqrt(VSMALL) since that is how mag
                // scales)
                faceNormals[facei] = point(1, 0, 0);
                nbrFaceNormals[facei] = faceNormals[facei];
            else if (mag(magSf - nbrMagSf) > matchTolerance()*sqr(tols[facei]))
                fileName nm

                Pout<< "processorPolyPatch::calcGeometry : Writing my "
                    << size()
                    << " faces to OBJ file " << nm << endl;

                writeOBJ(nm, *this, points());

                OFstream ccStr
                    /name() + "_faceCentresConnections.obj"

                Pout<< "processorPolyPatch::calcGeometry :"
                    << " Dumping cell centre lines between"
                    << " corresponding face centres to OBJ file" << ccStr.name()
                    << endl;

                label vertI = 0;

                forAll(faceCentres(), faceI)
                    const point& c0 = neighbFaceCentres_[faceI];
                    const point& c1 = faceCentres()[faceI];

                    writeOBJ(ccStr, c0, c1, vertI);

                )   << "face " << facei << " area does not match neighbour by "
                    << 100*mag(magSf - nbrMagSf)/avSf
                    << "% -- possible face ordering problem." << endl
                    << "patch:" << name()
                    << " my area:" << magSf
                    << " neighbour area:" << nbrMagSf
                    << " matching tolerance:"
                    << matchTolerance()*sqr(tols[facei])
                    << endl
                    << "Mesh face:" << start()+facei
                    << " vertices:"
                    << UIndirectList<point>(points(), operator[](facei))()
                    << endl
                    << "If you are certain your matching is correct"
                    << " you can increase the 'matchTolerance' setting"
                    << " in the patch dictionary in the boundary file."
                    << endl
                    << "Rerun with processor debug flag set for"
                    << " more information." << exit(FatalError);
void Foam::processorPolyPatch::calcGeometry()
    if (Pstream::parRun())
            IPstream fromNeighbProc
                3*(sizeof(label) + size()*sizeof(vector) + sizeof(scalar))
                >> neighbFaceCentres_
                >> neighbFaceAreas_
                >> neighbFaceCellCentres_;

        // My normals
        vectorField faceNormals(size());

        // Neighbour normals
        vectorField nbrFaceNormals(neighbFaceAreas_.size());

        // Calculate normals from areas and check

        // Cache face areas
        const vectorField::subField localFaceAreas = faceAreas();

        forAll (faceNormals, facei)
            scalar magSf = mag(localFaceAreas[facei]);
            scalar nbrMagSf = mag(neighbFaceAreas_[facei]);
            scalar avSf = (magSf + nbrMagSf)/2.0;

            if (magSf < ROOTVSMALL && nbrMagSf < ROOTVSMALL)
                // Undetermined normal. Use dummy normal to force separation
                // check. (note use of sqrt(VSMALL) since that is how mag
                // scales)
                faceNormals[facei] = point(1, 0, 0);
                nbrFaceNormals[facei] = faceNormals[facei];
            else if (mag(magSf - nbrMagSf)/avSf > polyPatch::matchTol_)
                )   << "face " << facei << " area does not match neighbour by "
                    << 100*mag(magSf - nbrMagSf)/avSf
                    << "% -- possible face ordering problem." << endl
                    << "patch: " << name()
                    << " my area:" << magSf
                    << " neighbour area: " << nbrMagSf
                    << " matching tolerance: " << polyPatch::matchTol_
                    << endl
                    << "Mesh face: " << start()+facei
                    << " vertices: "
                    << UIndirectList<point>(points(), operator[](facei))()
                    << endl
                    << "Rerun with processor debug flag set for"
                    << " more information." << exit(FatalError);
                faceNormals[facei] = localFaceAreas[facei]/magSf;
                nbrFaceNormals[facei] = neighbFaceAreas_[facei]/nbrMagSf;

            calcFaceTol(*this, points(), faceCentres())