/* See ncd3dispatch.c for other version */ int NCD3_open(const char * path, int mode, int basepe, size_t *chunksizehintp, int useparallel, void* mpidata, NC_Dispatch* dispatch, NC** ncpp) { NCerror ncstat = NC_NOERR; OCerror ocstat = OC_NOERR; NC* drno = NULL; NCDAPCOMMON* dapcomm = NULL; const char* value; char* tmpname = NULL; if(!nc3dinitialized) nc3dinitialize(); if(path == NULL) return NC_EDAPURL; if(dispatch == NULL) PANIC("NC3D_open: no dispatch table"); /* Setup our NC and NCDAPCOMMON state*/ drno = (NC*)calloc(1,sizeof(NC)); if(drno == NULL) {ncstat = NC_ENOMEM; goto done;} /* compute an ncid */ ncstat = add_to_NCList(drno); if(ncstat != NC_NOERR) {THROWCHK(ncstat); goto done;} dapcomm = (NCDAPCOMMON*)calloc(1,sizeof(NCDAPCOMMON)); if(dapcomm == NULL) {ncstat = NC_ENOMEM; goto done;} drno->dispatch = dispatch; drno->dispatchdata = dapcomm; dapcomm->controller = (NC*)drno; dapcomm->cdf.separator = "."; dapcomm->cdf.smallsizelimit = DFALTSMALLLIMIT; dapcomm->cdf.cache = createnccache(); #ifdef HAVE_GETRLIMIT { struct rlimit rl; if(getrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE, &rl) >= 0) { dapcomm->cdf.cache->cachecount = (size_t)(rl.rlim_cur / 2); } } #endif #ifdef OCCOMPILEBYDEFAULT /* set the compile flag by default */ dapcomm->oc.rawurltext = (char*)emalloc(strlen(path)+strlen("[compile]")+1); strcpy(dapcomm->oc.rawurltext,"[compile]"); strcat(dapcomm->oc.rawurltext, path); #else dapcomm->oc.rawurltext = strdup(path); #endif nc_uriparse(dapcomm->oc.rawurltext,&dapcomm->oc.url); /* parse the client parameters */ nc_uridecodeparams(dapcomm->oc.url); if(!constrainable34(dapcomm->oc.url)) SETFLAG(dapcomm->controls,NCF_UNCONSTRAINABLE); /* Use libsrc code for storing metadata */ tmpname = nulldup(PSEUDOFILE); /* Now, use the file to create the netcdf file */ if(sizeof(size_t) == sizeof(unsigned int)) ncstat = nc_create(tmpname,NC_CLOBBER,&drno->substrate); else ncstat = nc_create(tmpname,NC_CLOBBER|NC_64BIT_OFFSET,&drno->substrate); if(ncstat != NC_NOERR) {THROWCHK(ncstat); goto done;} /* free the filename so it will automatically go away*/ unlink(tmpname); nullfree(tmpname); /* Avoid fill */ nc_set_fill(drno->substrate,NC_NOFILL,NULL); dapcomm->oc.dapconstraint = (DCEconstraint*)dcecreate(CES_CONSTRAINT); dapcomm->oc.dapconstraint->projections = nclistnew(); dapcomm->oc.dapconstraint->selections = nclistnew(); /* Parse constraints to make sure they are syntactically correct */ ncstat = parsedapconstraints(dapcomm,dapcomm->oc.url->constraint,dapcomm->oc.dapconstraint); if(ncstat != NC_NOERR) {THROWCHK(ncstat); goto done;} /* Complain if we are unconstrainable but have constraints */ if(FLAGSET(dapcomm->controls,NCF_UNCONSTRAINABLE)) { if(dapcomm->oc.url->constraint != NULL && strlen(dapcomm->oc.url->constraint) > 0) { nclog(NCLOGWARN,"Attempt to constrain an unconstrainable data source: %s", dapcomm->oc.url->constraint); } } /* Construct a url for oc minus any parameters */ dapcomm->oc.urltext = nc_uribuild(dapcomm->oc.url,NULL,NULL, (NC_URIALL ^ NC_URICONSTRAINTS)); /* Pass to OC */ ocstat = oc_open(dapcomm->oc.urltext,&dapcomm->oc.conn); if(ocstat != OC_NOERR) {THROWCHK(ocstat); goto done;} nullfree(dapcomm->oc.urltext); /* clean up */ dapcomm->oc.urltext = NULL; /* process control client parameters */ applyclientparamcontrols3(dapcomm); /* Turn on logging; only do this after oc_open*/ if((value = paramvalue34(dapcomm,"log")) != NULL) { ncloginit(); ncsetlogging(1); nclogopen(value); oc_loginit(); oc_setlogging(1); oc_logopen(value); } /* fetch and build the (almost) unconstrained DDS for use as template */ ncstat = fetchtemplatemetadata3(dapcomm); if(ncstat != NC_NOERR) goto done; /* fetch and build the constrained DDS */ ncstat = fetchconstrainedmetadata3(dapcomm); if(ncstat != NC_NOERR) goto done; #ifdef DEBUG2 fprintf(stderr,"constrained dds: %s\n",dumptree(dapcomm->cdf.ddsroot)); #endif /* The following actions are (mostly) WRT to the constrained tree */ /* Accumulate useful nodes sets */ ncstat = computecdfnodesets3(dapcomm); if(ncstat) {THROWCHK(ncstat); goto done;} /* Fix grids */ ncstat = fixgrids3(dapcomm); if(ncstat) {THROWCHK(ncstat); goto done;} /* Locate and mark usable sequences */ ncstat = sequencecheck3(dapcomm); if(ncstat) {THROWCHK(ncstat); goto done;} /* suppress variables not in usable sequences */ ncstat = suppressunusablevars3(dapcomm); if(ncstat) {THROWCHK(ncstat); goto done;} /* apply client parameters */ ncstat = applyclientparams34(dapcomm); if(ncstat) {THROWCHK(ncstat); goto done;} /* Add (as needed) string dimensions*/ ncstat = addstringdims(dapcomm); if(ncstat) {THROWCHK(ncstat); goto done;} if(nclistlength(dapcomm->cdf.seqnodes) > 0) { /* Build the sequence related dimensions */ ncstat = defseqdims(dapcomm); if(ncstat) {THROWCHK(ncstat); goto done;} } /* Define the dimsetplus and dimsetall lists */ ncstat = definedimsets3(dapcomm); if(ncstat) {THROWCHK(ncstat); goto done;} /* Re-compute the dimension names*/ ncstat = computecdfdimnames34(dapcomm); if(ncstat) {THROWCHK(ncstat); goto done;} /* Deal with zero size dimensions */ ncstat = fixzerodims3(dapcomm); if(ncstat) {THROWCHK(ncstat); goto done;} /* Attempt to use the DODS_EXTRA info to turn one of the dimensions into unlimited. Assume computecdfdimnames34 has already been called. */ ncstat = defrecorddim3(dapcomm); if(ncstat) {THROWCHK(ncstat); goto done;} if(dapcomm->cdf.recorddimname != NULL && nclistlength(dapcomm->cdf.seqnodes) > 0) { /*nclog(NCLOGWARN,"unlimited dimension specified, but sequences exist in DDS");*/ PANIC("unlimited dimension specified, but sequences exist in DDS"); } /* Re-compute the var names*/ ncstat = computecdfvarnames3(dapcomm,dapcomm->cdf.ddsroot,dapcomm->cdf.varnodes); if(ncstat) {THROWCHK(ncstat); goto done;} /* Transfer data from the unconstrained DDS data to the unconstrained DDS */ ncstat = dimimprint3(dapcomm); if(ncstat) goto done; /* Process the constraints to map to the constrained CDF tree */ /* (must follow fixgrids3 */ ncstat = mapconstraints3(dapcomm->oc.dapconstraint,dapcomm->cdf.ddsroot); if(ncstat != NC_NOERR) goto done; /* Canonicalize the constraint */ ncstat = fixprojections(dapcomm->oc.dapconstraint->projections); if(ncstat != NC_NOERR) {THROWCHK(ncstat); goto done;} /* Fill in segment information */ ncstat = qualifyconstraints3(dapcomm->oc.dapconstraint); if(ncstat != NC_NOERR) goto done; /* using the modified constraint, rebuild the constraint string */ if(FLAGSET(dapcomm->controls,NCF_UNCONSTRAINABLE)) { /* ignore all constraints */ dapcomm->oc.urltext = nc_uribuild(dapcomm->oc.url,NULL,NULL,0); } else { char* constraintstring = buildconstraintstring3(dapcomm->oc.dapconstraint); nc_urisetconstraints(dapcomm->oc.url,constraintstring); nullfree(constraintstring); dapcomm->oc.urltext = nc_uribuild(dapcomm->oc.url,NULL,NULL,NC_URICONSTRAINTS); } #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr,"ncdap3: final constraint: %s\n",dapcomm->oc.url->constraint); #endif /* Estimate the variable sizes */ estimatevarsizes3(dapcomm); /* Build the meta data */ ncstat = buildncstructures3(dapcomm); if(ncstat != NC_NOERR) {THROWCHK(ncstat); goto done;} /* Do any necessary data prefetch */ if(FLAGSET(dapcomm->controls,NCF_PREFETCH)) { ncstat = prefetchdata3(dapcomm); if(ncstat != NC_NOERR) { del_from_NCList((NC*)drno); /* undefine here */ {THROWCHK(ncstat); goto done;} } } { /* Mark as no longer writable and no longer indef; requires breaking abstraction */ NC* nc; ncstat = NC_check_id(drno->substrate, &nc); /* Mark as no longer writeable */ fClr(nc->nciop->ioflags, NC_WRITE); /* Mark as no longer indef; (do NOT use nc_enddef until diskless is working)*/ fSet(nc->flags, NC_INDEF); } if(ncpp) *ncpp = (NC*)drno; return ncstat; done: if(drno != NULL) NCD3_abort(drno->ext_ncid); if(ocstat != OC_NOERR) ncstat = ocerrtoncerr(ocstat); return THROW(ncstat); }
/* Do a simple uri parse: return 0 if fail, 1 otherwise*/ int nc_uriparse(const char* uri0, NC_URI** nc_urip) { NC_URI* nc_uri = NULL; char* uri; char** pp; char* p; char* p1; int c; /* accumulate parse points*/ char* protocol = NULL; char* params = NULL; char* host = NULL; char* port = NULL; char* constraint = NULL; char* user = NULL; char* pwd = NULL; char* file = NULL; /* char* stop; */ nc_uri = (NC_URI*)calloc(1,sizeof(NC_URI)); if(nc_uri == NULL) return 0; /* make local copy of uri */ uri = nulldup(uri0); /* remove all whitespace*/ p = uri; p1 = uri; while((c=*p1++)) {if(c != ' ' && c != '\t') *p++ = c;} p = uri; /* stop = p + strlen(p); */ /* break up the uri string into pieces*/ /* 1. leading bracketed parameters */ if(*p == LBRACKET) { params = p+1; /* find end of the clientparams*/ for(;*p;p++) {if(p[0] == RBRACKET && p[1] != LBRACKET) break;} if(*p == 0) goto fail; /* malformed client params*/ *p = '\0'; /* leave off the trailing rbracket for now */ p++; /* move past the params*/ } /* verify that the uri starts with an acceptable protocol*/ for(pp=legalprotocols;*pp;pp++) { if(strncmp(p,*pp,strlen(*pp))==0) break; } if(*pp == NULL) goto fail; /* illegal protocol*/ /* save the protocol */ protocol = *pp; /* 4. skip protocol */ p += strlen(protocol); /* 5. skip // */ if(*p != '/' && *(p+1) != '/') goto fail; p += 2; /* 6. Mark the end of the host section */ file = strchr(p,'/'); if(file) { *file++ = '\0'; /* warning: we just overwrote the leading / */ } /* 7. extract any user:pwd */ p1 = strchr(p,'@'); if(p1) {/* Assume we have user:pwd@ */ *p1 = '\0'; user = p; pwd = strchr(p,':'); if(!pwd) goto fail; /* malformed */ *pwd++ = '\0'; p = pwd+strlen(pwd)+1; } /* 8. extract host and port */ host = p; port = strchr(p,':'); if(port) { *port++ = '\0'; } /* 9. Look for '?' */ constraint = strchr(file,'?'); if(constraint) { *constraint++ = '\0'; } /* assemble the component pieces*/ if(uri0 && strlen(uri0) > 0) nc_uri->uri = nulldup(uri0); if(protocol && strlen(protocol) > 0) { nc_uri->protocol = nulldup(protocol); /* remove trailing ':' */ nc_uri->protocol[strlen(protocol)-1] = '\0'; } if(user && strlen(user) > 0) nc_uri->user = nulldup(user); if(pwd && strlen(pwd) > 0) nc_uri->password = nulldup(pwd); if(host && strlen(host) > 0) nc_uri->host = nulldup(host); if(port && strlen(port) > 0) nc_uri->port = nulldup(port); if(file && strlen(file) > 0) { /* Add back the leading / */ nc_uri->file = malloc(strlen(file)+2); strcpy(nc_uri->file,"/"); strcat(nc_uri->file,file); } if(constraint && strlen(constraint) > 0) nc_uri->constraint = nulldup(constraint); nc_urisetconstraints(nc_uri,constraint); if(params != NULL && strlen(params) > 0) { nc_uri->params = (char*)malloc(1+2+strlen(params)); strcpy(nc_uri->params,"["); strcat(nc_uri->params,params); strcat(nc_uri->params,"]"); } #ifdef NC_XDEBUG { fprintf(stderr,"nc_uri:"); fprintf(stderr," params=|%s|",FIX(nc_uri->params)); fprintf(stderr," protocol=|%s|",FIX(nc_uri->protocol)); fprintf(stderr," host=|%s|",FIX(nc_uri->host)); fprintf(stderr," port=|%s|",FIX(nc_uri->port)); fprintf(stderr," file=|%s|",FIX(nc_uri->file)); fprintf(stderr," constraint=|%s|",FIX(nc_uri->constraint)); fprintf(stderr,"\n"); } #endif free(uri); if(nc_urip != NULL) *nc_urip = nc_uri; return 1; fail: if(nc_uri) nc_urifree(nc_uri); if(uri != NULL) free(uri); return 0; }