MNCAPI int MI2varputg(int fd, int varid, const long *startp, const long *countp, const long *stridep, const long *imapp, const void *valp) { if (MI2_ISH5OBJ(fd)) { return (hdf_varputg(fd, varid, startp, countp, stridep, imapp, valp)); } else { return (ncvarputg(fd, varid, startp, countp, stridep, imapp, valp)); } }
/* ----------------------------- MNI Header ----------------------------------- @NAME : copy_the_chunk @INPUT : reshape_info - information for reshaping volume chunk_start - start of current block chunk_count - count for current block chunk_data - pointer to enough space for chunk fillvalue - pixel value to zero volume, if necessary. @OUTPUT : (none) @RETURNS : (nothing) @DESCRIPTION: Copies the chunk from the input file to the output file. @METHOD : @GLOBALS : @CALLS : @CREATED : October 25, 1994 (Peter Neelin) @MODIFIED : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void copy_the_chunk(Reshape_info *reshape_info, long chunk_start[], long chunk_count[], void *chunk_data, double fillvalue) { int idim, odim, in_ndims, out_ndims; long input_start[MAX_VAR_DIMS], input_count[MAX_VAR_DIMS]; long output_start[MAX_VAR_DIMS], output_count[MAX_VAR_DIMS]; long input_imap[MAX_VAR_DIMS], output_imap[MAX_VAR_DIMS]; void *output_origin; int datatype_size; long total_size, ipix, first, last; int zero_data, really_copy_the_data; union { char c; short s; long l; float f; double d; } value_buffer; /* Get number of dimensions */ out_ndims = reshape_info->output_ndims; in_ndims = reshape_info->input_ndims; /* Get size of output datatype */ datatype_size = nctypelen(reshape_info->output_datatype); /* Create input start and count */ translate_output_to_input(reshape_info, chunk_start, chunk_count, input_start, input_count); /* Find out if we need to zero the volume and if we need to copy any data */ zero_data = FALSE; really_copy_the_data = TRUE; total_size = 1; for (idim=0; idim < in_ndims; idim++) { first = input_start[idim]; last = input_start[idim] + input_count[idim] - 1; if ((first < 0) || (last >= reshape_info->input_size[idim])) zero_data = TRUE; if ((last < 0) || (first >= reshape_info->input_size[idim])) really_copy_the_data = FALSE; total_size *= input_count[idim]; } /* Make sure that input vectors are legal and translate them back to output */ truncate_input_vectors(reshape_info, input_start, input_count); translate_input_to_output(reshape_info, input_start, input_count, output_start, output_count); /* Write out zero data if needed */ if (zero_data) { convert_value_from_double(fillvalue, reshape_info->output_datatype, reshape_info->output_is_signed, &value_buffer); for (ipix=0; ipix < total_size; ipix++) { (void) memcpy((char *)chunk_data + ipix*datatype_size, &value_buffer, datatype_size); } (void) ncvarput(reshape_info->outmincid, reshape_info->outimgid, chunk_start, chunk_count, chunk_data); } /* Set up hypothetical imap variable for input */ for (idim=in_ndims-1; idim >= 0; idim--) { input_imap[idim] = ((idim == in_ndims-1) ? datatype_size : input_imap[idim+1] * input_count[idim+1]); } /* Create output imap variable from input one (re-ordering dimensions and flipping). Also work out the chunk origin (point to byte for output [0,0,0...]). */ output_origin = chunk_data; for (odim=0; odim < out_ndims; odim++) { idim = reshape_info->map_out_to_in[odim]; if (reshape_info->input_count[idim] > 0) { output_imap[odim] = input_imap[idim]; } else { output_imap[odim] = -input_imap[idim]; output_origin = (void *) ((char *)output_origin - (output_count[odim] - 1) * output_imap[odim]); } } /* Should we really copy the data? */ if (really_copy_the_data) { /* Read in the data */ (void) miicv_get(reshape_info->icvid, input_start, input_count, chunk_data); /* Write it out */ (void) ncvarputg(reshape_info->outmincid, reshape_info->outimgid, output_start, output_count, NULL, output_imap, output_origin); } }
void mexFunction ( INT nlhs, Matrix * plhs[], INT nrhs, const Matrix * prhs[] ) { char * opname; OPCODE opcode; Matrix * mat; int status; char * path; int cmode; int mode; int cdfid; int ndims; int nvars; int natts; int recdim; char * name; long length; int dimid; nc_type datatype; int * dim; int varid; long * coords; VOIDP value; long * start; long * count; int * intcount; long * stride; long * imap; long recnum; int nrecvars; int * recvarids; long * recsizes; VOIDPP datap; /* pointers for record access. */ int len; int incdf; int invar; int outcdf; int outvar; int attnum; char * attname; char * newname; int fillmode; int i; int m; int n; char * p; char buffer[MAX_BUFFER]; DOUBLE * pr; DOUBLE addoffset; DOUBLE scalefactor; int autoscale; /* do auto-scaling if this flag is non-zero. */ /* Disable the NC_FATAL option from ncopts. */ if (ncopts & NC_FATAL) { ncopts -= NC_FATAL; } /* Display usage if less than one input argument. */ if (nrhs < 1) { Usage(); return; } /* Convert the operation name to its opcode. */ opname = Mat2Str(prhs[0]); for (i = 0; i < strlen(opname); i++) { opname[i] = (char) tolower((int) opname[i]); } p = opname; if (strncmp(p, "nc", 2) == 0) { /* Trim away "nc". */ p += 2; } i = 0; opcode = NONE; while (ops[i].opcode != NONE) { if (!strcmp(p, ops[i].opname)) { opcode = ops[i].opcode; if (ops[i].nrhs > nrhs) { mexPrintf("MEXCDF: opname = %s\n", opname); mexErrMsgTxt("MEXCDF: Too few input arguments.\n"); } else if (0 && ops[i].nlhs > nlhs) { /* Disabled. */ mexPrintf("MEXCDF: opname = %s\n", opname); mexErrMsgTxt("MEXCDF: Too few output arguments.\n"); } break; } else { i++; } } if (opcode == NONE) { mexPrintf("MEXCDF: opname = %s\n", opname); mexErrMsgTxt("MEXCDF: No such operation.\n"); } Free((VOIDPP) & opname); /* Extract the cdfid by number. */ switch (opcode) { case USAGE: case CREATE: case OPEN: case TYPELEN: case SETOPTS: case ERR: case PARAMETER: break; default: cdfid = Scalar2Int(prhs[1]); break; } /* Extract the dimid by number or name. */ switch (opcode) { case DIMINQ: case DIMRENAME: if (mxIsNumeric(prhs[2])) { dimid = Scalar2Int(prhs[2]); } else { name = Mat2Str(prhs[2]); dimid = ncdimid(cdfid, name); Free((VOIDPP) & name); } break; default: break; } /* Extract the varid by number or name. */ switch (opcode) { case VARINQ: case VARPUT1: case VARGET1: case VARPUT: case VARGET: case VARPUTG: case VARGETG: case VARRENAME: case VARCOPY: case ATTPUT: case ATTINQ: case ATTGET: case ATTCOPY: case ATTNAME: case ATTRENAME: case ATTDEL: if (mxIsNumeric(prhs[2])) { varid = Scalar2Int(prhs[2]); } else { name = Mat2Str(prhs[2]); varid = ncvarid(cdfid, name); Free((VOIDPP) & name); if (varid == -1) { varid = Parameter(prhs[2]); } } break; default: break; } /* Extract the attname by name or number. */ switch (opcode) { case ATTPUT: case ATTINQ: case ATTGET: case ATTCOPY: case ATTRENAME: case ATTDEL: if (mxIsNumeric(prhs[3])) { attnum = Scalar2Int(prhs[3]); attname = (char *) mxCalloc(MAX_NC_NAME, sizeof(char)); status = ncattname(cdfid, varid, attnum, attname); } else { attname = Mat2Str(prhs[3]); } break; default: break; } /* Extract the "add_offset" and "scale_factor" attributes. */ switch (opcode) { case VARPUT1: case VARGET1: case VARPUT: case VARGET: case VARPUTG: case VARGETG: addoffset = Add_Offset(cdfid, varid); scalefactor = Scale_Factor(cdfid, varid); if (scalefactor == 0.0) { scalefactor = 1.0; } break; default: break; } /* Perform the NetCDF operation. */ switch (opcode) { case USAGE: Usage(); break; case CREATE: path = Mat2Str(prhs[1]); if (nrhs > 2) { cmode = Parameter(prhs[2]); } else { cmode = NC_NOCLOBBER; /* Default. */ } cdfid = nccreate(path, cmode); plhs[0] = Int2Scalar(cdfid); plhs[1] = Int2Scalar((cdfid >= 0) ? 0 : -1); Free((VOIDPP) & path); break; case OPEN: path = Mat2Str(prhs[1]); if (nrhs > 2) { mode = Parameter(prhs[2]); } else { mode = NC_NOWRITE; /* Default. */ } cdfid = ncopen(path, mode); plhs[0] = Int2Scalar(cdfid); plhs[1] = Int2Scalar((cdfid >= 0) ? 0 : -1); Free((VOIDPP) & path); break; case REDEF: status = ncredef(cdfid); plhs[0] = Int2Scalar(status); break; case ENDEF: status = ncendef(cdfid); plhs[0] = Int2Scalar(status); break; case CLOSE: status = ncclose(cdfid); plhs[0] = Int2Scalar(status); break; case INQUIRE: status = ncinquire(cdfid, & ndims, & nvars, & natts, & recdim); if (nlhs > 1) { plhs[0] = Int2Scalar(ndims); plhs[1] = Int2Scalar(nvars); plhs[2] = Int2Scalar(natts); plhs[3] = Int2Scalar(recdim); plhs[4] = Int2Scalar(status); } else { /* Default to 1 x 5 row vector. */ plhs[0] = mxCreateFull(1, 5, REAL); pr = mxGetPr(plhs[0]); if (status == 0) { pr[0] = (DOUBLE) ndims; pr[1] = (DOUBLE) nvars; pr[2] = (DOUBLE) natts; pr[3] = (DOUBLE) recdim; } pr[4] = (DOUBLE) status; } break; case SYNC: status = ncsync(cdfid); plhs[0] = Int2Scalar(status); break; case ABORT: status = ncabort(cdfid); plhs[0] = Int2Scalar(status); break; case DIMDEF: name = Mat2Str(prhs[2]); length = Parameter(prhs[3]); dimid = ncdimdef(cdfid, name, length); plhs[0] = Int2Scalar(dimid); plhs[1] = Int2Scalar((dimid >= 0) ? 0 : dimid); Free((VOIDPP) & name); break; case DIMID: name = Mat2Str(prhs[2]); dimid = ncdimid(cdfid, name); plhs[0] = Int2Scalar(dimid); plhs[1] = Int2Scalar((dimid >= 0) ? 0 : dimid); Free((VOIDPP) & name); break; case DIMINQ: name = (char *) mxCalloc(MAX_NC_NAME, sizeof(char)); status = ncdiminq(cdfid, dimid, name, & length); plhs[0] = Str2Mat(name); plhs[1] = Long2Scalar(length); plhs[2] = Int2Scalar(status); Free((VOIDPP) & name); break; case DIMRENAME: name = Mat2Str(prhs[3]); status = ncdimrename(cdfid, dimid, name); plhs[0] = Int2Scalar(status); Free((VOIDPP) & name); break; case VARDEF: name = Mat2Str(prhs[2]); datatype = (nc_type) Parameter(prhs[3]); ndims = Scalar2Int(prhs[4]); if (ndims == -1) { ndims = Count(prhs[5]); } dim = Mat2Int(prhs[5]); varid = ncvardef(cdfid, name, datatype, ndims, dim); Free((VOIDPP) & name); plhs[0] = Int2Scalar(varid); plhs[1] = Int2Scalar((varid >= 0) ? 0 : varid); break; case VARID: name = Mat2Str(prhs[2]); varid = ncvarid(cdfid, name); Free((VOIDPP) & name); plhs[0] = Int2Scalar(varid); plhs[1] = Int2Scalar((varid >= 0) ? 0 : varid); break; case VARINQ: name = (char *) mxCalloc(MAX_NC_NAME, sizeof(char)); dim = (int *) mxCalloc(MAX_VAR_DIMS, sizeof(int)); status = ncvarinq(cdfid, varid, name, & datatype, & ndims, dim, & natts); datatype = RepairBadDataType(datatype); plhs[0] = Str2Mat(name); plhs[1] = Int2Scalar(datatype); plhs[2] = Int2Scalar(ndims); plhs[3] = Int2Mat(dim, 1, ndims); plhs[4] = Int2Scalar(natts); plhs[5] = Int2Scalar(status); Free((VOIDPP) & name); Free((VOIDPP) & dim); break; case VARPUT1: coords = Mat2Long(prhs[3]); name = (char *) mxCalloc(MAX_NC_NAME, sizeof(char)); dim = (int *) mxCalloc(MAX_NC_DIMS, sizeof(int)); status = ncvarinq(cdfid, varid, name, & datatype, & ndims, dim, & natts); datatype = RepairBadDataType(datatype); Free((VOIDPP) & name); Free((VOIDPP) & dim); if (datatype == NC_CHAR) { mat = SetNum(prhs[4]); } else { mat = prhs[4]; } if (mat == NULL) { mat = prhs[4]; } pr = mxGetPr(mat); autoscale = (nrhs > 5 && Scalar2Int(prhs[5]) != 0); if (!autoscale) { scalefactor = 1.0; addoffset = 0.0; } status = Convert(opcode, datatype, 1, buffer, scalefactor, addoffset, pr); status = ncvarput1(cdfid, varid, coords, buffer); plhs[0] = Int2Scalar(status); Free((VOIDPP) & coords); break; case VARGET1: coords = Mat2Long(prhs[3]); autoscale = (nrhs > 4 && Scalar2Int(prhs[4]) != 0); if (!autoscale) { scalefactor = 1.0; addoffset = 0.0; } name = (char *) mxCalloc(MAX_NC_NAME, sizeof(char)); dim = (int *) mxCalloc(MAX_NC_DIMS, sizeof(int)); status = ncvarinq(cdfid, varid, name, & datatype, & ndims, dim, & natts); datatype = RepairBadDataType(datatype); Free((VOIDPP) & name); Free((VOIDPP) & dim); mat = Int2Scalar(0); pr = mxGetPr(mat); status = ncvarget1(cdfid, varid, coords, buffer); status = Convert(opcode, datatype, 1, buffer, scalefactor, addoffset, pr); if (datatype == NC_CHAR) { plhs[0] = SetStr(mat); } else { plhs[0] = mat; } if (plhs[0] == NULL) { /* prhs[0] = mat; */ plhs[0] = mat; /* ZYDECO 24Jan2000 */ } plhs[1] = Int2Scalar(status); Free((VOIDPP) & coords); break; case VARPUT: start = Mat2Long(prhs[3]); count = Mat2Long(prhs[4]); autoscale = (nrhs > 6 && Scalar2Int(prhs[6]) != 0); if (!autoscale) { scalefactor = 1.0; addoffset = 0.0; } name = (char *) mxCalloc(MAX_NC_NAME, sizeof(char)); dim = (int *) mxCalloc(MAX_NC_DIMS, sizeof(int)); status = ncvarinq(cdfid, varid, name, & datatype, & ndims, dim, & natts); datatype = RepairBadDataType(datatype); if (datatype == NC_CHAR) { mat = SetNum(prhs[5]); } else { mat = prhs[5]; } if (mat == NULL) { mat = prhs[5]; } pr = mxGetPr(mat); for (i = 0; i < ndims; i++) { if (count[i] == -1) { status = ncdiminq(cdfid, dim[i], name, & count[i]); count[i] -= start[i]; } } Free((VOIDPP) & name); Free((VOIDPP) & dim); len = 0; if (ndims > 0) { len = 1; for (i = 0; i < ndims; i++) { len *= count[i]; } } value = (VOIDP) mxCalloc(len, nctypelen(datatype)); status = Convert(opcode, datatype, len, value, scalefactor, addoffset, pr); status = ncvarput(cdfid, varid, start, count, value); Free((VOIDPP) & value); plhs[0] = Int2Scalar(status); Free((VOIDPP) & start); Free((VOIDPP) & count); break; case VARGET: start = Mat2Long(prhs[3]); count = Mat2Long(prhs[4]); intcount = Mat2Int(prhs[4]); autoscale = (nrhs > 5 && Scalar2Int(prhs[5]) != 0); if (!autoscale) { scalefactor = 1.0; addoffset = 0.0; } name = (char *) mxCalloc(MAX_NC_NAME, sizeof(char)); dim = (int *) mxCalloc(MAX_NC_DIMS, sizeof(int)); status = ncvarinq(cdfid, varid, name, & datatype, & ndims, dim, & natts); datatype = RepairBadDataType(datatype); for (i = 0; i < ndims; i++) { if (count[i] == -1) { status = ncdiminq(cdfid, dim[i], name, & count[i]); count[i] -= start[i]; } } Free((VOIDPP) & name); Free((VOIDPP) & dim); m = 0; n = 0; if (ndims > 0) { m = count[0]; n = count[0]; for (i = 1; i < ndims; i++) { n *= count[i]; if (count[i] > 1) { m = count[i]; } } n /= m; } len = m * n; if (ndims < 2) { m = 1; n = len; } for (i = 0; i < ndims; i++) { intcount[i] = count[ndims-i-1]; /* Reverse order. */ } if (MEXCDF_4 || ndims < 2) { mat = mxCreateFull(m, n, mxREAL); /* mxCreateDoubleMatrix */ } # if MEXCDF_5 else { mat = mxCreateNumericArray(ndims, intcount, mxDOUBLE_CLASS, mxREAL); } # endif pr = mxGetPr(mat); value = (VOIDP) mxCalloc(len, nctypelen(datatype)); status = ncvarget(cdfid, varid, start, count, value); status = Convert(opcode, datatype, len, value, scalefactor, addoffset, pr); Free((VOIDPP) & value); if (datatype == NC_CHAR) { plhs[0] = SetStr(mat); } else { plhs[0] = mat; } if (plhs[0] == NULL) { plhs[0] = mat; } plhs[1] = Int2Scalar(status); Free((VOIDPP) & intcount); Free((VOIDPP) & count); Free((VOIDPP) & start); break; case VARPUTG: name = (char *) mxCalloc(MAX_NC_NAME, sizeof(char)); dim = (int *) mxCalloc(MAX_NC_DIMS, sizeof(int)); status = ncvarinq(cdfid, varid, name, & datatype, & ndims, dim, & natts); datatype = RepairBadDataType(datatype); if (nrhs > 7) { if (datatype == NC_CHAR) { mat = SetStr(prhs[7]); } else { mat = prhs[7]; } if (mat == NULL) { mat = prhs[7]; } } else { if (datatype == NC_CHAR) { mat = SetStr(prhs[6]); } else { mat = prhs[6]; } if (mat == NULL) { mat = prhs[6]; } } pr = mxGetPr(mat); start = Mat2Long(prhs[3]); count = Mat2Long(prhs[4]); stride = Mat2Long(prhs[5]); imap = NULL; for (i = 0; i < ndims; i++) { if (count[i] == -1) { status = ncdiminq(cdfid, dim[i], name, & count[i]); count[i] -= start[i]; } } Free((VOIDPP) & name); Free((VOIDPP) & dim); len = 0; if (ndims > 0) { len = 1; for (i = 0; i < ndims; i++) { len *= count[i]; } } autoscale = (nrhs > 8 && Scalar2Int(prhs[8]) != 0); if (!autoscale) { scalefactor = 1.0; addoffset = 0.0; } value = (VOIDP) mxCalloc(len, nctypelen(datatype)); status = Convert(opcode, datatype, len, value, scalefactor, addoffset, pr); status = ncvarputg(cdfid, varid, start, count, stride, imap, value); Free((VOIDPP) & value); plhs[0] = Int2Scalar(status); Free((VOIDPP) & stride); Free((VOIDPP) & count); Free((VOIDPP) & start); break; case VARGETG: start = Mat2Long(prhs[3]); count = Mat2Long(prhs[4]); intcount = Mat2Int(prhs[4]); stride = Mat2Long(prhs[5]); imap = NULL; autoscale = (nrhs > 7 && Scalar2Int(prhs[7]) != 0); if (!autoscale) { scalefactor = 1.0; addoffset = 0.0; } name = (char *) mxCalloc(MAX_NC_NAME, sizeof(char)); dim = (int *) mxCalloc(MAX_NC_DIMS, sizeof(int)); status = ncvarinq(cdfid, varid, name, & datatype, & ndims, dim, & natts); datatype = RepairBadDataType(datatype); for (i = 0; i < ndims; i++) { if (count[i] == -1) { status = ncdiminq(cdfid, dim[i], name, & count[i]); count[i] -= start[i]; } } Free((VOIDPP) & name); Free((VOIDPP) & dim); m = 0; n = 0; if (ndims > 0) { m = count[0]; n = count[0]; for (i = 1; i < ndims; i++) { n *= count[i]; if (count[i] > 1) { m = count[i]; } } n /= m; } len = m * n; if (ndims < 2) { m = 1; n = len; } for (i = 0; i < ndims; i++) { intcount[i] = count[ndims-i-1]; /* Reverse order. */ } if (MEXCDF_4 || ndims < 2) { mat = mxCreateFull(m, n, mxREAL); /* mxCreateDoubleMatrix */ } # if MEXCDF_5 else { mat = mxCreateNumericArray(ndims, intcount, mxDOUBLE_CLASS, mxREAL); } # endif pr = mxGetPr(mat); value = (VOIDP) mxCalloc(len, nctypelen(datatype)); status = ncvargetg(cdfid, varid, start, count, stride, imap, value); status = Convert(opcode, datatype, len, value, scalefactor, addoffset, pr); Free((VOIDPP) & value); if (datatype == NC_CHAR) { plhs[0] = SetStr(mat); } else { plhs[0] = mat; } if (plhs[0] == NULL) { /* prhs[0] = mat; */ plhs[0] = mat; /* ZYDECO 24Jan2000 */ } plhs[1] = Int2Scalar(status); Free((VOIDPP) & stride); Free((VOIDPP) & intcount); Free((VOIDPP) & count); Free((VOIDPP) & start); break; case VARRENAME: name = Mat2Str(prhs[3]); status = ncvarrename(cdfid, varid, name); plhs[0] = Int2Scalar(status); Free((VOIDPP) & name); break; case VARCOPY: incdf = cdfid; invar = varid; outcdf = Scalar2Int(prhs[3]); outvar = -1; /* outvar = ncvarcopy(incdf, invar, outcdf); */ plhs[0] = Int2Scalar(outvar); plhs[1] = Int2Scalar((outvar >= 0) ? 0 : outvar); break; case ATTPUT: datatype = (nc_type) Parameter(prhs[4]); datatype = RepairBadDataType(datatype); if (datatype == NC_CHAR) { mat = SetNum(prhs[6]); } else { mat = prhs[6]; } if (mat == NULL) { mat = prhs[6]; } len = Scalar2Int(prhs[5]); if (len == -1) { len = Count(mat); } pr = mxGetPr(mat); value = (VOIDP) mxCalloc(len, nctypelen(datatype)); status = Convert(opcode, datatype, len, value, (DOUBLE) 1.0, (DOUBLE) 0.0, pr); status = ncattput(cdfid, varid, attname, datatype, len, value); if (value != NULL) { Free((VOIDPP) & value); } plhs[0] = Int2Scalar(status); Free((VOIDPP) & attname); break; case ATTINQ: status = ncattinq(cdfid, varid, attname, & datatype, & len); datatype = RepairBadDataType(datatype); plhs[0] = Int2Scalar((int) datatype); plhs[1] = Int2Scalar(len); plhs[2] = Int2Scalar(status); Free((VOIDPP) & attname); break; case ATTGET: status = ncattinq(cdfid, varid, attname, & datatype, & len); datatype = RepairBadDataType(datatype); value = (VOIDP) mxCalloc(len, nctypelen(datatype)); status = ncattget(cdfid, varid, attname, value); mat = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1, len, mxREAL); pr = mxGetPr(mat); status = Convert(opcode, datatype, len, value, (DOUBLE) 1.0, (DOUBLE) 0.0, pr); if (value != NULL) { Free((VOIDPP) & value); } if (datatype == NC_CHAR) { plhs[0] = SetStr(mat); } else { plhs[0] = mat; } if (plhs[0] == NULL) { /* prhs[4] = mat; */ plhs[0] = mat; /* ZYDECO 24Jan2000 */ } plhs[1] = Int2Scalar(status); Free((VOIDPP) & attname); break; case ATTCOPY: incdf = cdfid; invar = varid; outcdf = Scalar2Int(prhs[4]); if (mxIsNumeric(prhs[5])) { outvar = Scalar2Int(prhs[2]); } else { name = Mat2Str(prhs[5]); outvar = ncvarid(cdfid, name); Free((VOIDPP) & name); } status = ncattcopy(incdf, invar, attname, outcdf, outvar); plhs[0] = Int2Scalar(status); Free((VOIDPP) & attname); break; case ATTNAME: attnum = Scalar2Int(prhs[3]); attname = (char *) mxCalloc(MAX_NC_NAME, sizeof(char)); status = ncattname(cdfid, varid, attnum, attname); plhs[0] = Str2Mat(attname); plhs[1] = Int2Scalar(status); Free((VOIDPP) & attname); break; case ATTRENAME: newname = Mat2Str(prhs[4]); status = ncattrename(cdfid, varid, attname, newname); plhs[0] = Int2Scalar(status); Free((VOIDPP) & attname); Free((VOIDPP) & newname); break; case ATTDEL: status = ncattdel(cdfid, varid, attname); plhs[0] = Int2Scalar(status); Free((VOIDPP) & attname); break; case RECPUT: recnum = Scalar2Long(prhs[2]); pr = mxGetPr(prhs[3]); autoscale = (nrhs > 4 && Scalar2Int(prhs[4]) != 0); if (!autoscale) { scalefactor = 1.0; addoffset = 0.0; } recvarids = (int *) mxCalloc(MAX_VAR_DIMS, sizeof(int)); recsizes = (long *) mxCalloc(MAX_VAR_DIMS, sizeof(long)); datap = (VOIDPP) mxCalloc(MAX_VAR_DIMS, sizeof(VOIDP)); status = ncrecinq(cdfid, & nrecvars, recvarids, recsizes); if (status == -1) { plhs[0] = Int2Scalar(status); break; } length = 0; n = 0; for (i = 0; i < nrecvars; i++) { ncvarinq(cdfid, recvarids[i], NULL, & datatype, NULL, NULL, NULL); datatype = RepairBadDataType(datatype); length += recsizes[i]; n += (recsizes[i] / nctypelen(datatype)); } if (Count(prhs[3]) < n) { status = -1; plhs[0] = Int2Scalar(status); break; } if ((value = (VOIDP) mxCalloc((int) length, sizeof(char))) == NULL) { status = -1; plhs[0] = Int2Scalar(status); break; } length = 0; p = value; for (i = 0; i < nrecvars; i++) { datap[i] = p; p += recsizes[i]; } p = (char *) value; pr = mxGetPr(prhs[3]); for (i = 0; i < nrecvars; i++) { ncvarinq(cdfid, recvarids[i], NULL, & datatype, NULL, NULL, NULL); datatype = RepairBadDataType(datatype); length = recsizes[i] / nctypelen(datatype); if (autoscale) { addoffset = Add_Offset(cdfid, recvarids[i]); scalefactor = Scale_Factor(cdfid, recvarids[i]); if (scalefactor == 0.0) { scalefactor = 1.0; } } Convert(opcode, datatype, length, (VOIDP) p, scalefactor, addoffset, pr); pr += length; p += recsizes[i]; } status = ncrecput(cdfid, recnum, datap); plhs[0] = Int2Scalar(status); Free ((VOIDPP) & value); Free ((VOIDPP) & datap); Free ((VOIDPP) & recsizes); Free ((VOIDPP) & recvarids); break; case RECGET: recnum = Scalar2Long(prhs[2]); autoscale = (nrhs > 3 && Scalar2Int(prhs[3]) != 0); if (!autoscale) { scalefactor = 1.0; addoffset = 0.0; } recvarids = (int *) mxCalloc(MAX_VAR_DIMS, sizeof(int)); recsizes = (long *) mxCalloc(MAX_VAR_DIMS, sizeof(long)); datap = (VOIDPP) mxCalloc(MAX_VAR_DIMS, sizeof(VOIDP)); status = ncrecinq(cdfid, & nrecvars, recvarids, recsizes); if (status == -1) { Free ((VOIDPP) & recsizes); Free ((VOIDPP) & recvarids); plhs[1] = Int2Scalar(status); break; } if (nrecvars == 0) { Free ((VOIDPP) & recsizes); Free ((VOIDPP) & recvarids); plhs[0] = mxCreateFull(0, 0, REAL); break; } length = 0; n = 0; for (i = 0; i < nrecvars; i++) { ncvarinq(cdfid, recvarids[i], NULL, & datatype, NULL, NULL, NULL); datatype = RepairBadDataType(datatype); length += recsizes[i]; n += (recsizes[i] / nctypelen(datatype)); } if ((value = (VOIDP) mxCalloc((int) length, sizeof(char))) == NULL) { status = -1; plhs[1] = Int2Scalar(status); break; } if (value == NULL) { status = -1; plhs[1] = Int2Scalar(status); break; } length = 0; p = value; for (i = 0; i < nrecvars; i++) { datap[i] = p; p += recsizes[i]; } if ((status = ncrecget(cdfid, recnum, datap)) == -1) { plhs[1] = Int2Scalar(status); break; } m = 1; plhs[0] = mxCreateFull(m, n, REAL); if (plhs[0] == NULL) { status = -1; plhs[1] = Int2Scalar(status); break; } pr = mxGetPr(plhs[0]); p = (char *) value; for (i = 0; i < nrecvars; i++) { status = ncvarinq(cdfid, recvarids[i], NULL, & datatype, NULL, NULL, NULL); datatype = RepairBadDataType(datatype); if (status == -1) { plhs[1] = Int2Scalar(status); break; } length = recsizes[i] / nctypelen(datatype); if (autoscale) { addoffset = Add_Offset(cdfid, recvarids[i]); scalefactor = Scale_Factor(cdfid, recvarids[i]); if (scalefactor == 0.0) { scalefactor = 1.0; } } Convert(opcode, datatype, length, (VOIDP) p, scalefactor, addoffset, pr); pr += length; p += recsizes[i]; } plhs[1] = Int2Scalar(status); Free ((VOIDPP) & value); Free ((VOIDPP) & datap); Free ((VOIDPP) & recsizes); Free ((VOIDPP) & recvarids); break; case RECINQ: recvarids = (int *) mxCalloc(MAX_VAR_DIMS, sizeof(int)); recsizes = (long *) mxCalloc(MAX_VAR_DIMS, sizeof(long)); status = ncrecinq(cdfid, & nrecvars, recvarids, recsizes); if (status != -1) { for (i = 0; i < nrecvars; i++) { ncvarinq(cdfid, recvarids[i], NULL, & datatype, NULL, NULL, NULL); datatype = RepairBadDataType(datatype); recsizes[i] /= nctypelen(datatype); } m = 1; n = nrecvars; plhs[0] = Int2Mat(recvarids, m, n); plhs[1] = Long2Mat(recsizes, m, n); } plhs[2] = Int2Scalar(status); Free ((VOIDPP) & recsizes); Free ((VOIDPP) & recvarids); break; case TYPELEN: datatype = (nc_type) Parameter(prhs[1]); len = nctypelen(datatype); plhs[0] = Int2Scalar(len); plhs[1] = Int2Scalar((len >= 0) ? 0 : 1); break; case SETFILL: fillmode = Scalar2Int(prhs[1]); status = ncsetfill(cdfid, fillmode); plhs[0] = Int2Scalar(status); plhs[1] = Int2Scalar(0); break; case SETOPTS: plhs[0] = Int2Scalar(ncopts); plhs[1] = Int2Scalar(0); ncopts = Scalar2Int(prhs[1]); break; case ERR: plhs[0] = Int2Scalar(ncerr); ncerr = 0; plhs[1] = Int2Scalar(0); break; case PARAMETER: if (nrhs > 1) { plhs[0] = Int2Scalar(Parameter(prhs[1])); plhs[1] = Int2Scalar(0); } else { i = 0; while (strcmp(parms[i].name, "NONE") != 0) { mexPrintf("%12d %s\n", parms[i].code, parms[i].name); i++; } plhs[0] = Int2Scalar(0); plhs[1] = Int2Scalar(-1); } break; default: break; } return; }