예제 #1
static void smf1_jsadicer( int indfo, int *olbnd, int *oubnd,
                           AstMapping *tile_map, AstFrame *tile_frm,
                           AstMapping *p2pmap, void *ipd, void *ipv,
                           unsigned char *ipq, int *status ){
*  Name:
*     smf1_jsadicer

*  Purpose:
*     Copy one tile from the input NDF into a specified output NDF.

*  Language:
*     Starlink ANSI C

*  Type of Module:
*     C function

*  Invocation:
*     void smf1_jsadicer( int indfo, int *olbnd, int *oubnd,
*                         AstMapping *tile_map, AstFrame *tile_frm,
*                         AstMapping *p2pmap, void *ipd, void *ipv,
*                         unsigned char *ipq, int *status )

*  Arguments:
*     indfo = int (Given)
*        An identifier for the NDF in which the copied data is to be
*        stored. It's original pixel bounds are used as the bounds of the
*        ipd, ipv and ipq arrays.
*     olbnd = int * (Given)
*        The new lower pixel bounds required for the output NDF. The bounds
*        of the supplied NDF are changed to match these values.
*     oubnd = int * (Given)
*        The new upper pixel bounds required for the output NDF. The bounds
*        of the supplied NDF are changed to match these values.
*     tile_map = AstMapping * (Given)
*        The mapping from pixel coords in the output NDF to WCS coords.
*     tile_frm = AstMapping * (Given)
*        The WCS Frame for the output NDF.
*     p2pmap = AstMapping * (Given)
*        The mapping from pixel coords in the input NDF to pixel coords in
*        the output NDF.
*     ipd = void * (Given)
*        Pointer to the start of the input data array. If this is NULL,
*        the existing contents of the NDF are used as input.
*     ipv = void * (Given)
*        Pointer to the start of the input variance array. Should be NULL
*        if no variances are available.
*     ipq = unsigned char * (Given)
*        Pointer to the start of the input quality array. Should be NULL
*        if no quality is available.
*     status = int * (Given)
*        Pointer to the inherited status variable.

/* Local Variables: */
   AstFrame *use_frm = NULL;
   AstFrameSet *owcs;
   AstMapping *use_map = NULL;
   AstMapping *use_p2pmap = NULL;
   AstShiftMap *sm;
   char type[ NDF__SZTYP + 1 ];
   double shifts[ 3 ];
   int axes[ 2 ];
   int axout[ NDF__MXDIM ];
   int free_arrays;
   int isreal;
   int lbnd_tile[ 3 ];
   int ndim;
   int nel;
   int nin;
   int there;
   int ubnd_tile[ 3 ];
   unsigned char *ipq_out = NULL;
   void *ipd_out = NULL;
   void *ipv_out = NULL;

/* Check inherited status */
   if( *status != SAI__OK ) return;

/* Begin an AST context. */

/* Get the NDF data type - _REAL or _DOUBLE. */
   ndfType( indfo, "Data", type, sizeof(type), status );
   isreal = !strcmp( type, "_REAL" );

/* Get the existing bounds of the NDF. */
   ndfBound( indfo, 3, lbnd_tile, ubnd_tile, &ndim, status );

/* If no data array has been supplied, take a copy of the original Data,
   Quality and Variance arrays and use these as the input arrays. */
   if( !ipd ) {
      free_arrays = 1;

      ndfMap( indfo, "Data", type, "Read", &ipd_out, &nel, status );
      ipd = astStore( NULL, ipd_out,
                      nel*(isreal?sizeof(float):sizeof(double)) );
      ndfUnmap( indfo, "Data", status );

      ndfState( indfo, "Variance", &there, status );
      if( there ) {
         ndfMap( indfo, "Variance", type, "Read", &ipv_out, &nel, status );
         ipv = astStore( NULL, ipv_out,
                         nel*(isreal?sizeof(float):sizeof(double)) );
         ndfUnmap( indfo, "Variance", status );
      } else {
         ipv = NULL;

      ndfState( indfo, "Quality", &there, status );
      if( there ) {
         ndfMap( indfo, "Quality", "_UBYTE", "Read", (void **) &ipq_out,
                 &nel, status );
         ipq = astStore( NULL, ipq_out, nel*sizeof(*ipq) );
         ndfUnmap( indfo, "Quality", status );
      } else {
         ipq = NULL;

   } else {
      free_arrays = 0;

/* Set the bounds of the NDF to the required values. */
   ndfSbnd( ndim, olbnd, oubnd, indfo, status );

/* Erase the existing WCS FrameSet and then get the default WCS FrameSet. */
   ndfReset( indfo, "WCS", status );
   ndfGtwcs( indfo, &owcs, status );

/* If the supplied mapping and Frame have two many axes, strip some off.
   The orering of pixel axes in the output JSA tile is hardwired by SMURF
   as (ra,dec,spec). */
   nin = astGetI( tile_map, "Nin" );
   if( nin == 3 && ndim == 2 ) {
      axes[ 0 ] = 1;
      axes[ 1 ] = 2;
      astMapSplit( tile_map, 2, axes, axout, &use_map );
      if( use_map ) {
         use_frm = astPickAxes( tile_frm, 2, axout, NULL );
      } else if( *status == SAI__OK ) {
         *status = SAI__ERROR;
         errRepf( " ", "smf1_jsadicer: cannot split mapping (programming "
                  "error).", status );

      astMapSplit( p2pmap, 2, axes, axout, &use_p2pmap );
      if( !use_p2pmap && *status == SAI__OK ) {
         *status = SAI__ERROR;
         errRepf( " ", "smf1_jsadicer: cannot split mapping (programming "
                  "error).", status );

   } else if( nin == ndim ) {
      use_p2pmap = astClone( p2pmap );
      use_map = astClone( tile_map );
      use_frm = astClone( tile_frm );

   } else if( *status == SAI__OK ) {
      *status = SAI__ERROR;
      errRepf( " ", "smf1_jsadicer: unexpected combination of nin (%d) and "
               "ndim (%d) (programming error).", status, nin, ndim );

/* Add the tile WCS Frame into the output NDF's WCS FrameSet, using "tilemap"
   to connect it to the PIXEL Frame (NDF ensure Frame 2 is the PIXEL
   Frame). */
   astAddFrame( owcs, 2, use_map, use_frm );

/* The astResample function is odd in that it assumes that pixel coords
   are defined such that the centre of pixel "I" has integral pixel
   coord "I" (rather than "I-0.5" as is usual in Starlink). So we need to
   use a half-pixel ShiftMap at start and end of the p2pmap Mapping to
   account for this. */
   shifts[ 0 ] = -0.5;
   shifts[ 1 ] = -0.5;
   shifts[ 2 ] = -0.5;
   sm = astShiftMap( ndim, shifts, " " );
   use_p2pmap = (AstMapping *) astCmpMap( sm, use_p2pmap, 1, " " );
   astInvert( sm );
   use_p2pmap = (AstMapping *) astCmpMap( use_p2pmap, sm, 1, " " );

/* Store this modified WCS FrameSet in the output NDF. */
   ndfPtwcs( owcs, indfo, status );

/* Map the required arrays of the output NDF. */
   ndfMap( indfo, "Data", type, "Write", &ipd_out, &nel, status );
   if( ipv ) ndfMap( indfo, "Variance", type, "Write", &ipv_out, &nel,
                     status );
   if( ipq ) ndfMap( indfo, "Quality", "_UBYTE", "Write",
                      (void **) &ipq_out, &nel, status );

/* Copy the input data values to the output, using nearest neighbour
   interpolation (the mapping should always map input pixel centres onto
   output pixel centres). We can set the "tol" argument non-zero (e.g. 0.1)
   without introducing any error because the the p2pmap mapping will be
   piecewise linear. This gives a factor of about 5 decrease in the time
   spent within astResample. */
   if( !strcmp( type, "_REAL" ) ) {
      (void) astResampleF( use_p2pmap, ndim, lbnd_tile, ubnd_tile, (float *) ipd,
                           (float *) ipv, AST__NEAREST, NULL, NULL,
                           AST__USEBAD, 0.1, 1000, VAL__BADR, ndim,
                           olbnd, oubnd, olbnd, oubnd,
                           (float *) ipd_out, (float *) ipv_out );
   } else {
      (void) astResampleD( use_p2pmap, ndim, lbnd_tile, ubnd_tile, (double *) ipd,
                           (double *) ipv, AST__NEAREST, NULL, NULL,
                           AST__USEBAD, 0.1, 1000, VAL__BADD, ndim,
                           olbnd, oubnd, olbnd, oubnd,
                           (double *) ipd_out, (double *) ipv_out );

   if( ipq ) {
      (void) astResampleUB( use_p2pmap, ndim, lbnd_tile, ubnd_tile, ipq, NULL,
                            AST__NEAREST, NULL, NULL, 0, 0.1, 1000, 0,
                            ndim, olbnd, oubnd, olbnd, oubnd, ipq_out,
                            NULL );

/* Unmap everything the output NDF. */
   ndfUnmap( indfo, "*", status );

/* Free the input arrays if they were allocated in this function. */
   if( free_arrays ) {
      ipd = astFree( ipd );
      ipv = astFree( ipv );
      ipq = astFree( ipq );

/* End the AST context. */
예제 #2
파일: ndf.c 프로젝트: timj/starlink-pyndf
// Reads an NDF into a numpy array
static PyObject*
pyndf_read(NDF *self, PyObject *args)
    int i;
    const char *comp;
    if(!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "s:pyndf_read", &comp))
	return NULL;

    // series of declarations in an attempt to avoid problem with
    // goto fail
    const int MXLEN=32;
    char type[MXLEN+1];
    size_t nbyte;
    int npix, nelem;

    // Return None if component does not exist
    int state, status = SAI__OK;
    ndfState(self->_ndfid, comp, &state, &status);
    if (raiseNDFException(&status)) return NULL;

    PyArrayObject* arr = NULL;

    // Get dimensions, reverse order to account for C vs Fortran
    int idim[NDF__MXDIM];
    npy_intp rdim[NDF__MXDIM];

    int ndim;
    ndfDim(self->_ndfid, NDF__MXDIM, idim, &ndim, &status);
    if (raiseNDFException(&status)) return NULL;

    // Reverse order to account for C vs Fortran
    for(i=0; i<ndim; i++) rdim[i] = idim[ndim-i-1];

    // Determine the data type
    ndfType(self->_ndfid, comp, type, MXLEN+1, &status);
    if (raiseNDFException(&status)) return NULL;

    // Create array of correct dimensions and type to save data to
    int npytype = ndftype2numpy( type, &nbyte );
    if (npytype == 0) return NULL;
    arr = (PyArrayObject*) PyArray_SimpleNew(ndim, rdim, npytype);
    if(arr == NULL) goto fail;

    // get number of elements, allocate space, map, store

    ndfSize(self->_ndfid, &npix, &status);
    if (raiseNDFException(&status)) goto fail;
    void *pntr[1];
    ndfMap(self->_ndfid, comp, type, "READ", pntr, &nelem, &status);
    if (raiseNDFException(&status)) goto fail;
    if(nelem != npix){
	PyErr_SetString(PyExc_IOError, "ndf_read error: number of elements different from number expected");
	goto fail;
    memcpy(arr->data, pntr[0], npix*nbyte);
    ndfUnmap(self->_ndfid, comp, &status);
    if (raiseNDFException(&status)) goto fail;

    return Py_BuildValue("N", PyArray_Return(arr));

    return NULL;