예제 #1
파일: solver.cpp 프로젝트: Appms/HastyHarry
f32 neCollisionResult::SolveAngular2(const neV3 & axisA, const neV3 & axisB, f32 relAV, f32 desireAV, f32 maxTorque, neFixedTimeStepSimulator * sim)
	f32 deltaAng = desireAV - relAV;

	//deltaAng *= 0.5f;

	neV3 deltaAngVel, deltaLA, deltaLB;

	deltaAngVel = axisA * deltaAng;

	deltaLA = kInv * deltaAngVel;

	neV3 torque = deltaLA * sim->oneOnCurrentTimeStep;

	f32 torqueMag = torque.Length();

	if (torqueMag > maxTorque && !neIsConsiderZero(neAbs(maxTorque)))
		deltaLA = torque * (maxTorque * sim->_currentTimeStep / torqueMag);

	neRigidBody_ * rb;

	if (bodyA && (rb = bodyA->AsRigidBody()))
		rb->SetAngMom(rb->State().angularMom + deltaLA);

		rb->davRecord[rb->sim->stepSoFar % NE_RB_MAX_PAST_RECORDS] += rb->Derive().Iinv * deltaLA;

		//rb->totalDA += deltaLA;

	deltaAngVel = axisB * deltaAng;

	deltaLB = kInv * deltaAngVel;

	torque = deltaLB * sim->oneOnCurrentTimeStep;

	torqueMag = torque.Length();

	if (torqueMag > maxTorque/* && !neIsConsiderZero(maxTorque)*/)
		deltaLB = torque * (maxTorque * sim->_currentTimeStep / torqueMag);
	if (bodyB && (rb = bodyB->AsRigidBody()))
		rb->SetAngMom(rb->State().angularMom - deltaLB);

		rb->davRecord[rb->sim->stepSoFar % NE_RB_MAX_PAST_RECORDS] -= rb->Derive().Iinv * deltaLB;

		//rb->totalDA -= deltaLB;

	return 0.0f;
예제 #2
파일: solver.cpp 프로젝트: Appms/HastyHarry
f32 neCollisionResult::SolveConstraint(neFixedTimeStepSimulator * sim)
	neV3 impulse;

	f32 ret = 0.0f;

	neV3 pII; 

	if (neIsConsiderZero(depth))
		pII = kInv * initRelVel;

		impulse = -pII;
		neV3 & desireVel = contactAWorld;//w2c * contactAWorld;

		f32 len = depth * CONSTRAINT_CONVERGE_FACTOR_JOINT;//tmp.Length();

		if (len > 0.05f)
			tmp = desireVel * (0.05f / len);
		tmp *= sim->oneOnCurrentTimeStep;// * CONSTRAINT_CONVERGE_FACTOR_JOINT;

		neV3 deltaU = tmp + initRelVel *  CONSTRAINT_CONVERGE_FACTOR_JOINT;

		impulse = kInv * deltaU * -1.0f;
	neRigidBody_ * rb;

	if (bodyA && (rb = bodyA->AsRigidBody()))
		ApplyCollisionImpulseFast(rb, impulse, contactA, sim->currentRecord);

		rb->needRecalc = true;
	if (bodyB && (rb = bodyB->AsRigidBody()))
		neV3 bimpulse = impulse * -1.0f;
		ApplyCollisionImpulseFast(rb, bimpulse, contactB, sim->currentRecord);

		rb->needRecalc = true;
	return ret;
예제 #3
파일: solver.cpp 프로젝트: Appms/HastyHarry
f32 neCollisionResult::SolveSlider(neFixedTimeStepSimulator * sim)
	neV3 impulse;

	if (neIsConsiderZero(finalRelativeSpeed))
		impulse = kInv * initRelVel * -1.0f;

		impulse = impulse - impulse.Dot(contactBWorld) * contactBWorld;
		neV3 & desireVel = contactAWorld;

		f32 len = finalRelativeSpeed * CONSTRAINT_CONVERGE_FACTOR_JOINT;//tmp.Length();

		if (len > 0.05f)
			tmp = desireVel * (0.05f / len);
		tmp *= sim->oneOnCurrentTimeStep;// * CONSTRAINT_CONVERGE_FACTOR_JOINT;

		neV3 deltaU = tmp + initRelVel *  CONSTRAINT_CONVERGE_FACTOR_JOINT;

		impulse = kInv * deltaU * -1.0f;

		f32 dot = impulse.Dot(contactBWorld);

		impulse = impulse - dot * contactBWorld;
	neRigidBody_ * rb;

	if (bodyA && (rb = bodyA->AsRigidBody()))
		ApplyCollisionImpulseFast(rb, impulse, contactA, sim->currentRecord);

		rb->needRecalc = true;
	if (bodyB && (rb = bodyB->AsRigidBody()))
		neV3 bimpulse = impulse * -1.0f;
		ApplyCollisionImpulseFast(rb, bimpulse, contactB, sim->currentRecord);

		rb->needRecalc = true;
	return 0.0f;
예제 #4
f32 funcD(const Face & face)
	f32 k = face.k;
	neV3 N; 
	N = face.normal;

	if (face.k < 0.0f)
		k = -face.k;
		N *= -1.0f;

	f32 den = k - N.Dot(BigC);

	den = BigCLength * den;


	f32 ret = -k / den;

	return ret;
예제 #5
		neBool found = false;

		f32 dist, ratio, factor, depth;

		neV3 contact;

		s32 i;

		for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
			if (!neIsConsiderZero(sensorA.dir[i]))
				if (sensorA.dir[i] > 0.0f)
					if (sensorA.pos[i] > -convexB.as.box.boxSize[i])
					factor = 1.0f;
					if (sensorA.pos[i] < convexB.as.box.boxSize[i])

					factor = -1.0f;
				dist = factor * (convexB.as.box.boxSize[i] - sensorA.pos[i]);

				assert(dist > 0.0f);

				if (dist > neAbs(sensorA.dir[i]))

				ratio = dist / neAbs(sensorA.dir[i]);

				contact = sensorA.pos + sensorA.dir * ratio;

				s32 other1, other2;

				other1 = (i + 1)%3;
				other2 = (i + 2)%3;

				if (contact[other1] >= convexB.as.box.boxSize[other1] || contact[other1] <= -convexB.as.box.boxSize[other1])

				if (contact[other2] >= convexB.as.box.boxSize[other2] || contact[other2] <= -convexB.as.box.boxSize[other2])

				found = true;

				depth = (1.0f - ratio) * sensorA.length;

			else if (sensorA.pos[i] >= convexB.as.box.boxSize[i] || sensorA.pos[i] <= -convexB.as.box.boxSize[i])
		if (found)
			sensorA.depth = depth;

			sensorA.normal = transB.rot[i] * factor * -1.0f;

			sensorA.contactPoint = contact;

			sensorA.materialID = convexB.matIndex;

void SensorTest(neSensor_ & sensorA, TConvex & convexB, neT3 & transB)
	if (convexB.type == TConvex::BOX)
		int nearDim = -1;
		int farDim = -1;

//	set Tnear = - infinity, Tfar = infinity
//	For each pair of planes P associated with X, Y, and Z do:
//	(example using X planes)
//	if direction Xd = 0 then the ray is parallel to the X planes, so
//	if origin Xo is not between the slabs ( Xo < Xl or Xo > Xh) then return false
//	else, if the ray is not parallel to the plane then
//	begin
//	compute the intersection distance of the planes
//	T1 = (Xl - Xo) / Xd
//	T2 = (Xh - Xo) / Xd
//	If T1 > T2 swap (T1, T2) /* since T1 intersection with near plane */
//	If T1 > Tnear set Tnear =T1 /* want largest Tnear */
//	If T2 < Tfar set Tfar="T2" /* want smallest Tfar */
//	If Tnear > Tfar box is missed so return false
//	If Tfar < 0 box is behind ray return false end

		float tNear = -1.0e6;
		float tFar = 1.0e6;

		for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
			if (neIsConsiderZero(sensorA.dir[i]))
				if (sensorA.pos[i] < -convexB.as.box.boxSize[i] ||
					sensorA.pos[i] > convexB.as.box.boxSize[i])
			float t1 = (-convexB.as.box.boxSize[i] - sensorA.pos[i]) / sensorA.dir[i];
			float t2 = (convexB.as.box.boxSize[i] - sensorA.pos[i]) / sensorA.dir[i];

			float tt;

			if (t1 > t2)
				tt = t1;
				t1 = t2;
				t2 = tt;

			if (t1 > tNear)
				tNear = t1;
				nearDim = i;

			if (t2 < tFar)
				tFar = t2;
				farDim = i;

			if (tNear > tFar)

			if (tFar < 0)

		//assert(nearDim != -1);
		//assert(farDim != -1);

		if (tNear > 1.0f)

		neV3 contact = sensorA.pos + tNear * sensorA.dir;

		neV3 sensorEnd = sensorA.pos + sensorA.dir;

		f32 depth = (sensorEnd - contact).Length();

		sensorA.depth = depth;

		f32 factor = (sensorA.dir[nearDim] >= 0) ? -1.0f : 1.0f;
		sensorA.normal = transB.rot[nearDim] * factor;

		sensorA.contactPoint = contact;

		sensorA.materialID = convexB.matIndex;
	else if (convexB.type == TConvex::TERRAIN)
		neSimpleArray<s32> & _triIndex = *convexB.as.terrain.triIndex;

		s32 triangleCount = _triIndex.GetUsedCount();

		neArray<neTriangle_> & triangleArray = *convexB.as.terrain.triangles;
		for (s32 i = 0; i < triangleCount; i++)
			s32 test = _triIndex[i];

			neTriangle_ * t = &triangleArray[_triIndex[i]];

			neV3 * vert[3];

			neV3 edges[3];

			neV3 normal;

			f32 d;

			vert[0] = &convexB.vertices[t->indices[0]];
			vert[1] = &convexB.vertices[t->indices[1]];
			vert[2] = &convexB.vertices[t->indices[2]];

			edges[0] = *vert[1] - *vert[0];
			edges[1] = *vert[2] - *vert[1];
			edges[2] = *vert[0] - *vert[2];
			normal = edges[0].Cross(edges[1]);


			d = normal.Dot(*vert[0]);

			f32 nd = normal.Dot(sensorA.dir);

			f32 np = normal.Dot(sensorA.pos);

			f32 t1;

			t1 = (d - np) / nd;

			if (t1 > 1.0f || t1 < 0.0f)

			neV3 contactPoint = sensorA.pos + sensorA.dir * t1;

			if (!SameSide(contactPoint, *vert[2], *vert[0], edges[0]))

			if (!SameSide(contactPoint, *vert[0], *vert[1], edges[1]))

			if (!SameSide(contactPoint, *vert[1], *vert[2], edges[2]))

			sensorA.depth = (1.0f - t1) * sensorA.length;

			if (nd > 0.0)
				sensorA.normal = normal * -1.0f;
				sensorA.normal = normal;

			sensorA.contactPoint = contactPoint;

			sensorA.materialID = t->materialID;
		// other primitives to do
예제 #6
neBool BoxTestParam::CylinderEdgeTest(ConvexTestResult & res, TConvex & cylinderB, neT3 & transB, s32 whichEdge)
	neV3 diff = trans->pos - transB.pos;

	neV3 dir = trans->rot[whichEdge].Cross(transB.rot[1]);

	f32 len = dir.Length();

	if (neIsConsiderZero(len))
		return true;

	dir *= (1.0f / len);

	f32 dot = dir.Dot(diff);

	if (dot > 0.0f)
		dot *= -1.0f;
		dir *= -1.0f;

	f32 depth = dot + cylinderB.CylinderRadius();

	neV3 contactPoint = trans->pos;

	s32 i;

	for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
		if (i == whichEdge)

		dot = dir.Dot(radii[i]);

		if (dot > 0.0f)
			depth += dot;

			contactPoint -= radii[i];
			depth -= dot;

			contactPoint += radii[i];
	if (depth <= 0.0f)
		return false;

	ConvexTestResult cr;

	cr.edgeA[0] = contactPoint + radii[whichEdge];
	cr.edgeA[1] = contactPoint - radii[whichEdge];
	cr.edgeB[0] = transB.pos + transB.rot[1] * cylinderB.CylinderHalfHeight();
	cr.edgeB[1] = transB.pos - transB.rot[1] * cylinderB.CylinderHalfHeight();

	f32 au, bu;

	// A is the box, B is the cylinder

	cr.ComputerEdgeContactPoint2(au, bu);

	if (cr.depth >= res.depth)
		return true;

	if (cr.valid)
		depth = cylinderB.CylinderRadius() - cr.depth;

		if (depth <= 0.0f)
			return false;

		if (depth >= res.depth)
			return true;;

		res.valid = true;

		res.contactNormal = dir;

		res.contactA = cr.contactA;

		res.contactB = cr.contactB + res.contactNormal * cylinderB.CylinderRadius();

		res.depth = depth;
		// A is the box, B is the cylinder

		if (au > 0.0 && au < 1.0f)
			// box edge and cylinder end

			neV3 cylinderVert;

			if (bu <= 0.0f)
				cylinderVert = cr.edgeB[0];
				cylinderVert = cr.edgeB[1];
			neV3 project;

			f32 dist = cylinderVert.GetDistanceFromLine2(project, cr.edgeA[0], cr.edgeA[1]);

			f32 depth = cylinderB.CylinderRadius() - dist;

			if (depth <= 0.0f)
				return true;

			if (depth >= res.depth)
				return true;

			res.depth = depth;
			res.valid = true;
			res.contactNormal = project - cylinderVert;
			res.contactA = project;
			res.contactB = cylinderVert + res.contactNormal * cylinderB.CylinderRadius();
			neV3 boxVert;

			if (au <= 0.0f)
				boxVert = cr.edgeA[0];
			else // au >= 1.0f
				boxVert = cr.edgeA[1];
			if (bu > 0.0f && bu < 1.0f)
				// boxVert and cylinder edge

				neV3 project;

				f32 depth = boxVert.GetDistanceFromLine2(project, cr.edgeB[0], cr.edgeB[1]);

				depth = cylinderB.CylinderRadius() - depth;

				if (depth <= 0.0f)
					return true;

				if (depth >= res.depth)
					return true;

				res.depth = depth;
				res.valid = true;
				res.contactA = boxVert;
				res.contactNormal = boxVert - project;
				res.contactB = project + res.contactNormal * cylinderB.CylinderRadius();
				// box vert and cylinder end

				neV3 cylinderVert;

				if (bu <= 0.0f)
					cylinderVert = cr.edgeB[0];
					cylinderVert = cr.edgeB[1];
				neV3 diff = boxVert - cylinderVert;

				f32 depth = diff.Dot(diff);

				if (depth >= cylinderB.CylinderRadiusSq())
					return true;

				depth = sqrtf(depth);

				depth = cylinderB.CylinderRadius() - depth;

				if (depth >= res.depth)
					return true;

				res.depth = depth;
				res.valid = true;
				res.contactNormal = diff;
				res.contactA = boxVert;
				res.contactB = cylinderVert + res.contactNormal * cylinderB.CylinderRadius();

	return true;
예제 #7
neBool BoxTestParam::MeasureEdgePeneration(ConvexTestResult & result, BoxTestParam & otherBox, s32 dim1, s32 dim2)
	neV3 contactA = trans->pos;

	neV3 contactB = otherBox.trans->pos;
	neV3 contactNormal = trans->rot[dim1].Cross(otherBox.trans->rot[dim2]);

	f32 len = contactNormal.Length();

	if (neIsConsiderZero(len))
		return true;

	contactNormal *= (1.0f / len);

	neV3 me2OtherBox = otherBox.trans->pos - trans->pos;

	f32 penetrated = me2OtherBox.Dot(contactNormal);

	bool reverse = false;

	if (penetrated < 0.0f)
		contactNormal = contactNormal * -1.0f;

		reverse = true;
		penetrated = penetrated * -1.0f;

	f32 progression[4];

	s32 otherAxisA1 = (dim1 + 1) % 3;
	s32 otherAxisA2 = (dim1 + 2) % 3;
	s32 otherAxisB1 = (dim2 + 1) % 3;
	s32 otherAxisB2 = (dim2 + 2) % 3;

	progression[0] = radii[otherAxisA1].Dot(contactNormal);
	progression[1] = radii[otherAxisA2].Dot(contactNormal);
	progression[2] = otherBox.radii[otherAxisB1].Dot(contactNormal);
	progression[3] = otherBox.radii[otherAxisB2].Dot(contactNormal);

	f32 sign[4];

	sign[0] = progression[0] > 0.0f ? 1.0f: -1.0f;
	sign[1] = progression[1] > 0.0f ? 1.0f: -1.0f;
	sign[2] = progression[2] > 0.0f ? 1.0f: -1.0f;
	sign[3] = progression[3] > 0.0f ? 1.0f: -1.0f;

	penetrated += (progression[0] * sign[0]);
	penetrated += (progression[1] * sign[1]);
	penetrated += (progression[2] * sign[2]);
	penetrated += (progression[3] * sign[3]);

	contactA += (radii[otherAxisA1] * sign[0]);
	contactA += (radii[otherAxisA2] * sign[1]);
	contactB -= (otherBox.radii[otherAxisB1] * sign[2]);
	contactB -= (otherBox.radii[otherAxisB2] * sign[3]);

	if(penetrated <= 0.0f)
		return false;

	if (penetrated < result.depth)
		result.depth = penetrated;

		result.valid = true;

		result.edgeA[0] = contactA + (radii[dim1]);
		result.edgeA[1] = contactA - (radii[dim1]);

		result.edgeB[0] = contactB + (otherBox.radii[dim2]);
		result.edgeB[1] = contactB - (otherBox.radii[dim2]);

		result.contactA = contactA;
		result.contactB = contactB;
		if (reverse)
			result.contactX = trans->rot[dim1];
			result.contactX = trans->rot[dim1];

		result.contactY = contactNormal.Cross(result.contactX);
*/		result.contactNormal = contactNormal;
	return true;
예제 #8
bool BoxTestParam::MeasureVertexFacePeneration(ConvexTestResult & result, BoxTestParam & otherBox, s32 whichFace)
	neV3 me2otherBox;

	me2otherBox = otherBox.trans->pos - trans->pos;

	neV3 direction;

	direction = trans->rot[whichFace];

	neV3 contactPoint;

	contactPoint = otherBox.trans->pos;

	f32 penetrated;

	bool reverse = false;
	if ((penetrated = me2otherBox.Dot(direction)) < 0.0f)
		direction = direction * -1.0f;

		reverse = true;
		penetrated = penetrated * -1.0f;

	penetrated += convex->as.box.boxSize[whichFace];

	neV3 progression;

	progression = direction * otherBox.radii;

	neV3 sign;

	sign[0] = progression[0] > 0.0f ? 1.0f: -1.0f;
	sign[1] = progression[1] > 0.0f ? 1.0f: -1.0f;
	sign[2] = progression[2] > 0.0f ? 1.0f: -1.0f;

	penetrated += (progression[0] * sign[0]);
	penetrated += (progression[1] * sign[1]);
	penetrated += (progression[2] * sign[2]);

	contactPoint -= (otherBox.radii[0] * sign[0]);
	contactPoint -= (otherBox.radii[1] * sign[1]);
	contactPoint -= (otherBox.radii[2] * sign[2]);

	if (penetrated <= 0.0f)
		return false;

	if ((penetrated + 0.0001f) < result.depth)
		result.depth = penetrated;
		result.contactA = contactPoint; // contactPoint is vertex of otherBox
		result.contactB = contactPoint + direction * penetrated;
		result.valid = true;
		result.contactNormal = direction;
	else if (neIsConsiderZero(penetrated - result.depth))
		s32 otherAxis1 = neNextDim1[whichFace];
		s32 otherAxis2 = neNextDim2[whichFace];

		//check to see if this one fall into the faces
		neV3 sub = contactPoint - trans->pos;

		f32 dot = neAbs(sub.Dot(trans->rot[otherAxis1]));

		if (dot > (convex->as.box.boxSize[otherAxis1] * 1.001f))
			return true;// not false ???? no it is true!!! 

		dot = neAbs(sub.Dot(trans->rot[otherAxis2]));

		if (dot > (convex->as.box.boxSize[otherAxis2] * 1.001f))
			return true;// not false ???? no it is true!!! 

		result.depth = penetrated;
		result.contactA = contactPoint;
		result.contactB = contactPoint + direction * penetrated;
		result.valid = true;
		result.contactNormal = direction;
	return true;
예제 #9
neBool SearchResult::SearchEETri(s32 flag, s32 aIndex, s32 bIndex, neBool & assigned)
	assigned = false;


	neByte edgeIndex;

	if (flag == 0) //fv
		// face of convex A
		// vertex of triangle B
		for (s32 i = 0; i < objA.mesh.numNeighbour; i++) // for each edge neighbour of Face aIndex
			int j = 0;

			while ((edgeIndex = objB.mesh.VertGetEdgeNeighbour(bIndex, j)) != 0xff)
				gEdgeStack.Push(objA.mesh.FaceGetEdgeNeighbour(aIndex, i),
								objB.mesh.VertGetEdgeNeighbour(bIndex, j));
	else //vf
		//vertex of convex A
		//face of triangle B
		s32 i = 0;

		//for each edge neighbour incident to Vertex aIndex
		while ((edgeIndex = objA.mesh.VertGetEdgeNeighbour(aIndex, i)) != 0xff)
			for (s32 j = 0; j < objB.mesh.numNeighbour; j++)
				gEdgeStack.Push(objA.mesh.VertGetEdgeNeighbour(aIndex, i),
								objB.mesh.FaceGetEdgeNeighbour(bIndex, j));
	while (!gEdgeStack.IsEmpty())

		s32 edgeP, edgeQ;

		gEdgeStack.Pop(edgeP, edgeQ);

		// does the edge form a face
		neV3 a = objA.GetWorldNormalByEdge1(edgeP);

		neV3 b = objA.GetWorldNormalByEdge2(edgeP);

		neV3 c = objB.GetWorldNormalByEdge1(edgeQ) * -1.0f;

		neV3 d = objB.GetWorldNormalByEdge2(edgeQ) * -1.0f;

		c += (TriEdgeDir[edgeQ] * 0.01f);

		d += (TriEdgeDir[edgeQ] * 0.01f);



		f32 cba = Determinant(c,b,a);

		f32 dba = Determinant(d,b,a);

		f32 prod0 = cba * dba;

		if (prod0 >= -1.0e-6f)

		f32 adc = Determinant(a,d,c);

		f32 bdc = Determinant(b,d,c);

		f32 prod1 = adc * bdc;

		if (prod1 >= -1.0e-6f)
		f32 prod2 = cba * bdc;

		if (prod2 <= 1.0e-6f)

		neV3 ai, bi;
		neV3 naj, nbj;

		objA.GetWorldEdgeVerts(edgeP, ai, bi);

		objB.GetWorldEdgeVerts(edgeQ, naj, nbj);
		naj *= -1.0f; nbj *= -1.0f;

		neV3 ainaj = ai + naj;
		neV3 ainbj = ai + nbj;
		neV3 binaj = bi + naj;
		//neV3 binbj = bi + nbj;

		neV3 diff1 = ainaj - ainbj;
		neV3 diff2 = ainaj - binaj ;

		Face testFace;

		testFace.normal = diff1.Cross(diff2);

		f32 len = testFace.normal.Length();

		if (neIsConsiderZero(len))
		testFace.normal *= (1.0f / len);

		testFace.k = testFace.normal.Dot(ainaj);

		f32 testD = funcD(testFace);

		if (testD >= 0)
			return false;

		if (testD <= dMax)

		assigned = true;
		dMax = testD;
		face = testFace;
		indexA = edgeP;
		indexB = edgeQ;
		typeA = SearchResult::EDGE; 
		typeB = SearchResult::EDGE;

		// push
		s32 i, j;

		s32 vindex;

		vindex = objB.mesh.EdgeGetVert1(edgeQ);

		i = 0;

		while ((j = objB.mesh.VertGetEdgeNeighbour(vindex, i)) != 0xff)
			if (j != edgeQ)
				gEdgeStack.Push(edgeP, j);


		vindex = objB.mesh.EdgeGetVert2(edgeQ);

		i = 0;

		while ((j = objB.mesh.VertGetEdgeNeighbour(vindex, i)) != 0xff)
			if (j != edgeQ)
				gEdgeStack.Push(edgeP, j);


		vindex = objA.mesh.EdgeGetVert1(edgeP);

		i = 0;
		while((j = objA.mesh.VertGetEdgeNeighbour(vindex, i)) != 0xff)
			if (j != edgeP)
				gEdgeStack.Push(j, edgeQ);


		vindex = objA.mesh.EdgeGetVert2(edgeP);

		//for (i = 0; i < objA.mesh.VertGetNumEdgeNeighbour(vindex); i++)
		i = 0;

		while ((j = objA.mesh.VertGetEdgeNeighbour(vindex, i)) != 0xff)
			if (j != edgeP)
				gEdgeStack.Push(j, edgeQ);

	return true;
예제 #10
neBool IntersectAABBTriangle(neTriangleTree * tree, const neV3 & minBound, const neV3 & maxBound, const neTriangle & triangle)
	neCollision box;
	neCollision tri;
//	neT3 boxt3;
	neT3 trit3;

	tri.obb.SetTriangle(triangle.indices[0], triangle.indices[1], triangle.indices[2], tree->vertices);
	tri.convexCount = 1;
	tri.convex = &tri.obb;
	if (triangle.indices[0] == 1312 &&
		triangle.indices[1] == 1363 &&
		triangle.indices[2] == 1364)

	neV3 edge0 = tree->vertices[triangle.indices[1]] - tree->vertices[triangle.indices[0]];
	neV3 edge1 = tree->vertices[triangle.indices[2]] - tree->vertices[triangle.indices[1]];

	neV3 normal = edge0.Cross(edge1);


	f32 xfactor = 0.0f;
	f32 yfactor = 0.0f;
	f32 zfactor = 0.0f;

	if (neIsConsiderZero(neAbs(normal[0]) - 1.0f))
		xfactor = 0.01f;
	else if (neIsConsiderZero(neAbs(normal[1]) - 1.0f))
		yfactor = 0.01f;
	else if (neIsConsiderZero(neAbs(normal[2]) - 1.0f))
		zfactor = 0.01f;

	float boxpos[3];
	float boxhalfsize[3];
	float triverts[3][3];
	int i;

	boxhalfsize[0] = ((maxBound[0] - minBound[0]) * 0.5f) + xfactor;
	boxhalfsize[1] = ((maxBound[1] - minBound[1]) * 0.5f) + yfactor;
	boxhalfsize[2] = ((maxBound[2] - minBound[2]) * 0.5f) + zfactor;

	for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
		boxpos[i] = (maxBound[i] + minBound[i]) * 0.5f;

	for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
		for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
			triverts[i][j] = tree->vertices[triangle.indices[i]][j];

	int ret = _triBoxOverlap_(boxpos, boxhalfsize, triverts);

	return ret;

	box.obb.SetBoxSize((maxBound[0] - minBound[0]) + xfactor, 
						(maxBound[1] - minBound[1]) + yfactor, 
						(maxBound[2] - minBound[2]) + zfactor);
	box.convexCount = 1;
	box.convex = &box.obb;

	neCollisionResult res;

	boxt3.pos = ( maxBound + minBound ) * 0.5f;

	CollisionTest(res, box, boxt3, tri, trit3);

	return res.penetrate;