int pan() { int flag = 0; int i=1; for(;i<3;i++) { if(near(DIS(a[i-1],a[i]),DIS(a[i],a[i+1])) == 0) { if(formZ(a[i-1],a[i],a[i+1])==0)return 0; // printf(" %d %d %d %d %lf %lf\n",a[i-1],a[i],a[i],a[i+1],DIS(a[i-1],a[i]),DIS(a[i],a[i+1])); return 0; } } if(i == 3) { if(near(DIS(a[i-1],a[i]),DIS(a[i],a[0])) == 0) { // printf(" 2: %d %d %d %d %lf %lf\n",a[i-1],a[i],a[i],a[i+1],DIS(a[i-1],a[i]),DIS(a[i],a[i+1])); return 0; } } if(near(DIS(a[0],a[2]),DIS(a[0],a[1])*gen2) == 0) { // printf(" 3 : %d %d %d %d %lf %lf\n",a[i-1],a[i],a[i],a[i+1],DIS(a[i-1],a[i]),DIS(a[i],a[i+1])); return 0; } if(near(DIS(a[1],a[3]),DIS(a[0],a[1])*gen2) == 0) { // printf("4: %d %d %d %d %lf %lf\n",a[i-1],a[i],a[i],a[i+1],DIS(a[i-1],a[i]),DIS(a[i],a[i+1])); return 0; } return 1; }
void trimxy(FILE *output, FILE *input) { int inflag=0; int xold=0, yold=0, xnew=0, ynew=0; int xa, ya, xb, yb, xc, yc; while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), input) != NULL) { fputs(line, output); if (*line == ']') break; } while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), input) != NULL) { if (*line == ']' || *line == '\n' || *line == '%' || *line == 'h' || strchr(line, '%') != NULL) { fputs(line, output); inflag = 0; } else { if (strstr(line, " m") != NULL) { sscanf(line, "%d %d", &xnew, &ynew); fputs(line, output); } else if (strstr(line, " l") != NULL) { sscanf(line, "%d %d", &xnew, &ynew); if (!near(xnew, ynew, xold, yold)) fputs(line, output); } else if (strstr(line, " c") != NULL) { sscanf(line, "%d %d %d %d %d %d", &xa, &ya, &xb, &yb, &xc, &yc); xnew = xc; ynew = yc; if (!near(xnew, ynew, xold, yold)) fputs(line, output); } inflag = 1; xold = xnew; yold = ynew; } } }
// @param[in] isStereo Whether scene is in stereo (widens near/far planes to fit both eyes) void Lens::frustum(Frustumd& f, const Pose& p, double aspect) const {//, bool isStereo) const { Vec3d ur, uu, uf; p.directionVectors(ur, uu, uf); const Vec3d& pos = p.pos(); double nh = heightAtDepth(near()); double fh = heightAtDepth(far()); double nw = nh * aspect; double fw = fh * aspect; // // This effectively creates a union between the near/far planes of the // // left and right eyes. The offsets are computed by using the law // // of similar triangles. // if(isStereo){ // nw += fabs(0.5*eyeSep()*(focalLength()-near())/focalLength()); // fw += fabs(0.5*eyeSep()*(focalLength()- far())/focalLength()); // } Vec3d nc = pos + uf * near(); // center point of near plane Vec3d fc = pos + uf * far(); // center point of far plane f.ntl = nc + uu * nh - ur * nw; f.ntr = nc + uu * nh + ur * nw; f.nbl = nc - uu * nh - ur * nw; f.nbr = nc - uu * nh + ur * nw; f.ftl = fc + uu * fh - ur * fw; = fc + uu * fh + ur * fw; f.fbl = fc - uu * fh - ur * fw; f.fbr = fc - uu * fh + ur * fw; f.computePlanes(); }
void Pick3DObjectExample::CreateWorldSpaceRayFromScreen(const Eegeo::v2& screenPoint, Ray& ray) { const Eegeo::Camera::RenderCamera& renderCamera = m_cameraProvider.GetRenderCamera(); //normalize the point double nx = 2.0 * screenPoint.GetX() / m_renderContext.GetScreenWidth() - 1; double ny = - 2.0 * screenPoint.GetY() / m_renderContext.GetScreenHeight() + 1; //prepare near and far points Eegeo::v4 near(nx, ny, 0.0f, 1.0); Eegeo::v4 far(nx, ny, 1.0f, 1.0); Eegeo::m44 invVP; Eegeo::m44::Inverse(invVP, renderCamera.GetViewProjectionMatrix()); //unproject the points Eegeo::v4 unprojectedNear = Eegeo::v4::Mul(near, invVP); Eegeo::v4 unprojectedFar = Eegeo::v4::Mul(far, invVP); //convert to 3d Eegeo::v3 unprojectedNearWorld = unprojectedNear / unprojectedNear.GetW(); Eegeo::v3 unprojectedFarWorld = unprojectedFar / unprojectedFar.GetW(); //check intersection with a ray cast from camera position ray.m_origin = renderCamera.GetEcefLocation(); ray.m_direction = (unprojectedNearWorld - unprojectedFarWorld).Norm(); }
void DepthCamera::init_float_tex(int w, int h) { if ( ftex.isAllocated() ) return; ftex.allocate( w, h, GL_LUMINANCE32F_ARB ); fpix.allocate( w, h, 1 ); fpix.set( 0 ); int near_mm = (int)(near() * 1000); int far_mm = (int)(far() * 1000); flut = new float[ far_mm ]; flut[0] = 0; for ( int i = 1; i < far_mm; i++ ) { /* * WARNING * this interpolation is related * to z_norm_to_mts in render.vert shader */ flut[ i ] = ofMap( i, near_mm, far_mm, 1., 0., true ); } };
bool Unproject(real x, real y, TGVectorF4 &result) { y = wHeight - y; TGMatrix4 A = camera.GetProjection() * camera.GetView(); if(!A.Invert()) { Debug("Invert failed"); return false; } real normx = 2.*x/wWidth - 1.; real normy = 2.*y/wHeight - 1.; //Debug("x: %g; y: %g", normx, normy); TGVectorF4 far(normx, normy, 1); far = A*far; if(far.W == 0) return false; far.W = 1./far.W; far *= far.W; TGVectorF4 near(normx, normy, 0); near = A*near; if(near.W == 0) return false; near.W = 1./near.W; near *= near.W; TGVectorF4 dir = far - near; real t = -near.Y / dir.Y; result = near + dir*t; return true; }
int formZ(int a,int b,int c) { double xx0 = x[a]-x[b]; double xx1 = x[c]-x[b]; double yy0 = y[a]-y[b]; double yy1 = y[c]-y[b]; if(near(dian(xx0,xx1,yy0,yy1),0.0)==1) return 1; return 0; }
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ngl::Vec3 NGLDraw::getWorldSpace(const int _x, const int _y) { ngl::Mat4 m; m = m*m_mouseGlobalTX; ngl::Mat4 t=m_cam->getProjectionMatrix(); ngl::Mat4 v=m_cam->getViewMatrix(); // as ngl:: and OpenGL use different formats need to transpose the matrix. t.transpose(); v.transpose(); m.transpose(); ngl::Mat4 inverse=(t*v*m).inverse(); ngl::Vec4 tmp(0,0,-1.0f,1.0f); // convert into NDC tmp.m_x=(2.0f * _x) / m_width- 1.0f; tmp.m_y=1.0f - (2.0f * _y) / m_height; // scale by inverse MV * Project transform ngl::Vec4 near(tmp.m_x,tmp.m_y,-1.0f,1.0f); ngl::Vec4 far(tmp.m_x,tmp.m_y,1.0f,1.0f); //get world point on near and far clipping planes ngl::Vec4 obj_near=inverse*near; ngl::Vec4 obj_far=inverse*far; // Scale by w obj_near/=obj_near.m_w; obj_far/=obj_far.m_w; ngl::Vec3 nearPoint(obj_near.m_x,obj_near.m_y,obj_near.m_z); ngl::Vec3 farPoint(obj_far.m_x,obj_far.m_y,obj_far.m_z); //create ray ngl::Vec3 rayDir(farPoint-nearPoint); if(rayDir.lengthSquared() == 0.0f) { std::cout<<"Ray Direction in getWorldSpace equals zero, can't normalise"<<std::endl; } else { rayDir.normalize(); } //calculate distance to zx plane float dist = (-nearPoint.m_y)/rayDir.m_y; //set world space coordinate where y = 0 ngl::Vec3 obj(nearPoint.m_x + (dist*rayDir.m_x),nearPoint.m_y + (dist*rayDir.m_y),nearPoint.m_z + (dist*rayDir.m_z)); obj.m_y = 0.0; return obj; }
void rotate(Uint8 id) { if (obj[id].AI) { if (!obj[id].jump.power || (obj[id].state == STATE_FALL && !(obj[id].AI >= 2 && near(255, id, 50)))) obj[id].dir = (obj[id].dir==DIR_LEFT)*2; if (obj[id].jump.power && obj[id].state != STATE_FALL && !obj[id].jump.frame) obj[id].jump.frame = 1; } }
/// Setup perspective camera in OpenGL void Camera::setup(qreal _fov, qreal _aspect) { QMatrix4x4 _m; glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); glLoadIdentity(); // perspective projection _m.perspective(_fov, _aspect, near(), far()); _m.lookAt(eye(),center(),up()); // Apply matrix to OpenGL glMultMatrixf(_m.constData()); }
void fps_calc(FRAMESPS *fps) { if(!fps->fps_expected) { fps->fps_expected = FPS; } if(SDL_GetTicks() > fps->fpstime+1000) { fps->fps_show = fps->fps; fps->fps = 0; fps->fpstime = SDL_GetTicks(); } else { fps->fps++; } fps->fps_expected = near(); //anything else for that? should contain fps->fps_expected, fps->fps_show, 0.1 }
/* void Dstar::updateGoal(int x, int y) * -------------------------- * This is somewhat of a hack, to change the position of the goal we * first save all of the non-empty on the map, clear the map, move the * goal, and re-add all of non-empty cells. Since most of these cells * are not between the start and goal this does not seem to hurt * performance too much. Also it free's up a good deal of memory we * likely no longer use. */ void Dstar::updateGoal(int x, int y) { list< pair<ipoint2, double> > toAdd; pair<ipoint2, double> tp; ds_ch::iterator i; list< pair<ipoint2, double> >::iterator kk; for(i=cellHash.begin(); i!=cellHash.end(); i++) { if (!near(i->second.cost, C1)) { tp.first.x = i->first.x; tp.first.y = i->first.y; tp.second = i->second.cost; toAdd.push_back(tp); } } cellHash.clear(); openHash.clear(); while(!openList.empty()) openList.pop(); k_m = 0; s_goal.x = x; s_goal.y = y; cellInfo tmp; tmp.g = tmp.rhs = 0; tmp.cost = C1; cellHash[s_goal] = tmp; insert(s_goal); tmp.g = tmp.rhs = heuristic(s_start,s_goal); tmp.cost = C1; cellHash[s_start] = tmp; s_start = calculateKey(s_start); s_last = s_start; for (kk=toAdd.begin(); kk != toAdd.end(); kk++) { updateCell(kk->first.x, kk->first.y, kk->second); } }
void Vertex::refreshShadowPosition(Light& light, double planeY) { // [x, y, (-Lx * x - Ly * y - Lw) / Lz] float x =[Vector4::X]; float y =[Vector4::Y]; float z =[Vector4::Z]; float w =[Vector4::W]; shadowPosition.setData([Vector3::X],[Vector3::Y] - planeY, ( x *[Vector3::X] + y *[Vector3::Y] - w ) / (near(z, 0) ? 0.0001 : z) ); }
/* void Dstar::updateCell(int x, int y, double val) * -------------------------- * As per [S. Koenig, 2002] */ void Dstar::updateCell(int x, int y, double val) { state u; u.x = x; u.y = y; if ((u == s_start) || (u == s_goal)) return; // if the value is still the same, don't need to do anything ds_ch::iterator cur = cellHash.find(u); if ((cur != cellHash.end()) && (near(cur->second.cost,val))) return; makeNewCell(u); cellHash[u].cost = val; updateVertex(u); }
Ray mousePosition(){ int x, y, width, height; glfwGetMousePos(&x, &y); glfwGetWindowSize(&width, &height); y = height-y; GLdouble modelview[16]; GLdouble projection[16]; GLint viewport[4]; glGetDoublev(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, modelview); glGetDoublev(GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX, projection); glGetIntegerv(GL_VIEWPORT, viewport); double nx, ny, nz; double fx, fy, fz; gluUnProject( x, y, -1, modelview, projection, viewport, &nx, &ny, &nz); gluUnProject( x, y, 1, modelview, projection, viewport, &fx, &fy, &fz); V3f near((float)nx, (float)ny, (float)nz); V3f far((float)fx, (float)fy, (float)fz); V3f dir(far); dir -= near; /* //we need to step maximum integer steps, to get into evry layer. int steps = (int)MAX3(ABS(near.x-far.x),ABS(near.y-far.y),ABS(near.z-far.z)); V3f step(dir); step /= steps; V3f cur(near); //start with near; for(int i = 0; i < steps; i++){ cur += step; if((cur.x > 0) && (cur.y > 0) && (cur.z > 0) && (cur.x < 256) && (cur.y < 256) && (cur.z < 255)){ //inside the cube, let's check. int offset = vol.getOffset((int)cur.x, (int)cur.y, (int)cur.z); if(vol.vol[offset] > tw_cursor_hit){ // hit condition tuned by gui set_cursor(cur+step*tw_cursor_depth); // how deep below the surface we want our cursor to go. //say("found",cursor) return; }; }; }; };*/ return Ray(near, dir); };
void playerChargeSpecialAttack(App *app, Player *player){ Body *body = &player->body; Body *head_body = &app->game.head.body; if(!player->grabbing && near(body, head_body) && player->special_attack > 90 && !app->game.winner && app-> > 0){ float a = body->angle * M_PI / 180; float dx = cos(a) * HOLD_DISTANCE; float dy = sin(a) * HOLD_DISTANCE; float tx = head_body->pos.x - dx; float ty = head_body->pos.y + dy; if(is_empty(&app->game, body, (int)tx,(int)body->pos.y)) body->pos.x = tx; if(is_empty(&app->game, body, (int)body->pos.x,(int)ty)) body->pos.y = ty; player->special_attack = 0; player->grabbing = 1; head_body->action = ACTION_ATTACK; } if(player->grabbing) { float dist = sqrt( pow(app->game.head.body.pos.x - player->door.x, 2)+ pow(app->game.head.body.pos.y - player->door.y, 2) ); if(dist < tileSize*.45){ app->game.winner = player; player->grabbing = 0; } } if(!player->grabbing && player->special_attack < 100 && app-> > 0) { player->special_attack += 3; player->power_body.action = ACTION_MOVE; } }
/* void Dstar::updateVertex(state u) * -------------------------- * As per [S. Koenig, 2002] */ void Dstar::updateVertex(state &u) { list<state> s; list<state>::iterator i; if (u != s_goal) { getSucc(u,s); double tmp = INFINITY; double tmp2; for (i=s.begin();i != s.end(); i++) { tmp2 = getG(*i) + cost(u,*i); if (tmp2 < tmp) tmp = tmp2; } //if (!near(getRHS(u),tmp)) setRHS(u,tmp); } if (!near(getG(u),getRHS(u))) insert(u); else remove(u); }
void KDLKinematicsPlugin::getRandomConfiguration(const KDL::JntArray &seed_state, const std::vector<double> &consistency_limits, KDL::JntArray &jnt_array, bool lock_redundancy) const { std::vector<double> values(dimension_, 0.0); std::vector<double> near(dimension_, 0.0); for (std::size_t i = 0 ; i < dimension_; ++i) near[i] = seed_state(i); // Need to resize the consistency limits to remove mimic joints std::vector<double> consistency_limits_mimic; for(std::size_t i = 0; i < dimension_; ++i) { if(!mimic_joints_[i].active) continue; consistency_limits_mimic.push_back(consistency_limits[i]); } joint_model_group_->getVariableRandomPositionsNearBy(state_->getRandomNumberGenerator(), values, near, consistency_limits_mimic); for (std::size_t i = 0; i < dimension_; ++i) { bool skip = false; if (lock_redundancy) for (std::size_t j = 0; j < redundant_joint_indices_.size(); ++j) if (redundant_joint_indices_[j] == i) { skip = true; break; } if (skip) continue; jnt_array(i) = values[i]; } }
Ray Camera::GetScreenRay(float x, float y) const { Ray ret; // If projection is invalid, just return a ray pointing forward if (!IsProjectionValid()) { ret.origin_ = node_ ? node_->GetWorldPosition() : Vector3::ZERO; ret.direction_ = node_ ? node_->GetWorldDirection() : Vector3::FORWARD; return ret; } Matrix4 viewProjInverse = (GetProjection(false) * GetView()).Inverse(); // The parameters range from 0.0 to 1.0. Expand to normalized device coordinates (-1.0 to 1.0) & flip Y axis x = 2.0f * x - 1.0f; y = 1.0f - 2.0f * y; Vector3 near(x, y, 0.0f); Vector3 far(x, y, 1.0f); ret.origin_ = viewProjInverse * near; ret.direction_ = ((viewProjInverse * far) - ret.origin_).Normalized(); return ret; }
char isab(uchar *s1,uchar *s2) { r0 = (char)memcmp(s1,s2,near(s1,s2)); return(r0 ? r0>0 : s1>s2); }
bool BoundBox::collidesZ(BoundBox& other){ return !(far() > other.near() || near() < other.far()); }
u8 same_line(const vertex& a, const vertex& b, const vertex& c) { return near((b.y - a.y) * (c.x - b.x), (c.y - b.y) * (b.x - a.x), 0.00001); }
static void update_ants(antmazestruct *mp) { int i; GLfloat df[4]; df[0] = df[1] = df[2] = 0.8*mp->fadeout; df[3] = 1.0; /* fade out */ if(mp->fadeoutspeed < -0.00001) { if(mp->fadeout <= 0.0) { /* switch boards: rebuild old board, increment current */ mp->currentboard = (mp->currentboard+1)%BOARDCOUNT; build_board(mp, mp->currentboard); mp->fadeoutspeed = 0.02; } mp->fadeout += mp->fadeoutspeed; glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_DIFFUSE, df); glLightfv(GL_LIGHT1, GL_DIFFUSE, df); } /* fade in */ if(mp->fadeoutspeed > 0.0001) { mp->fadeout += mp->fadeoutspeed; if(mp->fadeout >= 1.0) { mp->fadeout = 1.0; mp->fadeoutspeed = 0.0; mp->entroducing = 12; } glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_DIFFUSE, df); glLightfv(GL_LIGHT1, GL_DIFFUSE, df); } for(i = 0; i < ANTCOUNT; ++i) { if(!mp->anton[i] && mp->elevator < 1.0) { /* turn on ant */ if(mp->entroducing > 0 && mp->introduced <= 0 && random()%100 == 0) { mp->anton[i] = 1; mp->part[i] = 0; mp->antsize[i] = 0.0; mp->antposition[i][0] = -4.0; mp->antposition[i][1] = 5.0; mp->antdirection[i] = PI/2.0; mp->bposition[i][0] = 0; mp->bposition[i][1] = 8; mp->introduced = 300; mp->entroducing--; } continue; } if(mp->part[i] == 0 && mp->antsize[i] < 1.0) { mp->antsize[i] += 0.02; continue; } if(mp->part[i] > mp->antpathlength[i] && mp->antsize[i] > 0.0) { mp->antsize[i] -= 0.02; if(mp->antvelocity[i] > 0.0) { mp->antvelocity[i] -= 0.02; } else { mp->antvelocity[i] = 0.0; } continue; } if(mp->part[i] > mp->antpathlength[i] && mp->antsize[i] <= 0.0) { mp->antvelocity[i] = 0.02; /* if(i != 0) { */ antmaterial[i] = materials[random()%MATERIALS]; /* } */ mp->antdirection[i] = PI/2.0; mp->bposition[i][0] = 0; mp->bposition[i][1] = 8; mp->part[i] = 0; mp->antsize[i] = 0.0; mp->anton[i] = 0; mp->antposition[i][0] = -4.0; mp->antposition[i][1] = 5.0; /* /\* reset camera *\/ */ /* if(i == focus) { */ /* started = 0; */ /* ant_step = 0.0; */ /* } */ /* check for the end */ if(mp->entroducing <= 0) { int ao = 0, z = 0; for(z = 0; z < ANTCOUNT; ++z) { if(mp->anton[z]) { ao = 1; break; } } if(ao == 0) { mp->fadeoutspeed = -0.02; } } } /* near goal, bend path towards next step */ if(near(mp->antposition[i], mp->antpath[i][mp->part[i]])) { ++mp->part[i]; /* /\* special first ant *\/ */ /* if(i == 0 && part[i] > antpathlength[i]) { */ /* if(fir) */ /* first_ant_step = ant_step; */ /* antvelocity[i] = 0.0; */ /* /\* antposition[i][2] += 0.025; *\/ */ /* elevator += 0.025; */ /* /\* set light *\/ */ /* double l1 = 1.0 - (elevator < 1.0 ? elevator : 2.0 - elevator); */ /* GLfloat df[4] = {0.8*l1, 0.8*l1, 0.8*l1, 1.0}; */ /* glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_DIFFUSE, df); */ /* glLightfv(GL_LIGHT1, GL_DIFFUSE, df); */ /* /\* draw next board *\/ */ /* if(elevator > 1.0) { */ /* if(makenew == 1) { */ /* int re; */ /* /\* switch boards: rebuild old board, increment current *\/ */ /* currentboard = (currentboard+1)%BOARDCOUNT; */ /* build_board(currentboard); */ /* for(re = 1; re < ANTCOUNT; ++re) { */ /* anton[re] = 0; */ /* antmaterial[re] = materials[random()%MATERIALS]; */ /* } */ /* makenew = 0; */ /* } */ /* /\* draw the other board *\/ */ /* glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); */ /* glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_DIFFUSE, MaterialGray6); */ /* glPushMatrix(); */ /* glTranslatef(-(-(BOARDSIZE-3.5)+(BOARDSIZE-1)/2.0), 0.0, */ /* -(2.4+BOARDSIZE+(BOARDSIZE-1)/2.0)); */ /* draw_board(mi, mp); */ /* glPopMatrix(); */ /* glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); */ /* } */ /* /\* reset *\/ */ /* if(elevator > 2.0) { */ /* antposition[i][0] = -4.0;/\*-= -(-(BOARDSIZE-3.5)+(BOARDSIZE-1)/2.0);*\//\*= -4.0;*\/ */ /* antposition[i][1] = 5.5;/\*-(2.4+BOARDSIZE+(BOARDSIZE-1)/2.0);*\/ */ /* /\* antposition[i][2] = 0.15; *\/ */ /* antdirection[i] = PI/2.0; */ /* bposition[i][0] = 0; */ /* bposition[i][1] = 8; */ /* part[i] = 0; */ /* antvelocity[i] = 0.02; */ /* fir = 0; */ /* antmaterial[i] = MaterialRed; */ /* makenew = 1; */ /* elevator = 0.0; */ /* introduced = 200; */ /* } */ /* else { */ /* part[i]--; */ /* } */ /* } */ } /* move toward goal, correct ant direction if required */ else { /* difference */ double dx = mp->antpath[i][mp->part[i]][0] - mp->antposition[i][0]; double dz = - mp->antpath[i][mp->part[i]][1] + mp->antposition[i][1]; double theta, ideal; if(dz > EPSILON) theta = atan(dz/dx); else theta = dx > EPSILON ? 0.0 : PI; ideal = theta - mp->antdirection[i]; if(ideal < -Pi/2.0) ideal += Pi; /* compute correction */ { double dt = sign(ideal) * min(fabs(ideal), PI/90.0); mp->antdirection[i] += dt; if(mp->antdirection[i] > 2.0*PI) mp->antdirection[i] = 0.0; } } mp->antposition[i][0] += mp->antvelocity[i] * cos(mp->antdirection[i]); mp->antposition[i][1] += mp->antvelocity[i] * sin(-mp->antdirection[i]); } }
void InstrumentGrid::setGamma(float gamma) { MessageManagerLock l; gamma_ = gamma; useGamma_ = not near(gamma_, 1.0f); }
/*Main program*/ void main() { char filename[100],ch,ans; int selection,width,height; const char * source_fileName; const char * modified_fileName = "output.pgm"; const char * inte_fileName = "intermediate.pgm"; printf("\n************WELCOME***************"); printf("\nEnter image file to read(pgm format) : "); scanf("%s",&filename); source_fileName=filename; printf("Reading image \"%s\" ...\n", source_fileName); do { orig = readPGM(source_fileName, orig); printf("\nDo you want to Enter Window size for the image?(Y/N)"); printf("\nEnter your ans here:"); getchar(); scanf("%c",&ans); if(ans == 'y' || ans =='Y') { printf("\nEnter width < %d of window here:",orig->row); scanf("%d",&width); printf("\nEnter height < %d of window here:",orig->col); scanf("%d",&height); imgdata=&ImageData; imgdata->row=width; imgdata->col=height; imgdata->max_gray=orig->max_gray; imgdata->matrix = allocate_dynamic_matrix(imgdata->row,imgdata->col); for(int m=0;m<width;m++) for(int n=0;n<height;n++) { imgdata->matrix[m][n]=orig->matrix[m][n]; } } else imgdata = orig; printf("\n*********Image Scaling Options*************"); printf("\n\t1.Nearest Neighbour Method"); printf("\n\t2.Bilinear Interpolation"); printf("\nEnter your selection here:"); scanf("%d",&selection); switch (selection) { case 1: near(orig); break; case 2: bipol(orig); break; default: printf("Invaild choice\n Exiting program..."); exit(1); break; } writePGM(modified_fileName,newj); writePGM(inte_fileName,imgdata); printf("\nFile Writing complete"); printf("\nopening outputfile......"); /***** open a output file in openseeit ****/ char program[100] = "OpenSeeIt.exe "; char *openme; openme= strcat(program,modified_fileName); system(openme); printf("\nDo you want to continue?(Y/N)\nEnter your answer here:"); getchar(); ch=getchar(); }while(ch=='Y' || ch=='y'); }
void move(Uint8 id) { if (obj[id].AI >= 2) { if (near(255, id, 50)) { if (obj[id].pos.x > oki->pos.x) obj[id].dir = DIR_LEFT; else obj[id].dir = DIR_RIGHT; if (obj[id].pos.x >= oki->pos.x-obj[id].speed && obj[id].pos.x <= oki->pos.x+obj[id].speed) { obj[id].dir = DIR_ZERO; if (obj[id].img != events) obj[id].anim.x = 0; } if (obj[id].strength+2 < oki->strength && obj[id].type == OBJ_ENEMY) obj[id].dir = (obj[id].dir==DIR_LEFT)*2; } else { if (obj[id].dir == DIR_ZERO) obj[id].dir = DIR_LEFT; } } if (obj[id].jump.power && near(255, id, 50)) { if (obj[id].pos.y > oki->pos.y && obj[id].state != STATE_FALL && !obj[id].jump.frame) obj[id].jump.frame = 1; if (obj[id].strength+2 < oki->strength && obj[id].type == OBJ_ENEMY) obj[id].jump.frame = 0; } if (obj[id].run && id != 255) { if (near(255, id, 50)) { if (obj[id].run == 1) { obj[id].speed=obj[id].speed*2-1; obj[id].run = 2; } } else { if (obj[id].run == 2) { obj[id].speed=obj[id].speed/2+1; obj[id].run = 1; } } } if (obj[id].speed >= 10) { obj[id].old_pos = obj[id].pos; obj[id].old_anim = obj[id].anim; } if (obj[id].mass != 0) { if (!press(id)) { if (obj[id].state != STATE_JUMP ) { if (obj[id].img != events) obj[id].anim.x = 0; obj[id].pos.y+=obj[id].fall; obj[id].state = STATE_FALL; if (obj[id].fall != 0 && obj[id].fall <= 9) obj[id].fall++; if (obj[id].fall == 0) obj[id].fall = obj[id].mass; go(id); } } else { if (obj[id].fall > 8) obj[id].fall = 0; if (obj[id].dir == DIR_ZERO && obj[id].img != events) obj[id].anim.x = 0; obj[id].state = STATE_STAY; } } if (obj[id].jump.frame > 0) { if (obj[id].jump.frame == 1 && id == 255) play_snd(jump); obj[id].state = STATE_JUMP; if (obj[id].img != events) obj[id].anim.x = 3*obj[id].pos.w; obj[id].pos.y-=obj[id].jump.power; obj[id].jump.frame++; if (hit(id)) obj[id].jump.frame = obj[id].jump.time; if (obj[id].jump.frame >= obj[id].jump.time) { obj[id].state = STATE_FALL; if (obj[id].img != events) obj[id].anim.x = 0; obj[id].jump.frame = 0; obj[id].fall = 1; } go(id); } if (obj[id].mass == 0) obj[id].state = STATE_STAY; if (obj[id].state == STATE_STAY && obj[id].dir != DIR_ZERO) { obj[id].state = STATE_WALK; if (obj[id].img != events) obj[id].anim.x+=obj[id].anim.w; if (obj[id].anim.x > 2*BLOCK_WIDTH && obj[id].img != events) obj[id].anim.x = 0; go(id); } if (obj[id].mass != 0) press(id); if (obj[id].pos.x < 0) { obj[id].pos.x = 0; if (obj[id].AI) obj[id].dir = DIR_RIGHT; } if (obj[id].pos.y < 0) obj[id].pos.y = 0; if (obj[id].pos.x > game->w-obj[id].pos.w) { obj[id].pos.x = game->w-obj[id].pos.w; if (obj[id].AI) obj[id].dir = DIR_LEFT; } if (obj[id].pos.y > game->h) { if (id != 255) { play_snd(click); obj[id].vis = 0; if (obj[id].type == OBJ_ENEMY) coins+=obj[id].strength*obj[id].AI+1; } else { play_snd(slap); die = 1; } } }
/* bool Dstar::replan() * -------------------------- * Updates the costs for all cells and computes the shortest path to * goal. Returns true if a path is found, false otherwise. The path is * computed by doing a greedy search over the cost+g values in each * cells. In order to get around the problem of the robot taking a * path that is near a 45 degree angle to goal we break ties based on * the metric euclidean(state, goal) + euclidean(state,start). */ bool Dstar::replan() { path.clear(); int res = computeShortestPath(); // printf("res: %d ols: %d ohs: %d tk: [%f %f] sk: [%f %f] sgr: (%f,%f)\n",res,openList.size(),openHash.size(),,, s_start.k.first, s_start.k.second,getRHS(s_start),getG(s_start)); if (res < 0) { //fprintf(stderr, "NO PATH TO GOAL\n"); path.cost = INFINITY; return false; } list<state> n; list<state>::iterator i; state cur = s_start; state prev = s_start; if (isinf(getG(s_start))) { //fprintf(stderr, "NO PATH TO GOAL\n"); path.cost = INFINITY; return false; } // constructs the path while(cur != s_goal) { path.path.push_back(cur); path.cost += cost(prev,cur); getSucc(cur, n); if (n.empty()) { //fprintf(stderr, "NO PATH TO GOAL\n"); path.cost = INFINITY; return false; } // choose the next node in the path by selecting the one with smallest // g() + cost. Break ties by choosing the neighbour that is closest // to the line between start and goal (i.e. smallest sum of Euclidean // distances to start and goal). double cmin = INFINITY; double tmin = INFINITY; state smin = cur; for (i=n.begin(); i!=n.end(); i++) { if (occupied(*i)) continue; double val = cost(cur,*i); double val2 = trueDist(*i,s_goal) + trueDist(s_start,*i); // (Euclidean) cost to goal + cost to pred double val3 = getG(*i); val += val3; // tiebreak if curent neighbour is equal to current best // choose the neighbour that has the smallest tmin value if (!isinf(val) && near(val,cmin)) { if (val2 < tmin) { tmin = val2; cmin = val; smin = *i; } } // if next neighbour (*i) is scrictly lower cost than the // current best, then set it to be the current best. else if (val < cmin) { tmin = val2; cmin = val; smin = *i; } } // end for loop n.clear(); if( isinf(cmin) ) break; prev = cur; cur = smin; } // end while loop path.path.push_back(s_goal); path.cost += cost(prev,s_goal); return true; }