static value loader_loadmodule( value mname, value vthis ) { value o = val_this(); value cache; val_check(o,object); val_check(mname,string); val_check(vthis,object); cache = val_field(o,id_cache); val_check(cache,object); { reader r; readp p; neko_module *m; neko_vm *vm = NEKO_VM(); field mid = val_id(val_string(mname)); value mv = val_field(cache,mid); if( val_is_kind(mv,neko_kind_module) ) { m = (neko_module*)val_data(mv); return m->exports; } open_module(val_field(o,id_path),val_string(mname),&r,&p); if( vm->fstats ) vm->fstats(vm,"neko_read_module",1); m = neko_read_module(r,p,vthis); if( vm->fstats ) vm->fstats(vm,"neko_read_module",0); close_module(p); if( m == NULL ) { buffer b = alloc_buffer("Invalid module : "); val_buffer(b,mname); bfailure(b); } m->name = alloc_string(val_string(mname)); mv = alloc_abstract(neko_kind_module,m); alloc_field(cache,mid,mv); if( vm->fstats ) vm->fstats(vm,val_string(mname),1); neko_vm_execute(neko_vm_current(),m); if( vm->fstats ) vm->fstats(vm,val_string(mname),0); return m->exports; } }
/** module_exec : 'module -> any <doc>Execute the module, return the calculated value</doc> **/ static value module_exec( value mv ) { neko_module *m; val_check_kind(mv,neko_kind_module); m = (neko_module*)val_data(mv); return neko_vm_execute(neko_vm_current(),m); }