예제 #1
void FillerBase::setTcal2(const String& tcaltime,
                          const Vector<Float>& tcal)
  uInt id = 0 ;
  Table tab = table_->tcal().table() ;
  Table result =
    //tab( nelements(tab.col("TCAL")) == uInt (tcal.size()) && 
    //     all(tab.col("TCAL")== tcal) &&
    //     tab.col("TIME") == tcaltime, 1 ) ;
    tab( nelements(tab.col("TCAL")) == uInt (tcal.size()) && 
         all(tab.col("TCAL")== tcal), 1 ) ;

  if ( result.nrow() > 0 ) {
    ROTableColumn tmpCol( result, "ID" ) ;
    tmpCol.getScalar( 0, id ) ;
  else {
    uInt rno = tab.nrow();
    TableColumn idCol( tab, "ID" ) ;
    TableColumn tctimeCol( tab, "TIME" ) ;
    ArrayColumn<Float> tcalCol( tab, "TCAL" ) ;
    // get last assigned _id and increment
    if ( rno > 0 ) {
      idCol.getScalar(rno-1, id);
    tctimeCol.putScalar(rno, tcaltime);
    tcalCol.put(rno, tcal);
    idCol.putScalar(rno, id);

  RecordFieldPtr<uInt> mcalidCol(row_.record(), "TCAL_ID");
  *mcalidCol = id;
예제 #2
uInt STMolecules::addEntry( Double restfreq, const String& name,
                            const String& formattedname )

  Table result =
    table_( near(table_.col("RESTFREQUENCY"), restfreq) );
  uInt resultid = 0;
  if ( result.nrow() > 0) {
    ROScalarColumn<uInt> c(result, "ID");
    c.get(0, resultid);
  } else {
    uInt rno = table_.nrow();
    // get last assigned _id and increment
    if ( rno > 0 ) {
      idCol_.get(rno-1, resultid);
    restfreqCol_.put(rno, restfreq);
    nameCol_.put(rno, name);
    formattednameCol_.put(rno, formattedname);
    idCol_.put(rno, resultid);
  return resultid;
uInt STMolecules::addEntry( Vector<Double> restfreq, const Vector<String>& name,
                            const Vector<String>& formattedname )
// How to handle this...?
  Table result =
    table_( nelements(table_.col("RESTFREQUENCY")) == uInt (restfreq.size()) && 
            all(table_.col("RESTFREQUENCY")== restfreq), 1 );
  uInt resultid = 0;
  if ( result.nrow() > 0) {
    ROScalarColumn<uInt> c(result, "ID");
    c.get(0, resultid);
  } else {
    uInt rno = table_.nrow();
    // get last assigned _id and increment
    if ( rno > 0 ) {
      idCol_.get(rno-1, resultid);
    restfreqCol_.put(rno, restfreq);
    nameCol_.put(rno, name);
    formattednameCol_.put(rno, formattedname);
    idCol_.put(rno, resultid);
  return resultid;
예제 #3
* Return the row count. the number of elements in the component. for
* ObjComponent row count will be 0.
int InstrumentTreeModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const {
  //	std::cout<<"rowCount +++++++++ row"<<parent.row()<<" column
  //"<<parent.column()<<" is valid "<<parent.isValid()<<'\n';

  try {
    if (!parent.isValid()) // Root node row count is one.
      return 1; // boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<ICompAssembly>(m_instrument)->nelements();
    } else {
      auto instr = m_instrumentActor->getInstrument();
      if (instr->getComponentID() == static_cast<Mantid::Geometry::ComponentID>(
                                         parent.internalPointer())) {
        return instr->nelements();
      boost::shared_ptr<const IComponent> comp =
                  .internalPointer())); // static_cast<IComponent*>(parent.internalPointer());
      boost::shared_ptr<const ICompAssembly> assembly =
          boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<const ICompAssembly>(comp);
      if (assembly) {
        return assembly->nelements();
      boost::shared_ptr<const IObjComponent> objcomp =
          boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<const IObjComponent>(comp);
      if (objcomp)
        return 0;
  } catch (...) {
    // std::cout<<"Exception: in rowCount"<<'\n';
  return 0;
예제 #4
파일: mesher.hpp 프로젝트: krig/simplex
	void draw() {
		glDrawArrays(_mode, 0, nelements());
예제 #5
    int p = 2;
    int* pm = new int[p];
    for(unsigned short i = 0; i < p; ++i)
        pm[i] = i * (Environment::numberOfProcessors() / p);
    bool excluded = std::binary_search(pm, pm + p, Environment::rank());
    mpi::group new_group;
        new_group = Environment::worldComm().group().include(pm,pm+p);
        new_group = Environment::worldComm().group().exclude(pm,pm+p);
    delete [] pm;

    boost::mpi::communicator bComm(Environment::worldComm(), new_group);
    std::vector<int> active( bComm.size(), true );
    WorldComm wComm(bComm,bComm,bComm,bComm.rank(),active);
    boost::shared_ptr<Mesh<Simplex<Dim>>> mesh;
        std::cout << "proc " << Environment::rank() 
                  << " is not excluded and is locally rank " << wComm.rank() << " and loads mesh with " 
                  << wComm.globalSize() << " partitions\n";
        // mesh = loadMesh(_mesh = new Mesh<Simplex<Dim>>(wComm), _worldcomm=wComm );
        mesh = createGMSHMesh(_mesh = new Mesh<Simplex<Dim>>(wComm),
                              _worldcomm = wComm,
                              _desc = domain(_worldcomm = wComm, _name = "hypercube", _shape = "hypercube",
                                             _xmin = 0.0, _xmax = 1.0,
                                             _ymin = 0.0, _ymax = 1.0,
                                             _zmin = 0.0, _zmax = 1.0));
        std::cout << " - nelement(mesh)=" << nelements(elements(mesh)) << "\n";
        std::cout << " - loading space\n";
        auto Vh = Pch<2>( mesh );

        auto u = Vh->element("u");
        auto f = expr( soption(_name="functions.f"), "f", wComm );

        auto g = expr( soption(_name="functions.g"), "g", wComm );
        auto v = Vh->element( g, "g" );

        auto l = form1( _test=Vh );
        l = integrate(_range=elements(mesh),_expr=f*id(v));

        auto a = form2( _trial=Vh, _test=Vh);
        a = integrate(_range=elements(mesh),
                      _expr=gradt(u)*trans(grad(v)) );
        if(boption("gmsh.domain.usenames")) {
            if(nelements(markedfaces(mesh, "Dirichlet"), boption("use_global")) > 0)
                a+=on(_range=markedfaces(mesh, "Dirichlet"), _rhs=l, _element=u, _expr=g);
            a+=on(_range=boundaryfaces(mesh), _rhs=l, _element=u, _expr=g);
        auto e = exporter( _mesh=mesh );
        e->add( "u", u );
        e->add( "g", v );
        std::cout << "proc " << Environment::rank() 
                  << " is excluded and does not load mesh";
        int np = 0;
        mpi::all_reduce(wComm, 1, np, std::plus<int>());
        std::cout << "proc " << Environment::rank() 
                  <<   " - nb proc = " << np << "\n";
} // Partitioning::run
예제 #6
PartitionerMetis<MeshType>::partitionImpl ( mesh_ptrtype mesh, rank_type np )
    LOG(INFO) << "PartitionerMetis::partitionImpl starts...";

    // Check for an easy return
    if (np == 1)
        this->singlePartition (mesh);
    const dof_id_type n_elems = mesh->numElements();

    // build the graph
    // std::vector<Metis::idx_t> options(5);
    std::vector<Metis::idx_t> vwgt(n_elems);
    std::vector<Metis::idx_t> part(n_elems);

    // number of "nodes" (elements) in the graph
    Metis::idx_t n = static_cast<Metis::idx_t>(n_elems);
    // number of subdomains to create
    Metis::idx_t nparts  = static_cast<Metis::idx_t>(np); 
    // number of edges cut by the resulting partition
    Metis::idx_t edgecut = 0;

    std::map<dof_id_type, dof_id_type> global_index_map;

        std::vector<dof_id_type> global_index(nelements(elements(mesh)),0);
        std::iota( global_index.begin(), global_index.end(), 0 );

        size_type cnt = 0;
        for( auto const& elt : elements(mesh) )
            global_index_map.insert (std::make_pair(elt.id(), global_index[cnt++]));

    // Invoke METIS, but only on processor 0.
    // Then broadcast the resulting decomposition
    if ( Environment::isMasterRank() )
        CSRGraphMetis<Metis::idx_t> csr_graph;
        csr_graph.offsets.resize(mesh->numElements()+1, 0);

        // Local scope for these
#ifndef NDEBUG
            std::size_t graph_size=0;
            // build the graph in CSR format.  Note that
            // the edges in the graph will correspond to
            // face neighbors
            for( auto& elt: elements(mesh) )

                // (1) first pass - get the row sizes for each element by counting the number
                // of face neighbors.  Also populate the vwght array if necessary
                const dof_id_type gid = global_index_map[elt.id()];

                CHECK( gid < vwgt.size() ) << "Invalid gid " << gid << " greater or equal than " << vwgt.size();
                // maybe there is a better weight?
                // The weight is used to define what a balanced graph is
                vwgt[gid] = elt.numPoints;
                //vwgt[gid] = static_cast<Metis::idx_t>((*_weights)[elem->id()]);

                unsigned int num_neighbors = 0;

                // Loop over the element's neighbors.  An element
                // adjacency corresponds to a face neighbor
                for ( uint16_type ms=0; ms < elt.nNeighbors(); ms++ )
                    element_type const* neighbor = NULL;
                    size_type neighbor_id = elt.neighbor( ms ).first;
                    if ( neighbor_id != invalid_size_type_value )
                std::cout << "element id " << elt.id() << " gid: " << gid << " w: " << vwgt[gid] 
                          << " neigh: " << num_neighbors << std::endl;
                csr_graph.prepareNumberNonZeros(gid, num_neighbors);
#ifndef NDEBUG
                graph_size += num_neighbors;


            // (2) second pass - fill the compressed adjacency array
            for( auto& elt : elements(mesh) )
                dof_id_type gid = global_index_map[elt.id()];

                unsigned int connection=0;

                // Loop over the element's neighbors.  An element
                // adjacency corresponds to a face neighbor
                for ( uint16_type ms=0; ms < elt.nNeighbors(); ms++ )
                    element_type const* neighbor = NULL;
                    size_type neighbor_id = elt.neighbor( ms ).first;
                    if ( neighbor_id != invalid_size_type_value )
                        csr_graph(gid, connection++) = global_index_map[neighbor_id];

#ifndef NDEBUG
            // We create a non-empty vals for a disconnected graph, to
            // work around a segfault from METIS.
            DCHECK( csr_graph.vals.size() == std::max(graph_size,std::size_t(1)))
                << "Invalid graph";
        } // done building the graph

        Metis::idx_t ncon = 1;

        // Select which type of partitioning to create

        // Use recursive if the number of partitions is less than or equal to 8
        if (np <= 8)
            Metis::METIS_PartGraphRecursive(&n, &ncon, &csr_graph.offsets[0], &csr_graph.vals[0], &vwgt[0], NULL,
                                            NULL, &nparts, NULL, NULL, NULL,
                                            &edgecut, &part[0]);

        // Otherwise  use kway
            Metis::METIS_PartGraphKway(&n, &ncon, &csr_graph.offsets[0], &csr_graph.vals[0], &vwgt[0], NULL,
                                       NULL, &nparts, NULL, NULL, NULL,
                                       &edgecut, &part[0]);

    } // end processor 0 part

    // Assign the returned processor ids.  The part array contains the processor
    // id for each element, but in terms of the contiguous indexing we defined
    // above
    LOG(INFO) << "PartitionerMetis::partitionImpl nelements : " << nelements(elements(mesh));
    for( auto it = mesh->beginElement(), en = mesh->endElement(); it != en; ++it )
        dof_id_type gid = global_index_map[it->id()];
        CHECK( gid < part.size() ) << "Invalid gid " << gid << " greater or equal than partition size " << part.size();
        rank_type pid = static_cast<rank_type>(part[gid]);
#if 0
        mesh->elements().modify( it,
                                 [&pid]( element_type& e ) 
                                     e.setProcessId( pid ); 
                                     std::cout << "element id " << e.id() << " process id " << e.processId() << "\n"; 
        std::cout << "element id " << it->id() << " process id " << pid << "\n"; 
        auto e = *it;
        e.setProcessId( pid );
        mesh->elements().replace( it, e );
    for( auto& e : allelements(mesh) )
        std::cout << "2. element id " << e.id() << " process id " << e.processId() << "\n"; 

    auto t = toc("PartitionerMetis::partitionImpl", FLAGS_v > 0 );
    LOG(INFO) << "PartitionerMetis::partitionImpl done in " << t << "s";