void attacker_send_split(havege_state *havege_state, void* socket) //@ requires attacker_invariant(?pub, ?pred, ?kc, havege_state, socket, ?attacker); //@ ensures attacker_invariant(pub, pred, kc, havege_state, socket, attacker); { int temp; int size1; int size2; char buffer[MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE]; //@ open attacker_invariant(pub, pred, kc, havege_state, socket, attacker); size1 = net_recv(socket, buffer, MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE); if (size1 <= 0) { //@ close attacker_invariant(pub, pred, kc, havege_state, socket, attacker); return; } //@ assert chars(buffer, size1, ?cs); //@ close_havege_util(pub, pred, attacker); r_int_with_bounds(havege_state, &temp, 0, size1); //@ open_havege_util(pub, pred, attacker); size2 = temp; net_send(socket, buffer, (unsigned int) (size2)); net_send(socket, (void*) buffer + size2, (unsigned int) (size1 - size2)); //@ chars_join(buffer); //@ close attacker_invariant(pub, pred, kc, havege_state, socket, attacker); }
int WINAPI fake_sendto(SOCKET s, const char *buf, int len, int flags, const struct sockaddr *to, int tolen) { #ifdef _DEBUG printf("sendto(s=%d, buf=%p, len=%d, flags=%08X, to=%p, tolen=%d)\n", s, buf, len, flags, to, tolen); #endif if (to->sa_family == AF_IPX) { struct sockaddr_in to_in; if (dedicated) { if (is_ipx_broadcast((struct sockaddr_ipx *)to)) { net_write_int8(my_p2p ? 1 : 0); net_write_int32(0xFFFFFFFF); net_write_int16(0xFFFF); net_write_data((void *)buf, len); net_send(&server); } else { ipx2in((struct sockaddr_ipx *)to, &to_in); /* use p2p only if both clients are in p2p mode */ if (to_in.sin_zero[0] && my_p2p) { net_write_data((void *)buf, len); net_send(&to_in); } else { net_write_int8(my_p2p ? 1 : 0); net_write_int32(to_in.sin_addr.s_addr); net_write_int16(to_in.sin_port); net_write_data((void *)buf, len); net_send(&server); } } return len; } ipx2in((struct sockaddr_ipx *)to, &to_in); to_in.sin_port = htons(5000); // forcing the destination port net_write_data((void *)buf, len); /* check if it's a broadcast */ if (is_ipx_broadcast((struct sockaddr_ipx *)to)) { net_send(&server); return len; } else { return net_send(&to_in); } } return sendto(s, buf, len, flags, to, tolen); }
void net_showoutput(mDBF *mDB, char *s) { if (netsocket) { if (mDB) { char buf[551]; sprintf(buf,"%lu|%s",mDB->recno,s); net_send(netsocket,buf); } else net_send(netsocket,s); } }
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Nimmt Eingaben eines Input Widgets entgegen und sendet sie an den Server. * * Es kann sich dabei um eine Nachricht an das aktuelle Spiel, an einen Mit- * * spieler oder um einen Befehl handeln. Letzterer beginnt mit / * * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void client_message(char *msg) { if(msg[0] == '/') { net_send("%s", &msg[1]); } else { net_send("msg %s :%s", client_target, msg); } }
int main(int argc, char ** argv) { SDLS_init("test"); net_init("",5000,5001); TTF_Font * ttfFont2= SDLS_loadFont("fonts\\arial.ttf",15); SDL_Texture *texture_text3= SDLS_loadText(ttfFont2,"utiliser les flèches du clavier...", 0,0,0); int quit=false; SDL_Event event; // handle events while (!quit) { SDL_WaitEvent(&event); // c'est bloquant... switch (event.type) { case SDL_QUIT: quit = true; break; case SDL_KEYDOWN: // sur l'utilisation du clavier on bouge la forme switch (event.key.keysym.sym) { case SDLK_LEFT: net_send("L"); break; case SDLK_RIGHT: net_send("R"); break; case SDLK_UP: net_send("U"); break; case SDLK_DOWN: net_send("D"); break; } } // couleur du fond en blanc SDLS_eraseWithBackgroundColor(255,255,255); SDLS_copyTexture(texture_text3,SDLS_getScreenWidth()-200,SDLS_getScreenHeight()-30); // test de modification des pixels, ici on assombrit toute l'image. // sombre(); //affichage du rendeder SDLS_displayAll(); } // cleanup SDL SDL_DestroyTexture(texture_text3); //Remove timer in case the call back was not called SDLS_cleanup(); return 0; }
static void _proc_brd_isreg(struct msg_ac_brd_t *msg, int len, int proto) { if(!__uuid_equ(&msg->header.acuuid[0], &sysstat.acuuid[0])) { if(__uuid_equ(&msg->takeover[0], &sysstat.acuuid[0])) { if(sysstat.sock >= 0) { close(sysstat.sock); sysstat.sock = -1; } _proc_brd(msg, len, proto); } else { /* tell the broadcast ac, ap have reg in other ac */ struct msg_ap_resp_t *resp = malloc(sizeof(struct msg_ap_resp_t)); if(resp == NULL) { sys_warn("Malloc for response failed:%s\n", strerror(errno)); return; } fill_msg_header(resp, MSG_AP_RESP, msg->header.acuuid, new_random(msg->header.mac)); /* calculate chap */ chap_fill_msg_md5(resp, sizeof(*resp), msg->header.random); net_send(proto, -1, &msg->header.mac[0], (void *)resp, sizeof(struct msg_ap_resp_t)); free(resp); } } }
void handle_client(FILE *fp, int sockfd, char *cmd) { int n; char sendline[MAXLINE]; char recvline[MAXLINE+1]; int quit = 0; while (!quit) { if (cmd) { strcpy(sendline, cmd); /* one shot command */ quit = 1; } else if (fgets(sendline, MAXLINE, fp) == NULL) { break; } n = strlen(sendline); if (net_send(sockfd, sendline, n) != n) error_abort("handle_client: write error on socket"); while ((n = net_recv(sockfd, recvline, sizeof(recvline))) > 0) { recvline[n] = 0; fputs(recvline, stdout); } if (n < 0) { char msg[200]; sprintf(msg, "handle_client: net_recv error: %s\n", strerror(-n)); error_abort(msg); } } }
int handle_input(const char* buffer, int rcvlen, int fd, int is_conn) { int len, v; const char *policy = "<policy-file-request/>"; const char *response = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>" "<!DOCTYPE cross-domain-policy SYSTEM \"/xml/dtds/cross-domain-policy.dtd\">" "<cross-domain-policy>" "<site-control permitted-cross-domain-policies=\"all\"/>" "<allow-access-from domain=\"*\" to-ports=\"*\" />" "</cross-domain-policy>"; if (rcvlen < 4) return 0; v = *(uint32_t *)buffer; if (is_conn) { if (rcvlen == 23 && !memcmp (buffer, policy, 23)) { net_send (fd, (uint8_t*)response, strlen(response) + 1, 1); epi.fds[fd].cb.recvlen = 0; TRACE_LOG("Policy Req [%s] Received, Rsp [%s] Sent", policy, response); return 0; } len = ntohl (v); v = sizeof(protocol_t); } else { len = v; v = sizeof (server_proto_t); } if ((len > RCVBUFSZ) || (len < v)) { return -1; } return len; }
void send_trans_multi_result_to_php(trans_multi_t* atm) { char buff[10240]; int j = sizeof(protocol_t); //PKG_H_UINT32(buff, atm->key_albumid, j); PKG_H_UINT32(buff, atm->new_key_albumid, j); PKG_H_UINT32(buff, atm->file_cnt, j); int loop; for (loop = 0; loop < atm->file_cnt; loop++) { file_info_t* lfi = &atm->fi[loop]; if (!lfi->ret) { create_lloccode(lfi->lloccode, lfi->sth[0].new_thumb_id, lfi->sth[1].new_thumb_id, lfi->sth[2].new_thumb_id, lfi->sth[3].new_thumb_id); } PKG_STR(buff, lfi->lloccode, j, LLOCCODE_LEN); PKG_H_UINT32(buff, lfi->ret, j); PKG_H_UINT32(buff, lfi->thumb_cnt, j); DEBUG_LOG("TRAN FILE\t[%u %u %s %u]", loop, lfi->ret, lfi->lloccode, lfi->ret); int lp; for (lp = 0; lp < lfi->thumb_cnt; lp++) { DEBUG_LOG("TRAN THUMB\t[%u %u %u]", lp, lfi->sth[lp].thumb_id, lfi->sth[lp].new_thumb_id); if (lfi->ret) PKG_H_UINT32(buff, lfi->sth[lp].thumb_id, j); else PKG_H_UINT32(buff, lfi->sth[lp].new_thumb_id, j); } } DEBUG_LOG("TRANS MULTI OK\t[%u %u %u]", atm->userid, atm->new_key_albumid, atm->file_cnt); init_proto_head(buff, atm->userid, atm->cmd, j); net_send(atm->fd, buff, j); }
void attacker_send_random(havege_state *havege_state, void* socket) //@ requires attacker_invariant(?pub, ?pred, ?kc, havege_state, socket, ?attacker); //@ ensures attacker_invariant(pub, pred, kc, havege_state, socket, attacker); { int temp; int size; char buffer[MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE]; //@ open attacker_invariant(pub, pred, kc, havege_state, socket, attacker); //@ close_havege_util(pub, pred, attacker); r_int_with_bounds(havege_state, &temp, MIN_RANDOM_SIZE, MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE); size = temp; r_int_with_bounds(havege_state, &temp, 0, INT_MAX); //@ open_havege_util(pub, pred, attacker); //@ close random_request(attacker, temp, false); if (havege_random(havege_state, buffer, (unsigned int) size) == 0) { //@ assert cryptogram(buffer, size, ?ccs, ?cg); //@ assert is_bad_nonce_is_public(?proof, pub, pred); //@ proof(cg); //@ public_cryptogram(buffer, cg); net_send(socket, buffer, (unsigned int) size); } //@ close attacker_invariant(pub, pred, kc, havege_state, socket, attacker); }
void Connection::sendout() { assert(this->send_buffer.current >= 0 && this->send_buffer.size >= this->send_buffer.current); while(this->send_buffer.current > 0) { printf("send %lu",send_buffer.current); ssize_t n = net_send(this, &this->send_buffer.data[0], this->send_buffer.current); if (n == SOCKET_ERROR) { this->disable(); break; } size_t size = (size_t)n; if (size == 0) { /* would block */ break; } if (this->send_buffer.current > size) { memmove(&this->send_buffer.data[0], &this->send_buffer.data[size], this->send_buffer.current - size); } this->send_buffer.current -= size; } }
void send() { uint32_t sleep_time = 1000; uint8_t port; net_event_t *event; #ifdef PLATFORM_MICA2 com_ioctl_IFACE_RADIO(CC1000_TX_POWER, 0x00); #endif #ifdef PLATFORM_TELOSB com_ioctl_IFACE_RADIO(CC2420_TX_POWER, 0x00); #endif event = (net_event_t *)mybuf.data; event->from = mos_node_id_get(); event->to = 0; event->event = 9; port = 40; while (1) { mybuf.size=6; net_send(&mybuf, MST_PROTO_ID, port, true, MST_DATA, 0); mos_led_toggle (1); mos_thread_sleep (sleep_time); } }
int send_data(uint8_t* buf, int len, int flag) { int ret_of_net_send; //struct timeval start,end; uint32_t wait_secs = 1; while(db_server_set[0].fd == -1) { sleep(wait_secs); db_server_set[0].fd = connect_to_svr( db_server_set[0].ip, db_server_set[0].port, 8*1024, 1); wait_secs = (wait_secs > 128) ?1 :wait_secs*2 ; } if (db_server_set[0].fd == -1) ERROR_RETURN(("cant connect to db server\t"), -1); if (flag >= 0x1214 && flag <= 0x1215) return 0; if (flag >= 0x1211 && flag <= 0x1213) DEBUG_LOG("\tSEND IDC:%lu",++send_idc); else if (flag == 0x1001 || flag ==0x1002 || flag == 0x1018) DEBUG_LOG("\tSEND TMP:%lu",++send_tmp); pthread_spin_lock(&lock_net_send); total_send ++; ret_of_net_send = net_send(db_server_set[0].fd, buf, len); pthread_spin_unlock(&lock_net_send); if( ret_of_net_send == 0) return 0; else ERROR_RETURN(("send data failed\t"), -1); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { #ifdef TCP int s = net_connect_tcp(NULL,"2334",0); #else int s = net_connect_udp("2334",0); #endif if (s < 0) { printf("Failed to connect (%d)\n",s); return 0; } printf("Connected to %d\nSending: %s\n",s,"Hello World"); int r; char *msg = "Hello World"; if (r = net_send(s,msg,strlen(msg)+1) < 0) { printf("Send error (%d, %d)\n",r,errno); return 0; } char *str; if ((str = net_receive(s)) == NULL) printf("Receive error (%d)\n",errno); else printf("Received: %s\n",str); closesocket(s); printf("Session terminated\n"); }
extern int net_send_packet(int sock, t_packet const * packet, unsigned int * currsize) { unsigned int size; int addlen; if (!packet) { eventlog(eventlog_level_error,__FUNCTION__,"[%d] got NULL packet (closing connection)",sock); return -1; } if (!currsize) { eventlog(eventlog_level_error,__FUNCTION__,"[%d] got NULL currsize (closing connection)",sock); return -1; } if ((size = packet_get_size(packet))<1) { eventlog(eventlog_level_error,__FUNCTION__,"[%d] packet to send is empty (skipping it)",sock); *currsize = 0; return 1; } addlen = net_send(sock,packet_get_raw_data_const(packet,*currsize),size-*currsize); if (addlen <= 0) return addlen; *currsize += addlen; /* sent all data in this packet? */ if (size==*currsize) { *currsize = 0; return 1; } return 0; }
static inline bool send_packet(const char *name, struct net_context *ctx, int ipsum_len, int pos) { struct net_buf *buf; bool fail = false; buf = ip_buf_get_tx(ctx); if (buf) { uint8_t *ptr; int sending_len = ipsum_len - pos; ptr = net_buf_add(buf, sending_len); memcpy(ptr, lorem_ipsum + pos, sending_len); sending_len = buf->len; if (net_send(buf) < 0) { PRINT("%s: sending %d bytes failed\n", __func__, sending_len); ip_buf_unref(buf); fail = true; goto out; } else { PRINT("%s: sent %d bytes\n", __func__, sending_len); } } out: return fail; }
void attacker_send_concatenation(havege_state *havege_state, void* socket) //@ requires attacker_invariant(?pub, ?pred, ?kc, havege_state, socket, ?attacker); //@ ensures attacker_invariant(pub, pred, kc, havege_state, socket, attacker); { int size1; int size2; char buffer1[MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE]; char buffer2[MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE]; char buffer3[MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE]; //@ open attacker_invariant(pub, pred, kc, havege_state, socket, attacker); size1 = net_recv(socket, buffer1, MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE); size2 = net_recv(socket, buffer2, MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE); if (size1 <= 0 || size2 <= 0 || MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE - size1 <= size2) { //@ close attacker_invariant(pub, pred, kc, havege_state, socket, attacker); return; } //@ chars_to_crypto_chars(buffer1, size1); memcpy(buffer3, buffer1, (unsigned int) size1); //@ chars_to_crypto_chars(buffer2, size2); memcpy((char*) buffer3 + size1, buffer2, (unsigned int) size2); //@ crypto_chars_join(buffer3); //@ crypto_chars_to_chars(buffer3, size1 + size2); net_send(socket, buffer3, (unsigned int) (size1 + size2)); //@ close attacker_invariant(pub, pred, kc, havege_state, socket, attacker); //@ crypto_chars_to_chars(buffer1, size1); //@ crypto_chars_to_chars(buffer2, size2); }
void attacker_send_hash(havege_state *havege_state, void* socket) //@ requires attacker_invariant(?pub, ?pred, ?kc, havege_state, socket, ?attacker); //@ ensures attacker_invariant(pub, pred, kc, havege_state, socket, attacker); { int temp; int size; char buffer[MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE]; //@ open attacker_invariant(pub, pred, kc, havege_state, socket, attacker); size = net_recv(socket, buffer, MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE); if (size < MINIMAL_STRING_SIZE) { //@ close attacker_invariant(pub, pred, kc, havege_state, socket, attacker); return; } //@ assert chars(buffer, size, ?pay); char hash[64]; //@ chars_to_crypto_chars(buffer, size); //@ HASH_PUB_PAYLOAD(pay) sha512(buffer, (unsigned int) size, hash, 0); //@ assert cryptogram(hash, 64, ?h_ccs, ?h_cg); //@ assert h_cg == cg_hash(cs_to_ccs(pay)); //@ assert is_hash_is_public(?proof, pub, pred); //@ crypto_chars_to_chars(buffer, size); //@ public_chars(buffer, size); //@ proof(h_cg); //@ public_cryptogram(hash, h_cg); net_send(socket, hash, 64); //@ close attacker_invariant(pub, pred, kc, havege_state, socket, attacker); }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { net_init(); net_send(); net_recv(); return 0; }
int twrite(spdid_t spdid, td_t td, int cbid, int sz) { net_connection_t nc; struct torrent *t; char *buf; int ret = -1; buf = cbuf2buf(cbid, sz); if (!buf) return -EINVAL; if (tor_isnull(td)) return -EINVAL; NET_LOCK_TAKE(); t = tor_lookup(td); if (!t) ERR_THROW(-EINVAL, done); if (!(t->flags & TOR_WRITE)) ERR_THROW(-EACCES, done); assert(t->data); nc = (net_connection_t)t->data; ret = net_send(spdid, nc, buf, sz); done: NET_LOCK_RELEASE(); assert(lock_contested(&net_lock) != cos_get_thd_id()); return ret; }
static size_t mcp_send_packet(mcp_packet_t packet) { if (invoke_packet_handlers(MCP_SENT, &packet) == BLOCK_PACKET) { return packet.len; // pretend we sent it } if (setting("Verbose")->b_var) { ui_console_lock(); print("[MCP] sent:\n\n"); mcp_dump_packet(packet); print("\n"); ui_console_unlock(); } byte buf[packet.len]; net_set_data(buf, packet.len, 0, word); net_set_data(buf, packet.id, sizeof(word), byte); memcpy(buf + sizeof(word) + sizeof(byte), packet.data, packet.len - MCP_HEADER_SIZE); size_t sent = net_send(mcp_socket, buf, packet.len); /*if (sent == packet.len) { invoke_packet_handlers(MCP_SENT, &packet); }*/ return sent; }
void MsgPlasma_Change(void *sender, uint16_t fc, uint16_t len, uint8_t data[]) { if(!plasma_initialized) return; if(len==0) { //Send current plasma settings to client uint8_t data_to_send[16]; //flag byte uint8_t flags = 0; if(plasma_invert) flags += 128; flags += (plasma_method<<2); flags += plasma_color; data_to_send[0] = flags; float tmp; WRITE(&data_to_send[1],plasma_concentric_scale); WRITE(&data_to_send[5],plasma_concentric_speed); WRITE(&data_to_send[9],plasma_period); WRITE(&data_to_send[13],plasma_step_size); net_send(sender,fc|0x8000,16,data_to_send); } else if(len==16) { //Set new plasma settings //flag byte if(data[0]>=0x80) plasma_invert = true; else plasma_invert = false; plasma_method = (plasma_method_t)((data[0]&0x1C)>>2); plasma_color = (plasma_color_t)(data[0]&0x03); float tmp; //concentric scale memcpy((void*) &tmp, &data[1],4); plasma_concentric_scale = (plasma_var_t) tmp; // concentric speed memcpy((void*) &tmp, &data[5],4); plasma_concentric_speed = (plasma_var_t) tmp; //period memcpy((void*) &tmp, &data[9],4); plasma_period = (plasma_var_t) tmp; //speed memcpy((void*) &tmp, &data[13],4); plasma_step_size = (plasma_var_t) tmp; } else {
int WifiGecko_Send(const char * data, int datasize) { if(WifiGecko_Connect() < 0) return connection; int ret = 0, done = 0, blocksize = 1024; while (done < datasize) { if(blocksize > datasize-done) blocksize = datasize-done; ret = net_send(connection, data+done, blocksize, 0); if (ret < 0) { WifiGecko_Close(); return ret; } else if(ret == 0) { break; } done += ret; usleep (1000); } return ret; }
int socket_send(unsigned char *buff, unsigned int bytes) { int sent = net_send(sock.sock, buff, bytes); if (sent != bytes) { warning("%s: failed for TCP connection to host '%s' on port %d:\n\t%s\n", sock.host, sock.port, strerror(errno)); } return sent; }
/* connect: * Set the target address and send the first connection request. This * might not get through of course; later we can just repeat the send * statement because the target address is already set. No need to store * it anywhere. */ static int connect (NET_CONN *conn, const char *target) { int id; static int next_id = 0; struct conn_data_t *data = conn->data; /* The id is a compound of the current time (with 1 second * granularity), and an increasing counter. The time is needed * because the counter resets when you restart the program, and * the counter is needed because of the granularity of the time. */ /* Strictly, this line needs a mutex, but there's nowhere around * here we can call `MUTEX_CREATE'. */ id = (next_id++ << 16) + (time(NULL) & 0xffff); strcpy (data->connect_string, "connect"); data->connect_string[8] = (id >> 24) & 0xff; data->connect_string[9] = (id >> 16) & 0xff; data->connect_string[10] = (id >> 8) & 0xff; data->connect_string[11] = id & 0xff; if (net_assigntarget (data->chan, target)) return 1; if (net_send (data->chan, data->connect_string, 12)) return 2; data->connect_timestamp = __libnet_timer_func(); return 0; }
int send_request_to_db(userid_t id, uint16_t cmd, const void* body_buf, int body_len) { assert(body_len >= 0); static uint8_t dbbuf[pkg_size]; if (proxysvr_fd == -1) { proxysvr_fd = connect_to_service(config_get_strval("dbproxy_ip"), 0, 65535, 1); } uint32_t len = sizeof(svr_proto_t) + body_len; if ((proxysvr_fd == -1) || (len > sizeof(dbbuf))) { ERROR_LOG("send to dbproxy failed: fd=%d len=%d", proxysvr_fd, len); return -1; } svr_proto_t* pkg = reinterpret_cast<svr_proto_t*>(dbbuf); pkg->len = len; pkg->seq = 0; pkg->cmd = cmd; pkg->ret = 0; pkg->id = id; memcpy(pkg->body, body_buf, body_len); return net_send(proxysvr_fd, dbbuf, len); }
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static int coap_context_send(coap_context_t *ctx, struct net_buf *buf) { int max_data_len, ret; max_data_len = IP_BUF_MAX_DATA - UIP_IPUDPH_LEN; PRINTF("%s: send to peer data %p len %d\n", __FUNCTION__, ip_buf_appdata(buf), ip_buf_appdatalen(buf)); if (ip_buf_appdatalen(buf) > max_data_len) { PRINTF("%s: too much (%d bytes) data to send (max %d bytes)\n", __FUNCTION__, ip_buf_appdatalen(buf), max_data_len); ip_buf_unref(buf); ret = -EINVAL; goto out; } ret = net_send(buf); if (ret < 0) { PRINT("%s: sending %d bytes failed\n", __FUNCTION__, ip_buf_appdatalen(buf)); ip_buf_unref(buf); } out: return ret; }
static void send_data(const char *taskname, struct net_context *ctx) { int len = strlen(lorem_ipsum); struct net_buf *buf; buf = ip_buf_get_tx(ctx); if (buf) { uint8_t *ptr; uint16_t sent_len; ptr = net_buf_add(buf, 0); memcpy(ptr, lorem_ipsum, len); ptr = net_buf_add(buf, len); ptr = net_buf_add(buf, 1); /* add \0 */ *ptr = '\0'; sent_len = buf->len; if (net_send(buf) < 0) { PRINT("%s: %s(): sending %d bytes failed\n", taskname, __func__, len); ip_buf_unref(buf); } else { PRINT("%s: %s(): sent %d bytes\n", taskname, __func__, sent_len); } } }
int main(int argc, char ** argv) { struct board_cfg * cfg = (struct board_cfg *)(CFG_ADDR); uint8_t addr = 1; int i; if (cfg->magic == CFG_MAGIC) addr = cfg->mstp_addr; else addr = 0; stdio_init(); supervisor_init(); INF("Starting RS485 test"); net_start(addr); net_probe(true); for (i = 0;; ++i) { (void)i; thinkos_sleep(100); net_send(0, "U U U U ", 8); } return 0; }
//static uint32_t actual_data_len; int recv_data(char *buf, uint32_t proto, uint32_t special_flag, uint32_t len) { int tag = g_buffer_tag; if ((memory_size -(g_buffer_ptr[tag] - g_buffer[tag])) < sizeof(aresult)) ERROR_RETURN(("MEMORY IS NOT ENOUGH"), 0); proto_data_len = len- sizeof(protocol_t); //actual_data_len = proto_data_len + sizeof(aresult.type) + sizeof(aresult.special_flag); aresult.type = proto; aresult.special_flag = special_flag; memcpy(&(aresult.project_number), buf, proto_data_len); memcpy(g_buffer_ptr[tag], &aresult, sizeof(aresult)); sum_data_in_mem[tag] ++; g_buffer_ptr[tag] += sizeof(aresult);//actual_data_len; if (data_forward) { if (forward_fd == -1) forward_fd = connect_to_svr(forward_ip, forward_port, 1024, 1); if (forward_fd != -1) { init_proto_head(forward_buffer, len, proto, 0, 0, 0); char *ptr = forward_buffer + sizeof(protocol_t); memcpy(ptr, buf, proto_data_len); net_send(forward_fd, forward_buffer, len); } } return 0; }