예제 #1
DTermTab::DTermTab(QWidget *parent) : DTabWidget(parent)
// 	tabBar()->setShape( QTabBar::TriangularNorth );
	m_newTab = new QToolButton(this);
	connect(m_newTab, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(newTerm()));
	m_closeTab = new QToolButton(this);
	connect(m_closeTab, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(closeCurrentTerm()));
	setCornerWidget( m_newTab, Qt::TopLeftCorner );
	setCornerWidget( m_closeTab, Qt::TopRightCorner );
예제 #2
TermWidgetHolder::TermWidgetHolder(const QString & wdir, const QString & shell, QWidget * parent)
    : QWidget(parent),
    QGridLayout * lay = new QGridLayout(this);
    lay->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0);

    QSplitter *s = new QSplitter(this);
    TermWidget *w = newTerm(shell);

예제 #3
void TermWidgetHolder::loadSession()
    bool ok;
    QString name = QInputDialog::getItem(this, tr("Load Session"),
                                         tr("List of saved sessions:"),
                                         0, false, &ok);
    if (!ok || name.isEmpty())
#if 0
    foreach (QWidget * w, findChildren<QWidget*>())
        if (w)
            delete w;
            w = 0;

    qDebug() << "load" << name << QString(Properties::Instance()->sessions[name]);
    QStringList splitters = QString(Properties::Instance()->sessions[name]).split("|", QString::SkipEmptyParts);
    foreach (QString splitter, splitters)
        QStringList components = splitter.split(",");
        qDebug() << "comp" << components;
        // orientation
        Qt::Orientation orientation;
        if (components.size() > 0)
            orientation = components.takeAt(0).toInt();
        // sizes
        QList<int> sizes;
        QList<TermWidget*> widgets;
        foreach (QString s, components)
            sizes << s.toInt();
            widgets << newTerm();
예제 #4
// Expand and evaluate the multi-index partial derivative of a
// PartialDerivativeTerm recursively.  If the multi-index is zero (i.e., no
// further derivatives) then simply evaluate the PartialDerivateTerm at
// "a_point" using the implicit function.  If the multi-index isn't zerom,
// explicitly compute one partial derivative which is a sum of
// PartialDerivativeTerm's and call "expand" with each of these terms and a
// reduced multi-index (which will eventually be zero).  The sum the results
// and return that sum.
Real NormalDerivative<GLOBALDIM>::expand(const IvDim                 & a_multiIndex,
                                         const PartialDerivativeTerm & a_term,
                                         const RvDim                 & a_point,
                                         const IFSlicer<GLOBALDIM>   * a_implicitFunction) const
  Real value;

  int firstNonZero;
  for (firstNonZero = 0; firstNonZero < GLOBALDIM; firstNonZero++)
    if (a_multiIndex[firstNonZero] != 0)

  // No more derivatives, evaluate the current term
  if (firstNonZero == GLOBALDIM)
    value = 1.0;

    // Evalute the needed partial derivatives and take the product of the
    // specified powers
    const DerivativeProduct& curDerivativeProduct = a_term.first;

    for (DerivativeProduct::const_iterator it=curDerivativeProduct.begin();
         it != curDerivativeProduct.end();
      const IvDim& curMultiIndex = it->first;
      const int&   curExponent   = it->second;

      // Evaluate a single partial derivative to its power
      Real curValue = pow(a_implicitFunction->value(curMultiIndex,a_point),curExponent);

      value *= curValue;

    if (m_magnitudeOfGradient != 0.0)
      // Divide by the magnitude of the gradient including the exponent
      int curExponent = a_term.second;
      value /= pow(m_magnitudeOfGradient,curExponent);
    value = 0.0;

    // This is the (current) partial derivative we are going to apply to the
    // current product of partial derivatives
    IvDim curPartialDerivative = BASISV_TM<int,GLOBALDIM>(firstNonZero);

    // This is the remaining multi-index that we haven't applied
    IvDim reducedMultiIndex = a_multiIndex;

    // Distribute the current partial derivative over the product of
    // derivatives using the product rule
    const DerivativeProduct& curDerivativeProduct = a_term.first;
    int curExponentOfMagnitudeOfGradient = a_term.second;

    // Loop through each term in the product
    for (DerivativeProduct::const_iterator it=curDerivativeProduct.begin();
         it != curDerivativeProduct.end();
      // Get the current derivative multi-index and exponent
      const IvDim& curMultiIndex = it->first;
      const int&   curExponent   = it->second;

      // Create the next term in the product rule by copying the current
      // product and take the current partial derivative of the current
      // product term (including the exponent).
      DerivativeProduct newDerivativeProduct = curDerivativeProduct;

      // Handle the exponent of the current product term
      Real multiplier = curExponent;

      if (curExponent == 1)
        // Erase the current product term if its current exponent is one
        // Otherwise, decrement the exponent by one
        newDerivativeProduct[curMultiIndex] -= 1;

      // Generate the new product term
      IvDim newMultiIndex = curMultiIndex;
      newMultiIndex += curPartialDerivative;

      // Put it into the product
      newDerivativeProduct[newMultiIndex] += 1;

      // Put the new product together with magnitude of the gradient term
      PartialDerivativeTerm newTerm(newDerivativeProduct,

      // Evaluate this term in the product rule (recursively)
      Real curValue = multiplier * expand(reducedMultiIndex,

      // Add the result into the overall product rule sum
      value += curValue;

    // Now handle the last term in the overall product (and product rule)
    // which is the inverse of the magnitude of the gradient with an exponent.

    // The derivative of the magnitude of the gradient results in a sum which
    // has to be handled term by term
    for (int idir = 0; idir < GLOBALDIM; idir++)
      // Copy the current overall product
      DerivativeProduct newDerivativeProduct = curDerivativeProduct;

      // Create the two new terms in the product
      IvDim firstPartial = BASISV_TM<int,GLOBALDIM>(idir);
      IvDim secondPartial = firstPartial + curPartialDerivative;

      // Put them in the new overall product
      newDerivativeProduct[firstPartial] += 1;
      newDerivativeProduct[secondPartial] += 1;

      // Generate the new exponent for the magnitude of the gradient
      int newExponentOfMagnitudeOfGradient = curExponentOfMagnitudeOfGradient + 2;

      // The multiplier due to the exponent
      Real multiplier = -curExponentOfMagnitudeOfGradient;

      // Put the new product together with magnitude of the gradient term
      PartialDerivativeTerm newTerm(newDerivativeProduct,

      // Evaluate this term in the product rule (recursively)
      Real curValue = multiplier * expand(reducedMultiIndex,

      // Add the result into the overall product rule sum
      value += curValue;

  return value;