예제 #1
 listener_sptr create(application &app,
                        const rpc::session_options &opts,
                        const std::string &name)
                  vtrc::ref(app), vtrc::ref(opts),
                  vtrc::ref(name) ) );
     return new_l;
예제 #2
        listener_sptr create(application &app,
                             const rpc::session_options &opts,
                             const std::string &address, unsigned short service,
                             bool tcp_nodelay)

                             vtrc::ref(app), vtrc::ref(opts),
                             vtrc::ref(address), service,
                             tcp_nodelay ));
            return new_l;
예제 #3
파일: Map.cpp 프로젝트: FlyingJester/sphere
sMap::InsertLayerFromMap(int where, const sMap& map, int layer)
  const sLayer& old_l = map.GetLayer(layer);
  sLayer new_l(old_l.GetWidth(), old_l.GetHeight());

  // merge the two tilesets, updating the indices in layer 'l'
  sTileset& dst_ts = m_Tileset;
  const sTileset& src_ts = map.GetTileset();

  // add each tile to the tileset
  for (int i = src_ts.GetNumTiles() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {

    // if it's already in the old tileset, we don't need to add it
    bool duplication = false;
    for (int j = 0; j < dst_ts.GetNumTiles(); j++) {
      if (src_ts.GetTile(i) == dst_ts.GetTile(j)) {

        // put 'j' where 'i' was in old layer
        for (int iy = 0; iy < old_l.GetHeight(); iy++) {
          for (int ix = 0; ix < old_l.GetWidth(); ix++) {
            if (old_l.GetTile(ix, iy) == i) {
              new_l.SetTile(ix, iy, j);

        duplication = true;

    // add tile to end of tileset
    if (!duplication) {
      int j = dst_ts.GetNumTiles() - 1;
      dst_ts.GetTile(j) = src_ts.GetTile(i);

      // put 'j' where 'i' was in old layer
      for (int iy = 0; iy < old_l.GetHeight(); iy++) {
        for (int ix = 0; ix < old_l.GetWidth(); ix++) {
          if (old_l.GetTile(ix, iy) == i) {
            new_l.SetTile(ix, iy, j);

  InsertLayer(where, new_l);