struct InterCodes* translate_Args(struct TreeNode* Args, struct ArgList* arg_list){ if(strcmp(Args->children->name, "Exp") == 0){ printf("Args - Exp\n"); Operand t1 = new_temp(); struct InterCodes* code1 = translate_Exp(Args->children, t1); struct ArgList* temp = (struct ArgList*)malloc(sizeof(struct ArgList)); temp->op = t1; temp->next = arg_list; arg_list = temp; return code1; } if(strcmp(Args->children->name, "COMMA") == 0){ printf("Args - Exp COMMA Args\n"); Operand t1 = new_temp(); struct InterCodes* code1 = translate_Exp(Args->children->neighbours->neighbours, t1); struct ArgList* temp = (struct ArgList*)malloc(sizeof(struct ArgList)); temp->op = t1; temp->next = arg_list; arg_list = temp; struct InterCodes* code2 = translate_Args(Args->children, arg_list); struct InterCodes* p = code1; while(p->next != NULL) p = p->next; p->next = code2; code2->prev = p; code2->next = NULL; return code1; } }
InterCodes translate_Dec(node* dec){ /* * Dec * | VarDec * | VarDec ASSIGNOP Exp */ if(dec->child->brother != NULL){ Operand t1 = new_temp(); InterCodes codes1 = translate_Exp(dec->child->brother->brother, t1); InterCodes codes2 = translate_VarDec(dec->child); InterCodes codes3 = InterCodes_init(); codes3->code = new_interCode(0); codes3->code->assign.left = new_operand_name(dec->child->node_value); codes3->code->assign.right = t1; if(codes1 == NULL){ codes1 = codes2; } else{ InterCodes_link(codes1,codes2); } InterCodes_link(codes1,codes3); return codes1; } else if(dec->child->brother == NULL){ return translate_VarDec(dec->child); } return NULL; }
struct InterCodes* translate_Dec(struct TreeNode* Dec){ if(strcmp(Dec->children->name, "Exp") == 0){ printf("Dec - VarDec ASSIGNOP Exp\n"); Operand t1 = new_temp(); FieldList item = (FieldList)malloc(sizeof(struct FieldList_)); lookupTable(Dec->children->neighbours->neighbours->children->value_str,&item,0); struct InterCodes* code1 = translate_Exp(Dec->children, t1); struct InterCodes* code2 = (struct InterCodes*)malloc(sizeof(struct InterCodes)); code2->code.kind = ASSIGN_; code2->code.u.assign.left = (Operand)malloc(sizeof(struct Operand_)); code2->code.u.assign.left->kind = VARIABLE; strcpy(code2->code.u.assign.left->u.ID, item->inter_name); code2->code.u.assign.right = t1; struct InterCodes* p = code1; while(p->next != NULL) p = p->next; p->next = code2; code2->prev = p; code2->next = NULL; return code1; } }
InterCodes translate_Args(node* Args,Operand *arg,int* num){ if(Args->child->brother == NULL){ InterCodes code1 = InterCodes_init(); /*if(strcmp(Args->child->child->name,"ID") == 0){ FieldList p = Findname(Args->child->child->node_value); if(p->type->kind!=Int && p->type->kind!=Float){ Operand op = new_temp(); Operand re = new_operand_name(p->name); code1->code = new_interCode(ASSIGN); code1->code->assign.right = re; code1->code->assign.left = op; return code1; } }*/ Operand op = new_temp(); code1 = translate_Exp(Args->child, op); arg[(*num)++] = op; return code1; } else{ InterCodes code1 = InterCodes_init(); if(strcmp(Args->child->child->name,"ID") == 0){ FieldList p = Findname(Args->child->child->node_value); if(p->type->kind!=Int && p->type->kind!=Float){ Operand op = new_temp(); Operand re = new_operand_name(p->name); code1->code = new_interCode(ASSIGN); code1->code->assign.right = re; code1->code->assign.left = op; arg[(*num)++] = op; } } else{ Operand op = new_temp(); code1 = translate_Exp(Args->child, op); arg[(*num)++] = op; } InterCodes code2 = translate_Args(Args,arg,num); InterCodes_link(code1,code2); return code1; } }
InterCodes translate_Struct(node *Exp,Operand place){ InterCodes code1 = InterCodes_init(); int size = 0; if(strcmp(Exp->child->child->name,"ID") == 0){ //ID1.ID2 node *ID2 = Exp->child->brother->brother; node *ID1 = Exp->child->child; //char typename[20]; //strcpy(typename,FindStruct(ID1->node_value,ID2->node_value)); FieldList p = Findname(ID1->node_value); p = p->brother; while(p!=NULL){ if(strcmp(p->name,Exp->child->brother->brother->node_value) == 0) break; size = size + getSize(p); p = p->brother; } Operand op1 = new_operand_name(ID1->node_value);op1->kind = ADDR_op; Operand op2 = new_operand(1,size); code1->code = new_interCode(ADDR); code1->code->binop.result = place; code1->code->binop.op1 = op1; code1->code->binop.op2 = op2; //place->kind = ADDR_op; return code1; } else if(strcpy(Exp->child->child->name,"Exp") == 0){ InterCodes code2 = InterCodes_init(); node *ID1 = Exp->child; Operand t1 = new_temp(); code1 = translate_Struct(Exp->child, t1); FieldList p = Findname(ID1->child->node_value); p = p->brother; while(p!=NULL){ if(strcmp(p->name,Exp->child->brother->brother->node_value) == 0) break; size = size + getSize(p); p = p->brother; } Operand op1 = new_operand_name(ID1->child->node_value);op1->kind = ADDR_op; Operand op2 = new_operand(1,size); code1->code = new_interCode(ADDR); code2->code->binop.result = place; code2->code->binop.op1 = op1; code2->code->binop.op2 = op2; InterCodes_link(code1,code2); //place->kind = ADDR_op; return code1; } }
void intercode_aly(node *p){ char name[20]; strcpy(name,p->name); if (p == NULL){ return ; } if(strcmp(name,"ExtDef")==0){ InterCodes codes = translate_Extdef(p); add_to_head(codes); if(p->brother != NULL) intercode_aly(p->brother); return; } else if(strcmp(name,"Exp")==0){ Operand t1 = new_temp(); InterCodes expe = translate_Exp(p,t1); add_to_head(expe); if(p->brother != NULL) intercode_aly(p->brother); return; } else if(strcmp(name,"CompSt")==0){/* InterCodes codes = translate_Compst(p); add_to_head(codes); if(p->brother != NULL) intercode_aly(p->brother); return;*/ } else if(strcmp(name,"Stmt")==0){ InterCodes codes = translate_Stmt(p); add_to_head(codes); if(p->brother != NULL) intercode_aly(p->brother); return; } if(p->child != NULL) intercode_aly(p->child); if(p->brother != NULL) intercode_aly(p->brother); return; }
void CCodeList_Maker::WriteToAddress(PINSTR p) { // 这个函数的意思是,如果是向一个address写,则加一条 i_Writepointto // 对于add [ebx+4],6,变为 // tem_1 = i_addr(ebx,4); // tem_2 = i_readpointto(tem_1); // tem_3 = tem_2 + 6; // i_writepointto(tem_1, tem_3); // 当前的情况是: // tem1 addr eax,ebx*4,401000 // tem1 = ???? // 要改成 // tem1 addr eax,ebx*4,401000 // tem2 = ???? // Writepointto(tem1, tem2); if (p->var_w.type != v_Tem) { // 实际上不会来这里 InstrAddTail(p); return; } VAR tem1 = p->var_w; // sav it VAR tem2; new_temp(&tem2); p->var_w = tem2; InstrAddTail(p); // add this PINSTR pnew = new INSTR; //new_INSTR pnew->type = i_Writepointto; pnew->var_r1 = tem1; // the pointer pnew->var_r2 = tem2; // the value // 对 i_Writepointto, 是var_r1是指针,var_r2是值 InstrAddTail(pnew); }
qnode* gen_rvalue(node* n, qnode* target) { switch(n->type) { case IDENT_NODE: { qnode* q = qnode_new(Q_IDENT); q->name = n->; q->u.ast = n; q->pos = &(n->u.ident.pos); if(n->next->type == SCALAR_NODE || n->next->type == POINTER_NODE) { if(target && target->type == Q_IDENT) { if(target->u.ast->next->type == SCALAR_NODE) { emit(O_MOV, target, q, NULL); } } return q; } else if(n->next->type == ARRAY_NODE) { //qnode* dest = new_temp(); //emit(O_LEA, dest, q, NULL); if(!target) target = new_temp(); emit(O_LEA, target, q, NULL); return target; } else if(n->next->type == FUNCTION_NODE) { return q; } else { fprintf(stderr, "RVAL Unimplemented IDENT\n"); } break; } case NUMBER_NODE: { qnode* q = qnode_new(Q_CONSTANT); sprintf(q->name, "%lli", n->u.number.value); q->u.value = n->u.number.value; if(target && target->type == Q_IDENT) { if(target->u.ast->next->type == SCALAR_NODE) { emit(O_MOV, target, q, NULL); } } return q; break; } case UNOP_NODE: { switch(n->u.unop.type) { case DEREF_OP: { //because of the AST structure, this is a bit messy // if(n->u.unop.operand->type == BINOP_NODE && n->u.unop.operand->u.binop.type == PLUS_OP) { // node* l = n->u.unop.operand->u.binop.left; // if(l->type == IDENT_NODE && l->next && l->next->type == ARRAY_NODE) { // return gen_rvalue(n->u.unop.operand, target); // } // } qnode* addr = gen_rvalue(n->u.unop.operand, NULL); if(!target) target = new_temp(); emit(O_LOAD, target, addr, NULL); return target; } case POSTINC_OP: { qnode* q = gen_rvalue(n->u.unop.operand, NULL); if(!target) target = new_temp(); emit(O_MOV, target, q, NULL); emit(O_INC, NULL, q, NULL); return target; } case POSTDEC_OP: { qnode* q = gen_rvalue(n->u.unop.operand, NULL); if(!target) target = new_temp(); emit(O_MOV, target, q, NULL); emit(O_DEC, NULL, q, NULL); return target; } case PREINC_OP: { qnode* q = gen_rvalue(n->u.unop.operand, NULL); emit(O_INC, NULL, q, NULL); return q; } case PREDEC_OP: { qnode* q = gen_rvalue(n->u.unop.operand, NULL); emit(O_DEC, NULL, q, NULL); return q; } case LOGNOT_OP: { block* bt = bb_newBlock(functionCount, ++blockCount, currentBlock); block* bf = bb_newBlock(functionCount, ++blockCount, bt); block* bn = bb_newBlock(functionCount, ++blockCount, bf); if(!target) target = new_temp(); qnode* zero = qnode_new(Q_CONSTANT); zero->name = strdup("0"); zero->u.value = 0; qnode* one = qnode_new(Q_CONSTANT); one->name = strdup("1"); one->u.value = 1; gen_cond(n->u.unop.operand, blockToQnode(bt), blockToQnode(bf)); currentBlock->next = bt; //reset next block in case it has changed bt->prev = currentBlock; currentBlock = bt; emit(O_MOV, target, zero, NULL); emit(O_BR, NULL, blockToQnode(bn), NULL); currentBlock = bf; emit(O_MOV, target, one, NULL); emit(O_BR, NULL, blockToQnode(bn), NULL); currentBlock = bn; return target; } case ADDR_OP: { if(!target) target = new_temp(); emit(O_LEA, target, gen_rvalue(n->u.unop.operand, NULL), NULL); return target; } case NEG_OP: { if(!target) target = new_temp(); qnode* val = gen_rvalue(n->u.unop.operand, NULL); qnode* one = qnode_new(Q_CONSTANT); one->name = strdup("-1"); one->u.value = -1; emit(O_MUL, target, one, val); return target; } case POS_OP: { return gen_rvalue(n->u.unop.operand, NULL); //not much to do... } case SIZEOF_OP: { int size = 0; if(n->u.unop.operand->type == IDENT_NODE) { if(n->u.unop.operand->next->type == ARRAY_NODE) { //compute size node* a = n->u.unop.operand->next; size = a->u.array.length; while(a->next && a->next->type == ARRAY_NODE) {//multidimensional a = a->next; size *= a->u.array.length; } size *= sizeof(int); } else { //assume its an int or ptr (same size) size = sizeof(int); } } else if(n->u.unop.operand->type == POINTER_NODE) { size = sizeof(void*); } else if(n->u.unop.operand->type == SCALAR_NODE) { size = sizeof(int); //only supporting ints } else { fprintf(stderr, "RVAL unimplemented SIZEOF (type %i)\n", n->u.unop.operand->type); exit(1); } qnode* q = qnode_new(Q_CONSTANT); sprintf(q->name, "%i", size); q->u.value = size; if(target && target->type == Q_IDENT) { if(target->u.ast->next->type == SCALAR_NODE) { emit(O_MOV, target, q, NULL); } } return q; } default: fprintf(stderr, "RVAL Unimplemented UNOP %i\n", n->u.unop.type); } break; } case BINOP_NODE: { //boolean expression if((n->u.binop.type >= LT_OP && n->u.binop.type <= NOTEQ_OP) || n->u.binop.type >= LOGOR_OP) { if(!target) target = new_temp(); block* temp = currentBlock; block* bt = bb_newBlock(functionCount, ++blockCount, currentBlock); block* bf = bb_newBlock(functionCount, ++blockCount, bt); block* bn = bb_newBlock(functionCount, ++blockCount, bf); //create qnodes for the above blocks qnode* trueBlock = blockToQnode(bt); qnode* falseBlock = blockToQnode(bf); qnode* nextBlock = blockToQnode(bn); //qnodes for zero and one qnode* zero = qnode_new(Q_CONSTANT); zero->name = strdup("0"); zero->u.value = 0; qnode* one = qnode_new(Q_CONSTANT); one->name = strdup("1"); one->u.value = 1; gen_cond(n, trueBlock, falseBlock); //evaluate expression currentBlock = bt; //true emit(O_MOV, target, one, NULL); emit(O_BR, NULL, nextBlock, NULL); currentBlock = bf; //false emit(O_MOV, target, zero, NULL); emit(O_BR, NULL, nextBlock, NULL); currentBlock = bn; return target; } else { node* bLeft = n->u.binop.left; qnode* left = gen_rvalue(n->u.binop.left, NULL); qnode* right = gen_rvalue(n->u.binop.right, NULL); if(bLeft->type == IDENT_NODE && bLeft->next->type == ARRAY_NODE) { qnode* size = qnode_new(Q_CONSTANT); int nextType = bLeft->next->next->type; if(nextType == SCALAR_NODE) { size->u.value = (long long) sizeof(int); } else if(nextType == POINTER_NODE) { size->u.value = (long long) sizeof(int*); } else if(nextType == ARRAY_NODE) { node* arr = bLeft->next->next; size->u.value = 1; while(arr) { size->u.value *= (long long) sizeof(int*)*arr->u.array.length; if(arr->next && arr->next->type == ARRAY_NODE) { arr = arr->next; } else { break; } } } else { fprintf(stderr, "QUAD ERROR, unimplemented sizeof\n"); } qnode* temp = new_temp(); sprintf(size->name, "%li", size->u.value); emit(O_MUL, temp, right, size); right = temp; } if(!target) target = new_temp(); emit(getBinop(n->u.binop.type), target, left, right); return target; } } case CALL_NODE: { if(n-> { int argnum = n->; qnode* num = qnode_new(Q_CONSTANT); num->name = malloc(64); sprintf(num->name, "%i", argnum); num->u.value = argnum; emit(O_ARGNUM, NULL, num, NULL); if(argnum) { //Generate argument quad node* argptr = n->; while(argptr) { emit(O_ARGDEF, NULL, gen_rvalue(argptr->u.list.start, NULL), NULL); if(argptr->next) { argptr = argptr->next; } else { break; } } } if(!target) target = new_temp(); emit(O_CALL, target, gen_rvalue(n->, NULL), NULL); return target; } else { fprintf(stderr, "Error: Call Node RVALUE\n"); } break; } case STRING_NODE: { qnode* str = qnode_new(Q_STRING); str->name = malloc(64); sprintf(str->name, ".S%i", stringCount++); str->u.ast = n; if(target && target->type == Q_IDENT) { if(target->u.ast->next->type == POINTER_NODE) { emit(O_MOV, target, str, NULL); return target; } } else { return str; } } default: fprintf(stderr, "Error: Cannot generate RVALUE for AST node type %i\n", n->type); exit(1); } return NULL; }
InterCodes translate_Stmt(node* Stmt){ if(strcmp(Stmt->child->name,"Exp") == 0){ Operand t = new_temp(); return translate_Exp(Stmt->child,t); } else if(strcmp(Stmt->child->name,"CompSt") == 0){ return translate_Compst(Stmt->child); } else if(strcmp(Stmt->child->name,"RETURN") == 0){ Operand t1 = new_temp(); InterCodes codes1 = translate_Exp(Stmt->child->brother,t1); InterCodes codes2 = InterCodes_init(); codes2->code = new_interCode(RET); codes2->code->onlyop.op = t1; InterCodes_link(codes1,codes2); return codes1; } else if(strcmp(Stmt->child->name,"WHILE") == 0){ Operand label1 = new_label(); Operand label2 = new_label(); Operand label3 = new_label(); InterCodes codes1 = InterCodes_init(); codes1->code = new_interCode(LAB); codes1->code->onlyop.op = label1; InterCodes codes2 = translate_Cond(Stmt->child->brother->brother, label2, label3); InterCodes codes3 = InterCodes_init(); codes3->code = new_interCode(LAB); codes3->code->onlyop.op = label2; InterCodes codes4 = translate_Stmt(Stmt->child->brother->brother->brother->brother); InterCodes codes5 = InterCodes_init(); codes5->code = new_interCode(GOTO); codes5->code->onlyop.op = label1; InterCodes codes6 = InterCodes_init(); codes6->code = new_interCode(LAB); codes6->code->onlyop.op = label3; InterCodes_link(codes1,codes2); InterCodes_link(codes1,codes3); InterCodes_link(codes1,codes4); InterCodes_link(codes1,codes5); InterCodes_link(codes1,codes6); return codes1; } //IF LP Exp RP Stmt1 else if(Stmt->child->brother->brother->brother->brother->brother == NULL){ Operand label1 = new_label(); Operand label2 = new_label(); InterCodes codes1 = translate_Cond(Stmt->child->brother->brother, label1, label2); InterCodes codes2 = InterCodes_init(); codes2->code = new_interCode(LAB); codes2->code->onlyop.op = label1; InterCodes codes3 = translate_Stmt(Stmt->child->brother->brother->brother->brother); InterCodes codes4 = InterCodes_init(); codes4->code = new_interCode(LAB); codes4->code->onlyop.op = label2; InterCodes_link(codes1,codes2); InterCodes_link(codes1,codes3); InterCodes_link(codes1,codes4); return codes1; } //IF LP Exp RP Stmt1 ELSE Stmt2 else{ Operand label1 = new_label(); Operand label2 = new_label(); Operand label3 = new_label(); InterCodes codes1 = translate_Cond(Stmt->child->brother->brother, label1, label2); InterCodes codes2 = InterCodes_init(); codes2->code = new_interCode(LAB); codes2->code->onlyop.op = label1; InterCodes codes3 = translate_Stmt(Stmt->child->brother->brother->brother->brother); InterCodes codes4 = InterCodes_init(); codes4->code = new_interCode(GOTO); codes4->code->onlyop.op = label3; InterCodes codes5 = InterCodes_init(); codes5->code = new_interCode(LAB); codes5->code->onlyop.op = label2; InterCodes codes6 = translate_Stmt(Stmt->child->brother->brother->brother->brother->brother->brother); InterCodes codes7 = InterCodes_init(); codes7->code = new_interCode(LAB); codes7->code->onlyop.op = label3; InterCodes_link(codes1,codes2); InterCodes_link(codes1,codes3); InterCodes_link(codes1,codes4); InterCodes_link(codes1,codes5); InterCodes_link(codes1,codes6); InterCodes_link(codes1,codes7); return codes1; } //else if(Stmt->child->brother-) }
void CCodeList_Maker::TransVar_(VAR* pvar,int no) //SuperC_func: 只在<CCodeList_Maker::TransVar>中使用 { OPERITEM* op = &this->cur->xcpu.op[no]; switch (op->mode) { case OP_Register: pvar->type = v_Reg; pvar->opsize = op->opersize; pvar->reg = regindex_2_regoff(op->reg.reg_index); return; case OP_Immed: pvar->type = v_Immed; pvar->opsize = op->opersize; pvar->d = op->immed.immed_value; return; case OP_Address: if (op->addr.base_reg_index == _NOREG_ && op->addr.off_reg_index == _NOREG_) { if (op->addr.off_value == 0 && op->addr.seg_index == _FS_) {//判断 fs:[0] pvar->type = v_Volatile; //现在只用于 fs:0 pvar->opsize = op->opersize; pvar->temno = 222; //只要是偶数就行 return; } pvar->type = v_Global; pvar->opsize = op->opersize; pvar->off = op->addr.off_value; return; } if (op->addr.base_reg_index == _ESP_ && op->addr.off_reg_index == _NOREG_) { pvar->opsize = op->opersize; signed long l = this->cur->esp_level + (signed int)op->addr.off_value; if (l >= 0) { pvar->par_off = l; pvar->type = v_Par; } else { pvar->var_off = stack2varoff(l); pvar->type = v_Var; } return; } if (op->addr.base_reg_index == _EBP_ && this->m_EBP_base != Not_EBP_based && op->addr.off_reg_index == _NOREG_) { pvar->opsize = op->opersize; signed long l = this->m_EBP_base + (signed int)op->addr.off_value; if (l >= 0) { pvar->par_off = l; pvar->type = v_Par; } else { pvar->var_off = stack2varoff(l); pvar->type = v_Var; } return; } // now, really stuff { VAR v; new_temp(&v); PINSTR p = new INSTR; //new_INSTR p->type = i_Address; p->var_w = v; set_address(op, p); InstrAddTail(p); *pvar = v; } return; default: //warn_msg(0,"op mode unknown"); break; } }
InterCodes translate_Cond(node* exp,Operand true_place,Operand false_place){ if(strcmp(exp->child->name,"NOT")==0){ return translate_Cond(exp->child->brother,true_place,false_place); } else if(strcmp(exp->child->brother->name,"RELOP")==0){ Operand t1 = new_temp(); Operand t2 = new_temp(); InterCodes codes1 = translate_Exp(exp->child,t1); InterCodes codes2 = translate_Exp(exp->child->brother->brother,t2); InterCodes codes3 = InterCodes_init(); codes3->code = new_interCode(COND); codes3->code->cond.op1 = t1; codes3->code->cond.op2 = t2; codes3->code->cond.op = new_operand(op,0); strcpy(codes3->code->cond.op->op,exp->child->brother->node_value); InterCodes codes4 = InterCodes_init(); codes4->code = new_interCode(GOTO); codes4->code->onlyop.op = true_place; InterCodes codes5 = InterCodes_init(); codes5->code = new_interCode(GOTO); codes5->code->onlyop.op = false_place; InterCodes_link(codes1,codes2); InterCodes_link(codes1,codes3); InterCodes_link(codes1,codes4); InterCodes_link(codes1,codes5); return codes1; } else if(strcmp(exp->child->brother->name,"AND")==0){ Operand label1 = new_label(); InterCodes codes1 = translate_Cond(exp->child, label1, false_place); InterCodes codes2 = translate_Cond(exp->child->brother->brother, true_place, false_place); InterCodes codes3 = InterCodes_init(); codes3->code = new_interCode(LAB); codes3->code->onlyop.op = label1; InterCodes_link(codes1,codes3); InterCodes_link(codes1,codes2); return codes1; } else if(strcmp(exp->child->brother->name,"OR")==0){ Operand label1 = new_label(); InterCodes codes1 = translate_Cond(exp->child, true_place, label1); InterCodes codes2 = translate_Cond(exp->child->brother->brother, true_place, false_place); InterCodes codes3 = InterCodes_init(); codes3->code = new_interCode(LAB); codes3->code->onlyop.op = label1; InterCodes_link(codes1,codes2); InterCodes_link(codes1,codes3); return codes1; } else{ /*Operand t1 = new_temp() InterCodes codes1 = translate_Exp(Exp, sym_table, t1) code2 = [IF t1 != #0 GOTO label_true] return code1 + code2 + [GOTO label_false] */ } }
//符号表是全局变量 struct InterCodes* translate_Exp(struct TreeNode* Exp, Operand place){ if (strcmp(Exp->children->name, "INT")){ printf("Exp - INT\n"); if(place != NULL){ FieldList item = (FieldList)malloc(sizeof(struct FieldList_)); lookupTable(Exp->children->value_str,&item,0); place->kind = CONSTANT; place->u.value = Exp->children->value_int; struct InterCodes* temp = (struct InterCodes*)malloc(sizeof(struct InterCodes)); temp->code.kind = NONE_; return temp; } else{ struct InterCodes* temp = (struct InterCodes*)malloc(sizeof(struct InterCodes)); temp->code.kind = NONE_; return temp; } } if (strcmp(Exp->children->name, "ID")){ if(Exp->children->neighbours == NULL){ printf("Exp - ID\n"); if(place != NULL){ FieldList item = (FieldList)malloc(sizeof(struct FieldList_)); lookupTable(Exp->children->value_str,&item,0); place->kind = VARIABLE; strcpy(place->u.ID, item->inter_name); struct InterCodes* temp = (struct InterCodes*)malloc(sizeof(struct InterCodes)); temp->code.kind = NONE_; return temp; } else{ struct InterCodes* temp = (struct InterCodes*)malloc(sizeof(struct InterCodes)); temp->code.kind = NONE_; return temp; } } if(strcmp(Exp->children->neighbours->name, "DOT")){ printf("Exp - Exp DOT ID\n"); //Operand t1 = new_temp(); //struct InterCodes* code1 = translate_Exp(Exp->children->neighbours->neighbours, t1); FieldList item = (FieldList)malloc(sizeof(struct FieldList_)); int i = lookupTable(Exp->children->neighbours->neighbours->value_str,&item,0); switch(i){ case 0:{ Operand t1 = new_temp(); struct InterCodes* code1 = (struct InterCodes*)malloc(sizeof(struct InterCodes)); code1->code.kind = ADD_; code1->code.u.binop.result = t1; code1->code.u.binop.op1 = (Operand)malloc(sizeof(struct Operand_)); code1->code.u.binop.op1->kind = VARIABLE; strcpy(code1->code.u.binop.op1->u.ID, item->inter_name); code1->code.u.binop.op2 = (Operand)malloc(sizeof(struct Operand_)); code1->code.u.binop.op2->kind = CONSTANT; code1->code.u.binop.op2->u.value = index_size(item, Exp->children->value_str); place->kind = REFERENCE; strcpy(place->u.ID, t1->u.ID); return code1; //break; } case 1:{ Operand t1 = new_temp(); Operand t2 = new_temp(); struct InterCodes* code1 = (struct InterCodes*)malloc(sizeof(struct InterCodes)); code1->code.kind = ASSIGN_; code1->code.u.assign.left = t1; code1->code.u.assign.right = (Operand)malloc(sizeof(struct Operand_)); code1->code.u.assign.right->kind = ADDRESS; strcpy(code1->code.u.assign.right->u.ID, item->inter_name); struct InterCodes* code2 = (struct InterCodes*)malloc(sizeof(struct InterCodes)); code2->code.kind = ADD_; code2->code.u.binop.result = t2; code2->code.u.binop.op1 = t1; code2->code.u.binop.op2 = (Operand)malloc(sizeof(struct Operand_)); code2->code.u.binop.op2->kind = CONSTANT; code2->code.u.binop.op2->u.value = index_size(item, Exp->children->value_str); place->kind = REFERENCE; strcpy(place->u.ID, t2->u.ID); code1->next = code2; code2->prev = code1; return code1; } } } } if (strcmp(Exp->children->name, "Exp")){ if (strcmp(Exp->children->neighbours->name, "ASSIGNOP")){ if (strcmp(Exp->children->neighbours->neighbours->children->name, "ID")){ printf("Exp - Exp ASSIGNOP Exp\n"); if(place != NULL){ Operand t1 = new_temp(); FieldList item = (FieldList)malloc(sizeof(struct FieldList_)); lookupTable(Exp->children->neighbours->neighbours->children->value_str,&item,0); struct InterCodes* code1 = translate_Exp(Exp->children, t1); struct InterCodes* code2 = (struct InterCodes*)malloc(sizeof(struct InterCodes)); code2->code.kind = ASSIGN_; code2->code.u.assign.left = (Operand)malloc(sizeof(struct Operand_)); code2->code.u.assign.left->kind = VARIABLE; strcpy(code2->code.u.assign.left->u.ID, item->inter_name); code2->code.u.assign.right = t1; /*struct InterCodes* code3 = (struct InterCodes*)malloc(sizeof(struct InterCodes)); code3->code.kind = ASSIGN; code3->code.u.assign.left = (Operand)malloc(sizeof(struct Operand_)); code3->code.u.assign.left->kind = VARIABLE; strcpy(code3->code.u.assign.left->u.ID, place->u.ID); code3->code.u.assign.right = (Operand)malloc(sizeof(struct Operand_)); code3->code.u.assign.right->kind = VARIABLE; strcpy(code3->code.u.assign.right->u.ID, Exp->children->neighbours->neighbours->children->inter_name);*/ place->kind = VARIABLE; strcpy(place->u.ID, item->inter_name); struct InterCodes* p = code1; while(p->next != NULL) p = p->next; p->next = code2; code2->prev = p; code2->next = NULL; return code1; } else{ Operand t1 = new_temp(); FieldList item = (FieldList)malloc(sizeof(struct FieldList_)); lookupTable(Exp->children->neighbours->neighbours->children->value_str,&item,0); struct InterCodes* code1 = translate_Exp(Exp->children, t1); struct InterCodes* code2 = (struct InterCodes*)malloc(sizeof(struct InterCodes)); code2->code.kind = ASSIGN_; code2->code.u.assign.left = (Operand)malloc(sizeof(struct Operand_)); code2->code.u.assign.left->kind = VARIABLE; strcpy(code2->code.u.assign.left->u.ID, item->inter_name); code2->code.u.assign.right = t1; struct InterCodes* p = code1; while(p->next != NULL) p = p->next; p->next = code2; code2->prev = p; code2->next = NULL; return code1; } } } if(strcmp(Exp->children->neighbours->name, "PLUS")){ printf("Exp - Exp PLUS Exp\n"); if(place != NULL){ Operand t1 = new_temp(); Operand t2 = new_temp(); struct InterCodes* code1 = translate_Exp(Exp->children->neighbours->neighbours, t1); struct InterCodes* code2 = translate_Exp(Exp->children, t2); struct InterCodes* code3 = (struct InterCodes*)malloc(sizeof(struct InterCodes)); code3->code.kind = ADD_; code3->code.u.binop.result = (Operand)malloc(sizeof(struct Operand_)); code3->code.u.binop.result->kind = VARIABLE; strcpy(code3->code.u.binop.result->u.ID, place->u.ID); code3->code.u.binop.op1 = t1; code3->code.u.binop.op2 = t2; struct InterCodes* p = code1; while(p->next != NULL) p = p->next; p->next = code2; code2->prev = p; p = code2; while(p->next != NULL) p = p->next; p->next = code3; code3->prev = p; code3->next = NULL; return code1; } else{ Operand t1 = new_temp(); Operand t2 = new_temp(); struct InterCodes* code1 = translate_Exp(Exp->children->neighbours->neighbours, t1); struct InterCodes* code2 = translate_Exp(Exp->children, t2); struct InterCodes* p = code1; while(p->next != NULL) p = p->next; p->next = code2; code2->prev = p; code2->next = NULL; return code1; } } if(strcmp(Exp->children->neighbours->name, "MINUS")){ printf("Exp - Exp MINUS Exp\n"); if(place != NULL){ if(Exp->children->neighbours->neighbours != NULL){ Operand t1 = new_temp(); Operand t2 = new_temp(); struct InterCodes* code1 = translate_Exp(Exp->children->neighbours->neighbours, t1); struct InterCodes* code2 = translate_Exp(Exp->children, t2); struct InterCodes* code3 = (struct InterCodes*)malloc(sizeof(struct InterCodes)); code3->code.kind = SUB_; code3->code.u.binop.result = (Operand)malloc(sizeof(struct Operand_)); code3->code.u.binop.result->kind = VARIABLE; strcpy(code3->code.u.binop.result->u.ID, place->u.ID); code3->code.u.binop.op1 = t1; code3->code.u.binop.op2 = t2; struct InterCodes* p = code1; while(p->next != NULL) p = p->next; p->next = code2; code2->prev = p; p = code2; while(p->next != NULL) p = p->next; p->next = code3; code3->prev = p; code3->next = NULL; return code1; } else{ Operand t1 = new_temp(); struct InterCodes* code1 = translate_Exp(Exp->children, t1); struct InterCodes* code2 = (struct InterCodes*)malloc(sizeof(struct InterCodes)); code2->code.kind = SUB_; code2->code.u.binop.result = (Operand)malloc(sizeof(struct Operand_)); code2->code.u.binop.result->kind = VARIABLE; strcpy(code2->code.u.binop.result->u.ID, place->u.ID); code2->code.u.binop.op1 = (Operand)malloc(sizeof(struct Operand_)); code2->code.u.binop.op1->kind = CONSTANT; code2->code.u.binop.op1->u.value = 0; code2->code.u.binop.op2 = t1; struct InterCodes* p = code1; while(p->next != NULL) p = p->next; p->next = code2; code2->prev = p; code2->next = NULL; return code1; } } else{ if(Exp->children->neighbours->neighbours != NULL){ Operand t1 = new_temp(); Operand t2 = new_temp(); struct InterCodes* code1 = translate_Exp(Exp->children->neighbours->neighbours, t1); struct InterCodes* code2 = translate_Exp(Exp->children, t2); struct InterCodes* p = code1; while(p->next != NULL) p = p->next; p->next = code2; code2->prev = p; code2->next = NULL; return code1; } else{ Operand t1 = new_temp(); struct InterCodes* code1 = translate_Exp(Exp->children, t1); return code1; } } } if(strcmp(Exp->children->neighbours->name, "STAR")){ printf("Exp - Exp STAR Exp\n"); if(place != NULL){ Operand t1 = new_temp(); Operand t2 = new_temp(); struct InterCodes* code1 = translate_Exp(Exp->children->neighbours->neighbours, t1); struct InterCodes* code2 = translate_Exp(Exp->children, t2); struct InterCodes* code3 = (struct InterCodes*)malloc(sizeof(struct InterCodes)); code3->code.kind = MUL_; code3->code.u.binop.result = (Operand)malloc(sizeof(struct Operand_)); code3->code.u.binop.result->kind = VARIABLE; strcpy(code3->code.u.binop.result->u.ID, place->u.ID); code3->code.u.binop.op1 = t1; code3->code.u.binop.op2 = t2; struct InterCodes* p = code1; while(p->next != NULL) p = p->next; p->next = code2; code2->prev = p; p = code2; while(p->next != NULL) p = p->next; p->next = code3; code3->prev = p; code3->next = NULL; return code1; } else{ Operand t1 = new_temp(); Operand t2 = new_temp(); struct InterCodes* code1 = translate_Exp(Exp->children->neighbours->neighbours, t1); struct InterCodes* code2 = translate_Exp(Exp->children, t2); struct InterCodes* p = code1; while(p->next != NULL) p = p->next; p->next = code2; code2->prev = p; code2->next = NULL; return code1; } } if(strcmp(Exp->children->neighbours->name, "DIV")){ printf("Exp - Exp DIV Exp\n"); if(place != NULL){ Operand t1 = new_temp(); Operand t2 = new_temp(); struct InterCodes* code1 = translate_Exp(Exp->children->neighbours->neighbours, t1); struct InterCodes* code2 = translate_Exp(Exp->children, t2); struct InterCodes* code3 = (struct InterCodes*)malloc(sizeof(struct InterCodes)); code3->code.kind = DIV_; code3->code.u.binop.result = (Operand)malloc(sizeof(struct Operand_)); code3->code.u.binop.result->kind = VARIABLE; strcpy(code3->code.u.binop.result->u.ID, place->u.ID); code3->code.u.binop.op1 = t1; code3->code.u.binop.op2 = t2; struct InterCodes* p = code1; while(p->next != NULL) p = p->next; p->next = code2; code2->prev = p; p = code2; while(p->next != NULL) p = p->next; p->next = code3; code3->prev = p; code3->next = NULL; return code1; } else{ Operand t1 = new_temp(); Operand t2 = new_temp(); struct InterCodes* code1 = translate_Exp(Exp->children->neighbours->neighbours, t1); struct InterCodes* code2 = translate_Exp(Exp->children, t2); struct InterCodes* p = code1; while(p->next != NULL) p = p->next; p->next = code2; code2->prev = p; code2->next = NULL; return code1; } } if(strcmp(Exp->children->neighbours->name, "RELOP") || strcmp(Exp->children->neighbours->name, "NOT") || strcmp(Exp->children->neighbours->name, "AND") || strcmp(Exp->children->neighbours->name, "OR")){ printf("Exp - Exp Cond Exp\n"); if(place != NULL){ Operand label1 = new_label(); Operand label2 = new_label(); struct InterCodes* code1 = (struct InterCodes*)malloc(sizeof(struct InterCodes)); code1->code.kind = ASSIGN_; code1->code.u.assign.left = (Operand)malloc(sizeof(struct Operand_)); code1->code.u.assign.left->kind = VARIABLE; strcpy(code1->code.u.assign.left->u.ID, place->u.ID); code1->code.u.assign.right = (Operand)malloc(sizeof(struct Operand_)); code1->code.u.assign.right->kind = CONSTANT; code1->code.u.assign.right->u.value = 0; struct InterCodes* code2 = translate_Cond(Exp, label1, label2); struct InterCodes* code3 = (struct InterCodes*)malloc(sizeof(struct InterCodes)); code3->code.kind = LABEL_; code3->code.u.labelcode.label = label1; struct InterCodes* code4 = (struct InterCodes*)malloc(sizeof(struct InterCodes)); code4->code.kind = ASSIGN_; code4->code.u.assign.left = (Operand)malloc(sizeof(struct Operand_)); code4->code.u.assign.left->kind = VARIABLE; strcpy(code4->code.u.assign.left->u.ID, place->u.ID); code4->code.u.assign.right = (Operand)malloc(sizeof(struct Operand_)); code4->code.u.assign.right->kind = CONSTANT; code4->code.u.assign.right->u.value = 1; struct InterCodes* code5 = (struct InterCodes*)malloc(sizeof(struct InterCodes)); code5->code.kind = LABEL_; code5->code.u.labelcode.label = label2; code1->next = code2; code2->prev = code1; struct InterCodes* p = code2; while(p->next != NULL) p = p->next; p->next = code3; code3->prev = p; code3->next = code4; code4->prev = code3; code4->next = code5; code5->prev = code4; code5->next = NULL; return code1; } } } if (strcmp(Exp->children->neighbours->name, "LP")){ printf("Exp - ID LP RP\n"); if(strcmp(Exp->children->neighbours->neighbours->value_str, "read") == 0){ struct InterCodes* code1 = (struct InterCodes*)malloc(sizeof(struct InterCodes)); code1->code.kind = READ_; code1-> = place; return code1; } else{ FieldList item = (FieldList)malloc(sizeof(struct FieldList_)); lookupTable(Exp->children->neighbours->neighbours->value_str,&item,1);//查函数 struct InterCodes* code1 = (struct InterCodes*)malloc(sizeof(struct InterCodes)); code1->code.kind = CALL_; code1-> = (Operand)malloc(sizeof(struct Operand_)); code1->>kind = VARIABLE; strcpy(code1->code.u.assign.left->u.ID, place->u.ID); code1-> = (Operand)malloc(sizeof(struct Operand_)); code1->>kind = VARIABLE; strcpy(code1->>u.ID, item->name); return code1; } } if(strcmp(Exp->children->neighbours->name, "Args")){ printf("Exp - ID LP Args RP\n"); struct ArgList* arg_list = NULL; struct InterCodes* code1 = translate_Args(Exp->children->neighbours, arg_list); if(strcpy(Exp->children->neighbours->neighbours->neighbours->value_str, "write") == 0){ struct InterCodes* code2 = (struct InterCodes*)malloc(sizeof(struct InterCodes)); code2->code.kind = WRITE_; code2->code.u.write.wr = arg_list->op; struct InterCodes* p = code1; while(p->next != NULL) p = p->next; p->next = code2; code2->prev = p; code2->next = NULL; return code1; } else{ FieldList item = (FieldList)malloc(sizeof(struct FieldList_)); lookupTable(Exp->children->neighbours->neighbours->neighbours->value_str,&item,0); struct ArgList* q = arg_list; struct InterCodes* code2 = NULL; while(q != NULL){ struct InterCodes* code3 = (struct InterCodes*)malloc(sizeof(struct InterCodes)); code3->code.kind = ARG_; code3->code.u.arg.argument = q->op; if(code2 == NULL){ code2 = code3; } else{ struct InterCodes* p = code2; while(p->next != NULL) p = p->next; p->next = code3; code3->prev = p; } q = q->next; } struct InterCodes* code4 = (struct InterCodes*)malloc(sizeof(struct InterCodes)); code4->code.kind = CALL_; code4-> = (Operand)malloc(sizeof(struct Operand_)); code4->>kind = VARIABLE; strcpy(code4->code.u.assign.left->u.ID, place->u.ID); code4-> = (Operand)malloc(sizeof(struct Operand_)); code4->>kind = VARIABLE; strcpy(code4->>u.ID, item->name); struct InterCodes* p = code1; while(p->next != NULL) p = p->next; p->next = code2; code2->prev = p; p = code2; while(p->next != NULL) p = p->next; p->next = code4; code4->prev = p; code4->next = NULL; return code1; } } if (strcmp(Exp->children->name, "RB") == 0){ printf("Exp - Exp LB Exp RB\n"); FieldList item = (FieldList)malloc(sizeof(struct FieldList_)); lookupTable(Exp->children->neighbours->neighbours->neighbours->children->value_str,&item,0); Operand t1 = new_temp(); Operand t2 = new_temp(); Operand t3 = new_temp(); struct InterCodes* code1 = translate_Exp(Exp->children->neighbours, t1); struct InterCodes* code2 = (struct InterCodes*)malloc(sizeof(struct InterCodes)); code2->code.kind = MUL_; code2->code.u.binop.result = t2; code2->code.u.binop.op1 = t1; code2->code.u.binop.op2 = (Operand)malloc(sizeof(struct Operand_)); code2->code.u.binop.result->kind = CONSTANT; code2->code.u.binop.result->u.value = 4; struct InterCodes* code3 = (struct InterCodes*)malloc(sizeof(struct InterCodes)); code3->code.kind = ADD_; code3->code.u.binop.result = t3; code3->code.u.binop.op1 = (Operand)malloc(sizeof(struct Operand_)); code3->code.u.binop.op1->kind = ADDRESS; strcpy(code3->code.u.binop.op1->u.ID, item->inter_name); code3->code.u.binop.op2 = t2; //place = t4; place->kind = REFERENCE; strcpy(place->u.ID, t3->u.ID); struct InterCodes* p = code1; while(p->next != NULL) p = p->next; p->next = code2; code2->prev = p; code2->next = code3; code3->prev = code2; code3->next = NULL; return code1; } }
struct InterCodes* translate_Stmt(struct TreeNode* Stmt){ if (strcmp(Stmt->children->name, "SEMI") == 0){ if(Stmt->children->neighbours->neighbours == NULL){ printf("Stmt - Stmt SEMI\n"); return translate_Exp(Stmt->children->neighbours, NULL); } else{ printf("Stmt - RETURN Stmt SEMI\n"); Operand t1 = new_temp(); struct InterCodes* code1 = translate_Exp(Stmt->children->neighbours, t1); struct InterCodes* code2 = (struct InterCodes*)malloc(sizeof(struct InterCodes)); code2->code.kind = RETURN_; code2->code.u.returncode.r = t1; struct InterCodes* p = code1; while(p->next != NULL) p = p->next; p->next = code2; code2->prev = p; code2->next = NULL; return code1; } } if(strcmp(Stmt->children->name, "CompSt") == 0){ printf("Stmt - CompSt\n"); return translate_CompSt(Stmt->children); } if(strcmp(Stmt->children->name, "Stmt") == 0){ if(strcmp(Stmt->children->neighbours->neighbours->neighbours->neighbours->name, "IF") == 0){ printf("Stmt - IF LP Exp RP Stmt\n"); Operand label1 = new_label(); Operand label2 = new_label(); struct InterCodes* code1 = translate_Cond(Stmt->children->neighbours->neighbours, label1, label2); struct InterCodes* code2 = translate_Stmt(Stmt->children); struct InterCodes* code3 = (struct InterCodes*)malloc(sizeof(struct InterCodes)); code3->code.kind = LABEL_; code3->code.u.labelcode.label = label1; struct InterCodes* code4 = (struct InterCodes*)malloc(sizeof(struct InterCodes)); code4->code.kind = LABEL_; code4->code.u.labelcode.label = label2; struct InterCodes* p = code1; while(p->next != NULL) p = p->next; p->next = code3; code3->prev = p; code3->next = code2; p = code2; while(p->next != NULL) p = p->next; p->next = code4; code4->prev = p; code4->next = NULL; return code1; } if(strcmp(Stmt->children->neighbours->neighbours->neighbours->neighbours->name, "WHILE") == 0){ printf("Stmt - WHILE LP Exp RP Stmt\n"); Operand label1 = new_label(); Operand label2 = new_label(); Operand label3 = new_label(); struct InterCodes* code1 = translate_Cond(Stmt->children->neighbours->neighbours, label2, label3); struct InterCodes* code2 = translate_Stmt(Stmt->children->neighbours->neighbours); struct InterCodes* code3 = (struct InterCodes*)malloc(sizeof(struct InterCodes)); code3->code.kind = LABEL_; code3->code.u.labelcode.label = label1; struct InterCodes* code4 = (struct InterCodes*)malloc(sizeof(struct InterCodes)); code4->code.kind = LABEL_; code4->code.u.labelcode.label = label2; struct InterCodes* code5 = (struct InterCodes*)malloc(sizeof(struct InterCodes)); code5->code.kind = LABEL_; code5->code.u.labelcode.label = label3; struct InterCodes* code6 = (struct InterCodes*)malloc(sizeof(struct InterCodes)); code6->code.kind = GOTO_; code6->code.u.gotocode.label = label3; code3->next = code1; code1->prev = code3; struct InterCodes* p = code1; while(p->next != NULL) p = p->next; p->next = code4; code4->prev = p; code4->next = code2; p = code2; while(p->next != NULL) p = p->next; p->next = code6; code6->prev = p; code6->next = code5; code5->prev = code6; code5->next = NULL; return code3; } if(strcmp(Stmt->children->neighbours->name, "ELSE") == 0){ printf("Stmt - IF LP Exp RP Stmt ELSE Stmt\n"); Operand label1 = new_label(); Operand label2 = new_label(); Operand label3 = new_label(); struct InterCodes* code1 = translate_Cond(Stmt->children->neighbours->neighbours, label1, label2); struct InterCodes* code2 = translate_Stmt(Stmt->children->neighbours->neighbours); struct InterCodes* code3 = translate_Stmt(Stmt->children); struct InterCodes* code4 = (struct InterCodes*)malloc(sizeof(struct InterCodes)); code4->code.kind = LABEL_; code4->code.u.labelcode.label = label1; struct InterCodes* code5 = (struct InterCodes*)malloc(sizeof(struct InterCodes)); code5->code.kind = LABEL_; code5->code.u.labelcode.label = label2; struct InterCodes* code6 = (struct InterCodes*)malloc(sizeof(struct InterCodes)); code6->code.kind = LABEL_; code6->code.u.labelcode.label = label3; struct InterCodes* code7 = (struct InterCodes*)malloc(sizeof(struct InterCodes)); code7->code.kind = GOTO_; code7->code.u.gotocode.label = label3; struct InterCodes* p = code1; while(p->next != NULL) p = p->next; p->next = code4; code4->prev = p; code4->next = code2; p = code2; while(p->next != NULL) p = p->next; p->next = code7; code7->prev = p; code7->next = code5; code5->prev = code7; code5->next = code3; p = code3; while(p->next != NULL) p = p->next; p->next = code6; code6->prev = p; code6->next = NULL; return code1; } } }
InterCodes translate_Exp(node* exp,Operand place){ //-------------------------------------------------Exp ASSIGNOP Exp if(exp->exp_type == 7){ Operand t = new_temp(); InterCodes codes1 ; codes1 = translate_Exp(exp->child->brother->brother,t); if(strcmp(exp->child->child->name,"ID")==0){ InterCodes codes2 = InterCodes_init(); codes2->code = new_interCode(0); codes2->code->assign.left = new_operand_name(exp->child->child->node_value); codes2->code->assign.right = t; InterCodes_link(codes1,codes2); /*if(place != NULL){ InterCodes codes3 = InterCodes_init(); codes3->code = new_interCode(0); codes3->code->assign.left = place; codes3->code->assign.right = codes2->code->assign.left; InterCodes_link(codes1,codes3); }*/ } else{ Operand t2 =new_temp(); InterCodes codes2 = translate_Exp(exp->child,t2); if(place != NULL){ InterCodes codes3 = InterCodes_init(); codes3->code = new_interCode(0); codes3->code->assign.left = place; codes3->code->assign.right = t2; InterCodes_link(codes1,codes3); } } return codes1; } //-------------------------------------------------Exp AND Exp else if(exp->exp_type == 8){ Operand label1 = new_label(); Operand label2 = new_label(); InterCodes codes1 = InterCodes_init(); codes1->code = new_interCode(0); codes1->code->assign.left = place; codes1->code->assign.right = new_operand(1,0); InterCodes codes2 = translate_Cond(exp, label1, label2); InterCodes codes3 = InterCodes_init(); codes3->code = new_interCode(5); codes3->code->onlyop.op = label1; InterCodes codes4 = InterCodes_init(); codes4->code = new_interCode(0); codes4->code->assign.left = place; codes4->code->assign.right = new_operand(1,1); InterCodes codes5 = InterCodes_init(); codes5->code = new_interCode(LAB); codes5->code->onlyop.op = label2; InterCodes_link(codes1,codes2); InterCodes_link(codes1,codes3); InterCodes_link(codes1,codes4); InterCodes_link(codes1,codes5); return codes1; } //-------------------------------------------------Exp OR Exp else if(exp->exp_type == 9){ Operand label1 = new_label(); Operand label2 = new_label(); InterCodes codes1 = InterCodes_init(); codes1->code = new_interCode(0); codes1->code->assign.left = place; codes1->code->assign.right = new_operand(1,0); InterCodes codes2 = translate_Cond(exp, label1, label2); InterCodes codes3 = InterCodes_init(); codes3->code = new_interCode(5); codes3->code->onlyop.op = label1; InterCodes codes4 = InterCodes_init(); codes4->code = new_interCode(0); codes4->code->assign.left = place; codes4->code->assign.right = new_operand(1,1); InterCodes codes5 = InterCodes_init(); codes5->code = new_interCode(LAB); codes5->code->onlyop.op = label2; InterCodes_link(codes1,codes2); InterCodes_link(codes1,codes3); InterCodes_link(codes1,codes4); InterCodes_link(codes1,codes5); return codes1; } //-------------------------------------------------Exp RELOP Exp else if(exp->exp_type == 10){ Operand label1 = new_label(); Operand label2 = new_label(); InterCodes codes1 = InterCodes_init(); codes1->code = new_interCode(0); codes1->code->assign.left = place; codes1->code->assign.right = new_operand(1,0); InterCodes codes2 = translate_Cond(exp, label1, label2); InterCodes codes3 = InterCodes_init(); codes3->code = new_interCode(5); codes3->code->onlyop.op = label1; InterCodes codes4 = InterCodes_init(); codes4->code = new_interCode(0); codes4->code->assign.left = place; codes4->code->assign.right = new_operand(1,1); InterCodes codes5 = InterCodes_init(); codes5->code = new_interCode(LAB); codes5->code->onlyop.op = label2; InterCodes_link(codes1,codes2); InterCodes_link(codes1,codes3); InterCodes_link(codes1,codes4); InterCodes_link(codes1,codes5); return codes1; } //-------------------------------------------------Exp PLUS Exp else if(exp->exp_type == 11){ Operand t1 = new_temp(); Operand t2 = new_temp(); InterCodes codes1 = InterCodes_init(); InterCodes codes2 = InterCodes_init(); InterCodes codes3 = InterCodes_init(); codes1 = translate_Exp(exp->child->brother->brother,t1); codes2 = translate_Exp(exp->child,t2); codes3->code = new_interCode(1);//plus codes3->code->binop.result = place; codes3->code->binop.op1 = t1; codes3->code->binop.op2 = t2; InterCodes_link(codes1,codes2); InterCodes_link(codes2,codes3); return codes1; } //-------------------------------------------------Exp MINUS Exp else if(exp->exp_type == 12){ Operand t1 = new_temp(); Operand t2 = new_temp(); InterCodes codes1 = InterCodes_init(); InterCodes codes2 = InterCodes_init(); InterCodes codes3 = InterCodes_init(); codes1 = translate_Exp(exp->child->brother->brother,t1); codes2 = translate_Exp(exp->child,t2); codes3->code = new_interCode(2);//sub codes3->code->binop.result = place; codes3->code->binop.op1 = t2; codes3->code->binop.op2 = t1; InterCodes_link(codes1,codes2); InterCodes_link(codes2,codes3); return codes1; } //--------------------------------------------------Exp STAR Exp else if(exp->exp_type == 13){ Operand t1 = new_temp(); Operand t2 = new_temp(); InterCodes codes1 = InterCodes_init(); InterCodes codes2 = InterCodes_init(); InterCodes codes3 = InterCodes_init(); codes1 = translate_Exp(exp->child->brother->brother,t1); codes2 = translate_Exp(exp->child,t2); codes3->code = new_interCode(3);//star codes3->code->binop.result = place; codes3->code->binop.op1 = t1; codes3->code->binop.op2 = t2; InterCodes_link(codes1,codes2); InterCodes_link(codes2,codes3); return codes1; } //--------------------------------------------------Exp DIV Exp else if(exp->exp_type == 14){ Operand t1 = new_temp(); Operand t2 = new_temp(); InterCodes codes1 = InterCodes_init(); InterCodes codes2 = InterCodes_init(); InterCodes codes3 = InterCodes_init(); codes1 = translate_Exp(exp->child->brother->brother,t1); codes2 = translate_Exp(exp->child,t2); codes3->code = new_interCode(4);//div codes3->code->binop.result = place; codes3->code->binop.op1 = t1; codes3->code->binop.op2 = t2; InterCodes_link(codes1,codes2); InterCodes_link(codes2,codes3); return codes1; } //--------------------------------------------------LP Exp RP else if(exp->exp_type == 15){ return translate_Exp(exp->child->brother,place); } //--------------------------------------------------MINUS Exp else if(exp->exp_type == 16){ Operand t1 = new_temp(); InterCodes codes1 = InterCodes_init(); InterCodes codes2 = InterCodes_init(); codes1 = translate_Exp(exp->child->brother,t1); codes2->code = new_interCode(SUB); codes2->code->binop.result = place; t1->is_min = 1; codes2->code->binop.op1 = new_operand(1,0); codes2->code->binop.op2 = t1; InterCodes_link(codes1,codes2); return codes1; } //---------------------------------------------------NOT Exp else if(exp->exp_type == 17){ Operand label1 = new_label(); Operand label2 = new_label(); InterCodes codes1 = InterCodes_init(); codes1->code = new_interCode(0); codes1->code->assign.left = place; codes1->code->assign.right = new_operand(1,0); InterCodes codes2 = translate_Cond(exp, label1, label2); InterCodes codes3 = InterCodes_init(); codes3->code = new_interCode(5); codes3->code->onlyop.op = label1; InterCodes codes4 = InterCodes_init(); codes4->code = new_interCode(0); codes4->code->assign.left = place; codes4->code->assign.right = new_operand(1,1); InterCodes codes5 = InterCodes_init(); codes5->code = new_interCode(LAB); codes5->code->onlyop.op = label2; InterCodes_link(codes1,codes2); InterCodes_link(codes1,codes3); InterCodes_link(codes1,codes4); InterCodes_link(codes1,codes5); return codes1; } //---------------------------------------------------ID LP Args RP else if(exp->exp_type == 18){ Operand* arg_list = (Operand*)malloc(sizeof(Operand)*8); int arg_num = 0; InterCodes codes1 = translate_Args(exp->child->brother->brother,arg_list,&arg_num); if (strcmp(exp->child->node_value,"write")==0){ InterCodes codes2 = InterCodes_init(); codes2->code = new_interCode(WRITE); codes2->code->onlyop.op = arg_list[0]; InterCodes_link(codes1,codes2); return codes1; } int i = 0; for(;i < arg_num;i++){ InterCodes codes2 = InterCodes_init(); codes2->code = new_interCode(ARG);//codes2->code->kind = REFERENCE; //////////////////////////////// codes2->code->onlyop.op = arg_list[i]; InterCodes_link(codes1,codes2); } InterCodes codes3 = InterCodes_init(); codes3->code = new_interCode(CALL); codes3->code->assign.left = place; codes3->code->assign.right = new_operand_name(exp->child->node_value); InterCodes_link(codes1,codes3); return codes1; } //---------------------------------------------------ID LP RP else if(exp->exp_type == 19){ InterCodes codes = InterCodes_init(); if(strcmp(exp->child->node_value,"read")==0){ codes->code = new_interCode(READ); codes->code->onlyop.op = place; } /*else if(strcmp(exp->child->name,"write")==0){ InterCodes codes = InterCodes_init(); codes->code = new_interCode(READ); codes->code->onlyop.op = place; }*/ else{ codes->code = new_interCode(CALL); codes->code->assign.left = place; codes->code->assign.right = new_operand_name(exp->child->name); } return codes; } //--------------------------------------------------Exp LB Exp RB else if(exp->exp_type == 20){ return translate_Array(exp,place); } //--------------------------------------------------Exp DOT ID else if(exp->exp_type == 21){ return translate_Struct(exp,place); } //---------------------------------------------------ID else if(exp->exp_type == 22){ InterCodes codes = InterCodes_init(); codes->code = new_interCode(0); codes->code->assign.right = new_operand_name(exp->node_value); codes->code->assign.left = place; return codes; } //--------------------------------------------------INT else if(exp->exp_type == 23){ InterCodes codes = InterCodes_init(); codes->code = new_interCode(0); codes->code->assign.right = new_operand(1,exp->node_int); codes->code->assign.left = place; return codes; } //--------------------------------------------------FLOAT else if(exp->exp_type == 24){ } }
InterCodes translate_Array(node *Exp,Operand place){ InterCodes code1 = NULL; FieldList p = Findname(Exp->child->child->node_value); int size =0; //Operand t ; if(strcpy(Exp->child->child->name,"ID") == 0){ //Exp[Exp] if(p->type->array.elem->kind == STRUCTURE) size = getSize(p); else size = 4; Operand op1 = new_operand_name(Exp->child->child->node_value); InterCodes code2,code3,code4; Operand t1 = new_temp(); code2 = translate_Exp(Exp->child->brother->brother,t1); //翻译[]中的exp Operand t2 = new_temp(); Operand c1 = new_operand(1,size); code3 = InterCodes_init(); code3->code = new_interCode(MUL); code3->code->binop.result = t2; code3->code->binop.op1 = t1; code3->code->binop.op2 = c1; code4 = InterCodes_init(); code4->code = new_interCode(ADDR); code4->code->binop.result = place; code4->code->binop.op1 = op1; code4->code->binop.op2 = t2; /*InterCodes_link(code1,code2); InterCodes_link(code1,code3); InterCodes_link(code1,code4);*/ InterCodes_link(code2,code3); InterCodes_link(code2,code4); place->kind = ADDR_op; return code2; } else if(strcpy(Exp->child->child->name,"Exp") == 0) //Exp[Exp][Exp] { if(p->type->array.elem->kind == STRUCTURE) size = getSize(p); else size = 4; InterCodes code = InterCodes_init(); Operand temp = new_temp(); code = translate_Array(Exp->child,temp); Operand op1 = new_operand_name(Exp->child->child->node_value); InterCodes code2,code3,code4; Operand t1 = new_temp(); code2 = translate_Exp(Exp->child->brother->brother,t1); //翻译[]中的exp Operand t2 = new_temp(); Operand c1 = new_operand(1,size); code3 = InterCodes_init(); code3->code = new_interCode(MUL); code3->code->binop.result = t2; code3->code->binop.op1 = t1; code3->code->binop.op2 = c1; code4 = InterCodes_init(); code4->code = new_interCode(ADDR); code4->code->binop.result = place; code4->code->binop.op1 = op1; code4->code->binop.op2 = t2; /*InterCodes_link(code1,code2); InterCodes_link(code1,code3); InterCodes_link(code1,code4); InterCodes_link(code1,code);*/ InterCodes_link(code2,code3); InterCodes_link(code2,code4); InterCodes_link(code2,code); place->kind = ADDR_op; return code2; } }
struct InterCodes* translate_Cond(struct TreeNode* Exp, Operand label_true, Operand label_false){ if(strcmp(Exp->children->neighbours->name, "RELOP") == 0){ printf("Exp - Exp RELOP Exp\n"); Operand t1 = new_temp(); Operand t2 = new_temp(); struct InterCodes* code1 = translate_Exp(Exp->children->neighbours->neighbours, t1); struct InterCodes* code2 = translate_Exp(Exp->children, t2); struct InterCodes* code3 = (struct InterCodes*)malloc(sizeof(struct InterCodes)); code3->code.kind = IF_; code3->code.u.ifcode.op1 = t1; code3->code.u.ifcode.op2 = t2; code3->code.u.ifcode.label = label_true; strcpy(code3->code.u.ifcode.op_type, Exp->children->neighbours->value_str); struct InterCodes* code4 = (struct InterCodes*)malloc(sizeof(struct InterCodes)); code4->code.kind = GOTO_; code4->code.u.gotocode.label = label_false; struct InterCodes* p = code1; while(p->next != NULL) p = p->next; p->next = code2; code2->prev = p; p = code2; while(p->next != NULL) p = p->next; p->next = code3; code3->prev = p; code3->next = code4; code4->prev = code3; code4->next = NULL; return code1; } if(strcmp(Exp->children->neighbours->name, "NOT") == 0){ printf("Exp - NOT Exp\n"); return translate_Cond(Exp->children, label_false, label_true); } if(strcmp(Exp->children->neighbours->name, "AND") == 0){ printf("Exp - Exp AND Exp\n"); Operand label1 = new_label(); struct InterCodes* code1 = translate_Cond(Exp->children->neighbours->neighbours, label1, label_false); struct InterCodes* code2 = translate_Cond(Exp->children, label_true, label_false); struct InterCodes* code3 = (struct InterCodes*)malloc(sizeof(struct InterCodes)); code3->code.kind = LABEL_; code3->code.u.labelcode.label = label1; struct InterCodes* p = code1; while(p->next != NULL) p = p->next; p->next = code3; code3->prev = p; code3->next = code2; code2->prev = code3; return code1; } if(strcmp(Exp->children->neighbours->name, "OR") == 0){ printf("Exp - Exp OR Exp\n"); Operand label1 = new_label(); struct InterCodes* code1 = translate_Cond(Exp->children->neighbours->neighbours, label_true, label1); struct InterCodes* code2 = translate_Cond(Exp->children, label_true, label_false); struct InterCodes* code3 = (struct InterCodes*)malloc(sizeof(struct InterCodes)); code3->code.kind = LABEL_; code3->code.u.labelcode.label = label1; struct InterCodes* p = code1; while(p->next != NULL) p = p->next; p->next = code3; code3->prev = p; code3->next = code2; code2->prev = code3; return code1; } else{ printf("Exp - ELSE\n"); Operand t1 = new_temp(); struct InterCodes* code1 = translate_Exp(Exp, t1); struct InterCodes* code2 = (struct InterCodes*)malloc(sizeof(struct InterCodes)); code2->code.kind = IF_; code2->code.u.ifcode.op1 = t1; code2->code.u.ifcode.op2 = (Operand)malloc(sizeof(struct Operand_)); code2->code.u.ifcode.op2->kind = CONSTANT; code2->code.u.ifcode.op2->u.value = 0; code2->code.u.ifcode.label = label_true; char op[2] = {'!', '='}; strcpy(code2->code.u.ifcode.op_type, op); struct InterCodes* code3 = (struct InterCodes*)malloc(sizeof(struct InterCodes)); code3->code.kind = GOTO_; code3->code.u.gotocode.label = label_false; struct InterCodes* p = code1; while(p->next != NULL) p = p->next; p->next = code2; code2->prev = p; code2->next = code3; code3->prev = code2; code3->next = NULL; return code1; } }
int PhotoScaleMain::process_buffer(VFrame *frame, int64_t start_position, double frame_rate) { load_configuration(); if(config.use_file) { frame->get_params()->update("AUTOSCALE", 1); frame->get_params()->update("AUTOSCALE_W", config.width); frame->get_params()->update("AUTOSCALE_H", config.height); read_frame(frame, 0, start_position, frame_rate, get_use_opengl()); return 0; } else { frame->get_params()->update("AUTOSCALE", 0); } read_frame(frame, 0, start_position, frame_rate, 0); if(!engine) engine = new PhotoScaleEngine(this, PluginClient::get_project_smp() + 1); engine->process_packages(); // printf("PhotoScaleMain::process_buffer %d %d %d %d %d\n", // __LINE__, // engine->top_border, // engine->bottom_border, // engine->left_border, // engine->right_border); int in_width = engine->right_border - engine->left_border; int in_height = engine->bottom_border - engine->top_border; if(in_width > 0 && in_height > 0 && (engine->top_border > 0 || engine->left_border > 0 || engine->bottom_border < frame->get_h() || engine->right_border < frame->get_w())) { VFrame *temp_frame = new_temp(frame->get_w(), frame->get_h(), frame->get_color_model()); temp_frame->copy_from(frame); if(!overlayer) { overlayer = new OverlayFrame(PluginClient::get_project_smp() + 1); } float scale1 = (float)config.width / in_width; float scale2 = (float)config.height / in_height; float out_x1 = 0; float out_y1 = 0; float out_x2 = 0; float out_y2 = 0; // printf("PhotoScaleMain::process_buffer %d %d %d %d %d\n", // __LINE__, // engine->left_border, // engine->top_border, // engine->right_border, // engine->bottom_border); // printf("PhotoScaleMain::process_buffer %d %f %f\n", __LINE__, scale1, scale2); if(scale1 < scale2) { out_x1 = (float)frame->get_w() / 2 - config.width / 2; out_y1 = (float)frame->get_h() / 2 - in_height * scale1 / 2; out_x2 = (float)frame->get_w() / 2 + config.width / 2; out_y2 = (float)frame->get_h() / 2 + in_height * scale1 / 2; } else { out_x1 = (float)frame->get_w() / 2 - in_width * scale2 / 2; out_y1 = (float)frame->get_h() / 2 - config.height / 2; out_x2 = (float)frame->get_w() / 2 + in_width * scale2 / 2; out_y2 = (float)frame->get_h() / 2 + config.height / 2; } // printf("PhotoScaleMain::process_buffer %d %d %d %d %d\n", // __LINE__, // (int)out_x1, // (int)out_y1, // (int)out_x2, // (int)out_y2); frame->clear_frame(); overlayer->overlay(frame, temp_frame, (float)engine->left_border, (float)engine->top_border, (float)engine->right_border, (float)engine->bottom_border, (float)out_x1, (float)out_y1, (float)out_x2, (float)out_y2, 1, TRANSFER_REPLACE, get_interpolation_type()); } return 0; }
int LensMain::process_buffer(VFrame *frame, int64_t start_position, double frame_rate) { VFrame *input; load_configuration(); if(get_use_opengl()) { input = frame; } else { input = new_temp(frame->get_w(), frame->get_h(), frame->get_color_model()); } read_frame(input, 0, start_position, frame_rate, get_use_opengl()); if(get_use_opengl()) { run_opengl(); return 0; } else { if(!engine) engine = new LensEngine(this); engine->process_packages(); if(config.draw_guides) { // Draw center #define CENTER_H 20 #define CENTER_W 20 #define DRAW_GUIDES(components, type, max) \ { \ type **rows = (type**)get_output()->get_rows(); \ if(center_x >= 0 && center_x < w || \ center_y >= 0 && center_y < h) \ { \ type *hrow = rows[center_y] + components * (center_x - CENTER_W / 2); \ for(int i = center_x - CENTER_W / 2; i <= center_x + CENTER_W / 2; i++) \ { \ if(i >= 0 && i < w) \ { \ hrow[0] = max - hrow[0]; \ hrow[1] = max - hrow[1]; \ hrow[2] = max - hrow[2]; \ hrow += components; \ } \ } \ \ for(int i = center_y - CENTER_W / 2; i <= center_y + CENTER_W / 2; i++) \ { \ if(i >= 0 && i < h) \ { \ type *vrow = rows[i] + center_x * components; \ vrow[0] = max - vrow[0]; \ vrow[1] = max - vrow[1]; \ vrow[2] = max - vrow[2]; \ } \ } \ } \ } int w = get_output()->get_w(); int h = get_output()->get_h(); int center_x = (int)(config.center_x * w / 100); int center_y = (int)(config.center_y * h / 100); switch(get_output()->get_color_model()) { case BC_RGB_FLOAT: DRAW_GUIDES(3, float, 1.0) break; case BC_RGBA_FLOAT: DRAW_GUIDES(4, float, 1.0) break; case BC_RGB888: DRAW_GUIDES(3, unsigned char, 0xff) break; case BC_RGBA8888: DRAW_GUIDES(4, unsigned char, 0xff) break; case BC_YUV888: DRAW_GUIDES(3, unsigned char, 0xff) break; case BC_YUVA8888: DRAW_GUIDES(4, unsigned char, 0xff) break; } } }
/* * Sequential version. */ int seqsa_solver(char *stg_filename, char *ssf_filename) { int malloced; int freed; int malloced_initial; int freed_initial; int malloced_select; int freed_select; struct stg *tg; struct ssf_status *status; struct ssf *schedule; double eps; unsigned seed; int i; double t0; double t; struct iss *alpha; /* present solution */ struct iss *beta; /* neighbour solution of alpha */ double cost_alpha; double cost_beta; double r; double bf; /* Boltzmann Factor p(alpha -> beta) */ printf("** Sequential Simulated Annealing Solver\n"); /* Allocate data structures. */ malloced = 0; freed = 0; tg = new_task_graph_from_file(stg_filename, &malloced); status = new_status(&malloced); strncpy(status->name, "YASA Sequential", 20); eps = 1e-3; seed = 0; t0 = 1000.0; alpha = NULL; beta = NULL; /* Solve. */ srand(seed); print_task_graph(tg); malloced_initial = 0; freed_initial = 0; alpha = create_initial_solution(tg, &malloced_initial, &freed_initial); printf("malloced %d bytes for initial solution\n", malloced_initial); printf("freed %d bytes for initial solution\n", freed_initial); printf("difference: %d bytes\n", malloced_initial - freed_initial); cost_alpha = cost(tg, alpha); i = 0; t = t0; while (t > eps) { printf("i = %d, t = %f\n", i, t); malloced_select = 0; freed_select = 0; beta = select_neighbour(tg, alpha, &malloced_select, &freed_select); printf("malloced %d bytes for selection\n", malloced_select); printf("freed %d bytes for selection\n", freed_select); printf("difference: %d bytes\n", malloced_select - freed_select); cost_beta = cost(tg, beta); if (cost_beta <= cost_alpha) { /* TODO alpha := beta */ cost_alpha = cost_beta; } else { r = get_random_r(); /* r from (0, 1) */ bf = boltzmann_factor(t, cost_alpha, cost_beta); printf("r = %f, bf = %f\n", r, bf); if (r < bf) { /* TODO alpha := beta */ cost_alpha = cost_beta; } } i++; t = new_temp(t, i); } printf("stopping at i = %d, t = %f.\n", i, t); /* alpha to schedule */ //schedule = new_schedule(tg, alpha, &malloced); schedule = new_schedule(tg, &malloced); printf("malloced %d bytes\n", malloced); /* Display Results */ print_schedule(schedule); write_schedule_to_file(ssf_filename, schedule, status); /* Free data structures. */ free_schedule(schedule, &freed); // TODO free initial solution free_status(status, &freed); free_task_graph(tg, &freed); printf("freed %d bytes => ", freed); if (malloced == freed) printf("OK.\n"); else { printf("Error: malloced != freed!\n"); return (1); } return (0); }