std::vector< std::string > split(std::string const &val, char c, int flags) { std::vector< std::string > res; std::string::const_iterator i1 = val.begin(); std::string::const_iterator i2 = val.begin(); while (i2 != val.end()) { if (*i2 == c) { std::string new_val(i1, i2); if (flags & STRIP_SPACES) strip(new_val); if (!(flags & REMOVE_EMPTY) || !new_val.empty()) res.push_back(new_val); ++i2; if (flags & STRIP_SPACES) { while (i2 != val.end() && *i2 == ' ') ++i2; } i1 = i2; } else { ++i2; } } std::string new_val(i1, i2); if (flags & STRIP_SPACES) strip(new_val); if (!(flags & REMOVE_EMPTY) || !new_val.empty()) res.push_back(new_val); return res; }
void G1PostBarrierStub::emit_code(LIR_Assembler* ce) { __ bind(_entry); assert(addr()->is_register(), "Precondition."); assert(new_val()->is_register(), "Precondition."); Register new_val_reg = new_val()->as_register(); __ cbz(new_val_reg, _continuation); ce->store_parameter(addr()->as_pointer_register(), 0); __ far_call(RuntimeAddress(Runtime1::entry_for(Runtime1::g1_post_barrier_slow_id))); __ b(_continuation); }
void G1PostBarrierStub::emit_code(LIR_Assembler* ce) { __ bind(_entry); ce->check_reserved_argument_area(16); // RT stub needs 2 spill slots. assert(addr()->is_register(), "Precondition."); assert(new_val()->is_register(), "Precondition."); Register new_val_reg = new_val()->as_register(); __ z_ltgr(new_val_reg, new_val_reg); __ branch_optimized(Assembler::bcondZero, _continuation); __ z_lgr(Z_R1_scratch, addr()->as_pointer_register()); ce->emit_call_c(Runtime1::entry_for (Runtime1::g1_post_barrier_slow_id)); CHECK_BAILOUT(); __ branch_optimized(Assembler::bcondAlways, _continuation); }
VPtr lookup_or_create(const K &key) { VPtr val; list<VPtr> to_release; { Mutex::Locker l(lock); bool retry = false; do { retry = false; typename map<K, pair<WeakVPtr, V*>, C>::iterator i = weak_refs.find(key); if (i != weak_refs.end()) { val = i->second.first.lock(); if (val) { lru_add(key, val, &to_release); return val; } else { retry = true; } } if (retry) cond.Wait(lock); } while (retry); V *new_value = new V(); VPtr new_val(new_value, Cleanup(this, key)); weak_refs.insert(make_pair(key, make_pair(new_val, new_value))); lru_add(key, new_val, &to_release); return new_val; } }
cst_val *int_val(int i) { cst_val *v = new_val(); CST_VAL_TYPE(v) = CST_VAL_TYPE_INT; CST_VAL_INT(v) = i; return v; }
cst_val *val_new_typed(int type,void *vv) { cst_val *v = new_val(); CST_VAL_TYPE(v) = type; CST_VAL_VOID(v) = vv; return v; }
cst_val *float_val(float f) { cst_val *v = new_val(); CST_VAL_TYPE(v) = CST_VAL_TYPE_FLOAT; CST_VAL_FLOAT(v) = f; return v; }
void G1PostBarrierStub::emit_code(LIR_Assembler* ce) { __ bind(_entry); assert(addr()->is_register(), "Precondition."); assert(new_val()->is_register(), "Precondition."); Register addr_reg = addr()->as_pointer_register(); Register new_val_reg = new_val()->as_register(); __ br_on_reg_cond(Assembler::rc_z, /*annul*/false, Assembler::pt, new_val_reg, _continuation); __ delayed()->nop(); __ call(Runtime1::entry_for(Runtime1::Runtime1::g1_post_barrier_slow_id)); __ delayed()->mov(addr_reg, G4); __ br(Assembler::always, false, Assembler::pt, _continuation); __ delayed()->nop(); }
cst_val *string_val(const char *s) { cst_val *v = new_val(); CST_VAL_TYPE(v) = CST_VAL_TYPE_STRING; /* would be nice to note if this is a deletable string or not */ CST_VAL_STRING_LVAL(v) = cst_strdup(s); return v; }
cst_val *cons_val(const cst_val *a, const cst_val *b) { cst_val *v = new_val(); CST_VAL_CAR(v)=((!a || cst_val_consp(a)) ? (cst_val *)(void *)a:val_inc_refcount(a)); CST_VAL_CDR(v)=((!b || cst_val_consp(b)) ? (cst_val *)(void *)b:val_inc_refcount(b)); return v; }
void G1PostBarrierStub::emit_code(LIR_Assembler* ce) { __ bind(_entry); assert(addr()->is_register(), "Precondition."); assert(new_val()->is_register(), "Precondition."); Register addr_reg = addr()->as_pointer_register(); Register new_val_reg = new_val()->as_register(); if (__ is_in_wdisp16_range(_continuation)) { __ br_null(new_val_reg, /*annul*/false, Assembler::pt, _continuation); } else { __ cmp(new_val_reg, G0); __ brx(Assembler::equal, false, Assembler::pn, _continuation); } __ delayed()->nop(); __ call(Runtime1::entry_for(Runtime1::Runtime1::g1_post_barrier_slow_id)); __ delayed()->mov(addr_reg, G4); __ br(Assembler::always, false, Assembler::pt, _continuation); __ delayed()->nop(); }
std::vector< std::string > split(std::string const &val, const std::string& delim) { /* this might be slow but its very convenient so long as you aren't calling it too often */ std::vector< std::string > res; std::string::const_iterator i1 = val.begin(); std::string::const_iterator i2 = val.begin(); while (i2 != val.end()) { if(delim.find(*i2) != std::string::npos) { std::string new_val(i1, i2); res.push_back(new_val); while(delim.find(*(++i2)) != std::string::npos) {} i1 = i2; } ++i2; } std::string new_val(i1,i2); if(!new_val.empty()) { res.push_back(new_val); } return res; }
unsigned int rotor_machine_provider::new_object(tlv_entry& params, tlv_stream *out_stream) { unsigned int result = ERR_OK; string new_object_name; tlv_entry tlv_handle; rotor_machine *machine; rotor_machine_proxy *new_object; make_handle(new_object_name); do { // Did we receive a TLV byte array? if (params.tag != TAG_BYTE_ARRAY) { result = out_stream->write_error_tlv(ERR_SYNTAX_INPUT); break; } string machine_state((char *), params.value.length()); // Attempt to restore a rotor_machine object from the state sent by the client machine = rmsk::restore_from_data(machine_state); // Did restoring machine state work? if (machine == NULL) { // No result = out_stream->write_error_tlv(ERR_OBJECT_CREATE); break; } // Yes new_object = new rotor_machine_proxy(machine); pair<void *, service_provider *> new_val(new_object, this); registry->add_object(new_object_name, new_val); tlv_handle.to_string(new_object_name); // Tell client about the new handle and write end of result stream marker. result = out_stream->write_success_tlv(tlv_handle); } while(0); return result; }
unsigned int arithmetic_provider::new_object(tlv_entry& params, tlv_stream *out_stream) { unsigned int result = ERR_OK; string new_object_name; arithmetic *new_object = new arithmetic(); tlv_entry tlv_handle; make_handle(new_object_name); pair<void *, service_provider *> new_val(new_object, this); registry->add_object(new_object_name, new_val); tlv_handle.to_string(new_object_name); // Tell client about the new handle and write end of result stream marker. result = out_stream->write_success_tlv(tlv_handle); return result; }
unsigned int random_provider::new_object(tlv_entry& params, tlv_stream *out_stream) { unsigned int result = ERR_OK; string new_object_name; tlv_entry tlv_handle; alphabet<char> *new_alpha; random_proxy *new_object; string alpha_spec; make_handle(new_object_name); do { // Did we receive a TLV string? if (params.tag != TAG_STRING) { result = out_stream->write_error_tlv(ERR_SYNTAX_INPUT); break; } if (!params.tlv_convert(alpha_spec)) { result = out_stream->write_error_tlv(ERR_SYNTAX_INPUT); break; } new_alpha = new alphabet<char>(alpha_spec.c_str(), alpha_spec.length()); new_object = new random_proxy(new_alpha); pair<void *, service_provider *> new_val(new_object, this); registry->add_object(new_object_name, new_val); tlv_handle.to_string(new_object_name); // Tell client about the new handle and write end of result stream marker. result = out_stream->write_success_tlv(tlv_handle); } while(0); return result; }
void draw_text(const Rect* r, const char* str) { Gdiplus::SolidBrush* brush = new Gdiplus::SolidBrush(*color); if(brush == NULL) return; st count = cl::StringUtil::char_to_wchar_count(str); wchar* wstr = cl_alloc_type_with_count(wchar, count); if(wstr == NULL) { delete brush; return; } cl::StringUtil::char_to_wchar(wstr, count, str); Gdiplus::Region old_val; graphics->GetClip(&old_val); Gdiplus::Region new_val(TO_RECT(r)); graphics->SetClip(&new_val); graphics->DrawString(wstr, -1, font, TO_POINTF(((Point*)r)), brush); graphics->SetClip(&old_val); cl_free(wstr); delete brush; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { uint32_t i, j, n; double runtime, memused; int32_t x, *val; if (argc != 2) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s filename\n", argv[0]); fprintf(stderr, " filename must contain a set of strings, one per line, less than 100 char long\n"); fflush(stderr); exit(1); } words_from_file(argv[1]); init_stbl(&sym_table, 0); val = (int32_t *) malloc(n_words * sizeof(int32_t)); if (val == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to allocate array val\n"); exit(1); } for (i=0; i<n_words; i++) { x = stbl_find(&sym_table, words[i]); if (x < 0) { stbl_add(&sym_table, words[i], i); val[i] = i; } else { val[i] = x; } } printf("\n--- checking ---\n"); for (i=0; i<n_words; i++) { x = stbl_find(&sym_table, words[i]); if (x != val[i]) { printf("*** Error: %s, val = %"PRId32", should be %"PRId32" ***\n", words[i], x, val[i]); fflush(stdout); exit(1); } } printf("\n*** Added %"PRIu32" words from %s ***\n", n_words, argv[1]); // repeated additions of the same symbols with multiple lookups // warning: this code does not work (may give a false alarm) // if the input file contains duplicates. n = (n_words < 200) ? n_words : 200; printf("\n*** Repeated symbol addition ***\n"); runtime = get_cpu_time(); for (i=0; i<10000; i++) { for (j=0; j<n; j++) { stbl_add(&sym_table, words[j], new_val(i, j)); } for (j=0; j<n; j++) { x = stbl_find(&sym_table, words[j]); if (x != new_val(i, j)) { printf("*** Error: %s, val = %"PRId32", should be %"PRId32" ***\n", words[j], x, new_val(i, j)); fflush(stdout); exit(1); } } for (j=0; j<n; j++) { x = stbl_find(&sym_table, words[j]); if (x != new_val(i, j)) { printf("*** Error: %s, val = %"PRId32", should be %"PRId32" ***\n", words[j], x, new_val(i, j)); fflush(stdout); exit(1); } } for (j=0; j<n_words; j++) { x = stbl_find(&sym_table, words[j]); } for (j=0; j<n; j++) { x = stbl_find(&sym_table, words[j]); if (x != new_val(i, j)) { printf("*** Error: %s, val = %"PRId32", should be %"PRId32" ***\n", words[j], x, new_val(i, j)); fflush(stdout); exit(1); } } for (j=0; j<n_words; j++) { x = stbl_find(&sym_table, words[j]); } } runtime = get_cpu_time() - runtime; memused = mem_size() / (1024 * 1024); printf("Adding 10000 times the same %"PRIu32" words + repeated lookups\n", n); printf("Runtime: %.4f s\n", runtime); printf("Table size: %"PRIu32" (nelems = %"PRIu32", ndeleted = %"PRIu32")\n", sym_table.size, sym_table.nelems, sym_table.ndeleted); if (memused > 0) { printf("Memory used: %.2f MB\n", memused); } clear_words(); free(val); delete_stbl(&sym_table); return 0; }
CliqueTree Inference::CreateCliqueTreeHMMFast( vector<Factor> factors ) { int maxVar = 0; // get the max var id for ( vector<Factor>::iterator iter = factors.begin(); iter != factors.end(); iter ++ ) { double max_now = iter->var.max(); if ( max_now > maxVar ) { maxVar = max_now; } } int numNodes = maxVar - 1; int card = factors[0].card(0); CliqueTree P(numNodes); //P.cliqueList = repmat(struct('var', [], 'card', [], 'val', []), numNodes, 1); //P.edges = zeros(numNodes); for ( int i = 0; i != numNodes; i++ ) { P.cliqueList[i].var << i+1 << i+2; P.cliqueList[i].card << card << card; P.cliqueList[i].val = ones<vec>(card * card); if (i > 0) { P.edges(i, i-1) = 1; P.edges(i-1, i) = 1; } } // the name of the variable starts from 1 !!!! for ( int i = 0; i != factors.size(); i ++ ) { Factor f = factors[i]; int cliqueIdx = 0; if (f.var.n_rows == 1) { if (f.var(0) > 1) { cliqueIdx = f.var(0) - 1; }else{ cliqueIdx = 1; } vec updateIdxs; mat assignments = zeros<mat>(card, 2); vec cards; cards << card << card; for ( int assignment = 0; assignment != card; assignment ++ ) { if (f.var(0) == cliqueIdx) { assignments.col(0) = linspace<vec>(0, card - 1, card); assignments.col(1) = assignment*ones<vec>(card); updateIdxs = Utils::AssignmentToIndex(assignments, cards); }else{ assignments.col(1) = linspace<vec>(0, card - 1, card); assignments.col(0) = assignment*ones<vec>(card); updateIdxs = Utils::AssignmentToIndex(assignments, cards); } for (int step = 0; step != updateIdxs.n_rows; step ++) { P.cliqueList[cliqueIdx - 1].val(updateIdxs(step)) += f.val(step); } } }else{ if ( f.var.n_rows != 2 ) { std::cout << "ERROR: var more than 2!" << std::endl; } cliqueIdx = min(f.var); if (f.var(0) > f.var(1)) { // % sort the factor val so it's in increasing var order uvec order = sort_index(f.var); //%#ok mat oldAssignments = Utils::IndexToAssignment(linspace<vec>(0,f.val.n_rows-1,f.val.n_rows), f.card); mat newAssignments = oldAssignments; // (:, order) for (int step = 0; step != oldAssignments.n_cols; step ++) { newAssignments.col(step) = oldAssignments.col(order(step)); } vec new_card = f.card; for (int step = 0; step != f.card.n_rows; step ++) { new_card(step) = f.card(order(step)); } f.card = new_card; f.var = sort(f.var); vec new_index = Utils::AssignmentToIndex(newAssignments, f.card); vec new_val = f.val; for ( int step = 0; step != f.val.n_rows; step ++ ) { new_val(step) = f.val( new_index(step) ); } f.val = new_val; } P.cliqueList[cliqueIdx - 1].val += f.val; } } return P; }
std::vector< std::string > parenthetical_split(std::string const &val, const char separator, std::string const &left, std::string const &right,int flags) { std::vector< std::string > res; std::vector<char> part; bool in_parenthesis = false; std::string::const_iterator i1 = val.begin(); std::string::const_iterator i2 = val.begin(); std::string lp=left; std::string rp=right; if(left.size()!=right.size()){ ERR_GENERAL << "Left and Right Parenthesis lists not same length\n"; return res; } while (i2 != val.end()) { if(!in_parenthesis && separator && *i2 == separator){ std::string new_val(i1, i2); if (flags & STRIP_SPACES) strip(new_val); if (!(flags & REMOVE_EMPTY) || !new_val.empty()) res.push_back(new_val); ++i2; if (flags & STRIP_SPACES) { while (i2 != val.end() && *i2 == ' ') ++i2; } i1=i2; continue; } if(!part.empty() && *i2 == part.back()){ part.pop_back(); if(!separator && part.empty()){ std::string new_val(i1, i2); if (flags & STRIP_SPACES) strip(new_val); res.push_back(new_val); ++i2; i1=i2; }else{ if (part.empty()) in_parenthesis = false; ++i2; } continue; } bool found=false; for(size_t i=0; i < lp.size(); i++){ if (*i2 == lp[i]){ if (!separator && part.empty()){ std::string new_val(i1, i2); if (flags & STRIP_SPACES) strip(new_val); res.push_back(new_val); ++i2; i1=i2; }else{ ++i2; } part.push_back(rp[i]); found=true; break; } } if(!found){ ++i2; } else in_parenthesis = true; } std::string new_val(i1, i2); if (flags & STRIP_SPACES) strip(new_val); if (!(flags & REMOVE_EMPTY) || !new_val.empty()) res.push_back(new_val); if(!part.empty()){ ERR_GENERAL << "Mismatched parenthesis:\n"<<val<<"\n";; } return res; }