예제 #1
파일: extrude.c 프로젝트: cogitokat/brlcad
extrude(int entityno)

    fastf_t length;			/* extrusion length */
    vect_t edir;			/* a unit vector (direction of extrusion */
    vect_t evect;			/* Scaled vector for extrusion */
    int sol_num;		/* IGES solid type number */
    int curve;			/* pointer to directory entry for base curve */
    struct ptlist *curv_pts;		/* List of points along curve */
    int i;

    /* Default values */
    VSET(edir, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);

    /* Acquiring Data */

    if (dir[entityno]->param <= pstart) {
	bu_log("Illegal parameter pointer for entity D%07d (%s)\n" ,
	       dir[entityno]->direct, dir[entityno]->name);
	return 0;
    Readint(&sol_num, "");

    /* Read pointer to directory entry for curve to be extruded */

    Readint(&curve, "");

    /* Convert this to a "dir" index */

    curve = (curve-1)/2;

    Readcnv(&length, "");
    Readflt(&edir[X], "");
    Readflt(&edir[Y], "");
    Readflt(&edir[Z], "");

    if (length <= 0.0) {
	bu_log("Illegal parameters for entity D%07d (%s)\n" ,
	       dir[entityno]->direct, dir[entityno]->name);
	return 0;

     * Unitize direction vector


    /* Scale vector */

    VSCALE(evect, edir, length);

    /* Switch based on type of curve to be extruded */

    switch (dir[curve]->type) {
	case 100:	/* circular arc */
	    return Extrudcirc(entityno, curve, evect);
	case 104:	/* conic arc */
	    return Extrudcon(entityno, curve, evect);
	case 102:	/* composite curve */
	case 106:	/* copius data */
	case 112:	/* parametric spline */
	case 126: {
	    /* B-spline */
	    int npts;
	    struct model *m;
	    struct nmgregion *r;
	    struct shell *s;
	    struct faceuse *fu;
	    struct loopuse *lu;
	    struct edgeuse *eu;
	    struct ptlist *pt_ptr;

	    npts = Getcurve(curve, &curv_pts);
	    if (npts < 3)
		return 0;

	    m = nmg_mm();
	    r = nmg_mrsv(m);
	    s = BU_LIST_FIRST(shell, &r->s_hd);

	    fu = nmg_cface(s, (struct vertex **)NULL, npts-1);
	    pt_ptr = curv_pts;
	    lu = BU_LIST_FIRST(loopuse, &fu->lu_hd);
	    for (BU_LIST_FOR(eu, edgeuse, &lu->down_hd)) {
		struct vertex *v;

		v = eu->vu_p->v_p;
		nmg_vertex_gv(v, pt_ptr->pt);
		pt_ptr = pt_ptr->next;

	    if (nmg_calc_face_g(fu)) {
		bu_log("Extrude: Failed to calculate face geometry\n");
		bu_free((char *)curv_pts, "curve_pts");
		return 0;

	    if (nmg_extrude_face(fu, evect, &tol)) {
		bu_log("Extrude: extrusion failed\n");
		bu_free((char *)curv_pts, "curve_pts");
		return 0;

	    mk_bot_from_nmg(fdout, dir[entityno]->name, s);
	    bu_free((char *)curv_pts, "curve_pts");

	    return 1;
	    i = (-1);
	    while (dir[curve]->type != typecount[++i].type && i < ntypes);
	    bu_log("Extrusions of %s are not allowed\n", typecount[i].name);
    return 0;

예제 #2
파일: poly.c 프로젝트: cogitokat/brlcad
 * R T _ P G _ T E S S
rt_pg_tess(struct nmgregion **r, struct model *m, struct rt_db_internal *ip, const struct rt_tess_tol *UNUSED(ttol), const struct bn_tol *tol)
    size_t i;
    struct shell *s;
    struct vertex **verts;	/* dynamic array of pointers */
    struct vertex ***vertp;/* dynamic array of ptrs to pointers */
    struct faceuse *fu;
    size_t p;	/* current polygon number */
    struct rt_pg_internal *pgp;

    pgp = (struct rt_pg_internal *)ip->idb_ptr;

    *r = nmg_mrsv(m);	/* Make region, empty shell, vertex */
    s = BU_LIST_FIRST(shell, &(*r)->s_hd);

    verts = (struct vertex **)bu_malloc(
	pgp->max_npts * sizeof(struct vertex *), "pg_tess verts[]");
    vertp = (struct vertex ***)bu_malloc(
	pgp->max_npts * sizeof(struct vertex **), "pg_tess vertp[]");
    for (i=0; i < pgp->max_npts; i++)
	vertp[i] = &verts[i];

    for (p = 0; p < pgp->npoly; p++) {
	struct rt_pg_face_internal *pp;

	pp = &pgp->poly[p];

	/* Locate these points, if previously mentioned */
	for (i=0; i < pp->npts; i++) {
	    verts[i] = nmg_find_pt_in_shell(s,
					    &pp->verts[3*i], tol);

	/* Construct the face.  Verts should be in CCW order */
	if ((fu = nmg_cmface(s, vertp, pp->npts)) == (struct faceuse *)0) {
	    bu_log("rt_pg_tess() nmg_cmface failed, skipping face %zu\n",

	/* Associate vertex geometry, where none existed before */
	for (i=0; i < pp->npts; i++) {
	    if (verts[i]->vg_p) continue;
	    nmg_vertex_gv(verts[i], &pp->verts[3*i]);

	/* Associate face geometry */
	if (nmg_calc_face_g(fu)) {
	    nmg_pr_fu_briefly(fu, "");
	    bu_free((char *)verts, "pg_tess verts[]");
	    bu_free((char *)vertp, "pg_tess vertp[]");
	    return -1;			/* FAIL */

    /* Compute "geometry" for region and shell */
    nmg_region_a(*r, tol);

    /* Polysolids are often built with incorrect face normals.
     * Don't depend on them here.
    nmg_fix_normals(s, tol);
    bu_free((char *)verts, "pg_tess verts[]");
    bu_free((char *)vertp, "pg_tess vertp[]");

    return 0;		/* OK */
예제 #3
파일: nastran-g.c 프로젝트: kanzure/brlcad
    int pid;
    int g1, g2, g3;
    int gin1, gin2, gin3;
    point_t pt1, pt2, pt3;
    struct vertex **v[3];
    struct faceuse *fu;
    struct shell *s;
    struct pshell *psh;
    int pid_index=0;

    pid = atoi(curr_rec[2]);

    pid_index = get_pid_index(pid);

    g1 = atoi(curr_rec[3]);

    g2 = atoi(curr_rec[4]);

    g3 = atoi(curr_rec[5]);

    gin1 = get_gridi(g1);
    gin2 = get_gridi(g2);
    gin3 = get_gridi(g3);

    v[0] = &g_pts[gin1].v[pid_index];
    v[1] = &g_pts[gin2].v[pid_index];
    v[2] = &g_pts[gin3].v[pid_index];

    VSCALE(pt1, g_pts[gin1].pt, conv[units]);
    VSCALE(pt2, g_pts[gin2].pt, conv[units]);
    VSCALE(pt3, g_pts[gin3].pt, conv[units]);

    if (!nmg_model && !pid) {
	struct nmgregion *r;

	nmg_model = nmg_mm();
	r = nmg_mrsv(nmg_model);
	nmg_shell = BU_LIST_FIRST(shell, &r->s_hd);

    if (!pid)
	s = nmg_shell;
    else {
	int found=0;

	/* find pshell entry for this pid */
	for (BU_LIST_FOR(psh, pshell, &pshell_head.l)) {
	    if (psh->pid == pid) {
		found = 1;

	if (!found) {
	    bu_log("Cannot find PSHELL entry for a CTRIA3 element (ignoring)!\n");

	if (psh->s)
	    s = psh->s;
	else {
	    struct model *m;
	    struct nmgregion *r;

	    m = nmg_mm();
	    r = nmg_mrsv(m);
	    s = BU_LIST_FIRST(shell, &r->s_hd);
	    psh->s = s;

    fu = nmg_cmface(s, v, 3);

    if (!g_pts[gin1].v[pid_index]->vg_p)
	nmg_vertex_gv(g_pts[gin1].v[pid_index], pt1);
    if (!g_pts[gin2].v[pid_index]->vg_p)
	nmg_vertex_gv(g_pts[gin2].v[pid_index], pt2);
    if (!g_pts[gin3].v[pid_index]->vg_p)
	nmg_vertex_gv(g_pts[gin3].v[pid_index], pt3);
