static void dns_ctx_release(dns_ctx_handle_t *h) { if(h->ns == NULL) { /* Special case for the default */ noit_atomic_dec32(&h->refcnt); return; } pthread_mutex_lock(&dns_ctx_store_lock); if(noit_atomic_dec32(&h->refcnt) == 0) { /* I was the last one */ assert(noit_hash_delete(&dns_ctx_store, h->ns, strlen(h->ns), NULL, dns_ctx_handle_free)); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&dns_ctx_store_lock); }
int stratcon_realtime_http_postresolve(eventer_t e, int mask, void *closure, struct timeval *now) { noit_http_session_ctx *ctx = closure; realtime_context *rc = ctx->dispatcher_closure; struct realtime_tracker *node; for(node = rc->checklist; node; node = node->next) { if(node->noit) { realtime_recv_ctx_t *rrctx; rrctx = calloc(1, sizeof(*rrctx)); rrctx->ctx = ctx; rrctx->rt = node; stratcon_streamer_connection(NULL, node->noit, stratcon_realtime_recv_handler, NULL, rrctx, free_realtime_recv_ctx); } else noit_atomic_dec32(&ctx->ref_cnt); } if(ctx->ref_cnt == 1) { noit_http_response_end(ctx); clear_realtime_context(rc); if(ctx->conn.e) eventer_trigger(ctx->conn.e, EVENTER_WRITE); } return 0; }
static int noit_lua_dns_lookup(lua_State *L) { dns_lookup_ctx_t *dlc, **holder; const char *c, *query = "", *ctype = "IN", *rtype = "A"; char *ctype_up, *rtype_up, *d; void *vnv_pair; noit_lua_check_info_t *ci; ci = get_ci(L); assert(ci); holder = (dns_lookup_ctx_t **)lua_touserdata(L, lua_upvalueindex(1)); if(holder != lua_touserdata(L,1)) luaL_error(L, "Must be called as method\n"); dlc = *holder; if(lua_gettop(L) > 1) query = lua_tostring(L, 2); if(lua_gettop(L) > 2) rtype = lua_tostring(L, 3); if(lua_gettop(L) > 3) ctype = lua_tostring(L, 4); ctype_up = alloca(strlen(ctype)+1); for(d = ctype_up, c = ctype; *c; d++, c++) *d = toupper(*c); *d = '\0'; rtype_up = alloca(strlen(rtype)+1); for(d = rtype_up, c = rtype; *c; d++, c++) *d = toupper(*c); *d = '\0'; if(!noit_hash_retrieve(&dns_ctypes, ctype_up, strlen(ctype_up), &vnv_pair)) dlc->error = strdup("bad class"); else dlc->query_ctype = ((struct dns_nameval *)vnv_pair)->val; if(!noit_hash_retrieve(&dns_rtypes, rtype_up, strlen(rtype_up), &vnv_pair)) dlc->error = strdup("bad rr type"); else dlc->query_rtype = ((struct dns_nameval *)vnv_pair)->val; dlc->active = 1; noit_atomic_inc32(&dlc->refcnt); if(!dlc->error) { int abs; if(!dns_ptodn(query, strlen(query), dlc->dn, sizeof(dlc->dn), &abs) || !dns_submit_dn(dlc->h->ctx, dlc->dn, dlc->query_ctype, dlc->query_rtype, abs | DNS_NOSRCH, NULL, dns_cb, dlc)) { dlc->error = strdup("submission error"); noit_atomic_dec32(&dlc->refcnt); } else { struct timeval now; gettimeofday(&now, NULL); dns_timeouts(dlc->h->ctx, -1, now.tv_sec); } } if(dlc->error) { dlc->active = 0; luaL_error(L, "dns: %s\n", dlc->error); } return noit_lua_yield(ci, 0); }
static int dns_module_dns_ctx_release(dns_ctx_handle_t *h) { int rv = 0, last; if(h->ns == NULL) { /* Special case for the default */ noit_atomic_dec32(&h->refcnt); return rv; } pthread_mutex_lock(&dns_ctx_store_lock); last = noit_atomic_dec32(&h->refcnt); if(last == 0) { /* I was the last one */ assert(noit_hash_delete(&dns_ctx_store, h->hkey, strlen(h->hkey), NULL, dns_module_dns_ctx_handle_free)); rv = 1; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&dns_ctx_store_lock); return rv; }
void lookup_ctx_release(dns_lookup_ctx_t *v) { if(!v) return; if(v->error) free(v->error); v->error = NULL; if(noit_atomic_dec32(&v->refcnt) == 0) { dns_ctx_release(v->h); free(v); } }
static void free_realtime_recv_ctx(void *vctx) { realtime_recv_ctx_t *rrctx = vctx; noit_http_session_ctx *ctx = rrctx->ctx; realtime_context *rc = ctx->dispatcher_closure; if(noit_atomic_dec32(&ctx->ref_cnt) == 1) { noit_http_response_end(ctx); clear_realtime_context(rc); if(ctx->conn.e) eventer_trigger(ctx->conn.e, EVENTER_WRITE | EVENTER_EXCEPTION); } free(rrctx); }
static void filterset_free(void *vp) { filterset_t *fs = vp; filterrule_t *r; if(noit_atomic_dec32(&fs->ref_cnt) != 0) return; noitL(noit_error, "Freeing filterset [%d]: %s\n", fs->ref_cnt, fs->name); while(fs->rules) { r = fs->rules->next; filterrule_free(fs->rules); fs->rules = r; } if(fs->name) free(fs->name); free(fs); }
void * noit_jlog_thread_main(void *e_vptr) { int mask, bytes_read; eventer_t e = e_vptr; acceptor_closure_t *ac = e->closure; noit_jlog_closure_t *jcl = ac->service_ctx; char inbuff[sizeof(jlog_id)]; eventer_set_fd_blocking(e->fd); while(1) { jlog_id client_chkpt; int sleeptime = (ac->cmd == NOIT_JLOG_DATA_TEMP_FEED) ? 1 : DEFAULT_SECONDS_BETWEEN_BATCHES; jlog_get_checkpoint(jcl->jlog, ac->remote_cn, &jcl->chkpt); jcl->count = jlog_ctx_read_interval(jcl->jlog, &jcl->start, &jcl->finish); if(jcl->count < 0) { char idxfile[PATH_MAX]; noitL(noit_error, "jlog_ctx_read_interval: %s\n", jlog_ctx_err_string(jcl->jlog)); switch (jlog_ctx_err(jcl->jlog)) { case JLOG_ERR_FILE_CORRUPT: case JLOG_ERR_IDX_CORRUPT: jlog_repair_datafile(jcl->jlog, jcl->start.log); jlog_repair_datafile(jcl->jlog, jcl->start.log + 1); noitL(noit_error, "jlog reconstructed, deleting corresponding index.\n"); STRSETDATAFILE(jcl->jlog, idxfile, jcl->start.log); strlcat(idxfile, INDEX_EXT, sizeof(idxfile)); unlink(idxfile); STRSETDATAFILE(jcl->jlog, idxfile, jcl->start.log + 1); strlcat(idxfile, INDEX_EXT, sizeof(idxfile)); unlink(idxfile); goto alldone; break; default: goto alldone; } } if(jcl->count > MAX_ROWS_AT_ONCE) { /* Artificially set down the range to make the batches a bit easier * to handle on the stratcond/postgres end. * However, we must have more data, so drop the sleeptime to 0 */ jcl->count = MAX_ROWS_AT_ONCE; jcl->finish.marker = jcl->start.marker + jcl->count; sleeptime = 0; } if(jcl->count > 0) { if(noit_jlog_push(e, jcl)) { goto alldone; } /* Read our jlog_id accounting for possibly short reads */ bytes_read = 0; while(bytes_read < sizeof(jlog_id)) { int len; if((len = e->opset->read(e->fd, inbuff + bytes_read, sizeof(jlog_id) - bytes_read, &mask, e)) <= 0) goto alldone; bytes_read += len; } memcpy(&client_chkpt, inbuff, sizeof(jlog_id)); /* Fix the endian */ client_chkpt.log = ntohl(client_chkpt.log); client_chkpt.marker = ntohl(client_chkpt.marker); if(memcmp(&jcl->chkpt, &client_chkpt, sizeof(jlog_id))) { noitL(noit_error, "client %s submitted invalid checkpoint %u:%u expected %u:%u\n", ac->remote_cn, client_chkpt.log, client_chkpt.marker, jcl->chkpt.log, jcl->chkpt.marker); goto alldone; } gettimeofday(&jcl->feed_stats->last_checkpoint, NULL); jlog_ctx_read_checkpoint(jcl->jlog, &jcl->chkpt); } else { /* we have nothing to write -- maybe we have no checks configured... * If this is the case "forever", the remote might disconnect and * we would never know. Do the painful work of detecting a * disconnected client. */ struct pollfd pfd; pfd.fd = e->fd; = POLLIN | POLLHUP | POLLRDNORM; pfd.revents = 0; if(poll(&pfd, 1, 0) != 0) { /* normally, we'd recv PEEK|DONTWAIT. However, the client should * not be writing to us. So, we know we can't have any legitimate * data on this socket (true even though this is SSL). So, if we're * here then "shit went wrong" */ noitL(noit_error, "jlog client %s disconnected while idle\n", ac->remote_cn); goto alldone; } } if(sleeptime) sleep(sleeptime); } alldone: e->opset->close(e->fd, &mask, e); noit_atomic_dec32(&jcl->feed_stats->connections); noit_jlog_closure_free(jcl); acceptor_closure_free(ac); return NULL; }