bool Basis::push (const Vector3& p) { int i, j; double eps = 1e-32; if (m==0) { q0 = p; c[0] = q0; sqr_r[0] = 0; } else { // set v_m to Q_m v[m] = p-q0; // compute the a_{m,i}, i< m for (i=1; i<m; ++i) { a[m].getAt(i) = 0; for (j=0; j<3; ++j) a[m].getAt(i) += v[i].getAt(j) * v[m].getAt(j); a[m].getAt(i)*=(2/z[i]); } // update v_m to Q_m-\bar{Q}_m for (i=1; i<m; ++i) { for (j=0; j<3; ++j) v[m].getAt(j) -= a[m].getAt(i)*v[i].getAt(j); } // compute z_m z[m]=0; z[m]+= normSquared(v[m]); z[m]*=2; // reject push if z_m too small if (z[m]<eps*current_sqr_r) { return false; } // update c, sqr_r double e = -sqr_r[m-1]; e += normSquared(p-c[m-1]); f[m]=e/z[m]; c[m] = c[m-1]+v[m]*f[m]; sqr_r[m] = sqr_r[m-1] + e*f[m]/2; } current_c = &(c[m]); current_sqr_r = sqr_r[m]; s = ++m; return true; }
double Miniball::max_excess (It t, It i, It& pivot) const { const Vector3 c =; const double sqr_r = B.squared_radius(); double e, max_e = 0; for (It k=t; k!=i; ++k) { e = -sqr_r; e += normSquared(*k-c); if (e > max_e) { max_e = e; pivot = k; } } return max_e; }
Vector3 LineicModel::findClosest(const Vector3& p, real_t* ui) const{ real_t u0 = getFirstKnot(); real_t u1 = getLastKnot(); real_t deltau = (u1 - u0)/getStride(); Vector3 p1 = getPointAt(u0); Vector3 res = p1; real_t dist = normSquared(p-res); Vector3 p2, pt; real_t lu; for(real_t u = u0 + deltau ; u <= u1 ; u += deltau){ p2 = getPointAt(u); pt = p; real_t d = __closestPointToSegment(pt,p1,p2,&lu); if(d < dist){ dist = d; res = pt; if (ui != NULL) *ui = u + deltau * (lu -1); } p1 = p2; } return res; }
double Basis::excess (const Vector3& p) const { double e = -current_sqr_r; e += normSquared(p-*current_c); return e; }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { ros::init(argc,argv,"waypoint_generator"); ros::NodeHandle node; ros::Rate loop_rate(50); ros::Subscriber pos_sub, joy_sub; pos_sub = node.subscribe("current_position",1,pos_callback); joy_sub = node.subscribe("joy",1,joy_callback); ros::Publisher des_pos_pub; des_pos_pub = node.advertise<geometry_msgs::Vector3>("desired_position",1); if ( node.getParam("timed_loop",timedLoop) ) {;} else { ROS_ERROR("Are waypoints timed or position based?"); return 0; } if ( timedLoop && node.getParam("waypoint_timestep",timestep) ) {;} else { ROS_ERROR("What is the timing between waypoints?"); return 0; } if ( node.getParam("robot_name",robotName) ) {;} else { ROS_ERROR("Which robot number is this?"); return 0; } if ( node.getParam("trajectory_shape",shape) ) {;} else { ROS_ERROR("What shape to follow?"); return 0; } std::vector<geometry_msgs::Vector3> desired_positions; fillPositionList(desired_positions); double bound = 0.05; //0.025; des_pos_out = desired_positions[0]; int max = desired_positions.size()-1; int arg = 0; int count = 0; int countBound = 10; startWaypoints = 0; while(ros::ok()) { ros::spinOnce(); if (startControl && !startWaypoints) { des_pos_pub.publish(desired_positions[arg]); } else if( startControl && startWaypoints ) { if(!timedLoop) // position based loop { if(normSquared(des_pos_out,curr_pos)<bound*bound) { count++; } if(count > countBound) { count = 0; if(arg < max) arg++; else arg = 0; des_pos_out = desired_positions [arg]; } } else // time based loop { count++; if( (double)count/100.0 > timestep ) { count = 0; if(arg < max) arg++; else arg = 0; } } des_pos_pub.publish(desired_positions[arg]); ros::spinOnce(); loop_rate.sleep(); } else { loop_rate.sleep(); } } }
OrthogonalProjections::OrthogonalProjections(const Matrix& originalVectors, Real multiplierCutoff, Real tolerance) : originalVectors_(originalVectors), multiplierCutoff_(multiplierCutoff), numberVectors_(originalVectors.rows()), dimension_(originalVectors.columns()), validVectors_(true,originalVectors.rows()), // opposite way round from vector constructor orthoNormalizedVectors_(originalVectors.rows(), originalVectors.columns()) { std::vector<Real> currentVector(dimension_); for (Size j=0; j < numberVectors_; ++j) { if (validVectors_[j]) { for (Size k=0; k< numberVectors_; ++k) // create an orthormal basis not containing j { for (Size m=0; m < dimension_; ++m) orthoNormalizedVectors_[k][m] = originalVectors_[k][m]; if ( k !=j && validVectors_[k]) { for (Size l=0; l < k; ++l) { if (validVectors_[l] && l !=j) { Real dotProduct = innerProduct(orthoNormalizedVectors_, k, orthoNormalizedVectors_,l); for (Size n=0; n < dimension_; ++n) orthoNormalizedVectors_[k][n] -= dotProduct*orthoNormalizedVectors_[l][n]; } } Real normBeforeScaling= norm(orthoNormalizedVectors_,k); if (normBeforeScaling < tolerance) { validVectors_[k] = false; } else { Real normBeforeScalingRecip = 1.0/normBeforeScaling; for (Size m=0; m < dimension_; ++m) orthoNormalizedVectors_[k][m] *= normBeforeScalingRecip; } // end of else (norm < tolerance) } // end of if k !=j && validVectors_[k]) }// end of for (Size k=0; k< numberVectors_; ++k) // we now have an o.n. basis for everything except j Real prevNormSquared = normSquared(originalVectors_, j); for (Size r=0; r < numberVectors_; ++r) if (validVectors_[r] && r != j) { Real dotProduct = innerProduct(orthoNormalizedVectors_, j, orthoNormalizedVectors_,r); for (Size s=0; s < dimension_; ++s) orthoNormalizedVectors_[j][s] -= dotProduct*orthoNormalizedVectors_[r][s]; } Real projectionOnOriginalDirection = innerProduct(originalVectors_,j,orthoNormalizedVectors_,j); Real sizeMultiplier = prevNormSquared/projectionOnOriginalDirection; if (std::fabs(sizeMultiplier) < multiplierCutoff_) { for (Size t=0; t < dimension_; ++t) currentVector[t] = orthoNormalizedVectors_[j][t]*sizeMultiplier; } else validVectors_[j] = false; } // end of if (validVectors_[j]) projectedVectors_.push_back(currentVector); } //end of j loop numberValidVectors_ =0; for (Size i=0; i < numberVectors_; ++i) numberValidVectors_ += validVectors_[i] ? 1 : 0; } // end of constructor
double Vector4d::norm() const { return sqrt( normSquared() ); }
double vec3::norm()const{ return sqrt(normSquared()); }
T SparseVectorCompressed<T>::norm() const { return Sqrt(normSquared()); }
T SparseVectorTemplate<T>::distanceSquared(const MyT& b) const { return normSquared() + b.normSquared() - Two*dot(b); }
T SparseVectorTemplate<T>::norm() const { return Sqrt(normSquared()); }
/** * Compute the Euclidian norm of vector \c v. * @copydoc normSquared() */ inline double norm(const LinAlVector& v) { return sqrt(normSquared(v)); }
void SecondOrderTrustRegion::doOptimize(OptimizationProblemSecond& problem) { #ifdef NICE_USELIB_LINAL bool previousStepSuccessful = true; double previousError = problem.objective(); problem.computeGradientAndHessian(); double delta = computeInitialDelta(problem.gradientCached(), problem.hessianCached()); double normOldPosition = 0.0; // iterate for (int iteration = 0; iteration < maxIterations; iteration++) { // Log::debug() << "iteration, objective: " << iteration << ", " // << problem.objective() << std::endl; if (previousStepSuccessful && iteration > 0) { problem.computeGradientAndHessian(); } // gradient-norm stopping condition if (problem.gradientNormCached() < epsilonG) { Log::debug() << "SecondOrderTrustRegion stopped: gradientNorm " << iteration << std::endl; break; } LinAlVector gradient(problem.gradientCached().linalCol()); LinAlVector negativeGradient(gradient); negativeGradient.multiply(-1.0); double lambda; int lambdaMinIndex = -1; // FIXME will this copy the matrix? no copy needed here! LinAlMatrix hessian(problem.hessianCached().linal()); LinAlMatrix l(hessian); try { //l.CHdecompose(); // FIXME choleskyDecompose(hessian, l); lambda = 0.0; } catch (...) { //(LinAl::BLException& e) { // FIXME const LinAlVector& eigenValuesHessian = LinAl::eigensym(hessian); // find smallest eigenvalue lambda = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < problem.dimension(); i++) { const double eigenValue = eigenValuesHessian(i); if (eigenValue < lambda) { lambda = eigenValue; lambdaMinIndex = i; } } const double originalLambda = lambda; lambda = -lambda * (1.0 + epsilonLambda); l = hessian; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < problem.dimension(); i++) { l(i, i) += lambda; } try { //l.CHdecompose(); // FIXME LinAlMatrix temp(l); choleskyDecompose(temp, l); } catch (...) { // LinAl::BLException& e) { // FIXME /* * Cholesky factorization failed, which should theortically not be * possible (can still happen due to numeric problems, * also note that there seems to be a bug in CHdecompose()). * Try a really great lambda as last attempt. */ // lambda = -originalLambda * (1.0 + epsilonLambda * 100.0) // + 2.0 * epsilonM; lambda = fabs(originalLambda) * (1.0 + epsilonLambda * 1E5) + 1E3 * epsilonM; // lambda = fabs(originalLambda);// * 15.0; l = hessian; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < problem.dimension(); i++) { l(i, i) += lambda; } try { //l.CHdecompose(); // FIXME LinAlMatrix temp(l); choleskyDecompose(temp, l); } catch (...) { // (LinAl::BLException& e) { // FIXME // Cholesky factorization failed again, give up. l = hessian; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < problem.dimension(); i++) { l(i, i) += lambda; } const LinAlVector& eigenValuesL = LinAl::eigensym(l); Log::detail() << "l.CHdecompose: exception" << std::endl //<< e.what() << std::endl // FIXME << "lambda=" << lambda << std::endl << "l" << std::endl << l << "hessian" << std::endl << hessian << "gradient" << std::endl << gradient << "eigenvalues hessian" << std::endl << eigenValuesHessian << "eigenvalues l" << std::endl << eigenValuesL << std::endl; return; } } } // FIXME will the copy the vector? copy is needed here LinAlVector step(negativeGradient); l.CHsubstitute(step); double normStepSquared = normSquared(step); double normStep = sqrt(normStepSquared); // exact: if normStep <= delta if (normStep - delta <= tolerance) { // exact: if lambda == 0 || normStep == delta if (std::fabs(lambda) < tolerance || std::fabs(normStep - delta) < tolerance) { // done } else { LinAlMatrix eigenVectors(problem.dimension(), problem.dimension()); eigensym(hessian, eigenVectors); double a = 0.0; double b = 0.0; double c = 0.0; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < problem.dimension(); i++) { const double ui = eigenVectors(i, lambdaMinIndex); const double si = step(i); a += ui * ui; b += si * ui; c += si * si; } b *= 2.0; c -= delta * delta; const double sq = sqrt(b * b - 4.0 * a * c); const double root1 = 0.5 * (-b + sq) / a; const double root2 = 0.5 * (-b - sq) / a; LinAlVector step1(step); LinAlVector step2(step); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < problem.dimension(); i++) { step1(i) += root1 * eigenVectors(i, lambdaMinIndex); step2(i) += root2 * eigenVectors(i, lambdaMinIndex); } const double psi1 = dotProduct(gradient, step1) + 0.5 * productVMV(step1, hessian, step1); const double psi2 = dotProduct(gradient, step2) + 0.5 * productVMV(step2, hessian, step2); if (psi1 < psi2) { step = step1; } else { step = step2; } } } else { for (unsigned int subIteration = 0; subIteration < maxSubIterations; subIteration++) { if (std::fabs(normStep - delta) <= kappa * delta) { break; } // NOTE specialized algorithm may be more effifient than solvelineq // (l is lower triangle!) // Only lower triangle values of l are valid (other implicitly = 0.0), // but solvelineq doesn't know that -> explicitly set to 0.0 for (int i = 0; i < l.rows(); i++) { for (int j = i + 1; j < l.cols(); j++) { l(i, j) = 0.0; } } LinAlVector y(step.size()); try { y = solvelineq(l, step); } catch (LinAl::Exception& e) { // FIXME if we end up here, something is pretty wrong! // give up the whole thing Log::debug() << "SecondOrderTrustRegion stopped: solvelineq failed " << iteration << std::endl; return; } lambda += (normStep - delta) / delta * normStepSquared / normSquared(y); l = hessian; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < problem.dimension(); i++) { l(i, i) += lambda; } try { //l.CHdecompose(); // FIXME LinAlMatrix temp(l); choleskyDecompose(temp, l); } catch (...) { // (LinAl::BLException& e) { // FIXME Log::detail() << "l.CHdecompose: exception" << std::endl // << e.what() << std::endl // FIXME << "lambda=" << lambda << std::endl << "l" << std::endl << l << std::endl; return; } step = negativeGradient; l.CHsubstitute(step); normStepSquared = normSquared(step); normStep = sqrt(normStepSquared); } } // computation of step is complete, convert to NICE::Vector Vector stepLimun(step); // minimal change stopping condition if (changeIsMinimal(stepLimun, problem.position())) { Log::debug() << "SecondOrderTrustRegion stopped: change is minimal " << iteration << std::endl; break; } if (previousStepSuccessful) { normOldPosition = problem.position().normL2(); } // set new region parameters (to be verified later) problem.applyStep(stepLimun); // compute reduction rate const double newError = problem.objective(); //Log::debug() << "newError: " << newError << std::endl; const double errorReduction = newError - previousError; const double psi = problem.gradientCached().scalarProduct(stepLimun) + 0.5 * productVMV(step, hessian, step); double rho; if (std::fabs(psi) <= epsilonRho && std::fabs(errorReduction) <= epsilonRho) { rho = 1.0; } else { rho = errorReduction / psi; } // NOTE psi and errorReduction checks added to the algorithm // described in Ferid Bajramovic's Diplomarbeit if (rho < eta1 || psi >= 0.0 || errorReduction > 0.0) { previousStepSuccessful = false; problem.unapplyStep(stepLimun); delta = alpha2 * normStep; } else { previousStepSuccessful = true; previousError = newError; if (rho >= eta2) { const double newDelta = alpha1 * normStep; if (newDelta > delta) { delta = newDelta; } } // else: don't change delta } // delta stopping condition if (delta < epsilonDelta * normOldPosition) { Log::debug() << "SecondOrderTrustRegion stopped: delta too small " << iteration << std::endl; break; } } #else // no linal fthrow(Exception, "SecondOrderTrustRegion needs LinAl. Please recompile with LinAl"); #endif }