예제 #1
/* Sync rigid body and object transformations */
void BKE_rigidbody_sync_transforms(RigidBodyWorld *rbw, Object *ob, float ctime)
	RigidBodyOb *rbo = ob->rigidbody_object;

	/* keep original transform for kinematic and passive objects */
	if (ELEM(NULL, rbw, rbo) || rbo->flag & RBO_FLAG_KINEMATIC || rbo->type == RBO_TYPE_PASSIVE)

	/* use rigid body transform after cache start frame if objects is not being transformed */
	if (BKE_rigidbody_check_sim_running(rbw, ctime) && !(ob->flag & SELECT && G.moving & G_TRANSFORM_OBJ)) {
		float mat[4][4], size_mat[4][4], size[3];

		normalize_qt(rbo->orn); // RB_TODO investigate why quaternion isn't normalized at this point
		quat_to_mat4(mat, rbo->orn);
		copy_v3_v3(mat[3], rbo->pos);

		mat4_to_size(size, ob->obmat);
		size_to_mat4(size_mat, size);
		mul_m4_m4m4(mat, mat, size_mat);

		copy_m4_m4(ob->obmat, mat);
	/* otherwise set rigid body transform to current obmat */
	else {
		mat4_to_loc_quat(rbo->pos, rbo->orn, ob->obmat);
/* Only allowed for Poses with identical channels */
static void game_blend_poses(bPose *dst, bPose *src, float srcweight, short mode)
	bPoseChannel *dchan;
	const bPoseChannel *schan;
	bConstraint *dcon, *scon;
	float dstweight;
	int i;

	if (mode == BL_Action::ACT_BLEND_BLEND)
		dstweight = 1.0f - srcweight;
	} else if (mode == BL_Action::ACT_BLEND_ADD)
		dstweight = 1.0f;
	} else {
		dstweight = 1.0f;
	schan= (bPoseChannel *)src->chanbase.first;
	for (dchan = (bPoseChannel *)dst->chanbase.first; dchan; dchan=(bPoseChannel *)dchan->next, schan= (bPoseChannel *)schan->next) {
		// always blend on all channels since we don't know which one has been set
		/* quat interpolation done separate */
		if (schan->rotmode == ROT_MODE_QUAT) {
			float dquat[4], squat[4];
			copy_qt_qt(dquat, dchan->quat);
			copy_qt_qt(squat, schan->quat);
			if (mode==BL_Action::ACT_BLEND_BLEND)
				interp_qt_qtqt(dchan->quat, dquat, squat, srcweight);
			else {
				mul_fac_qt_fl(squat, srcweight);
				mul_qt_qtqt(dchan->quat, dquat, squat);

		for (i=0; i<3; i++) {
			/* blending for loc and scale are pretty self-explanatory... */
			dchan->loc[i] = (dchan->loc[i]*dstweight) + (schan->loc[i]*srcweight);
			dchan->size[i] = 1.0f + ((dchan->size[i]-1.0f)*dstweight) + ((schan->size[i]-1.0f)*srcweight);
			/* euler-rotation interpolation done here instead... */
			// FIXME: are these results decent?
			if (schan->rotmode)
				dchan->eul[i] = (dchan->eul[i]*dstweight) + (schan->eul[i]*srcweight);
		for (dcon= (bConstraint *)dchan->constraints.first, scon= (bConstraint *)schan->constraints.first;
		     dcon && scon;
		     dcon = dcon->next, scon = scon->next)
			/* no 'add' option for constraint blending */
			dcon->enforce= dcon->enforce*(1.0f-srcweight) + scon->enforce*srcweight;
	/* this pose is now in src time */
	dst->ctime= src->ctime;
예제 #3
static PyObject *Quaternion_normalize(QuaternionObject *self)
	if (BaseMath_ReadCallback(self) == -1)
		return NULL;


예제 #4
/* axis is using another define!!! */
static int calc_curve_deform(Scene *scene, Object *par, float co[3],
                             const short axis, CurveDeform *cd, float quat_r[4])
	Curve *cu = par->data;
	float fac, loc[4], dir[3], new_quat[4], radius;
	short index;
	const int is_neg_axis = (axis > 2);

	/* to be sure, mostly after file load */
	if (cu->path == NULL) {
		BKE_displist_make_curveTypes(scene, par, 0);
		if (cu->path == NULL) return 0;  // happens on append...
	/* options */
	if (is_neg_axis) {
		index = axis - 3;
		if (cu->flag & CU_STRETCH)
			fac = (-co[index] - cd->dmax[index]) / (cd->dmax[index] - cd->dmin[index]);
			fac = -(co[index] - cd->dmax[index]) / (cu->path->totdist);
	else {
		index = axis;
		if (cu->flag & CU_STRETCH)
			fac = (co[index] - cd->dmin[index]) / (cd->dmax[index] - cd->dmin[index]);
			fac = +(co[index] - cd->dmin[index]) / (cu->path->totdist);
	if (where_on_path_deform(par, fac, loc, dir, new_quat, &radius)) {  /* returns OK */
		float quat[4], cent[3];

		if (cd->no_rot_axis) {  /* set by caller */

			/* this is not exactly the same as 2.4x, since the axis is having rotation removed rather than
			 * changing the axis before calculating the tilt but serves much the same purpose */
			float dir_flat[3] = {0, 0, 0}, q[4];
			copy_v3_v3(dir_flat, dir);
			dir_flat[cd->no_rot_axis - 1] = 0.0f;


			rotation_between_vecs_to_quat(q, dir, dir_flat); /* Could this be done faster? */

			mul_qt_qtqt(new_quat, q, new_quat);

		/* Logic for 'cent' orientation *
		 * The way 'co' is copied to 'cent' may seem to have no meaning, but it does.
		 * Use a curve modifier to stretch a cube out, color each side RGB, positive side light, negative dark.
		 * view with X up (default), from the angle that you can see 3 faces RGB colors (light), anti-clockwise
		 * Notice X,Y,Z Up all have light colors and each ordered CCW.
		 * Now for Neg Up XYZ, the colors are all dark, and ordered clockwise - Campbell
		 * note: moved functions into quat_apply_track/vec_apply_track
		 * */
		copy_qt_qt(quat, new_quat);
		copy_v3_v3(cent, co);

		/* zero the axis which is not used,
		 * the big block of text above now applies to these 3 lines */
		quat_apply_track(quat, axis, (axis == 0 || axis == 2) ? 1 : 0); /* up flag is a dummy, set so no rotation is done */
		vec_apply_track(cent, axis);
		cent[index] = 0.0f;

		/* scale if enabled */
		if (cu->flag & CU_PATH_RADIUS)
			mul_v3_fl(cent, radius);
		/* local rotation */
		mul_qt_v3(quat, cent);

		/* translation */
		add_v3_v3v3(co, cent, loc);

		if (quat_r)
			copy_qt_qt(quat_r, quat);

		return 1;
	return 0;
예제 #5
static void rna_MetaBall_update_rotation(Main *bmain, Scene *scene, PointerRNA *ptr)
	MetaElem *ml = ptr->data;
	rna_MetaBall_update_data(bmain, scene, ptr);
예제 #6
/* calculate a curve-deform path for a curve 
 * 	- only called from displist.c -> do_makeDispListCurveTypes
void calc_curvepath(Object *ob)
	BevList *bl;
	BevPoint *bevp, *bevpn, *bevpfirst, *bevplast;
	PathPoint *pp;
	Curve *cu;
	Nurb *nu;
	Path *path;
	float *fp, *dist, *maxdist, xyz[3];
	float fac, d=0, fac1, fac2;
	int a, tot, cycl=0;
	ListBase *nurbs;
	/* in a path vertices are with equal differences: path->len = number of verts */
	if (ob==NULL || ob->type != OB_CURVE) return;
	cu= ob->data;

	nurbs= BKE_curve_nurbs(cu);
	nu= nurbs->first;

	if (cu->path) free_path(cu->path);
	cu->path= NULL;
	bl= cu->bev.first;
	if (bl==NULL || !bl->nr) return;

	cu->path=path= MEM_callocN(sizeof(Path), "calc_curvepath");
	/* if POLY: last vertice != first vertice */
	cycl= (bl->poly!= -1);
	if (cycl) tot= bl->nr;
	else tot= bl->nr-1;
	path->len= tot+1;
	/* exception: vector handle paths and polygon paths should be subdivided at least a factor resolu */
	if (path->len<nu->resolu*SEGMENTSU(nu)) path->len= nu->resolu*SEGMENTSU(nu);
	dist= (float *)MEM_mallocN((tot+1)*4, "calcpathdist");

		/* all lengths in *dist */
	bevp= bevpfirst= (BevPoint *)(bl+1);
	fp= dist;
	*fp= 0;
	for (a=0; a<tot; a++) {
		if (cycl && a==tot-1)
			sub_v3_v3v3(xyz, bevpfirst->vec, bevp->vec);
			sub_v3_v3v3(xyz, (bevp+1)->vec, bevp->vec);
		*fp= *(fp-1)+len_v3(xyz);
	path->totdist= *fp;
		/* the path verts  in path->data */
		/* now also with TILT value */
	pp= path->data = (PathPoint *)MEM_callocN(sizeof(PathPoint)*path->len, "pathdata");
	bevp= bevpfirst;
	bevpn= bevp+1;
	bevplast= bevpfirst + (bl->nr-1);
	fp= dist+1;
	maxdist= dist+tot;
	fac= 1.0f/((float)path->len-1.0f);
		fac = fac * path->totdist;
	for (a=0; a<path->len; a++) {
		d= ((float)a)*fac;
		/* we're looking for location (distance) 'd' in the array */
		while ((d>= *fp) && fp<maxdist) {
			if (bevp<bevplast) bevp++;
			bevpn= bevp+1;
			if (bevpn>bevplast) {
				if (cycl) bevpn= bevpfirst;
				else bevpn= bevplast;
		fac1= *(fp)- *(fp-1);
		fac2= *(fp)-d;
		fac1= fac2/fac1;
		fac2= 1.0f-fac1;
		interp_v3_v3v3(pp->vec, bevp->vec, bevpn->vec, fac2);
		pp->vec[3]= fac1*bevp->alfa + fac2*bevpn->alfa;
		pp->radius= fac1*bevp->radius + fac2*bevpn->radius;
		pp->weight= fac1*bevp->weight + fac2*bevpn->weight;
		interp_qt_qtqt(pp->quat, bevp->quat, bevpn->quat, fac2);
예제 #7
	/* axis is using another define!!! */
static int calc_curve_deform(Scene *scene, Object *par, float *co, short axis, CurveDeform *cd, float *quatp)
	Curve *cu= par->data;
	float fac, loc[4], dir[3], new_quat[4], radius;
	short /*upflag, */ index;

	index= axis-1;
		index -= 3; /* negative  */

	/* to be sure, mostly after file load */
	if(cu->path==NULL) {
		makeDispListCurveTypes(scene, par, 0);
		if(cu->path==NULL) return 0;	// happens on append...
	/* options */
	if(ELEM3(axis, OB_NEGX+1, OB_NEGY+1, OB_NEGZ+1)) { /* OB_NEG# 0-5, MOD_CURVE_POS# 1-6 */
		if(cu->flag & CU_STRETCH)
			fac= (-co[index]-cd->dmax[index])/(cd->dmax[index] - cd->dmin[index]);
			fac= (cd->dloc[index])/(cu->path->totdist) - (co[index]-cd->dmax[index])/(cu->path->totdist);
	else {
		if(cu->flag & CU_STRETCH)
			fac= (co[index]-cd->dmin[index])/(cd->dmax[index] - cd->dmin[index]);
			fac= (cd->dloc[index])/(cu->path->totdist) + (co[index]-cd->dmin[index])/(cu->path->totdist);
#if 0 // XXX old animation system
	/* we want the ipo to work on the default 100 frame range, because there's no  
	   actual time involved in path position */
	// huh? by WHY!!!!???? - Aligorith
	if(cu->ipo) {
		fac*= 100.0f;
		if(calc_ipo_spec(cu->ipo, CU_SPEED, &fac)==0)
			fac/= 100.0;
#endif // XXX old animation system
	if( where_on_path_deform(par, fac, loc, dir, new_quat, &radius)) {	/* returns OK */
		float quat[4], cent[3];

#if 0	// XXX - 2.4x Z-Up, Now use bevel tilt.
		if(cd->no_rot_axis)	/* set by caller */
			dir[cd->no_rot_axis-1]= 0.0f;
		/* -1 for compatibility with old track defines */
		vec_to_quat( quat,dir, axis-1, upflag);
		/* the tilt */
		if(loc[3]!=0.0) {
			q[0]= (float)cos(0.5*loc[3]);
			fac= (float)sin(0.5*loc[3]);
			q[1]= -fac*dir[0];
			q[2]= -fac*dir[1];
			q[3]= -fac*dir[2];
			mul_qt_qtqt(quat, q, quat);

		if(cd->no_rot_axis) {	/* set by caller */

			/* this is not exactly the same as 2.4x, since the axis is having rotation removed rather than
			 * changing the axis before calculating the tilt but serves much the same purpose */
			float dir_flat[3]={0,0,0}, q[4];
			copy_v3_v3(dir_flat, dir);
			dir_flat[cd->no_rot_axis-1]= 0.0f;


			rotation_between_vecs_to_quat(q, dir, dir_flat); /* Could this be done faster? */

			mul_qt_qtqt(new_quat, q, new_quat);

		/* Logic for 'cent' orientation *
		 * The way 'co' is copied to 'cent' may seem to have no meaning, but it does.
		 * Use a curve modifier to stretch a cube out, color each side RGB, positive side light, negative dark.
		 * view with X up (default), from the angle that you can see 3 faces RGB colors (light), anti-clockwise
		 * Notice X,Y,Z Up all have light colors and each ordered CCW.
		 * Now for Neg Up XYZ, the colors are all dark, and ordered clockwise - Campbell
		 * note: moved functions into quat_apply_track/vec_apply_track
		 * */
		copy_qt_qt(quat, new_quat);
		copy_v3_v3(cent, co);

		/* zero the axis which is not used,
		 * the big block of text above now applies to these 3 lines */
		quat_apply_track(quat, axis-1, (axis==1 || axis==3) ? 1:0); /* up flag is a dummy, set so no rotation is done */
		vec_apply_track(cent, axis-1);
		cent[axis < 4 ? axis-1 : axis-4]= 0.0f;

		/* scale if enabled */
		if(cu->flag & CU_PATH_RADIUS)
			mul_v3_fl(cent, radius);
		/* local rotation */
		mul_qt_v3(quat, cent);

		/* translation */
		add_v3_v3v3(co, cent, loc);

			copy_qt_qt(quatp, quat);

		return 1;
	return 0;