예제 #1
파일: hftest.hpp 프로젝트: 6qat/fix8
	FIX8::TEX::NewOrderSingle *pop()
		if (_nos_queue.empty())
			return 0;
		FIX8::TEX::NewOrderSingle *nos(_nos_queue.front());
		return nos;
예제 #2
파일: LoadForm.cpp 프로젝트: Jaxo/yaxx
Boolean CLoadForm::OnOpen(EventPtr pEvent, Boolean& bHandled)
   CIRexxApp* pApp = (CIRexxApp *)CIRexxApp::GetInstance();
   if (!pApp->isScriptIndexDBInitialized()) {
   int numberOfScripts = pApp->numberOfScripts();
   CString numberOfScriptsAsString;
   numberOfScriptsAsString.Format("%4ld", (long)numberOfScripts);
   CField nos(LoaditNumberOfScriptsField);
   m_grid.Attach(LoaditListTable, LoaditListScrollBar, pApp->databaseOfScripts());
   bHandled = false;
   return false;
예제 #3
 * @brief This file implements an interface to load an opengm Potts model in MatLab.
 * This routine accepts a a double, a unary-MAtrix and a couppling Matrix. 
 * The model is loaded and a handle to the model will be
 * passed back to MatLab for further usage.
 * @param[in] nlhs number of output arguments expected from MatLab
 * (needs to be 1).
 * @param[out] plhs pointer to the mxArrays containing the results. If the model
 * can be loaded, plhs[0] contains the handle to the model.
 * @param[in] nrhs number of input arguments provided from MatLab.
 * (needs to be 3)
 * @param[in] prhs pointer to the mxArrays containing the input data provided by
 * matlab. 
 * prhs[0] includes a (upper triangular) matrix with the couppling strength.
void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[])
  //check if data is in correct format
  if(nrhs != 1) {
     mexErrMsgTxt("Wrong number of input variables specified (three needed)\n");
  if(nlhs != 1) {
     mexErrMsgTxt("Wrong number of output variables specified (one needed)\n");

  // get data
  double* edgeweight   = reinterpret_cast<double*>(mxGetData(prhs[0]));
  mwSize nVar = mxGetN(prhs[0]);  
  mwSize nLab = nVar; 

  // load model
  typedef opengm::interface::MatlabModelType::GmType GmType;
  GmType* gm = new GmType();
  std::vector<size_t> nos(nVar,nLab);                     
  GmType::SpaceType space(nos.begin(),nos.end());
  for(size_t var0=0; var0<nVar; ++var0){
     for(size_t var1=var0+1; var1<nVar; ++var1){
        if(edgeweight[var0+nVar*var1] !=0 ){
           opengm::interface::MatlabModelType::PottsFunction function(nLab, nLab, 0, edgeweight[var0+nVar*var1]); 
           GmType::FunctionIdentifier functionID = gm->addFunction(function);
           size_t vars[2];
           vars[0] = var0;
           vars[1] = var1;

  // create handle to model
  plhs[0] = opengm::interface::handle<GmType>::createHandle(gm);