예제 #1
 * @brief Send a TCP segment to libntoh
void send_tcp_segment ( struct ip *iphdr , pntoh_tcp_callback_t callback )
	ppeer_info_t		pinfo;
	ntoh_tcp_tuple5_t	tcpt5;
	pntoh_tcp_stream_t	stream;
	struct tcphdr 		*tcp;
	size_t 			size_ip;
	size_t			total_len;
	size_t			size_tcp;
	size_t			size_payload;
	unsigned char		*payload;
	int			ret;
	unsigned int		error;

	size_ip = iphdr->ip_hl * 4;
	total_len = ntohs( iphdr->ip_len );

	tcp = (struct tcphdr*)((unsigned char*)iphdr + size_ip);
	if ( (size_tcp = tcp->th_off * 4) < sizeof(struct tcphdr) )

	payload = (unsigned char *)iphdr + size_ip + size_tcp;
	size_payload = total_len - ( size_ip + size_tcp );

	ntoh_tcp_get_tuple5 ( (void*)iphdr , tcp , &tcpt5 );

	/* find the stream or creates a new one */
	if ( !( stream = ntoh_tcp_find_stream( tcp_session , &tcpt5 ) ) )
		if ( ! ( stream = ntoh_tcp_new_stream( tcp_session , &tcpt5, callback , 0 , &error , 1 , 1 ) ) )
			fprintf ( stderr , "\n[e] Error %d creating new stream: %s" , error , ntoh_get_errdesc ( error ) );

	if ( size_payload > 0 )
		pinfo = get_peer_info ( payload , size_payload , &tcpt5 );
		pinfo = 0;

	/* add this segment to the stream */
	switch ( ( ret = ntoh_tcp_add_segment( tcp_session , stream, (void*)iphdr, total_len, (void*)pinfo ) ) )
		case NTOH_OK:

			free_peer_info ( pinfo );

			fprintf( stderr, "\n[e] Error %d adding segment: %s", ret, ntoh_get_retval_desc( ret ) );
			free_peer_info ( pinfo );

예제 #2
 * @brief Sends a IPv4 fragment to libntoh
void send_ipv4_fragment ( struct ip *iphdr , pipv4_dfcallback_t callback )
	ntoh_ipv4_tuple4_t 	ipt4;
	pntoh_ipv4_flow_t 	flow;
	int 			ret;
	unsigned int		error;

	ntoh_ipv4_get_tuple4 ( iphdr , &ipt4 );

	if ( !( flow = ntoh_ipv4_find_flow( ipv4_session , &ipt4 ) ) )
		if ( ! (flow = ntoh_ipv4_new_flow( ipv4_session , &ipt4, callback, 0 , &error )) )
			fprintf ( stderr , "\n[e] Error %d creating new IPv4 flow: %s" , error , ntoh_get_errdesc ( error ) );

	if ( ( ret = ntoh_ipv4_add_fragment( ipv4_session , flow, iphdr ) ) )
		fprintf( stderr, "\n[e] Error %d adding IPv4: %s", ret, ntoh_get_retval_desc( ret ) );

예제 #3
int main ( int argc , char *argv[] )
	/* parameters parsing */
	int c;

	/* pcap */
	char 			errbuf[PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE];
	struct bpf_program 	fp;
	char 			filter_exp[] = "ip and tcp";
	char 			*source = 0;
	char 			*filter = filter_exp;
	const unsigned char	*packet = 0;
	struct pcap_pkthdr 	header;

	/* packet dissection */
	struct ip	*ip;
	unsigned int	error;

	/* extra */
	unsigned int ipf,tcps;

	fprintf( stderr, "\n###########################" );
	fprintf( stderr, "\n#     libntoh Example     #" );
	fprintf( stderr, "\n# ----------------------- #" );
	fprintf( stderr, "\n# Written by Chema Garcia #" );
	fprintf( stderr, "\n# ----------------------- #" );
	fprintf( stderr, "\n#  http://safetybits.net  #" );
	fprintf( stderr, "\n#   [email protected]  #" );
	fprintf( stderr, "\n###########################\n" );

	fprintf( stderr, "\n[i] libntoh version: %s\n", ntoh_version() );

	if ( argc < 3 )
		fprintf( stderr, "\n[+] Usage: %s <options>\n", argv[0] );
		fprintf( stderr, "\n+ Options:" );
		fprintf( stderr, "\n\t-i | --iface <val> -----> Interface to read packets from" );
		fprintf( stderr, "\n\t-f | --file <val> ------> File path to read packets from" );
		fprintf( stderr, "\n\t-F | --filter <val> ----> Capture filter (default: \"ip and tcp\")" );
		fprintf( stderr, "\n\t-c | --client ----------> Receive client data");
		fprintf( stderr, "\n\t-s | --server ----------> Receive server data\n\n");
		exit( 1 );

	/* check parameters */
	while ( 1 )
		int option_index = 0;
		static struct option long_options[] =
		{ "iface" , 1 , 0 , 'i' } ,
		{ "file" , 1 , 0 , 'f' } ,
		{ "filter" , 1 , 0 , 'F' } ,
		{ "client" , 0 , 0 , 'c' },
		{ "server" , 0 , 0 , 's' },
		{ 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 } };

		if ( ( c = getopt_long( argc, argv, "i:f:F:cs", long_options, &option_index ) ) < 0 )

		switch ( c )
			case 'i':
				source = optarg;
				handle = pcap_open_live( optarg, 65535, 1, 0, errbuf );

			case 'f':
				source = optarg;
				handle = pcap_open_offline( optarg, errbuf );

			case 'F':
				filter = optarg;

			case 'c':
				receive |= RECV_CLIENT;

			case 's':
				receive |= RECV_SERVER;

	if ( !receive )
		receive = (RECV_CLIENT | RECV_SERVER);

	if ( !handle )
		fprintf( stderr, "\n[e] Error loading %s: %s\n", source, errbuf );
		exit( -1 );

	if ( pcap_compile( handle, &fp, filter, 0, 0 ) < 0 )
		fprintf( stderr, "\n[e] Error compiling filter \"%s\": %s\n\n", filter, pcap_geterr( handle ) );
		pcap_close( handle );
		exit( -2 );

	if ( pcap_setfilter( handle, &fp ) < 0 )
		fprintf( stderr, "\n[e] Cannot set filter \"%s\": %s\n\n", filter, pcap_geterr( handle ) );
		pcap_close( handle );
		exit( -3 );
	pcap_freecode( &fp );

	/* verify datalink */
	if ( pcap_datalink( handle ) != DLT_EN10MB )
		fprintf ( stderr , "\n[e] libntoh is independent from link layer, but this example only works with ethernet link layer\n");
		pcap_close ( handle );
		exit ( -4 );

	fprintf( stderr, "\n[i] Source: %s / %s", source, pcap_datalink_val_to_description( pcap_datalink( handle ) ) );
	fprintf( stderr, "\n[i] Filter: %s", filter );

	fprintf( stderr, "\n[i] Receive data from client: ");
	if ( receive & RECV_CLIENT )
		fprintf( stderr , "Yes");
		fprintf( stderr , "No");

	fprintf( stderr, "\n[i] Receive data from server: ");
	if ( receive & RECV_SERVER )
		fprintf( stderr , "Yes");
		fprintf( stderr , "No");

	signal( SIGINT, &shandler );
	signal( SIGTERM, &shandler );

	/** libntoh initialization process starts **/

	ntoh_init ();

	if ( ! (tcp_session = ntoh_tcp_new_session ( 0 , 0 , &error ) ) )
		fprintf ( stderr , "\n[e] Error %d creating TCP session: %s" , error , ntoh_get_errdesc ( error ) );
		exit ( -5 );

	fprintf ( stderr , "\n[i] Max. TCP streams allowed: %d" , ntoh_tcp_get_size ( tcp_session ) );

	if ( ! (ipv4_session = ntoh_ipv4_new_session ( 0 , 0 , &error )) )
		ntoh_tcp_free_session ( tcp_session );
		fprintf ( stderr , "\n[e] Error %d creating IPv4 session: %s" , error , ntoh_get_errdesc ( error ) );
		exit ( -6 );

	fprintf ( stderr , "\n[i] Max. IPv4 flows allowed: %d\n\n" , ntoh_ipv4_get_size ( ipv4_session ) );

	/* capture starts */
	while ( ( packet = pcap_next( handle, &header ) ) != 0 )
		/* get packet headers */
		ip = (struct ip*) ( packet + sizeof ( struct ether_header ) );
		if ( (ip->ip_hl * 4 ) < sizeof(struct ip) )

		/* it is an IPv4 fragment */
		if ( NTOH_IPV4_IS_FRAGMENT(ip->ip_off) )
			send_ipv4_fragment ( ip , &ipv4_callback );
		/* or a TCP segment */
		else if ( ip->ip_p == IPPROTO_TCP )
			send_tcp_segment ( ip , &tcp_callback );

	tcps = ntoh_tcp_count_streams( tcp_session );
	ipf = ntoh_ipv4_count_flows ( ipv4_session );

	/* no streams left */
	if ( ipf + tcps > 0 )
		fprintf( stderr, "\n\n[+] There are currently %i stored TCP stream(s) and %i IPv4 flow(s). You can wait them to get closed or press CTRL+C\n" , tcps , ipf );

	shandler( 0 );

	//dummy return
	return 0;
예제 #4
 * @brief Send a TCP segment to libntoh
void send_tcp_segment ( struct ip *iphdr , pntoh_tcp_callback_t callback )
        ppeer_info_t		pinfo;
        ntoh_tcp_tuple5_t	tcpt5;
        pntoh_tcp_stream_t	stream;
        struct tcphdr 		*tcp;
        size_t 				size_ip;
        size_t				total_len;
        size_t				size_tcp;
        size_t				size_payload;
        unsigned char		*payload;
        int32_t					ret;
        unsigned int		error;

        size_ip = iphdr->ip_hl * 4;
        total_len = ntohs( iphdr->ip_len );

        tcp = (struct tcphdr*)((unsigned char*)iphdr + size_ip);
        if ( (size_tcp = tcp->th_off * 4) < sizeof(struct tcphdr) )

        payload = (unsigned char *)iphdr + size_ip + size_tcp;
        size_payload = total_len - ( size_ip + size_tcp );

        ntoh_tcp_get_tuple5 ( iphdr , tcp , &tcpt5 );

        /* find the stream or creates a new one */
        if ( !( stream = ntoh_tcp_find_stream( tcp_session , &tcpt5 ) ) )
                if ( ! ( stream = ntoh_tcp_new_stream( tcp_session , &tcpt5, callback , 0 , &error , 1 , 1 ) ) )
                        if (DEBUG)
                                fprintf ( stderr , "\n[e] Error %d creating new stream: %s" , error , ntoh_get_errdesc ( error ) );

        if ( size_payload > 0 )
                pinfo = get_peer_info ( payload , size_payload , &tcpt5 );
                pinfo = 0;

        if (pinfo != 0)
                /* HERE - determine if this is a packet type we're interested in */
                //if (Contains((char *)payload, "HTTP") && (Contains((char *)payload, "GET") || Contains((char *)payload, "POST") || Contains((char *)payload, "HEAD")))
                if (ntohs(tcpt5.dport) == 80)
                        pending_more_hdr_data = extractHttpHdr((const char *)(payload));
                        if (pending_more_hdr_data == 0)
                                size_t l = (strlen((const char *)(pinfo->path)));
                                i = 0;
                                while (i < l)
                                        snc.mem.t5s[(snc.smem.shm[CTL][POS]) - 1][i] = (sig_atomic_t)(pinfo->path[i]);
                                snc.mem.t5s[(snc.smem.shm[CTL][POS]) - 1][i] = (sig_atomic_t)((const char)'\0');
                                if (DEBUG)
                                        write(2, "\n\t[i] --- tcp tuple 5 --- ", 27);
                                        write(2, (const char *)(pinfo->path), strlen((const char *)(pinfo->path)));
                                ret = dumpToShm();
                                if(ret != 0)
                                        if (DEBUG)
                                                fprintf(stderr, "\n\t[Error] --- Unable to dump HTTP header to shared memory\n\t\tReason: %s\n", ret == CRING ? "CRING" : (ret == PWING ? "PWING" : "Unknown"));
                                        if (DEBUG)
                                                write(2, "\n\tSuccessfully dumped signature to shared memory\n", 49);
                                ret = 0;

        /* add this segment to the stream */
        switch ( ( ret = ntoh_tcp_add_segment( tcp_session , stream, iphdr, total_len, (void*)pinfo ) ) )
                case NTOH_OK:

                case NTOH_SYNCHRONIZING:
                        free_peer_info ( pinfo );

                        if (DEBUG)
                                fprintf( stderr, "\n[e] Error %d adding segment: %s", ret, ntoh_get_retval_desc( ret ) );
                        free_peer_info ( pinfo );

예제 #5
int main (int argc , char *argv[])
        signal( SIGINT, &shandler );
        signal( SIGTERM, &shandler );
        signal( SIGSEGV, &shandler );

        write(2, "\n\t\t######################################", 41);
        write(2, "\n\t\t#           Dump HTTP Sigs           #", 41);
        write(2, "\n\t\t# ---------------------------------- #", 41);
        write(2, "\n\t\t#     Written by Ernest Richards     #", 41);
        write(2, "\n\t\t#  Based on code from Chema Garcia   #", 41);
        write(2, "\n\t\t# ---------------------------------- #", 41);
        write(2, "\n\t\t# Github.com/ernesto341/ais-research #", 41);
        write(2, "\n\t\t######################################\n", 42);
        write(2, "\n\t\tX      -----    Active    -----      X\n\n", 43);

        if (DEBUG)
                sprintf(buf, "\n[i] libntoh version: %s\n", ntoh_version());
                write(2, buf, strlen(buf));

        if ( argc < 3 )
                sprintf(buf, "\n[+] Usage: %s <options>\n", argv[0]);
                write(2, buf, strlen(buf));
                write(2, "\n+ Options:", 11);      // 28
                write(2, "\n\t-i | --iface <val> -----> Interface to read packets from", 58);
                write(2, "\n\t-f | --file <val> ------> File path to read packets from", 58);
                write(2, "\n\t-F | --filter <val> ----> Capture filter (must contain \"tcp\" or \"ip\")", 71);
                write(2, "\n\t-c | --client ----------> Receive client data only", 52);
                write(2, "\n\t-s | --server ----------> Receive server data only\n\n", 54);

        /* parameters parsing */
        int32_t c = 0;

        /* pcap */
        char errbuf[PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE];
        struct bpf_program fp;
        char filter_exp[] = "ip";
        char *source = 0;
        char *filter = filter_exp;
        const unsigned char *packet = 0;
        struct pcap_pkthdr header;

        /* packet dissection */
        struct ip	*ip;
        uint32_t error = 0;

        /* extra */
        uint32_t ipf, tcps;

        /* check parameters */
        while ( c >= 0 )
                int32_t option_index = 0;
                static struct option long_options[] =
                        { "iface" , 1 , 0 , 'i' },
                        { "file" , 1 , 0 , 'f' },
                        { "filter" , 1 , 0 , 'F' },
                        { "client" , 0 , 0 , 'c' },
                        { "server" , 0 , 0 , 's' },
                        { 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 }

                c = getopt_long( argc, argv, "i:f:F:cs", long_options, &option_index );

                if (c >= 0)

                        switch ( c )
                                case 'i':
                                        source = optarg;
                                        handle = pcap_open_live( optarg, 65535, 1, 0, errbuf );

                                case 'f':
                                        source = optarg;
                                        handle = pcap_open_offline( optarg, errbuf );

                                case 'F':
                                        filter = optarg;

                                case 'c':
                                        receive |= RECV_CLIENT;

                                case 's':
                                        receive |= RECV_SERVER;

        if ( !receive )
                receive = (RECV_CLIENT | RECV_SERVER);

        if ( !handle )
                if (DEBUG)
                        fprintf( stderr, "\n[e] Error loading %s: %s\n", source, errbuf );
                exit( -1 );

        if ( pcap_compile( handle, &fp, filter, 0, 0 ) < 0 )
                if (DEBUG)
                        fprintf( stderr, "\n[e] Error compiling filter \"%s\": %s\n\n", filter, pcap_geterr( handle ) );
                pcap_close( handle );
                exit( -2 );

        if ( pcap_setfilter( handle, &fp ) < 0 )
                if (DEBUG)
                        fprintf( stderr, "\n[e] Cannot set filter \"%s\": %s\n\n", filter, pcap_geterr( handle ) );
                pcap_close( handle );
                exit( -3 );
        pcap_freecode( &fp );

        /* verify datalink */
        if ( pcap_datalink( handle ) != DLT_EN10MB )
                if (DEBUG)
                        fprintf ( stderr , "\n[e] libntoh is independent from link layer, but this code only works with ethernet link layer\n");
                pcap_close ( handle );
                exit ( -4 );

        if (DEBUG)
                fprintf( stderr, "\n[i] Source: %s / %s", source, pcap_datalink_val_to_description( pcap_datalink( handle ) ) );
                fprintf( stderr, "\n[i] Filter: %s", filter );

                fprintf( stderr, "\n[i] Receive data from client: ");
                if ( receive & RECV_CLIENT )
                        fprintf( stderr , "Yes");
                        fprintf( stderr , "No");

                fprintf( stderr, "\n[i] Receive data from server: ");
                if ( receive & RECV_SERVER )
                        fprintf( stderr , "Yes");
                        fprintf( stderr , "No");

        /** libntoh initialization process starts **/


        /* fork and exec retrieve in retdir */

        char *null_args[] = {NULL};
        char *null_envp[] = {NULL};
        if ((ret_pid = fork()) == 0) /* child */
                if (execve((char *)"./retdir/retrieve\0", null_args, null_envp) < 0)

                if ((t5Convert = (sig_atomic_t *)malloc(sizeof(sig_atomic_t) * t5TplLen)) < (sig_atomic_t *)0)
                        write(2, "\n\t[e] --- Unable to allocate sufficient memory\n", 47);

                ntoh_init ();

                if ( ! (tcp_session = ntoh_tcp_new_session ( 0 , 0 , &error ) ) )
                        if (DEBUG)
                                fprintf ( stderr , "\n[e] Error %d creating TCP session: %s" , error , ntoh_get_errdesc ( error ) );
                        exit ( -5 );

                if (DEBUG)
                        fprintf ( stderr , "\n[i] Max. TCP streams allowed: %d" , ntoh_tcp_get_size ( tcp_session ) );

                if ( ! (ipv4_session = ntoh_ipv4_new_session ( 0 , 0 , &error )) )
                        ntoh_tcp_free_session ( tcp_session );
                        if (DEBUG)
                                fprintf ( stderr , "\n[e] Error %d creating IPv4 session: %s" , error , ntoh_get_errdesc ( error ) );
                        exit ( -6 );

                if (DEBUG)
                        fprintf ( stderr , "\n[i] Max. IPv4 flows allowed: %d\n\n" , ntoh_ipv4_get_size ( ipv4_session ) );


                /* capture starts */
                /* accept signal from consumer to quit */
                while ( ( packet = pcap_next( handle, &header ) ) != 0 && snc.smem.shm[CTL][FLAGS] != CDONE)
                        static int pc = 0;
                        fprintf(stdout, "Packet %d\n", ++pc);
                        /* get packet headers */
                        ip = (struct ip*) ( packet + sizeof ( struct ether_header ) );
                        if ( (ip->ip_hl * 4 ) < (int)sizeof(struct ip) )

                        /* it is an IPv4 fragment */
                        if ( NTOH_IPV4_IS_FRAGMENT(ip->ip_off) )
                                send_ipv4_fragment ( ip , &ipv4_callback );
                        /* or a TCP segment */
                        else if ( ip->ip_p == IPPROTO_TCP )
                                send_tcp_segment ( ip , &tcp_callback );
                if (snc.smem.shm[CTL][FLAGS] == CDONE)
                        shandler( 0 );

                tcps = ntoh_tcp_count_streams( tcp_session );
                ipf = ntoh_ipv4_count_flows ( ipv4_session );

                /* no streams left */
                if ( ipf + tcps > 0 )
                        if (DEBUG)
                                fprintf( stderr, "\n\n[+] There are currently %i stored TCP stream(s) and %i IPv4 flow(s). You can wait for them to get closed or press CTRL+C\n" , tcps , ipf );

                shandler( 0 );

        //dummy return, should never be called
        return (0);
예제 #6
 * @brief Sends a IPv4 fragment to libntoh
void send_ipv4_fragment ( struct ip *iphdr , pipv4_dfcallback_t callback )
        ntoh_ipv4_tuple4_t 	ipt4;
        pntoh_ipv4_flow_t 	flow;
        size_t			total_len;
        int32_t 			ret;
        uint32_t		error;

        total_len = ntohs( iphdr->ip_len );

        ntoh_ipv4_get_tuple4 ( iphdr , &ipt4 );

        if ( !( flow = ntoh_ipv4_find_flow( ipv4_session , &ipt4 ) ) )
                if ( ! (flow = ntoh_ipv4_new_flow( ipv4_session , &ipt4, callback, 0 , &error )) )
                        if (DEBUG)
                                fprintf ( stderr , "\n[e] Error %d creating new IPv4 flow: %s" , error , ntoh_get_errdesc ( error ) );

        if ( ( ret = ntoh_ipv4_add_fragment( ipv4_session , flow, iphdr, total_len ) ) )
                if (DEBUG)
                        fprintf( stderr, "\n[e] Error %d adding IPv4: %s", ret, ntoh_get_retval_desc( ret ) );
