static void add_client(struct server *s, int sock, struct sockaddr_storage *addr, struct frame_buffers *fbs) { struct client *c; char cbuf[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN]; // general purpose buffer for various string conversions in this function c = malloc(sizeof(struct client)); memset(c, 0, sizeof(struct client)); c->sock = sock; memcpy(&c->addr, addr, sizeof(struct sockaddr_storage)); c->last_communication = gettime(); c->current_frame = 0; c->current_frame_pos = 0; c->request_header_size = 0; c->request = REQUEST_INCOMPLETE; c->resp = NULL; c->resp_pos = 0; c->resp_len = 0; c->fb = NULL; c->static_file = NULL; if (s->ssl_ctx != NULL) { c->ssl = SSL_new(s->ssl_ctx); SSL_set_fd(c->ssl, c->sock); if (SSL_accept(c->ssl) < 1) { log_itf(LOG_ERROR, "Error occured doing the SSL handshake: %s", ERR_error_string(ERR_get_error(), NULL)); free(c); return; } } s->clients[c->sock] = c; log_itf(LOG_INFO, "Client connected from %s.", ntop(&c->addr, cbuf, sizeof(cbuf))); }
/* return the next IP return NULL if there is no more IP */ char * nutscan_ip_iter_inc(nutscan_ip_iter_t * ip) { char host[SMALLBUF]; if( ip->type == IPv4 ) { /* Check if this is the last address to scan */ if(ip->start.s_addr == ip->stop.s_addr) { return NULL; } /* increment the address (need to pass address in host byte order, then pass back in network byte order */ ip->start.s_addr = htonl((ntohl(ip->start.s_addr)+1)); if( ntop(&ip->start, host, sizeof(host)) != 0 ) { return NULL; } return strdup(host); } else { /* Check if this is the last address to scan */ if( memcmp(&ip->start6.s6_addr, &ip->stop6.s6_addr, sizeof(ip->start6.s6_addr)) == 0 ) { return NULL; } increment_IPv6(&ip->start6); if( ntop6(&ip->start6, host, sizeof(host)) != 0 ) { return NULL; } return strdup(host); } }
char *ntop(const char * sastr) { const struct sockaddr * sa = (const struct sockaddr *)sastr; assert(sa); if(!sa) { return xstrdup("DNX Error: Address Uknown or Corrupt! "); } char * buf = NULL; switch(sa->sa_family) { case AF_INET: buf = (char *)xcalloc(INET_ADDRSTRLEN +1,sizeof(char)); if(buf) { inet_ntop(AF_INET, &(((struct sockaddr_in *)sa)->sin_addr),buf, INET_ADDRSTRLEN); } break; case AF_INET6: buf = (char *)xcalloc(INET6_ADDRSTRLEN +1,sizeof(char)); if(buf) { inet_ntop(AF_INET6, &(((struct sockaddr_in6 *)sa)->sin6_addr),buf, INET6_ADDRSTRLEN); } break; default: buf = xstrdup(""); break; } if(!buf) { dnxLog("ntop: out of memory, sleeping for 1 second before trying again"); sleep(1); return(ntop((char *)sa)); }else{ return buf; } }
static void remove_client(struct server *s, struct client *c) { char cbuf[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN]; log_itf(LOG_INFO, "Disconneting client from %s.", ntop(&c->addr, cbuf, sizeof(cbuf))); s->clients[c->sock] = NULL; close(c->sock); if (c->static_file != NULL) { fclose(c->static_file); } if (c->resp != NULL) { free(c->resp); } if (c->ssl) { SSL_free(c->ssl); } free(c); }
int main (int argc, char **argv) { struct hwa_info *hwa, *hwahead; struct sockaddr *sa; unsigned char *ptr; int i, prflag; for (hwahead = hwa = get_hw_addrs(); hwa != NULL; hwa = hwa->hwa_next) { printf("%s :%s", hwa->if_name, ((hwa->ip_alias) == IP_ALIAS) ? " (alias)\n" : "\n"); if ( (sa = hwa->ip_addr) != NULL) printf(" IP addr = %s\n", ntop(sa)); prflag = 0; i = 0; do { if (hwa->if_haddr[i] != '\0') { prflag = 1; break; } } while (++i < IFHWADDRLEN); if (prflag) { printf(" HW addr = "); ptr = hwa->if_haddr; i = IFHWADDRLEN; do { printf("%.2x%s", *ptr++ & 0xff, (i == 1) ? " " : ":"); } while (--i > 0); } printf("\n interface index = %d\n\n", hwa->if_index); } free_hwa_info(hwahead); exit(0); }
static void handle_request(struct server *s, struct client *c, struct frame_buffers *fbs) { int index; char cbuf[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN]; // general purpose buffer for various string conversions in this function char tmp_filename[PATH_MAX + 1], filename[PATH_MAX + 1]; // Need 2 of these for realpath() char resp_head[sizeof(HTTP_STATIC_FILE_HEADERS_TMPL) + 256]; struct http_request req; parse_request(c->request_headers, &req); if (req.protocol_version == NULL) { set_client_response(c, REQUEST_BAD, HTTP_BAD_REQUEST); return; } log_itf(LOG_INFO, "Client at %s requested %s %s%s%s.", ntop(&c->addr, cbuf, sizeof(cbuf)), req.method, req.path, *req.query_string != '\0' ? "?" : "", req.query_string ); if (strcmp(req.method, "GET") != 0 || strcmp(req.protocol, "HTTP") != 0) { return set_client_response(c, REQUEST_BAD, HTTP_BAD_REQUEST); } if (strncmp(req.path, "/img/", 5) != 0) { if (!check_http_auth(req.authorization, s->auth)) { return set_client_response(c, REQUEST_AUTH_REQUIRED, HTTP_AUTH_REQUIRED); } } // /stream/ if (strncmp(req.path, "/stream/", strlen("/stream/")) == 0) { if (strcmp(req.path, "/stream/info") == 0) { set_client_response(c, REQUEST_STREAM_INFO, s->stream_info); } else { // /stream/0, /stream/1, etc index = atoi(&req.path[strlen("/stream/")]); if (index < 0 || index >= fbs->count) { set_client_response(c, REQUEST_NOT_FOUND, HTTP_NOT_FOUND); } else { set_client_response(c, REQUEST_STREAM, STREAM_HEADER); c->fb = &fbs->buffers[index]; c->current_frame = c->fb->current_frame; c->current_frame_pos = 0; } } } else { if (!strlen(s->static_root)) { return set_client_response(c, REQUEST_NOT_FOUND, HTTP_NOT_FOUND); } // Serving static file strncpy(tmp_filename, s->static_root, PATH_MAX); strncat(tmp_filename, req.path, PATH_MAX); if (tmp_filename[strlen(tmp_filename) - 1] == '/') { strncat(tmp_filename, INDEX_FILE_NAME, PATH_MAX); } // This also checks if the file exists if (NULL == realpath(tmp_filename, filename) || strncmp(filename, s->static_root, strlen(s->static_root)) != 0) { return set_client_response(c, REQUEST_NOT_FOUND, HTTP_NOT_FOUND); } // Fill in response template snprintf(resp_head, sizeof(resp_head), HTTP_STATIC_FILE_HEADERS_TMPL, (long) file_size(filename), get_mime_type(filename) ); set_client_response(c, REQUEST_STATIC_FILE, resp_head); c->static_file = fopen(filename, "rb"); } }
/* Return the first ip or NULL if error */ char * nutscan_ip_iter_init(nutscan_ip_iter_t * ip, const char * startIP, const char * stopIP) { int addr; int i; struct addrinfo hints; struct addrinfo *res; struct sockaddr_in * s_in; struct sockaddr_in6 * s_in6; char host[SMALLBUF]; if( startIP == NULL ) { return NULL; } if(stopIP == NULL ) { stopIP = startIP; } memset(&hints,0,sizeof(struct addrinfo)); hints.ai_family = AF_INET; ip->type = IPv4; /* Detecting IPv4 vs IPv6 */ if(getaddrinfo(startIP,NULL,&hints,&res) != 0) { /*Try IPv6 detection */ ip->type = IPv6; hints.ai_family = AF_INET6; if(getaddrinfo(startIP,NULL,&hints,&res) != 0) { fprintf(stderr,"Invalid address : %s\n",startIP); return NULL; } s_in6 = (struct sockaddr_in6 *)res->ai_addr; memcpy(&ip->start6,&s_in6->sin6_addr,sizeof(struct in6_addr)); freeaddrinfo(res); } else { s_in = (struct sockaddr_in *)res->ai_addr; ip->start = s_in->sin_addr; freeaddrinfo(res); } /* Compute stop IP */ if( ip->type == IPv4 ) { hints.ai_family = AF_INET; if(getaddrinfo(stopIP,NULL,&hints,&res) != 0) { fprintf(stderr,"Invalid address : %s\n",stopIP); return NULL; } s_in = (struct sockaddr_in *)res->ai_addr; ip->stop = s_in->sin_addr; freeaddrinfo(res); } else { hints.ai_family = AF_INET6; if(getaddrinfo(stopIP,NULL,&hints,&res) != 0) { fprintf(stderr,"Invalid address : %s\n",stopIP); return NULL; } s_in6 = (struct sockaddr_in6 *)res->ai_addr; memcpy(&ip->stop6,&s_in6->sin6_addr,sizeof(struct in6_addr)); freeaddrinfo(res); } /* Make sure start IP is lesser than stop IP */ if( ip->type == IPv4 ) { if( ntohl(ip->start.s_addr) > ntohl(ip->stop.s_addr) ) { addr = ip->start.s_addr; ip->start.s_addr = ip->stop.s_addr; ip->stop.s_addr = addr; } if( ntop(&ip->start, host, sizeof(host)) != 0 ) { return NULL; } return strdup(host); } else { /* IPv6 */ for( i=0; i<16; i++ ) { if( ip->start6.s6_addr[i] !=ip->stop6.s6_addr[i] ) { if(ip->start6.s6_addr[i]>ip->stop6.s6_addr[i]){ invert_IPv6(&ip->start6,&ip->stop6); } break; } } if( ntop6(&ip->start6, host, sizeof(host)) != 0 ) { return NULL; } return strdup(host); } }
int gen_op ( ) { Matrix a; Matrix b; void *ptr; descriptor *d; descriptor *v; descriptor *var; descriptor *index; descriptor *vector; descriptor temp; double value; Address increment; Array arr; int fail; unsigned offset; unsigned i; unsigned c; unsigned r; index = ntop (0); vector = ntop (1); var = ntop (2); offset = fetch (pc ++).ival; if (D_Type (index) == T_Double) { if (!assignable (var)) { TypeError ("cannot assign to", NULL, var, NULL, F_False); return 1; } d = &temp; D_Type (d) = T_Null; D_Temp (d) = F_False; D_Trapped (d) = F_False; D_Pointer (d) = NULL; v = CoerceData (vector, T_Double); AssignData (d, &v); RecycleData (v); D_Temp (d) = F_False; d_printf ("d = %s %p\n", D_TypeName (d), D_Pointer (d)); switch (D_Type (d)) { case T_Double: case T_Matrix: case T_Array: case T_Null: break; default: TypeError ("cannot index", NULL, d, NULL, F_False); return 1; } *vector = *d; D_Type (index) = T_Row; D_Row (index) = 0; } d_printf ("vector = %s %p\n", D_TypeName (vector), D_Pointer (vector)); var = deref (var); fail = F_False; switch (D_Type (vector)) { case T_Double: if (D_Row (index) ++ == 0) AssignData (var, &vector); else fail = F_True; break; case T_Matrix: a = D_Matrix (vector); d = &temp; D_Temp (d) = F_False; D_Trapped (d) = F_False; if (Mrows (a) == 1) { if (++ D_Row (index) <= Mcols (a)) { D_Type (d) = T_Double; D_Double (d) = &value; value = mdata (a, 1, D_Row (index)); AssignData (var, &d); } else fail = F_True; } else if (Mcols (a) == 1) { if (++ D_Row (index) <= Mrows (a)) { D_Type (d) = T_Double; D_Double (d) = &value; value = mdata (a, D_Row (index), 1); AssignData (var, &d); } else fail = F_True; } else { if (++ D_Row (index) <= Mcols (a)) { d_printf ("indexing matrix\n"); r = Mrows (a); c = D_Row (index); FreeData (var); CreateData (var, NULL, NULL, T_Matrix, r, 1); D_Temp (var) = F_False; b = D_Matrix (var); for (i = 1; i <= r; i ++) sdata (b, i, 1) = mdata (a, i, c); } else fail = F_True; } break; case T_Array: arr = D_Array (vector); d = &temp; if (++ D_Row (index) <= arr -> length) { increment = D_Row (index) * arr -> elt_size; ptr = (void *) ((char *) arr -> ptr + increment); D_Type (d) = arr -> type; D_Temp (d) = F_False; D_Trapped (d) = F_False; D_Pointer (d) = ptr; AssignData (var, &d); } else fail = F_True; break; case T_Null: fail = F_True; break; } /* After assignment the variable is certainly not temporary. Its trapped status remains as before: if it was trapped then AssignData() called the trap handler which didn't change the status. If it wasn't then AssignData() left the status alone. */ D_Temp (var) = F_False; if (fail == F_True) { pop ( ); FreeData (pop ( )); /* free the privately owned vector */ pop ( ); d = push ( ); D_Type (d) = T_Null; D_Temp (d) = F_False; D_Trapped (d) = F_False; D_Pointer (d) = NULL; pc += offset; d_printf ("failing\n"); } return 0; }