int main(int argc, char **argv) { l_int32 i, n, binsize, binstart, nbins; l_float32 pi, val, angle, xval, yval, x0, y0, rank, startval, fbinsize; l_float32 minval, maxval, meanval, median, variance, rankval; GPLOT *gplot; NUMA *na, *nahisto, *nax, *nay, *nap, *nasx, *nasy; NUMA *nadx, *nady, *nafx, *nafy, *na1, *na2, *na3, *na4; PIX *pixs, *pix1, *pix2, *pix3, *pix4, *pix5, *pixd; PIXA *pixa; static char mainName[] = "numa1_reg"; if (argc != 1) return ERROR_INT(" Syntax: numa1_reg", mainName, 1); lept_mkdir("lept"); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------* * Histograms * * -------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #if DO_ALL pi = 3.1415926535; na = numaCreate(5000); for (i = 0; i < 500000; i++) { angle = 0.02293 * i * pi; val = (l_float32)(999. * sin(angle)); numaAddNumber(na, val); } nahisto = numaMakeHistogramClipped(na, 6, 2000); nbins = numaGetCount(nahisto); nax = numaMakeSequence(0, 1, nbins); gplot = gplotCreate("/tmp/lept/numa_histo1", GPLOT_X11, "example histo 1", "i", "histo[i]"); gplotAddPlot(gplot, nax, nahisto, GPLOT_LINES, "sine"); gplotMakeOutput(gplot); gplotDestroy(&gplot); numaDestroy(&nax); numaDestroy(&nahisto); nahisto = numaMakeHistogram(na, 1000, &binsize, &binstart); nbins = numaGetCount(nahisto); nax = numaMakeSequence(binstart, binsize, nbins); fprintf(stderr, " binsize = %d, binstart = %d\n", binsize, binstart); gplot = gplotCreate("/tmp/lept/numa_histo2", GPLOT_X11, "example histo 2", "i", "histo[i]"); gplotAddPlot(gplot, nax, nahisto, GPLOT_LINES, "sine"); gplotMakeOutput(gplot); gplotDestroy(&gplot); numaDestroy(&nax); numaDestroy(&nahisto); nahisto = numaMakeHistogram(na, 1000, &binsize, NULL); nbins = numaGetCount(nahisto); nax = numaMakeSequence(0, binsize, nbins); fprintf(stderr, " binsize = %d, binstart = %d\n", binsize, 0); gplot = gplotCreate("/tmp/lept/numa_histo3", GPLOT_X11, "example histo 3", "i", "histo[i]"); gplotAddPlot(gplot, nax, nahisto, GPLOT_LINES, "sine"); gplotMakeOutput(gplot); gplotDestroy(&gplot); numaDestroy(&nax); numaDestroy(&nahisto); nahisto = numaMakeHistogramAuto(na, 1000); nbins = numaGetCount(nahisto); numaGetParameters(nahisto, &startval, &fbinsize); nax = numaMakeSequence(startval, fbinsize, nbins); fprintf(stderr, " binsize = %7.4f, binstart = %8.3f\n", fbinsize, startval); gplot = gplotCreate("/tmp/lept/numa_histo4", GPLOT_X11, "example histo 4", "i", "histo[i]"); gplotAddPlot(gplot, nax, nahisto, GPLOT_LINES, "sine"); gplotMakeOutput(gplot); gplotDestroy(&gplot); numaDestroy(&nax); numaDestroy(&nahisto); numaGetStatsUsingHistogram(na, 2000, &minval, &maxval, &meanval, &variance, &median, 0.80, &rankval, &nahisto); fprintf(stderr, "Sin histogram: \n" " min val = %7.2f -- should be -999.00\n" " max val = %7.2f -- should be 999.00\n" " mean val = %7.2f -- should be 0.06\n" " median = %7.2f -- should be 0.30\n" " rmsdev = %7.2f -- should be 706.41\n" " rank val = %7.2f -- should be 808.15\n", minval, maxval, meanval, median, sqrt((l_float64) variance), rankval); numaHistogramGetRankFromVal(nahisto, 808.15, &rank); fprintf(stderr, " rank = %7.3f -- should be 0.800\n", rank); numaDestroy(&nahisto); numaDestroy(&na); #endif /* -------------------------------------------------------------------* * Interpolation * * -------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #if DO_ALL /* Test numaInterpolateEqxInterval() */ pixs = pixRead("test8.jpg"); na = pixGetGrayHistogramMasked(pixs, NULL, 0, 0, 1); /* numaWriteStream(stderr, na); */ nasy = numaGetPartialSums(na); gplotSimple1(nasy, GPLOT_X11, "/tmp/lept/numa_int1", "partial sums"); gplotSimple1(na, GPLOT_X11, "/tmp/lept/numa_int2", "simple test"); numaInterpolateEqxInterval(0.0, 1.0, na, L_LINEAR_INTERP, 0.0, 255.0, 15, &nax, &nay); gplot = gplotCreate("/tmp/lept/numa_int3", GPLOT_X11, "test interpolation", "pix val", "num pix"); gplotAddPlot(gplot, nax, nay, GPLOT_LINES, "plot 1"); gplotMakeOutput(gplot); gplotDestroy(&gplot); numaDestroy(&na); numaDestroy(&nasy); numaDestroy(&nax); numaDestroy(&nay); pixDestroy(&pixs); #endif #if DO_ALL /* Test numaInterpolateArbxInterval() */ pixs = pixRead("test8.jpg"); na = pixGetGrayHistogramMasked(pixs, NULL, 0, 0, 1); nasy = numaGetPartialSums(na); numaInsertNumber(nasy, 0, 0.0); nasx = numaMakeSequence(0.0, 1.0, 257); /* gplotSimple1(nasy, GPLOT_X11, "/tmp/numa/nasy", "partial sums"); */ numaInterpolateArbxInterval(nasx, nasy, L_LINEAR_INTERP, 10.0, 250.0, 23, &nax, &nay); gplot = gplotCreate("/tmp/lept/numa_int4", GPLOT_X11, "arbx interpolation", "pix val", "cum num pix"); gplotAddPlot(gplot, nax, nay, GPLOT_LINES, "plot 1"); gplotMakeOutput(gplot); gplotDestroy(&gplot); numaDestroy(&na); numaDestroy(&nasx); numaDestroy(&nasy); numaDestroy(&nax); numaDestroy(&nay); pixDestroy(&pixs); #endif #if DO_ALL /* Test numaInterpolateArbxVal() */ pixs = pixRead("test8.jpg"); na = pixGetGrayHistogramMasked(pixs, NULL, 0, 0, 1); nasy = numaGetPartialSums(na); numaInsertNumber(nasy, 0, 0.0); nasx = numaMakeSequence(0.0, 1.0, 257); /* gplotSimple1(nasy, GPLOT_X11, "/tmp/numa/nasy", "partial sums"); */ nax = numaMakeSequence(15.0, (250.0 - 15.0) / 23.0, 24); n = numaGetCount(nax); nay = numaCreate(n); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { numaGetFValue(nax, i, &xval); numaInterpolateArbxVal(nasx, nasy, L_QUADRATIC_INTERP, xval, &yval); numaAddNumber(nay, yval); } gplot = gplotCreate("/tmp/lept/numa_int5", GPLOT_X11, "arbx interpolation", "pix val", "cum num pix"); gplotAddPlot(gplot, nax, nay, GPLOT_LINES, "plot 1"); gplotMakeOutput(gplot); gplotDestroy(&gplot); numaDestroy(&na); numaDestroy(&nasx); numaDestroy(&nasy); numaDestroy(&nax); numaDestroy(&nay); pixDestroy(&pixs); #endif #if DO_ALL /* Test interpolation */ nasx = numaRead(""); nasy = numaRead(""); gplot = gplotCreate("/tmp/lept/numa_int6", GPLOT_X11, "arbx interpolation", "angle", "score"); numaInterpolateArbxInterval(nasx, nasy, L_LINEAR_INTERP, -2.00, 0.0, 50, &nax, &nay); gplotAddPlot(gplot, nax, nay, GPLOT_LINES, "linear"); numaDestroy(&nax); numaDestroy(&nay); numaInterpolateArbxInterval(nasx, nasy, L_QUADRATIC_INTERP, -2.00, 0.0, 50, &nax, &nay); gplotAddPlot(gplot, nax, nay, GPLOT_LINES, "quadratic"); numaDestroy(&nax); numaDestroy(&nay); gplotMakeOutput(gplot); gplotDestroy(&gplot); gplot = gplotCreate("/tmp/lept/numa_int7", GPLOT_X11, "arbx interpolation", "angle", "score"); numaInterpolateArbxInterval(nasx, nasy, L_LINEAR_INTERP, -1.2, -0.8, 50, &nax, &nay); gplotAddPlot(gplot, nax, nay, GPLOT_LINES, "quadratic"); gplotMakeOutput(gplot); gplotDestroy(&gplot); numaFitMax(nay, &yval, nax, &xval); fprintf(stderr, "max = %f at loc = %f\n", yval, xval); numaDestroy(&nasx); numaDestroy(&nasy); numaDestroy(&nax); numaDestroy(&nay); #endif /* -------------------------------------------------------------------* * Integration and differentiation * * -------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #if DO_ALL /* Test integration and differentiation */ nasx = numaRead(""); nasy = numaRead(""); /* ---------- Plot the derivative ---------- */ numaDifferentiateInterval(nasx, nasy, -2.0, 0.0, 50, &nadx, &nady); gplot = gplotCreate("/tmp/lept/numa_diff1", GPLOT_X11, "derivative", "angle", "slope"); gplotAddPlot(gplot, nadx, nady, GPLOT_LINES, "derivative"); gplotMakeOutput(gplot); gplotDestroy(&gplot); /* ---------- Plot the original function ----------- */ /* and the integral of the derivative; the two */ /* should be approximately the same. */ gplot = gplotCreate("/tmp/lept/numa_diff2", GPLOT_X11, "integ-diff", "angle", "val"); numaInterpolateArbxInterval(nasx, nasy, L_LINEAR_INTERP, -2.00, 0.0, 50, &nafx, &nafy); gplotAddPlot(gplot, nafx, nafy, GPLOT_LINES, "function"); n = numaGetCount(nadx); numaGetFValue(nafx, 0, &x0); numaGetFValue(nafy, 0, &y0); nay = numaCreate(n); /* (Note: this tests robustness of the integrator: we go from * i = 0, and choose to have only 1 point in the interpolation * there, which is too small and causes the function to bomb out.) */ fprintf(stderr, "We must get a 'npts < 2' error here:\n"); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { numaGetFValue(nadx, i, &xval); numaIntegrateInterval(nadx, nady, x0, xval, 2 * i + 1, &yval); numaAddNumber(nay, y0 + yval); } gplotAddPlot(gplot, nafx, nay, GPLOT_LINES, "anti-derivative"); gplotMakeOutput(gplot); gplotDestroy(&gplot); numaDestroy(&nasx); numaDestroy(&nasy); numaDestroy(&nafx); numaDestroy(&nafy); numaDestroy(&nadx); numaDestroy(&nady); numaDestroy(&nay); #endif /* -------------------------------------------------------------------* * Rank extraction * * -------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #if DO_ALL /* Rank extraction with interpolation */ pixs = pixRead("test8.jpg"); nasy = pixGetGrayHistogramMasked(pixs, NULL, 0, 0, 1); numaMakeRankFromHistogram(0.0, 1.0, nasy, 350, &nax, &nay); gplot = gplotCreate("/tmp/lept/numa_rank1", GPLOT_X11, "test rank extractor", "pix val", "rank val"); gplotAddPlot(gplot, nax, nay, GPLOT_LINES, "plot 1"); gplotMakeOutput(gplot); gplotDestroy(&gplot); numaDestroy(&nasy); numaDestroy(&nax); numaDestroy(&nay); pixDestroy(&pixs); #endif #if DO_ALL /* Rank extraction, point by point */ pixs = pixRead("test8.jpg"); nap = numaCreate(200); pixGetRankValueMasked(pixs, NULL, 0, 0, 2, 0.0, &val, &na); for (i = 0; i < 101; i++) { rank = 0.01 * i; numaHistogramGetValFromRank(na, rank, &val); numaAddNumber(nap, val); } gplotSimple1(nap, GPLOT_X11, "/tmp/lept/numa_rank2", "rank value"); numaDestroy(&na); numaDestroy(&nap); pixDestroy(&pixs); #endif /* -------------------------------------------------------------------* * Numa-morphology * * -------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #if DO_ALL na = numaRead(""); gplotSimple1(na, GPLOT_PNG, "/tmp/lept/numa_lyra1", "Original"); na1 = numaErode(na, 21); gplotSimple1(na1, GPLOT_PNG, "/tmp/lept/numa_lyra2", "Erosion"); na2 = numaDilate(na, 21); gplotSimple1(na2, GPLOT_PNG, "/tmp/lept/numa_lyra3", "Dilation"); na3 = numaOpen(na, 21); gplotSimple1(na3, GPLOT_PNG, "/tmp/lept/numa_lyra4", "Opening"); na4 = numaClose(na, 21); gplotSimple1(na4, GPLOT_PNG, "/tmp/lept/numa_lyra5", "Closing"); #ifndef _WIN32 sleep(1); #else Sleep(1000); #endif /* _WIN32 */ pixa = pixaCreate(5); pix1 = pixRead("/tmp/lept/numa_lyra1.png"); pix2 = pixRead("/tmp/lept/numa_lyra2.png"); pix3 = pixRead("/tmp/lept/numa_lyra3.png"); pix4 = pixRead("/tmp/lept/numa_lyra4.png"); pix5 = pixRead("/tmp/lept/numa_lyra5.png"); pixSaveTiled(pix1, pixa, 1.0, 1, 25, 32); pixSaveTiled(pix2, pixa, 1.0, 1, 25, 32); pixSaveTiled(pix3, pixa, 1.0, 0, 25, 32); pixSaveTiled(pix4, pixa, 1.0, 1, 25, 32); pixSaveTiled(pix5, pixa, 1.0, 0, 25, 32); pixd = pixaDisplay(pixa, 0, 0); pixDisplay(pixd, 100, 100); pixWrite("/tmp/lept/numa_morph.png", pixd, IFF_PNG); numaDestroy(&na); numaDestroy(&na1); numaDestroy(&na2); numaDestroy(&na3); numaDestroy(&na4); pixaDestroy(&pixa); pixDestroy(&pix1); pixDestroy(&pix2); pixDestroy(&pix3); pixDestroy(&pix4); pixDestroy(&pix5); pixDestroy(&pixd); #endif return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { l_int32 i, n, binsize, binstart, nbins; l_float32 pi, val, angle, xval, yval, x0, y0, startval, fbinsize; l_float32 minval, maxval, meanval, median, variance, rankval, rank, rmsdev; GPLOT *gplot; NUMA *na, *nahisto, *nax, *nay, *nap, *nasx, *nasy; NUMA *nadx, *nady, *nafx, *nafy, *na1, *na2, *na3, *na4; PIX *pixs, *pix1, *pix2, *pix3, *pix4, *pix5, *pix6, *pix7, *pixd; PIXA *pixa; L_REGPARAMS *rp; if (regTestSetup(argc, argv, &rp)) return 1; lept_mkdir("lept/numa1"); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------* * Histograms * * -------------------------------------------------------------------*/ pi = 3.1415926535; na = numaCreate(5000); for (i = 0; i < 500000; i++) { angle = 0.02293 * i * pi; val = (l_float32)(999. * sin(angle)); numaAddNumber(na, val); } nahisto = numaMakeHistogramClipped(na, 6, 2000); nbins = numaGetCount(nahisto); nax = numaMakeSequence(0, 1, nbins); gplot = gplotCreate("/tmp/lept/numa1/histo1", GPLOT_PNG, "example histo 1", "i", "histo[i]"); gplotAddPlot(gplot, nax, nahisto, GPLOT_LINES, "sine"); gplotMakeOutput(gplot); gplotDestroy(&gplot); numaDestroy(&nax); numaDestroy(&nahisto); nahisto = numaMakeHistogram(na, 1000, &binsize, &binstart); nbins = numaGetCount(nahisto); nax = numaMakeSequence(binstart, binsize, nbins); fprintf(stderr, " binsize = %d, binstart = %d\n", binsize, binstart); gplot = gplotCreate("/tmp/lept/numa1/histo2", GPLOT_PNG, "example histo 2", "i", "histo[i]"); gplotAddPlot(gplot, nax, nahisto, GPLOT_LINES, "sine"); gplotMakeOutput(gplot); gplotDestroy(&gplot); numaDestroy(&nax); numaDestroy(&nahisto); nahisto = numaMakeHistogram(na, 1000, &binsize, NULL); nbins = numaGetCount(nahisto); nax = numaMakeSequence(0, binsize, nbins); fprintf(stderr, " binsize = %d, binstart = %d\n", binsize, 0); gplot = gplotCreate("/tmp/lept/numa1/histo3", GPLOT_PNG, "example histo 3", "i", "histo[i]"); gplotAddPlot(gplot, nax, nahisto, GPLOT_LINES, "sine"); gplotMakeOutput(gplot); gplotDestroy(&gplot); numaDestroy(&nax); numaDestroy(&nahisto); nahisto = numaMakeHistogramAuto(na, 1000); nbins = numaGetCount(nahisto); numaGetParameters(nahisto, &startval, &fbinsize); nax = numaMakeSequence(startval, fbinsize, nbins); fprintf(stderr, " binsize = %7.4f, binstart = %8.3f\n", fbinsize, startval); gplot = gplotCreate("/tmp/lept/numa1/histo4", GPLOT_PNG, "example histo 4", "i", "histo[i]"); gplotAddPlot(gplot, nax, nahisto, GPLOT_LINES, "sine"); gplotMakeOutput(gplot); gplotDestroy(&gplot); pix1 = pixRead("/tmp/lept/numa1/histo1.png"); pix2 = pixRead("/tmp/lept/numa1/histo2.png"); pix3 = pixRead("/tmp/lept/numa1/histo3.png"); pix4 = pixRead("/tmp/lept/numa1/histo4.png"); regTestWritePixAndCheck(rp, pix1, IFF_PNG); /* 0 */ regTestWritePixAndCheck(rp, pix2, IFF_PNG); /* 1 */ regTestWritePixAndCheck(rp, pix3, IFF_PNG); /* 2 */ regTestWritePixAndCheck(rp, pix4, IFF_PNG); /* 3 */ pixa = pixaCreate(4); pixaAddPix(pixa, pix1, L_INSERT); pixaAddPix(pixa, pix2, L_INSERT); pixaAddPix(pixa, pix3, L_INSERT); pixaAddPix(pixa, pix4, L_INSERT); if (rp->display) { pixd = pixaDisplayTiledInRows(pixa, 32, 1500, 1.0, 0, 20, 2); pixDisplayWithTitle(pixd, 0, 0, NULL, 1); pixDestroy(&pixd); } pixaDestroy(&pixa); numaDestroy(&nax); numaDestroy(&nahisto); numaGetStatsUsingHistogram(na, 2000, &minval, &maxval, &meanval, &variance, &median, 0.80, &rankval, &nahisto); rmsdev = sqrt((l_float64)variance); numaHistogramGetRankFromVal(nahisto, rankval, &rank); regTestCompareValues(rp, -999.00, minval, 0.1); /* 4 */ regTestCompareValues(rp, 999.00, maxval, 0.1); /* 5 */ regTestCompareValues(rp, 0.055, meanval, 0.001); /* 6 */ regTestCompareValues(rp, 0.30, median, 0.005); /* 7 */ regTestCompareValues(rp, 706.41, rmsdev, 0.1); /* 8 */ regTestCompareValues(rp, 808.15, rankval, 0.1); /* 9 */ regTestCompareValues(rp, 0.800, rank, 0.01); /* 10 */ if (rp->display) { fprintf(stderr, "Sin histogram: \n" " min val = %7.3f -- should be -999.00\n" " max val = %7.3f -- should be 999.00\n" " mean val = %7.3f -- should be 0.055\n" " median = %7.3f -- should be 0.30\n" " rmsdev = %7.3f -- should be 706.41\n" " rank val = %7.3f -- should be 808.152\n" " rank = %7.3f -- should be 0.800\n", minval, maxval, meanval, median, rmsdev, rankval, rank); } numaDestroy(&nahisto); numaDestroy(&na); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------* * Interpolation * * -------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Test numaInterpolateEqxInterval() */ pixs = pixRead("test8.jpg"); na = pixGetGrayHistogramMasked(pixs, NULL, 0, 0, 1); nasy = numaGetPartialSums(na); gplotSimple1(nasy, GPLOT_PNG, "/tmp/lept/numa1/int1", "partial sums"); gplotSimple1(na, GPLOT_PNG, "/tmp/lept/numa1/int2", "simple test"); numaInterpolateEqxInterval(0.0, 1.0, na, L_LINEAR_INTERP, 0.0, 255.0, 15, &nax, &nay); gplot = gplotCreate("/tmp/lept/numa1/int3", GPLOT_PNG, "test interpolation", "pix val", "num pix"); gplotAddPlot(gplot, nax, nay, GPLOT_LINES, "plot 1"); gplotMakeOutput(gplot); gplotDestroy(&gplot); numaDestroy(&na); numaDestroy(&nasy); numaDestroy(&nax); numaDestroy(&nay); pixDestroy(&pixs); /* Test numaInterpolateArbxInterval() */ pixs = pixRead("test8.jpg"); na = pixGetGrayHistogramMasked(pixs, NULL, 0, 0, 1); nasy = numaGetPartialSums(na); numaInsertNumber(nasy, 0, 0.0); nasx = numaMakeSequence(0.0, 1.0, 257); numaInterpolateArbxInterval(nasx, nasy, L_LINEAR_INTERP, 10.0, 250.0, 23, &nax, &nay); gplot = gplotCreate("/tmp/lept/numa1/int4", GPLOT_PNG, "arbx interpolation", "pix val", "cum num pix"); gplotAddPlot(gplot, nax, nay, GPLOT_LINES, "plot 1"); gplotMakeOutput(gplot); gplotDestroy(&gplot); numaDestroy(&na); numaDestroy(&nasx); numaDestroy(&nasy); numaDestroy(&nax); numaDestroy(&nay); pixDestroy(&pixs); /* Test numaInterpolateArbxVal() */ pixs = pixRead("test8.jpg"); na = pixGetGrayHistogramMasked(pixs, NULL, 0, 0, 1); nasy = numaGetPartialSums(na); numaInsertNumber(nasy, 0, 0.0); nasx = numaMakeSequence(0.0, 1.0, 257); nax = numaMakeSequence(15.0, (250.0 - 15.0) / 23.0, 24); n = numaGetCount(nax); nay = numaCreate(n); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { numaGetFValue(nax, i, &xval); numaInterpolateArbxVal(nasx, nasy, L_QUADRATIC_INTERP, xval, &yval); numaAddNumber(nay, yval); } gplot = gplotCreate("/tmp/lept/numa1/int5", GPLOT_PNG, "arbx interpolation", "pix val", "cum num pix"); gplotAddPlot(gplot, nax, nay, GPLOT_LINES, "plot 1"); gplotMakeOutput(gplot); gplotDestroy(&gplot); numaDestroy(&na); numaDestroy(&nasx); numaDestroy(&nasy); numaDestroy(&nax); numaDestroy(&nay); pixDestroy(&pixs); /* Test interpolation */ nasx = numaRead(""); nasy = numaRead(""); gplot = gplotCreate("/tmp/lept/numa1/int6", GPLOT_PNG, "arbx interpolation", "angle", "score"); numaInterpolateArbxInterval(nasx, nasy, L_LINEAR_INTERP, -2.00, 0.0, 50, &nax, &nay); gplotAddPlot(gplot, nax, nay, GPLOT_LINES, "linear"); numaDestroy(&nax); numaDestroy(&nay); numaInterpolateArbxInterval(nasx, nasy, L_QUADRATIC_INTERP, -2.00, 0.0, 50, &nax, &nay); gplotAddPlot(gplot, nax, nay, GPLOT_LINES, "quadratic"); numaDestroy(&nax); numaDestroy(&nay); gplotMakeOutput(gplot); gplotDestroy(&gplot); gplot = gplotCreate("/tmp/lept/numa1/int7", GPLOT_PNG, "arbx interpolation", "angle", "score"); numaInterpolateArbxInterval(nasx, nasy, L_LINEAR_INTERP, -1.2, -0.8, 50, &nax, &nay); gplotAddPlot(gplot, nax, nay, GPLOT_LINES, "quadratic"); gplotMakeOutput(gplot); gplotDestroy(&gplot); numaFitMax(nay, &yval, nax, &xval); if (rp->display) fprintf(stderr, "max = %f at loc = %f\n", yval, xval); pixa = pixaCreate(7); pix1 = pixRead("/tmp/lept/numa1/int1.png"); pix2 = pixRead("/tmp/lept/numa1/int2.png"); pix3 = pixRead("/tmp/lept/numa1/int3.png"); pix4 = pixRead("/tmp/lept/numa1/int4.png"); pix5 = pixRead("/tmp/lept/numa1/int5.png"); pix6 = pixRead("/tmp/lept/numa1/int6.png"); pix7 = pixRead("/tmp/lept/numa1/int7.png"); regTestWritePixAndCheck(rp, pix1, IFF_PNG); /* 11 */ regTestWritePixAndCheck(rp, pix2, IFF_PNG); /* 12 */ regTestWritePixAndCheck(rp, pix3, IFF_PNG); /* 13 */ regTestWritePixAndCheck(rp, pix4, IFF_PNG); /* 14 */ regTestWritePixAndCheck(rp, pix5, IFF_PNG); /* 15 */ regTestWritePixAndCheck(rp, pix6, IFF_PNG); /* 16 */ regTestWritePixAndCheck(rp, pix7, IFF_PNG); /* 17 */ pixaAddPix(pixa, pix1, L_INSERT); pixaAddPix(pixa, pix2, L_INSERT); pixaAddPix(pixa, pix3, L_INSERT); pixaAddPix(pixa, pix4, L_INSERT); pixaAddPix(pixa, pix5, L_INSERT); pixaAddPix(pixa, pix6, L_INSERT); pixaAddPix(pixa, pix7, L_INSERT); if (rp->display) { pixd = pixaDisplayTiledInRows(pixa, 32, 1500, 1.0, 0, 20, 2); pixDisplayWithTitle(pixd, 300, 0, NULL, 1); pixDestroy(&pixd); } pixaDestroy(&pixa); numaDestroy(&nasx); numaDestroy(&nasy); numaDestroy(&nax); numaDestroy(&nay); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------* * Integration and differentiation * * -------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Test integration and differentiation */ nasx = numaRead(""); nasy = numaRead(""); /* ---------- Plot the derivative ---------- */ numaDifferentiateInterval(nasx, nasy, -2.0, 0.0, 50, &nadx, &nady); gplot = gplotCreate("/tmp/lept/numa1/diff1", GPLOT_PNG, "derivative", "angle", "slope"); gplotAddPlot(gplot, nadx, nady, GPLOT_LINES, "derivative"); gplotMakeOutput(gplot); gplotDestroy(&gplot); /* ---------- Plot the original function ----------- */ /* and the integral of the derivative; the two */ /* should be approximately the same. */ gplot = gplotCreate("/tmp/lept/numa1/diff2", GPLOT_PNG, "integ-diff", "angle", "val"); numaInterpolateArbxInterval(nasx, nasy, L_LINEAR_INTERP, -2.00, 0.0, 50, &nafx, &nafy); gplotAddPlot(gplot, nafx, nafy, GPLOT_LINES, "function"); n = numaGetCount(nadx); numaGetFValue(nafx, 0, &x0); numaGetFValue(nafy, 0, &y0); nay = numaCreate(n); /* (Note: this tests robustness of the integrator: we go from * i = 0, and choose to have only 1 point in the interpolation * there, which is too small and causes the function to bomb out.) */ fprintf(stderr, "We must get a 'npts < 2' error here:\n"); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { numaGetFValue(nadx, i, &xval); numaIntegrateInterval(nadx, nady, x0, xval, 2 * i + 1, &yval); numaAddNumber(nay, y0 + yval); } gplotAddPlot(gplot, nafx, nay, GPLOT_LINES, "anti-derivative"); gplotMakeOutput(gplot); gplotDestroy(&gplot); pixa = pixaCreate(2); pix1 = pixRead("/tmp/lept/numa1/diff1.png"); pix2 = pixRead("/tmp/lept/numa1/diff2.png"); regTestWritePixAndCheck(rp, pix1, IFF_PNG); /* 18 */ regTestWritePixAndCheck(rp, pix2, IFF_PNG); /* 19 */ pixaAddPix(pixa, pix1, L_INSERT); pixaAddPix(pixa, pix2, L_INSERT); if (rp->display) { pixd = pixaDisplayTiledInRows(pixa, 32, 1500, 1.0, 0, 20, 2); pixDisplayWithTitle(pixd, 600, 0, NULL, 1); pixDestroy(&pixd); } pixaDestroy(&pixa); numaDestroy(&nasx); numaDestroy(&nasy); numaDestroy(&nafx); numaDestroy(&nafy); numaDestroy(&nadx); numaDestroy(&nady); numaDestroy(&nay); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------* * Rank extraction * * -------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Rank extraction with interpolation */ pixs = pixRead("test8.jpg"); nasy= pixGetGrayHistogramMasked(pixs, NULL, 0, 0, 1); numaMakeRankFromHistogram(0.0, 1.0, nasy, 350, &nax, &nay); gplot = gplotCreate("/tmp/lept/numa1/rank1", GPLOT_PNG, "test rank extractor", "pix val", "rank val"); gplotAddPlot(gplot, nax, nay, GPLOT_LINES, "plot 1"); gplotMakeOutput(gplot); gplotDestroy(&gplot); numaDestroy(&nasy); numaDestroy(&nax); numaDestroy(&nay); pixDestroy(&pixs); /* Rank extraction, point by point */ pixs = pixRead("test8.jpg"); nap = numaCreate(200); pixGetRankValueMasked(pixs, NULL, 0, 0, 2, 0.0, &val, &na); for (i = 0; i < 101; i++) { rank = 0.01 * i; numaHistogramGetValFromRank(na, rank, &val); numaAddNumber(nap, val); } gplotSimple1(nap, GPLOT_PNG, "/tmp/lept/numa1/rank2", "rank value"); pixa = pixaCreate(2); pix1 = pixRead("/tmp/lept/numa1/rank1.png"); pix2 = pixRead("/tmp/lept/numa1/rank2.png"); regTestWritePixAndCheck(rp, pix1, IFF_PNG); /* 20 */ regTestWritePixAndCheck(rp, pix2, IFF_PNG); /* 21 */ pixaAddPix(pixa, pix1, L_INSERT); pixaAddPix(pixa, pix2, L_INSERT); if (rp->display) { pixd = pixaDisplayTiledInRows(pixa, 32, 1500, 1.0, 0, 20, 2); pixDisplayWithTitle(pixd, 900, 0, NULL, 1); pixDestroy(&pixd); } pixaDestroy(&pixa); numaDestroy(&na); numaDestroy(&nap); pixDestroy(&pixs); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------* * Numa-morphology * * -------------------------------------------------------------------*/ na = numaRead(""); gplotSimple1(na, GPLOT_PNG, "/tmp/lept/numa1/lyra1", "Original"); na1 = numaErode(na, 21); gplotSimple1(na1, GPLOT_PNG, "/tmp/lept/numa1/lyra2", "Erosion"); na2 = numaDilate(na, 21); gplotSimple1(na2, GPLOT_PNG, "/tmp/lept/numa1/lyra3", "Dilation"); na3 = numaOpen(na, 21); gplotSimple1(na3, GPLOT_PNG, "/tmp/lept/numa1/lyra4", "Opening"); na4 = numaClose(na, 21); gplotSimple1(na4, GPLOT_PNG, "/tmp/lept/numa1/lyra5", "Closing"); pixa = pixaCreate(2); pix1 = pixRead("/tmp/lept/numa1/lyra1.png"); pix2 = pixRead("/tmp/lept/numa1/lyra2.png"); pix3 = pixRead("/tmp/lept/numa1/lyra3.png"); pix4 = pixRead("/tmp/lept/numa1/lyra4.png"); pix5 = pixRead("/tmp/lept/numa1/lyra5.png"); pixaAddPix(pixa, pix1, L_INSERT); pixaAddPix(pixa, pix2, L_INSERT); pixaAddPix(pixa, pix3, L_INSERT); pixaAddPix(pixa, pix4, L_INSERT); pixaAddPix(pixa, pix5, L_INSERT); regTestWritePixAndCheck(rp, pix1, IFF_PNG); /* 22 */ regTestWritePixAndCheck(rp, pix2, IFF_PNG); /* 23 */ regTestWritePixAndCheck(rp, pix3, IFF_PNG); /* 24 */ regTestWritePixAndCheck(rp, pix4, IFF_PNG); /* 25 */ regTestWritePixAndCheck(rp, pix5, IFF_PNG); /* 26 */ if (rp->display) { pixd = pixaDisplayTiledInRows(pixa, 32, 1500, 1.0, 0, 20, 2); pixDisplayWithTitle(pixd, 1200, 0, NULL, 1); pixDestroy(&pixd); } pixaDestroy(&pixa); numaDestroy(&na); numaDestroy(&na1); numaDestroy(&na2); numaDestroy(&na3); numaDestroy(&na4); pixaDestroy(&pixa); return regTestCleanup(rp); }
/*! * pixFindSkewSweep() * * Input: pixs (1 bpp) * &angle (<return> angle required to deskew, in degrees) * reduction (factor = 1, 2, 4 or 8) * sweeprange (half the full range; assumed about 0; in degrees) * sweepdelta (angle increment of sweep; in degrees) * Return: 0 if OK, 1 on error or if angle measurment not valid * * Notes: * (1) This examines the 'score' for skew angles with equal intervals. * (2) Caller must check the return value for validity of the result. */ l_int32 pixFindSkewSweep(PIX *pixs, l_float32 *pangle, l_int32 reduction, l_float32 sweeprange, l_float32 sweepdelta) { l_int32 ret, bzero, i, nangles; l_float32 deg2rad, theta; l_float32 sum, maxscore, maxangle; NUMA *natheta, *nascore; PIX *pix, *pixt; PROCNAME("pixFindSkewSweep"); if (!pixs) return ERROR_INT("pixs not defined", procName, 1); if (pixGetDepth(pixs) != 1) return ERROR_INT("pixs not 1 bpp", procName, 1); if (!pangle) return ERROR_INT("&angle not defined", procName, 1); if (reduction != 1 && reduction != 2 && reduction != 4 && reduction != 8) return ERROR_INT("reduction must be in {1,2,4,8}", procName, 1); *pangle = 0.0; /* init */ deg2rad = 3.1415926535 / 180.; ret = 0; /* Generate reduced image, if requested */ if (reduction == 1) pix = pixClone(pixs); else if (reduction == 2) pix = pixReduceRankBinaryCascade(pixs, 1, 0, 0, 0); else if (reduction == 4) pix = pixReduceRankBinaryCascade(pixs, 1, 1, 0, 0); else /* reduction == 8 */ pix = pixReduceRankBinaryCascade(pixs, 1, 1, 2, 0); pixZero(pix, &bzero); if (bzero) { pixDestroy(&pix); return 1; } nangles = (l_int32)((2. * sweeprange) / sweepdelta + 1); natheta = numaCreate(nangles); nascore = numaCreate(nangles); pixt = pixCreateTemplate(pix); if (!pix || !pixt) { ret = ERROR_INT("pix and pixt not both made", procName, 1); goto cleanup; } if (!natheta || !nascore) { ret = ERROR_INT("natheta and nascore not both made", procName, 1); goto cleanup; } for (i = 0; i < nangles; i++) { theta = -sweeprange + i * sweepdelta; /* degrees */ /* Shear pix about the UL corner and put the result in pixt */ pixVShearCorner(pixt, pix, deg2rad * theta, L_BRING_IN_WHITE); /* Get score */ pixFindDifferentialSquareSum(pixt, &sum); #if DEBUG_PRINT_SCORES L_INFO("sum(%7.2f) = %7.0f\n", procName, theta, sum); #endif /* DEBUG_PRINT_SCORES */ /* Save the result in the output arrays */ numaAddNumber(nascore, sum); numaAddNumber(natheta, theta); } /* Find the location of the maximum (i.e., the skew angle) * by fitting the largest data point and its two neighbors * to a quadratic, using lagrangian interpolation. */ numaFitMax(nascore, &maxscore, natheta, &maxangle); *pangle = maxangle; #if DEBUG_PRINT_SWEEP L_INFO(" From sweep: angle = %7.3f, score = %7.3f\n", procName, maxangle, maxscore); #endif /* DEBUG_PRINT_SWEEP */ #if DEBUG_PLOT_SCORES /* Plot the result -- the scores versus rotation angle -- * using gnuplot with GPLOT_LINES (lines connecting data points). * The GPLOT data structure is first created, with the * appropriate data incorporated from the two input NUMAs, * and then the function gplotMakeOutput() uses gnuplot to * generate the output plot. This can be either a .png file * or a .ps file, depending on whether you use GPLOT_PNG * or GPLOT_PS. */ {GPLOT *gplot; gplot = gplotCreate("sweep_output", GPLOT_PNG, "Sweep. Variance of difference of ON pixels vs. angle", "angle (deg)", "score"); gplotAddPlot(gplot, natheta, nascore, GPLOT_LINES, "plot1"); gplotAddPlot(gplot, natheta, nascore, GPLOT_POINTS, "plot2"); gplotMakeOutput(gplot); gplotDestroy(&gplot); } #endif /* DEBUG_PLOT_SCORES */ cleanup: pixDestroy(&pix); pixDestroy(&pixt); numaDestroy(&nascore); numaDestroy(&natheta); return ret; }