예제 #1
파일: vpMeEllipse.cpp 프로젝트: tswang/visp
  Resample the ellipse if the number of sample is less than 90% of the
  expected value.
  \note The expected value is computed thanks to the difference between the smallest and the biggest \f$ \alpha \f$ angles
  and the parameter which indicates the number of degrees between
  two points (vpMe::sample_step).

  \param I : Image in which the ellipse appears.

  \exception vpTrackingException::initializationError : Moving edges not initialized.

vpMeEllipse::reSample(const vpImage<unsigned char>  &I)
  if (!me) {
    vpDERROR_TRACE(2, "Tracking error: Moving edges not initialized");
      "Moving edges not initialized")) ;

  unsigned int n = numberOfSignal() ;
  expecteddensity = (alpha2-alpha1) / vpMath::rad((double)me->getSampleStep());
  if ((double)n<0.9*expecteddensity){
    sample(I) ;
예제 #2
파일: vpMeLine.cpp 프로젝트: 976717326/visp
  Resample the line if the number of sample is less than 80% of the
  expected value.
  \note The expected value is computed thanks to the length of the
  line and the parameter which indicates the number of pixel between
  two points (vpMe::sample_step).

  \param I : Image in which the line appears.
vpMeLine::reSample(const vpImage<unsigned char> &I)
  double i1,j1,i2,j2 ;

  if (!me) {
    vpDERROR_TRACE(2, "Tracking error: Moving edges not initialized");
      "Moving edges not initialized")) ;

  project(a,b,c,PExt[0].ifloat,PExt[0].jfloat,i1,j1) ;
  project(a,b,c,PExt[1].ifloat,PExt[1].jfloat,i2,j2) ;

  // Points extremites
  PExt[0].ifloat = i1 ;
  PExt[0].jfloat = j1 ;
  PExt[1].ifloat = i2 ;
  PExt[1].jfloat = j2 ;

  double d = sqrt(vpMath::sqr(i1-i2)+vpMath::sqr(j1-j2)) ;

  unsigned int n = numberOfSignal() ;
  double expecteddensity = d / (double)me->getSampleStep();

  if ((double)n<0.9*expecteddensity)
    double delta_new = delta;
    delta = delta_1;
    sample(I) ;
    delta = delta_new;
    //  2. On appelle ce qui n'est pas specifique
      vpMeTracker::initTracking(I) ;
예제 #3
파일: vpMeLine.cpp 프로젝트: 976717326/visp
  Least squares method used to make the tracking more robust. It
  ensures that the points taken into account to compute the right
  equation belong to the line.
  vpMatrix A(numberOfSignal(),2) ;
  vpColVector x(2), x_1(2) ;
  x_1 = 0;

  unsigned int i ;

  vpRobust r(numberOfSignal()) ;
  r.setIteration(0) ;
  vpMatrix D(numberOfSignal(),numberOfSignal()) ;
  D.eye() ;
  vpMatrix DA, DAmemory ;
  vpColVector DAx ;
  vpColVector w(numberOfSignal()) ;
  vpColVector B(numberOfSignal()) ;
  w =1 ;
  vpMeSite p_me ;
  unsigned int iter =0 ;
  unsigned int nos_1 = 0 ;
  double distance = 100;

  if (list.size() <= 2 || numberOfSignal() <= 2)
    //vpERROR_TRACE("Not enough point") ;
    vpCDEBUG(1) << "Not enough point";
                              "not enough point")) ;

  if ((fabs(b) >=0.9)) // Construction du systeme Ax=B
    // a i + j + c = 0
    // A = (i 1)   B = (-j)
    nos_1 = numberOfSignal() ;
    unsigned int k =0 ;
    for(std::list<vpMeSite>::const_iterator it=list.begin(); it!=list.end(); ++it){
      p_me = *it;
      if (p_me.getState() == vpMeSite::NO_SUPPRESSION)
        A[k][0] = p_me.ifloat ;
        A[k][1] = 1 ;
        B[k] = -p_me.jfloat ;
        k++ ;

    while (iter < 4 && distance > 0.05)
      DA = D*A ;
      x = DA.pseudoInverse(1e-26) *D*B ;

      vpColVector residu(nos_1);
      residu = B - A*x;
      r.setIteration(iter) ;
      r.MEstimator(vpRobust::TUKEY,residu,w) ;

      k = 0;
      for (i=0 ; i < nos_1 ; i++)
        D[k][k] =w[k]  ;
      iter++ ;
      distance = fabs(x[0]-x_1[0])+fabs(x[1]-x_1[1]);
      x_1 = x;

    k =0 ;
    for(std::list<vpMeSite>::iterator it=list.begin(); it!=list.end(); ++it){
      p_me = *it;
      if (p_me.getState() == vpMeSite::NO_SUPPRESSION)
        if (w[k] < 0.2)
          *it = p_me;
        k++ ;

    // mise a jour de l'equation de la droite
    a = x[0] ;
    b = 1 ;
    c = x[1] ;

    double s =sqrt( vpMath::sqr(a)+vpMath::sqr(b)) ;
    a /= s ;
    b /= s ;
    c /= s ;

  else		// Construction du systeme Ax=B
    // i + bj + c = 0
    // A = (j 1)   B = (-i)
    nos_1 = numberOfSignal() ;
    unsigned int k =0 ;
    for(std::list<vpMeSite>::const_iterator it=list.begin(); it!=list.end(); ++it){
      p_me = *it;
      if (p_me.getState() == vpMeSite::NO_SUPPRESSION)
        A[k][0] = p_me.jfloat ;
        A[k][1] = 1 ;
        B[k] = -p_me.ifloat ;
        k++ ;

    while (iter < 4 && distance > 0.05)
      DA = D*A ;
      x = DA.pseudoInverse(1e-26) *D*B ;

      vpColVector residu(nos_1);
      residu = B - A*x;
      r.setIteration(iter) ;
      r.MEstimator(vpRobust::TUKEY,residu,w) ;

      k = 0;
      for (i=0 ; i < nos_1 ; i++)
        D[k][k] =w[k]  ;
      iter++ ;
      distance = fabs(x[0]-x_1[0])+fabs(x[1]-x_1[1]);
      x_1 = x;

    k =0 ;
    for(std::list<vpMeSite>::iterator it=list.begin(); it!=list.end(); ++it){
      p_me = *it;
      if (p_me.getState() == vpMeSite::NO_SUPPRESSION)
        if (w[k] < 0.2)
          *it = p_me;
        k++ ;
    a = 1 ;
    b = x[0] ;
    c = x[1] ;

    double s = sqrt(vpMath::sqr(a)+vpMath::sqr(b)) ;
    a /= s ;
    b /= s ;
    c /= s ;

  // mise a jour du delta
  delta = atan2(a,b) ;

  normalizeAngle(delta) ;
예제 #4
파일: vpMeEllipse.cpp 프로젝트: tswang/visp
  Least squares method used to make the tracking more robust. It
  ensures that the points taken into account to compute the right
  equation belong to the ellipse.
  // Construction du systeme Ax=b
  //! i^2 + K0 j^2 + 2 K1 i j + 2 K2 i + 2 K3 j + K4
  // A = (j^2 2ij 2i 2j 1)   x = (K0 K1 K2 K3 K4)^T  b = (-i^2 )
  unsigned int i ;

  vpMeSite p_me ;

  unsigned int iter =0 ;
  vpColVector b_(numberOfSignal()) ;
  vpRobust r(numberOfSignal()) ;
  r.setIteration(0) ;
  vpMatrix D(numberOfSignal(),numberOfSignal()) ;
  D.setIdentity() ;
  vpMatrix DA, DAmemory ;
  vpColVector DAx ;
  vpColVector w(numberOfSignal()) ;
  w =1 ;
  unsigned int nos_1 = numberOfSignal() ;

  if (list.size() < 3)
    vpERROR_TRACE("Not enough point") ;
			      "not enough point")) ;

  if (circle ==false)
    vpMatrix A(numberOfSignal(),5) ;
    vpColVector x(5);

    unsigned int k =0 ;
    for(std::list<vpMeSite>::const_iterator it=list.begin(); it!=list.end(); ++it){
      p_me = *it;
      if (p_me.getState() == vpMeSite::NO_SUPPRESSION)
        A[k][0] = vpMath::sqr(p_me.jfloat) ;
        A[k][1] = 2 * p_me.ifloat * p_me.jfloat ;
        A[k][2] = 2 * p_me.ifloat ;
        A[k][3] = 2 * p_me.jfloat ;
        A[k][4] = 1 ;

        b_[k] = - vpMath::sqr(p_me.ifloat) ;
        k++ ;

    while (iter < 4 )
      DA = D*A ;
      vpMatrix DAp ;

      x = DA.pseudoInverse(1e-26) *D*b_ ;

      vpColVector residu(nos_1);
      residu = b_ - A*x;
      r.setIteration(iter) ;
      r.MEstimator(vpRobust::TUKEY,residu,w) ;

      k = 0;
      for (i=0 ; i < nos_1 ; i++)
        D[k][k] =w[k]  ;

    k =0 ;
    for(std::list<vpMeSite>::iterator it=list.begin(); it!=list.end(); ++it){
      p_me = *it;
      if (p_me.getState() == vpMeSite::NO_SUPPRESSION)
        if (w[k] < thresholdWeight)
          *it = p_me;
        k++ ;
    for(i = 0; i < 5; i ++)
      K[i] = x[i];
    vpMatrix A(numberOfSignal(),3) ;
    vpColVector x(3);

    unsigned int k =0 ;
    for(std::list<vpMeSite>::const_iterator it=list.begin(); it!=list.end(); ++it){
      p_me = *it;
      if (p_me.getState() == vpMeSite::NO_SUPPRESSION)
        A[k][0] = 2* p_me.ifloat ;
        A[k][1] = 2 * p_me.jfloat ;
        A[k][2] = 1 ;

        b_[k] = - vpMath::sqr(p_me.ifloat) - vpMath::sqr(p_me.jfloat) ;
        k++ ;

    while (iter < 4 )
      DA = D*A ;
      vpMatrix DAp ;

      x = DA.pseudoInverse(1e-26) *D*b_ ;

      vpColVector residu(nos_1);
      residu = b_ - A*x;
      r.setIteration(iter) ;
      r.MEstimator(vpRobust::TUKEY,residu,w) ;

      k = 0;
      for (i=0 ; i < nos_1 ; i++)
        D[k][k] =w[k];

    k =0 ;
    for(std::list<vpMeSite>::iterator it=list.begin(); it!=list.end(); ++it){
      p_me = *it;
      if (p_me.getState() == vpMeSite::NO_SUPPRESSION)
        if (w[k] < thresholdWeight)
          *it = p_me;
        k++ ;
    for(i = 0; i < 3; i ++)
      K[i+2] = x[i];
  getParameters() ;