int main() { /* program to find a trap-door prime */ BOOL found; int i,spins; long seed; big pp[NPRIMES],q,p,t; FILE *fp; mirsys(50,0); for (i=0;i<NPRIMES;i++) pp[i]=mirvar(0); q=mirvar(0); t=mirvar(0); p=mirvar(0); printf("Enter 9 digit seed= "); scanf("%ld",&seed); getchar(); irand(seed); printf("Enter 4 digit seed= "); scanf("%d",&spins); getchar(); for (i=0;i<spins;i++) brand(); convert(2,pp[0]); do { /* find prime p = 2.pp[1].pp[2]....+1 */ convert(2,p); for (i=1;i<NPRIMES-1;i++) { /* generate all but last prime */ bigdig(i+6,10,q); nxprime(q,pp[i]); multiply(p,pp[i],p); } do { /* find last prime component such that p is prime */ nxprime(q,q); copy(q,pp[NPRIMES-1]); multiply(p,pp[NPRIMES-1],t); incr(t,1,t); } while(!isprime(t)); copy(t,p); found=TRUE; for (i=0;i<NPRIMES;i++) { /* check that PROOT is a primitive root */ decr(p,1,q); divide(q,pp[i],q); powltr(PROOT,q,p,t); if (size(t)==1) { found=FALSE; break; } } } while (!found); fp=fopen("prime.dat","wt"); fprintf(fp,"%d\n",NPRIMES); for (i=0;i<NPRIMES;i++) cotnum(pp[i],fp); fclose(fp); printf("prime= \n"); cotnum(p,stdout); return 0; }
void primemod(int bits,big p) { do { printf("%d bit prime.....\n",bits); bigbits(bits,p); nxprime(p,p); } while (logb2(p)!=bits); }
int main() { FILE *fp; big p,q,h,g,n,s,t; long seed; miracl *mip=mirsys(100,0); p=mirvar(0); q=mirvar(0); h=mirvar(0); g=mirvar(0); n=mirvar(0); s=mirvar(0); t=mirvar(0); /* randomise */ printf("Enter 9 digit random number seed = "); scanf("%ld",&seed); getchar(); irand(seed); /* generate q */ forever { bigbits(QBITS,q); nxprime(q,q); if (logb2(q)>QBITS) continue; break; } printf("q= "); cotnum(q,stdout); /* generate p */ expb2(PBITS,t); decr(t,1,t); premult(q,2,n); divide(t,n,t); expb2(PBITS-1,s); decr(s,1,s); divide(s,n,s); forever { bigrand(t,p); if (mr_compare(p,s)<=0) continue; premult(p,2,p); multiply(p,q,p); incr(p,1,p); copy(p,n); if (isprime(p)) break; } printf("p= "); cotnum(p,stdout); /* generate g */ do { decr(p,1,t); bigrand(t,h); divide(t,q,t); powmod(h,t,p,g); } while (size(g)==1); printf("g= "); cotnum(g,stdout); fp=fopen("common.dss","wt"); fprintf(fp,"%d\n",PBITS); mip->IOBASE=16; cotnum(p,fp); cotnum(q,fp); cotnum(g,fp); fclose(fp); return 0; }
int main() { FILE *fp; big q,p,p1,h,t,g,low,high; big pool[POOL_SIZE]; BOOL fail; int i,j,p1bits,np; long seed,m,permutation; miracl *mip=mirsys(100,0); q=mirvar(0); p=mirvar(0); h=mirvar(0); t=mirvar(0); g=mirvar(0); p1=mirvar(0); low=mirvar(0); high=mirvar(0); gprime(10000); /* randomise */ printf("Enter 9 digit random number seed = "); scanf("%ld",&seed); getchar(); irand(seed); p1bits=PBITS-QBITS-1; /* find number of primes pa, pb, pc etc., that will be needed */ np=1; while (p1bits/np >= OBITS) np++; np--; /* find the high/low limits for these primes, so that the generated prime p will be exactly PBITS in length */ expb2(p1bits-1,t); nroot(t,np,low); /* np-th integer root */ incr(low,1,low); premult(t,2,t); decr(t,1,t); nroot(t,np,high); subtract(high,low,t); /* raise low limit up to half-way... */ subdiv(t,2,t); subtract(high,t,low); /* generate q */ forever { /* make sure leading two bits of q 11... */ expb2(QBITS,q); bigbits(QBITS-2,t); subtract(q,t,q); nxprime(q,q); if (logb2(q)>QBITS) continue; break; } printf("q= (%d bits)\n",logb2(q)); cotnum(q,stdout); /* generate prime pool from which permutations of np primes will be picked until a Lim-Lee prime is found */ for (i=0;i<POOL_SIZE;i++) { /* generate the primes pa, pb, pc etc.. */ pool[i]=mirvar(0); forever { bigrand(high,p1); if (mr_compare(p1,low)<0) continue; nxprime(p1,p1); if (mr_compare(p1,high)>0) continue; copy(p1,pool[i]); break; } } /* The '1' bits in the permutation indicate which primes are picked from the pool. If np=5, start at 11111, then 101111 etc */ permutation=1L; for (i=0;i<np;i++) permutation<<=1; permutation-=1; /* permuation = 2^np-1 */ /* generate p */ fail=FALSE; forever { convert(1,p1); for (i=j=0,m=1L;j<np;i++,m<<=1) { if (i>=POOL_SIZE) { /* ran out of primes... */ fail=TRUE; break; } if (m&permutation) { multiply(p1,pool[i],p1); j++; } } if (fail) break; printf("."); premult(q,2,p); multiply(p,p1,p); incr(p,1,p); permutation=increment(permutation); if (logb2(p)!=PBITS) continue; if (isprime(p)) break; } if (fail) { printf("\nFailed - very unlikely! - try increasing POOL_SIZE\n"); return 0; } printf("\np= (%d bits)\n",logb2(p)); cotnum(p,stdout); /* finally find g */ do { decr(p,1,t); bigrand(t,h); divide(t,q,t); powmod(h,t,p,g); } while(size(g)==1); printf("g= (%d bits)\n",logb2(g)); cotnum(g,stdout); fp=fopen("common.dss","wt"); fprintf(fp,"%d\n",PBITS); mip->IOBASE=16; cotnum(p,fp); cotnum(q,fp); cotnum(g,fp); fclose(fp); return 0; }