예제 #1
/*! \brief read a net object from a char buffer
 *  \par Function Description
 *  This function reads a net object from the buffer \a buf.
 *  If the netobject was read successfully, a new net object is
 *  allocated and appended to the \a object_list.
 *  \param [in] toplevel     The TOPLEVEL object
 *  \param [in] buf          a text buffer (usually a line of a schematic file)
 *  \param [in] release_ver  The release number gEDA
 *  \param [in] fileformat_ver a integer value of the file format
 *  \return The object list, or NULL on error.
OBJECT *o_net_read (TOPLEVEL *toplevel, const char buf[],
                    unsigned int release_ver, unsigned int fileformat_ver, GError **err)
  OBJECT *new_obj;
  char type;
  int x1, y1;
  int x2, y2;
  int color;

  if (sscanf (buf, "%c %d %d %d %d %d\n", &type, &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2, &color) != 6) {
        g_set_error(err, EDA_ERROR, EDA_ERROR_PARSE, _("Failed to parse net object"));
    return NULL;

  if (x1 == x2 && y1 == y2) {
    s_log_message (_("Found a zero length net [ %c %d %d %d %d %d ]\n"),
                   type, x1, y1, x2, y2, color);

  if (toplevel->override_net_color != -1) {
    color = toplevel->override_net_color;

  if (color < 0 || color > MAX_COLORS) {
    s_log_message (_("Found an invalid color [ %s ]\n"), buf);
    s_log_message (_("Setting color to default color\n"));
    color = DEFAULT_COLOR;

  new_obj = o_net_new (toplevel, type, color, x1, y1, x2, y2);

  return new_obj;
예제 #2
/*! \brief create a copy of a net object
 *  \par Function Description
 *  This function creates a copy of the net object \a o_current.
 *  \param [in] toplevel     The TOPLEVEL object
 *  \param [in] o_current    The object that is copied
 *  \return a new net object
OBJECT *o_net_copy(TOPLEVEL *toplevel,  OBJECT *o_current)
  OBJECT *new_obj;

  /* make sure you fix this in pin and bus as well */
  /* still doesn't work... you need to pass in the new values */
  /* or don't update and update later */
  /* I think for now I'll disable the update and manually update */
  new_obj = o_net_new (toplevel, OBJ_NET, o_current->color,
                       o_current->line->x[0], o_current->line->y[0],
                       o_current->line->x[1], o_current->line->y[1]);

  return new_obj;
예제 #3
파일: o_net.c 프로젝트: rlutz/geda-gaf
/*! \todo Finish function documentation!!!
 *  \brief
 *  \par Function Description
int o_net_add_busrippers(GschemToplevel *w_current, OBJECT *net_obj,
                         GList *prev_conn_objects)

  OBJECT *new_obj;
  GList *cl_current = NULL;
  OBJECT *bus_object = NULL;
  CONN *found_conn = NULL;
  int done;
  int otherone;
  BUS_RIPPER rippers[2];
  int ripper_count = 0;
  int i;
  double length;
  int sign;
  double distance1, distance2;
  int first, second;
  int made_changes = FALSE;
  const int ripper_size = w_current->bus_ripper_size;
  int complex_angle = 0;
  const CLibSymbol *rippersym = NULL;

  GschemPageView *page_view = gschem_toplevel_get_current_page_view (w_current);
  g_return_val_if_fail (page_view != NULL, FALSE);

  PAGE *page = gschem_page_view_get_page (page_view);
  g_return_val_if_fail (page != NULL, FALSE);

  length = o_line_length(net_obj);

  if (!prev_conn_objects) {

  if (length <= ripper_size) {

  /* check for a bus connection and draw rippers if so */
  cl_current = prev_conn_objects;
  while (cl_current != NULL) {

    bus_object = (OBJECT *) cl_current->data;
    if (bus_object && bus_object->type == OBJ_BUS) {
      /* yes, using the net routine is okay */
      int bus_orientation = o_net_orientation(bus_object);
      int net_orientation = o_net_orientation(net_obj);

      /* find the CONN structure which is associated with this object */
      GList *cl_current2 = net_obj->conn_list;
      done = FALSE;
      while (cl_current2 != NULL && !done) {
	CONN *tmp_conn = (CONN *) cl_current2->data;

	if (tmp_conn && tmp_conn->other_object &&
	    tmp_conn->other_object == bus_object) {

	  found_conn = tmp_conn;
	  done = TRUE;

	cl_current2 = g_list_next(cl_current2);

      if (!found_conn) {

      otherone = !found_conn->whichone;

      /* now deal with the found connection */
      if (bus_orientation == HORIZONTAL && net_orientation == VERTICAL) {
	/* printf("found horiz bus %s %d!\n", bus_object->name,

        sign = bus_object->bus_ripper_direction;
        if (!sign) {
          if (bus_object->line->x[0] < bus_object->line->x[1]) {
            first = 0;
            second = 1;
          } else {
            first = 1;
            second = 0;

          distance1 = abs(bus_object->line->x[first] -
          distance2 = abs(bus_object->line->x[second] -

          if (distance1 <= distance2) {
            sign = 1;
          } else {
            sign = -1;
          bus_object->bus_ripper_direction = sign;
        /* printf("hor sign: %d\n", sign); */

        if (net_obj->line->y[otherone] < bus_object->line->y[0]) {
          /* new net is below bus */

          if (ripper_count >= 2) {
            /* try to exit gracefully */
            fprintf(stderr, _("Tried to add more than two bus rippers. Internal gschem error.\n"));
            made_changes = FALSE;

          if (w_current->bus_ripper_rotation == NON_SYMMETRIC) {
            /* non-symmetric */
            if (sign == 1) {
              complex_angle = 0;
            } else {
              complex_angle = 90;
          } else {
            /* symmetric */
            complex_angle = 0;

          net_obj->line->y[found_conn->whichone] -= ripper_size;
          net_obj->w_bounds_valid_for = NULL;
          rippers[ripper_count].x[0] =
          rippers[ripper_count].y[0] =
          rippers[ripper_count].x[1] =
            net_obj->line->x[found_conn->whichone] + sign*ripper_size;
          rippers[ripper_count].y[1] =
            net_obj->line->y[found_conn->whichone] + ripper_size;
          /* printf("done\n"); */

        } else {
          /* new net is above bus */
          /* printf("above\n"); */

          if (ripper_count >= 2) {
            /* try to exit gracefully */
            fprintf(stderr, _("Tried to add more than two bus rippers. Internal gschem error.\n"));
            made_changes = FALSE;

          if (w_current->bus_ripper_rotation == NON_SYMMETRIC) {
            /* non-symmetric */
            if (sign == 1) {
              complex_angle = 270;
            } else {
              complex_angle = 180;
          } else {
            /* symmetric */
            complex_angle = 180;

          net_obj->line->y[found_conn->whichone] += ripper_size;
          net_obj->w_bounds_valid_for = NULL;
          rippers[ripper_count].x[0] =
          rippers[ripper_count].y[0] =
          rippers[ripper_count].x[1] =
            net_obj->line->x[found_conn->whichone] + sign*ripper_size;
          rippers[ripper_count].y[1] =
            net_obj->line->y[found_conn->whichone] - ripper_size;

            /* printf("done\n"); */

      } else if (bus_orientation == VERTICAL &&
		 net_orientation == HORIZONTAL) {

	/* printf("found vert bus %s %d!\n", bus_object->name,
           found_conn->whichone); */

        sign = bus_object->bus_ripper_direction;
        if (!sign) {
          if (bus_object->line->y[0] < bus_object->line->y[1]) {
            first = 0;
            second = 1;
          } else {
            first = 1;
            second = 0;

          distance1 = abs(bus_object->line->y[first] -
          distance2 = abs(bus_object->line->y[second] -

          if (distance1 <= distance2) {
            sign = 1;
          } else {
            sign = -1;
          bus_object->bus_ripper_direction = sign;
        /* printf("ver sign: %d\n", sign); */

        if (net_obj->line->x[otherone] < bus_object->line->x[0]) {
          /* new net is to the left of the bus */
          /* printf("left\n"); */

          if (ripper_count >= 2) {
            /* try to exit gracefully */
            fprintf(stderr, _("Tried to add more than two bus rippers. Internal gschem error.\n"));
            made_changes = FALSE;

          if (w_current->bus_ripper_rotation == NON_SYMMETRIC) {
            /* non-symmetric */
            if (sign == 1) {
              complex_angle = 0;
            } else {
              complex_angle = 270;
          } else {
            /* symmetric */
            complex_angle = 270;

          net_obj->line->x[found_conn->whichone] -= ripper_size;
          net_obj->w_bounds_valid_for = NULL;
          rippers[ripper_count].x[0] =
          rippers[ripper_count].y[0] =
          rippers[ripper_count].x[1] =
            net_obj->line->x[found_conn->whichone] + ripper_size;
          rippers[ripper_count].y[1] =
            net_obj->line->y[found_conn->whichone] + sign*ripper_size;

        } else {
          /* new net is to the right of the bus */
          /* printf("right\n"); */

          if (ripper_count >= 2) {
            /* try to exit gracefully */
            fprintf(stderr, _("Tried to add more than two bus rippers. Internal gschem error.\n"));
            made_changes = FALSE;

          if (w_current->bus_ripper_rotation == NON_SYMMETRIC) {
            /* non-symmetric */
            if (sign == 1) {
              complex_angle = 90;
            } else {
              complex_angle = 180;
          } else {
            /* symmetric */
            complex_angle = 90;

          net_obj->line->x[found_conn->whichone] += ripper_size;
          net_obj->w_bounds_valid_for = NULL;
          rippers[ripper_count].x[0] =
          rippers[ripper_count].y[0] =
          rippers[ripper_count].x[1] =
            net_obj->line->x[found_conn->whichone] - ripper_size;
          rippers[ripper_count].y[1] =
            net_obj->line->y[found_conn->whichone] + sign*ripper_size;


    cl_current = g_list_next(cl_current);

  if (made_changes) {
    s_conn_remove_object_connections (page->toplevel, net_obj);

    if (w_current->bus_ripper_type == COMP_BUS_RIPPER) {
      GList *symlist =
	s_clib_search (page->toplevel->bus_ripper_symname, CLIB_EXACT);
      if (symlist != NULL) {
        rippersym = (CLibSymbol *) symlist->data;
      g_list_free (symlist);

    for (i = 0; i < ripper_count; i++) {
      if (w_current->bus_ripper_type == NET_BUS_RIPPER) {
        new_obj = o_net_new(page->toplevel, OBJ_NET, NET_COLOR,
                  rippers[i].x[0], rippers[i].y[0],
                  rippers[i].x[1], rippers[i].y[1]);
        s_page_append (page->toplevel, page, new_obj);
      } else {

        if (rippersym != NULL) {
          new_obj = o_complex_new (page->toplevel, OBJ_COMPLEX, DEFAULT_COLOR,
                                   rippers[i].x[0], rippers[i].y[0],
                                   complex_angle, 0,
                                   page->toplevel->bus_ripper_symname, 1);
          s_page_append_list (page->toplevel, page,
                              o_complex_promote_attribs (page->toplevel, new_obj));
          s_page_append (page->toplevel, page, new_obj);
        } else {
          s_log_message(_("Bus ripper symbol [%s] was not found in any component library\n"),

    s_conn_update_object (page, net_obj);

예제 #4
파일: o_net.c 프로젝트: rlutz/geda-gaf
/*! \brief finish a net drawing action
 * \par Function Description
 * This function finishes the drawing of a net. If we have a visible
 * magnetic marker, we use that instead of the current cursor
 * position.
 * The rubber nets are removed, the nets and cues are drawn and the
 * net is added to the TOPLEVEL structure.
 * The function returns TRUE if it has drawn a net, FALSE otherwise.
void o_net_end(GschemToplevel *w_current, int w_x, int w_y)
  int primary_zero_length, secondary_zero_length;
  int found_primary_connection = FALSE;
  int save_wx, save_wy;

  GList *prev_conn_objects;
  OBJECT *new_net = NULL;

  /* Save a list of added objects to run the %add-objects-hook later */
  GList *added_objects = NULL;

  g_assert( w_current->inside_action != 0 );

  GschemPageView *page_view = gschem_toplevel_get_current_page_view (w_current);
  g_return_if_fail (page_view != NULL);

  PAGE *page = gschem_page_view_get_page (page_view);
  g_return_if_fail (page != NULL);

  o_net_invalidate_rubber (w_current);

  if (w_current->magnetic_wx != -1 && w_current->magnetic_wy != -1)

  w_current->rubber_visible = 0;

  /* See if either of the nets are zero length.  We'll only add */
  /* the non-zero ones */
  primary_zero_length = (w_current->first_wx == w_current->second_wx) &&
    (w_current->first_wy == w_current->second_wy);

  secondary_zero_length = (w_current->second_wx == w_current->third_wx) &&
      (w_current->second_wy == w_current->third_wy);

  /* If both nets are zero length... */
  /* this ends the net drawing behavior */
  if ( primary_zero_length && secondary_zero_length ) {

  save_wx = w_current->third_wx;
  save_wy = w_current->third_wy;

  if (w_current->third_wx != snap_grid (w_current, w_current->third_wx)
      || w_current->third_wy != snap_grid (w_current, w_current->third_wy))
      s_log_message(_("Warning: Ending net at off grid coordinate\n"));

  if (!primary_zero_length ) {
  /* create primary net */
      new_net = o_net_new(page->toplevel, OBJ_NET, NET_COLOR,
                          w_current->first_wx, w_current->first_wy,
                          w_current->second_wx, w_current->second_wy);
      s_page_append (page->toplevel, page, new_net);

      added_objects = g_list_prepend (added_objects, new_net);

      /* conn stuff */
      /* LEAK CHECK 1 */
      prev_conn_objects = s_conn_return_others (NULL, new_net);
      o_net_add_busrippers (w_current, new_net, prev_conn_objects);
      g_list_free (prev_conn_objects);


      /* Go off and search for valid connection on this newly created net */
      found_primary_connection = s_conn_net_search(new_net, 1,
      if (found_primary_connection)
      	/* if a net connection is found, reset start point of next net */
	save_wx = w_current->second_wx;
	save_wy = w_current->second_wy;

  /* If the second net is not zero length, add it as well */
  /* Also, a valid net connection from the primary net was not found */
  if (!secondary_zero_length && !found_primary_connection) {

      /* Add secondary net */
      new_net = o_net_new(page->toplevel, OBJ_NET, NET_COLOR,
                          w_current->second_wx, w_current->second_wy,
                          w_current->third_wx, w_current->third_wy);
      s_page_append (page->toplevel, page, new_net);

      added_objects = g_list_prepend (added_objects, new_net);

      /* conn stuff */
      /* LEAK CHECK 2 */
      prev_conn_objects = s_conn_return_others (NULL, new_net);
      o_net_add_busrippers (w_current, new_net, prev_conn_objects);
      g_list_free (prev_conn_objects);

  /* Call add-objects-hook */
  if (added_objects != NULL) {
    g_run_hook_object_list (w_current, "%add-objects-hook", added_objects);
    g_list_free (added_objects);

  w_current->first_wx = save_wx;
  w_current->first_wy = save_wy;

  gschem_toplevel_page_content_changed (w_current, page);
  o_undo_savestate_old(w_current, UNDO_ALL);

  /* Continue net drawing */
  o_net_start(w_current, w_current->first_wx, w_current->first_wy);
예제 #5
파일: o_net.c 프로젝트: jgriessen/geda-gaf
/*! \brief finish a net drawing action 
 * \par Function Description 
 * This function finishes the drawing of a net. If we have a visible
 * magnetic marker, we use that instead of the current cursor
 * position.
 * The rubber nets are removed, the nets and cues are drawn and the
 * net is added to the TOPLEVEL structure.  
 * The function returns TRUE if it has drawn a net, FALSE otherwise.
int o_net_end(GSCHEM_TOPLEVEL *w_current, int w_x, int w_y)
  TOPLEVEL *toplevel = w_current->toplevel;
  int color;
  int primary_zero_length, secondary_zero_length;
  int found_primary_connection = FALSE;
  int save_wx, save_wy;

  GList *prev_conn_objects = NULL;
  OBJECT *new_net = NULL;

  g_assert( w_current->inside_action != 0 );

  o_net_invalidate_rubber (w_current);

  if (w_current->magnetic_wx != -1 && w_current->magnetic_wy != -1)

  w_current->rubber_visible = 0;

  /* See if either of the nets are zero length.  We'll only add */
  /* the non-zero ones */
  primary_zero_length = (w_current->first_wx == w_current->second_wx) &&
    (w_current->first_wy == w_current->second_wy);
  secondary_zero_length = (w_current->second_wx == w_current->third_wx) &&
      (w_current->second_wy == w_current->third_wy);

  /* If both nets are zero length... */
  /* this ends the net drawing behavior */
  if ( primary_zero_length && secondary_zero_length ) {
    return FALSE;

  save_wx = w_current->third_wx;
  save_wy = w_current->third_wy;

  if (toplevel->override_net_color == -1) {
    color = NET_COLOR;
  } else {
    color = toplevel->override_net_color;

  if (w_current->third_wx != snap_grid (w_current, w_current->third_wx)
      || w_current->third_wy != snap_grid (w_current, w_current->third_wy))
      s_log_message(_("Warning: Ending net at off grid coordinate\n"));

  if (!primary_zero_length ) {
  /* create primary net */
      new_net = o_net_new(toplevel, OBJ_NET, color,
                          w_current->first_wx, w_current->first_wy,
                          w_current->second_wx, w_current->second_wy);
      s_page_append (toplevel->page_current, new_net);

      /* conn stuff */
      /* LEAK CHECK 1 */
      prev_conn_objects = s_conn_return_others (prev_conn_objects, new_net);

      if (o_net_add_busrippers (w_current, new_net, prev_conn_objects)) {
        g_list_free (prev_conn_objects);
        prev_conn_objects = NULL;
        prev_conn_objects = s_conn_return_others (prev_conn_objects, new_net);

#if DEBUG 

      o_invalidate (w_current, new_net);

      o_invalidate_glist (w_current, prev_conn_objects);

      g_list_free (prev_conn_objects);
      prev_conn_objects = NULL;

      /* Go off and search for valid connection on this newly created net */
      found_primary_connection = s_conn_net_search(new_net, 1, 
      if (found_primary_connection)
      	/* if a net connection is found, reset start point of next net */
	save_wx = w_current->second_wx;
	save_wy = w_current->second_wy;

      /* you don't want to consolidate nets which are drawn non-ortho */
      if (toplevel->net_consolidate == TRUE && !w_current->CONTROLKEY) {
        /* CAUTION: Object list will change when nets are consolidated, don't
         *          keep pointers to other objects than new_net after this. */
        o_net_consolidate_segments(toplevel, new_net);

  /* If the second net is not zero length, add it as well */
  /* Also, a valid net connection from the primary net was not found */
  if (!secondary_zero_length && !found_primary_connection) {
      /* Add secondary net */
      new_net = o_net_new(toplevel, OBJ_NET, color,
                          w_current->second_wx, w_current->second_wy,
                          w_current->third_wx, w_current->third_wy);
      s_page_append (toplevel->page_current, new_net);

      /* conn stuff */
      /* LEAK CHECK 2 */
      prev_conn_objects = s_conn_return_others (prev_conn_objects, new_net);

      if (o_net_add_busrippers (w_current, new_net, prev_conn_objects)) {
        g_list_free (prev_conn_objects);
        prev_conn_objects = NULL;
        prev_conn_objects = s_conn_return_others (prev_conn_objects, new_net);

      o_invalidate (w_current, new_net);

      o_invalidate_glist (w_current, prev_conn_objects);

      g_list_free (prev_conn_objects);
      prev_conn_objects = NULL;

      /* you don't want to consolidate nets which are drawn non-ortho */
      if (toplevel->net_consolidate == TRUE && !w_current->CONTROLKEY) {
        /* CAUTION: Object list will change when nets are consolidated, don't
         *          keep pointers to other objects than new_net after this. */
        o_net_consolidate_segments(toplevel, new_net);

  toplevel->page_current->CHANGED = 1;
  w_current->first_wx = save_wx;
  w_current->first_wy = save_wy;
  o_undo_savestate(w_current, UNDO_ALL);

  return (TRUE);
예제 #6
파일: o_move.c 프로젝트: vzh/geda-gaf
/*! \todo Finish function documentation!!!
 *  \brief
 *  \par Function Description
void o_move_check_endpoint(GschemToplevel *w_current, OBJECT * object)
  GList *cl_current;
  CONN *c_current;
  OBJECT *other;
  int whichone;

  GschemPageView *page_view = gschem_toplevel_get_current_page_view (w_current);
  g_return_if_fail (page_view != NULL);

  PAGE *page = gschem_page_view_get_page (page_view);
  g_return_if_fail (page != NULL);

  if (!object)

  if (object->type != OBJ_NET && object->type != OBJ_PIN &&
      object->type != OBJ_BUS) {
    fprintf(stderr, _("Got a non line object in o_move_check_endpoint\n"));

  for (cl_current = object->conn_list;
       cl_current != NULL;
       cl_current = g_list_next(cl_current)) {

    c_current = (CONN *) cl_current->data;
    other = c_current->other_object;

    if (other == NULL)

    /* really make sure that the object is not selected */
    if (other->selected)

    /* Catch pins, whos parent object is selected. */
    if (other->parent != NULL && other->parent->selected)

    if (c_current->type != CONN_ENDPOINT &&
        (c_current->type != CONN_MIDPOINT ||
         c_current->other_whichone == -1))

    if (/* (net)pin to (net)pin contact */
        (object->type == OBJ_PIN && object->pin_type == PIN_TYPE_NET &&
          other->type == OBJ_PIN &&  other->pin_type == PIN_TYPE_NET)) {

     /* net to (net)pin contact */
     /* (object->type == OBJ_NET &&
          other->type == OBJ_PIN && other->pin_type == PIN_TYPE_NET) */

      OBJECT *new_net;
      /* other object is a pin, insert a net */
      new_net = o_net_new (page->toplevel, OBJ_NET, NET_COLOR,
                           c_current->x, c_current->y,
                           c_current->x, c_current->y);
      s_page_append (page->toplevel, page, new_net);
      /* This new net object is only picked up for stretching later,
       * somewhat of a kludge. If the move operation is cancelled, these
       * new 0 length nets are removed by the "undo" operation invoked.

    /* Only attempt to stretch nets and buses */
    if (other->type != OBJ_NET && other->type != OBJ_BUS)

    whichone = o_move_return_whichone (other, c_current->x, c_current->y);

    printf ("FOUND: %s type: %d, whichone: %d, x,y: %d %d\n",
            other->name, c_current->type,
            whichone, c_current->x, c_current->y);

    printf("other x,y: %d %d\n", c_current->x, c_current->y);
    printf("type: %d return: %d real: [ %d %d ]\n",
           c_current->type, whichone, c_current->whichone,

    if (whichone >= 0 && whichone <= 1) {
      w_current->stretch_list = s_stretch_add (w_current->stretch_list,
                                               other, whichone);

예제 #7
/*! \brief finish a net drawing action 
 * \par Function Description 
 * This function finishes the drawing of a net. If we have a visible
 * magnetic marker, we use that instead of the current cursor
 * position.
 * The rubber nets are removed, the nets and cues are drawn and the
 * net is added to the TOPLEVEL structure.  
 * The function returns TRUE if it has drawn a net, FALSE otherwise.
int o_net_end(GSCHEM_TOPLEVEL *w_current, int w_x, int w_y)
  TOPLEVEL *toplevel = w_current->toplevel;
  int color;
  int primary_zero_length, secondary_zero_length;
  int found_primary_connection = FALSE;
  int save_wx, save_wy;

  GList *prev_conn_objects;
  OBJECT *new_net = NULL;

  /* Save a list of added objects to run the %add-objects-hook later */
  GList *added_objects = NULL;

  g_assert( w_current->inside_action != 0 );

  o_net_invalidate_rubber (w_current);

  if (w_current->magnetic_wx != -1 && w_current->magnetic_wy != -1)

  w_current->rubber_visible = 0;

  /* See if either of the nets are zero length.  We'll only add */
  /* the non-zero ones */
  primary_zero_length = (w_current->first_wx == w_current->second_wx) &&
    (w_current->first_wy == w_current->second_wy);
  secondary_zero_length = (w_current->second_wx == w_current->third_wx) &&
      (w_current->second_wy == w_current->third_wy);

  /* If both nets are zero length... */
  /* this ends the net drawing behavior */
  if ( primary_zero_length && secondary_zero_length ) {
    return FALSE;

  save_wx = w_current->third_wx;
  save_wy = w_current->third_wy;

  if (toplevel->override_net_color == -1) {
    color = NET_COLOR;
  } else {
    color = toplevel->override_net_color;

  if (w_current->third_wx != snap_grid (w_current, w_current->third_wx)
      || w_current->third_wy != snap_grid (w_current, w_current->third_wy))
      s_log_message(_("Warning: Ending net at off grid coordinate\n"));

  if (!primary_zero_length ) {
  /* create primary net */
      new_net = o_net_new(toplevel, OBJ_NET, color,
                          w_current->first_wx, w_current->first_wy,
                          w_current->second_wx, w_current->second_wy);
      s_page_append (toplevel, toplevel->page_current, new_net);

      added_objects = g_list_prepend (added_objects, new_net);

      /* conn stuff */
      /* LEAK CHECK 1 */
      prev_conn_objects = s_conn_return_others (NULL, new_net);
      o_net_add_busrippers (w_current, new_net, prev_conn_objects);
      g_list_free (prev_conn_objects);

#if DEBUG 

      /* Go off and search for valid connection on this newly created net */
      found_primary_connection = s_conn_net_search(new_net, 1, 
      if (found_primary_connection)
      	/* if a net connection is found, reset start point of next net */
	save_wx = w_current->second_wx;
	save_wy = w_current->second_wy;

  /* If the second net is not zero length, add it as well */
  /* Also, a valid net connection from the primary net was not found */
  if (!secondary_zero_length && !found_primary_connection) {
      /* Add secondary net */
      new_net = o_net_new(toplevel, OBJ_NET, color,
                          w_current->second_wx, w_current->second_wy,
                          w_current->third_wx, w_current->third_wy);
      s_page_append (toplevel, toplevel->page_current, new_net);

      added_objects = g_list_prepend (added_objects, new_net);

      /* conn stuff */
      /* LEAK CHECK 2 */
      prev_conn_objects = s_conn_return_others (NULL, new_net);
      o_net_add_busrippers (w_current, new_net, prev_conn_objects);
      g_list_free (prev_conn_objects);

  /* Call add-objects-hook */
  if (added_objects != NULL) {
    g_run_hook_object_list ("%add-objects-hook", added_objects);
    g_list_free (added_objects);

  toplevel->page_current->CHANGED = 1;
  w_current->first_wx = save_wx;
  w_current->first_wy = save_wy;
  o_undo_savestate(w_current, UNDO_ALL);

  return (TRUE);