예제 #1
파일: multiDS.c 프로젝트: ChaliZhg/cfdlab
void multiDS(int n, double *x, double cc, double ce, double lmin,
             double lstart, int maxiter)
   int i, imin, replaced, iter = 0;
   double **xs, **xr, **xe, **xc, *fs, *fr, *fe, *fc, fsmin, frmin,
      femin, fcmin, ssize;
   FILE *fp;
   void initSimplex(int, double *, double **, double);
   void printSimplex(int, int, double **, double *);
   void findBest(int, double **, double *, int *, double *);
   void copySimplex(int, double **, double **, double *, double *);
   double simplexSize(int, double **);
   void vecAdd(int, double *, double *, double *, double);
   double dmin(int, double *);
   void mpi_assign(int);
   void mpi_distribute(int, double *);

   /* Initial size of simplex */
   ssize = lstart;

   /* Check validity of input parameters */
   if(cc <= 0.0 || cc >= 1.0) {
      printf("multiDS: contraction coefficient must be in (0,1)\n");

   if(ce <= 1.0) {
      printf("multiDS: expandion coefficient must be > 1\n");

   if(ssize < lmin) {
      printf("multiDS: starting simplex size is < minimum\n");
      printf("         give lstart > lmin\n");

   printf("Parameters for search:\n");
   printf("   Contraction factor     = %e\n", cc);
   printf("   Expansion   factor     = %e\n", ce);
   printf("   Starting simplex size  = %e\n", ssize);
   printf("   Minimum  simplex size  = %e\n", lmin);
   printf("   Maximum number of iter = %d\n", maxiter);

   /* Allocate memory */
   xs = (double **) calloc((n + 1), sizeof(double *));
   xr = (double **) calloc((n + 1), sizeof(double *));
   xe = (double **) calloc((n + 1), sizeof(double *));
   xc = (double **) calloc((n + 1), sizeof(double *));
   fs = (double *) calloc(n + 1, sizeof(double));
   fr = (double *) calloc(n + 1, sizeof(double));
   fe = (double *) calloc(n + 1, sizeof(double));
   fc = (double *) calloc(n + 1, sizeof(double));
   for(i = 0; i < n + 1; i++) {
      xs[i] = (double *) calloc(n, sizeof(double));
      xr[i] = (double *) calloc(n, sizeof(double));
      xe[i] = (double *) calloc(n, sizeof(double));
      xc[i] = (double *) calloc(n, sizeof(double));

   /* Initialize the simplex */
   initSimplex(n, x, xs, ssize);

   /* Assign evaluations to different proc */

   /* Calculate initial function values */
   /* Zeroth vertex is starting vertex, cost = 1. No need to calculate again
    * since it is already done in multiDS_driver.c */
   fs[0] = cost0;

   for(i = 1; i < n + 1; i++) {
      if(proc[i] == myproc)
         fs[i] = objFun(n, xs[i]);

   /* Distribute cost functions */
   mpi_distribute(n, fs);

   printf("Initial simplex and function values:\n");
   printSimplex(0, n, xs, fs);

   /* Find best vertex and put in first position */
   findBest(n, xs, fs, &imin, &fsmin);

   if(myproc == 0)
      fp = fopen("cost.dat", "w");

   /* Main iteration loop */
   while(ssize > lmin && iter < maxiter) {
      printf("Iteration = %d\n\n", iter + 1);

      replaced = 0;
      while(!replaced && ssize > lmin) { /* inner repeat loop */

         /* rotation step */
         printf("   Rotation:\n");
         for(i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
            vecAdd(n, xs[0], xs[i], xr[i], 1.0);
            if(proc[i] == myproc)
               fr[i] = objFun(n, xr[i]);
         mpi_distribute(n, fr);
         printSimplex(1, n, xr, fr);

         frmin = dmin(n, fr);
         replaced = (frmin < fs[0]) ? 1 : 0;
         if(replaced) {
            /* expansion step */
            printf("   Expansion:\n");
            for(i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
               vecAdd(n, xs[0], xs[i], xe[i], ce);
               if(proc[i] == myproc)
                  fe[i] = objFun(n, xe[i]);
            mpi_distribute(n, fe);
            printSimplex(1, n, xe, fe);

            femin = dmin(n, fe);
            if(femin < frmin)
               copySimplex(n, xe, xs, fe, fs); //accept expansion
               copySimplex(n, xr, xs, fr, fs); //accept rotation
         else {
            /* contraction step */
            printf("   Contraction step:\n");
            for(i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
               vecAdd(n, xs[0], xs[i], xc[i], -cc);
               if(proc[i] == myproc)
                  fc[i] = objFun(n, xc[i]);
            mpi_distribute(n, fc);
            printSimplex(1, n, xc, fc);

            fcmin = dmin(n, fc);
            replaced = (fcmin < fs[0]) ? 1 : 0;
            copySimplex(n, xc, xs, fc, fs); //accept contraction

         /* Length of smallest edge in simplex */
         ssize = simplexSize(n, xs);

      }                         /* End of inner repeat loop */


      /* Find best vertex and put in first position */
      findBest(n, xs, fs, &imin, &fsmin);

      printf("Minimum length of simplex = %12.4e\n", ssize);
      printf("Minimum function value    = %12.4e\n", fs[0]);
      if(myproc == 0) {
         fprintf(fp, "%5d %20.10e %20.10e %5d\n", iter, fs[0], ssize, imin);
   }                            /* End of main iteration loop */
   if(myproc == 0)

   /* Copy best vertex for output */
   for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
      x[i] = xs[0][i];

   /* Best vertex found */
   printf("Best vertex:\n");
   for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
      printf("%e ", x[i]);

   /* Free memory */
   for(i = 0; i < n + 1; i++) {
예제 #2
void useCE(std::string startPolicyFile,
           std::string piecesFile,
           unsigned int nbGames,
           unsigned int nbLearnGames,
           unsigned int boardWidth,
           unsigned int boardHeight,
           int randomSeed,
           ExperimentOptionType<double> initialSigma,
           unsigned int maxIterations,
           unsigned int maxAgents,
           StoppingCriteria stoppingCriteria,
           std::ostream & out,
           std::string outname,
           shark::CrossEntropy::SamplingNoise noiseType,
           double noise,
           ExperimentOptionType<unsigned int> lambda,
           ExperimentOptionType<unsigned int> offspring
    out << "Running Cross Entropy with following configurations" << std::endl;
    out << "Start policy       : " << startPolicyFile << std::endl;
    out << "Pieces             : " << piecesFile << std::endl;
    out << "Game evaluations   : " << nbGames << std::endl;
    out << "Game learning games: " << nbLearnGames << std::endl;
    out << "Game board with    : " << boardWidth << std::endl;
    out << "Game board height  : " << boardHeight << std::endl;
    out << "Random seed        : " << randomSeed << std::endl;
    if (initialSigma.used())
        out << "initialSigma       : " << initialSigma() << std::endl;
    out << "MaxIterations      : " << maxIterations << std::endl;

    initialize_random_generator( randomSeed );
    shark::Rng::seed( randomSeed );
    shark::CrossEntropy ce;

    Game *game = new_game(0, 10, 20, 0, piecesFile.c_str(), NULL);
    GamesStatistics *stats = games_statistics_new(NULL, nbGames, NULL);

    MDPTetris objFun(10,20, nbGames, game, stats, startPolicyFile);
    if ( outname.size() > 0 )


    ce.lambda() = 100;
    ce.mu() = 10;
    ce.SamplingNoiseTerm() = noise;

    out << "NoiseType          : " << noiseType << std::endl;
    out << "Noise              : " << noise << std::endl;

    if (initialSigma.used())

        ce.lambda() = lambda();
        ce.mu() = offspring();

    // Still need to set the initial sigma vector

    int t = 0;
    int generation = 0;
    double bestScore = 0.0;

    bool running = true;

    /* Report header for CSV output */
    if ( outname.size() > 0 )
        /* Write the header */
        std::ofstream fs;
        fs.open (outname.c_str());

        fs << "generation,agents,minScore,maxScore,meanScore,standardDeviation,";
        for (int i = 0; i < objFun.numberOfVariables()-1; i++)
            fs << "w" << i << ",";
        fs << "w" << objFun.numberOfVariables()-1 << std::endl;


    while (running)
        t += ce.lambda() * nbGames;

        if ( outname.size() > 0 )

            /* Set the number of games for the learning curve */
            MDPTetris::MDPTetrisDetailedResult report = objFun.evalDetailed(ce.mean());

            std::ofstream fs;
            fs.open (outname.c_str(), std::ios::app);
            fs << generation << ","
            << t << ","
            << report.minScore() << ","
            << report.maxScore() << ","
            << report.mean() << ","
            << report.standardDeviation() << ","
            << report.printWeights(",") << std::endl;

        if (TETRIS_MAX_SCORE - ce.solution().value > bestScore)
            bestScore = TETRIS_MAX_SCORE - ce.solution().value;
            shark::RealVector solution = ce.solution().point;
        if (stoppingCriteria == STOP_BY_ITERATION && generation > maxIterations)
            running = false;
        else if (stoppingCriteria == STOP_BY_AGENTS_EVALUATED && t > maxAgents)
            running = false;
