예제 #1
Takes points (x, y) and returns a height (n)
VALUE Perlin_Generator_run2d(const VALUE self, const VALUE x, const VALUE y)

        seed = generator->seed; // Store in global, for speed.
        return rb_float_new(perlin_octaves_2d(NUM2DBL(x), NUM2DBL(y), generator->persistence, generator->octave));
        return rb_float_new(octave_noise_3d(generator->octave, generator->persistence, 1.0, NUM2DBL(x), NUM2DBL(y),
예제 #2
// 3D Scaled Multi-octave Simplex noise.
// Returned value will be between loBound and hiBound.
double scaled_octave_noise_3d( const int octaves, const double persistence, const double scale, const double loBound, const double hiBound, const double x, const double y, const double z ) {
    return octave_noise_3d(octaves, persistence, scale, x, y, z) * (hiBound - loBound) / 2 + (hiBound + loBound) / 2;
예제 #3
파일: noise.cpp 프로젝트: joesfer/voxelToy
// 3D Scaled Multi-octave Simplex noise.
// Returned value will be between loBound and hiBound.
float scaled_octave_noise_3d( const float octaves, const float persistence, const float scale, const float loBound, const float hiBound, const float x, const float y, const float z ) {
    return octave_noise_3d(octaves, persistence, scale, x, y, z) * (hiBound - loBound) / 2 + (hiBound + loBound) / 2;
예제 #4
// 3D Marble Noise: x-axis.
float marble_noise_3d( const float octaves, const float persistence, const float scale, const float x, const float y, const float z ) {
    return cosf( x * scale + octave_noise_3d(octaves, persistence, scale / 3, x, y, z) );
예제 #5
Returns a chunk of coordinates starting from x, y and of size steps_x, steps_y with interval.
VALUE Perlin_Generator_chunk2d(const VALUE self, const VALUE x, const VALUE y, const VALUE steps_x, const VALUE steps_y, const VALUE interval)

    VALUE arr, row;
    int i, j;

    const float x_min = NUM2DBL(x), y_min = NUM2DBL(y);
    float _x, _y;
    const int _steps_x = NUM2INT(steps_x), _steps_y = NUM2INT(steps_y);
    const float _interval = NUM2DBL(interval);

    if(_steps_x < 1 || _steps_y < 1)
        rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "steps must be >= 1");

    if(generator->is_classic) seed = generator->seed; // Store in global, for speed.

        // Iterate through x, then y [0, 0], [1, 0], [2, 0]...
        _x = x_min;
        for (i = 0; i < _steps_x; i++)
           _y = y_min;
           for (j = 0; j < _steps_y; j++)
                    rb_yield_values(3, rb_float_new(perlin_octaves_2d(_x, _y, generator->persistence, generator->octave)),
                                    rb_float_new(_x), rb_float_new(_y));
                    rb_yield_values(3, rb_float_new(octave_noise_3d(generator->octave, generator->persistence, 1.0, _x, _y, generator->seed)),
                                    rb_float_new(_x), rb_float_new(_y));

                _y += _interval;
           _x += _interval;

       return Qnil;
        // 2D array can be indexed with arr[x][y]
        arr = rb_ary_new();
        _x = x_min;
        for (i = 0; i < _steps_x; i++)
            row = rb_ary_new();
            _y = y_min;
            for (j = 0; j < _steps_y; j++)
                    rb_ary_push(row, rb_float_new(perlin_octaves_2d(_x, _y, generator->persistence, generator->octave)));
                    rb_ary_push(row, rb_float_new(octave_noise_3d(generator->octave, generator->persistence, 1.0, _x, _y, generator->seed)));

                _y += _interval;
            rb_ary_push(arr, row);
            _x += _interval;
        return arr;
예제 #6
float Landscape::getAltitude(int x, int z) {
    float height = octave_noise_3d(3, 0.5, 0.005, GAME::SEED, x, z);
    return height;
예제 #7
파일: Chunk.cpp 프로젝트: CodeMason/Vox
void Chunk::Setup()
	ChunkStorageLoader* pChunkStorage = m_pChunkManager->GetChunkStorage(m_gridX, m_gridY, m_gridZ, false);

	for (int x = 0; x < CHUNK_SIZE; x++)
		for (int z = 0; z < CHUNK_SIZE; z++)
			float xPosition = m_position.x + x;
			float zPosition = m_position.z + z;

			float noise = octave_noise_2d(m_pVoxSettings->m_landscapeOctaves, m_pVoxSettings->m_landscapePersistence, m_pVoxSettings->m_landscapeScale, xPosition, zPosition);
			float noiseNormalized = ((noise + 1.0f) * 0.5f);

			float mountainNoise = octave_noise_2d(m_pVoxSettings->m_mountainOctaves, m_pVoxSettings->m_mountainPersistence, m_pVoxSettings->m_mountainScale, xPosition, zPosition);
			float mountainNoiseNormalise = (mountainNoise + 1.0f) * 0.5f;
			float mountainMultiplier = m_pVoxSettings->m_mountainMultiplier * mountainNoiseNormalise;

			float noiseHeight = noiseNormalized * CHUNK_SIZE;
			noiseHeight *= mountainMultiplier;

			if (m_gridY < 0)
				noiseHeight = CHUNK_SIZE;

			for (int y = 0; y < CHUNK_SIZE; y++)
				float yPosition = m_position.y + y;

				if (pChunkStorage != NULL && pChunkStorage->m_blockSet[x][y][z] == true)
					SetColour(x, y, z, pChunkStorage->m_colour[x][y][z]);
					if (y + (m_gridY*CHUNK_SIZE) < noiseHeight)
						float colorNoise = octave_noise_3d(4.0f, 0.3f, 0.005f, xPosition, yPosition, zPosition);
						float colorNoiseNormalized = ((colorNoise + 1.0f) * 0.5f);

						float red1 = 0.65f;
						float green1 = 0.80f;
						float blue1 = 0.00f;
						float red2 = 0.00f;
						float green2 = 0.46f;
						float blue2 = 0.16f;

						if (noise < -0.5f)
							red1 = 0.10f;
							green1 = 0.25f;
							blue1 = 1.00f;
							red2 = 0.10f;
							green2 = 0.25f;
							blue2 = 1.00f;
						else if (noise < -0.25f)
							red1 = 0.94f;
							green1 = 0.74f;
							blue1 = 0.34f;
							red2 = 0.50f;
							green2 = 0.29f;
							blue2 = 0.20f;
						else if (noise < 0.5f)
							red1 = 0.65f;
							green1 = 0.80f;
							blue1 = 0.00f;
							red2 = 0.00f;
							green2 = 0.46f;
							blue2 = 0.16f;
						else if (noise < 1.0f)
							red1 = 0.85f;
							green1 = 0.85f;
							blue1 = 0.85f;
							red2 = 0.77f;
							green2 = 0.65f;
							blue2 = 0.80f;

						float alpha = 1.0f;

						float r = red1 + ((red2 - red1) * colorNoiseNormalized);
						float g = green1 + ((green2 - green1) * colorNoiseNormalized);
						float b = blue1 + ((blue2 - blue1) * colorNoiseNormalized);

						SetColour(x, y, z, r, g, b, alpha);

			// Tree generation
			if (m_gridY >= 0) // Only above ground
				// Trees
				if ((GetRandomNumber(0, 1000) >= 1000))
					if (noiseNormalized >= 0.5f)
						vec3 treePos = vec3(xPosition, noiseHeight, zPosition);
						m_pChunkManager->ImportQubicleBinary("media/gamedata/terrain/plains/smalltree.qb", treePos, QubicleImportDirection_Normal);

				// Scenery
				if ((GetRandomNumber(0, 1000) >= 995))
					if (noiseNormalized >= 0.5f)
						vec3 pos = vec3(xPosition, noiseHeight, zPosition);
						//m_pSceneryManager->AddSceneryObject("flower", "media/gamedata/terrain/plains/flower1.qb", pos, vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), QubicleImportDirection_Normal, QubicleImportDirection_Normal, 0.08f, GetRandomNumber(0, 360, 2));

	// Remove the chunk storage loader since we no longer need it
	if (pChunkStorage != NULL)

	m_setup = true;

	SetNeedsRebuild(true, true);