예제 #1
파일: rabel.cpp 프로젝트: jinopapo/hack
void sample(unsigned int sy,unsigned int sx,double *B)
  std::ofstream of("toukou.dat");
  int v,u;
  sx % samv != 0 ? v = 0 : v = 1;
  sy % samv != 0 ? u = 0 : u = 1;
  of << ((sx/samv) + 1 - v) * ((sy/samv) + 1 - u) << std::endl;
  of << ((sx/samv - v) * (sy/samv - u)) * 2 << std::endl;
  unsigned int iy,ix;
  double x,y;
  bool search = false;
  unsigned int maxy,maxx;
  double h = 1;
  for(iy = 0;iy < sy;iy++){
    for(ix = 0;ix < sx;ix++){
      maxy = 0;
      maxx = 0;
      if(ix % samv == 0 && iy % samv == 0){
        if(ix != 0 && iy < sy - samv/2){
          for(unsigned int i = iy;i < iy + samv/2;i++){
            for(unsigned int j = ix - samv/2;j < ix;j++){
              if(B[i * sx + j] != 0){
                search = true;
                if(B[maxy * sx + maxx] < B[i * sx + j]){
                  if(maxx != 0 && maxy != 0){
                    B[maxy * sx + maxx] = 0;
                  maxy = i;
                  maxx = j;
        if(iy != 0 && ix < sx - samv/2){
          for(unsigned int i = iy - samv/2;i < iy;i++){
            for(unsigned int j = ix;j < ix + samv/2;j++){
              if(B[i * sx + j] != 0){
                search = true;
                if(B[maxy * sx + maxx] < B[i * sx + j]){
                  if(maxx != 0 && maxy != 0){
                    B[maxy * sx + maxx] = 0;
                  maxy = i;
                  maxx = j;
        if(iy != 0 && ix != 0){
          for(unsigned int i = iy - samv/2;i < iy;i++){
            for(unsigned int j = ix - samv/2;j < ix;j++){
              if(B[i * sx + j] != 0){
                search = true;
                if(B[maxy * sx + maxx] < B[i * sx + j]){
                  if(maxx != 0 && maxy != 0){
                    B[maxy * sx + maxx] = 0;
                  maxy = i;
                  maxx = j;
        if(iy < sy - samv/2 && ix < sx - samv/2){
          for(unsigned int i = iy;i < iy + samv/2;i++){
            for(unsigned int j = ix;j < ix + samv/2;j++){
              if(B[i * sx + j] != 0){
                search = true;
                if(B[maxy * sx + maxx] < B[i * sx + j]){
                  if(maxx != 0 && maxy != 0){
                    B[maxy * sx + maxx] = 0;
                  maxy = i;
                  maxx = j;
          ix != 0  ? x = ix : x = 0.01;
          iy != 0  ? y = iy : y = 0.01;
          of << x/sx;
          of.put(' ');
          of << h/50;
          of.put(' ');
          of << y/sy << std::endl;
          B[iy * sx + ix] = 1;
          maxx != 0 ? x = maxx : x = 0.01;
          maxy != 0 ? y = maxy : y = 0.01;
          of << x/sx;
          of.put(' ');
          of << B[maxy * sx + maxx]/50;
          of.put(' ');
          of << y/sy << std::endl;
        search = false;
  for(unsigned int i = 0;i < ((sx/samv) + 1 - v) * ((sy/samv) + 1 - u);i++){
    if(fmod(i + 1,sx/samv + !v) != 0 && i + sx/samv + 1 - v < ((sx/samv) + 1 - v) * ((sy/samv) + 1 - u)){
      of << 3;
      of.put(' ');
      of << i + 1;
      of.put(' ');
      of << i;
      of.put(' ');
      of << i + sx/samv + 1 - v << std::endl;
      of << 3;
      of.put(' ');
      of << i + 1;
      of.put(' ');
      of << i + sx/samv + 1 - v;
      of.put(' ');
      of << i + sx/samv + 2 - v  << std::endl;
예제 #2
bool PreviewGenerator::SavePreview(const QString &filename,
                                   const unsigned char *data,
                                   uint width, uint height, float aspect,
                                   int desired_width, int desired_height,
                                   const QString &format)
    if (!data || !width || !height)
        return false;

    const QImage img((unsigned char*) data,
                     width, height, QImage::Format_RGB32);

    float ppw = max(desired_width, 0);
    float pph = max(desired_height, 0);
    bool desired_size_exactly_specified = true;
    if ((ppw < 1.0f) && (pph < 1.0f))
        ppw = img.width();
        pph = img.height();
        desired_size_exactly_specified = false;

    aspect = (aspect <= 0.0f) ? ((float) width) / height : aspect;
    pph = (pph < 1.0f) ? (ppw / aspect) : pph;
    ppw = (ppw < 1.0f) ? (pph * aspect) : ppw;

    if (!desired_size_exactly_specified)
        if (aspect > ppw / pph)
            pph = (ppw / aspect);
            ppw = (pph * aspect);

    ppw = max(1.0f, ppw);
    pph = max(1.0f, pph);;

    QImage small_img = img.scaled((int) ppw, (int) pph,
        Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation);

    QTemporaryFile f(QFileInfo(filename).absoluteFilePath()+".XXXXXX");
    if (f.open() && small_img.save(&f, format.toLocal8Bit().constData()))
        // Let anybody update it
        bool ret = makeFileAccessible(f.fileName().toLocal8Bit().constData());
        if (!ret)
            LOG(VB_GENERAL, LOG_ERR, "Unable to change permissions on "
                                     "preview image. Backends and frontends "
                                     "running under different users will be "
                                     "unable to access it");
        QFile of(filename);
        if (f.rename(filename))
            LOG(VB_PLAYBACK, LOG_INFO, LOC + QString("Saved preview '%0' %1x%2")
                    .arg(filename).arg((int) ppw).arg((int) pph));
            return true;

    return false;
예제 #3
파일: ASMu2Drecovery.C 프로젝트: akva2/IFEM
LR::LRSplineSurface* ASMu2D::regularInterpolation (const RealArray& upar,
                                                   const RealArray& vpar,
                                                   const Matrix& points) const
  if (lrspline->rational())
    std::cerr <<" *** ASMu2D::regularInterpolation:"
              <<" Rational LR B-splines not supported yet."<< std::endl;
    return nullptr;

  // sanity check on input parameters
  const size_t nBasis = lrspline->nBasisFunctions();
  if (upar.size() != nBasis || vpar.size() != nBasis || points.cols() != nBasis)
    std::cerr <<" *** ASMu2D::regularInterpolation:"
              <<" Mismatching input array sizes.\n"
              <<"     size(upar)="<< upar.size() <<" size(vpar)="<< vpar.size()
              <<" size(points)="<< points.cols() <<" nBasis="<< nBasis
              << std::endl;
    return nullptr;

  SparseMatrix   A(SparseMatrix::SUPERLU);
  A.resize(nBasis, nBasis);
  Matrix B2(points,true); // transpose to get one vector per field
  StdVector B(B2.ptr(), B2.size());
  Go::BasisPtsSf splineValues;

  // Evaluate all basis functions at all points, stored in the A-matrix
  // (same row = same evaluation point)
  for (size_t i = 0; i < nBasis; i++)
    int id = lrspline->getElementContaining(upar[i],vpar[i]);
    LR::Element* el = lrspline->getElement(id);
    std::cout << "id is " << id << std::endl;
    lrspline->computeBasis(upar[i],vpar[i],splineValues, id);
    auto it = splineValues.basisValues.begin();
    std::cout << "ncoef is " << splineValues.basisValues.size() << std::endl;
    for (auto& it2 : splineValues.basisValues)
      std::cout << it2 << " ";
    std::cout << std::endl;
    for (LR::Basisfunction* b : el->support())
      A(i+1, b->getId()+1) = *it++;

  std::ofstream of("A.asc");

  // Solve for all solution components - one right-hand-side for each
  if (!A.solve(B))
    return nullptr;

  std::cout << B << std::endl;

  // Copy all basis functions and mesh
  LR::LRSplineSurface* ans = lrspline->copy();

  // Back to interleaved data
  std::vector<double> interleave;
  for (size_t i = 0; i < nBasis; ++i)
    for (size_t j = 0; j < points.rows(); j++) {


  return ans;
예제 #4
파일: main.cpp 프로젝트: CCJY/coliru
 Void operator()(const T & t) const
     std::ofstream of(filename.c_str());
     of << t;
     return Void{};
예제 #5
bool Builder::CompileFile(QString inputFile, bool testDate, bool extractMacros) //, bool silent)
    // Define the output file.
    msg.buildStage = 1;
    QString outputFile = MangleFileName(inputFile, extractMacros);

    // Check if the compiled object file is update.
    // If yes, we won't compile it again to gain time
    /////testDate = false;
    if (testDate) {
        QDateTime inputTime = QFileInfo(inputFile).lastModified();
        QDateTime outputTime = QFileInfo(outputFile).lastModified();
        if (inputTime < outputTime) {
            msg.AddOutput("File is up-to-date: " + inputFile, false);
            return true;

    if (extractMacros) {
        msg.AddOutput("Preprocessing file: " + inputFile, false);
    } else {
        msg.AddOutput("Compiling file: " + inputFile, false);

    // Get the compiler path
    QString compilerPath = config.avrPath;

    if (QFileInfo(inputFile).suffix().toUpper() == "CPP") {
        compilerPath += "/avr-g++";
    } else {
        compilerPath += "/avr-gcc";

    // Get the argument values from the project configuration
    map <QString, BoardDef>::const_iterator board = config.boards.find(project->boardName);
    if (board == config.boards.end()) {
        msg.Add("Could not find board configuration for project: " + project->name, mtError);
        return false;

    // Create the list of argunts for the compiler

    QStringList arguments;
    arguments << "-c" << inputFile << "-o" << outputFile;
    arguments << "-g" << "-Os" << "-Wall" << "-fno-exceptions" << "-ffunction-sections";
    arguments << "-fdata-sections" << "-MMD" << "-DARDUINO=105";
    if (board->second.build_vid != "") {
        arguments << "-DUSB_VID=" + board->second.build_vid;
    if (board->second.build_pid != "") {
        arguments << "-DUSB_PID=" + board->second.build_pid;

    arguments << "-mmcu=" + board->second.build_mcu;;
    arguments << "-DF_CPU=" + board->second.build_f_cpu;

    //arguments << "-MF" << "C:/Users/aporto/Desktop/teste.txt";
    //arguments << "-E" << "-dM";

    if (extractMacros) {
        QFile of(outputFile);
        arguments << "-dN" << "-E";

    // add all include paths from the project configurations
    QStringList projectIncludes = project->includePaths.split(";") + config.extraArduinoLibsSearchPaths.split(";");
    QStringList includes;
    includes << QFileInfo(inputFile).path();

    QString core = config.DecodeMacros("$(ARDUINO_CORE)", project);
    includes <<  core;
    /*#if defined(Q_OS_WIN)
        includes <<  qApp->applicationDirPath() + "/arduino/arduino/cores/" + board->second.build_core;

    #if defined(Q_OS_LINUX) || defined(Q_OS_MAC)
        qDebug() << "arduinoCoreOpt" << config.arduinoCoreOpt;
        includes << config.arduinoCoreOpt + "/arduino/cores/" + board->second.build_core;
    QString variant = config.DecodeMacros("$(ARDUINO_VARIANT)", project);
    includes << variant;

    for (int l=0; l < projectIncludes.count(); l++) {
        projectIncludes[l] = projectIncludes[l].trimmed();
        if (projectIncludes[l].length() < 2) {
        if (projectIncludes[l].indexOf("/") > 0) {
            QString path = config.DecodeLibraryPath(projectIncludes[l]).trimmed();
            if (path.length() > 1) {
        } else {
            QString includePaths = config.DecodeMacros(projectIncludes[l], project).trimmed();
            QStringList tempInc = includePaths.split(";");
            for (int i=0; i < tempInc.size(); i++) {
                tempInc[i] = tempInc[i].trimmed();
                if (tempInc[i].length() > 1) {

    for (int i=0; i < includes.size(); i++) {
        arguments << "-I"  << includes[i];

    bool ok = launcher->RunCommand(compilerPath, arguments);

    qDebug() << "args: " << arguments;
    /* bool l = (compilerPath == "avr-g++");
     QStringList ls;
     ls << "-V";
     ok = launcher->RunCommand("avr-g++", arguments);
    return ok;
예제 #6
namespace serbin {

#define of offsetof
FieldMetadata gSimpleFieldMetadata[] = {
    { of(Simple, bTrue),      TYPE_BOOL,  NULL },
    { of(Simple, bFalse),     TYPE_BOOL,  NULL },
    { of(Simple, u16_1),      TYPE_U16,   NULL },
    { of(Simple, i32_1),      TYPE_I32,   NULL },
    { of(Simple, u32_1),      TYPE_U32,   NULL },
    { of(Simple, u64_1),      TYPE_U64,   NULL },
    { of(Simple, col_1),      TYPE_COLOR, NULL },
    { of(Simple, float_1),    TYPE_FLOAT, NULL },
    { of(Simple, str_1),      TYPE_STR,   NULL },
    { of(Simple, str_escape), TYPE_STR,   NULL },
    { of(Simple, wstr_1),     TYPE_WSTR,  NULL },

StructMetadata gSimpleMetadata = { sizeof(Simple), 11, &gSimpleFieldMetadata[0] };

#undef of

static const uint8_t gSimpleDefault[119] = {
    0x54, 0x74, 0x65, 0x53, // magic id 'SetT'
    0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, // version 1.0
    0x0c, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // top-level struct offset 0xc

    // offset: 0xc Simple_9
    0x54, 0x74, 0x65, 0x53, // magic id 'SetT'
    0x0b, // 11 fields
    0x01, // bool bTrue = true
    0x00, // bool bFalse = false
    0x01, // uint16_t u16_1 = 1
    0x17, // int32_t i32_1 = -12
    0x59, // uint32_t u32_1 = 89
    0x7b, // uint64_t u64_1 = 123
    0xfc, 0xac, 0xff, 0x00, 0xed, // uint32_t col_1 = #acff00ed
    0x08, 0x33, 0x2e, 0x31, 0x32, 0x33, 0x34, 0x38, 0x00, // float float_1 = 3.12348
    0x05, 0x6c, 0x6f, 0x6c, 0x61, 0x00, // const char * str_1 = lola
    0x12, 0x5b, 0x6c, 0x6f, 0x0d, 0x20, 0x24, 0x66, 0x6f, 0x09, 0x6f, 0x5c, 0x20, 0x6c, 0x0a, 0x61, 0x5d, 0x5d, 0x00, // const char * str_escape = [lo\r $fo	o\ l\na]]
    0x38, 0x77, 0x69, 0x64, 0x65, 0x20, 0x73, 0x74, 0x72, 0x69, 0x6e, 0x67, 0x20, 0xce, 0xa0, 0xcf, 0x81, 0xce, 0xb1, 0xce, 0xb3, 0xce, 0xbc, 0xce, 0xb1, 0xcf, 0x84, 0xce, 0xb9, 0xce, 0xba, 0xcf, 0x8c, 0x20, 0x26, 0xce, 0x9c, 0xce, 0xad, 0xce, 0xb3, 0xce, 0xb5, 0xce, 0xb8, 0xce, 0xbf, 0xcf, 0x82, 0x0a, 0x43, 0x74, 0x72, 0x6c, 0x2b, 0x31, 0x00, // const WCHAR * wstr_1 = wide string  &\nCtrl+1

Simple *DeserializeSimple(const uint8_t *data, int dataLen, bool *usedDefaultOut)
    void *res = NULL;
    res = Deserialize(data, dataLen, SimpleVersion, &gSimpleMetadata);
    if (res) {
        *usedDefaultOut = false;
        return (Simple*)res;
    res = Deserialize(&gSimpleDefault[0], sizeof(gSimpleDefault), SimpleVersion, &gSimpleMetadata);
    *usedDefaultOut = true;
    return (Simple*)res;

uint8_t *SerializeSimple(Simple *val, int *dataLenOut)
    return Serialize((const uint8_t*)val, SimpleVersion, &gSimpleMetadata, dataLenOut);

void FreeSimple(Simple *val)
    FreeStruct((uint8_t*)val, &gSimpleMetadata);

예제 #7
파일: hostDemo.cpp 프로젝트: EQ4/openfx
int main(int argc, char **argv) 
#ifdef _WIN32
  // set the version label in the global cache

  // create our derived image effect host which provides
  // a factory to make plugin instances and acts
  // as a description of the host application
  MyHost::Host myHost;

  // make an image effect plugin cache. This is what knows about
  // all the plugins.
  OFX::Host::ImageEffect::PluginCache imageEffectPluginCache(myHost);

  // register the image effect cache with the global plugin cache

  // try to read an old cache
  std::ifstream ifs("hostDemoPluginCache.xml");

  /// flush out the current cache
  std::ofstream of("hostDemoPluginCache.xml");

  // get the invert example plugin which uses the OFX C++ support code
  OFX::Host::ImageEffect::ImageEffectPlugin* plugin = imageEffectPluginCache.getPluginById("net.sf.openfx:invertPlugin");


  if(plugin) {
    // create an instance of it as a filter
    // the first arg is the context, the second is client data we are allowed to pass down the call chain

    std::auto_ptr<OFX::Host::ImageEffect::Instance> instance(plugin->createInstance(kOfxImageEffectContextFilter, NULL));

        OfxStatus stat;

      // now we need to call the create instance action. Only call this once you have initialised all the params
      // and clips to their correct values. So if you are loading a saved plugin state, set up your params from
      // that state, _then_ call create instance.
      stat = instance->createInstanceAction();
      assert(stat == kOfxStatOK || stat == kOfxStatReplyDefault);

      // now we need to to call getClipPreferences on the instance so that it does the clip component/depth
      // logic and caches away the components and depth on each clip.
      bool ok = instance->getClipPreferences();
      // current render scale of 1
      OfxPointD renderScale;
      renderScale.x = renderScale.y = 1.0;

      // The render window is in pixel coordinates
      // ie: render scale and a PAR of not 1
      OfxRectI  renderWindow;
      renderWindow.x1 = renderWindow.y1 = 0;
      renderWindow.x2 = 720;
      renderWindow.y2 = 576;

      /// RoI is in canonical coords, 
      OfxRectD  regionOfInterest;
      regionOfInterest.x1 = regionOfInterest.y1 = 0;
      regionOfInterest.x2 = renderWindow.x2 * instance->getProjectPixelAspectRatio();
      regionOfInterest.y2 = 576;
      int numFramesToRender = OFXHOSTDEMOCLIPLENGTH;

      // say we are about to render a bunch of frames 
      stat = instance->beginRenderAction(0, numFramesToRender, 1.0, false, renderScale, /*sequential=*/true, /*interactive=*/false,
#                                        ifdef OFX_SUPPORTS_OPENGLRENDER
#                                        endif
#                                        ifdef OFX_EXTENSIONS_NUKE
                                         , 0 /* view*/
#                                        endif
      assert(stat == kOfxStatOK || stat == kOfxStatReplyDefault);

      // get the output clip
      MyHost::MyClipInstance* outputClip = dynamic_cast<MyHost::MyClipInstance*>(instance->getClip("Output"));

      for(int t = 0; t <= numFramesToRender; ++t) 
        // call get region of interest on each of the inputs
        OfxTime frame = t;

        // get the RoI for each input clip
        // the regions of interest for each input clip are returned in a std::map
        // on a real host, these will be the regions of each input clip that the
        // effect needs to render a given frame (clipped to the RoD).
        // In our example we are doing full frame fetches regardless.
        std::map<OFX::Host::ImageEffect::ClipInstance *, OfxRectD> rois;
        stat = instance->getRegionOfInterestAction(frame, renderScale,
                                                   regionOfInterest, rois);
        assert(stat == kOfxStatOK || stat == kOfxStatReplyDefault);

        // render a stereoscopic frame
        { // left view
          stat = instance->renderAction(t,kOfxImageFieldBoth,renderWindow, renderScale, /*sequential=*/true, /*interactive=*/false,
#                                        ifdef OFX_SUPPORTS_OPENGLRENDER
#                                        endif
                                        0 /*view*/
#                                       ifdef OFX_EXTENSIONS_VEGAS
                                        , 2 /*nViews*/
#                                       endif
#                                       ifdef OFX_EXTENSIONS_NUKE
                                        , std::list<std::string>() /*planes*/
#                                       endif
          assert(stat == kOfxStatOK);

          // get the output image buffer
          MyHost::MyImage *outputImage = outputClip->getOutputImage();

          std::ostringstream ss;
          ss << "Output." << t << "l.ppm";
          exportToPPM(ss.str(), outputImage);
        {  // right view
          instance->renderAction(t,kOfxImageFieldBoth,renderWindow, renderScale, /*sequential=*/true, /*interactive=*/false,
#                                ifdef OFX_SUPPORTS_OPENGLRENDER
#                                endif
                                 1 /*view*/
#                                ifdef OFX_EXTENSIONS_VEGAS
                                 , 2 /*nViews*/
#                                endif
#                                ifdef OFX_EXTENSIONS_NUKE
                                 , std::list<std::string>() /*planes*/
#                                endif
          assert(stat == kOfxStatOK);

          // get the output image buffer
          MyHost::MyImage *outputImage = outputClip->getOutputImage();

          std::ostringstream ss;
          ss << "Output." << t << "r.ppm";
          exportToPPM(ss.str(), outputImage);
        // render a frame
        stat = instance->renderAction(t,kOfxImageFieldBoth,renderWindow, renderScale, /*sequential=*/true, /*interactive=*/false, /*draft=*/false);
        assert(stat == kOfxStatOK);

        // get the output image buffer
        MyHost::MyImage *outputImage = outputClip->getOutputImage();

        std::ostringstream ss;
        ss << "Output." << t << ".ppm";
        exportToPPM(ss.str(), outputImage);

      instance->endRenderAction(0, numFramesToRender, 1.0, false, renderScale, /*sequential=*/true, /*interactive=*/false,
#                               ifdef OFX_SUPPORTS_OPENGLRENDER
#                               endif
#                               ifdef OFX_EXTENSIONS_NUKE
                                , 0 /* view*/
#                               endif
  return 0;
예제 #8
파일: calcv2.C 프로젝트: XuQiao/HI
void calcv2(){
    const int ncent = 6;
    const int npt = 25;
    int centbin[ncent+1] = {0,5,10,20,40,60,100};

    ifstream fcntbbc("c1_c2_central_ptfiner_south.dat");
    ifstream fcntbbcIn("c1_c2_central_ptIn_south.dat");
    ifstream fcntfvtx("c1_c2_central_ptfiner_north.dat");
    ifstream fcntfvtxIn("c1_c2_central_ptIn_north.dat");
    ifstream fbbcfvtx("c1_c2_central_ptIn_sn.dat");

    float c1cntbbc[ncent][npt], c2cntbbc[ncent][npt], c3cntbbc[ncent][npt];
    float c1cntbbcIn[ncent][npt], c2cntbbcIn[ncent][npt], c3cntbbcIn[ncent][npt];
    float c1cntfvtx[ncent][npt], c2cntfvtx[ncent][npt], c3cntfvtx[ncent][npt];
    float c1cntfvtxIn[ncent][npt], c2cntfvtxIn[ncent][npt], c3cntfvtxIn[ncent][npt];
    float c1bbcfvtx[ncent][npt], c2bbcfvtx[ncent][npt], c3bbcfvtx[ncent][npt];
    float c1errcntbbc[ncent][npt], c2errcntbbc[ncent][npt], c3errcntbbc[ncent][npt];
    float c1errcntbbcIn[ncent][npt], c2errcntbbcIn[ncent][npt], c3errcntbbcIn[ncent][npt];
    float c1errcntfvtx[ncent][npt], c2errcntfvtx[ncent][npt], c3errcntfvtx[ncent][npt];
    float c1errcntfvtxIn[ncent][npt], c2errcntfvtxIn[ncent][npt], c3errcntfvtxIn[ncent][npt];
    float c1errbbcfvtx[ncent][npt], c2errbbcfvtx[ncent][npt], c3errbbcfvtx[ncent][npt];
    ifstream PPfcntbbc("c1_c2_PP_centIn_south.dat");
    ifstream PPfcntbbcIn("c1_c2_PP_ptIn_south.dat");
    ifstream PPfcntfvtx("c1_c2_PP_centIn_north.dat");
    ifstream PPfcntfvtxIn("c1_c2_PP_ptIn_north.dat");
    ifstream PPfbbcfvtx("c1_c2_bbcfvtx_PP_centIn.dat");
    float c1PPcntbbc[ncent][npt], c2PPcntbbc[ncent][npt], c3PPcntbbc[ncent][npt];
    float c1PPcntbbcIn[ncent][npt], c2PPcntbbcIn[ncent][npt], c3PPcntbbcIn[ncent][npt];
    float c1PPcntfvtx[ncent][npt], c2PPcntfvtx[ncent][npt], c3PPcntfvtx[ncent][npt];
    float c1PPcntfvtxIn[ncent][npt], c2PPcntfvtxIn[ncent][npt], c3PPcntfvtxIn[ncent][npt];
    float c1PPbbcfvtx[ncent][npt], c2PPbbcfvtx[ncent][npt], c3PPbbcfvtx[ncent][npt];
    float c1PPerrcntbbc[ncent][npt], c2PPerrcntbbc[ncent][npt], c3PPerrcntbbc[ncent][npt];
    float c1PPerrcntbbcIn[ncent][npt], c2PPerrcntbbcIn[ncent][npt], c3PPerrcntbbcIn[ncent][npt];
    float c1PPerrcntfvtx[ncent][npt], c2PPerrcntfvtx[ncent][npt], c3PPerrcntfvtx[ncent][npt];
    float c1PPerrcntfvtxIn[ncent][npt], c2PPerrcntfvtxIn[ncent][npt], c3PPerrcntfvtxIn[ncent][npt];
    float c1PPerrbbcfvtx[ncent][npt], c2PPerrbbcfvtx[ncent][npt], c3PPerrbbcfvtx[ncent][npt];

    float tmp;
    int scale = 1; //0: use c1 as scale factor 1: use multiplicity as scale factor

float MPPbbc[ncent] = {3.8,1,1,1,1,1};
float Mbbc[ncent]= {58.9,1,1,1,1,1};
float MPPfvtx[ncent] = {0.57,1,1,1,1,1};
float Mfvtx[ncent]  = {4,1,1,1,1,1};
//MPPNpart[0] = 2;
//MNpart[0] = 11;
float MPPNpart[ncent] = {3.8,1,1,1,1,1}; //use bbc
float MNpart[ncent] = {58.9,1,1,1,1,1}; //use bbc

//--------------read in parameters--------------------------------------------
for(int icent=0;icent<ncent;icent++){
    //output txt
    ofstream of1(Form("v2cntbbcs_cent%d.dat",icent));
    ofstream of2(Form("v2cntfvtxs_cent%d.dat",icent));
    ofstream of(Form("v2_cent%d.dat",icent));
    ofstream ofsub1(Form("v2cntbbcs_cent%d_scale%d.dat",icent,scale));
    ofstream ofsub2(Form("v2cntfvtxs_cent%d_scale%d.dat",icent,scale));
    ofstream ofsub(Form("v2_cent%d_scale%d.dat",icent,scale));


    //    fcntbbcIn>>tmp>>tmp>>c1cntbbcIn[icent][0]>>c1errcntbbcIn[icent][0]>>c2cntbbcIn[icent][0]>>c2errcntbbcIn[icent][0];
    //    fcntfvtxIn>>tmp>>tmp>>c1cntfvtxIn[icent][0]>>c1errcntfvtxIn[icent][0]>>c2cntfvtxIn[icent][0]>>c2errcntfvtxIn[icent][0];
    //    fbbcfvtx>>tmp>>tmp>>c1bbcfvtx[icent][0]>>c1errbbcfvtx[icent][0]>>c2bbcfvtx[icent][0]>>c2errbbcfvtx[icent][0];
for(int ipt=0;ipt<npt;ipt++){
        cout<<"icent: "<<centbin[icent] << "\% to " << centbin[icent+1]<< "\%"<<endl;
        cout<<"cnt - bbc "<<c2cntbbcIn[icent][0]<<" "<<c2errcntbbcIn[icent][0]<<endl;
        cout<<"cnt - fvtx "<<c2cntfvtxIn[icent][0]<<" "<<c2errcntfvtxIn[icent][0]<<endl;
        cout<<"bbc - fvtx "<<c2bbcfvtx[icent][0]<<" "<<c2errbbcfvtx[icent][0]<<endl;

        cout<<"cnt - bbc PP"<<c2PPcntbbcIn[icent][0]<<" "<<c2PPerrcntbbcIn[icent][0]<<endl;
        cout<<"cnt - fvtx PP"<<c2PPcntfvtxIn[icent][0]<<" "<<c2PPerrcntfvtxIn[icent][0]<<endl;
        cout<<"bbc - fvtx PP"<<c2PPbbcfvtx[icent][0]<<" "<<c2PPerrbbcfvtx[icent][0]<<endl;

//---------------calculating cnt/bbc/fvtx inclusive v2------------------------------

        if(c2cntbbcIn[icent][0]*c2cntfvtxIn[icent][0]/c2bbcfvtx[icent][0]<=0) {cout<<"negative?"<<endl; continue;}
        float v2cnt = sqrt(c2cntbbcIn[icent][0]*c2cntfvtxIn[icent][0]/c2bbcfvtx[icent][0]);
        //float v2errcnt = 1/2.*v2cnt*sqrt(TMath::Power(c2errcntbbcIn[icent][0]/c2cntbbcIn[icent][0],2)+TMath::Power(c2errcntfvtxIn[icent][0]/c2cntfvtxIn[icent][0],2)+TMath::Power(c2errbbcfvtx[icent][0]/c2bbcfvtx[icent][0],2));
        float v2errcnt = get3sqerr(c2cntbbcIn[icent][0],c2errcntbbcIn[icent][0],c2cntfvtxIn[icent][0],c2errcntfvtxIn[icent][0],c2bbcfvtx[icent][0],c2errbbcfvtx[icent][0]);

        float v2bbc = c2cntbbcIn[icent][0]/v2cnt;
        //float v2errbbc = v2bbc * sqrt(TMath::Power(c2errcntbbcIn[icent][0]/c2cntbbcIn[icent][0],2)+TMath::Power(v2errcnt/v2cnt,2));
        float v2errbbc = get2derr(c2cntbbcIn[icent][0],c2errcntbbcIn[icent][0],v2cnt,v2errcnt);
        float v2fvtx = c2cntfvtxIn[icent][0]/v2cnt;
        //float v2errfvtx = v2fvtx * sqrt(TMath::Power(c2errcntfvtxIn[icent][0]/c2cntfvtxIn[icent][0],2)+TMath::Power(v2errcnt/v2cnt,2));
        float v2errfvtx = get2derr(c2cntfvtxIn[icent][0],c2errcntfvtxIn[icent][0],v2cnt,v2errcnt);

        cout<<"Integral v2 cnt = "<<v2cnt<<" "<<v2errcnt<<endl;
        cout<<"Integral v2 bbc = "<<v2bbc<<" "<<v2errbbc<<endl;
        cout<<"Integral v2 fvtx = "<<v2fvtx<<" "<<v2errfvtx<<endl;

//------------calculating cnt pt dependence v2--------------------method1----------------
        float v2cntpt1[ncent][npt], v2errcntpt1[ncent][npt];
        float v2cntpt2[ncent][npt], v2errcntpt2[ncent][npt];
        float ptmean[npt];
    for(int ipt=0;ipt<npt;ipt++){
        v2cntpt1[icent][ipt] = c2cntbbc[icent][ipt]/v2bbc;
        //v2errcntpt1[icent][ipt] = v2cntpt1[icent][ipt]*sqrt(TMath::Power(c2errcntbbc[icent][ipt]/c2cntbbc[icent][ipt],2)+TMath::Power(v2errbbc/v2bbc,2));
        v2errcntpt1[icent][ipt] = get2derr(c2cntbbc[icent][ipt],c2errcntbbc[icent][ipt],v2bbc,v2errbbc);

        v2cntpt2[icent][ipt] = c2cntfvtx[icent][ipt]/v2fvtx;
        //v2errcntpt2[icent][ipt] = v2cntpt2[icent][ipt]*sqrt(TMath::Power(c2errcntfvtx[icent][ipt]/c2cntfvtx[icent][ipt],2)+TMath::Power(v2errfvtx/v2fvtx,2));
        v2errcntpt2[icent][ipt] = get2derr(c2cntfvtx[icent][ipt],c2errcntfvtx[icent][ipt],v2bbc,v2errbbc);
        ptmean[ipt] = 0.1+0.2*ipt;

//------------calculating cnt pt dependence v2--------------------method2----------------
        float v2cntpt[ncent][npt];
        float v2errcntpt[ncent][npt];
    for(int ipt=0;ipt<npt;ipt++){
        v2cntpt[icent][ipt] = sqrt(c2cntbbc[icent][ipt]*c2cntfvtx[icent][ipt]/c2bbcfvtx[icent][0]);
        //v2errcntpt[icent][ipt] = v2cntpt[icent][ipt]*sqrt(TMath::Power(c2errcntbbc[icent][ipt]/c2cntbbc[icent][ipt],2)+TMath::Power(c2errcntfvtx[icent][ipt]/c2cntfvtx[icent][ipt],2)+TMath::Power(c2errbbcfvtx[icent][0]/c2bbcfvtx[icent][0],2));
        v2errcntpt[icent][ipt] = get3sqerr(c2cntbbc[icent][ipt],c2errcntbbc[icent][ipt],c2cntfvtx[icent][ipt],c2errcntfvtx[icent][ipt],c2bbcfvtx[icent][0],c2errbbcfvtx[icent][0]);

        of1<<ptmean[ipt]<<" "<<v2cntpt1[icent][ipt]<<" "<<v2errcntpt1[icent][ipt]<<endl;
        of2<<ptmean[ipt]<<" "<<v2cntpt2[icent][ipt]<<" "<<v2errcntpt2[icent][ipt]<<endl;
        of<<ptmean[ipt]<<" "<<v2cntpt[icent][ipt]<<" "<<v2errcntpt[icent][ipt]<<endl;
//----subtract---------calculating cnt/bbc/fvtx inclusive v2------------------------------

        c2cntbbcIn[icent][0] = c2cntbbcIn[icent][0] - c2PPcntbbcIn[icent][0]*c1cntbbcIn[icent][0]/c1PPcntbbcIn[icent][0];
        c2cntfvtxIn[icent][0] = c2cntfvtxIn[icent][0] - c2PPcntfvtxIn[icent][0]*c1cntfvtxIn[icent][0]/c1PPcntfvtxIn[icent][0];
        c2bbcfvtx[icent][0] = c2bbcfvtx[icent][0] - c2PPbbcfvtx[icent][0]*c1bbcfvtx[icent][0]/c1PPbbcfvtx[icent][0];
        c2errcntbbcIn[icent][0] = get2mierr(c2cntbbcIn[icent][0],c2errcntbbcIn[icent][0],c2PPcntbbcIn[icent][0]*c1cntbbcIn[icent][0]/c1PPcntbbcIn[icent][0], get3err(c2PPcntbbcIn[icent][0],c2PPerrcntbbcIn[icent][0],c1cntbbcIn[icent][0],c1errcntbbcIn[icent][0],c1PPcntbbcIn[icent][0],c1PPerrcntbbcIn[icent][0]));
        c2errcntfvtxIn[icent][0] = get2mierr(c2cntfvtxIn[icent][0],c2errcntfvtxIn[icent][0],c2PPcntfvtxIn[icent][0]*c1cntfvtxIn[icent][0]/c1PPcntfvtxIn[icent][0], get3err(c2PPcntfvtxIn[icent][0],c2PPerrcntfvtxIn[icent][0],c1cntfvtxIn[icent][0],c1errcntfvtxIn[icent][0],c1PPcntfvtxIn[icent][0],c1PPerrcntfvtxIn[icent][0]));
        c2errbbcfvtx[icent][0] = get2mierr(c2bbcfvtx[icent][0],c2errbbcfvtx[icent][0],c2PPbbcfvtx[icent][0]*c1bbcfvtx[icent][0]/c1PPbbcfvtx[icent][0], get3err(c2PPbbcfvtx[icent][0],c2PPerrbbcfvtx[icent][0],c1bbcfvtx[icent][0],c1errbbcfvtx[icent][0],c1PPbbcfvtx[icent][0],c1PPerrbbcfvtx[icent][0]));
        c2cntbbcIn[icent][0] = c2cntbbcIn[icent][0] - c2PPcntbbcIn[icent][0]*MPPbbc[icent]/Mbbc[icent];
        c2cntfvtxIn[icent][0] = c2cntfvtxIn[icent][0] - c2PPcntfvtxIn[icent][0]*MPPfvtx[icent]/Mfvtx[icent];
        c2bbcfvtx[icent][0] = c2bbcfvtx[icent][0] - c2PPbbcfvtx[icent][0]*(MPPbbc[icent]*MPPfvtx[icent]/MPPNpart[icent])/(Mbbc[icent]*Mfvtx[icent]/MNpart[icent]);
        c2errcntbbcIn[icent][0] = get2mierr(c2cntbbcIn[icent][0],c2errcntbbcIn[icent][0],c2PPcntbbcIn[icent][0]*MPPbbc[icent]/Mbbc[icent],c2PPerrcntbbcIn[icent][0]*MPPbbc[icent]/Mbbc[icent]);
        c2errcntfvtxIn[icent][0] = get2mierr(c2cntfvtxIn[icent][0],c2errcntfvtxIn[icent][0],c2PPcntfvtxIn[icent][0]*MPPfvtx[icent]/Mfvtx[icent],c2PPerrcntfvtxIn[icent][0]*MPPfvtx[icent]/Mfvtx[icent]);
        c2errbbcfvtx[icent][0] = get2mierr(c2bbcfvtx[icent][0],c2errbbcfvtx[icent][0],c2PPbbcfvtx[icent][0]*(MPPbbc[icent]*MPPfvtx[icent]/MPPNpart[icent])/(Mbbc[icent]*Mfvtx[icent]/MNpart[icent]),c2PPerrbbcfvtx[icent][0]*(MPPbbc[icent]*MPPfvtx[icent]/MPPNpart[icent])/(Mbbc[icent]*Mfvtx[icent]/MNpart[icent]));
        cout<<"cnt - bbc subtract ="<<c2cntbbcIn[icent][0]<<" "<<c2errcntbbcIn[icent][0]<<endl;
        cout<<"cnt - fvtx subtract ="<<c2cntfvtxIn[icent][0]<<" "<<c2errcntfvtxIn[icent][0]<<endl;
        cout<<"bbc - fvtx subtract ="<<c2bbcfvtx[icent][0]<<" "<<c2errbbcfvtx[icent][0]<<endl;

        float v2cnt = sqrt(c2cntbbcIn[icent][0]*c2cntfvtxIn[icent][0]/c2bbcfvtx[icent][0]);
      //  float v2errcnt = 1/2.*v2cnt*sqrt(TMath::Power(c2errcntbbcIn[icent][0]/c2cntbbcIn[icent][0],2)+TMath::Power(c2errcntfvtxIn[icent][0]/c2cntfvtxIn[icent][0],2)+TMath::Power(c2errbbcfvtx[icent][0]/c2bbcfvtx[icent][0],2));
        float v2errcnt = get3sqerr(c2cntbbcIn[icent][0],c2errcntbbcIn[icent][0],c2cntfvtxIn[icent][0],c2errcntfvtxIn[icent][0],c2bbcfvtx[icent][0],c2errbbcfvtx[icent][0]);

        float v2bbc = c2cntbbcIn[icent][0]/v2cnt;
        //float v2errbbc = v2bbc * sqrt(TMath::Power(c2errcntbbcIn[icent][0]/c2cntbbcIn[icent][0],2)+TMath::Power(v2errcnt/v2cnt,2));
        float v2errbbc = get2derr(c2cntbbcIn[icent][0],c2errcntbbcIn[icent][0],v2cnt,v2errcnt);
        float v2fvtx = c2cntfvtxIn[icent][0]/v2cnt;
        //float v2errfvtx = v2fvtx * sqrt(TMath::Power(c2errcntfvtxIn[icent][0]/c2cntfvtxIn[icent][0],2)+TMath::Power(v2errcnt/v2cnt,2));
        float v2errfvtx = get2derr(c2cntfvtxIn[icent][0],c2errcntfvtxIn[icent][0],v2cnt,v2errcnt);

        cout<<"Integral v2 subtract cnt = "<<v2cnt<<" "<<v2errcnt<<endl;
        cout<<"Integral v2 subtract bbc = "<<v2bbc<<" "<<v2errbbc<<endl;
        cout<<"Integral v2 subtract fvtx = "<<v2fvtx<<" "<<v2errfvtx<<endl;

//----subtract--------calculating cnt pt dependence v2--------------------method1----------------
        float v2cntpt1[ncent][npt], v2errcntpt1[ncent][npt];
        float v2cntpt2[ncent][npt], v2errcntpt2[ncent][npt];
        float ptmean[npt];
    for(int ipt=0;ipt<npt;ipt++){
        c2cntbbc[icent][ipt] = c2cntbbc[icent][ipt] - c2PPcntbbc[icent][ipt]*c1cntbbc[icent][ipt]/c1PPcntbbc[icent][ipt];
        c2cntfvtx[icent][ipt] = c2cntfvtx[icent][ipt] - c2PPcntfvtx[icent][ipt]*c1cntfvtx[icent][ipt]/c1PPcntfvtx[icent][ipt];
        c2bbcfvtx[icent][ipt] = c2bbcfvtx[icent][ipt] - c2PPbbcfvtx[icent][ipt]*c1bbcfvtx[icent][ipt]/c1PPbbcfvtx[icent][ipt];
        c2errcntbbc[icent][ipt] = get2mierr(c2cntbbc[icent][ipt],c2errcntbbc[icent][ipt],c2PPcntbbc[icent][ipt]*c1cntbbc[icent][ipt]/c1PPcntbbc[icent][ipt], get3err(c2PPcntbbc[icent][ipt],c2PPerrcntbbc[icent][ipt],c1cntbbc[icent][ipt],c1errcntbbc[icent][ipt],c1PPcntbbc[icent][ipt],c1PPerrcntbbc[icent][ipt]));
        c2errcntfvtx[icent][ipt] = get2mierr(c2cntfvtx[icent][ipt],c2errcntfvtx[icent][ipt],c2PPcntfvtx[icent][ipt]*c1cntfvtx[icent][ipt]/c1PPcntfvtx[icent][ipt], get3err(c2PPcntfvtx[icent][ipt],c2PPerrcntfvtx[icent][ipt],c1cntfvtx[icent][ipt],c1errcntfvtx[icent][ipt],c1PPcntfvtx[icent][ipt],c1PPerrcntfvtx[icent][ipt]));
        c2errbbcfvtx[icent][ipt] = get2mierr(c2bbcfvtx[icent][ipt],c2errbbcfvtx[icent][ipt],c2PPbbcfvtx[icent][ipt]*c1bbcfvtx[icent][ipt]/c1PPbbcfvtx[icent][ipt], get3err(c2PPbbcfvtx[icent][ipt],c2PPerrbbcfvtx[icent][ipt],c1bbcfvtx[icent][ipt],c1errbbcfvtx[icent][ipt],c1PPbbcfvtx[icent][ipt],c1PPerrbbcfvtx[icent][ipt]));
        c2cntbbc[icent][ipt] = c2cntbbc[icent][ipt] - c2PPcntbbc[icent][ipt]*MPPbbc[icent]/Mbbc[icent];
        c2cntfvtx[icent][ipt] = c2cntfvtx[icent][ipt] - c2PPcntfvtx[icent][ipt]*MPPfvtx[icent]/Mfvtx[icent];
        c2bbcfvtx[icent][ipt] = c2bbcfvtx[icent][ipt] - c2PPbbcfvtx[icent][ipt]*(MPPbbc[icent]*MPPfvtx[icent]/MPPNpart[icent])/(Mbbc[icent]*Mfvtx[icent]/MNpart[icent]);
        c2errcntbbc[icent][ipt] = get2mierr(c2cntbbc[icent][ipt],c2errcntbbc[icent][ipt],c2PPcntbbc[icent][ipt]*MPPbbc[icent]/Mbbc[icent],c2PPerrcntbbc[icent][ipt]*MPPbbc[icent]/Mbbc[icent]);
        c2errcntfvtx[icent][ipt] = get2mierr(c2cntfvtx[icent][ipt],c2errcntfvtx[icent][ipt],c2PPcntfvtx[icent][ipt]*MPPfvtx[icent]/Mfvtx[icent],c2PPerrcntfvtx[icent][ipt]*MPPfvtx[icent]/Mfvtx[icent]);
        c2errbbcfvtx[icent][ipt] = get2mierr(c2bbcfvtx[icent][ipt],c2errbbcfvtx[icent][ipt],c2PPbbcfvtx[icent][ipt]*(MPPbbc[icent]*MPPfvtx[icent]/MPPNpart[icent])/(Mbbc[icent]*Mfvtx[icent]/MNpart[icent]),c2PPerrbbcfvtx[icent][ipt]*(MPPbbc[icent]*MPPfvtx[icent]/MPPNpart[icent])/(Mbbc[icent]*Mfvtx[icent]/MNpart[icent]));
    for(int ipt=0;ipt<npt;ipt++){
        v2cntpt1[icent][ipt] = c2cntbbc[icent][ipt]/v2bbc;
        //v2errcntpt1[icent][ipt] = v2cntpt1[icent][ipt]*sqrt(TMath::Power(c2errcntbbc[icent][ipt]/c2cntbbc[icent][ipt],2)+TMath::Power(v2errbbc/v2bbc,2));
        v2errcntpt1[icent][ipt] = get2derr(c2cntbbc[icent][ipt],c2errcntbbc[icent][ipt],v2bbc,v2errbbc);

        v2cntpt2[icent][ipt] = c2cntfvtx[icent][ipt]/v2fvtx;
        //v2errcntpt2[icent][ipt] = v2cntpt2[icent][ipt]*sqrt(TMath::Power(c2errcntfvtx[icent][ipt]/c2cntfvtx[icent][ipt],2)+TMath::Power(v2errfvtx/v2fvtx,2));
        v2errcntpt2[icent][ipt] = get2derr(c2cntfvtx[icent][ipt],c2errcntfvtx[icent][ipt],v2fvtx,v2errfvtx);
        ptmean[ipt] = 0.1+0.2*ipt;

//----subtract--------calculating cnt pt dependence v2--------------------method2----------------
        float v2cntpt[ncent][npt];
        float v2errcntpt[ncent][npt];
    for(int ipt=0;ipt<npt;ipt++){
        v2cntpt[icent][ipt] = sqrt(c2cntbbc[icent][ipt]*c2cntfvtx[icent][ipt]/c2bbcfvtx[icent][0]);
        //v2errcntpt[icent][ipt] = v2cntpt[icent][ipt]*sqrt(TMath::Power(c2errcntbbc[icent][ipt]/c2cntbbc[icent][ipt],2)+TMath::Power(c2errcntfvtx[icent][ipt]/c2cntfvtx[icent][ipt],2)+TMath::Power(c2errbbcfvtx[icent][0]/c2bbcfvtx[icent][0],2));
        v2errcntpt[icent][ipt] = get3sqerr(c2cntbbc[icent][ipt],c2errcntbbc[icent][ipt],c2cntfvtx[icent][ipt],c2errcntfvtx[icent][ipt],c2bbcfvtx[icent][0],c2errbbcfvtx[icent][0]);
        ofsub1<<ptmean[ipt]<<" "<<v2cntpt1[icent][ipt]<<" "<<v2errcntpt1[icent][ipt]<<endl;
        ofsub2<<ptmean[ipt]<<" "<<v2cntpt2[icent][ipt]<<" "<<v2errcntpt2[icent][ipt]<<endl;
        ofsub<<ptmean[ipt]<<" "<<v2cntpt[icent][ipt]<<" "<<v2errcntpt[icent][ipt]<<endl;

예제 #9
void ChTrackTestRig::ExportComponentList(const std::string& filename) const {
    std::ofstream of(filename);
    of << ExportComponentList();
예제 #10
파일: mpijob.cpp 프로젝트: athuls/gsra
  void mpijob::run_child() {
#ifndef __WINDOWS__
    // check that this child hasn't been finished by others
    if (check_finished()) {
      cout << "child " << conf.get_name() 
	   << " is already finished, do nothing." << endl;
      return ; // already finished, do nothing
    // start timer
    string cmd, log, errlog;
    log << "out_" << conf.get_name() << ".log";
    errlog << "out_" << conf.get_name() << ".errlog";
    // prepare command
    cmd << "cd " << outdir << " && echo \"job=" << conf.get_name();
    if (conf.exists("meta_conf_shortname"))
      cmd << " meta_conf_shortname=" << conf.get_string("meta_conf_shortname");
    // not finished, check if it has been started in the past
    if (check_started()) {
      cout << "child " << conf.get_name() 
	   << " is already started but not finished, resuming." << endl;
      if (conf.exists("retrain_iteration") && conf.exists("retrain_weights")
	  && conf.exists("retrain")) {
	// add retrain params at the end of job's conf
	ofstream of(confname.c_str(), ios_base::app);
	if (!of)
	  eblerror("failed to open conf for appending retrain params: " 
		   << confname);
	of << endl 
	   << " retrain_iteration=" << conf.get_string("retrain_iteration")
	   << endl << " retrain_weights=" << conf.get_string("retrain_weights")
	   << endl << " retrain=" << conf.get_string("retrain") << endl;
    // set classe filename if defined
    if (rconf.exists("train") || rconf.exists("train_classes")) {
      string classesname = conf.get_output_dir();
      if (rconf.exists("train"))
	classesname << "/" << rconf.get_string("train");
      else if (rconf.exists("train_classes"))
	classesname << "/" << rconf.get_string("train_classes");
      classesname << CLASSES_NAME << MATRIX_EXTENSION;
      cmd << " classes=" << classesname;
    // set rest of command
    cmd << " config=" << confname << "\" >> "
	<< log << " && ((" << exe << " " << confname
	<< " 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 | tee /dev/tty | tee -a " << errlog
	<< ") 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) >> " << log << " 2>&1 && exit 0";
    // execute child
    cout << endl << "(mpi) Executing job " << basename(confname.c_str()) 
	 << " with cmd:" << endl << cmd << endl;
    int ret = std::system(cmd.c_str());
    if (ret != 0) {
      cerr << "child command error: " << ret << endl;
      cerr << "WIFSIGNALED(" << ret << "): " << WIFSIGNALED(ret) << endl;
      cerr << "WTERMSIG(" << ret << "): " << WTERMSIG(ret) << endl;
    eblerror("not implemented");
예제 #11
static void
writeImplementationCppFile(const QString& namespaceName,
                           const QString& baseFileName,
                           const std::list<FunctionSignature>& functions,
                           const QString& path,
                           const QString &API,
                           bool templateValue)
    QString outputFilename = path + "/" + baseFileName + "_" + API + ".cpp";
    QFile of(outputFilename);

    if ( !of.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly) ) {
        std::cout << "Could not open " << outputFilename.toStdString() << std::endl;
        throw std::runtime_error("");
    QTextStream ots(&of);
    ots <<
        " * THIS FILE WAS GENERATED AUTOMATICALLY FROM glad.h by tools/utils/generateGLIncludes, DO NOT EDIT\n"
        " */\n"
        "#include \"" << baseFileName << ".h\"\n"
        "#include \"Global/Macros.h\"\n"
    if (!templateValue) {
        ots <<
            "#ifdef HAVE_OSMESA\n"
            "#include <GL/gl_mangle.h>\n"
            "#include <GL/glu_mangle.h>\n"
            "#include <GL/osmesa.h>\n"
            "#endif // HAVE_OSMESA\n";
        ots << "\n\n";

    if (namespaceName == "Natron") {
        ots <<
    } else {
        ots <<
            "namespace " << namespaceName << " {\n\n";
    // Write the load functions
    ots <<
        "template <>\n"
        "void OSGLFunctions<" << (templateValue ? "true" : "false") << ">::load_functions() {\n";
    if (!templateValue) {
        ots <<
            "#ifdef HAVE_OSMESA\n";
    for (std::list<FunctionSignature>::const_iterator it = functions.begin(); it != functions.end(); ++it) {
        if (templateValue) {
            // OpenGL functions are directly pointing to the ones loaded by glad
                ots <<
                    "    _" << it->funcName << " = glad_defined(" << it->funcName << ");\n";
        } else {
            // Mesa functions are loaded
            ots <<
                "    _" << it->funcName << " = (" << it->funcPNType << ")OSMesaGetProcAddress(\"" << it->funcName << "\");\n";
    if (!templateValue) {
        ots <<
            "#endif // HAVE_OSMESA\n";
    ots <<
        "} // load_functions\n"

    ots <<
        "template class OSGLFunctions<" << (templateValue ? "true" : "false") << ">;\n"
    if (namespaceName == "Natron") {
        ots <<
    } else {
        ots <<
            "} // namespace " << namespaceName << "\n";
} // writeImplementationCppFile