예제 #1
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    //init and PVD
    bool initialized = false;
    NxPhysicsSDK *physicsSDK = NxCreatePhysicsSDK(NX_PHYSICS_SDK_VERSION);
    if (!physicsSDK)
        return 0;
        physicsSDK->getFoundationSDK().getRemoteDebugger()->connect("localhost", 5425);
    physicsSDK->setParameter(NX_CONTINUOUS_CD, true);

    initialized = true;

    //create a scene
    bool sceneInit = false;
    NxSceneDesc sceneDesc;
    sceneDesc.gravity.set(0, -9.81f, 0);
    gScene = physicsSDK->createScene(sceneDesc);

    if (gScene != NULL)
        sceneInit = true;

    //create a plane
        NxActorDesc actorDesc;
        NxPlaneShapeDesc planeDesc;
        //planeDesc.normal = NxVec3(0, 0, 1);
        //planeDesc.d = -10.0f;


    //create material
    NxMaterial *defaultMaterial = gScene->getMaterialFromIndex(0);

    //create a box
        NxActorDesc actorDesc;
        NxBodyDesc bodyDesc;
        bodyDesc.angularDamping = 0.5;
        bodyDesc.linearVelocity = NxVec3(1, 0, 0);
        actorDesc.body = &bodyDesc;

        NxBoxShapeDesc boxDesc;
        boxDesc.dimensions = NxVec3(2.0f, 3.0f, 4.0f);
        actorDesc.density = 10.0f;
        actorDesc.globalPose.t = NxVec3(10.0f, 10.0f, 10.0f);
        gScene->createActor(actorDesc)->userData = NULL;

    //create a cloth
        // Create the objects in the scene
        NxActor* sphere1 = CreateSphere(NxVec3(-1, 0, -0.5), 1, 10);
        NxActor* box1 = CreateBox(NxVec3(1, 0, -1), NxVec3(1, 1, 1), 10);
        NxActor* box2 = CreateBox(NxVec3(0, 6.5, 0), NxVec3(5, 0.5, 0.5), 10);
        NxActor* box3 = CreateBox(NxVec3(0, 6.5, -7), NxVec3(5, 0.5, 0.5), 10);

        NxD6JointDesc d6Desc;
        d6Desc.actor[0] = NULL;
        d6Desc.actor[1] = box2;
        NxVec3 globalAnchor(0, 7, 0);
        d6Desc.localAnchor[0] = globalAnchor;
        box2->getGlobalPose().multiplyByInverseRT(globalAnchor, d6Desc.localAnchor[1]);

        box3->getGlobalPose().multiplyByInverseRT(globalAnchor, d6Desc.localAnchor[1]);

        d6Desc.localAxis[0] = NxVec3(1, 0, 0);
        d6Desc.localNormal[0] = NxVec3(0, 1, 0);
        d6Desc.localAxis[1] = NxVec3(1, 0, 0);
        d6Desc.localNormal[1] = NxVec3(0, 1, 0);

        d6Desc.twistMotion = NX_D6JOINT_MOTION_LOCKED;
        d6Desc.swing1Motion = NX_D6JOINT_MOTION_LOCKED;
        d6Desc.swing2Motion = NX_D6JOINT_MOTION_LOCKED;
        d6Desc.xMotion = NX_D6JOINT_MOTION_FREE;
        d6Desc.yMotion = NX_D6JOINT_MOTION_FREE;
        d6Desc.zMotion = NX_D6JOINT_MOTION_FREE;

        NxJoint* d6Joint = gScene->createJoint(d6Desc);

        NxClothDesc clothDesc;
        clothDesc.globalPose.t = NxVec3(4, 7, 0);
        clothDesc.thickness = 0.2;
        //clothDesc.density = 1;
        clothDesc.bendingStiffness = 0.5;
        clothDesc.stretchingStiffness = 1;
        //clothDesc.dampingCoefficient = 0.5;
        clothDesc.friction = 0.5;
        //clothDesc.collisionResponseCoefficient = 1;
        //clothDesc.attachmentResponseCoefficient = 1;
        //clothDesc.solverIterations = 5;
        //clothDesc.flags |= NX_CLF_STATIC;
        //clothDesc.flags |= NX_CLF_DISABLE_COLLISION;
        //clothDesc.flags |= NX_CLF_VISUALIZATION;
        //clothDesc.flags |= NX_CLF_GRAVITY;
        clothDesc.flags |= NX_CLF_BENDING;
        //clothDesc.flags |= NX_CLF_BENDING_ORTHO;
        clothDesc.flags |= NX_CLF_DAMPING;
        //clothDesc.flags |= NX_CLF_COMDAMPING;
        clothDesc.flags |= NX_CLF_COLLISION_TWOWAY;

        clothDesc.flags &= ~NX_CLF_HARDWARE;
        clothDesc.flags |= NX_CLF_FLUID_COLLISION;
        clothDesc.selfCollisionThickness = 10.0f;

        NxReal w = 8;
        NxReal h = 7;
        NxReal d = 0.05;
        NxClothMeshDesc meshDesc;
        bool mInitDone = false;

        int numX = (int)(w / d) + 1;
        int numY = (int)(h / d) + 1;

        meshDesc.numVertices = (numX + 1) * (numY + 1);
        meshDesc.numTriangles = numX*numY * 2;
        meshDesc.pointStrideBytes = sizeof(NxVec3);
        meshDesc.triangleStrideBytes = 3 * sizeof(NxU32);
        meshDesc.vertexMassStrideBytes = sizeof(NxReal);
        meshDesc.vertexFlagStrideBytes = sizeof(NxU32);
        meshDesc.points = (NxVec3*)malloc(sizeof(NxVec3)*meshDesc.numVertices);
        meshDesc.triangles = (NxU32*)malloc(sizeof(NxU32)*meshDesc.numTriangles * 3);
        meshDesc.vertexMasses = 0;
        meshDesc.vertexFlags = 0;
        meshDesc.flags = 0;

        int i, j;
        NxVec3 *p = (NxVec3*)meshDesc.points;
        for (i = 0; i <= numY; i++) {
            for (j = 0; j <= numX; j++) {
                p->set(-d*j, 0.0f, -d*i);

        NxU32 *id = (NxU32*)meshDesc.triangles;
        for (i = 0; i < numY; i++) {
            for (j = 0; j < numX; j++) {
                NxU32 i0 = i * (numX + 1) + j;
                NxU32 i1 = i0 + 1;
                NxU32 i2 = i0 + (numX + 1);
                NxU32 i3 = i2 + 1;
                if ((j + i) % 2) {
                    *id++ = i0;
                    *id++ = i2;
                    *id++ = i1;
                    *id++ = i1;
                    *id++ = i2;
                    *id++ = i3;
                else {
                    *id++ = i0;
                    *id++ = i2;
                    *id++ = i3;
                    *id++ = i0;
                    *id++ = i3;
                    *id++ = i1;
        // if we want tearing we must tell the cooker
        // this way it will generate some space for particles that will be generated during tearing
        if (meshDesc.flags & NX_CLF_TEARABLE)
            meshDesc.flags |= NX_CLOTH_MESH_TEARABLE;

        static NxCookingInterface *gCooking = 0;
        gCooking = NxGetCookingLib(NX_PHYSICS_SDK_VERSION);

        gCooking->NxCookClothMesh(meshDesc, UserStream("e:\\cooked.bin", false));

        //Meshdata Buffers
        NxMeshData mReceiveBuffers;
        // here we setup the buffers through which the SDK returns the dynamic cloth data
        // we reserve more memory for vertices than the initial mesh takes
        // because tearing creates new vertices
        // the SDK only tears cloth as long as there is room in these buffers
        NxU32 numVertices = meshDesc.numVertices;
        NxU32 numTriangles = meshDesc.numTriangles;

        NxU32 maxVertices = 2 * numVertices;
        mReceiveBuffers.verticesPosBegin = (NxVec3*)malloc(sizeof(NxVec3)*maxVertices);
        mReceiveBuffers.verticesNormalBegin = (NxVec3*)malloc(sizeof(NxVec3)*maxVertices);
        mReceiveBuffers.verticesPosByteStride = sizeof(NxVec3);
        mReceiveBuffers.verticesNormalByteStride = sizeof(NxVec3);
        mReceiveBuffers.maxVertices = maxVertices;
        mReceiveBuffers.numVerticesPtr = (NxU32*)malloc(sizeof(NxU32));

        // the number of triangles is constant, even if the cloth is torn
        NxU32 maxIndices = 3 * numTriangles;
        mReceiveBuffers.indicesBegin = (NxU32*)malloc(sizeof(NxU32)*maxIndices);
        mReceiveBuffers.indicesByteStride = sizeof(NxU32);
        mReceiveBuffers.maxIndices = maxIndices;
        mReceiveBuffers.numIndicesPtr = (NxU32*)malloc(sizeof(NxU32));

        // the parent index information would be needed if we used textured cloth
        NxU32 maxParentIndices = maxVertices;
        mReceiveBuffers.parentIndicesBegin = (NxU32*)malloc(sizeof(NxU32)*maxParentIndices);
        mReceiveBuffers.parentIndicesByteStride = sizeof(NxU32);
        mReceiveBuffers.maxParentIndices = maxParentIndices;
        mReceiveBuffers.numParentIndicesPtr = (NxU32*)malloc(sizeof(NxU32));

        // init the buffers in case we want to draw the mesh
        // before the SDK as filled in the correct values
        *mReceiveBuffers.numVerticesPtr = 0;
        *mReceiveBuffers.numIndicesPtr = 0;

        clothDesc.clothMesh = physicsSDK->createClothMesh(UserStream("e:\\cooked.bin", true));
        clothDesc.meshData = mReceiveBuffers;

        NxCloth *mCloth;
        mCloth = gScene->createCloth(clothDesc);
        mCloth->attachToShape(*box2->getShapes(), NX_CLOTH_ATTACHMENT_TWOWAY);
        mCloth->attachToShape(*box3->getShapes(), NX_CLOTH_ATTACHMENT_TWOWAY);

    //create fluid 1
        //fluid = CreateFluid(NxVec3(0, 12, -3.5), 15, 0.1, gScene);
    //create fluid 2
        //Create a set of initial particles
        ParticleSDK*	initParticles = new ParticleSDK[max_particles];
        unsigned initParticlesNum = 0;

        //Create particle filled sphere in buffer.
        NxVec3 fluidPos(0, 2, 0);
        NxVec3 offsetPos(0, 12, -3.5);
        float distance = 0.1f;
        //#ifdef __PPCGEKKO__
        //	unsigned sideNum = 12;
        unsigned sideNum = 16;

        //Setup structure to pass initial particles.
        NxParticleData initParticleData;
        initParticlesNum = 0;
        initParticleData.numParticlesPtr = &initParticlesNum;
        initParticleData.bufferPos = &initParticles[0].position.x;
        initParticleData.bufferPosByteStride = sizeof(ParticleSDK);
        initParticleData.bufferVel = &initParticles[0].velocity.x;
        initParticleData.bufferVelByteStride = sizeof(ParticleSDK);

        CreateParticleSphere(initParticleData, max_particles, false, offsetPos, NxVec3(0, 0, 0), 0.0f, distance, sideNum);

        //Setup fluid descriptor
        NxFluidDesc fluidDesc;
        fluidDesc.maxParticles = max_particles;
        fluidDesc.kernelRadiusMultiplier = 2.0f;
        fluidDesc.restParticlesPerMeter = 10.0f;
        fluidDesc.motionLimitMultiplier = 3.0f;
        fluidDesc.packetSizeMultiplier = 8;
        fluidDesc.collisionDistanceMultiplier = 0.1;
        fluidDesc.stiffness = 50.0f;
        fluidDesc.viscosity = 40.0f;
        fluidDesc.restDensity = 1000.0f;
        fluidDesc.damping = 0.0f;
        fluidDesc.restitutionForStaticShapes = 0.0f;
        fluidDesc.dynamicFrictionForStaticShapes = 0.05f;
        fluidDesc.simulationMethod = NX_F_SPH;
        fluidDesc.flags &= ~NX_FF_HARDWARE;

        //Add initial particles to fluid creation.
        fluidDesc.initialParticleData = initParticleData;

        //Create user fluid.
        //- create NxFluid in NxScene
        //- setup the buffers to read from data from the SDK
        //- set NxFluid::userData field to MyFluid instance
        bool trackUserData = false;
        bool provideCollisionNormals = false;
        MyFluid* fluid = new MyFluid(gScene, fluidDesc, trackUserData, provideCollisionNormals, NxVec3(0.4f, 0.5f, 0.9f), 0.03f);
    for (int i = 0; i < 3000; i++)
        gScene->simulate(1.0f / 60.f);
        gScene->fetchResults(NX_RIGID_BODY_FINISHED, true);

        // update fluid status
        if (i == 400)
            MyFluid* fluid = gMyFluids[0];
            const ParticleSDK* particles = fluid->getParticles();
            unsigned particlesNum = fluid->getParticlesNum();
            if (!gUpdates)
                gUpdates = new ParticleUpdateSDK[max_particles];
            for (unsigned i = 0; i < particlesNum; i++)
                ParticleUpdateSDK& update = gUpdates[i];
                NxVec3& force = update.force;
                force.set(0, 0, 0);
                NxU32& flags = update.flags;
                if (i >= particlesNum/2)
                    flags = 0;
                    flags |= NX_FP_DELETE;
                    flags = 0;

            NxParticleUpdateData updateData;
            updateData.bufferFlag = &gUpdates[0].flags;
            updateData.bufferFlagByteStride = sizeof(ParticleUpdateSDK);

    if (physicsSDK != NULL)
        if (gScene != NULL)
        gScene = NULL;
        physicsSDK = NULL;
    return 1;
예제 #2
void UnderlayPlating::InstantiateStructure(bool a_IsBuildPoint)
	//an overlay plate is essentially an "outer cover" for the tile in one of the six cardinal directions
	//system is currently setup to handle any combination of the six, but it probably shouldn't be
	m_IsBuildPoint = a_IsBuildPoint;
	Ogre::SceneManager& sceneManager = GetSceneManager();
	//std::cout << "instantiating UnderlayPlating with direction " << m_Direction << std::endl;
	m_AtomFlags = RCD_CAN_DESTROY;

	//create entity
	m_pAtomEntity = sceneManager.createEntity("UnderlayPlating_" + num2string(m_AtomID), "cell_underlay.mesh");

	//set up the directional offsets
	Ogre::Vector3 offsetPos(0, 0, 0);
	Ogre::Vector3 lookatPos(0, 0, 0);
	btVector3 halfExtents(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f);
	//std::cout << "	new overlay plating" << std::endl;
	if(m_Direction & NORTH)
		offsetPos.z += 0.395f;
		lookatPos.z += 1;
		//std::cout << "NORTH " << (isPhysical ? "plating" : "trigger") << std::endl;
	if(m_Direction & SOUTH)
		offsetPos.z -= 0.395f;
		lookatPos.z -= 1;
		//std::cout << "SOUTH " << (isPhysical ? "plating" : "trigger") << std::endl;
	if(m_Direction & EAST)
		offsetPos.x += 0.395f;
		lookatPos.x += 1;
		//std::cout << "EAST " << (isPhysical ? "plating" : "trigger") << std::endl;
	if(m_Direction & WEST)
		offsetPos.x -= 0.395f;
		lookatPos.x -= 1;
		//std::cout << "WEST " << (isPhysical ? "plating" : "trigger") << std::endl;
	if(m_Direction & UP)
		offsetPos.y += 0.395f;
		lookatPos.y += 1;
		//std::cout << "UP " << (isPhysical ? "plating" : "trigger") << std::endl;
	if(m_Direction & DOWN)
		offsetPos.y -= 0.395f;
		lookatPos.y -= 1;
		//std::cout << "DOWN " << (isPhysical ? "plating" : "trigger") << std::endl;
	m_pAtomEntitySceneNode->lookAt(lookatPos, Ogre::Node::TS_LOCAL);
	//create physics body and initialise to starting position
	m_pCollisionShape = new btBoxShape(halfExtents);
	btDefaultMotionState* groundMotionState = new btDefaultMotionState(btTransform(btQuaternion(0,0,0,1), OGRE2BT(m_pAtomEntitySceneNode->_getDerivedPosition())));
	btRigidBody::btRigidBodyConstructionInfo groundRigidBodyCI(0, groundMotionState, m_pCollisionShape, btVector3(0,0,0));
	m_pRigidBody = new btRigidBody(groundRigidBodyCI);

	//add new rigid body to world
	btDiscreteDynamicsWorld& dynamicsWorld = GetDynamicsWorld();
		dynamicsWorld.addRigidBody(m_pRigidBody, COLLISION_BUILDPOINT, RAYCAST_BUILD);

		//todo: is this working?
예제 #3
void FGWCondition::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *)
    QPainter painter(this);

    QFontMetrics fm = painter.fontMetrics();
    if (fm.ascent() + fm.descent() != m_fontHeight)
        m_fontHeight = fm.ascent() + fm.descent();

    // Y-Axis label
    QTransform transform;
    transform.translate(-(height() + fm.width(m_yAxisLabel)) / 2, fm.ascent());
    painter.drawText(QPointF(0, 0), m_yAxisLabel);

    // X-Axis label
    painter.drawText(QPointF((width() - fm.width(m_xAxisLabel)) / 2, height() - fm.descent()), m_xAxisLabel);

    // The actual graph
    if (m_forceCondition)
        QPointF startPos(-1.0, 0.0);
        QPointF startViewPos = m_model2View.map(startPos);

        QPointF endPos(1.0, 0.0);
        QPointF endViewPos = m_model2View.map(endPos);

        double negativeSaturation = m_forceCondition->negativeSaturation();
        if (m_forceCondition->negativeCoefficient() < 0.0)
            negativeSaturation = -negativeSaturation;

        double positiveSaturation = m_forceCondition->positiveSaturation();
        if (m_forceCondition->positiveCoefficient() < 0.0)
            positiveSaturation = -positiveSaturation;

        double negativeDeadBandValue = CLIP11(m_forceCondition->offset() - m_forceCondition->deadBand());
        double positiveDeadBandValue = CLIP11(m_forceCondition->offset() + m_forceCondition->deadBand());

        double negCoeff = m_forceCondition->negativeCoefficient();
        double negCoeffValue = 1000.0;
        if (0.001 < fabs(negCoeff))
            negCoeffValue = (1.0 / fabs(negCoeff)) - 1.0;
        negCoeffValue *= m_forceCondition->negativeSaturation();
        double negativeSaturationValue = negativeDeadBandValue - negCoeffValue;
        if (negativeSaturationValue < -1.0)
            double negCoeffVisible = negativeDeadBandValue + 1.0;
            double ratio = negCoeffVisible / negCoeffValue;
            negativeSaturation *= ratio;
            negativeSaturationValue = -1.0;

        double posCoeff = m_forceCondition->positiveCoefficient();
        double posCoeffValue = 1000.0;
        if (0.001 < fabs(posCoeff))
            posCoeffValue = (1.0 / fabs(posCoeff)) - 1.0;
        posCoeffValue *= m_forceCondition->positiveSaturation();
        double positiveSaturationValue = positiveDeadBandValue + posCoeffValue;
        if (1.0 < positiveSaturationValue)
            double posCoeffVisible = 1.0 - positiveDeadBandValue;
            double ratio = posCoeffVisible / posCoeffValue;
            positiveSaturation *= ratio;
            positiveSaturationValue = 1.0;

        QPointF offsetPos(m_forceCondition->offset(), 0.0);
        QPointF offsetViewPos = m_model2View.map(offsetPos);

        QPointF negativeSaturationPos(-1.0, negativeSaturation);
        QPointF negativeSaturationViewPos = m_model2View.map(negativeSaturationPos);

        QPointF negativeCoefficientPos(negativeSaturationValue, negativeSaturation);
        QPointF negativeCoefficientViewPos = m_model2View.map(negativeCoefficientPos);

        QPointF negativeDeadBandPos(negativeDeadBandValue, 0.0);
        QPointF negativeDeadBandViewPos = m_model2View.map(negativeDeadBandPos);

        QPointF positiveDeadBandPos(positiveDeadBandValue, 0.0);
        QPointF positiveDeadBandViewPos = m_model2View.map(positiveDeadBandPos);

        QPointF positiveCoefficientPos(positiveSaturationValue, positiveSaturation);
        QPointF positiveCoefficientViewPos = m_model2View.map(positiveCoefficientPos);

        QPointF positiveSaturationPos(1.0, positiveSaturation);
        QPointF positiveSaturationViewPos = m_model2View.map(positiveSaturationPos);

        QPolygon envelope;
        envelope << startViewPos.toPoint()
                 << negativeSaturationViewPos.toPoint()
                 << negativeCoefficientViewPos.toPoint()
                 << negativeDeadBandViewPos.toPoint()
                 << positiveDeadBandViewPos.toPoint()
                 << positiveCoefficientViewPos.toPoint()
                 << positiveSaturationViewPos.toPoint()
                 << endViewPos.toPoint();

        painter.drawEllipse(negativeCoefficientViewPos, m_handleRadius, m_handleRadius);
        painter.drawEllipse(negativeDeadBandViewPos, m_handleRadius, m_handleRadius);
        painter.drawEllipse(positiveDeadBandViewPos, m_handleRadius, m_handleRadius);
        painter.drawEllipse(positiveCoefficientViewPos, m_handleRadius, m_handleRadius);

        if (!m_dragHandler->isDragging())
            double negSatHalfWidth = (negativeCoefficientViewPos.x() - startViewPos.x()) / 2.0;
                                          QPointF(startViewPos.x() + negSatHalfWidth, negativeSaturationViewPos.y()),
                                          negSatHalfWidth, m_handleRadius);
            m_dragHandler->setHitAreaView(NegativeCoefficient, negativeCoefficientViewPos);
            m_dragHandler->setHitAreaView(NegativeDeadBand, negativeDeadBandViewPos);
            double offsetHalfWidth = (positiveDeadBandViewPos.x() - negativeDeadBandViewPos.x()) / 2.0;
            m_dragHandler->setHitAreaView(Offset, offsetViewPos, offsetHalfWidth, m_handleRadius);
            m_dragHandler->setHitAreaView(PositiveDeadBand, positiveDeadBandViewPos);
            m_dragHandler->setHitAreaView(PositiveCoefficient, positiveCoefficientViewPos);
            double posSatHalfWidth = (endViewPos.x() - positiveCoefficientViewPos.x()) / 2.0;
                                          QPointF(endViewPos.x() - posSatHalfWidth, positiveSaturationViewPos.y()),
                                          posSatHalfWidth, m_handleRadius);