/* Input: Arg1: +Substr Arg2: + String Arg3: +forward/reverse (checks only f/r) f means the first match from the start of String r means the first match from the end of String Output: Arg4: Beg Beg is the offset where Substr matches. Must be a variable or an integer Arg5: End End is the offset of the next character after the end of Substr Must be a variable or an integer. Both Beg and End can be negative, in which case they represent the offset from the 2nd character past the end of String. For instance, -1 means the next character past the end of String, so End = -1 means that Substr must be a suffix of String.. The meaning of End and of negative offsets is consistent with substring and string_substitute predicates. */ xsbBool str_match(CTXTdecl) { static char *subptr, *stringptr, *direction, *matchptr; static size_t substr_beg, substr_end; int reverse=TRUE; /* search in reverse */ int beg_bos_offset=TRUE; /* measure beg offset from the beg of string */ int end_bos_offset=TRUE; /* measure end offset from the beg of string */ Integer str_len, sub_len; /* length of string and substring */ Cell beg_offset_term, end_offset_term; term = ptoc_tag(CTXTc 1); term2 = ptoc_tag(CTXTc 2); term3 = ptoc_tag(CTXTc 3); beg_offset_term = ptoc_tag(CTXTc 4); end_offset_term = ptoc_tag(CTXTc 5); if (!isatom(term) || !isatom(term2) || !isatom(term3)) { xsb_abort("STR_MATCH: Arguments 1,2,3 must be bound to strings"); } subptr = string_val(term); stringptr = string_val(term2); direction = string_val(term3); if (*direction == 'f') reverse=FALSE; else if (*direction != 'r') xsb_abort("STR_MATCH: Argument 3 must be bound to forward/reverse"); str_len=strlen(stringptr); sub_len=strlen(subptr); if (isointeger(beg_offset_term)) { if (oint_val(beg_offset_term) < 0) { beg_bos_offset = FALSE; } } if (isointeger(end_offset_term)) { if (oint_val(end_offset_term) < 0) { end_bos_offset = FALSE; } } if (reverse) matchptr = xsb_strrstr(stringptr, subptr); else matchptr = strstr(stringptr, subptr); if (matchptr == NULL) return FALSE; substr_beg = (beg_bos_offset? matchptr - stringptr : -(str_len - (matchptr - stringptr)) ); substr_end = (end_bos_offset? (matchptr - stringptr) + sub_len : -(str_len + 1 - (matchptr - stringptr) - sub_len) ); return (p2p_unify(CTXTc beg_offset_term, makeint(substr_beg)) && p2p_unify(CTXTc end_offset_term, makeint(substr_end))); }
int get_incr_sccs(CTXTdeclc Cell listterm) { Cell orig_listterm, intterm, node; long int node_num=0; int i = 0, dfn, component = 1; int * dfn_stack; int dfn_top = 0, ret; SCCNode * nodes; struct hashtable_itr *itr; struct hashtable* hasht; XSB_Deref(listterm); hasht = create_hashtable1(HASH_TABLE_SIZE, hashid, equalkeys); orig_listterm = listterm; intterm = get_list_head(listterm); XSB_Deref(intterm); // printf("listptr %p @%p\n",listptr,(CPtr) int_val(*listptr)); insert_some(hasht,(void *) oint_val(intterm),(void *) node_num); node_num++; listterm = get_list_tail(listterm); XSB_Deref(listterm); while (!isnil(listterm)) { intterm = get_list_head(listterm); XSB_Deref(intterm); node = oint_val(intterm); if (NULL == search_some(hasht, (void *)node)) { insert_some(hasht,(void *)node,(void *)node_num); node_num++; } listterm = get_list_tail(listterm); XSB_Deref(listterm); } nodes = (SCCNode *) mem_calloc(node_num, sizeof(SCCNode),OTHER_SPACE); dfn_stack = (int *) mem_alloc(node_num*sizeof(int),OTHER_SPACE); listterm = orig_listterm;; //printf("listptr %p @%p\n",listptr,(void *)int_val(*(listptr))); intterm = get_list_head(listterm); XSB_Deref(intterm); nodes[0].node = (CPtr) oint_val(intterm); listterm = get_list_tail(listterm); XSB_Deref(listterm); i = 1; while (!isnil(listterm)) { intterm = get_list_head(listterm); XSB_Deref(intterm); node = oint_val(intterm); nodes[i].node = (CPtr) node; listterm = get_list_tail(listterm); XSB_Deref(listterm); i++; } itr = hashtable1_iterator(hasht); SQUASH_LINUX_COMPILER_WARN(itr); // do { // printf("k %p val %p\n",hashtable1_iterator_key(itr),hashtable1_iterator_value(itr)); // } while (hashtable1_iterator_advance(itr)); listterm = orig_listterm; // printf("2: k %p v %p\n",(void *) int_val(*listptr), // search_some(hasht,(void *) int_val(*listptr))); // while (!isnil(*listptr)) { now all wrong... // listptr = listptr + 1; // node = int_val(*clref_val(listptr)); // printf("2: k %p v %p\n",(CPtr) node,search_some(hasht,(void *) node)); // listptr = listptr + 1; // } dfn = 1; for (i = 0; i < node_num; i++) { if (nodes[i].dfn == 0) xsb_compute_scc(nodes,dfn_stack,i,&dfn_top,hasht,&dfn,&component); // printf("++component for node %d is %d (high %d)\n",i,nodes[i].component,component); } ret = return_scc_list(CTXTc nodes, node_num); hashtable1_destroy(hasht,0); mem_dealloc(nodes,node_num*sizeof(SCCNode),OTHER_SPACE); mem_dealloc(dfn_stack,node_num*sizeof(int),OTHER_SPACE); return ret; }
/* TLS: making a conservative guess at which system calls need to be mutexed. I'm doing it whenever I see the process table altered or affected, so this is the data structure that its protecting. At some point, the SET_FILEPTRs should be protected against other threads closing that stream. Perhaps for such things a thread-specific stream table should be used. */ xsbBool sys_system(CTXTdeclc int callno) { // int pid; Integer pid; switch (callno) { case PLAIN_SYSTEM_CALL: /* dumb system call: no communication with XSB */ /* this call is superseded by shell and isn't used */ ctop_int(CTXTc 3, system(ptoc_string(CTXTc 2))); return TRUE; case SLEEP_FOR_SECS: #ifdef WIN_NT Sleep((int)iso_ptoc_int_arg(CTXTc 2,"sleep/1",1) * 1000); #else sleep(iso_ptoc_int_arg(CTXTc 2,"sleep/1",1)); #endif return TRUE; case GET_TMP_FILENAME: ctop_string(CTXTc 2,tempnam(NULL,NULL)); return TRUE; case IS_PLAIN_FILE: case IS_DIRECTORY: case STAT_FILE_TIME: case STAT_FILE_SIZE: return file_stat(CTXTc callno, ptoc_longstring(CTXTc 2)); case EXEC: { #ifdef HAVE_EXECVP /* execs a new process in place of XSB */ char *params[MAX_SUBPROC_PARAMS+2]; prolog_term cmdspec_term; int index = 0; cmdspec_term = reg_term(CTXTc 2); if (islist(cmdspec_term)) { prolog_term temp, head; char *string_head=NULL; if (isnil(cmdspec_term)) xsb_abort("[exec] Arg 1 must not be an empty list."); temp = cmdspec_term; do { head = p2p_car(temp); temp = p2p_cdr(temp); if (isstring(head)) string_head = string_val(head); else xsb_abort("[exec] non-string argument passed in list."); params[index++] = string_head; if (index > MAX_SUBPROC_PARAMS) xsb_abort("[exec] Too many arguments."); } while (!isnil(temp)); params[index] = NULL; } else if (isstring(cmdspec_term)) { char *string = string_val(cmdspec_term); split_command_arguments(string, params, "exec"); } else xsb_abort("[exec] 1st argument should be term or list of strings."); if (execvp(params[0], params)) xsb_abort("[exec] Exec call failed."); #else xsb_abort("[exec] builtin not supported in this architecture."); #endif } case SHELL: /* smart system call: like SPAWN_PROCESS, but returns error code instead of PID. Uses system() rather than execvp. Advantage: can pass arbitrary shell command. */ case SPAWN_PROCESS: { /* spawn new process, reroute stdin/out/err to XSB */ /* +CallNo=2, +ProcAndArgsList, -StreamToProc, -StreamFromProc, -StreamFromProcStderr, -Pid */ static int pipe_to_proc[2], pipe_from_proc[2], pipe_from_stderr[2]; int toproc_stream=-1, fromproc_stream=-1, fromproc_stderr_stream=-1; int pid_or_status; FILE *toprocess_fptr=NULL, *fromprocess_fptr=NULL, *fromproc_stderr_fptr=NULL; char *params[MAX_SUBPROC_PARAMS+2]; /* one for progname--0th member, one for NULL termination*/ prolog_term cmdspec_term, cmdlist_temp_term; prolog_term cmd_or_arg_term; xsbBool toproc_needed=FALSE, fromproc_needed=FALSE, fromstderr_needed=FALSE; char *cmd_or_arg=NULL, *shell_cmd=NULL; int idx = 0, tbl_pos; char *callname=NULL; xsbBool params_are_in_a_list=FALSE; SYS_MUTEX_LOCK( MUTEX_SYS_SYSTEM ); init_process_table(); if (callno == SPAWN_PROCESS) callname = "spawn_process/5"; else callname = "shell/[1,2,5]"; cmdspec_term = reg_term(CTXTc 2); if (islist(cmdspec_term)) params_are_in_a_list = TRUE; else if (isstring(cmdspec_term)) shell_cmd = string_val(cmdspec_term); else if (isref(cmdspec_term)) xsb_instantiation_error(CTXTc callname,1); else xsb_type_error(CTXTc "atom or list e.g. [command, arg, ...]",cmdspec_term,callname,1); // xsb_abort("[%s] Arg 1 must be an atom or a list [command, arg, ...]", // callname); /* the user can indicate that he doesn't want either of the streams created by putting an atom in the corresponding argument position */ if (isref(reg_term(CTXTc 3))) toproc_needed = TRUE; if (isref(reg_term(CTXTc 4))) fromproc_needed = TRUE; if (isref(reg_term(CTXTc 5))) fromstderr_needed = TRUE; /* if any of the arg streams is already used by XSB, then don't create pipes --- use these streams instead. */ if (isointeger(reg_term(CTXTc 3))) { SET_FILEPTR(toprocess_fptr, oint_val(reg_term(CTXTc 3))); } if (isointeger(reg_term(CTXTc 4))) { SET_FILEPTR(fromprocess_fptr, oint_val(reg_term(CTXTc 4))); } if (isointeger(reg_term(CTXTc 5))) { SET_FILEPTR(fromproc_stderr_fptr, oint_val(reg_term(CTXTc 5))); } if (!isref(reg_term(CTXTc 6))) xsb_type_error(CTXTc "variable (to return process id)",reg_term(CTXTc 6),callname,5); // xsb_abort("[%s] Arg 5 (process id) must be a variable", callname); if (params_are_in_a_list) { /* fill in the params[] array */ if (isnil(cmdspec_term)) xsb_abort("[%s] Arg 1 must not be an empty list", callname); cmdlist_temp_term = cmdspec_term; do { cmd_or_arg_term = p2p_car(cmdlist_temp_term); cmdlist_temp_term = p2p_cdr(cmdlist_temp_term); if (isstring(cmd_or_arg_term)) { cmd_or_arg = string_val(cmd_or_arg_term); } else xsb_abort("[%s] Non string list member in the Arg", callname); params[idx++] = cmd_or_arg; if (idx > MAX_SUBPROC_PARAMS) xsb_abort("[%s] Too many arguments passed to subprocess", callname); } while (!isnil(cmdlist_temp_term)); params[idx] = NULL; /* null termination */ } else { /* params are in a string */ if (callno == SPAWN_PROCESS) split_command_arguments(shell_cmd, params, callname); else { /* if callno==SHELL => call system() => don't split shell_cmd */ params[0] = shell_cmd; params[1] = NULL; } } /* -1 means: no space left */ if ((tbl_pos = get_free_process_cell()) < 0) { xsb_warn(CTXTc "Can't create subprocess because XSB process table is full"); SYS_MUTEX_UNLOCK( MUTEX_SYS_SYSTEM ); return FALSE; } /* params[0] is the progname */ pid_or_status = xsb_spawn(CTXTc params[0], params, callno, (toproc_needed ? pipe_to_proc : NULL), (fromproc_needed ? pipe_from_proc : NULL), (fromstderr_needed ? pipe_from_stderr : NULL), toprocess_fptr, fromprocess_fptr, fromproc_stderr_fptr); if (pid_or_status < 0) { xsb_warn(CTXTc "[%s] Subprocess creation failed, Error: %d, errno: %d, Cmd: %s", callname,pid_or_status,errno,params[0]); SYS_MUTEX_UNLOCK( MUTEX_SYS_SYSTEM ); return FALSE; } if (toproc_needed) { toprocess_fptr = fdopen(pipe_to_proc[1], "w"); toproc_stream = xsb_intern_fileptr(CTXTc toprocess_fptr,callname,"pipe","w",CURRENT_CHARSET); ctop_int(CTXTc 3, toproc_stream); } if (fromproc_needed) { fromprocess_fptr = fdopen(pipe_from_proc[0], "r"); fromproc_stream = xsb_intern_fileptr(CTXTc fromprocess_fptr,callname,"pipe","r",CURRENT_CHARSET); ctop_int(CTXTc 4, fromproc_stream); } if (fromstderr_needed) { fromproc_stderr_fptr = fdopen(pipe_from_stderr[0], "r"); fromproc_stderr_stream = xsb_intern_fileptr(CTXTc fromproc_stderr_fptr,callname,"pipe","r",CURRENT_CHARSET); ctop_int(CTXTc 5, fromproc_stderr_stream); } ctop_int(CTXTc 6, pid_or_status); xsb_process_table.process[tbl_pos].pid = pid_or_status; xsb_process_table.process[tbl_pos].to_stream = toproc_stream; xsb_process_table.process[tbl_pos].from_stream = fromproc_stream; xsb_process_table.process[tbl_pos].stderr_stream = fromproc_stderr_stream; concat_array(CTXTc params, " ", xsb_process_table.process[tbl_pos].cmdline,MAX_CMD_LEN); SYS_MUTEX_UNLOCK( MUTEX_SYS_SYSTEM ); return TRUE; } case GET_PROCESS_TABLE: { /* sys_system(3, X). X is bound to the list of the form [process(Pid,To,From,Stderr,Cmdline), ...] */ int i; prolog_term table_term_tail, listHead; prolog_term table_term=reg_term(CTXTc 2); SYS_MUTEX_LOCK( MUTEX_SYS_SYSTEM ); init_process_table(); if (!isref(table_term)) xsb_abort("[GET_PROCESS_TABLE] Arg 1 must be a variable"); table_term_tail = table_term; for (i=0; i<MAX_SUBPROC_NUMBER; i++) { if (!FREE_PROC_TABLE_CELL(xsb_process_table.process[i].pid)) { c2p_list(CTXTc table_term_tail); /* make it into a list */ listHead = p2p_car(table_term_tail); c2p_functor(CTXTc "process", 5, listHead); c2p_int(CTXTc xsb_process_table.process[i].pid, p2p_arg(listHead,1)); c2p_int(CTXTc xsb_process_table.process[i].to_stream, p2p_arg(listHead,2)); c2p_int(CTXTc xsb_process_table.process[i].from_stream, p2p_arg(listHead,3)); c2p_int(CTXTc xsb_process_table.process[i].stderr_stream, p2p_arg(listHead,4)); c2p_string(CTXTc xsb_process_table.process[i].cmdline, p2p_arg(listHead,5)); table_term_tail = p2p_cdr(table_term_tail); } } c2p_nil(CTXTc table_term_tail); /* bind tail to nil */ SYS_MUTEX_UNLOCK( MUTEX_SYS_SYSTEM ); return p2p_unify(CTXTc table_term, reg_term(CTXTc 2)); } case PROCESS_STATUS: { prolog_term pid_term=reg_term(CTXTc 2), status_term=reg_term(CTXTc 3); SYS_MUTEX_LOCK( MUTEX_SYS_SYSTEM ); init_process_table(); if (!(isointeger(pid_term))) xsb_abort("[PROCESS_STATUS] Arg 1 (process id) must be an integer"); pid = (int)oint_val(pid_term); if (!isref(status_term)) xsb_abort("[PROCESS_STATUS] Arg 2 (process status) must be a variable"); switch (process_status(pid)) { case RUNNING: c2p_string(CTXTc "running", status_term); break; case STOPPED: c2p_string(CTXTc "stopped", status_term); break; case EXITED_NORMALLY: c2p_string(CTXTc "exited_normally", status_term); break; case EXITED_ABNORMALLY: c2p_string(CTXTc "exited_abnormally", status_term); break; case ABORTED: c2p_string(CTXTc "aborted", status_term); break; case INVALID: c2p_string(CTXTc "invalid", status_term); break; default: c2p_string(CTXTc "unknown", status_term); } SYS_MUTEX_UNLOCK( MUTEX_SYS_SYSTEM ); return TRUE; } case PROCESS_CONTROL: { /* sys_system(PROCESS_CONTROL, +Pid, +Signal). Signal: wait, kill */ int status; prolog_term pid_term=reg_term(CTXTc 2), signal_term=reg_term(CTXTc 3); SYS_MUTEX_LOCK( MUTEX_SYS_SYSTEM ); init_process_table(); if (!(isointeger(pid_term))) xsb_abort("[PROCESS_CONTROL] Arg 1 (process id) must be an integer"); pid = (int)oint_val(pid_term); if (isstring(signal_term) && strcmp(string_val(signal_term), "kill")==0) { if (KILL_FAILED(pid)) { SYS_MUTEX_UNLOCK( MUTEX_SYS_SYSTEM ); return FALSE; } #ifdef WIN_NT CloseHandle((HANDLE) pid); #endif SYS_MUTEX_UNLOCK( MUTEX_SYS_SYSTEM ); return TRUE; } if (isconstr(signal_term) && strcmp(p2c_functor(signal_term),"wait") == 0 && p2c_arity(signal_term)==1) { int exit_status; if (WAIT(pid, status) < 0) { SYS_MUTEX_UNLOCK( MUTEX_SYS_SYSTEM ); return FALSE; } #ifdef WIN_NT exit_status = status; #else if (WIFEXITED(status)) exit_status = WEXITSTATUS(status); else exit_status = -1; #endif p2p_unify(CTXTc p2p_arg(signal_term,1), makeint(exit_status)); SYS_MUTEX_UNLOCK( MUTEX_SYS_SYSTEM ); return TRUE; } xsb_warn(CTXTc "[PROCESS_CONTROL] Arg 2: Invalid signal specification. Must be `kill' or `wait(Var)'"); return FALSE; } case LIST_DIRECTORY: { /* assume all type- and mode-checking is done in Prolog */ prolog_term handle = reg_term(CTXTc 2); /* ref for handle */ char *dir_name = ptoc_longstring(CTXTc 3); /* +directory name */ prolog_term filename = reg_term(CTXTc 4); /* reference for name of file */ if (is_var(handle)) return xsb_find_first_file(CTXTc handle,dir_name,filename); else return xsb_find_next_file(CTXTc handle,dir_name,filename); } default: xsb_abort("[SYS_SYSTEM] Wrong call number (an XSB bug)"); } /* end case */ return TRUE; }
/* in order to save builtin numbers, create a single socket function with * options socket_request(SockOperation,....) */ xsbBool xsb_socket_request(CTXTdecl) { int ecode = 0; /* error code for socket ops */ int timeout_flag; SOCKET sock_handle; int domain, portnum; SOCKADDR_IN socket_addr; struct linger sock_linger_opt; int rc; char *message_buffer = NULL; /* initialized to keep compiler happy */ UInteger msg_len = 0; /* initialized to keep compiler happy */ char char_read; switch (ptoc_int(CTXTc 1)) { case SOCKET_ROOT: /* this is the socket() request */ /* socket_request(SOCKET_ROOT,+domain,-socket_fd,-Error,_,_,_) Currently only AF_INET domain */ domain = (int)ptoc_int(CTXTc 2); if (!translate_domain(domain, &domain)) { return FALSE; } sock_handle = socket(domain, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP); /* error handling */ if (BAD_SOCKET(sock_handle)) { ecode = XSB_SOCKET_ERRORCODE; perror("SOCKET_REQUEST"); } else { ecode = SOCK_OK; } ctop_int(CTXTc 3, (SOCKET) sock_handle); return set_error_code(CTXTc ecode, 4, "SOCKET_REQUEST"); case SOCKET_BIND: /* socket_request(SOCKET_BIND,+domain,+sock_handle,+port,-Error,_,_) Currently only supports AF_INET */ sock_handle = (SOCKET) ptoc_int(CTXTc 3); portnum = (int)ptoc_int(CTXTc 4); domain = (int)ptoc_int(CTXTc 2); if (!translate_domain(domain, &domain)) { return FALSE; } /* Bind server to the agreed upon port number. ** See commdef.h for the actual port number. */ FillWithZeros(socket_addr); socket_addr.sin_port = htons((unsigned short)portnum); socket_addr.sin_family = AF_INET; #ifndef WIN_NT socket_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY); #endif rc = bind(sock_handle, (PSOCKADDR) &socket_addr, sizeof(socket_addr)); /* error handling */ if (SOCKET_OP_FAILED(rc)) { ecode = XSB_SOCKET_ERRORCODE; perror("SOCKET_BIND"); } else ecode = SOCK_OK; return set_error_code(CTXTc ecode, 5, "SOCKET_BIND"); case SOCKET_LISTEN: /* socket_request(SOCKET_LISTEN,+sock_handle,+length,-Error,_,_,_) */ sock_handle = (SOCKET) ptoc_int(CTXTc 2); rc = listen(sock_handle, (int)ptoc_int(CTXTc 3)); /* error handling */ if (SOCKET_OP_FAILED(rc)) { ecode = XSB_SOCKET_ERRORCODE; perror("SOCKET_LISTEN"); } else ecode = SOCK_OK; return set_error_code(CTXTc ecode, 4, "SOCKET_LISTEN"); case SOCKET_ACCEPT: timeout_flag = socket_accept(CTXTc (SOCKET *)&rc, (int)pflags[SYS_TIMER]); if (timeout_flag == TIMED_OUT) { return set_error_code(CTXTc TIMEOUT_ERR, 4, "SOCKET_SEND"); } else { /* error handling */ if (BAD_SOCKET(rc)) { ecode = XSB_SOCKET_ERRORCODE; perror("SOCKET_ACCEPT"); sock_handle = rc; /* shut up warning */ } else { sock_handle = rc; /* accept() returns sock_out */ ecode = SOCK_OK; } ctop_int(CTXTc 3, (SOCKET) sock_handle); return set_error_code(CTXTc ecode, 4, "SOCKET_ACCEPT"); } case SOCKET_CONNECT: { /* socket_request(SOCKET_CONNECT,+domain,+sock_handle,+port, +hostname,-Error) */ timeout_flag = socket_connect(CTXTc &rc, (int)pflags[SYS_TIMER]); if (timeout_flag == TIMED_OUT) { return set_error_code(CTXTc TIMEOUT_ERR, 6, "SOCKET_CONNECT"); } else if (timeout_flag == TIMER_SETUP_ERR) { return set_error_code(CTXTc TIMER_SETUP_ERR, 6, "SOCKET_CONNECT"); } else { /* error handling */ if (SOCKET_OP_FAILED(rc)) { ecode = XSB_SOCKET_ERRORCODE; perror("SOCKET_CONNECT"); /* close, because if connect() fails then socket becomes unusable */ closesocket(ptoc_int(CTXTc 3)); } else { ecode = SOCK_OK; } return set_error_code(CTXTc ecode, 6, "SOCKET_CONNECT"); } } case SOCKET_CLOSE: /* socket_request(SOCKET_CLOSE,+sock_handle,-Error,_,_,_,_) */ sock_handle = (SOCKET)ptoc_int(CTXTc 2); /* error handling */ rc = closesocket(sock_handle); if (SOCKET_OP_FAILED(rc)) { ecode = XSB_SOCKET_ERRORCODE; perror("SOCKET_CLOSE"); } else ecode = SOCK_OK; return set_error_code(CTXTc ecode, 3, "SOCKET_CLOSE"); case SOCKET_RECV: /* socket_request(SOCKET_RECV,+Sockfd, -Msg, -Error,_,_,_) */ // TODO: consider adding protection against interrupts, EINTR, like // in socket_get0. timeout_flag = socket_recv(CTXTc &rc, &message_buffer, &msg_len, (int)pflags[SYS_TIMER]); if (timeout_flag == TIMED_OUT) { return set_error_code(CTXTc TIMEOUT_ERR, 4, "SOCKET_SEND"); } else { /* error handling */ switch (rc) { case SOCK_OK: ecode = SOCK_OK; break; case SOCK_READMSG_FAILED: ecode = XSB_SOCKET_ERRORCODE; perror("SOCKET_RECV"); break; case SOCK_READMSG_EOF: ecode = SOCK_EOF; break; case SOCK_HEADER_LEN_MISMATCH: ecode = XSB_SOCKET_ERRORCODE; break; default: xsb_abort("XSB bug: [SOCKET_RECV] invalid return code from readmsg"); } if (message_buffer != NULL) { /* use message_buffer+XSB_MSG_HEADER_LENGTH because the first XSB_MSG_HEADER_LENGTH bytes are for the message length header */ ctop_string(CTXTc 3, (char*)message_buffer+XSB_MSG_HEADER_LENGTH); mem_dealloc(message_buffer,msg_len,OTHER_SPACE); } else { /* this happens at the end of a file */ ctop_string(CTXTc 3, (char*)""); } return set_error_code(CTXTc ecode, 4, "SOCKET_RECV"); } case SOCKET_SEND: /* socket_request(SOCKET_SEND,+Sockfd, +Msg, -Error,_,_,_) */ timeout_flag = socket_send(CTXTc &rc, (int)pflags[SYS_TIMER]); if (timeout_flag == TIMED_OUT) { return set_error_code(CTXTc TIMEOUT_ERR, 4, "SOCKET_SEND"); } else { /* error handling */ if (SOCKET_OP_FAILED(rc)) { ecode = XSB_SOCKET_ERRORCODE; perror("SOCKET_SEND"); } else { ecode = SOCK_OK; } return set_error_code(CTXTc ecode, 4, "SOCKET_SEND"); } case SOCKET_GET0: /* socket_request(SOCKET_GET0,+Sockfd,-C,-Error,_,_,_) */ message_buffer = &char_read; timeout_flag = socket_get0(CTXTc &rc, message_buffer, (int)pflags[SYS_TIMER]); if (timeout_flag == TIMED_OUT) { return set_error_code(CTXTc TIMEOUT_ERR, 4, "SOCKET_SEND"); } else { /*error handling */ switch (rc) { case 1: ctop_int(CTXTc 3,(unsigned char)message_buffer[0]); ecode = SOCK_OK; break; case 0: ecode = SOCK_EOF; break; default: ctop_int(CTXTc 3,-1); perror("SOCKET_GET0"); ecode = XSB_SOCKET_ERRORCODE; } return set_error_code(CTXTc ecode, 4, "SOCKET_GET0"); } case SOCKET_PUT: /* socket_request(SOCKET_PUT,+Sockfd,+C,-Error_,_,_) */ timeout_flag = socket_put(CTXTc &rc, (int)pflags[SYS_TIMER]); if (timeout_flag == TIMED_OUT) { return set_error_code(CTXTc TIMEOUT_ERR, 4, "SOCKET_SEND"); } else { /* error handling */ if (rc == 1) { ecode = SOCK_OK; } else if (SOCKET_OP_FAILED(rc)) { ecode = XSB_SOCKET_ERRORCODE; perror("SOCKET_PUT"); } return set_error_code(CTXTc ecode, 4, "SOCKET_PUT"); } case SOCKET_SET_OPTION: { /* socket_request(SOCKET_SET_OPTION,+Sockfd,+OptionName,+Value,_,_,_) */ char *option_name = ptoc_string(CTXTc 3); sock_handle = (SOCKET)ptoc_int(CTXTc 2); /* Set the "linger" parameter to a small number of seconds */ if (0==strcmp(option_name,"linger")) { int linger_time=(int)ptoc_int(CTXTc 4); if (linger_time < 0) { sock_linger_opt.l_onoff = FALSE; sock_linger_opt.l_linger = 0; } else { sock_linger_opt.l_onoff = TRUE; sock_linger_opt.l_linger = linger_time; } if (SETSOCKOPT(sock_handle, SOL_SOCKET, SO_LINGER, &sock_linger_opt, sizeof(sock_linger_opt)) < 0) { xsb_warn(CTXTc "[SOCKET_SET_OPTION] Cannot set socket linger time"); return FALSE; } }else { xsb_warn(CTXTc "[SOCKET_SET_OPTION] Invalid option, `%s'", option_name); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } case SOCKET_SET_SELECT: { /*socket_request(SOCKET_SET_SELECT,+connection_name, +R_sockfd,+W_sockfd,+E_sockfd) */ prolog_term R_sockfd, W_sockfd, E_sockfd; int i, connection_count; int rmax_fd=0, wmax_fd=0, emax_fd=0; char *connection_name = ptoc_string(CTXTc 2); /* bind fds to input arguments */ R_sockfd = reg_term(CTXTc 3); W_sockfd = reg_term(CTXTc 4); E_sockfd = reg_term(CTXTc 5); /* initialize the array of connect_t structure for select call */ init_connections(CTXT); SYS_MUTEX_LOCK(MUTEX_SOCKETS); /* check whether the same connection name exists */ for (i=0;i<MAXCONNECT;i++) { if ((connections[i].empty_flag==FALSE) && (strcmp(connection_name,connections[i].connection_name)==0)) xsb_abort("[SOCKET_SET_SELECT] Connection `%s' already exists!", connection_name); } /* check whether there is empty slot left for connection */ if ((connection_count=checkslot())<MAXCONNECT) { if (connections[connection_count].connection_name == NULL) { connections[connection_count].connection_name = connection_name; connections[connection_count].empty_flag = FALSE; /* call the utility function separately to take the fds in */ list_sockfd(R_sockfd, &connections[connection_count].readset, &rmax_fd, &connections[connection_count].read_fds, &connections[connection_count].sizer); list_sockfd(W_sockfd, &connections[connection_count].writeset, &wmax_fd, &connections[connection_count].write_fds, &connections[connection_count].sizew); list_sockfd(E_sockfd, &connections[connection_count].exceptionset, &emax_fd,&connections[connection_count].exception_fds, &connections[connection_count].sizee); connections[connection_count].maximum_fd = xsb_max(xsb_max(rmax_fd,wmax_fd), emax_fd); } else /* if this one is reached, it is probably a bug */ xsb_abort("[SOCKET_SET_SELECT] All connections are busy!"); } else xsb_abort("[SOCKET_SET_SELECT] Max number of collections exceeded!"); SYS_MUTEX_UNLOCK(MUTEX_SOCKETS); return TRUE; } case SOCKET_SELECT: { /* socket_request(SOCKET_SELECT,+connection_name, +timeout -avail_rsockfds,-avail_wsockfds, -avail_esockfds,-ecode) Returns 3 prolog_terms for available socket fds */ prolog_term Avail_rsockfds, Avail_wsockfds, Avail_esockfds; prolog_term Avail_rsockfds_tail, Avail_wsockfds_tail, Avail_esockfds_tail; int maxfd; int i; /* index for connection_count */ char *connection_name = ptoc_string(CTXTc 2); struct timeval *tv; prolog_term timeout_term; int timeout =0; int connectname_found = FALSE; int count=0; SYS_MUTEX_LOCK(MUTEX_SOCKETS); /* specify the time out */ timeout_term = reg_term(CTXTc 3); if (isointeger(timeout_term)) { timeout = (int)oint_val(timeout_term); /* initialize tv */ tv = (struct timeval *)mem_alloc(sizeof(struct timeval),LEAK_SPACE); tv->tv_sec = timeout; tv->tv_usec = 0; } else tv = NULL; /* no timeouts */ /* initialize the prolog term */ Avail_rsockfds = p2p_new(CTXT); Avail_wsockfds = p2p_new(CTXT); Avail_esockfds = p2p_new(CTXT); /* bind to output arguments */ Avail_rsockfds = reg_term(CTXTc 4); Avail_wsockfds = reg_term(CTXTc 5); Avail_esockfds = reg_term(CTXTc 6); Avail_rsockfds_tail = Avail_rsockfds; Avail_wsockfds_tail = Avail_wsockfds; Avail_esockfds_tail = Avail_esockfds; /* // This was wrong. Lists are now made inside test_ready() c2p_list(CTXTc Avail_rsockfds_tail); c2p_list(CTXTc Avail_wsockfds_tail); c2p_list(CTXTc Avail_esockfds_tail); */ for (i=0; i < MAXCONNECT; i++) { /* find the matching connection_name to select */ if(connections[i].empty_flag==FALSE) { if (strcmp(connection_name, connections[i].connection_name) == 0) { connectname_found = TRUE; count = i; break; } } } if( i >= MAXCONNECT ) /* if no matching connection_name */ xsb_abort("[SOCKET_SELECT] connection `%s' doesn't exist", connection_name); /* compute maxfd for select call */ maxfd = connections[count].maximum_fd + 1; /* FD_SET all sockets */ set_sockfd( CTXTc count ); /* test whether the socket fd is available */ rc = select(maxfd, &connections[count].readset, &connections[count].writeset, &connections[count].exceptionset, tv); /* error handling */ if (rc == 0) /* timed out */ ecode = TIMEOUT_ERR; else if (SOCKET_OP_FAILED(rc)) { perror("SOCKET_SELECT"); ecode = XSB_SOCKET_ERRORCODE; } else { /* no error */ ecode = SOCK_OK; /* call the utility function to return the available socket fds */ test_ready(CTXTc &Avail_rsockfds_tail, &connections[count].readset, connections[count].read_fds,connections[count].sizer); test_ready(CTXTc &Avail_wsockfds_tail, &connections[count].writeset, connections[count].write_fds,connections[count].sizew); test_ready(CTXTc &Avail_esockfds_tail,&connections[count].exceptionset, connections[count].exception_fds,connections[count].sizee); } SYS_MUTEX_UNLOCK(MUTEX_SOCKETS); if (tv) mem_dealloc((struct timeval *)tv,sizeof(struct timeval),LEAK_SPACE); SQUASH_LINUX_COMPILER_WARN(connectname_found) ; return set_error_code(CTXTc ecode, 7, "SOCKET_SELECT"); } case SOCKET_SELECT_DESTROY: { /*socket_request(SOCKET_SELECT_DESTROY, +connection_name) */ char *connection_name = ptoc_string(CTXTc 2); select_destroy(CTXTc connection_name); return TRUE; } default: xsb_warn(CTXTc "[SOCKET_REQUEST] Invalid socket request %d", (int) ptoc_int(CTXTc 1)); return FALSE; } /* This trick would report a bug, if a newly added case doesn't have a return clause */ xsb_bug("SOCKET_REQUEST case %d has no return clause", ptoc_int(CTXTc 1)); }
/* XSB string substitution entry point: replace substrings specified in Arg2 with strings in Arg3. In: Arg1: string Arg2: substring specification, a list [s(B1,E1),s(B2,E2),...] Arg3: list of replacement strings Out: Arg4: new (output) string Always succeeds, unless error. */ xsbBool string_substitute(CTXTdecl) { /* Prolog args are first assigned to these, so we could examine the types of these objects to determine if we got strings or atoms. */ prolog_term input_term, output_term; prolog_term subst_reg_term, subst_spec_list_term, subst_spec_list_term1; prolog_term subst_str_term=(prolog_term)0, subst_str_list_term, subst_str_list_term1; char *input_string=NULL; /* string where matches are to be found */ char *subst_string=NULL; prolog_term beg_term, end_term; Integer beg_offset=0, end_offset=0, input_len; Integer last_pos = 0; /* last scanned pos in input string */ /* the output buffer is made large enough to include the input string and the substitution string. */ int conversion_required=FALSE; /* from C string to Prolog char list */ XSB_StrSet(&output_buffer,""); input_term = reg_term(CTXTc 1); /* Arg1: string to find matches in */ if (isatom(input_term)) /* check it */ input_string = string_val(input_term); else if (islist(input_term)) { input_string = p_charlist_to_c_string(CTXTc input_term, &input_buffer, "STRING_SUBSTITUTE", "input string"); conversion_required = TRUE; } else xsb_abort("[STRING_SUBSTITUTE] Arg 1 (the input string) must be an atom or a character list"); input_len = strlen(input_string); /* arg 2: substring specification */ subst_spec_list_term = reg_term(CTXTc 2); if (!islist(subst_spec_list_term) && !isnil(subst_spec_list_term)) xsb_abort("[STRING_SUBSTITUTE] Arg 2 must be a list [s(B1,E1),s(B2,E2),...]"); /* handle substitution string */ subst_str_list_term = reg_term(CTXTc 3); if (! islist(subst_str_list_term)) xsb_abort("[STRING_SUBSTITUTE] Arg 3 must be a list of strings"); output_term = reg_term(CTXTc 4); if (! isref(output_term)) xsb_abort("[STRING_SUBSTITUTE] Arg 4 (the output) must be an unbound variable"); subst_spec_list_term1 = subst_spec_list_term; subst_str_list_term1 = subst_str_list_term; if (isnil(subst_spec_list_term1)) { XSB_StrSet(&output_buffer, input_string); goto EXIT; } if (isnil(subst_str_list_term1)) xsb_abort("[STRING_SUBSTITUTE] Arg 3 must not be an empty list"); do { subst_reg_term = p2p_car(subst_spec_list_term1); subst_spec_list_term1 = p2p_cdr(subst_spec_list_term1); if (!isnil(subst_str_list_term1)) { subst_str_term = p2p_car(subst_str_list_term1); subst_str_list_term1 = p2p_cdr(subst_str_list_term1); if (isatom(subst_str_term)) { subst_string = string_val(subst_str_term); } else if (islist(subst_str_term)) { subst_string = p_charlist_to_c_string(CTXTc subst_str_term, &subst_buf, "STRING_SUBSTITUTE", "substitution string"); } else xsb_abort("[STRING_SUBSTITUTE] Arg 3 must be a list of strings"); } beg_term = p2p_arg(subst_reg_term,1); end_term = p2p_arg(subst_reg_term,2); if (!(isointeger(beg_term)) || !(isointeger(end_term))) xsb_abort("[STRING_SUBSTITUTE] Non-integer in Arg 2"); else { beg_offset = oint_val(beg_term); end_offset = oint_val(end_term); } /* -1 means end of string */ if (end_offset < 0) end_offset = input_len; if ((end_offset < beg_offset) || (beg_offset < last_pos)) xsb_abort("[STRING_SUBSTITUTE] Substitution regions in Arg 2 not sorted"); /* do the actual replacement */ XSB_StrAppendBlk(&output_buffer,input_string+last_pos,(int)(beg_offset-last_pos)); XSB_StrAppend(&output_buffer, subst_string); last_pos = end_offset; } while (!isnil(subst_spec_list_term1)); XSB_StrAppend(&output_buffer, input_string+end_offset); EXIT: /* get result out */ if (conversion_required) c_string_to_p_charlist(CTXTc output_buffer.string, output_term, 4, "STRING_SUBSTITUTE", "Arg 4"); else c2p_string(CTXTc output_buffer.string, output_term); return(TRUE); }
/* XSB string substitution entry point In: Arg1: string Arg2: beginning offset Arg3: ending offset. `_' or -1: end of string, -2: char before last, etc. Out: Arg4: new (output) string Always succeeds, unless error. */ xsbBool substring(CTXTdecl) { /* Prolog args are first assigned to these, so we could examine the types of these objects to determine if we got strings or atoms. */ prolog_term input_term, output_term; prolog_term beg_offset_term, end_offset_term; char *input_string=NULL; /* string where matches are to be found */ Integer beg_offset=0, end_offset=0, input_len=0, substring_len=0; int conversion_required=FALSE; XSB_StrSet(&output_buffer,""); input_term = reg_term(CTXTc 1); /* Arg1: string to find matches in */ if (isatom(input_term)) /* check it */ input_string = string_val(input_term); else if (islist(input_term)) { input_string = p_charlist_to_c_string(CTXTc input_term, &input_buffer, "SUBSTRING", "input string"); conversion_required = TRUE; } else xsb_abort("[SUBSTRING] Arg 1 (the input string) must be an atom or a character list"); input_len = strlen(input_string); /* arg 2: beginning offset */ beg_offset_term = reg_term(CTXTc 2); if (! (isointeger(beg_offset_term))) xsb_abort("[SUBSTRING] Arg 2 (the beginning offset) must be an integer"); beg_offset = oint_val(beg_offset_term); if (beg_offset < 0) beg_offset = 0; else if (beg_offset > input_len) beg_offset = input_len; /* arg 3: ending offset */ end_offset_term = reg_term(CTXTc 3); if (isref(end_offset_term)) end_offset = input_len; else if (! (isointeger(end_offset_term))) xsb_abort("[SUBSTRING] Arg 3 (the end offset) must be integer or _"); else end_offset = oint_val(end_offset_term); if (end_offset < 0) end_offset = input_len + 1 + end_offset; else if (end_offset > input_len) end_offset = input_len; else if (end_offset < beg_offset) end_offset = beg_offset; output_term = reg_term(CTXTc 4); if (! isref(output_term)) xsb_abort("[SUBSTRING] Arg 4 (the output string) must be an unbound variable"); /* do the actual replacement */ substring_len = end_offset-beg_offset; XSB_StrAppendBlk(&output_buffer, input_string+beg_offset, (int)substring_len); XSB_StrNullTerminate(&output_buffer); /* get result out */ if (conversion_required) c_string_to_p_charlist(CTXTc output_buffer.string, output_term, 4, "SUBSTRING", "Arg 4"); else c2p_string(CTXTc output_buffer.string, output_term); return(TRUE); }
/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void SetBindVal() { RETCODE rc; struct Cursor *cur = (struct Cursor *)ptoc_int(2); int j = ptoc_int(3); Cell BindVal = ptoc_tag(4); if (!((j >= 0) && (j < cur->NumBindVars))) xsb_exit("Abnormal argument in SetBindVal!"); /* if we're reusing an opened cursor w/ the statement number*/ /* reallocate BindVar if type has changed (May not be such a good idea?)*/ if (cur->Status == 2) { if (isinteger(BindVal)) { if (cur->BindTypes[j] != 0) { if (cur->BindTypes[j] != 2) free((void *)cur->BindList[j]); cur->BindList[j] = (UCHAR *)malloc(sizeof(int)); cur->BindTypes[j] = 0; rc = SQLBindParameter(cur->hstmt, (short)(j+1), SQL_PARAM_INPUT, SQL_C_SLONG, SQL_INTEGER, 0, 0, (int *)(cur->BindList[j]), 0, NULL); if (rc != SQL_SUCCESS) { ctop_int(5,PrintErrorMsg(cur)); SetCursorClose(cur); return; } } *((int *)cur->BindList[j]) = oint_val(BindVal); } else if (isfloat(BindVal)) { if (cur->BindTypes[j] != 1) { /*printf("ODBC: Changing Type: flt to %d\n",cur->BindTypes[j]);*/ if (cur->BindTypes[j] != 2) free((void *)cur->BindList[j]); cur->BindList[j] = (UCHAR *)malloc(sizeof(float)); cur->BindTypes[j] = 1; rc = SQLBindParameter(cur->hstmt, (short)(j+1), SQL_PARAM_INPUT, SQL_C_FLOAT, SQL_FLOAT, 0, 0, (float *)(cur->BindList[j]), 0, NULL); if (rc != SQL_SUCCESS) { ctop_int(5,PrintErrorMsg(cur)); SetCursorClose(cur); return; } } *((float *)cur->BindList[j]) = (float)float_val(BindVal); } else if (isstring(BindVal)) { if (cur->BindTypes[j] != 2) { /*printf("ODBC: Changing Type: str to %d\n",cur->BindTypes[j]);*/ free((void *)cur->BindList[j]); cur->BindTypes[j] = 2; /* SQLBindParameter will be done anyway*/ } cur->BindList[j] = string_val(BindVal); } else if (isconstr(BindVal) && get_arity(get_str_psc(BindVal))==1) { letter_flag = 1; wcan_disp = 0; write_canonical_term(p2p_arg(BindVal,1)); if (term_string[j]) free(term_string[j]); term_string[j] = malloc(wcan_disp+1); strncpy(term_string[j],wcan_string,wcan_disp); term_string[j][wcan_disp] = '\0'; cur->BindTypes[j] = 2; cur->BindList[j] = term_string[j]; } else { xsb_exit("Unknown bind variable type, %d", cur->BindTypes[j]); } ctop_int(5,0); return; } /* otherwise, memory needs to be allocated in this case*/ if (isinteger(BindVal)) { cur->BindTypes[j] = 0; cur->BindList[j] = (UCHAR *)malloc(sizeof(int)); if (!cur->BindList[j]) xsb_exit("Not enough memory for an int in SetBindVal!"); *((int *)cur->BindList[j]) = oint_val(BindVal); } else if (isfloat(BindVal)) { cur->BindTypes[j] = 1; cur->BindList[j] = (UCHAR *)malloc(sizeof(float)); if (!cur->BindList[j]) xsb_exit("Not enough memory for a float in SetBindVal!"); *((float *)cur->BindList[j]) = (float)float_val(BindVal); } else if (isstring(BindVal)) { cur->BindTypes[j] = 2; cur->BindList[j] = string_val(BindVal); } else if (isconstr(BindVal) && get_arity(get_str_psc(BindVal))==1) { letter_flag = 1; wcan_disp = 0; write_canonical_term(p2p_arg(BindVal,1)); if (term_string[j]) free(term_string[j]); term_string[j] = malloc(wcan_disp+1); strncpy(term_string[j],wcan_string,wcan_disp); term_string[j][wcan_disp] = '\0'; cur->BindTypes[j] = 2; cur->BindList[j] = term_string[j]; } else { xsb_exit("Unknown bind variable type, %d", cur->BindTypes[j]); } ctop_int(5,0); return; }