예제 #1
int DTFUN::Terminator( void )
    ECODE status;

    status= olDaTerminate( lphDev );

    return( status );
예제 #2

	B.AOTF_loaded = false;

	HBUF hBuf = NULL;
	olDaAbort( hdass_9834 );
	olDaFlushBuffers( hdass_9834 ); 
	do {
		olDaGetBuffer( hdass_9834, &hBuf );           // get the buffer from the done queue
		if( hBuf != NULL ) olDmFreeBuffer( hBuf );    // and free it
	} while( hBuf != NULL );                          // until the done queue is empty	

	olDaReleaseDASS( hdass_9834 );					  // release the subsystem and the board
	olDaTerminate( hdrvr_9834 );
예제 #3
int main(int argc, char* argv[])

	UINT channel = 0;
	unsigned char ModuleAddress;

	int NumberOfUSB1s = 0;
	BOOL blnResult;

	//	unsigned long TimeStamp;
	//unsigned char ParallelInput;

	DWORD start, finish, duration;
	FILE *fp, *fn, *fw;
	int i, j, k, ii, jj;
	float tmp;
	const int m = 200;
	float e[3][m], u[3][m];
	float Kp[3] = { 3.0, 5.0, 0.0 }, Kd[3] = { 0.1, 0.1, 0.0 }; // Position control 
																//	float Kp[3] = {50.0, 3.0, 0.0}, Kd[3] ={1.00, 0.250, 0.0}; // Trajectory control 
	float theta[3][m], dtheta[3][m], de[3][m], thetad[3][m], dthetad[3][m], ddthetad[3][m];
	long lVal[3];
	double Kp_value[n], Kp_saturation = 50.0, KpVal[3][m];
	float c[3] = { 10.0f, 10.0f, 0.0f }, s[3][m], Phi_p[3] = { 10.0f, 6.0f, 0.0f }, Phi_d[3] = { 0.5f, 1.0f, 0.0f };
	float l = 1.0, h = 50.0, Enorm = 0.0f, Unorm = 0.0f;
	float H2IW[DOF][number_I][number_H];	// Hidden layer weights
	float O2HW[DOF][number_H + 1];	// Output layer weights 
	float H_Output[DOF][number_H + 1];
	float TInput[DOF][number_I];
	float NN_Output[DOF];

	if ((fw = fopen("TrainedWts.txt", "rt")) == NULL)
		printf("Unable to open TrainedWeights file!\n"); exit(0);

	for (k = 0; k < DOF; k++) {
		for (i = 0; i < number_I; i++)
			for (j = 0; j < number_H; j++) fscanf(fw, "%f", &H2IW[k][i][j]);
		for (i = 0; i < number_H + 1; i++)
			fscanf(fw, "%f", &O2HW[k][i]);

	// ************ Position Control Reference Trajectories *********
	for (i = 0; i < m; i++)
		thetad[0][i] = 90.0f;
		thetad[1][i] = 90.0f;
		thetad[2][i] = 45.0f;

		for (j = 0; j < DOF; j++) {
			dthetad[j][i] = 0.0f;
			ddthetad[j][i] = 0.0f;

	// ************ Trajectory Control Reference Trajectories: Cycloidal *********

	for (i=0; i < m; i++)
	if (i < m/2.55)
	thetad[0][i] = 45.0f *(TS*3*i - sin(TS*3*i))/(2 * PI);
	thetad[1][i] = 45.0f *(TS*3*i - sin(TS*3*i))/(2 * PI);
	thetad[2][i] = 45.0f *(TS*3*i - sin(TS*3*i))/(2 * PI);

	dthetad[0][i] = 40.0f *(3.0 - 3*cos(TS*3*i))/(2 * PI);
	dthetad[1][i] = 45.0f *(3.0 - 3*cos(TS*3*i))/(2 * PI);
	dthetad[2][i] = 45.0f *(3.0 - 3*cos(TS*3*i))/(2 * PI);

	ddthetad[0][i] = - 360.0f * sin(TS*3*i)/(2 * PI);
	ddthetad[1][i] = - 405.0f * sin(TS*3*i)/(2 * PI);
	ddthetad[2][i] = - 405.0f * sin(TS*3*i)/(2 * PI);
	} else
	thetad[0][i] = 45.0f;
	thetad[1][i] = 45.0f;
	thetad[2][i] = 45.0f;

	dthetad[0][i] = dthetad[1][i] = dthetad[2][i] = 0.0f;
	ddthetad[0][i] = ddthetad[1][i] = ddthetad[2][i] = 0.0f;


	// ************ Trajectory Control Reference Trajectories: Sine *********

	// **********************************************************************

	NumberOfUSB1s = USB1Init();
	printf("Number of USB1s = %d\n", NumberOfUSB1s);

	blnResult = USB1ReturnModuleAddress(0, &ModuleAddress);
	if (blnResult == FALSE) printf("Cannot read Module Address!\n");


	for (i = 0; i < DOF; i++) {
		e[i][0] = 0.0;

		/*		printf("Initializing!\n");

		USB1GetIncPosition(ModuleAddress, i, &lVal[i]);
		if (i == 0 || i == 2) theta[i][0] = 360.0f*((float(lVal[i]%1600))/1600.0);
		else theta[i][0] = 360.0f*((float(lVal[i]%1250))/1250.0);
		while (theta[i][0] < 1.0f) DaOutput(2.0, channel+i);
		DaOutput(2.5, channel + i);
		USB1GetIncPosition(ModuleAddress, i, &lVal[i]);
		if (i == 0 || i == 2) theta[i][0] = 360.0f*((float(lVal[i] % 1600)) / 1600.0);
		else theta[i][0] = 360.0f*((float(lVal[i] % 1250)) / 1250.0);

	printf("Initial angles: %10.3f\t%10.3f\n", 360.0f*((float(lVal[0] % 1600)) / 1600.0), 360.0f*((float(lVal[1] % 1250)) / 1250.0));
	for (i = 0; i < n; i++) Kp_value[i] = (i + 1) * (Kp_saturation) / n;

	printf("Press ANY key to start!\n"); getch();

	start = GetTickCount();

	for (i = 1; i <= m; i++)
		l = l + 1.0;

		for (j = 0; j < DOF; j++)
			USB1GetIncPosition(ModuleAddress, j, &lVal[j]);

			if (j == 0 || j == 2) theta[j][i] = 360.0f*((float(lVal[j] % 1600)) / 1600.0);
			else theta[j][i] = 360.0f*((float(lVal[j] % 1250)) / 1250.0);

			e[j][i] = thetad[j][i] - theta[j][i];
			dtheta[j][i] = Derivative(theta[j][i], theta[j][i - 1]);
			de[j][i] = dthetad[j][i] - dtheta[j][i];

			// ******************** Fuzzy Control ******************************

			Kp[j] = KpFuzzyRule(e[j][i] * 6, Kp_value) / 10.0;
			KpVal[j][i] = Kp[j];
			// *****************************************************************
			/* ******************** Sliding Mode Control ***********************

			s[j][i] = c[j]*e[j][i] + de[j][i];
			if ((s[j][i]*e[j][i]) >= 0.0) Kp[j] = Phi_p[j];
			else Kp[j] = -Phi_p[j];
			if ((s[j][i]*de[j][i]) >= 0.0) Kd[j] = Phi_d[j];
			else Kd[j] = -Phi_d[j];

			u[j][i] = -(Kp[j] * e[j][i] + Kd[j] * de[j][i]) / 100;

			// ******** Calculate Feedforward Compensation from Neural Network ******

			// Calculate hidden layer neuron outputs

			TInput[j][0] = theta[j][i]; TInput[j][1] = dtheta[j][i]; TInput[j][2] = ddthetad[j][i];
			TInput[j][3] = 1.0;

			for (ii = 0; ii < number_H; ii++)
				tmp = 0.0;
				for (k = 0; k <number_I; k++)
					tmp = tmp + H2IW[j][k][ii] * TInput[ii][k];
				H_Output[j][ii] = sigmoid(tmp);
			H_Output[i][number_H] = 1.0f;

			// Calculate NN output and error

			for (j = 0; j < (number_H + 1); j++)
				tmp = 0.0;
				tmp = tmp + O2HW[i][j] * H_Output[i][j];
			NN_Output[i] = tmp;

			if (u[j][i] > 2.5) u[j][i] = 2.5; else if (u[j][i] < -2.5) u[j][i] = -2.5;

			DaOutput(u[j][i] + 2.5, channel + j);
		Enorm = Enorm + e[0][i] * e[0][i] + e[1][i] * e[1][i]; Unorm = Unorm + u[0][i] * u[0][i] + u[1][i] * u[1][i];

	finish = GetTickCount();
	duration = finish - start;

	Enorm = sqrt(Enorm); Unorm = sqrt(Unorm);
	printf("\nTS = %d msec\t Enorm = %10.3f\t Unorm = %10.3f\n", duration / m, Enorm, Unorm);
	printf("Initial angles: %10.3f\t%10.3f\n", 360.0f*((float(lVal[0] % 1600)) / 1600.0), 360.0f*((float(lVal[1] % 1250)) / 1250.0));

	for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {

		DaOutput(2.5, channel + j);

	if ((fp = fopen("P.txt", "wt")) == NULL)
		printf("Cannot open the output file!\n");
	if ((fn = fopen("NnetTrainingData.txt", "wt")) == NULL)
		printf("Cannot open the output file!\n");
	//	fprintf(fp, "\nTS = %d msec\t Enorm = %10.3f\t Unorm = %10.3f\n", duration/m, Enorm, Unorm);

	for (i = 1; i < m; i++)

		fprintf(fp, "%10.3f\t%10.3f\t%10.3f\t%10.3f\t%10.3f\t%10.3f\t%10.3f\t%10.3f\t%10.3f\t%10.3f\t%10.3f\n", i*TS, thetad[0][i], theta[0][i], e[0][i], u[0][i], KpVal[1][i], thetad[1][i], theta[1][i], e[1][i], u[1][i], KpVal[1][i]);
		fprintf(fn, "%10.6f\t%10.6f\t%10.6f\t%10.6f\t%10.6f\t%10.6f\t%10.6f\t%10.6f\t%10.6f\t%10.6f\n", theta[0][i] / 57.3248, dtheta[0][i] / (40.0*57.3248), 0.0, 0.5*u[0][i], 1.0, theta[1][i] / 57.3248, dtheta[1][i] / (40.0*57.3248), 0.0, 0.5*u[1][i], 1.0);

	DaOutput(2.5, channel + 1);




예제 #4
	olDaReleaseDASS( hdass_9812_DAC );
	olDaTerminate( hdrvr_9812 );
	TRACE("Ending OctopusLaser\n");