예제 #1
void omxLISRELExpectation::populateAttr(SEXP algebra)
	auto oo = this;

	ProtectedSEXP RnumStat(Rf_ScalarReal(omxDataDF(oo->data)));
	Rf_setAttrib(algebra, Rf_install("numStats"), RnumStat);

	omxLISRELExpectation* oro = (omxLISRELExpectation*) (oo->argStruct);
	omxMatrix* LX = oro->LX;
	omxMatrix* LY = oro->LY;
	omxMatrix* BE = oro->BE;
	omxMatrix* GA = oro->GA;
	omxMatrix* PH = oro->PH;
	omxMatrix* PS = oro->PS;
	omxMatrix* TD = oro->TD;
	omxMatrix* TE = oro->TE;
	omxMatrix* TH = oro->TH;
	omxMatrix* LXPH = oro->LXPH;
	omxMatrix* GAPH = oro->GAPH;
	omxMatrix* W = oro->W;
	omxMatrix* U = oro->U;
	omxMatrix* I = oro->I;
	int numIters = oro->numIters;
	double oned = 1.0, zerod = 0.0;
	*/ //This block of code works fine but because I do not use any of it later, it throws a huge block of Rf_warnings about unused variables.
	// In general, I do not yet understand what this function needs to do.
	omxShallowInverse(numIters, BE, Z, Ax, I ); // Z = (I-A)^-1
	if(OMX_DEBUG_ALGEBRA) { mxLog("....DGEMM: %c %c \n %d %d %d \n %f \n %x %d %x %d \n %f %x %d.", *(Z->majority), *(S->majority), (Z->rows), (S->cols), (S->rows), oned, Z->data, (Z->leading), S->data, (S->leading), zerod, Ax->data, (Ax->leading));}
	// F77_CALL(omxunsafedgemm)(Z->majority, S->majority, &(Z->rows), &(S->cols), &(S->rows), &oned, Z->data, &(Z->leading), S->data, &(S->leading), &zerod, Ax->data, &(Ax->leading)); 	// X = ZS
	omxDGEMM(FALSE, FALSE, oned, Z, S, zerod, Ax);

	if(OMX_DEBUG_ALGEBRA) { mxLog("....DGEMM: %c %c %d %d %d %f %x %d %x %d %f %x %d.", *(Ax->majority), *(Z->minority), (Ax->rows), (Z->rows), (Z->cols), oned, X->data, (X->leading), Z->data, (Z->lagging), zerod, Ax->data, (Ax->leading));}
	// F77_CALL(omxunsafedgemm)(Ax->majority, Z->minority, &(Ax->rows), &(Z->rows), &(Z->cols), &oned, Ax->data, &(Ax->leading), Z->data, &(Z->leading), &zerod, Ax->data, &(Ax->leading)); 
	omxDGEMM(FALSE, TRUE, oned, Ax, Z, zerod, Ax);
	// Ax = ZSZ' = Covariance matrix including latent variables
	SEXP expCovExt;
	Rf_protect(expCovExt = Rf_allocMatrix(REALSXP, Ax->rows, Ax->cols));
	for(int row = 0; row < Ax->rows; row++)
		for(int col = 0; col < Ax->cols; col++)
			REAL(expCovExt)[col * Ax->rows + row] =
				omxMatrixElement(Ax, row, col);
	setAttrib(algebra, Rf_install("UnfilteredExpCov"), expCovExt);
예제 #2
void omxPopulateNormalAttributes(omxExpectation *ox, SEXP algebra) {
    if(OMX_DEBUG) { mxLog("Populating Normal Attributes."); }

	omxNormalExpectation* one = (omxNormalExpectation*) (ox->argStruct);
	omxMatrix *cov = one->cov;
	omxMatrix *means = one->means;

	omxRecompute(cov, NULL);
	if(means != NULL) omxRecompute(means, NULL);

		SEXP expCovExt;
	ScopedProtect p1(expCovExt, Rf_allocMatrix(REALSXP, cov->rows, cov->cols));
	for(int row = 0; row < cov->rows; row++)
		for(int col = 0; col < cov->cols; col++)
			REAL(expCovExt)[col * cov->rows + row] =
				omxMatrixElement(cov, row, col);
	Rf_setAttrib(algebra, Rf_install("ExpCov"), expCovExt);

	if (means != NULL) {
		SEXP expMeanExt;
		ScopedProtect p1(expMeanExt, Rf_allocMatrix(REALSXP, means->rows, means->cols));
		for(int row = 0; row < means->rows; row++)
			for(int col = 0; col < means->cols; col++)
				REAL(expMeanExt)[col * means->rows + row] =
					omxMatrixElement(means, row, col);
		Rf_setAttrib(algebra, Rf_install("ExpMean"), expMeanExt);
	} else {
		SEXP expMeanExt;
		ScopedProtect p1(expMeanExt, Rf_allocMatrix(REALSXP, 0, 0));
		Rf_setAttrib(algebra, Rf_install("ExpMean"), expMeanExt);

	Rf_setAttrib(algebra, Rf_install("numStats"), Rf_ScalarReal(omxDataDF(ox->data)));