예제 #1
 * @brief   Initialization of OpenMAX and structures.
 * @param   ctx     Application context to initialize.
static void initAppOMX(AppOMXContext* ctx) {
    bcm_host_init() ;

    log_printer("Initialization...") ;

        OMX_ERRORTYPE error = OMX_Init() ;
        if (error != OMX_ErrorNone) {
	        omx_die(error, "OMX initialization failed...") ;
        	return ;

    // Initialize the application context for video capture
    AppOMXContext_Memset(ctx, 0, sizeof(*ctx)) ;
    if (vcos_semaphore_create(ctx -> getHandlerLock(ctx), "handler_lock", 1) != VCOS_SUCCESS)
        die("Failed to create handler lock semaphore...\n") ;

    // Initialize component handles
    OMX_CALLBACKTYPE callbacks ;
    AppOMXContext_Memset(ctx, 0, sizeof(callbacks)) ;
    callbacks.EventHandler = event_handler ;
    callbacks.FillBufferDone = fill_output_buffer_done_handler ;

    init_component_handle("camera", ctx -> getCamera(ctx) , ctx, &callbacks) ;
    init_component_handle("video_encode", ctx -> getEncoder(ctx) , ctx, &callbacks) ;
    init_component_handle("null_sink", ctx -> getNullSink(ctx) , ctx, &callbacks) ;
static void init_component_handle(
        const char *name,
        OMX_HANDLETYPE* hComponent,
        OMX_PTR pAppData,
        OMX_CALLBACKTYPE* callbacks) {
    char fullname[32];

    // Get handle
    memset(fullname, 0, sizeof(fullname));
    strcat(fullname, "OMX.broadcom.");
    strncat(fullname, name, strlen(fullname) - 1);
    //say("Initializing component %s", fullname);
    if((r = OMX_GetHandle(hComponent, fullname, pAppData, callbacks)) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
        omx_die(r, "Failed to get handle for component %s", fullname);

    // Disable ports
    OMX_INDEXTYPE types[] = {
    OMX_GetParameter(*hComponent, OMX_IndexParamVideoInit, &ports);

    int i;
    for(i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
        if(OMX_GetParameter(*hComponent, types[i], &ports) == OMX_ErrorNone) {
            OMX_U32 nPortIndex;
            for(nPortIndex = ports.nStartPortNumber; nPortIndex < ports.nStartPortNumber + ports.nPorts; nPortIndex++) {
                //say("Disabling port %d of component %s", nPortIndex, fullname);
                if((r = OMX_SendCommand(*hComponent, OMX_CommandPortDisable, nPortIndex, NULL)) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
                    omx_die(r, "Failed to disable port %d of component %s", nPortIndex, fullname);
                block_until_port_changed(*hComponent, nPortIndex, OMX_FALSE);
static void block_until_port_changed(OMX_HANDLETYPE hComponent, OMX_U32 nPortIndex, OMX_BOOL bEnabled) {
    portdef.nPortIndex = nPortIndex;
    OMX_U32 i = 0;
    while(i++ == 0 || portdef.bEnabled != bEnabled) {
        if((r = OMX_GetParameter(hComponent, OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition, &portdef)) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
            omx_die(r, "Failed to get port definition");
        if(portdef.bEnabled != bEnabled) {
int encoder_encode_frame(struct encoded_pic_t *output)
	if(ctx.encoder_output_buffer_available) {
            // Flush buffer to output file
            need_next_buffer_to_be_filled = 1;
        // Buffer flushed, request a new buffer to be filled by the encoder component
        if(need_next_buffer_to_be_filled) {
            need_next_buffer_to_be_filled = 0;
            ctx.encoder_output_buffer_available = 0;
            if((r = OMX_FillThisBuffer(ctx.encoder, ctx.encoder_ppBuffer_out)) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
                omx_die(r, "Failed to request filling of the output buffer on encoder output port 201");
        // Would be better to use signaling here but hey this works too
// OMX calls this handler for all the events it emits
static OMX_ERRORTYPE event_handler(
        OMX_HANDLETYPE hComponent,
        OMX_PTR pAppData,
        OMX_EVENTTYPE eEvent,
        OMX_U32 nData1,
        OMX_U32 nData2,
        OMX_PTR pEventData) {

    dump_event(hComponent, eEvent, nData1, nData2);

    appctx *ctx = (appctx *)pAppData;

    switch(eEvent) {
        case OMX_EventCmdComplete:
            if(nData1 == OMX_CommandFlush) {
                ctx->flushed = 1;
        case OMX_EventParamOrConfigChanged:
            if(nData2 == OMX_IndexParamCameraDeviceNumber) {
                ctx->camera_ready = 1;
        case OMX_EventError:
            omx_die(nData1, "error event received");

    return OMX_ErrorNone;
static void dump_port(OMX_HANDLETYPE hComponent, OMX_U32 nPortIndex, OMX_BOOL dumpformats) {
    portdef.nPortIndex = nPortIndex;
    if((r = OMX_GetParameter(hComponent, OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition, &portdef)) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
        omx_die(r, "Failed to get port definition for port %d", nPortIndex);
    if(dumpformats) {
        portformat.nPortIndex = nPortIndex;
        portformat.nIndex = 0;
        r = OMX_ErrorNone;
        //say("Port %d supports these video formats:", nPortIndex);
        while(r == OMX_ErrorNone) {
        if((r = OMX_GetParameter(hComponent, OMX_IndexParamVideoPortFormat, &portformat)) == OMX_ErrorNone) {
               // say("\t%s, compression: %s", dump_color_format(portformat.eColorFormat), dump_compression_format(portformat.eCompressionFormat));
void encoder_close()
	//say("Cleaning up...");

    // Stop capturing video with the camera
    capture.nPortIndex = 71;
    capture.bEnabled = OMX_FALSE;
    if((r = OMX_SetParameter(ctx.camera, OMX_IndexConfigPortCapturing, &capture)) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
        omx_die(r, "Failed to switch off capture on camera video output port 71");
    // Return the last full buffer back to the encoder component
    ctx.encoder_ppBuffer_out->nFlags = OMX_BUFFERFLAG_EOS;
    if((r = OMX_FillThisBuffer(ctx.encoder, ctx.encoder_ppBuffer_out)) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
        omx_die(r, "Failed to request filling of the output buffer on encoder output port 201");
	//say("Cleaning up1...");

    // Disable all the ports
    if((r = OMX_SendCommand(ctx.camera, OMX_CommandPortDisable, 73, NULL)) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
        omx_die(r, "Failed to disable camera input port 73");
    //block_until_port_changed(ctx.camera, 73, OMX_FALSE);
    if((r = OMX_SendCommand(ctx.camera, OMX_CommandPortDisable, 70, NULL)) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
        omx_die(r, "Failed to disable camera preview output port 70");
    //block_until_port_changed(ctx.camera, 70, OMX_FALSE);
    if((r = OMX_SendCommand(ctx.camera, OMX_CommandPortDisable, 71, NULL)) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
        omx_die(r, "Failed to disable camera video output port 71");
    //block_until_port_changed(ctx.camera, 71, OMX_FALSE);
    if((r = OMX_SendCommand(ctx.encoder, OMX_CommandPortDisable, 200, NULL)) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
        omx_die(r, "Failed to disable encoder input port 200");
    //block_until_port_changed(ctx.encoder, 200, OMX_FALSE);
    if((r = OMX_SendCommand(ctx.encoder, OMX_CommandPortDisable, 201, NULL)) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
        omx_die(r, "Failed to disable encoder output port 201");
    //block_until_port_changed(ctx.encoder, 201, OMX_FALSE);
    if((r = OMX_SendCommand(ctx.null_sink, OMX_CommandPortDisable, 240, NULL)) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
        omx_die(r, "Failed to disable null sink input port 240");
    //block_until_port_changed(ctx.null_sink, 240, OMX_FALSE);
	//say("Cleaning up3...");
    // Free all the buffers
    if((r = OMX_FreeBuffer(ctx.camera, 73, ctx.camera_ppBuffer_in)) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
        omx_die(r, "Failed to free buffer for camera input port 73");
    if((r = OMX_FreeBuffer(ctx.encoder, 201, ctx.encoder_ppBuffer_out)) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
        omx_die(r, "Failed to free buffer for encoder output port 201");
	//say("Cleaning up4...");
    // Transition all the components to idle and then to loaded states
    if((r = OMX_SendCommand(ctx.camera, OMX_CommandStateSet, OMX_StateIdle, NULL)) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
        omx_die(r, "Failed to switch state of the camera component to idle");
    //block_until_state_changed(ctx.camera, OMX_StateIdle);
    if((r = OMX_SendCommand(ctx.encoder, OMX_CommandStateSet, OMX_StateIdle, NULL)) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
        omx_die(r, "Failed to switch state of the encoder component to idle");
    //block_until_state_changed(ctx.encoder, OMX_StateIdle);
    if((r = OMX_SendCommand(ctx.null_sink, OMX_CommandStateSet, OMX_StateIdle, NULL)) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
        omx_die(r, "Failed to switch state of the null sink component to idle");
    //block_until_state_changed(ctx.null_sink, OMX_StateIdle);
    if((r = OMX_SendCommand(ctx.camera, OMX_CommandStateSet, OMX_StateLoaded, NULL)) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
        omx_die(r, "Failed to switch state of the camera component to loaded");
    //block_until_state_changed(ctx.camera, OMX_StateLoaded);
    if((r = OMX_SendCommand(ctx.encoder, OMX_CommandStateSet, OMX_StateLoaded, NULL)) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
        omx_die(r, "Failed to switch state of the encoder component to loaded");
    //block_until_state_changed(ctx.encoder, OMX_StateLoaded);
    if((r = OMX_SendCommand(ctx.null_sink, OMX_CommandStateSet, OMX_StateLoaded, NULL)) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
        omx_die(r, "Failed to switch state of the null sink component to loaded");
    //block_until_state_changed(ctx.null_sink, OMX_StateLoaded);

    // Free the component handles
    if((r = OMX_FreeHandle(ctx.camera)) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
        omx_die(r, "Failed to free camera component handle");
    if((r = OMX_FreeHandle(ctx.encoder)) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
        omx_die(r, "Failed to free encoder component handle");
    if((r = OMX_FreeHandle(ctx.null_sink)) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
        omx_die(r, "Failed to free null sink component handle");

    if((r = OMX_Deinit()) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
        omx_die(r, "OMX de-initalization failed");
int encoder_init(struct picture_t *info,int fps,int bright,int video_bitrate)

    if((r = OMX_Init()) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
        omx_die(r, "OMX initalization failed");

    // Init context
    memset(&ctx, 0, sizeof(ctx));
    if(vcos_semaphore_create(&ctx.handler_lock, "handler_lock", 1) != VCOS_SUCCESS) {
        die("Failed to create handler lock semaphore");
    // Init component handles
    OMX_CALLBACKTYPE callbacks;
    memset(&ctx, 0, sizeof(callbacks));
    callbacks.EventHandler   = event_handler;
    callbacks.FillBufferDone = fill_output_buffer_done_handler;

    init_component_handle("camera", &ctx.camera , &ctx, &callbacks);
    init_component_handle("video_encode", &ctx.encoder, &ctx, &callbacks);
    init_component_handle("null_sink", &ctx.null_sink, &ctx, &callbacks);
    OMX_CALLBACKTYPE callbacks1;
    memset(&ctx, 0, sizeof(callbacks1));
    callbacks1.EventHandler   = event_handler;
    callbacks1.FillBufferDone = fill_camera_output_buffer_done_handler;
    init_component_handle("camera", &ctx.camera , &ctx, &callbacks);
    //say("Configuring camera...");

    //say("Default port definition for camera input port 73");
    dump_port(ctx.camera, 73, OMX_TRUE);
    //say("Default port definition for camera preview output port 70");
    dump_port(ctx.camera, 70, OMX_TRUE);
    //say("Default port definition for camera video output port 71");
    dump_port(ctx.camera, 71, OMX_TRUE);

    // Request a callback to be made when OMX_IndexParamCameraDeviceNumber is
    // changed signaling that the camera device is ready for use.
    cbtype.nPortIndex = OMX_ALL;
    cbtype.nIndex     = OMX_IndexParamCameraDeviceNumber;
    cbtype.bEnable    = OMX_TRUE;
    if((r = OMX_SetConfig(ctx.camera, OMX_IndexConfigRequestCallback, &cbtype)) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
        omx_die(r, "Failed to request camera device number parameter change callback for camera");
    // Set device number, this triggers the callback configured just above
    OMX_PARAM_U32TYPE device;
    device.nPortIndex = OMX_ALL;
    device.nU32 = CAM_DEVICE_NUMBER;
    if((r = OMX_SetParameter(ctx.camera, OMX_IndexParamCameraDeviceNumber, &device)) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
        omx_die(r, "Failed to set camera parameter device number");
    // Configure video format emitted by camera preview output port
    camera_portdef.nPortIndex = 70;
    if((r = OMX_GetParameter(ctx.camera, OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition, &camera_portdef)) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
        omx_die(r, "Failed to get port definition for camera preview output port 70");
    camera_portdef.format.video.nFrameWidth  = info->width;
    camera_portdef.format.video.nFrameHeight = info->height;
    camera_portdef.format.video.xFramerate   = fps << 16;
    // Stolen from gstomxvideodec.c of gst-omx
    camera_portdef.format.video.nStride      = (camera_portdef.format.video.nFrameWidth + camera_portdef.nBufferAlignment - 1) & (~(camera_portdef.nBufferAlignment - 1));
    camera_portdef.format.video.eColorFormat = OMX_COLOR_FormatYUV420PackedPlanar;
    if((r = OMX_SetParameter(ctx.camera, OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition, &camera_portdef)) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
        omx_die(r, "Failed to set port definition for camera preview output port 70");
    // Configure video format emitted by camera video output port
    // Use configuration from camera preview output as basis for
    // camera video output configuration
    camera_portdef.nPortIndex = 70;
    if((r = OMX_GetParameter(ctx.camera, OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition, &camera_portdef)) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
        omx_die(r, "Failed to get port definition for camera preview output port 70");
    camera_portdef.nPortIndex = 71;
    if((r = OMX_SetParameter(ctx.camera, OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition, &camera_portdef)) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
        omx_die(r, "Failed to set port definition for camera video output port 71");
    // Configure frame rate
    framerate.nPortIndex = 70;
    framerate.xEncodeFramerate = camera_portdef.format.video.xFramerate;
    if((r = OMX_SetConfig(ctx.camera, OMX_IndexConfigVideoFramerate, &framerate)) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
        omx_die(r, "Failed to set framerate configuration for camera preview output port 70");
    framerate.nPortIndex = 71;
    if((r = OMX_SetConfig(ctx.camera, OMX_IndexConfigVideoFramerate, &framerate)) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
        omx_die(r, "Failed to set framerate configuration for camera video output port 71");
    // Configure sharpness
    sharpness.nPortIndex = OMX_ALL;
    sharpness.nSharpness = CAM_SHARPNESS;
    if((r = OMX_SetConfig(ctx.camera, OMX_IndexConfigCommonSharpness, &sharpness)) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
        omx_die(r, "Failed to set camera sharpness configuration");
    // Configure contrast
    contrast.nPortIndex = OMX_ALL;
    contrast.nContrast = CAM_CONTRAST;
    if((r = OMX_SetConfig(ctx.camera, OMX_IndexConfigCommonContrast, &contrast)) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
        omx_die(r, "Failed to set camera contrast configuration");
    // Configure saturation
    saturation.nPortIndex = OMX_ALL;
    saturation.nSaturation = CAM_SATURATION;
    if((r = OMX_SetConfig(ctx.camera, OMX_IndexConfigCommonSaturation, &saturation)) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
        omx_die(r, "Failed to set camera saturation configuration");
    // Configure brightness
    brightness.nPortIndex = OMX_ALL;
    brightness.nBrightness = bright;
    if((r = OMX_SetConfig(ctx.camera, OMX_IndexConfigCommonBrightness, &brightness)) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
        omx_die(r, "Failed to set camera brightness configuration");
    // Configure exposure value
    exposure_value.nPortIndex = OMX_ALL;
    exposure_value.xEVCompensation = CAM_EXPOSURE_VALUE_COMPENSTAION;
    exposure_value.bAutoSensitivity = CAM_EXPOSURE_AUTO_SENSITIVITY;
    exposure_value.nSensitivity = CAM_EXPOSURE_ISO_SENSITIVITY;
    if((r = OMX_SetConfig(ctx.camera, OMX_IndexConfigCommonExposureValue, &exposure_value)) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
        omx_die(r, "Failed to set camera exposure value configuration");
    // Configure frame frame stabilisation
    OMX_CONFIG_FRAMESTABTYPE frame_stabilisation_control;
    frame_stabilisation_control.nPortIndex = OMX_ALL;
    frame_stabilisation_control.bStab = CAM_FRAME_STABILISATION;
    if((r = OMX_SetConfig(ctx.camera, OMX_IndexConfigCommonFrameStabilisation, &frame_stabilisation_control)) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
        omx_die(r, "Failed to set camera frame frame stabilisation control configuration");
    // Configure frame white balance control
    OMX_CONFIG_WHITEBALCONTROLTYPE white_balance_control;
    white_balance_control.nPortIndex = OMX_ALL;
    white_balance_control.eWhiteBalControl = CAM_WHITE_BALANCE_CONTROL;
    if((r = OMX_SetConfig(ctx.camera, OMX_IndexConfigCommonWhiteBalance, &white_balance_control)) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
        omx_die(r, "Failed to set camera frame white balance control configuration");
    // Configure image filter
    image_filter.nPortIndex = OMX_ALL;
    image_filter.eImageFilter = CAM_IMAGE_FILTER;
    if((r = OMX_SetConfig(ctx.camera, OMX_IndexConfigCommonImageFilter, &image_filter)) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
        omx_die(r, "Failed to set camera image filter configuration");
    // Configure mirror
    OMX_MIRRORTYPE eMirror = OMX_MirrorNone;
        eMirror = OMX_MirrorHorizontal;
        eMirror = OMX_MirrorVertical;
        eMirror = OMX_MirrorBoth;
    mirror.nPortIndex = 71;
    mirror.eMirror = eMirror;
    if((r = OMX_SetConfig(ctx.camera, OMX_IndexConfigCommonMirror, &mirror)) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
        omx_die(r, "Failed to set mirror configuration for camera video output port 71");

    // Ensure camera is ready
    while(!ctx.camera_ready) {

    //say("Configuring encoder...");

    //say("Default port definition for encoder input port 200");
    dump_port(ctx.encoder, 200, OMX_TRUE);
    //say("Default port definition for encoder output port 201");
    dump_port(ctx.encoder, 201, OMX_TRUE);

    // Encoder input port definition is done automatically upon tunneling

    // Configure video format emitted by encoder output port
    encoder_portdef.nPortIndex = 201;
    if((r = OMX_GetParameter(ctx.encoder, OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition, &encoder_portdef)) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
        omx_die(r, "Failed to get port definition for encoder output port 201");
    // Copy some of the encoder output port configuration
    // from camera output port
    encoder_portdef.format.video.nFrameWidth  = camera_portdef.format.video.nFrameWidth;
    encoder_portdef.format.video.nFrameHeight = camera_portdef.format.video.nFrameHeight;
    encoder_portdef.format.video.xFramerate   = camera_portdef.format.video.xFramerate;
    encoder_portdef.format.video.nStride      = camera_portdef.format.video.nStride;
    // Which one is effective, this or the configuration just below?
    encoder_portdef.format.video.nBitrate     = video_bitrate;
    if((r = OMX_SetParameter(ctx.encoder, OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition, &encoder_portdef)) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
        omx_die(r, "Failed to set port definition for encoder output port 201");
    // Configure bitrate
    bitrate.eControlRate = OMX_Video_ControlRateVariable;
    bitrate.nTargetBitrate = encoder_portdef.format.video.nBitrate;
    bitrate.nPortIndex = 201;
    if((r = OMX_SetParameter(ctx.encoder, OMX_IndexParamVideoBitrate, &bitrate)) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
        omx_die(r, "Failed to set bitrate for encoder output port 201");
    // Configure format
    format.nPortIndex = 201;
    format.eCompressionFormat = OMX_VIDEO_CodingAVC;
    if((r = OMX_SetParameter(ctx.encoder, OMX_IndexParamVideoPortFormat, &format)) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
        omx_die(r, "Failed to set video format for encoder output port 201");
    inlineHeader.nPortIndex = 201;
    inlineHeader.bEnabled = OMX_TRUE; 
    if((r = OMX_SetParameter(ctx.encoder, OMX_IndexParamBrcmVideoAVCInlineHeaderEnable, &inlineHeader)) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
        omx_die(r, "Failed to switch on inlineHeader on video encoder output port 201");
  avc_st.nPortIndex = 201;
  if ((r = OMX_GetParameter (ctx.encoder,
      OMX_IndexParamVideoAvc, &avc_st))){
    omx_die(r, "Failed to switch on avc_st on video encoder output port 201");
  avc_st.nPFrames = VIDEO_FRAMERATE-1;
  if ((r = OMX_SetParameter (ctx.encoder,
      OMX_IndexParamVideoAvc, &avc_st))){
    omx_die(r, "Failed to switch on avc_st on video encoder output port 201");

    //say("Default port definition for null sink input port 240");
    dump_port(ctx.null_sink, 240, OMX_TRUE);

    // Null sink input port definition is done automatically upon tunneling

    // Tunnel camera preview output port and null sink input port
    //say("Setting up tunnel from camera preview output port 70 to null sink input port 240...");
    if((r = OMX_SetupTunnel(ctx.camera, 70, ctx.null_sink, 240)) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
        omx_die(r, "Failed to setup tunnel between camera preview output port 70 and null sink input port 240");

    // Tunnel camera video output port and encoder input port
    //say("Setting up tunnel from camera video output port 71 to encoder input port 200...");
    if((r = OMX_SetupTunnel(ctx.camera, 71, ctx.encoder, 200)) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
        omx_die(r, "Failed to setup tunnel between camera video output port 71 and encoder input port 200");

    // Switch components to idle state
    //say("Switching state of the camera component to idle...");
    if((r = OMX_SendCommand(ctx.camera, OMX_CommandStateSet, OMX_StateIdle, NULL)) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
        omx_die(r, "Failed to switch state of the camera component to idle");
    block_until_state_changed(ctx.camera, OMX_StateIdle);
    //say("Switching state of the encoder component to idle...");
    if((r = OMX_SendCommand(ctx.encoder, OMX_CommandStateSet, OMX_StateIdle, NULL)) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
        omx_die(r, "Failed to switch state of the encoder component to idle");
    block_until_state_changed(ctx.encoder, OMX_StateIdle);
    //say("Switching state of the null sink component to idle...");
    if((r = OMX_SendCommand(ctx.null_sink, OMX_CommandStateSet, OMX_StateIdle, NULL)) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
        omx_die(r, "Failed to switch state of the null sink component to idle");
    block_until_state_changed(ctx.null_sink, OMX_StateIdle);

    // Enable ports
    //say("Enabling ports...");
    if((r = OMX_SendCommand(ctx.camera, OMX_CommandPortEnable, 73, NULL)) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
        omx_die(r, "Failed to enable camera input port 73");
    block_until_port_changed(ctx.camera, 73, OMX_TRUE);
    if((r = OMX_SendCommand(ctx.camera, OMX_CommandPortEnable, 70, NULL)) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
        omx_die(r, "Failed to enable camera preview output port 70");
    block_until_port_changed(ctx.camera, 70, OMX_TRUE);
    if((r = OMX_SendCommand(ctx.camera, OMX_CommandPortEnable, 71, NULL)) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
        omx_die(r, "Failed to enable camera video output port 71");
    block_until_port_changed(ctx.camera, 71, OMX_TRUE);
    if((r = OMX_SendCommand(ctx.encoder, OMX_CommandPortEnable, 200, NULL)) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
        omx_die(r, "Failed to enable encoder input port 200");
    block_until_port_changed(ctx.encoder, 200, OMX_TRUE);
    if((r = OMX_SendCommand(ctx.encoder, OMX_CommandPortEnable, 201, NULL)) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
        omx_die(r, "Failed to enable encoder output port 201");
    block_until_port_changed(ctx.encoder, 201, OMX_TRUE);
    if((r = OMX_SendCommand(ctx.null_sink, OMX_CommandPortEnable, 240, NULL)) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
        omx_die(r, "Failed to enable null sink input port 240");
    block_until_port_changed(ctx.null_sink, 240, OMX_TRUE);

    // Allocate camera input buffer and encoder output buffer,
    // buffers for tunneled ports are allocated internally by OMX
    //say("Allocating buffers...");
    camera_portdef.nPortIndex = 73;
    if((r = OMX_GetParameter(ctx.camera, OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition, &camera_portdef)) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
        omx_die(r, "Failed to get port definition for camera input port 73");
    if((r = OMX_AllocateBuffer(ctx.camera, &ctx.camera_ppBuffer_in, 73, NULL, camera_portdef.nBufferSize)) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
        omx_die(r, "Failed to allocate buffer for camera input port 73");
    camera_portdef.nPortIndex = 71;
    if((r = OMX_AllocateBuffer(ctx.camera, &ctx.camera_ppBuffer_out, 71, NULL, camera_portdef.nBufferSize)) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
        omx_die(r, "Failed to allocate buffer for camera output port 71");
    encoder_portdef.nPortIndex = 201;
    if((r = OMX_GetParameter(ctx.encoder, OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition, &encoder_portdef)) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
        omx_die(r, "Failed to get port definition for encoder output port 201");
    if((r = OMX_AllocateBuffer(ctx.encoder, &ctx.encoder_ppBuffer_out, 201, NULL, encoder_portdef.nBufferSize)) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
        omx_die(r, "Failed to allocate buffer for encoder output port 201");

    // Switch state of the components prior to starting
    // the video capture and encoding loop
    //say("Switching state of the camera component to executing...");
    if((r = OMX_SendCommand(ctx.camera, OMX_CommandStateSet, OMX_StateExecuting, NULL)) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
        omx_die(r, "Failed to switch state of the camera component to executing");
    block_until_state_changed(ctx.camera, OMX_StateExecuting);
    //say("Switching state of the encoder component to executing...");
    if((r = OMX_SendCommand(ctx.encoder, OMX_CommandStateSet, OMX_StateExecuting, NULL)) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
        omx_die(r, "Failed to switch state of the encoder component to executing");
    block_until_state_changed(ctx.encoder, OMX_StateExecuting);
    //say("Switching state of the null sink component to executing...");
    if((r = OMX_SendCommand(ctx.null_sink, OMX_CommandStateSet, OMX_StateExecuting, NULL)) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
        omx_die(r, "Failed to switch state of the null sink component to executing");
    block_until_state_changed(ctx.null_sink, OMX_StateExecuting);

    capture.nPortIndex = 71;
    capture.bEnabled = OMX_TRUE;
    if((r = OMX_SetParameter(ctx.camera, OMX_IndexConfigPortCapturing, &capture)) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
        omx_die(r, "Failed to switch on capture on camera video output port 71");
    //say("Configured port definition for camera input port 73");
    dump_port(ctx.camera, 73, OMX_FALSE);
    //say("Configured port definition for camera preview output port 70");
    dump_port(ctx.camera, 70, OMX_FALSE);
    //say("Configured port definition for camera video output port 71");
    dump_port(ctx.camera, 71, OMX_FALSE);
    //say("Configured port definition for encoder input port 200");
    dump_port(ctx.encoder, 200, OMX_FALSE);
    //say("Configured port definition for encoder output port 201");
    dump_port(ctx.encoder, 201, OMX_FALSE);
    //say("Configured port definition for null sink input port 240");
    dump_port(ctx.null_sink, 240, OMX_FALSE);

    //say("Enter capture and encode loop, press Ctrl-C to quit...");

    return 1;
예제 #9
파일: video.c 프로젝트: drhastings/balance
void *video_decode_test(void* arg) {

		CUBE_STATE_T *state = (CUBE_STATE_T *)arg;


    if((r = OMX_Init()) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
        omx_die(r, "OMX initalization failed");

    // Init context
    appctx ctx;
    memset(&ctx, 0, sizeof(ctx));
    if(vcos_semaphore_create(&ctx.handler_lock, "handler_lock", 1) != VCOS_SUCCESS) {
        die("Failed to create handler lock semaphore");

		ctx.eglImage = state->eglImage;

    // Init component handles
    OMX_CALLBACKTYPE callbacks;
    memset(&ctx, 0, sizeof(callbacks));
    callbacks.EventHandler = event_handler;
    callbacks.FillBufferDone = my_fill_buffer_done;

    init_component_handle("camera", &ctx.camera , &ctx, &callbacks);
    init_component_handle("egl_render", &ctx.render, &ctx, &callbacks);
    init_component_handle("null_sink", &ctx.null_sink, &ctx, &callbacks);
    init_component_handle("clock", &ctx.clock, &ctx, &callbacks);

    OMX_U32 screen_width = state->screen_width, screen_height = state->screen_height;
    if(graphics_get_display_size(DISPLAY_DEVICE, &screen_width, &screen_height) < 0) {
        die("Failed to get display size");

    say("Configuring camera...");

    dump_port(ctx.clock, 80, OMX_TRUE);
    say("Default port definition for camera input port 73");
    dump_port(ctx.camera, 73, OMX_TRUE);
    say("Default port definition for camera preview output port 70");
    dump_port(ctx.camera, 70, OMX_TRUE);
    say("Default port definition for camera video output port 71");
    dump_port(ctx.camera, 71, OMX_TRUE);

		cstate.eState = OMX_TIME_ClockStateRunning;
		cstate.nWaitMask = 1;
    if((r = OMX_SetConfig(ctx.clock, OMX_IndexConfigTimeClockState, &cstate)) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
        omx_die(r, "Failed to request camera device number parameter change callback for camera");

    // Request a callback to be made when OMX_IndexParamCameraDeviceNumber is
    // changed signaling that the camera device is ready for use.
    cbtype.nPortIndex = OMX_ALL;
    cbtype.nIndex     = OMX_IndexParamCameraDeviceNumber;
    cbtype.bEnable    = OMX_TRUE;
    if((r = OMX_SetConfig(ctx.camera, OMX_IndexConfigRequestCallback, &cbtype)) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
        omx_die(r, "Failed to request camera device number parameter change callback for camera");
    // Set device number, this triggers the callback configured just above
    OMX_PARAM_U32TYPE device;
    device.nPortIndex = OMX_ALL;
    device.nU32 = CAM_DEVICE_NUMBER;
    if((r = OMX_SetParameter(ctx.camera, OMX_IndexParamCameraDeviceNumber, &device)) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
        omx_die(r, "Failed to set camera parameter device number");
    // Configure video format emitted by camera preview output port
    camera_portdef.nPortIndex = 70;
    if((r = OMX_GetParameter(ctx.camera, OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition, &camera_portdef)) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
        omx_die(r, "Failed to get port definition for camera preview output port 70");
    camera_portdef.format.video.nFrameWidth  = state->screen_width;
    camera_portdef.format.video.nFrameHeight = state->screen_height;
    camera_portdef.format.video.xFramerate   = VIDEO_FRAMERATE << 16;
    // Stolen from gstomxvideodec.c of gst-omx
    camera_portdef.format.video.nStride      = (camera_portdef.format.video.nFrameWidth + camera_portdef.nBufferAlignment - 1) & (~(camera_portdef.nBufferAlignment - 1));
    camera_portdef.format.video.eColorFormat = OMX_COLOR_FormatYUV420PackedPlanar;
    if((r = OMX_SetParameter(ctx.camera, OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition, &camera_portdef)) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
        omx_die(r, "Failed to set port definition for camera preview output port 70");
    // Configure video format emitted by camera video output port
    // Use configuration from camera preview output as basis for
    // camera video output configuration
    camera_portdef.nPortIndex = 70;
    if((r = OMX_GetParameter(ctx.camera, OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition, &camera_portdef)) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
        omx_die(r, "Failed to get port definition for camera preview output port 70");
    camera_portdef.nPortIndex = 71;
    if((r = OMX_SetParameter(ctx.camera, OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition, &camera_portdef)) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
        omx_die(r, "Failed to set port definition for camera video output port 71");
    // Configure frame rate
    framerate.nPortIndex = 70;
    framerate.xEncodeFramerate = camera_portdef.format.video.xFramerate;
    if((r = OMX_SetConfig(ctx.camera, OMX_IndexConfigVideoFramerate, &framerate)) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
        omx_die(r, "Failed to set framerate configuration for camera preview output port 70");
    framerate.nPortIndex = 71;
    if((r = OMX_SetConfig(ctx.camera, OMX_IndexConfigVideoFramerate, &framerate)) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
        omx_die(r, "Failed to set framerate configuration for camera video output port 71");
    // Configure sharpness
    sharpness.nPortIndex = OMX_ALL;
    sharpness.nSharpness = CAM_SHARPNESS;
    if((r = OMX_SetConfig(ctx.camera, OMX_IndexConfigCommonSharpness, &sharpness)) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
        omx_die(r, "Failed to set camera sharpness configuration");
    // Configure contrast
    contrast.nPortIndex = OMX_ALL;
    contrast.nContrast = CAM_CONTRAST;
    if((r = OMX_SetConfig(ctx.camera, OMX_IndexConfigCommonContrast, &contrast)) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
        omx_die(r, "Failed to set camera contrast configuration");
    // Configure saturation
    saturation.nPortIndex = OMX_ALL;
    saturation.nSaturation = CAM_SATURATION;
    if((r = OMX_SetConfig(ctx.camera, OMX_IndexConfigCommonSaturation, &saturation)) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
        omx_die(r, "Failed to set camera saturation configuration");
    // Configure brightness
    brightness.nPortIndex = OMX_ALL;
    brightness.nBrightness = CAM_BRIGHTNESS;
    if((r = OMX_SetConfig(ctx.camera, OMX_IndexConfigCommonBrightness, &brightness)) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
        omx_die(r, "Failed to set camera brightness configuration");
    // Configure exposure value
    exposure_value.nPortIndex = OMX_ALL;
    exposure_value.xEVCompensation = CAM_EXPOSURE_VALUE_COMPENSTAION;
    exposure_value.bAutoSensitivity = CAM_EXPOSURE_AUTO_SENSITIVITY;
		exposure_value.bAutoShutterSpeed = OMX_TRUE;
//		exposure_value.nShutterSpeedMsec = 10;
    exposure_value.nSensitivity = CAM_EXPOSURE_ISO_SENSITIVITY;
		exposure_value.eMetering = OMX_MeteringModeAverage;
    if((r = OMX_SetConfig(ctx.camera, OMX_IndexConfigCommonExposureValue, &exposure_value)) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
        omx_die(r, "Failed to set camera exposure value configuration");
	  exposure.nPortIndex = OMX_ALL;
	  exposure.eExposureControl = OMX_ExposureControlAuto;
 	  OMX_SetConfig(ctx.camera, OMX_IndexConfigCommonExposure, &exposure);
    // Configure frame frame stabilisation
    OMX_CONFIG_FRAMESTABTYPE frame_stabilisation_control;
    frame_stabilisation_control.nPortIndex = OMX_ALL;
    frame_stabilisation_control.bStab = CAM_FRAME_STABILISATION;
    if((r = OMX_SetConfig(ctx.camera, OMX_IndexConfigCommonFrameStabilisation, &frame_stabilisation_control)) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
        omx_die(r, "Failed to set camera frame frame stabilisation control configuration");
    // Configure frame white balance control
/*    OMX_CONFIG_LIGHTNESSTYPE lightness_control;
    lightness_control.nPortIndex = OMX_ALL;
    lightness_control.nLightness = 0;
    if((r = OMX_SetConfig(ctx.camera, OMX_IndexConfigCommonLightness, &lightness_control)) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
        omx_die(r, "Failed to set camera frame white balance control configuration");
    // Configure frame white balance control
    OMX_CONFIG_WHITEBALCONTROLTYPE white_balance_control;
    white_balance_control.nPortIndex = OMX_ALL;
    white_balance_control.eWhiteBalControl = CAM_WHITE_BALANCE_CONTROL;
    if((r = OMX_SetConfig(ctx.camera, OMX_IndexConfigCommonWhiteBalance, &white_balance_control)) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
        omx_die(r, "Failed to set camera frame white balance control configuration");
    // Configure image filter
    image_filter.nPortIndex = OMX_ALL;
    image_filter.eImageFilter = CAM_IMAGE_FILTER;
    if((r = OMX_SetConfig(ctx.camera, OMX_IndexConfigCommonImageFilter, &image_filter)) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
        omx_die(r, "Failed to set camera image filter configuration");
  /* Set colour effect */
  colour.nPortIndex = OMX_ALL;
  colour.bColorEnhancement = OMX_FALSE;
  colour.nCustomizedU = 128;
  colour.nCustomizedV = 128;
  OMX_SetConfig(ctx.camera, OMX_IndexConfigCommonColorEnhancement, &colour);

    // Configure mirror
    OMX_MIRRORTYPE eMirror = OMX_MirrorNone;
        eMirror = OMX_MirrorHorizontal;
        eMirror = OMX_MirrorVertical;
        eMirror = OMX_MirrorBoth;
    mirror.nPortIndex = 71;
    mirror.eMirror = eMirror;
    if((r = OMX_SetConfig(ctx.camera, OMX_IndexConfigCommonMirror, &mirror)) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
        omx_die(r, "Failed to set mirror configuration for camera video output port 71");

    // Ensure camera is ready
    while(!ctx.camera_ready) {

    say("Configuring render...");

    say("Default port definition for render input port 90");
    dump_port(ctx.render, 220, OMX_TRUE);

    // Render input port definition is done automatically upon tunneling

    say("Configuring null sink...");

    say("Default port definition for null sink input port 240");
    dump_port(ctx.null_sink, 240, OMX_TRUE);

    // Null sink input port definition is done automatically upon tunneling

    // Tunnel camera preview output port and null sink input port
    say("Setting up tunnel from camera preview output port 70 to null sink input port 240...");
    if((r = OMX_SetupTunnel(ctx.clock, 80, ctx.camera, 73)) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
        omx_die(r, "Failed to setup tunnel between camera preview output port 70 and null sink input port 240");
    // Tunnel camera preview output port and null sink input port
    say("Setting up tunnel from camera preview output port 70 to null sink input port 240...");
    if((r = OMX_SetupTunnel(ctx.camera, 70, ctx.null_sink, 240)) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
        omx_die(r, "Failed to setup tunnel between camera preview output port 70 and null sink input port 240");

    // Tunnel camera video output port and render input port
    say("Setting up tunnel from camera video output port 71 to render input port 220...");
    if((r = OMX_SetupTunnel(ctx.camera, 71, ctx.render, 220)) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
        omx_die(r, "Failed to setup tunnel between camera video output port 71 and render input port 90");

    // Switch components to idle state
    say("Switching state of the camera component to idle...");
    if((r = OMX_SendCommand(ctx.clock, OMX_CommandStateSet, OMX_StateIdle, NULL)) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
        omx_die(r, "Failed to switch state of the camera component to idle");
    block_until_state_changed(ctx.clock, OMX_StateIdle);    say("Switching state of the camera component to idle...");
    if((r = OMX_SendCommand(ctx.camera, OMX_CommandStateSet, OMX_StateIdle, NULL)) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
        omx_die(r, "Failed to switch state of the camera component to idle");
    block_until_state_changed(ctx.camera, OMX_StateIdle);
    say("Switching state of the render component to idle...");
    if((r = OMX_SendCommand(ctx.render, OMX_CommandStateSet, OMX_StateIdle, NULL)) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
        omx_die(r, "Failed to switch state of the render component to idle");
    block_until_state_changed(ctx.render, OMX_StateIdle);
    say("Switching state of the null sink component to idle...");
    if((r = OMX_SendCommand(ctx.null_sink, OMX_CommandStateSet, OMX_StateIdle, NULL)) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
        omx_die(r, "Failed to switch state of the null sink component to idle");
    block_until_state_changed(ctx.null_sink, OMX_StateIdle);

    // Enable ports
    say("Enabling ports...");
    if((r = OMX_SendCommand(ctx.clock, OMX_CommandPortEnable, 80, NULL)) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
        omx_die(r, "Failed to enable camera input port 73");
    block_until_port_changed(ctx.clock, 80, OMX_TRUE);    if((r = OMX_SendCommand(ctx.camera, OMX_CommandPortEnable, 73, NULL)) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
        omx_die(r, "Failed to enable camera input port 73");
    block_until_port_changed(ctx.camera, 73, OMX_TRUE);
    if((r = OMX_SendCommand(ctx.camera, OMX_CommandPortEnable, 70, NULL)) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
        omx_die(r, "Failed to enable camera preview output port 70");
    block_until_port_changed(ctx.camera, 70, OMX_TRUE);
    if((r = OMX_SendCommand(ctx.camera, OMX_CommandPortEnable, 71, NULL)) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
        omx_die(r, "Failed to enable camera video output port 71");
    block_until_port_changed(ctx.camera, 71, OMX_TRUE);
    if((r = OMX_SendCommand(ctx.render, OMX_CommandPortEnable, 220, NULL)) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
        omx_die(r, "Failed to enable render input port 220");
    block_until_port_changed(ctx.render, 220, OMX_TRUE);
   if((r = OMX_SendCommand(ctx.render, OMX_CommandPortEnable, 221, NULL)) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
        omx_die(r, "Failed to enable render input port 221");
    block_until_port_changed(ctx.render, 220, OMX_TRUE);
    if((r = OMX_SendCommand(ctx.null_sink, OMX_CommandPortEnable, 240, NULL)) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
        omx_die(r, "Failed to enable null sink input port 240");
    block_until_port_changed(ctx.null_sink, 240, OMX_TRUE);

    // Allocate camera input buffer, buffers for tunneled
    // ports are allocated internally by OMX

		if((r = OMX_UseEGLImage(ctx.render, &ctx.eglBuffer, 221, NULL, ctx.eglImage)) != OMX_ErrorNone)
        omx_die(r, "Failed to use eglimage");

    // Switch state of the components prior to starting
    // the video capture and encoding loop
    say("Switching state of the camera component to executing...");
    if((r = OMX_SendCommand(ctx.clock, OMX_CommandStateSet, OMX_StateExecuting, NULL)) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
        omx_die(r, "Failed to switch state of the camera component to executing");
    }    say("Switching state of the camera component to executing...");
    if((r = OMX_SendCommand(ctx.camera, OMX_CommandStateSet, OMX_StateExecuting, NULL)) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
        omx_die(r, "Failed to switch state of the camera component to executing");
    block_until_state_changed(ctx.camera, OMX_StateExecuting);
    say("Switching state of the render component to executing...");
    if((r = OMX_SendCommand(ctx.render, OMX_CommandStateSet, OMX_StateExecuting, NULL)) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
        omx_die(r, "Failed to switch state of the render component to executing");
    block_until_state_changed(ctx.render, OMX_StateExecuting);
    say("Switching state of the null sink component to executing...");
    if((r = OMX_SendCommand(ctx.null_sink, OMX_CommandStateSet, OMX_StateExecuting, NULL)) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
        omx_die(r, "Failed to switch state of the null sink component to executing");
    block_until_state_changed(ctx.null_sink, OMX_StateExecuting);

    // Start capturing video with the camera
    say("Switching on capture on camera video output port 71...");
    capture.nPortIndex = 71;
    capture.bEnabled = OMX_TRUE;
    if((r = OMX_SetParameter(ctx.camera, OMX_IndexConfigPortCapturing, &capture)) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
        omx_die(r, "Failed to switch on capture on camera video output port 71");

    say("Configured port definition for camera input port 73");
    dump_port(ctx.camera, 73, OMX_FALSE);
    say("Configured port definition for camera preview output port 70");
    dump_port(ctx.camera, 70, OMX_FALSE);
    say("Configured port definition for camera video output port 71");
    dump_port(ctx.camera, 71, OMX_FALSE);
    say("Configured port definition for render input port 90");
    dump_port(ctx.render, 220, OMX_FALSE);
    say("Configured port definition for null sink input port 240");
    dump_port(ctx.null_sink, 240, OMX_FALSE);

    say("Enter capture and playback loop, press Ctrl-C to quit...");

		if((r = OMX_FillThisBuffer(ctx.render, ctx.eglBuffer)) != OMX_ErrorNone)
      omx_die(r, "Failed to fill buffer");

    signal(SIGINT,  signal_handler);
    signal(SIGTERM, signal_handler);
    signal(SIGQUIT, signal_handler);

    while(!want_quit) {
        // Would be better to use signaling here but hey this works too
    say("Cleaning up...");

    // Restore signal handlers
    signal(SIGINT,  SIG_DFL);
    signal(SIGTERM, SIG_DFL);
    signal(SIGQUIT, SIG_DFL);

    // Stop capturing video with the camera
    capture.nPortIndex = 71;
    capture.bEnabled = OMX_FALSE;
    if((r = OMX_SetParameter(ctx.camera, OMX_IndexConfigPortCapturing, &capture)) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
        omx_die(r, "Failed to switch off capture on camera video output port 71");

    // Flush the buffers on each component
    if((r = OMX_SendCommand(ctx.camera, OMX_CommandFlush, 73, NULL)) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
        omx_die(r, "Failed to flush buffers of camera input port 73");
    if((r = OMX_SendCommand(ctx.camera, OMX_CommandFlush, 70, NULL)) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
        omx_die(r, "Failed to flush buffers of camera preview output port 70");
    if((r = OMX_SendCommand(ctx.camera, OMX_CommandFlush, 71, NULL)) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
        omx_die(r, "Failed to flush buffers of camera video output port 71");
    if((r = OMX_SendCommand(ctx.render, OMX_CommandFlush, 220, NULL)) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
        omx_die(r, "Failed to flush buffers of render input port 220");
    if((r = OMX_SendCommand(ctx.null_sink, OMX_CommandFlush, 240, NULL)) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
        omx_die(r, "Failed to flush buffers of null sink input port 240");

    // Disable all the ports
    if((r = OMX_SendCommand(ctx.camera, OMX_CommandPortDisable, 73, NULL)) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
        omx_die(r, "Failed to disable camera input port 73");
    block_until_port_changed(ctx.camera, 73, OMX_FALSE);
    if((r = OMX_SendCommand(ctx.camera, OMX_CommandPortDisable, 70, NULL)) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
        omx_die(r, "Failed to disable camera preview output port 70");
    block_until_port_changed(ctx.camera, 70, OMX_FALSE);
    if((r = OMX_SendCommand(ctx.camera, OMX_CommandPortDisable, 71, NULL)) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
        omx_die(r, "Failed to disable camera video output port 71");
    block_until_port_changed(ctx.camera, 71, OMX_FALSE);
    if((r = OMX_SendCommand(ctx.render, OMX_CommandPortDisable, 220, NULL)) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
        omx_die(r, "Failed to disable render input port 90");
    if((r = OMX_SendCommand(ctx.null_sink, OMX_CommandPortDisable, 240, NULL)) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
        omx_die(r, "Failed to disable null sink input port 240");
    block_until_port_changed(ctx.null_sink, 240, OMX_FALSE);

    // Free all the buffers
    if((r = OMX_FreeBuffer(ctx.camera, 73, ctx.camera_ppBuffer_in)) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
        omx_die(r, "Failed to free buffer for camera input port 73");

    // Transition all the components to idle and then to loaded states
    if((r = OMX_SendCommand(ctx.camera, OMX_CommandStateSet, OMX_StateIdle, NULL)) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
        omx_die(r, "Failed to switch state of the camera component to idle");
    block_until_state_changed(ctx.camera, OMX_StateIdle);
    if((r = OMX_SendCommand(ctx.render, OMX_CommandStateSet, OMX_StateIdle, NULL)) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
        omx_die(r, "Failed to switch state of the render component to idle");
    block_until_state_changed(ctx.render, OMX_StateIdle);
    if((r = OMX_SendCommand(ctx.null_sink, OMX_CommandStateSet, OMX_StateIdle, NULL)) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
        omx_die(r, "Failed to switch state of the null sink component to idle");
    block_until_state_changed(ctx.null_sink, OMX_StateIdle);
    if((r = OMX_SendCommand(ctx.camera, OMX_CommandStateSet, OMX_StateLoaded, NULL)) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
        omx_die(r, "Failed to switch state of the camera component to loaded");
    block_until_state_changed(ctx.camera, OMX_StateLoaded);
    if((r = OMX_SendCommand(ctx.render, OMX_CommandStateSet, OMX_StateLoaded, NULL)) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
        omx_die(r, "Failed to switch state of the render component to loaded");
    block_until_state_changed(ctx.render, OMX_StateLoaded);
    if((r = OMX_SendCommand(ctx.null_sink, OMX_CommandStateSet, OMX_StateLoaded, NULL)) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
        omx_die(r, "Failed to switch state of the null sink component to loaded");
    block_until_state_changed(ctx.null_sink, OMX_StateLoaded);

    // Free the component handles
    if((r = OMX_FreeHandle(ctx.camera)) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
        omx_die(r, "Failed to free camera component handle");
    if((r = OMX_FreeHandle(ctx.render)) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
        omx_die(r, "Failed to free render component handle");
    if((r = OMX_FreeHandle(ctx.null_sink)) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
        omx_die(r, "Failed to free null sink component handle");

    // Exit
    if((r = OMX_Deinit()) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
        omx_die(r, "OMX de-initalization failed");


    return 0;