static bool set_mode_with_cb(uint16_t opcode, char *p_mode, mgmt_request_func_t callback) { struct mgmt_mode cp; uintptr_t user_data; memset(&cp, 0, sizeof(cp)); if (!on_or_off(p_mode, &cp.val)) return false; /* Save the configured value in the user_data */ if (cp.val) user_data = 1; else user_data = 0; if (!mgmt_master) { resp_error(err_NO_MGMT); return true; } if (mgmt_send(mgmt_master, opcode, opt_src_idx, sizeof(cp), &cp, callback, (void *)user_data, NULL) == 0) { resp_mgmt(err_SUCCESS); } return true; }
static void cmd_discoverable(int argcp, char **argvp) { struct mgmt_cp_set_discoverable cp = {0, 0}; uint16_t opcode = MGMT_OP_SET_DISCOVERABLE; if (argcp < 2) { resp_mgmt(err_BAD_PARAM); return; } if (!on_or_off(argvp[1], &cp.val)) { resp_mgmt(err_BAD_PARAM); return; } if (!mgmt_master) { resp_error(err_NO_MGMT); return; } if (mgmt_send(mgmt_master, opcode, opt_src_idx, sizeof(cp), &cp, set_mode_complete, NULL, NULL) == 0) { DBG("mgmt_send(MGMT_OP_SET_DISCOVERABLE) failed"); resp_mgmt(err_PROTO_ERR); return; } }
options() { /** change options... **/ /* return: * > 0 if restort was done - to indicate we might need to * change the page of our headers as a consequence * of the new sort order * < 0 if user entered 'x' to quit elm immediately * 0 otherwise */ int ch, resort = 0; char *strcpy(), temp[SLEN]; /* needed when an option is run through * expand_env(), because that function * is destructive of the original */ display_options(); clearerr(stdin); while(1) { ClearLine(LINES-4); Centerline(LINES-4, "Select first letter of option line, '>' to save, or 'i' to return to index."); PutLine0(LINES-2, 0, "Command: "); ch = ReadCh(); ch = tolower(ch); clear_error(); /* remove possible "sorting" message etc... */ one_liner(one_liner_for(ch)); switch (ch) { case 'c' : optionally_enter(raw_calendar_file, 2, 23, FALSE, FALSE); strcpy(temp, raw_calendar_file); expand_env(calendar_file, temp); break; case 'd' : optionally_enter(raw_pager, 3, 23, FALSE, FALSE); strcpy(temp, raw_pager); expand_env(pager, temp); clear_pages = (equal(pager, "builtin+") || equal(pager, "internal+")); break; case 'e' : optionally_enter(raw_editor, 4, 23, FALSE, FALSE); strcpy(temp, raw_editor); expand_env(editor, temp); break; case 'f' : optionally_enter(raw_folders, 5, 23, FALSE, FALSE); strcpy(temp, raw_folders); expand_env(folders, temp); break; case 's' : if(change_sort(6,23)) resort++; break; case 'o' : optionally_enter(raw_sentmail, 7, 23, FALSE, FALSE); strcpy(temp, raw_sentmail); expand_env(sent_mail, temp); break; case 'p' : optionally_enter(raw_printout, 8, 23, FALSE, FALSE); strcpy(temp, raw_printout); expand_env(printout, temp); break; case 'y' : optionally_enter(full_username, 9, 23, FALSE, FALSE); break; case 'a' : on_or_off(&arrow_cursor, 12, 23); break; case 'm' : on_or_off(&mini_menu, 13, 23); headers_per_page = LINES - (mini_menu ? 13 : 8); break; case 'u' : switch_user_level(&user_level,15, 23); break; case 'n' : on_or_off(&names_only, 16, 23); break; case '?' : options_help(); PutLine0(LINES-2,0,"Command: "); break; case '>' : printf("Save options in .elm/elmrc..."); fflush(stdout); save_options(); break; case 'x' : return(-1); /* exit elm */ case 'q' : /* pop back up to previous level, in this case == 'i' */ case 'i' : /* return to index screen */ return(resort ? 1 : 0); case ctrl('L'): display_options(); break; default: error("Command unknown!"); } } }
void putparms(int gno, FILE *pp, int imbed) { int i, j, k, ming, maxg; int ps, pt, gh, gl, gt, fx, fy, px, py; double dsx, dsy; char imbedstr[2], tmpstr1[128], tmpstr2[128]; // defaults d; framep f; legend leg; labels lab; plotarr p; tickmarks t; world w; view v; if (imbed) { strcpy(imbedstr, "@"); } else { imbedstr[0] = 0; } fprintf(pp, "# ACE/gr parameter file\n"); fprintf(pp, "#\n"); fprintf(pp, "#\n"); fprintf(pp, "%spage %d\n", imbedstr, (int)(scrollper * 100)); fprintf(pp, "%spage inout %d\n", imbedstr, (int)(shexper * 100)); fprintf(pp, "%slink page %s\n", imbedstr, scrolling_islinked ? "on" : "off"); fprintf(pp, "%sdefault linestyle %d\n", imbedstr, grdefaults.lines); fprintf(pp, "%sdefault linewidth %d\n", imbedstr, grdefaults.linew); fprintf(pp, "%sdefault color %d\n", imbedstr, grdefaults.color); fprintf(pp, "%sdefault char size %lf\n", imbedstr, grdefaults.charsize); fprintf(pp, "%sdefault font %d\n", imbedstr, grdefaults.font); fprintf(pp, "%sdefault font source %d\n", imbedstr, grdefaults.fontsrc); fprintf(pp, "%sdefault symbol size %lf\n", imbedstr, grdefaults.symsize); put_annotation(gno, pp, imbed); put_region(gno, pp, imbed); if (gno == -1) { maxg = maxgraph - 1; ming = 0; } else { maxg = gno; ming = gno; } for (k = ming; k <= maxg; k++) { if (isactive_graph(k)) { gno = k; gh = g[gno].hidden; gl = g[gno].label; gt = g[gno].type; ps = g[gno].pointset; pt = g[gno].pt_type; dsx = g[gno].dsx; dsy = g[gno].dsy; fx = g[gno].fx; fy = g[gno].fy; px = g[gno].px; py = g[gno].py; fprintf(pp, "%swith g%1d\n", imbedstr, gno); fprintf(pp, "%sg%1d %s\n", imbedstr, gno, on_or_off(g[gno].active)); fprintf(pp, "%sg%1d label %s\n", imbedstr, gno, on_or_off(gl)); fprintf(pp, "%sg%1d hidden %s\n", imbedstr, gno, gh ? "true" : "false"); fprintf(pp, "%sg%1d type %s\n", imbedstr, gno, graph_types(g[gno].type, 1)); fprintf(pp, "%sg%1d autoscale type %s\n", imbedstr, gno, g[gno].auto_type == AUTO ? "AUTO" : "SPEC"); fprintf(pp, "%sg%1d fixedpoint %s\n", imbedstr, gno, on_or_off(ps)); fprintf(pp, "%sg%1d fixedpoint type %d\n", imbedstr, gno, pt); fprintf(pp, "%sg%1d fixedpoint xy %lf, %lf\n", imbedstr, gno, dsx, dsy); strcpy(tmpstr1, getFormat_types(fx)); strcpy(tmpstr2, getFormat_types(fy)); fprintf(pp, "%sg%1d fixedpoint format %s %s\n", imbedstr, gno, tmpstr1, tmpstr2); fprintf(pp, "%sg%1d fixedpoint prec %d, %d\n", imbedstr, gno, px, py); get_graph_world(gno, &w); fprintf(pp, "%s world xmin %.12lg\n", imbedstr, w.xg1); fprintf(pp, "%s world xmax %.12lg\n", imbedstr, w.xg2); fprintf(pp, "%s world ymin %.12lg\n", imbedstr, w.yg1); fprintf(pp, "%s world ymax %.12lg\n", imbedstr, w.yg2); for (i = 0; i < g[gno].ws_top; i++) { fprintf(pp, "%s stack world %.9lg, %.9lg, %.9lg, %.9lg tick %lg, %lg, %lg, %lg\n", imbedstr, g[gno].ws[i].w.xg1, g[gno].ws[i].w.xg2, g[gno].ws[i].w.yg1, g[gno].ws[i].w.yg2, g[gno].ws[i].t[0].xg1, g[gno].ws[i].t[0].xg2, g[gno].ws[i].t[0].yg1, g[gno].ws[i].t[0].yg2); } get_graph_view(gno, &v); fprintf(pp, "%s view xmin %lf\n", imbedstr, v.xv1); fprintf(pp, "%s view xmax %lf\n", imbedstr, v.xv2); fprintf(pp, "%s view ymin %lf\n", imbedstr, v.yv1); fprintf(pp, "%s view ymax %lf\n", imbedstr, v.yv2); get_graph_labels(gno, &lab); fprintf(pp, "%s title \"%s\"\n", imbedstr, lab.title.s); fprintf(pp, "%s title font %d\n", imbedstr, lab.title.font); fprintf(pp, "%s title size %lf\n", imbedstr, lab.title.charsize); fprintf(pp, "%s title color %d\n", imbedstr, lab.title.color); fprintf(pp, "%s title linewidth %d\n", imbedstr, lab.title.linew); fprintf(pp, "%s subtitle \"%s\"\n", imbedstr, lab.stitle.s); fprintf(pp, "%s subtitle font %d\n", imbedstr, lab.stitle.font); fprintf(pp, "%s subtitle size %lf\n", imbedstr, lab.stitle.charsize); fprintf(pp, "%s subtitle color %d\n", imbedstr, lab.stitle.color); fprintf(pp, "%s subtitle linewidth %d\n", imbedstr, lab.title.linew); for (i = 0; i < g[gno].maxplot; i++) { get_graph_plotarr(gno, i, &p); if (isactive_set(gno, i)) { fprintf(pp, "%s s%1d type %s\n", imbedstr, i, (char *)set_types(p.type)); fprintf(pp, "%s s%1d symbol %d\n", imbedstr, i, p.sym); fprintf(pp, "%s s%1d symbol size %lf\n", imbedstr, i, p.symsize); fprintf(pp, "%s s%1d symbol fill %d\n", imbedstr, i, p.symfill); fprintf(pp, "%s s%1d symbol color %d\n", imbedstr, i, p.symcolor); fprintf(pp, "%s s%1d symbol linewidth %d\n", imbedstr, i, p.symlinew); fprintf(pp, "%s s%1d symbol linestyle %d\n", imbedstr, i, p.symlines); fprintf(pp, "%s s%1d symbol center %s\n", imbedstr, i, p.symdot ? "true" : "false"); fprintf(pp, "%s s%1d symbol char %d\n", imbedstr, i, p.symchar); fprintf(pp, "%s s%1d skip %d\n", imbedstr, i, p.symskip); fprintf(pp, "%s s%1d linestyle %d\n", imbedstr, i, p.lines); fprintf(pp, "%s s%1d linewidth %d\n", imbedstr, i, p.linew); fprintf(pp, "%s s%1d color %d\n", imbedstr, i, p.color); fprintf(pp, "%s s%1d fill %d\n", imbedstr, i, p.fill); fprintf(pp, "%s s%1d fill with %s\n", imbedstr, i, p.fillusing == COLOR ? "color" : "pattern"); fprintf(pp, "%s s%1d fill color %d\n", imbedstr, i, p.fillcolor); fprintf(pp, "%s s%1d fill pattern %d\n", imbedstr, i, p.fillpattern); switch (p.errbarxy) { case TOP: fprintf(pp, "%s s%1d errorbar type TOP\n", imbedstr, i); break; case BOTTOM: fprintf(pp, "%s s%1d errorbar type BOTTOM\n", imbedstr, i); break; case LEFT: fprintf(pp, "%s s%1d errorbar type LEFT\n", imbedstr, i); break; case RIGHT: fprintf(pp, "%s s%1d errorbar type RIGHT\n", imbedstr, i); break; case BOTH: fprintf(pp, "%s s%1d errorbar type BOTH\n", imbedstr, i); break; } fprintf(pp, "%s s%1d errorbar length %lf\n", imbedstr, i, p.errbarper); fprintf(pp, "%s s%1d errorbar linewidth %d\n", imbedstr, i, p.errbar_linew); fprintf(pp, "%s s%1d errorbar linestyle %d\n", imbedstr, i, p.errbar_lines); fprintf(pp, "%s s%1d errorbar riser %s\n", imbedstr, i, p.errbar_riser == ON ? "on" : "off"); fprintf(pp, "%s s%1d errorbar riser linewidth %d\n", imbedstr, i, p.errbar_riser_linew); fprintf(pp, "%s s%1d errorbar riser linestyle %d\n", imbedstr, i, p.errbar_riser_lines); fprintf(pp, "%s s%1d xyz %lf, %lf\n", imbedstr, i, p.zmin, p.zmax); if (is_hotlinked(gno, i)) { fprintf(pp, "%s s%1d link %s \"%s\"\n", imbedstr, i, p.hotsrc == DISK ? "disk" : "pipe", p.hotfile); } fprintf(pp, "%s s%1d comment \"%s\"\n", imbedstr, i, p.comments); } } for (i = 0; i < MAXAXES; i++) { switch (i) { case 0: get_graph_tickmarks(gno, &t, X_AXIS); if ( == OFF) { fprintf(pp, "%s xaxis off\n", imbedstr); continue; } sprintf(buf, "%s xaxis ", imbedstr); break; case 1: get_graph_tickmarks(gno, &t, Y_AXIS); if ( == OFF) { fprintf(pp, "%s yaxis off\n", imbedstr); continue; } sprintf(buf, "%s yaxis ", imbedstr); break; case 2: get_graph_tickmarks(gno, &t, ZX_AXIS); if ( == OFF) { fprintf(pp, "%s zeroxaxis off\n", imbedstr); continue; } sprintf(buf, "%s zeroxaxis ", imbedstr); break; case 3: get_graph_tickmarks(gno, &t, ZY_AXIS); if ( == OFF) { fprintf(pp, "%s zeroyaxis off\n", imbedstr); continue; } sprintf(buf, "%s zeroyaxis ", imbedstr); break; } fprintf(pp, "%s tick %s\n", buf, on_or_off(; fprintf(pp, "%s tick major %.12lg\n", buf, t.tmajor); fprintf(pp, "%s tick minor %.12lg\n", buf, t.tminor); fprintf(pp, "%s tick offsetx %lf\n", buf, t.offsx); fprintf(pp, "%s tick offsety %lf\n", buf, t.offsy); /* DEFUNCT fprintf(pp, "%s tick alt %s\n", buf, on_or_off(t.alt)); fprintf(pp, "%s tick min %.12lg\n", buf, t.tmin); fprintf(pp, "%s tick max %.12lg\n", buf, t.tmax); */ fprintf(pp, "%s label \"%s\"\n", buf, t.label.s); if (t.label_layout == PERP) { fprintf(pp, "%s label layout perp\n", buf); } else { fprintf(pp, "%s label layout para\n", buf); } if (t.label_place == AUTO) { fprintf(pp, "%s label place auto\n", buf); } else { fprintf(pp, "%s label place spec\n", buf); } fprintf(pp, "%s label char size %lf\n", buf, t.label.charsize); fprintf(pp, "%s label font %d\n", buf, t.label.font); fprintf(pp, "%s label color %d\n", buf, t.label.color); fprintf(pp, "%s label linewidth %d\n", buf, t.label.linew); fprintf(pp, "%s ticklabel %s\n", buf, on_or_off(t.tl_flag)); if (t.tl_type == AUTO) { fprintf(pp, "%s ticklabel type auto\n", buf); } else { fprintf(pp, "%s ticklabel type spec\n", buf); } fprintf(pp, "%s ticklabel prec %d\n", buf, t.tl_prec); fprintf(pp, "%s ticklabel format %s\n", buf, getFormat_types(t.tl_format)); fprintf(pp, "%s ticklabel append \"%s\"\n", buf, t.tl_appstr); fprintf(pp, "%s ticklabel prepend \"%s\"\n", buf, t.tl_prestr); switch (t.tl_layout) { case HORIZONTAL: fprintf(pp, "%s ticklabel layout horizontal\n", buf); break; case VERTICAL: fprintf(pp, "%s ticklabel layout vertical\n", buf); break; case SPEC: fprintf(pp, "%s ticklabel layout spec\n", buf); fprintf(pp, "%s ticklabel angle %d\n", buf, t.tl_angle); break; } fprintf(pp, "%s ticklabel skip %d\n", buf, t.tl_skip); fprintf(pp, "%s ticklabel stagger %d\n", buf, t.tl_staggered); switch (t.tl_op) { case TOP: fprintf(pp, "%s ticklabel op top\n", buf); break; case BOTTOM: fprintf(pp, "%s ticklabel op bottom\n", buf); break; case LEFT: fprintf(pp, "%s ticklabel op left\n", buf); break; case RIGHT: fprintf(pp, "%s ticklabel op right\n", buf); break; case BOTH: fprintf(pp, "%s ticklabel op both\n", buf); break; } switch (t.tl_sign) { case NORMAL: fprintf(pp, "%s ticklabel sign normal\n", buf); break; case ABSOLUTE: fprintf(pp, "%s ticklabel sign absolute\n", buf); break; case NEGATE: fprintf(pp, "%s ticklabel sign negate\n", buf); break; } fprintf(pp, "%s ticklabel start type %s\n", buf, t.tl_starttype == AUTO ? "auto" : "spec"); fprintf(pp, "%s ticklabel start %lf\n", buf, t.tl_start); fprintf(pp, "%s ticklabel stop type %s\n", buf, t.tl_stoptype == AUTO ? "auto" : "spec"); fprintf(pp, "%s ticklabel stop %lf\n", buf, t.tl_stop); fprintf(pp, "%s ticklabel char size %lf\n", buf, t.tl_charsize); fprintf(pp, "%s ticklabel font %d\n", buf, t.tl_font); fprintf(pp, "%s ticklabel color %d\n", buf, t.tl_color); fprintf(pp, "%s ticklabel linewidth %d\n", buf, t.tl_linew); fprintf(pp, "%s tick major %s\n", buf, on_or_off(t.t_flag)); fprintf(pp, "%s tick minor %s\n", buf, on_or_off(t.t_mflag)); fprintf(pp, "%s tick default %d\n", buf, t.t_num); switch (t.t_inout) { case IN: fprintf(pp, "%s tick in\n", buf); break; case OUT: fprintf(pp, "%s tick out\n", buf); break; case BOTH: fprintf(pp, "%s tick both\n", buf); break; } fprintf(pp, "%s tick major color %d\n", buf, t.t_color); fprintf(pp, "%s tick major linewidth %d\n", buf, t.t_linew); fprintf(pp, "%s tick major linestyle %d\n", buf, t.t_lines); fprintf(pp, "%s tick minor color %d\n", buf, t.t_mcolor); fprintf(pp, "%s tick minor linewidth %d\n", buf, t.t_mlinew); fprintf(pp, "%s tick minor linestyle %d\n", buf, t.t_mlines); fprintf(pp, "%s tick log %s\n", buf, on_or_off(t.t_log)); fprintf(pp, "%s tick size %lf\n", buf, t.t_size); fprintf(pp, "%s tick minor size %lf\n", buf, t.t_msize); fprintf(pp, "%s bar %s\n", buf, on_or_off(t.t_drawbar)); fprintf(pp, "%s bar color %d\n", buf, t.t_drawbarcolor); fprintf(pp, "%s bar linestyle %d\n", buf, t.t_drawbarlines); fprintf(pp, "%s bar linewidth %d\n", buf, t.t_drawbarlinew); fprintf(pp, "%s tick major grid %s\n", buf, on_or_off(t.t_gridflag)); fprintf(pp, "%s tick minor grid %s\n", buf, on_or_off(t.t_mgridflag)); switch (t.t_op) { case TOP: fprintf(pp, "%s tick op top\n", buf); break; case BOTTOM: fprintf(pp, "%s tick op bottom\n", buf); break; case LEFT: fprintf(pp, "%s tick op left\n", buf); break; case RIGHT: fprintf(pp, "%s tick op right\n", buf); break; case BOTH: fprintf(pp, "%s tick op both\n", buf); break; } if (t.t_type == AUTO) { fprintf(pp, "%s tick type auto\n", buf); } else { fprintf(pp, "%s tick type spec\n", buf); } fprintf(pp, "%s tick spec %d\n", buf, t.t_spec); for (j = 0; j < t.t_spec; j++) { fprintf(pp, "%s tick %d, %lg\n", buf, j, t.t_specloc[j]); fprintf(pp, "%s ticklabel %d, \"%s\"\n", buf, j, t.t_speclab[j].s); } } get_graph_legend(gno, &leg); fprintf(pp, "%s legend %s\n", imbedstr, on_or_off(; fprintf(pp, "%s legend loctype %s\n", imbedstr, w_or_v(leg.loctype)); fprintf(pp, "%s legend layout %d\n", imbedstr, leg.layout); fprintf(pp, "%s legend vgap %d\n", imbedstr, leg.vgap); fprintf(pp, "%s legend hgap %d\n", imbedstr, leg.hgap); fprintf(pp, "%s legend length %d\n", imbedstr, leg.len); fprintf(pp, "%s legend box %s\n", imbedstr, on_or_off(; fprintf(pp, "%s legend box fill %s\n", imbedstr, on_or_off(; fprintf(pp, "%s legend box fill with %s\n", imbedstr, leg.boxfillusing == COLOR ? "color" : "pattern"); fprintf(pp, "%s legend box fill color %d\n", imbedstr, leg.boxfillcolor); fprintf(pp, "%s legend box fill pattern %d\n", imbedstr, leg.boxfillpat); fprintf(pp, "%s legend box color %d\n", imbedstr, leg.boxlcolor); fprintf(pp, "%s legend box linewidth %d\n", imbedstr, leg.boxlinew); fprintf(pp, "%s legend box linestyle %d\n", imbedstr, leg.boxlines); fprintf(pp, "%s legend x1 %.12lg\n", imbedstr, leg.legx); fprintf(pp, "%s legend y1 %.12lg\n", imbedstr, leg.legy); fprintf(pp, "%s legend font %d\n", imbedstr, leg.font); fprintf(pp, "%s legend char size %lf\n", imbedstr, leg.charsize); fprintf(pp, "%s legend linestyle %d\n", imbedstr, leg.lines); fprintf(pp, "%s legend linewidth %d\n", imbedstr, leg.linew); fprintf(pp, "%s legend color %d\n", imbedstr, leg.color); for (i = 0; i < MAXPLOT; i++) { if (isactive_set(gno, i)) { if (strlen(leg.str[i].s)) { fprintf(pp, "%s legend string %d \"%s\"\n", imbedstr, i, leg.str[i].s); } } } get_graph_framep(gno, &f); fprintf(pp, "%s frame %s\n", imbedstr, on_or_off(; fprintf(pp, "%s frame type %d\n", imbedstr, f.type); fprintf(pp, "%s frame linestyle %d\n", imbedstr, f.lines); fprintf(pp, "%s frame linewidth %d\n", imbedstr, f.linew); fprintf(pp, "%s frame color %d\n", imbedstr, f.color); fprintf(pp, "%s frame fill %s\n", imbedstr, on_or_off(f.fillbg)); fprintf(pp, "%s frame background color %d\n", imbedstr, f.bgcolor); } } }